How I cooked the MOST Popular Steak from 1940's

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welcome back to Sevilla everything guys you know we love steaks and there's no way I'm gonna pass the opportunity to show you my take on Steak Diane check it out Steak Diane was very popular back in the day and what I mean by that is the 1940s it was basically in every restaurant menu in the capacity and the story says it stopped being popular because the restaurants would sometimes scare guests by flambéing it with way too much power especially since it was a tableside sauce made steak and sometimes guests would have gotten way more fire than they asked for so it started to slowly disappear from the menus of restaurants and today it's almost impossible to find especially on the very popular restaurants but I do think it's a great steak and if you never had it here's a chance for you to taste the traditional and very popular steak back in the day [Music] for today's cook I'm gonna be using these two beautiful dry aged rib eyes and as you know after dry aging steaks it is okay to freeze them these were dry aged for a total of 35 days to me that's the perfect time for dry aged it's not too strong it tenderizes the meat and if you never had dry aged before you should the great thing about it is that you can dry aged at home without any special equipment make sure you check out the video in the description down below later on to learn how whenever you dry aging there are pillows which is the outer skin formed on the steak and those gotta go don't be cheap they don't taste good take them all out once I was done training I was left with two beautiful rib eyes check it out Steak Diane is all about the sauce so I kept the seasoning simple like always with salt freshly ground black pepper and garlic powder as always make sure you season all sides including the edges now there's not to do is back them up and get them ready for Suvi I'm gonna be cooking these beautiful steaks at 135 degrees Fahrenheit for two hours then we're gonna be making our wonderful sauce to go along with it I got my beautiful steaks ready they were cooked at a hundred and thirty-five degrees Fahrenheit for two hours but Steak Diane as you guys might already know it's a hundred percent about the sauce but they are ready it's time to take them out let's do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you could only smell this it smells fantastic everybody and like always I got a pet it dry so we get a wonderful sear now here's the deal when your dry aging you don't get that much juices on the bag but we don't get a very little amount so I will be using this for the sauce but if you can tell it's not enough and I even got a bow you know so that I can put it in but that's not going to work oh this is not gonna work so maybe this one over here my work maybe not even this one maybe I just have to use this one Hey but you save the juices and you make it so let's see so you can see that's why I a lot of times I say that it is not enough if it's not enough you might not be worth it but since we're doing your sauce anyway let's carry over that's oh my god maybe there's like a tablespoon or maybe a teaspoon I don't even know how much is that hey I say it's better sum than nothing agree so here's the deal this is how the sauce works okay there's gonna be a little bit of garlic a little bit of shallots oh and it's not really necessary to use mushrooms but I'll be using the portobello baby mushrooms because I love it if you don't like it you can just leave it off not a big deal and then we also have to put some Dijon mustard and a little bit of Worcestershire sauce and to compliment because my juice is there not enough I'm gonna be using chicken stock as well now here's the deal and this is an important one I'm gonna be using cognac to make the sauce now I'm going to be lighting it up so that the alcohol burns out faster it is not necessary for you to do it you don't have to do it and if you are gonna do it just make be safe about it you know what I mean make sure there's nothing flammable on top of it because one time it did happen that I burned my eyebrow and my eyelid and I was like my eyelid like shut together anyway it does happen just step back and be safe about it okay and since I have an induction burner to burn it out I'll be using my what do you call down mom my torch my torch to make it happen so that's how the sauce is gonna work but I say right now I know they don't look that good right now but watch this [Music] oh you hungry mom I'm starving this thing smells amazing and it looks incredible and is getting me getting me even hunger my goodness for any how to talk all right let's not get ready all right everybody here's my take on Steak Diane I hope you guys lose that yen now yeah I don't know I don't know why do they call it Steak Diane that's the name of the steak you know it's actually a very popular steak and a salad in different places like Cheesecake Factory oh yes that's why I got inspired for it I went to statistic it - steak factory I can't even say - just restate I only - Cheesecake Factory you know to celebrate something with my daughter and I stood there and I order I was like wow that's very nice so it inspired me to have my own take on it but where does it come from I have no idea I know it's going that's right all right let me serve you here it's all about the sauce some mushrooms yes there's some mushroom there's a little bit of cognac on this sauce yeah so and you know I use a good cognac for you my friend so you're gonna be on a tree I wanted to give you my best shot you know what I mean everybody a lot of people say doesn't matter which connieyc you use but I actually used the best one I had I don't know if you guys noticed when I put it on the actual pin that was a very little left that's because I don't have to explain to you the reason right it's all about the sauce in here yeah because the steak should be amazing I'm gonna try the mushroom works go for it oh my god I don't understand how some people don't like mushrooms isn't it let's try the mushroom wow that is so heavenly with that sauce this sauce is amazing isn't it Wow it's an amazing sauce guys you can feel the cognac but very mild just I never tried that one so I imagine the taste of the cognac without the alcohol of it exactly because they're burning it off you know you got a flambe do it safely everybody do it safely all right very nice as you see the way I did it very nice and gentle no big explosion nothing like that right right for the state now Steak Diane everybody cheers [Music] hey just makes me smile I have a mama just try it steak Wow you can tell even with the sauce whoa huh there's a little something over there like mom mother is becoming a snake expert I was expecting just to be a regular thing but he went all out on this yes yes I want to make as good as that possibility can you feel it I feel it yeah there's a little that little I call it Oh mommy yeah I call that a little bit of nerdy and you call it a little bit of wine asti's for somebody can never have this sauce how can we describe it because it's so good and it's like creamy but it's also has that kayak how would you describe it I'll give you my description after if you ever had stroganoff it's gonna matter good yeah it's kind of not exactly like no no not the same thing come on it's reminiscent of that yeah you make sure like that's something similar to this before now I am going to advise that cognac is nice right I'm going to advise you even if you don't like mushroom give it a try because the mushroom takes the flavor of the steak of the sauce itself mushrooms by itself doesn't taste that great has very little flavor that's why you add all those things add the mushroom everybody I tell you what yeah the mushroom does give some flavor to the sauce yeah it does get because if you take this you can tell there's a little bit of a mushroom anybody's beneath taste yes yeah but you agreed that much but I have a lot of taste but wisher doesn't have a lot of taste so right give it a try it is good you're right mama mama is in heaven right now and I have other family members that also want to give this a try but no it is lunchtime look around here ma was don't be selfish mama we gotta share anyway guys I hope you enjoyed this video I hope you give it a try if you do enjoyed this video make sure to give it a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos remember if you're interested in anything I use everything is always on the description down below thank you so much for watching and we'll see you guys on the next one take care buddy bye bye remember well-done steak is a crime that's right but I do respect everybody's opinion see you on the next one everybody commits yeah commit the crimes that you want we are the right take care of a behind
Channel: Sous Vide Everything
Views: 602,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steak, recipe, steak diane, sous vide steak diane, how to cook steak, steak sauce, mushroom steak, steak and mushrooms, keto steak, diet steak, best steak, cast iron steak, cast iron
Id: 83gUNXuCVvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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