I Made My Giant Beyblade Way Too Powerful!

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how you going I've had this Beyblade sitting in my garage for two years now and I just can't bring myself to throw it away mostly because it doesn't fit in my bin and I don't want the garbage man to judge me so my solution is to do the most amount of engineering I've ever done and get this thing spinning at almost the speed of sound so fast that blows itself apart and everything else around it [Music] I don't have to throw it away [Music] if you watch my two previous videos in this Beyblade series you'll know that I hyped it up a lot but it was actually pretty crap it didn't go very fast and I also made it too good and the Beyblade was very stable so it didn't move around and Destroy enough things but it turns out there is a pretty easy fix to the stability I just need to introduce some instability into the Beyblade's life with an opioid addiction and by also cutting off its leg so it's flat which makes it walk around more okay now to make it spin faster and last time I was using a chainsaw winch thing which worked but only got it up to like 360 RPM and I want it to go a lot faster like fast enough that the UN is forced to get involved and put sanctions on my house I take the fact that he develops weapons of mass destruction very seriously I remember the fact that he has invaded two countries before I know for a fact that he's poisoned his own people so how am I going to get it spinning that first well if we do some basic maths this motor spins at 2000 RPM and if we have a two to one pulley conversion on it it will spin at 4000 RPM so if the Beyblade is 92 centimeters wide at 4000 RPM the tips of the Beyblade will be traveling at around 700 kilometers per hour and if we do small maths considering Princess Diana hit that bridge at 100 kilometers per hour which made news all around the world 700 kilometers per hour is enough to kill seven princesses so it should be pretty impressive at that speed but before I make the news I just need to figure out how to attach this motor to the Beyblade but more importantly how to get it off and considering the best thing I could come up with before was a pair of vice grips that released the Beyblade with a piece of string I'm gonna get someone else to help come on foreign [Applause] my mate who has a channel called not an engineer but despite the name is a much better engineer than me and he also knows how to draw Parts on the computer much better than I do and he drew up this cool sketch for us to follow now the first thing we decided to do was take apart the Beyblade and when I was making this I definitely compensated for my lack of mechanical skills by using a whole bottle of glue on this thread and it's now impossible to take apart so we decided to deal with it later and instead started boring down this pipe which will hold the bearings and shaft that spins the Beyblade and by we I mean my mate but first he had to fix my lathe [Music] washer it's not attached look alright so that explains what I was making a funny noise all right and you know what else needs fixing your browser which is why you need to start using Opera GX the sponsor of today's video thanks to Opera GX for sponsoring this video Opera GX is a superior browser compared to others as it doesn't use all your computer's resources for no reason allowing you to choose how much computer power Opera GX takes up so you can have a bunch of tabs open and not have to close them while playing games or doing other things look here's me using Chrome with horrible performance and now with Opera GX and look at those beautiful low numbers also default browsers are just so boring and Opera GX offers you a lot of really useful mods my favorite is this one as it's me a slightly worse looking version of me in my garage with my best creations and you also get to hear me asking how you are every time you open a new tab are you going yeah I'm pretty good you can also get ones that change your typing to farting there are so many mods in the GX store that change everything from your background music to keyboard sounds and changing over to Opera GX is so easy as it's equipped with an import tool that allows you to quickly import all your settings from your previous browser all you do is go to browser settings synchronization import bookmarks and import and you're good to go my favorite thing about Opera GX is the GX Corner which keeps you up to date with what games are coming out soon it also tells you what games are on sale and where it does daily news and more well Taylor Swift went on a date with an NFL player and also if you download Opera GX for free using the link in my description you will get my personal JX mod so go download Opera GX today and upgrade your browser and while he was doing that I did the more complicated parts that require expertise like tapping these holes and hitting the Beyblade with a hammer okay I managed to get the beyblade apart with minimal effort and my mate had finished boring the bearing holes so that the bearings fit neatly inside and there is nothing more satisfying than watching a bearing fit perfectly into a hole and I'm not even saying this in a sexual way it's just a great feeling absolutely beautiful because if it's slightly wrong the bearing won't move at all but when it's right it slides perfectly in and then before you know it you and your mate are making love okay then my mate started turning down the shaft that was going to go inside the bearings while I made the piece that's going to grip and release the Beyblade and to do that I'm going to use these little ball bearings which I stole from your washing machine while you were sleeping so you should probably get that looked at and the bearings go inside this piece and we'll grab the top of the Beyblade in the same way as a collet Chuck on a Mill and if you don't know how a collet Chuck Works neither do I so you're asking the wrong guy next I drilled four holes which are big enough to fit the balls all the way in but not let them out on the inside of the pipe except for this hole which I made too big foreign [Music] [Music] then I just cut down this threaded rod and welded it onto the piece with the balls can't see what I'm doing and I just welded the clamp which is me done and in the same time it took me to make this my mate had finished the entire spinny shaft thing which I then welded onto a bracket and then we put it all together and it spins slowly but what we really want to know is does it spin fast enough to cause Grievous bodily harm you ready you ready yeah and that was the maximum speed which seemed fast but you can't really tell without the Beyblade on the bottom which is what we're gonna do now so next I welded up a frame for the motor and arm that hold the Beyblade and this is all guesswork here which is why I decided to weld it all permanently in place before checking if the motor even fits onto the frame which luckily it does and the spindle as well okay so then we finished off the Beyblade by drilling a hole in the center I saw a bolt threads inside and then tested if the Beyblade fits [Music] which it does kind of just looks like a lawn mower a little bit and we couldn't resist spinning it up in my garage okay it's already wobbly no it's quite wobbly is that that's not the shaft though is it no you shut it off do you want to go a bit faster yeah yeah oh and that was only five percent of its maximum speed but was already terrifying enough to kick in my fight or flight response and make me use my mate as a human shield so I can't imagine what I'm going to do to the people around me when the Beyblade is going at full speed okay last thing we have to do is make something that is going to hit this pin off the top to release the internal pipe which means those little balls inside will be able to slip out of the way releasing the Beyblade and I was all for just poking it using a big stick but my mate suggested we use the vfd which we are using to control the speed of the motor as it has some inbuilt switches that trigger when the motor reaches a certain speed which we can plug this solenoid into so I just welded the solenoid to some metal and then we made the world's first hexagonal spring [Music] and put it on the frame and now the solenoid should pop out hitting the release pin and knocking it off I believe you now that it happened on camera which it does but we don't know if the release pin will actually stay on while the motor is spinning at high speed so we gave it a test behind my not so blast proof blast Shield we can apply You're Gonna Fly perfect and that is everything working so I just sprayed it and put on some safety tape to remind us not to go near it while it's spinning and now I just need to find a place to spin this guy up and last time I did it in the abandoned drug house down the road and that is still an option as I live close to another abandoned house but that's also next to a preschool and this guy is going to be spinning a lot faster and I don't really think I can rely on walls to stop it which is why I ask for your guy's help and lucky for me Hamilton must have a Death Wish as he hit me up and agree to let me do the Beyblade on his property so we put everything in the car including four lady mannequins and I didn't specifically ask for women but it was the only thing they had left in the store besides babies which I did buy as well but for a different video [Music] it's making me nervous it is also concerning it's only lady ones yeah it's I got them I got them second hand and I was like it's all they had and I realized afterwards I'm like this doesn't look that good does it and Hamilton's property is perfect it has one big opening which the main camera can view all the destruction through it's got Rafters for the Beyblade to hang from and most importantly a dead kangaroo so first we hung up the Beyblade frame which was a little wobbly vibration absorbing yeah exactly so if there's any imbalance in the system it's not going to matter it's self-correct exactly yeah exactly and then brought in the mannequins and I couldn't stop thinking about that Princess Diana Joker made earlier so thought it would be appropriate to arrange a little English tea party for the ladies and then we put in the Beyblade it's what the whole thing is and because we thought the Beyblade had a high chance of shattering we decided to go full speed on the first go might sit against this wall if I sit against this wall yep perfect perfect okay yeah sweet all right should we do it yeah let's do it you ready it's the weakest pool foreign and I'm not sure what Hamilton was expecting me to do on his property but I'm sure he didn't imagine he would be cowering behind a single brick wall from a giant Beyblade spinning at almost the speed of sound thank you all right it definitely worked in a way as one of the mannequins was in pieces and its leg was out the window and there was also a good sized chunk missing out of the concrete but besides that a lot went wrong firstly we spun the motor the wrong way so the bolt on top of the Beyblade undid itself and the Beyblade dropped prematurely only getting up to like 10 of its maximum speed and then also the frame was vibrating so much that the solenoid valve released before the maximum speed knocking the pins off so we put it all back together and this time reverse the motor and put in a new bolt and try it again [Music] in that time it got a lot faster but the solenoid valve still shook itself loose and released the Beyblade at 50 of this maximum speed which was actually a good thing as the Beyblade almost made it out the door smashing the door frame and concrete on the edges damage here it tried to get out the door so we thought we'd better be safe and we put a single brick in the way and did another test this time with the aim of taking off the table's legs and this time I'm not going to play any music or talk I'll just let you watch the full speed up of the Beyblade because the noise that it produces when it reaches full speed is absolutely terrifying thank you okay and that was the level of Destruction I was looking for it shot shrapnel past the camera at a ridiculous speed it almost started a fire an even cut deeper gouges into the concrete and this was the first one that actually got up to full speed and the noise it was making was absolutely horrible sounded like a helicopter that was getting closer and closer and this is how the Viet Cong must have felt when Americans were flying over the jungles and dropping giant Beyblades from the sky also that run reached full speed at 4000 RPM which means the tips of the Beyblade were traveling at 670 kilometers an hour but I still want the Beyblade to disintegrate itself so this time we're gonna try dropping it from the height straight onto the concrete floor [Music] we were wondering what that noise was and it's this bolt which loosened itself from the Beyblade disc but it's still held on and it dropped [Music] and because I couldn't really hear the Beyblade anymore I decided to go and have a look and almost walked into the Beyblade still spinning on the ground at 400 kilometers an hour thank you [Music] again [Music] now even though that wasn't a successful drop it was really cool looking back on the slow motion footage and seeing the solenoid valve work exactly as we intended knocking off the pin and releasing the Beyblade while it was doing 4000 RPM okay we've got time for one more test and we're going to try and cut this table in half this is gonna do it I just want her to fall over she's been here the whole time yeah and this noise never gets easy to listen to every part of your body wants to run away [Applause] that was amazing even though it didn't blow up we spun it fast and the thing caused enough destruction to finally allow me to put this Beyblade to rest I don't know if I can go through that again no no I don't want to do any more I'm done I'm done that I hate that noise I also really want to thank my mate not an engineer for helping me out with this and you should go check out and subscribe to his YouTube channel and also Hamilton for letting me use his property and his dog for doing more damage to my leg than the actual Beyblade thank you so much for watching if you like that please subscribe and watch some of my other videos [Music]
Channel: I did a thing
Views: 4,958,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: science, education, i did a thing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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