Minecraft, But There’s AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS Hearts

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this is the amazing digital circus and they've escaped from the circus and into my world how did you guys get here what do you want stop stay away from me my hearts give them back before I could react the circus attacked me and stole my hearts give them back h h no no no stop laughing at me no we can't let them get away quick Kane he's the slowest in the ring Master take him out first give me back my hearts te man wait that's not my heart now every time I kill a cast member I get their heart giving me their most powerful items and abilities I'm eating teeth this seems very backwards items unlocked what is this the cane chump bro holy dude that's crazy this is an insane weapon but everyone's literally just run away dude this is not going to help what all I don't need a weapon right now I mean it'll be great when I find them but I need something to catch up to them what does this do throw an eyeball wait I'm inside the eye it's like a security Cameron hold up do you see that behind the tree is that I think that might be pomy she's hiding she's spying on me but she doesn't know we can see her this is perfect okay I don't know where the rest of the cast is but if we continue looking at this way we pretend that we don't see her we can sneak up to her and Chuck an eye on her that way wherever she runs we'll know where she's going and hopefully be able to find out where rest of the cast ran off to we have to be getting pretty close now guys there she is all right we're going to have to literally turn around and get we got one shot of this here goes nothing turn around throw the eyeball we got her no she's running she's running she literally just zoomed off where did she go to doesn't matter we should just be able to use the eyeball right there it is she's hiding inside the cave oh bumy I'm not scared of you you thought that you could outsmart me now she is one of the nicest in the digital circus but she's also a scaredy cat she ain't going anywhere because I've got my eyes on her literally oh my there's literally a cave right here bro I never would have seen this otherwise but now it's going to be too easy all right where is she wait hold up I think she might be around that corner hold up I mean the back looks kind of like this let's let's stick an eye here and see if we can get a good view all right ready and there there she is she's literally right around the corner I P the gig is up you got nowhere to run are you looking scared for stealing my heart I sentence you to death bro I just full out a pomy dude and I got one of my my heart's back except it's been humified what do you reckon this does I guess we just Chomp it up and find out new items unlocked bro what is this the pumy Mallet dude all right we got to give this a well requires zubal heart to unlock what who is Zub must be one another of those crazy freaks who stole my heart bro if this requires two HTS to activate it has got to be absolutely overpowered then what is this the black matter spell bro this looks like some super cursed potion bottle do we drink it I guess I don't really have a choice wait am I floating wait no why am I floating why am I going up with this guy oh what is coming out of my mouth am I vomiting that stuff ew oh what is bubbling down there what just came out of my mouth bro unless is that the black matter but then what is it for what do you do with it I mean it looks like it's got some sort of magical powers can it give me that guess there's only one way to find out oh what's going on where am I h Huh where am I what what is this what is this wait the water slide the tent the theme park this can only be one place turns out the black matter was a gateway to the digital circus this is where the the cast would have originally come from this is their home so wait that black matter was like some sort of portal to this amazing digital Circus World and then that's their tent that's their home hold up but how did they even get to me in the first place to steal my hearts cuz once you go inside this tent you can never Escape there is no exit to this place so which means they must still be in there from what I saw was an illusion I don't understand how it works but if I go in there will I be trapped in there [Music] forever I guess there's only one way to find out here goes nothing okay we're inside that's not too bad and no no no no no no no no no no no no no no the exit's gone oh no so not only have I lost all my hearts but now I have no idea how I'm going to get back to my world I suppose the only real way we're going to find out is by starting to explore this place this is absolutely huge all right we're in through the door what is this bro what in the world these hallways just seem to go on forever hold up I remember this from the movie movie this is this is their bedrooms which means whoever was here died no no no no no does that mean one of these are my bedrooms but all of these bedrooms don't have anything on it except for who's that wait I recognize that that's that rabbit if he's in there he'll have my heart hopefully these teeth will be able to protect us what is this Jax's room that's the name of the rabbit but don't let him catch you what is that supposed to mean I don't see him anywhere no no no no he's coming for us quick run run run run what in the world is this guys hold up is that moving dude this parkour is literally spinning around bro what in the Minecraft bouncy castle is this okay come on come on come on come on oh no no no no no no no no he's down there he's down there we got to make a move for it one wrong move and I'm going to fall to the pit of death like the rest of Jax's victims okay we made it what the no no no no no no no what are we going to do we're just going to run past him go go go how is that fair bro he's literally running my tail oh no no no okay we're spinning wait the jumps on the other side bro bro bro we have to go up go up quick bro it's stop okay come on come on come on this is crazy dude I'm actually so worried one wrong jump and it's all over I have to keep moving I can't stop wait where do I go now the Slime quick jump we just made it we made it again oh no no no no no no how is it fair brance has got Hoops he's literally a rabbit okay where is he at no no no no no what the I wish I had super jumping powers like Jack bro that rabbit is trying to RIS me hard and we can't let him get to us or it's all over dude he's literally right behind me no no no no he's coming he's coming he's coming we have to make this jump no okay we did it come on over we made it on the first one oh no he's coming down he's coming down quick jump jump jump no no no no no what do we do what do we do wait break this block yes get destroyed boy go H little did I know the more digital circus cast members I find stronger they get wait who's this he was puny you turn no chance against me clink Queen I've never heard of her before is she part of this digital circus is she their leader she their Master does she have the rest of my hearts I don't know but if Jax was considered puny and we only just made it out of this death trap alive I don't know how we're going to survive we need all the powers we can get new ability unlock but how do I use this ability bro I huh it didn't give me anything are you telling me that heart was literally useless bro wait wait wait wait what the dude I can literally just I can wall climb I'm like the rabbit I can jump as high as I need by just simply climbing up stuff I can even hang from the ceiling dude that is dope all right come on and H bro I feel like Spider-Man right now no fall damage baby I got rabbit feet nice I'm back where I start I'm back in the hallway oh my brain is hurting real bad but now that I have can seeing eyes I can literally just Chuck one there click on that now I can look around the corner I can spy on people but then I can sneak up on them by climbing the walls this is crazy bro the next cast member isn't going to know what hit them what the wait what is this this doesn't look like a away no no no no no no no what does that mean don't get caught by caught by who must be another one of the circus characters okay we're got to be okay but that means they could be in here wait this is perfect we literally can use the eyes to do this so if we go ahead and throw it in there we can check around yo oh right there did you see that that was um gangle that's its name it's made out of pure ribbons and Magic held together by nothingness that's what the warning message was made out okay we just have to avoid gangle but somehow we also have to figure out a way to kill it because that's how we get the heart I I don't even know gangle could be around any of these Corners any moment as long as we don't go caught we should be okay all right we're going to Chuck an eye around here let's just double check here nothing maybe over here hold up let see okay good this gives us a full view of the area the coast is clear guys I am so nervous right now okay stay to the wall no what the stay on the roof stay on the roof bro bubbles literally just came through a wall what the okay as long as he doesn't see us oh thank goodness his eyes are on his side or not on his head bro he can face through walls no no he's back he's back he's you're telling me it's not just gangle it's also bubble bro if one of those touch me I'm literally instant dead okay okay okay can we throw an eye while we're attach to the wall oh we can't okay we have to let go view the eye that's a really bad angle guys I think we're just going to have to walk around this corner on our own okay gangle down there gang's down there if he sees us we're actually done for the ceiling this is the Strat this is it they can't see us up on the ceiling okay we need to find a way out of here we need to find Chuck an eye down there I want to make sure we've got that angle as well oh no gangle freak that eye was actually clutched there's no way I would have seen that okay we're out we're out out yes we're not out we're not out wait oh no gangle will be coming around that second he comes around here we got to be careful check the eyeball gang's coming around the corner okay just stay very still the minute he comes back around we're going to jump out and run for the other door come on come on okay let him pass let him pass let him pass all right jump out run run run run run run come on come on come on come on it's got to be this door yes yes freedom I didn't get caught but how am I supposed to he's right there how am I supposed to to kill them and get their hearts it's literally 2V1 I don't stand a chance what is that it definitely seems like I shouldn't go in there but maybe they just trying to keep me out here goes nothing open the door what in the world dude what is this what is this bro take your circus somewhere else you suck what you are not funny horrible zero star Their audience hates them and they want leave that's the exit it's their worst fear and that's why there a giant don't enter sign it's to stop them not to stop me wait what if I baited bubble and gangle into this room would that kill them but then if it doesn't I would be stuck in the room with both of them I don't think we have a choice all right you there nothing we're going to bring them with us all right where are they okay they should be coming around that corner any second okay there was bubbles okay hi gangle how are you ah they're coming for us run run no no no no no no no no no they're coming they're coming they're coming okay come on please I really hope this works I hope my theory is correct they're coming for us okay in here in here in here come on come on they're in they're in wait why are they not dying hello little one nowhere to go now wait but they're not moving they're stuck wa what's going on with them yes yeah it worked I actually killed him the more I defeat the stronger I become but am I strong enough to get back my my 10th heart Chomp him up baby what do we get wrap it up trap him and wrap him what does that mean hold up does that mean I can literally just put them in a box dude that would be absolutely op and a bubble what does this do makes me briefly indestructible bro the digital circus ain't going to send a chance I basically got a bubble invincibility that's awesome okay we're going to try this present out dude what the oh I'm definitely using this on the next cast member bro you might have killed them but you won't kill me no no no no no this glowing Queen where is she how does she know I killed bubble and gangle is she watching me I need to keep eyes on all sides in fact we're going to put an eye right there wait is that her door right there is this the glowing Queen no zubal who's that that name sounds so familiar guys wait I remember the pomy Mallet we need zub's heart to use it and if that's the case it's got to be overpowered right here goes nothing don't let him steal your body what does that mean what the what Zu just took my leg my leg I only have one leg guys I'm moving so much slower now what the no no no no no no no no what do we do what do we do what do we do we can use the bubble Shield we can wrap it up wrap it up come on no no I missed I missed come on come on come on no okay wrap it up then use the bubble Shield to go in get ready to use the chop oh yeah get destroyed zubal we got the heart in the back bro that was so tough if we didn't have these Powers we would not stand a chance come on what are we getting now oh thank goodness my leg Hallelujah and we got theb grapple what does this do dude I can literally grab onto anything and since I've got the rabbit ability I take no fall damage and now we can also use the pomy Mallet okay we've got to see what this does all right let's see can we smash these blocks up oh that was awesome did you see the moves that's got to do so much damage obviously I can't tell how much damage it does on blocks but I reckon one hit W so now we can just use the grapple to oh dude we can move so quick that's wild bro hold up no no no no is this what I think it is oh no we're back at the start we're back at the start this is we just went around in a giant Circle I I don't know what to do we are back at the beginning this place has no escape and I still have four more Hearts to get but where would they be we've checked all those doors unless why wasn't that door connected to them I guess there's only one way we find find out here goes nothing oh man why is there a giant hole in the middle of the hallway and something tells me that's exactly where we're going to find our next heart here goes nothing what is thisit I've been expecting you that's the GL Queen okay no no what is that thing stay away stay back from me I wouldn't go there ah no no I can't go back I can't a feating me where am I where am I where am I am I side of its stomach dude what do I do what do I do I don't know there's literal stomach acid and it's rising if that gets me I'm going to die I will actually die wait going heart that's my heart if I steal her heart while she's still alive what will happen to me I don't think we have much of a choice oh my gosh really don't hit the stomach acid okay okay okay we will be literally disintegrated guys I don't know if you know how stomach acid Works but it's really no no no no no oh no no h hang to the roof bro I stuff that up I stuff that up come on please connect me oh oh we made it but it's like in some sort of barrier how do we I can't guys I'm literally look nothing I can't get through this unless wait the pomy Mallet it could break anything right guess we're about to find Dad P smash we did it we got it we got ourselves the heart baby take that GL Queen what have you done I've taken your heart baby that's what I'm what is that what is that no no no what just happened a I just got vomited out dude you may have defeated me wait we did it we did it oh baby we yed your H and e a e what happened dude it literally just turned into a pile of poo and left me all vomited on wait what did it say but you won't defeat the great cormo no no cormo is known to be the most evil of the digital circus cast it's going to be the hardest to beat I need to get every single one of my hearts before we go against him this power better be as crazy as that thing was what did it do oh what is that run run run it's following me it's following me it's following me wait no no it was a pet glink hold up so this glink is on my side but why does it look like this when the other Glo the queen Glo look like a crazy killer worm wait I can I can change its color does that does each of the different colors have different powers I don't understand how this works quite yet but I'm sure we'll find out but for now definitely sticking with blue after all that is the best color it's why all the brand new ey merch's blue cuz that's the color to Riz people up baby and by the way if you want to have Riz it's only available pre-orders for a limited time only at e. store or down below we got shirts hoodies pants anything you can want we got it baby all right it is the perfect Christmas gift don't miss out cuz we are almost sold out yet even with the ey merch I'm still a lowkey a little bit scared with behind what's behind that door all right my pet GLS with me here goes nothing we're just back out here we're on the other side of the hole that's where we were before so there's got to be at least three more doors where our hearts are hiding behind right I mean that's the logical thing hold up what is that that doesn't have any cast member on it's just a giant wheel but I am certain the rest of my hearts are in here wait a ferris wheel and exit is this the final room no what was that something just bro something just Tred to kill me what was that what was that what was that I don't know huh it's ker and Raga oh no no no bro literally shooting Mini kers at me if even just one of those hit me I I will instantly die those things are absolutely brutal and rer there if you didn't know she can move objects with her mind dude I need to way to get past them okay for now let's just dodge and then figure it out okay clearly that's the exit but then how am I going to get my hearts I I don't know maybe we figure out how to get out of here first and then we come back wait guys I can't attach to the ferris wheel for some reason it won't let me bro it must be because it's moving which means there's only one way up I'm sorry I'm not flying a ticket guys we got to go got to go get the bubble Shield come on jump on the r trck the bubble shield on wait what's that what's that no no no no no no rag they just control the F will I can't get on that either what am I going to do oh no they're coming down they're coming down huh I can't move I can't move they trapped me what are they doing what are they doing this is it for me no no no master Coro will be happy we caught him fresh mean this is the end for me guys what are we going to do wait what's the GL doing the glo's glowing orange hold up they're fighting each other no way get out of my mind I think the Glo is controlling their mind bro yes please please if we're going down your bud is coming down with us wait what's happening to them what's going on they died it's so did the clink no clink I'm so sorry I couldn't save you my brother in battle he literally sacrificed his life for us and I'm going to avenge his death by eating their heart let me eat their hearts I feel no remorse right now Guys these are trying to kill me at every turn come on come on come on let's see what is Dragon to give me I'm oneand that does what y that's that's the thing that she used on the ferris wheel to make it go crazy not sure exactly how that's going to help us just yet but what about ker what is he going to do travel anywhere you want we only have one heart left and the only person we haven't seen is cormo which we we currently have every Power of the amazing digital circus except cormo now I don't know where he is but if I put this on I should be able to go straight to him here goes nothing take me to CMO did that work wait what's going on what's happening around me what's going what's I don't know what to do I don't know what to do I can't move no no no no no no no get out of the one in case we need it why is everything so dark where am I what the what is this place dude it's like it's Darkness but there's like reflections of these candles it's like the abyss the void nothing no goo he's going down he's going down give me my heart back you fool wait what stop why are you attacking me this has to be a misunderstand huh what what are you talking about what is going on aren't you you know the evil boss that the gloin queen and literally everybody has been talking about you don't look that evil I don't understand I've been trapped here by the digital circus and they have framed me plot twist wait is that true then then who has my last heart if you've been trapped here as well then someone else has my last heart have the digital circus characters been messing with me this entire time I was being played for a fool is there even a way out I don't know look like once these candles end it's just no what happened to you what is that what is that's cosbo that's cosbo he was from the beginning I forgot he's a trickster clown he lied to me no no no I need to defeat him and get my heart hit him with the eyes okay that's doing nothing he literally has eyes all over him that ah what is that laser bro no no no get the grapple to the other side to the other side oh my gosh the Laser's targeting us again uh um the one the one bang bang bang okay that pushes it away so we can keep it at a distance and that way hopefully the laser won't get ow wait the hammer the hammer that's it the hammer can destroy anything go up close quick bubble Shield bubble Shield bubble Shield bubble Shield bubble Shield okay bubble and then go up hit her with the the melon yes come on come on hit it again Baby Bam wait I think we did it we did it yeah coso's down and that's it my last and final heart the call my heart this is it we can escape we can leave we're out of here wait transformation unlocked what does that mean no no no what's happening to my body no what's going on what's happening to me no no no wait I'm inside a TV I'm inside of a TV dude dude dude what the no no no no did I just turn into an amazing digital circus character help I don't want to be a cartoon let me out of here thank you to all of these guys for making today's video possible you're my new favorite ey Mega fans if you want a shout out just click the join button below this video scroll down and click ey megaan
Channel: EYstreem
Views: 22,117,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eystreem, eyestream, eystream, minecraft, roleplay, funny, troll, prank, secret, hidden, tutorial, minecraft phone, minecraft bedrock edition, minecraft but theres amazing digital circus hearts, minecraft but theres hearts, minecraft but there is video game hearts, minecraft the amazing digital circus, the amazing digital circus, the amazing digital circus in minecraft, minecraft escape amazing digital circus, minecraft hearts mod, the amazing digital circus map minecraft, pomni in minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 48sec (1368 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2023
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