I Re-Hydrated a steak with 1lbs of BUTTER and this happened!

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[Music] what happens when you remove all of the moisture from the steak and replace it with butter we have no idea but we're gonna find out together check it out and we start off with two beautiful rebuys which are completely frozen now there's a great reason why we have to start this experiment as a frozen steak and that's because the first thing we need to do is to remove all of the moisture inside of these steaks because believe it or not about 50 of this entire steak is water and what i'm trying to do that today is to replace it a hundred percent with butter so in order to make that happen i'm gonna be extracting all of the moisture using my freeze dryer it's actually one of the things astronaut uses when preserving food when going to space so now these steaks are 100 ready to go into the freeze dryer the awesome thing is that it's pretty easy to use i just throw my stakes in there hit start non-liquid and as you saw it previously it is frozen now what this does is that it will pre-freeze it even more after that it's ready to freeze dry it asks me to close my valve so that it can pull a vacuum and it starts freeze drying and about 36 hours later this is what i was left with that my friends is the same exact stake but without any moisture on them everything is completely gone i mean take a look at this that is something you don't see every day the original weight of this steak was 17 ounces but take a look at this now yep half of it is completely gone i know if you are as curious as i am you want to see what it looks like inside so i went ahead and cut one open and i mean take a look at this that is a steak completely dry and it is absolutely fascinating i did do a previous video rehydrating it with water and as you can see as soon as you throw water inside it just soaks it up like there's no tomorrow and if you have not seen that video yet make sure you check it out on the card or on the description down below later on it was an insane experiment but today we're gonna be rehydrating this thing with this one full pound of butter and as you can see i am using unsalted butter we all heard the saying of butter makes everything better so we're gonna see if this is really true on rehydrating these steaks so the first thing i did was to throw them into the bowl and put it on my microwave for one minute once that happened as you can see they are semi-soft to make them even softer i decided to blend them up hopefully as i put this on top of the stick you will soak it up like there's no tomorrow and that is exactly what i did and of course i gotta put the whole one pound of butter on it lay it on top of the steak this is what happens and i mean take a look at this nothing happens it does not soak up absolutely nothing now my biggest fear is that if i melt it down the butter it will have to be hot in order to be soaked but as you can see i have no other option so i went ahead and removed all of the butter stuck it in my microwave put it for five minutes and as you can see it is completely melted now now my only fear with it is that the butter is a little bit hot but hopefully it will not cook up the steak i mean japanese wagyu a5 has a lot of fat on it and let me tell you something this one has almost 50 maybe i'm just making the world's first japanese wagyu a5 at home so i'm hoping that this is going to be absolutely amazing as you can see once i was done everything was completely covered with butter but to make sure that i got butter as much as possible inside of that steak i decided to vacuum seal it whenever you're pulling a vacuum you should actually pushes the butter inside of that steak it's actually even rehydrating the steak even more with butter so that should work like a charm the next thing to do is to let it sit for an hour so that he can rehydrate as much as possible that was perfect because it allows me time to make a quick side dish and for today i'm making some wonderful creamy mushrooms and they are super easy to make and here's how and as always remember exact amount and ingredients always in the description down below for you i first started by cooking a little bit of bacon once that's done as always i recommend saving the bacon fat as you can see i have a container just for it and talking about my bacon bits it was perfectly cooked just like that using the same exact pan i threw in some butter to make sure i deglaze all of that goodness off the pan then i threw in baby portobello mushrooms mix it well and cook it so that i can move all of that moisture inside remember mushroom has a lot of water so try to remove most of it and as you can see the bottom of the pan is completely deglazed as i was halfway through i added a little bit of garlic paste mix it well and make sure every single one of them was coated to finish them off i threw in a little bit of heavy cream mix it well and reduce that heavy cream to half then i threw in a little bit of freeze dried parsley followed by salt freshly ground black pepper those beautiful bacon bits we just made and of course to make it nice and creamy a good amount of parmesan cheese now there's left to do is to mix it well and your creamy mushrooms are done that my friends is absolutely delicious and it takes no time at all which is perfect because by this time our steak should be ready so i immediately took it out of the bag put it on my cutting board and took out all of the excess and this is what i was left with that my friends is the most buttery steak you will ever see in your life nothing comes even close but in order to have a true comparison i'm putting it against a real steak and this one is also a beautiful ribeye to season them i kept it extremely simple i threw in a little bit of salt followed by freshly ground black pepper and garlic powder nothing else as always make sure you season your steaks well the last thing we want is unseasoned boring steaks but now that we got it fully seasoned the next thing to do is to vacuum pack it and get it ready for the water bath because i am cooking them with the method that guarantees me perfection every single time and for that you already know it's souffy i'm gonna be cooking both of them in the same container at 135 degrees fahrenheit for two hours and i can't wait to find out if my butter rehydrated steak is going to feel just like wagyu [Music] i got my beautiful steaks cooking they were all cooked at 135 degrees fahrenheit for two hours that is enough time to make the steaks absolutely perfect medium rare in the middle but at the same time i have no idea what's about to happen everybody but they are ready it's time to take them out let's do it that stick does not look very good everybody i'll tell you that right now it is black it is feels kind of hard it also smells very different than the regular steak but at the same time if we don't do this experiment how we're gonna know maybe we just created the japanese wagyu a5 by mistake rehydrating everything with butter there's no way that we're gonna know if we do not experiment now i'll tell you one thing i know my steaks don't look that good right now but watch this [Music] [Music] all right everybody here we have our beautiful steaks mama what do you think we have a beautiful snake ah that's true and then we have this black mess over here what is that i know are you afraid you should be afraid i'm afraid i want to say what it looked like but it's kind of disgusting so i don't want to worry no no it's nothing disgusting here mama i only make good delicious food yes so here's the deal i know that it looks weird and the reason is that i first freeze dried it and then i rehydrate it with butter a hundred percent butter everybody you know that now here's the thing i don't know if you guys cut it through the searing process because as i was searing it it looks like a wagyu steak because the amount of bubblies that was coming out of that steak is absolutely insane so in theory it's like a wacky steak yeah in theory i guess supposedly i can say that it could be i'll tell you a lot of things there's a lot of butter in there a lot of butter in there so we have two beautiful steaks which one you want to go for it first i want to go for this over here oh for the hot side dish roma yeah and bacon baby okay well we'll go for that one first let's give that a try cheers everybody come on oh i have another one i'll have another one i don't need to describe it i'll follow you i don't know about that steak if it's gonna be amazing but the mushroom is phenomenal everybody a perfect combination for an awesome steak i don't know if the steak was gonna be good but that was worth the trip to come here that was worth the trip my mom guys definitely give it a go to this wonderful mushroom okay you ready for your momma which one you want to go for first let's get the bed stuff out of the way first let's get the best okay my mom go for it i'm afraid oh my god i'm afraid this thing is hard you know guys you first eat the food with your eyes if it does not look appetizing you're gonna go like whoa hold on a second maybe i shouldn't eat this family we always stick together mama are you ready for it yeah let's do this okay cheers everybody hmm hmm if you're thinking that it's bad it's not bad it's not bad it's dry it's dry it's very dry it's dry it it seems like the butter didn't rehydrate it all the way yeah no but it's not bad it tastes like a it tastes like a steak it tastes like a steak everybody it tastes like a dry steak like not even overcooked or no no no extremely well done steak it's just a dry steak it just tastes like a dry steak i think what happened is because the butter is kind of thick so it doesn't rehydrate the steak properly something like that happened but it's not bad and it's not good either what is it oma how would you describe it i'll go back for the mushroom while you continue finishing that because the mushroom is amazing so basically when you bite it it feels really tough but there is a squirt is there there's a little liquid flowing out yeah and it's like a little little that sounded weird almost there's a little bit of liquid coming out i'm going to say liquid because it's not juice it's the ghee it's the glue it's the key coming out and my mouth ate both of them i went back for the other side to make sure that i have enough to explain you you want to give a fair review yeah okay fair enough mine's still here you can take mine no problem no that's okay i'll go back you know what it's dry but if you have a nice sauce yeah it could be edible yeah it's it's not bad everybody in in a survival situation if you give me a steak like this i'm not going to complain it is dry the butter is kind of thick so it doesn't rehydrate it all the way no i think that's why you see the black i think the black is the the butter and then i think the inside right there in the middle where you guys saw there that is nice and pink that is basically unhydrated meat that's what i think it is a little hydrated but i would say it's where the the thickest part of the butter didn't get to maybe you're right that's what happens it is a little it's soft you know it's not hard i'll tell you one thing out of the astronaut steaks that we did it previously this steak is actually better than those because it doesn't have any odd flavor it tastes like a steak and even though it doesn't rehydrate properly it rehydrates with a good amount of butter and butter makes everything better agreed and you know what it's not like beef jerky either no it's not now how about this one here i think this one we have to we we have to do the sacrifice uh you know if you insist if you guys insist i will perfect medium rare everybody exactly the way you should be cheers everybody boy bring it up with a little bit of the mushroom let me see come on mmm you know what i'm gonna get i'm gonna get some of that mushroom sauce on the bottom over there mama's my bread anyway guys these are the results i do not recommend you rehydrating your steak with butter unless you are in a very survival situation and you want to taste the steak that tastes kind of like a steak but a weird steak then go for it man go for it that's all i can say if you want to experiment with something yeah go ahead and do it you're not i'm going to take this home you're going to eat it you're going to show it to your family i don't know i'll make a sauce in something at home i think showcasing it to your family and giving them to give it a try a black steak will definitely you know that's a cool name and a black steak next thing put their eyebrow up like what's going on over here you know what i mean and something fun to do but at the same time it does not work perfectly but it kind of works anyway guys these are the results i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you do enjoy it make sure to give it a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos remember if you are interested in any of the equipment i use everything is always in the description down below for you thank you so much for watching and we'll see you guys on the next one take care everybody bye
Channel: Sous Vide Everything
Views: 1,554,887
Rating: 4.8626776 out of 5
Keywords: freeze dry, steak, best stea, butter, steak butter, dry age, sous vide, recipe, mushrooms
Id: tROIuNegX8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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