I Played 200 Days In Stardew Valley

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Hi everyone! Welcome, welcome. My name's Charlie and in this video, I'm going to be playing to 200 days in Stardew Valley. If you haven't already watched my first 100 days in this world, you can check it out right here. For the next 100 days, my goals were to actually get Krobus to move in with me because I narrowly failed to do so last time, unlock Ginger Island as well as Mr. Qi's walnut room, buy this rainbow cowboy hat because it will bring me great happiness, and obtain this squirrel figurine because it's stupid and needs to be on my farm, hatch an ostrich, and purchase at least one obelisk. All right, with all that out of the way, let's dive on in. First day back on the farm and oh my god is my house way uglier than I remember. For some reason the first thing I wanted to do was buy a couple fruit trees, so I got some apple and cherry saplings and planted them in the greenhouse. I think I just like the aesthetic of having fruit trees in the greenhouse, it just looks nice. The next morning, I brought some iridium bars to Willy's and fixed the anchor for the boat to Ginger Island. To repair the boat, I still need 200 hardwood and 5 batteries so afterward, I decided to take a little trip to Skull Caverns. Starting at level 50, there are "Iridium Bats" which have a chance of dropping batteries and I figured killing a bunch of those would be faster than waiting for a thunderstorm. While mining, I found this cool dino level and also an iridium bat. I didn't get any batteries from this guy so I just killed all the dinosaurs and kept mining. I also found this note and note to self, never give any of these things to Abigail; I don't want her to experience joy. On day 103, I added some more pathing to my farm, and I also set down these preserve jars. This way I could start turning all my fruit into jelly and sell it for more gollars. Afterward, I returned to Skull Caverns and found ANOTHER dino level and this one was just /massive/. I was actually so excited about how many dinosaurs there were that I just got distracted and ended up dying. The next day, I went to the secret forest and started collecting more hardwood for the boat repair. There are a bunch of stumps in here so I figured if I cut them down everyday, it should be relatively easy to get 200 pieces. I also decided that I wanted to try and catch the ~legendary glacierfish~. I had never caught an of the legendary fish before and it really showed because all the attempts I made this day just went horribly wrong. Because my self-esteem was just entirely broken at this point, I decided to splurge on an iridium rod to hopefully get a better chance of catching it. I also donated some artifacts to the museum and finally got the recipe for "Ancient Fruit Seeds" which meant my profits were definitely gonna start increasing. The next morning, I collected my first batch of jam and headed straight back into Skull Caverns. That night, I found a treasure room and GUESS what I got out of this chest: the SAME EXACT BLUE COWBOY HAT. Do you know what the odds are of getting this hat? It's like 0.04%. So, I changed into my new cowboy hat and continued to mine for the rest of the night. As usual, the next day started off by collecting hardwood in the forest and afterward, I returned to try and catch the glacierfish with my new fishing rod. Yeah... still no luck.... not doing any better honestly. I got so angry that I just hopped back on my horse and headed home. SANTA!! The next day was the Feast of the Winter Star. I bought two of these snazzy banners and then gave Emily an aquamarine. See I actually tried, okay? Emily loves gems I DID A GOOD JOB. I was really eager to see who had me for Secret Santa so... When I realized it was ABIGAIL, I was very, very disappointed. Gee thanks... A jade. It's not like I already have dozens of these. What a thoughtful gift. Heck off Abigail. The next morning, I hung up my new banners and then just went and spent the entire day just trying to catch the glacierfish. As I'm sure you could guess at this point, I didn't end up getting it so I sold all my other fish and headed to bed. By day 110, I had my sights set on the rainbow cowboy hat so I spent the whole day bombing Skull Caverns and just collecting omni-geodes. The next day, I went to Willy's and invested in some bobbers for my fishing rod as well as some "Trout Soup" just to increase my fishing level and miraculously, it worked. Yesssss, oh my god. At this point, I had also gained enough hearts with Krobus to buy the void ghost pendant so I picked it up from the desert trader and gave it to him the next day. I'm so nervous. He said yes!!! After processing my excitement, I spent the rest of the day in Skull Caverns collecting omni-geodes and I did the same exact thing the next day as well. The next morning, I had enough omni-geodes to purchase the cowboy hat and look how absolutely rad this is. I spent the rest of the day clearing out my farm a bit and ended up getting level 8 foraging which meant that I could finally craft farm totems. The next morning, a new chicken hatched on my farm. [Laughter because why is PiPi a generated name in this game], okay? I also spent a stupid amount of time this day just sitting with my inventory open absolutely mesmerized by my new hat. I wanted a good way to display my glacierfish, so I bought a tank from Willy. He looks so happy! I feel like this just livens the place up-- brings it up a notch. [gasp] OH MY GOSH. We hugged. On day 116, I chopped some hardwood and got a crystalarium from Gunther which allows me to replicate gemstones. The next day, I fixed up my tree farm and then went to Skull Caverns. Also look at this guy, he has a cake INSIDE of him. I have never seen that before. Honestly, it reminds me of like... Bob? From Monsters vs. Aliens? When he just puts things inside him and it just dissolves and that's how he eats, I guess? I think it was like ham. He ate ham or something that way, I don't know. Also reflecting on that movie, there's a scene where he just, like.... absorbs Ginormica's mother, is he eating her? That's not very cash money. That's not a good friend thing to do is EAT their mom, like I don't-- I don't even know what I'm talking about, okay, back on track, back on track. For all of day 118, I just mined in Skull Caverns to get batteries. I spent all of day 119 foraging, and then on day 120, I started trying to catch the Spring legendary fish. I didn't realize at the time that you could only catch it in the rain, so I just wasted a whole day standing here fishing. I also picked up the "Napalm Ring" from the Adventurer's Guild which just causes monsters you kill to blow up. I was really shocked the next morning to find that Krobus... bought a table? And placed it in his room? What do I think? Umm...... It looks /great/. I also planted some more starfruit in my greenhouse and upgraded my pickaxe. Without my pickaxe, there really wasn't much for me to do so I just cleaned up all the grass and trees on my land. By day 123, my pickaxe was done repairing so I picked it up and headed to Skull Caverns, buying a bunch of starfruit seeds on the way. Even though I was spending most nights mining in Skull Caverns, I only ever made it to like level 45 so I didn't encounter a ton of iridium bats. I was still collecting a bunch of ores, though, so it wasn't a complete waste of time. Day 124 was the day of the Egg Festival and I wanted R E V E N G E. This year, I came prepared. I had like, THREE egg routes open on my screen and I was ready to just crush Abigail's dreams. I collected a fair amount of eggs, but in the middle of the egg hunt I stopped to laugh at STUPID Vincent. WHY ARE YOU JUST STARING AT A ROCK? And unfortunately, it cost me the victory. For the second year in a row, Abigail had beaten me at the STUPID egg hunt. I was actually genuinely surprised. Like I thought I won and it just made me hate her like fifty times more than I already did. The next day, I upgraded my pickaxe again. I figured that if my pickaxe was fully upgraded, I could get deeper in the mines and hopefully make it to more floors with iridium bats. On day 126, I got a letter from Emily and look at this little dude. What even is he? It just looks like a baked potato riding a skateboard, I love it. I spent most of the day foraging for salmonberries and chopping down trees to reach foraging level 9. And the next day, I got my pickaxe back from Clint. While mining in Skull Caverns that night, I found a treasure room with an ~orange~ sapling inside and then immediately after, I found another one with an apple sapling. The next night, I stumbled into another one which gave me three iridium bars and after spending a bunch of time working in the greenhouse, I reached level 10 farming. On day 129, I opened a bunch of artifact troves and picked more salmonberries. I find that salmonberries are actually a really good thing to have because you can give them as easy gifts and you can also keep a bunch of them in your inventory as an easy food source. I decided to start stocking up on iridium sprinklers because I wanted to fully convert my greenhouse into an efficient starfruit farm. Because it was raining, I also took the opportunity to catch the Spring legendary fish. I put that bad boy right in the tank with my glacierfish, and then gathered up all my hardwood and brought it to Willy's for the boat repair. Now all I needed to fix the boat was five batteries. Funny enough, it began to storm on day 131 so I set out a bunch of lightning rods just to get those batteries. The next morning, I discovered that Krobus had bought ANOTHER ugly piece of furniture and... I don't even know what to say, the guy has poor furniture taste. He didn't even put the chair next to the table, it's like five feet away. How is that at all practical? Anyway, I collected my batteries from the night before, and finished the final repair for the boat. Even though I had donated all the materials, it wouldn't be fixed until tomorrow morning so I did a bit more mining and continued working on my tree farm. I needed oak resin in order to make fertilizer for my starfruit, so I wanted to create an efficient system for producing it. The next morning, I harvested some cranberries and then headed out on my first voyage to Ginger Island. I've never actually been to Ginger Island even in my personal game file, so everything there was gonna be 100% new to me which I was really excited for. The first thing I did was attack one of these weird crabs on the beach and then explored the jungle where I found this nut. I also found a strange child who refused to talk to me. He seems to have a close bond with the parrots, but he's too shy to approach you right now. Perhaps making friends with the parrots could earn his trust, okay... Noted... [atak] I quickly gave up on that guy and ended up following Calcifer (from Howl's Moving Castle, c'mon you must know Calcifer) into the northern part of the island. I found a couple more nuts, some wild ginger, and a massive volcano room. I realized that I needed to cross the lava lake and that in order to do that I probably needed my watering can which I, unfortunately, left at home. So, I left the volcano and spent the rest of the night fishing peacefully on the dock. The next day, I returned with my watering can and immediately decided to head to the left of the lava river and I actually ended up in this cool little "river-side" area. I didn't know at the time, but this was the exact place I needed to fish to get the squirrel statue I wanted. Look at this little guy what's your... what's the point of you? Past the lava river there were a bunch of dungeon levels with a ton of new monsters I'd never seen like these little exploding boys and also little tiger slimes. On level 5 of the dungeons there's a dwarf salesman and one of the items he was selling were /these/ /shoes/. LOOK AT THEM. They are /so/ /dumb/. I need them so bad. I need them on my feet. I also purchased the recipes for ginger ale and island totems. The next morning, I harvested my first big batch of starfruit and then headed to the Flower Dance. Now... Last years Flower Dance, if you remember, was very depressing. But this year, I was determined to turn things around. Krobus doesn't really like coming to events like these, but for the past month or so, I'd been giving gifts to Elliot so that on this exact day, I would no-...... okay..... nevermind. Just another year of me and Clint. To cheer myself up, I decided to make a little squirrel shrine outside my house because I really like this squirrel. I don't understand why it's in the game, I don't understand what it means, but I'm just happy it's here. On day 136, I reached the final level of the volcano dungeon and found this.. freaky lava forge area. Impulsively, I combined all my rings and also enchanted my sword with the "Crusader" ability which... I have absolutely no idea what it does, but it SOUNDS cool. I also fished a lava eel out of the lake and from the very little that I know about making profits in this game, lava eel roe is a very good thing to have so the next day, I set my sights on building a fish pond. Before doing that though, I wanted to clear out the quarry for another lucrative project that I had in mind which was essentially just filling the entire thing with preserve jars and making a bunch of jam to sell. The next day, I put a bunch of fruit in and began my jam making. I spent the rest of the day mining in the volcano, but I quickly realized that without a farm totem, I had very little chance of surviving the night. I thought I had one in my inventory when I started, but by 1:30, I realized I was wrong and just passed out in the caves. Days 139 AND 140 were spent just doing a bunch of chores around the farm. I made mayonnaise, put fertilizer on all of my crops, and bought a fish pond. I also made a bunch more tappers for my trees and decided to change up the pathing on my farm. The stone tile just really wasn't doing it for me anymore. I had a lot more pathing on my farm than I realized, though, and I spent the entire next day just chopping down trees and replacing all the paths. On day 142, I collected more nuts and unlocked the western part of the island. It turns out, there's a little farmhouse over there, but in order to get it I needed to collect 20 walnuts. I thought this would be a really good idea because then if I went mining in the volcano, I wouldn't have to run ALL THE WAY back home. So, for the rest of the day, I ran around looking for nuts and I ended up finding this old lady. She asked me to find a keepsake of her husband's and gave me this old photograph, but I wasn't sure what to do with it so I just ignored it... After an entire day of running errands and searching for walnuts, I was able to unlock the farm house. Also, why is this house literally bigger than my other one? I had to spend so much money to upgrade my house to just HALF this size, but I just give 20 nuts to a parrot and end up with THIS? It literallymakesnosense. That night, I ended up getting level 9 foraging which unlocked the rain totem and the cooking kit. The next morning, I decided that I didn't want my other home to be boring, so I cleared up the land and added some more pathing to the island farm. While I was sprucing things up I also found Master Oogway who asked me to grow "da pink juicy thing" which... I assume is just... a melon? I didn't have any melon seeds and I didn't feel like taking the boat back into town so I just decided to spend the night mining in the volcano for cinder shards. I also found this bird and when I tried to attack it, he pooped out a gemstone which was kinda weird but... I just decided to sell it and forget about it. The next morning, I harvested my starfruit, replanted them, and then worked on my jelly empire. I was starting to accumulate a lot of excess starfruit so I started to make a bit more preserving jars to add to the quarry. I quickly realized that I had run out of easy and reliable food sources, but I did have a bunch of ginger so I bought sugar from Pierre's and made myself a ton of ginger ale to bring with me into the mines. On day 146, I went back to my island farm and began to plant some of the more ~exciting~ crops that I'd collected like ~pineapples~ and ~taro~. Then, I spent the rest of the day in the volcano just getting cinder shards. I ended up getting a mango sapling AND enough shards for the Cinderclown shoes which are SO stupid looking. They're honestly just right on brand, though. I love them. You can't really see how dumb they are when I'm just walking around, but just... look at them. They are indeed stupid. I also realized that I could pay this bird five nuts to have a quick escape out of the mine, which would actually be really handy. Otherwise, I would just waste so much time trying to run back through all the floors before 2 AM. The next morning, I realized it probably made the most sense to give the war photograph I got from the old lady to KENT. When I gave it to him, he gave me some "Gourmet Tomato Salt" which I brought to GUS because... he likes to cook things, I don't know. In turn, he gave me the "Stardew Valley Rose" which I unsuccessfully gave to every person in the town until I looked it up and realized I needed to give it to SANDY. Sandy gave me a "Remote" which I gave to the cranky old TV grandpa. He gave me a magic crystal that I gave to the Wizard who gave me a worm and I gave that to Willy and finally [deep inhale] I got the locket of the old lady's pirate husband. When I returned it to her, she gave me the recipe for "Fairy Dust" which allows you to immediately receive the product of any equipment on your farm. Later, I rebuilt the bridge to the bone quarry and cleared out all the rocks. While clearing it out, I realized there was someone stuck behind this massive boulder. Mining it didn't work and I figured I needed a bomb so I left him there and headed to the volcano. On the way, I found a golden walnut using one of the secret notes and then killed one of these sparky boom boom guys and got a bomb (yay go Avatar). While heading back to the quarry I realized that I left this egg on the ground, so... really glad I spotted that on my way out. It turns out, the guy that was trapped was a paleontologist who was basically trying to collect prehistoric bones in the area. The next morning, I visited him and donated some of the stuff that I had found while I was clearing out the quarry. I quickly discovered that travelling between Ginger Island and my farm was a VERY large inconvenience and I really wanted to have a reliable source of honey so I could mass-produce farm totems. To do this, I made a couple beehives and placed them on my farm. The next day was the day of the Luau, so I put in a random fruit I picked up on the ground and... the governor liked it so... that's.... all is well. I honestly only went because I didn't want all the town people to hate me. I finished the day by setting up some iridium sprinklers in the greenhouse. On day 150, I planted some flowers near my bee hives so they would produce better honey. Then, I spent the rest of the day trying to catch the Summer legendary fish which was... much harder than all the others. When I visited Pierre's the next day, he was selling this wallpaper and flooring that I thought would actually drastically improve my house decoration. And honestly this brings up the decor like ten notches, this looks pretty good. Again, I sat on the dock all night and tried to catch the legendary fish with no luck. I spent the entirety of day 152 just trying to catch this STUPID fish and at 12:20 AM, I FINALLY managed to get it. The next morning, I made my first totems from the honey, and then headed to the island farm where I harvested all my taro. I also realized that I accidentally spelled out "OOG" with my pineapples and it cracked me up so I thought I'd bring it to your attention as well. Afterward, I unlocked the trading hut and realized you can just BUY farm totems for 5 taro which /very quickly/ rendered my honey farm useless. At this point of the playthrough, I really wanted to get the "Hot Java Ring," which would give monsters the chance of dropping coffee and espresso. For some reason, I just felt like I was walking painfully slow so I started going to the volcano dungeons to find chests, which are the only place where you can get the ring. I got really excited when I opened this chest and thought that I did it on the first try, but then I realized it was just some stupid protection ring. On day 154, I decided that I wanted to try and finish up the museum artifact collection so I opened up a bunch of geodes. At this point, I had all the minerals already so I just needed artifacts. I knew that I could get the strange doll artifact by hoeing this spot up here, but when I got to the museum, I began to experience a bit of internal conflict. Do I donate it, or keep it for myself? Ultimately, I decided to keep it and made it into a Wumbo shirt because... Jesus, look at the thing. What even is it? I didn't regret this decision for a second. Honestly the happiest parts of my day were when the color of my cowboy hat would sink up with the disgusting lime green of this shirt, like just look at it. The next morning, I planted some more taro and then went back into the volcano to try and find the java ring, but I only found the "Dwarf Hammer" and the day after I just got another one of these stupid protection rings. Even though my honey farm is useless now, I think the hives and the flowers look really nice so I decided to keep it on my farm. That night as I was mining in the volcano, I reached the end of level 9 and then realized... I was out of water. I tried my best to zoom back to the entrance but it really did not work out for me and I just passed out in the middle of the volcano. The next morning I harvested my "OOG". Wait... OOG for OOGway. Oh my god. I spent a sizeable chunk of the afternoon trying to kill this little worm with no luck. For the rest of the day, I cut down trees on my farm to try and get foraging level 10. I was really tired of all my forageables being different qualities and I just wanted to get the profession that made all of them iridium to fix this. The next morning I got a really sus letter from Mayor Lewis and then proceeded to ignore it and harvest the starfruit in my greenhouse instead. At this point, my jam was starting to be super profitable. For this day, I made like 23,000 gollars from jam alone which is pretty good. On day 160, I continued to chop down all the trees on my farm and made a little area to build a barn. On the morning of day 161, Krobus gave me a poppyseed muffin which just... really made my day. After adding some more paths to the tree farm, I decided to go back to the sewer and try to catch the mutant carp. Maybe it was the luck of the poppyseed muffin, but I caught it on the first try without much struggle at all. The next day, I harvested a bunch of my jam, said hi to Abigail, showed Master Oogway...... da bombo pink, and then continued to cut down trees to increase my foraging level. And that night, I got over 40,000 gollars from my jam. Why do I need so much money, you might ask. Well, if you recall, one of my goals was to get at least one obelisk and I really wanted to get the ISLAND obelisk. In order to make it, though, I needed 1,000,000 gollars which is kiiiind of a lot. On day 163, I built the barn, unlocked the mailbox for the island farm, and then added a new fish tank for my mutant carp. I really honestly love these fish tanks. I feel like they add a ton of personality to the house and I also just love seeing all the legendary fish on display. The next day, I basically just went around town and chopped down any tree I could find but STILL didn't get to foraging level 10. Giving up on that for a bit, I harvested my OOG once again, then spent the night of day 165 in the volcano mines looking for the 10 dragon teeth I needed to make the island obelisk. That night I found /two whole chests/ and in both of them I only got protection rings which was straight up depressing. On day 166, I spent most of the day planting taro, starfruit, and sweet gem berries, then decided to actually attend the Moonlight Jelly Festival which... was honestly a complete waste of my time. I definitely should have just skipped it again, but whatever. On the first day of fall, I decided to ramp up jam production and made a ton more preserving jars. I spent the entire rest of the day cutting down trees and that night I FINALLY got to foraging level 10 and chose the "Botanist" profession. I started off the next day by buying a bunch of farm totems and realized that the birds that poop out the gems actually. have a function and that I needed to bring those gems to these altars instead of just selling them. By day 169, I really wanted to unlock the obelisk for the island farm which would allow me to travel back to town much quicker. I also spent a ton of time in the original mines killing these skeleton guys and collecting bones for Gunther. The next day, I continued my quest for the java ring and ended up finding a ~mango sapling~ and also some mermaid boots? Which are kinda useless to me, but whatever. On day 171, I journeyed all the way to level 9 just to get some stupid cinder shards from the final chest which was kiiind of an L. The next day, I brought the bones to Gunther and completed the quest, meaning that I would get the recipe for the bone mill and also a bit of cash. I also sold all my jam, started to make ancient fruit wine in my greenhouse, AND sold all the stupid protection rings that I'd collected from the volcano. As I was walking around my farm that night, I realized it was really, really dark so I used all my leftover batteries and placed a bunch of lamp posts around my farm. I feel like this added a really nice and cozy vibe and it made me happy :) On day 173, I continued to work on the paths and finished up my little honey farm. I also realized that I'm really dumb and didn't choose the artisan profession which makes my mayonnaise, jam, and wine worth 40% so that made me super sad. All those days that I made like 40,000 gollars from jam, I could have made thousands and thousands more. But it's okay, because I went into the sewer that night and gave money to this creepy dog statue which allows me to reset the profession and choose the artisan one instead. I also added these "Mini Obelisks" to my farm just to make it a little bit easier to travel to and from the barn area. The next morning, I decided that I wanted to catch the legendary fish for the Fall and... it was shockingly easy. I did it on the first try as soon as I arrived at the river and I promptly added it to the tank in my house. And with that, I had caught all five of the legendary fish. On day 175, I harvested a bunch of blackberries all around town and then planted my banana sapling in the yard. Then, I spent the night in the volcano just looking for the java ring. Again, I spent all of day 176 looking for the ring with no luck, but on day 177... it happened. I spent the whole day getting to level 9 of the volcano and when I opened the chest... I got the java ring. And shortly after, the first coffee that I got from it dropped into a lava lake and burned. I ended up going to the forge and combining my napalm and java rings just because they were both super useful for mining. The next morning, I grew some wheat for Master Oogway. He was so pleased that he gave me five nuts and with those nuts, I finally built the farm obelisk. Also, side note: I am now so speedy with all the espresso that I'm constantly hopped up on. It makes me so happy how fast I can get from one place to another and I have no idea how I survived without this ring. On day 179, I did a bit of reading up on the forge and realized that I could enchant all my tools. And you may be thinking, "Charlie! Didn't you already enchant your sword? Didn't you know this?" And to this I would respond that it was an impulsive decision and I actually had no clue what I was doing. Now that I was a BIT more educated, I returned to the forge with a bunch of prismatic shards, ready to get some enchantments. I got "Powerful" on my pickaxe, which adds one extra power level, "Efficient" on my axe, which allows me to use it without losing stamina, "Preserving" on my rod, which gives a 50% chance that bait and tackle won't be used, and finally "Generous" on my hoe which gives a 50% chance of getting double items after digging. Overall, I was super satisfied with the enchantments I received, and I even got to say hi to Abigail on the way home so it was a pretty great day. I was feeling so powerful and invincible that I just spent the entirety of day 180 in Skull Caverns. Not even for any reason, just to run around, kill a bunch of things, and see how far I could get. The day after was the Stardew Valley Fair and I honestly forgot until I walked into the square and saw everything set up. I had absolutely no crops or anything good with me so I just put some jam and magma caps in the grange and then left because there wasn't even anything I wanted to buy. On day 182, I finally realized how to kill the stupid little green worm and then on day 183, I continued to remake my farm, adding a bunch more lightning rods to increase battery production. The next morning while I was harvesting jam, I found this random little cave, where I got a "Golden Scythe." On day 185, I harvested my OOG and began to look for bones to donate to the paleontologist. He told me that fish like eating the ancient bones so I started fishing in every single body of water I could find just to try and get some new artifacts. I didn't end up finding anything new so I headed back to the farm and sold all my ancient fruit wine raking in a quick 20,000. The next day, I continued to look for bones without luck until I found this mummified frog in the jungle. I also fished up a fossilized spine from the river in the quarry. Early the next morning, I upgraded to a copper hoe and then spent the entire rest of the day panning. And I know you're probably thinking, "Why on Earth would you be panning?" And the reason is because the only way to get the last ancient bone, the "Fossilized Tail," is to pan it out of the river in the quarry. So I stood here all day until I finally got it. When I donated the bone and finished the museum, Professor Snail gave me the recipe for an "Ostrich Incubator," which meant that I could finally hatch my ostrich egg. So, the next day, I made an incubator, placed my egg inside and then spent the rest of the day in Skull Caverns just for fun. On day 189, I got my copper hoe, and then upgraded to a copper trash can just... because I could. Then, due to my carelessness, I died in the volcano and lost all 18 of my iridium magma caps and over 80 cups of coffee and espresso. Being the idiot that I am, I also forgot that you could only recover one item so when I went to the Adventurer's Guild the next day, I accidentally only retrieved /a single diamond/. The next day, I got a golden pumpkin from an artifact trove, which... I didn't even know was possible, and then on day 192, I finally collected enough nuts to enter Mr. Qi's secret room. And let me tell you... there are a BUNCH of items that I would absolutely love to have here. I probably won't have the time to get them in this video, but I desperately want most of these things. In order to buy any of these things, though, you need to get "Qi Gems" which you can get by completing quests. I decided to accept this quest that asked me to get from floor 0 to the bottom of the mine in just two days. I figured that would be eeassyy, all the first floors are just bugs and easy slimes so it shouldn't be hard at all. The next morning, I woke up and realized I had made it to 1,000,000 gollars! But I ALSO realized that to make the island obelisk, I needed 10 bananas which I simply didn't have and also wouldn't be able to get because my banana tree wasn't even growing fruit yet. I really don't know how I overlooked this, but I guess the island obelisk will have to wait for another video. After this sad realization, I rolled up to the mine and... I didn't even bring any food. I thought it was gonna be super easy so when I went to the first floor, I realized I'd made a massive mistake. All the slimes were so cool and they had these cool little sunglasses... they were just a bunch of Chads and there were these squid boys that did a ton of damage to me and just made life difficult. I made it to level 25 by the end of the first day, but things were not looking too great. I continued to try and get to the bottom the next day, and I found some freaky radioactive ore as well as a ~galaxy soul~, which I'm pretty sure I need to upgrade my sword to the infinity blade. I also found these guys which are just.... so.. weird. They make me feel so weird. I don't like the way that they move. After a whole night of mining, I made it to level 55 which was good, but not good enough to successfully complete the quest. So, the next day I sold all my jam, repaired the beach resort, and then returned to Mr. Qi to accept another quest because I really wanted to accept some Qi gems. I decided to accept this quest to get 50,000 points in Junimo Kart. I'd never actually played Junimo Kart, so I thought this didn't sound like that high of a score and I could probably do it pretty easily. I walked into the Saloon pretty confidently that afternoon just ready to demolish this quest and booted up... that's the wrong game... booted up Junimo Kart for the first time ever. And let me tell you... This game was designed by satan himself. This game robbed me of all of my happiness. You know, I was actually gonna post this video like a week ago, but because of this StUpId game, I spent like four days straight trying to finish this quest just watching this sTuPiD junimo fly into the abyss over and over again. After playing for a couple real life hours that I'll never be able to get back, by the way, I'd only been able to score about 39,000. I decided at this point, though, that I was actually losing my sanity, so I left the Saloon and went back to Ginger Island. When I was there, I also found an entirely new area but I had no idea what to do here so I just went to the volcano and did some mining. There's something cathartic about just blowing up your enemies and getting ores all night. The next morning, Krobus gave me a stardrop which I honestly wasn't expecting. What a nice guy. I decided that afternoon to just use my money to unlock the movie theater because I still didn't have any bananas. And early the next morning, I bought two movie tickets and invited Krobus to go on a date with me. When I got there, Krobus was dressed in this ridiculous trench coat which made me laugh so hard, I was not expecting that. "I am very excited to be at the visual entertainment center and to consume the popp-ed corn, just like you!" You're doing great, sweetie. Honestly, the movie was kind of boring and some guy wouldn't stop hogging the crane machine in the lobby, but I still really enjoyed going on a little date with Krobus. I feel like we've become a lot closer in the past 100 days and our relationship is just really starting to ~blossom~. I spent all of day 198 on Ginger Island just harvesting my crops and exploring the volcano. On the morning of day 199, my ostrich FINALLY hatched and I named him Kronk. Look how cute he is, he is so adorable. All of day 200 was just devoted to Junimo Kart :( I was playing Junimo Kart trying to get the 50,000 points during all of my free time for like, three real days. I had a bunch of super close rounds where I'd get to like 45,000 or something and then just get hit by a bubble or time a jump wrong and it was terrible, it was torture. And finally through... sheer WILLPOWER and determination.. I beat Junimo Kart. I got the 50,000 points. THANK YOU, JESUS. Oh my-- I never want to play this game again, oh my god. Thank you guys so much for watching. If you want to see more videos like this, then feel free to leave a like or subscribe to the channel. I'd love to have you here and I'd also love to hear what other games you'd like to see me play :) Byeeeeee [Tag yourself, I'm "hUnNGhhA"] bOING waAAAHHHHHH wOAH waAAAHHHHHH YAha waAAAHHHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHA YAhoo Here we gOOOO hUnNGhhA dOH
Channel: CharlieBarley
Views: 250,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stardew Valley, 100 Days, Stardew, Valley, Stardew Valley Playthrough, Stardew Valley Ostrich Egg, Stardew Valley Ginger Island, Stardew Valley Farm, Stardew Valley Joja, Stardew Valley Krobus Roommate, Stardew Valley Let's Play, Stardew Valley 1.5, Stardew Valley Egg Hunt, Stardew Valley Golden Walnut, Stardew Valley 200 Days, 200 Days in Stardew Valley, Charlie Barley, Stardew Valley Gameplay, 100 Days in Stardew Valley, I Played 200 Days of Stardew Valley
Id: JPXsD-ZCous
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 6sec (2226 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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