BODYBUILDING GHOSTS!! | Luigi's Mansion 3

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[Music] hey everyone it's here friend big noodles and come back to Luigi's Mansion 3 where we are gonna return the toad ice do we even have to does he go on his own I think but the bots by well scratch a but there's King Boo on her desk okay so wait there's King Boo right there I see as I see his arm huh she likes him King boo there was just a tiny slip-up oh so she's beholding to him he's the boss not her but it's no problem not at all we'll have Luigi locked away soon if I could just have a little bit more time you're running out of floors lady no I'm getting them back but see what do you about to do wait where's he going what where is he good wait I wouldn't take him on although I think I'm literally going to have to take him on Oh you've now found all the toads that just leaves peach and Mario just where could they be held captive regardless we're almost there Luigi yeah I mean I would assume that they are on the next floor which i think is gonna be a scary one because this this button was 30 yeah yeah very unlucky number 13 this could be a good one and how many do we have left always see in a second I think we were almost done I said here's my prediction peach then Mario then King boo I don't know all right let's see fitness center yeah there's nothing scarier than a fitness center gets up we got a barbell there or a dumbbell now there's here's the dumbbell right here Dada get out come on okay whoa okay these look I mean these obviously looks like ghosts here all right let's though the phone rings if you that's kind of cool oh you oh you can answer it okay hello Chandra three plays music that is perfect for the training room Thanks I guess I don't know oh okay whoa what okay hold on I just wanna I just wanted to dark like this and see if there's anything you know anything nope okay oh this is an angry trash can or a regular all right it's a muddy trash can ooh there's like a trophy that's now gone okay so wait what is oh oh okay hold on a sec buddy wait oh no oh no get out oh yeah you go do that hey buddy I wasn't sure that GUI do you had enough weight to do that but okay so if both of us get on there wait what oh oh do we Oh give me that yeah okay what are we supposed to do with this oh dude I didn't even notice there's money up there what am I supposed to do with this smash it maybe we'll get maybe it'll yep turn into money and a gem okay you know what we don't need this money we're good let's go yeah that makes a little more sense okay there's definitely something in the right look at that thing come on really you think I don't see that you think I don't wait there was nothing there wait there is there is dark light it maybe blow on it what okay there was nothing are you kidding me yeah I knew that that's pretty obvious your clop whoa that is some major cash dude hey I don't even I mean I mean I could spend the money on like you know that there's like hints on binding like I think the mini booze and things like that probably that's a lot of them spending all this money on because like I'm gonna have 20,000 bucks by the end this level I think okay which way should I go there's like two ways to go can I go this way aha no oh oh what what did I even just dart right there I don't even come here come here I think I just got it did I just get a gem what did I know just whoa so much money though let's let's go back to the other room I don't know this one might end I don't know it's stairs isn't it well this one might not let us in okay okay okay whoa what was that Oh what oh he's got the button okay all right so you got a bodybuilder ghosts now oh he's there like a water polo player oh great this is fun okay come here wait did I not oh okay you I didn't realize you had class start with your friend oh hey I was busy bro come on now you get your turn don't worry don't worry there you go see it's all week it's all you oh there's the key hmm so then right okay so did I need a key to go through that other door then oh oh it's oh it's blocked actually I see it on the map there's like a little like a an X through it so I don't think we can even go there so let's just do this is it the right one yeah okay I guess I should have tried that door and it would have been blocked or something yes ghosts need deodorant at least this one does wait what wait he went in the locker well how am I supposed to get him out oh whoa jeez he came out on his own there can I pull em out oh there is man okay so wait oh you got a knot look at this guy and then oh oh what's you turd oh wait of course you yeah now get out oh my goodness sir way more than I wanted to be in there okay oh geez you guys are jerks okay so wait there we go got this guy okay watch out now are you serious how many more there are you nope okay yeah I see you right Rock nope I walked right into that okay here we go so this guy wait is it gonna be full again it is wash strong cuz like he keeps doing this wait did he go in this one now I think I have to get rid of all of them don't I geez okay hold on here we go let's get rid of this guy so we'd have to deal with this locker stuff well we might oh my goodness there's just too many of them all right last one buddy no more hiding okay I don't think he can hide anywhere else so we'll be able to deal with him in a second after we get rid of these dudes Hey oh you jeez such a jerk okay I got it my frozen oh come on let's go there there oh hate that one can we okay cuz this door is blocked still right it looks like it isn't the map let's see if I was right about that yeah Oh No yeah no it is okay okay shake it you're gonna get your head stuck bro okay so we got to go through this door then but it didn't so I can oh dude look at them doing their bench presses okay okay whoa watch out buddy watch out okay what why is this okay right okay so can I take those off of you please no okay okay so my it's probably up the wait there we go Oh No okay so I think I have to wait for this guy to swing right I'm guessing yep and then there no okay I mean it I feel like this guy he throws the plate nope he didn't throw it yet run run run run okay okay now there you know jeez got to wait longer I think ah that's it you got wait you gotta wait for his friend okay I got it so we got a way for his friend to go yeah so he knocks his friend out I can't I keep time this right am I get your Frankie - Frankie - friend come on get him bow oh gosh she slapped me in the face okay I gotta watch out for that wait there but there okay come on there it is do the timing that will works so weird okay oh now I see so there yeah okay so you got to hit him with the boxing glove so that's you have to do it in that order okay I see him but I don't actually see them okay there he is uh-huh there you go buddy let me just get around behind you there nope nope ah that was almost too quick buddy see ya okay that was almost like a boss fight like like in the beginning rounds that would have been a boss fight right oh here's another sync okay is not as thick as a water fountain I got it now interesting watch this yes yeah if you weren't looking in the mirror you wouldn't even known that that this part of the of the weightlifting area was even here yeah can we use it Oh what any cool it's Luigi lifts weights Oh get on the scale come on and then what if what if we both get on the scale does it do anything oh it does lots dude wait hold on a few moments later so how if I get off oh no if GUI D is on the scale no way so if I'm on the scale it doesn't matter but gooey cheese on it let me use this and then we give me it there it goes oh that's cool all right let's go that was pretty cool oh oh yeah gee I wonder what's gonna happen here I think it's gonna splash me in the face okay there's no not that much okay there's that dude come on hit this this looks like something I can pull on this is weird oh wait wait okay so I think I'm supposed to do that and then get GUI G over to this one and then pull pull pull money yo so much cash oh can we ride this one oh that's interesting okay so well I'm going backwards but all right I'll take it I don't know we're doing with that but this one too oh yeah so what if I go forward with it will it blow that the other way I mean should right yeah yeah okay give me that okay I like doing it the other bit cuz then I don't blow the stuff away Oh press it okay yes he could actually work out look at him go Luigi go there's a key but I didn't know we needed and it's full of shoes that's cool you can actually run on the treadmill and if I let go oh you do fly out the bag go go go go come on you can make it now sorry man okay I'll keep me on the front ooh there's a chest out there how do we get out there there's got to be a way out Wow come on with the fun and as you kidding me huh maybe there's another way out there like through a different window you'll get room okay very peaceful very nice okay so obviously it's showing me oh there's gold there let's go grab that so I'm thinking wait what's through here this is the okay yeah see that's what I was thinking that's a way out so so I'm thinking what we have to do is yeah that's what I thought we can move the mirror along I'll give you that that's so weird wait drop the dark light it for to appear there it is okay give me my money wait oh I was like what I thought I had to shoot it somewhere okay so let's push tweet there we go so I feel like what we're gonna have to do I think is it's like dark like these like this one right so if I go here dark like this yeah oh no that's just the money bag right oh maybe I'm supposed to Oh take the posters so I just have to take the posters no it comes back you see okay hang on so do i dark like the poster do i shock poster back well maybe can we just go to the next room do we just forget it no okay need a key okay a weird there's stuff inside the yoga mat whoa what just happened whoa oh dude what oh dude I'm gonna get the treasure chest wait hold on get out of the way there's money in here dude oh I was right about the 20,000 bucks wait what's back here watch dude okay the treasure chest better be worth it oh my goodness this whoa whoa what okay careful yeah carefully wait how are we getting back well hope this is worth it yeah oh there's a game so we had to go this way wait now um what exactly we're gonna do are you kidding me oh I'm actually in control of this okay can I do anything else no I'm trying all the buttons just to see like I wanted to do that jump thing you know okay pretty cool though so you know how to open that thing wait hold on there's something this way - it looks like buddy it's crazy so I assume that this is is this where we need the key well nope okay oh it's following me nope okay I saw the dude he was like right here on the yoga mat okay holy cow there's so many wait come here come recover oh there's a big dude - all right come here burger burger burger burger I got him I got him come on oh man I'm smashing him perfect look at that look at that look at that here we go grab you okay I know he's I know he's your buddy but well destroyed a hammer with one tether Oh cuz I was doing the fast thing ah look at that it's an achievement now we good oh cool we're definitely not using GUI GNE are we hey come out of the shower bud which just happened wait what did they just drop all of this soap into the water I can't see anything oh you don't we need to do yeah that's what I thought yeah get rid of all this steam do I need to get rid of the shower curtain - okay there's a big dude all right I know same dude wait there are these switching what's happening do I need okay here's what we're gonna do let's let's get Kui G have him take out all this steam I guess and then unless can I go oh you know what I did do probably I need to probably shut these off yeah that's what it is okay we've you come back there we go I don't need you liji be there we go now we got ya there last dude but you are you all Mike okay holy cow there's so many ghosts in here oh I got it ton of them dude here we go come on get him there we go yes I love it there's like one day left there he is 20 percent he's all alone wait how come I can't get home so weird that was so weird that I couldn't get that guy oh wait hold on let's go GUI G let's see what's in here we gotta check out the top okay so definitely makes sense - alright I need to go the other way then I'm just gonna empty it should right feel like there it is all right give me the golden fish but that's golden fish worth money isn't it no what's gonna oh geez didn't expect that I thought I'd oh I was like how do I get it you just walk in cuz you're GU easy dum-dum how about on this let's see we got your stuff there's got to be something worthwhile in here right oh did we get our 20k no so close though well why did it push me up there that's really weird okay well anyway all right I think we got the boss ah here we go we got the swimming pool up okay I see we're gonna have to open that or like drain Wow okay look it's the water below boss okay okay he's only got 60 health okay okay he's got goggles on so that's a problem okay so I think we have to probably like yep okay might not be so bad how can i oh geez I can't even see where I was aiming it didn't give me the like oh okay oh here it is there it is oh wait oh geez I'm getting nervous that he's gonna hit me with that this'll hurt oh oh dude I thought that was cover for good you've done broken now all right where you at dude look there got him no that did not get him okay what is this wait how do we okay duty ducks ah whoa he shoots water okay what okay is he trying to drown me ah dude he hit me right in the butt okay oh wait oh I see okay okay I think I have to wait for him to pose like that and when he's posing there we go he's posing I can or or whatever you got I like oh jeez I missed completely hey Bulger pop what are you doing over there bud there there I got him what happens now what do i Morrow doing Oh poultry buck oh wait I know what to do I know what to do hold on hold on hold on twelve seconds late Dale we need GUI G can you know Lattimore okay so we definitely we need oh you know what I need to do run here go go go go go go run run run on hide hide hide all right get away oh okay okay cool let's go here oh dude he eats him right away okay hold on let's try this again wow he gives me like no chance dude go go go go go get three good throw okay wait what if here's the idea here's the idea alright the idea is to stun him like that again there okay now go run go EG run run run run okay I got to get him behind that thing again dude you are so slow okay okay okay and now I think I'm gonna keep them there okay now if I stun this guy again there now go go go go go go now take it take it take it take it spin it spin it spin it spin it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah there it is yes you did it way to go go eating a hide that didn't do anything I thought that I thought that was gonna drain the pool wait why is it going back I didn't go all the way stupid so I didn't I felt closer Bob did you just do that the wrong way dude come on man why would you do that okay cuz yellow is supposed to be empty it says come on how far there it is I was so close before okay I got it getting it all the way to the edge hahaha so when dude you better swim look at voltar oh do we even have to catch it just go down the drain can I just walk up to him [Music] okay now what um I'm gonna keep him here though is that okay he's he gonna get out what what am i I don't know what I'm how do I get down there oh he's got goggles how do that Oh gonna have them try needa like is there a lot of ladder stupid stupid stupid dude he's totally stocky oh no where yeah I'll just come over here let me grab one of these oh this is kind of cool Bop and then there no oh he's still got his glasses on okay oh I get it wait I think I know what to do hold on so pop and then put your glasses off yeah pull off the goggles there we go now you're done Oh yep got you dude that was pretty easy oh we've all just noticed as he goes into the vacuum give me that thing oh but you know what no peach no Mario huh I like that yeah oh yeah didn't did it it did I'm just looking to see if there any other secrets okay so this is what oh okay so this is the way that we couldn't go before that would have been blocked blocked going from the other side and we're back alright guys well another floor another button we've only got a couple more left let me know if you enjoyed the video by clicking the like button also if you're new here subscribe for more videos I like this oh wait a second hey he's banging me wait how do I get out of this okay hold on you you better stop it hold on okay that was weird where did that even come from ah yes again it's happening over the next one and I'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course good line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 1,536,352
Rating: 4.8443851 out of 5
Keywords: thinknoodles, think noodles, thinknoodles youtube, youtube thinknoodles, thinknoodles gaming, gaming, thinknoodles horror game, horror, game, story mode, luigi, mario, polterpup, luigis mansion, luigis mansion 3, ghost, haunted mansion, nintendo, peach, toad, thinknoodles Luigis mansion, water polo, bodybuilding
Id: WgcNfKAxsMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
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