I Ranked all 46 Bosses in Hollow Knight

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after the great success of the bench ranking video you guys thought I was kind of desperate for a hollow Knight content since it's taking millions and I mean millions of years for silkson to release and that's true everything else has already been done and as a small Creator I needed to set myself apart from the Rest by ranking benches 52 to be exact couldn't even say that this piece of [ __ ] but now since the miles nugget Community has grown it is time to do a different ranking a more popular one boss ranking on that is known for its bosses because they are epic and difficult and all 46 of them are unique in their own special way so more special than others I'm gonna rank them all for worst the best in a sense of fun and enjoyment so this is not a difficulty ranking because I think we can all agree that this stinky head will be at the top my ranking will be based on their original fight but also the fight in the pantheons with all your upgrades from a casual perspective casual and you guys stop my bench videos controversial with the salubra and the ancestor Mount bench well strap yourself in because you're in for a ride and if you disagree with something on my list just know that everything is based on fats which means you're basically disagreeing with science I don't want to be that guy so without further Ado let's get ranking foreign [Music] before we begin with the worst boss I want you guys to take a wild guess on who it could be just imagine it and shout it at your screen right now it's Markov it's Markov it's Markov it will always be Markov and it will never not be Markov you can't spell Markov without the M the ammoth murder me right now with your stabby meals and Sonic Speed Shield Markov Markov is the most spammy most annoying most random boss out of them all dream bosses aren't really known to be anyone's favorite and mostly have one bullet hell attack that is very annoying to dodge and Markov to get way too seriously every second there will at least be two knives coming your direction and practically get no healing time then when he spins his shield around faster than the speed of light you may find the time to heal and if you thought that was it you're in luck in the second phase he gets two Shields throws knives at a significant higher rate and if you're doing this fight in Pantheon 5 the floor is control all deleted yes you can get good at this fight to the point where you take no damage and it's one of the easiest bosses but does that changed the fact that he's at the bottom of the list no of course not whenever I see Marco I'm not going to be my be like said me yeah this boss is out of trash and you can't change my mind number 45 nightmare King Grim I know it's controversial but I'm not really a fan of this boss it's a little too annoying I'm kidding don't worry the list is not gonna be that controversial number 45 wings nask I only recently found my passionate hatred for this disgusting piece of Abbas but damn they could have chosen any boss to have an extra form and nosc would have definitely not be my first pick let alone ruin the whole concept of this boss this is not a new version of nask this is a new version of fench like King and it's not even better how could you ruin something so bad they have the exact same attack but winged NOS just has some extra fluids he wants to share on the arena mmm tasty it's really hard to predict where all the acid is gonna land and it just basically becomes a Gamble and then this thing's hitbox if I was a programmer I would give it a hitbox of around this size but no this seemed like a good idea team Cherry good luck jumping over it LOL this fight as you may have seen in my video could be a run Ender for Pantheon 5 and it doesn't even feel like your fault great at the bottom of the list you go number 44 oblavos it feels a little mean putting them here they look very cute and they love each other and that's about it as you may have noticed I don't like random spammy attacks in my boss fight and this is the definition of random spam attack I can just never properly Dodge their attacks and just naturally tank a lot of hits here now don't you dare tell me I have a skill issue because this is more the case of a brain issue or an eye issue in the first half of the fight there's just too much on screen that my brain is just like and in the second half of the fight the projectiles are just way too fast that my eyes see some sort of Fango coming at the speed of light I really like their design and the lore behind them but the fight just sucks man number 43 no eyes for someone with no eyes no eyes is pretty good at [ __ ] me over every second this was the only dream Warrior I died to on my first playthrough yes I defeated Mark of first try because there was a floor back then but I never had any Joy while fighting no eyes not only because the fight sucks but also because I don't think they want me to have fun here Anna tonight her ghosts are a little more predictable than the other bull hell of oblavos but that's where the arena comes in if you get hit by a ghost you could get your ass kicked right into the spikes oh find a safe spot right in the middle well good luck with that because the boss is up here somewhere unless you want to sit here for a good 30 minutes and listen to this just a very annoying fight speaking of annoying fights number 42 Marmot adorable little Marmot she's so cute with her little face just recently I learned it to she from a from a random come however don't let that little face deceive you because before you know it there's literally no chance to heal here unless you're cool when you do one of these but that's about it a game of ping pong just kill him fast before he kills you number 41 fenchfly King some of you may be surprised as to why I put this basic as boss this High one simple reason it doesn't have spam attacks you mostly need to play the waiting game here and then he swoops down you hit him and a few years later he's dead you don't even have to do that if you want you could just although it is a basic boring boss it is a quick and easy one which is always better than this foreign garbage is out of the way this time for the bosses that aren't completely pulling the organs out of my body but still very basic and slightly annoying kicking it off with number 40 Cross mother this was the first boss I ever fought and it was pretty cool yeah that's it she bounced around a little bit that's a little bit of a swoop and she's annoying while trying to kill her as fast as possible in the pantheons stop stop just let me hit you okay number 39 massive Moss charger Mossy over here is always the joke of the community he's so easy it's just a bush but you know what he deserves way better massive Moss charger only has two attacks but that's mostly strength which one is it gonna be you need to be prepared for both to jump or the dash you guys can tell me you have had more trouble with Mr pool fly swooping down at you while Mercy has a variety of surprise attacks [Music] sleep tight little boy maybe tomorrow people will appreciate you in my heart I'll always put you at my number one foreign a literal Minecraft spawner made it this High what the fight is over in like what 10 seconds but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy those 10 seconds don't tell the fluke From the Bench ranking video I'm cheating on her number 37 Soul Warrior this guy was way too hard in the early game my man teleported like there was no tomorrow and just like chill out man not only him but just like everything is so sanctum they've probably not seen their grandchildren in a good 50 years but yeah soul Warrior is very annoying to fight especially in the pantheons because I just want to be done with him but then he teleports away for the 50th time can't believe I put him this High number 36 brooding Malik projectiles projectiles too many projectiles at least you can get into good Rhythm while fighting brooding Malik dodging hitting flying dodging getting hit dodge hits and boom dead easy this boss also gives enough opportunities to heal so he's tolerable number 35 Elder who get ready for a lot of Dream Warriors so if I'm correct everyone hates you but I don't get it this is one of the more enjoyable Dream Warriors in my opinion it's still not enjoyable but hey we're getting there instead of everything being random projectile crap it is structured projectile crap just stay in between the gaps or if you don't want to do that just Shadow Dash and ignore the whole fight entirely this boss provides a lot of player flexibility if you're gonna hate on a dream Warrior do it on markup number 34 zero more like zero bit this is probably everyone's first three Warrior and it's also a good introduction on how annoying other three Warriors are gonna be luckily Cirrus attack is very basic the only thing you really need to watch out for is when his blades come back to him but if you want you can just stay on the platform here to you unless you're in patio 5 where they remove the floor again number 33. gorp it's gorp number 32 galleon are mateys it's your boy Galleon and I'm apparently a pirate YouTuber or something Gillian is definitely the coolest out of the three Warriors I was really surprised when I stumbled upon this room out of nowhere and just found him chilling here his attack is very easy to understand and you can easily get into the flow with this one it's sort of like Marvel but just the non-bull craft version I like it slower I like his attacks but as a dream Warrior you can't really get much higher than this placement can we get much number 31. nask is this controversial uh I'm not really the biggest fan of Nazi the buildup was amazing the dark Lore behind him was great but the fight not so much I can't really go full offensive mode here because he runs like the average spider here inside my house so I mostly stay under the op hiding spot however that does lead to a lot of waiting I can probably get a lot better at this fight that argument could be made for every boss but I just can't really get into the flow with this fight especially because there's random assets spam all over the place again sorry and ask actually I'm not sorry for the bath now we're on to the good stuff every boss from this point on has at least a little bit of depth to it and it feels a lot more fair than what we've seen before well except for number 30 enrage Guardian this boss is a case of more damage doesn't immediately equal more fun this guy thinks he's the goat and so good at making you die but it's really the ceiling lace is doing the Hefty lifting here in a fight against Crystal Guardian I was completely fine with a little bit of Randomness they put into it with the lasers because it's not that big of a deal if you get hit by one of them and let's be real this guy would have otherwise been way too easy but getting hit by a random laser at the end rage Guardian could Frick over your entire fight it feels annoying getting punished by losing two masks for something that you can't really do anything about number 29 God tamer it does kind of hurt putting the god timer solo because they have sick designs cooler and they are unique by being a dual fight with two enemies that don't look exactly like each other but let's break down the fight a little bit you only want to attack the Beast since the fight is automatically over if you kill him so you mostly just Pogo on him for the whole fight then when he rolls just wait for him to finish and start pogoing again but watch out for his random asset attack that stays on the floor for a while we all know I love my random asset attack do that a couple of times and he's dead now you might be thinking what does the Tamer do in this fight and to be honest I don't know I just ignore him and let him do his thing he's just kind of there and by the way is there any clue somewhere that you need to defeat the Beast first instead of the Tamer because it's a bit unfair if someone decides to kill the Tamer first instead of the Beast and has to be in the boss fight longer because of that or is that just me number 28 Trader Lords flowy once said it's kill or be killed and that describes this fight perfectly either you're gonna be completely destroyed or she's gonna get completely destroyed cloth doesn't get to pick 3 the Lord deals double damage so you better watch your ass or you're gonna have no ass after that I like how fast paced this fight is with high stakes but with the strategy of staying close to her and dashing at the same time as she does you should never be in any trouble this fight will be over quick and it can feel a little underwhelming sometimes because of it but nothing to complain about here when it comes to her attack variety number 27 Crystal Guardian there he is this is an example of a simple boss fight being pretty good you'll probably fight him without having Monarch wings so dodging his lasers was always a pretty fun Challenge and I know what you're saying how can you rank this boring boss Above This complex epic hard racing boss of the Lord that portrays her tribe first of all you're disagreeing with science these are facts How Could You Forget you dummy and besides sometimes you've got to appreciate the beauty of Simplicity but most importantly he's not annoying number 26 umu umu is the equivalent of these level 1 new versus level 100 mafia boss ads or my mom versus my dad you have to UMO fight you fight and it teaches archives but you also have the one in the pantheons in the archives you'll get help from your good friend quarrel and have an epic battle together and in the pantheons you have this [ __ ] why literally just why we are in the dream of this random guy why couldn't he dream about our boy Coral I will leave that to the lore experts anyway this boss is unique this is mostly platforming and dodging until you get the chance to attack and although a lot of boo honky can happen here it is a nice change of pace than from your average boss so umu good job number 25 false night now we're getting to the bosses that would actually consider goods and I have a lot of respect for this guy this is the best introduction boss ever he's big he's Fierce and he's here to kill you this might be one of the most intimidating looking foes but when it comes down to it uh he uh he definitely has some weak spots but any beginner like me probably struggles against this fight because she forgot what the difference was between healing and slashing this greatly introduced you to the game and what's to come and he's also a really easy boss to kill fast in the pantheons making him a very satisfying boss number 24 The Collector The Collector is kinda crazy like he would murder your family if you don't watch out the collector can be really tough or really easy depending on the state of your nil if you can wanted KO every enemy that he spawns you should be in no trouble it does make the fight more enjoyable that way in my opinion because she can get into a nice Rhythm without millions of fenceflies trying to kill you lore wise he's fantastic of course Rich really adds to the charm of this boss his craziness number 23 Grim okay so normal Grim is an interesting one first of all his battle team is amazing of course let's get that out of the way Grim has really cool attacks as we all know but not as cool as our beloved nightmare king version there are a lot slower in comparison and while fighting this boss I had to wait a lot before getting any chance to hit him weirdly enough this is a boss I've never died to even on my first attempt at like 7 masks and not a whole lot of upgrades that's because she do get a lot of healing opportunities in between attacks however while fighting him I found it to be a little on the long side I don't know if it's because it's not as tense as nightmare King Grim or if he actually takes a longer time to kill because of his slower attacks I don't know I know there's lots of ways to kill him way faster but again from a casual perspective stop typing that comment that you can beat him in 10 seconds I don't care so basically everything about this fight is amazing but it is on the long side number 22 broken vessel what I love about broken vessel is that you're basically fighting one of your own siblings but but of course affected fighting it for the first time felt really stressful and hard but once you get it down he felt really satisfying and that is the case for almost all the bosses that are around the same size as you are it feels like a fair fight and it feels great demolishing him to Smithereens after they own you the first time around love these type of bosses number 21 Hive night the Taco Bell I might be as surprised as you are but over the times I've grown to love this little bee he didn't leave the greatest impression on me because I just faced tanked through all of his attacks on my first attempt but the video that I made on Pantheon 3 actually made me appreciate this fight much more its attacks are of course be related and he can teleport for some reason hopefully this is not an accurate representation of real life or else I'm gonna be super paranoid every time I sleep but because of this it gives you a little bit on your toes and make you feel more engaged in this fight than the average boss however the most important thing that makes me like this fight is this [ __ ] banger [Music] gets ready because we're entering the top 20. all the bosses from this point on are gonna be really good and the complaints are gonna be minimal and what a better way to start it off than the one and only number 20. the hollow Knights hey that's the game I'm playing when it comes to boss fights in Hollow Knight the name of the game Falls kinda under the Raider there's a reason they named their game Hollow Knight and not massive Moss charger although I wouldn't be against that the fight against Hollow Knight is especially great at one thing making this fight feel really epic and tell a story that's two things actually okay we all know the story that the hollow Knight is affected and that you're gonna be the next vessel to take over that affection in a normal ending at least and while fighting the hollow Knights you can clearly see that he's also trying to end his Misery by stabbing himself multiple times the hollow Knight has a lot of different moves you need to watch out for and could be an over your first few attempts but once you get through the first few phases you probably don't need to worry anymore because he's just stabbing himself a lot of the end because of that this fight is definitely on the easier side but the build up to this fight breaking the chains while the hollow Knight watches you the epic music and the story The Boss tells while fighting him left an amazing first impression on me so a well to serve number 20. number 19 the radiance going from one final boss to the other Radiance is a weird one because it overwhelms me and underwhelms me at the same time if that makes sense now after you've collected the void hard and then fight the hollow Knight one it comes in to tell you to get are you insulting me get over here little piece of crap but you could also decide to go into the hollow Knight's dreams to fight the radiance aka the affection aka the reason for all these annoying spam attacks from the other bosses the radius is a tough one because she can spawn random balls of light or random beams of light random walls of light random spikes out of the floor and random blades out of our face it's random and everything also does double damage after completing the first phase the arena changes so that it becomes a little like Pentium 5 Markov yes I've always wanted that and after that you need to climb to the top and beat up the radiance with all your siblings nice believe it or not but because this fight isn't that long you can tank your way through a lot in this fight that's why I beat it on my second or third try I believe it feels epic it feels Grand but it's also over pretty quick and I don't know if I'm the only one but seeing the title screen for radiance feels like using Discord light mode for 2 seconds number 18 Gray Prince suits I can't believe I put this guy this high but I must admit I do kind of love this goofball while ranking grapes owed I was very divided on the one hand I hate him because he's rode and his attacks are random and annoying as [ __ ] but on the other hand it is zotes which makes it kinda enjoyable so he was kind of in a gray area for me huh do we think this guy will be overpowered as hell since it is in the dream of Bretta brother you could get much better by the way just letting you know but notice guys still as clumsy as ever but just big I love the fact that he has all sorts of sewed minions and that he still swings his nil like he does in the Coliseum he can feel super unfair sometimes but so it's comedic value compensates for it just look at this man but yeah GG so you got a good placement on the list but you still suck number 17 Hornet protector Hornets protector guys it doesn't matter if you played Hollow Knight for 400 hours or for 5 hours everyone just got beat up by her in the first playthrough she's Reckless what are they so basic attacks like dashing throwing her nail and the famous spaghetti attack oh I'm so excited to use the spaghetti attack for myself a silk song someday but Hornet doesn't mess around it really teaches you that you shouldn't heal at random spots because she doesn't give a damn but once you got our attacks down it should be a piece of cake one of the best early game bosses and also really satisfying to fight in the pantheons number 16 dunk Defender this is a fan favorite boss and for a good reason tongue Defender can be found in arguably one of the luster fun areas in my opinion a lot of creepy flukes dark tunnels everywhere and overall a pain to Traverse but when stumbling upon dung Defender at the end of the royal waterways I was in for a surprise this is one of the most fun and Charming boss fights in the game and I needed that After experiencing this from his battle team to his great sound effects everything about this fight just screams fun the only reason I didn't put him even higher is because he's kind of a pushover when you refine him in the pantheons because she can get him out of the ground using descending dark but I still love him number 15. great nilsage sly oh my God one of the most stingy shopkeepers you thought couldn't even heard a fly and well this fight speaks for itself my guy is rocking a nil 20 times the size of himself and beats the living hell out of you I'm sorry okay I don't want a refund anymore this fight felt almost impossible on my first few attempts but slowly learning that keeping distance with this boss is important for obvious reasons may this fight a real nil Master battle it's amazing to see Sly in his prime time and see him use all the nail art that you also learn from the different Brothers the fact that a small little shopkeeper like Sly is such an impressive boss made me really like him and that's why I plays the missile list number 14 paint Master shayo the student has become the master because pain Master Shield is an amazing boss and I'll change his teacher by a good mile almost every boss in Hollow Knight fights with either a nil or with an amazing asset spam oh I love that but chew said no to that and followed his passion of Art and is now trying to kill you with a spike of paint I love that every attack can be recognized by the color of his paintbrush and makes you pay attention to not only yourself for dodging but also the boss to predict his next attack seeing this boss in action made me really want an official fight against him somewhere in his heart and Green Path but this is still amazing number 13 watch your Knights what a surprise to see these boys up here at number 13. The Watcher Knights are notorious for being hard as balls and also annoying as [ __ ] that is because she let them overwhelm you they are pretty simple when it comes to their attacks they slash they roll or they bounce but it's just a lot of them just keep yourself together and focus and just the fact that it is you against the whole gang of bosses makes you feel pretty darn epic after you've defeated them but can I just mention how satisfying the sound design on this boss fight is just just listen oh sorry I just I just got chills from it and you hear this six times you fight against them the man who created these sounds need to race number 12 White Defender if you thought it was impossible to improve the duck Defender well then you're wrong buddy White Defender is it really hard per se he's just straight of fun again he's even more agile now and he has sick earthbending powers and all the while you fight him inside White Palace like shush bro I'm glad they decided to make a whole DLC around giving Doug the feather an improved boss fight surprisingly I also never died to this fight because you could get in some sneaky Hills in the corner here because his dumbbells are basically just DVD logos that almost never hit the corner of the Arena but that doesn't matter to me because it allows me to fully enjoy the fight instead of sweating like a gamer and not to forget he is an even sicker battle team than his last one making this fight feel even more epic than it already was number 11. field champion now this guy definitely failed at getting in the top 10 but at least he got 11th this is probably a very personal pick because I don't think he's very popular but oh damn do I like him there's something very funny to me that the first boss used as a tutorial is now one of the strongest bosses ever double damage insane movement speed and a lot of anger issues this boss is very very satisfying in my opinion because it's all about the flow this one the HSC is about to jump over you and hit him like there's no tomorrow while also dodging all the Falling Rocks during the entire fight I really like this fight however I had to draw the line at number 11 because there isn't a lot more to him than this but definitely not a field Champion rather aw champion the time has come we've gone through all the bosses except for my personal top 10 favorites I mean objectively top 10 best bosses I forgot this was based on facts and Science and stuff all the other bosses we just ranked are nothing compared to the next 10. they are the Pinnacle of hollow Knight boss fights and just left me with a wow on my face you get what I mean just just say wow so without further Ado starting the top 10 with number 10. last kid what a battle this was last skin is basically a more agile version of broken vessel but that's all it needs to be like I previously mentioned I love the bosses that are around the same size as you are because it feels like an even fight except for the part where it is literally using creative modes like this a normal jump high bro that's not really time to heal during this fight except for the staggers which forces you to you know fight the boss you can't goof off or something it's really cool really fast and that's all you need for a good boss like this number nine Hornet Sentinel there's a good reason Hornet is going to be the main character of hollow Knight sequel because this fight is just legendary it's so great it's so great it's so great it's just so great just like broken vessel this is an approved version of the first Hornet fight way faster in addition to some new attacks she can actually block herself and doesn't just blatantly take all the hits like it isn't all you can eat dinner as you can also put up these little spikes that can be in your way if you don't remove them and fighting her in this windy area and Kingdom's Edge only helps make this fight feel even more epic like this is an All or Nothing fight that lies in your hands a final test before you can find out the truth about yourself what an amazing fight number eight brothers Oro and Mato wow what a way these nail Masters have come although Oro and motto hated each other the most them working together made one of the best boss fights what I adore about this fight is that you start by fighting Oro and then when you defeat him with really no trouble at all his brother steps in and give each other this amazing stare of let's do it together I love this fight more than shio and sly because Oro and Mato each have a specific and they'll Arc you need to watch out for and if you don't keep track of who's who you need to be prepared for a dash slash or a cycloslash they also have really sick attacks that they pull off together instead of just waiting like my man I mean they also do it sometimes but hey they are allowed to do it because they're sick this fight really shows that the brothers can be an amazing team together and are all around super underrated number seven mantis Lords do I even need to explain I think I need to explain why it's not higher probably the Mantis Lords are such an amazing early game boss fight they are perfect you start off with one met his Lord doing some pretty basic attacks that can still be pretty tough to dodge but when you're done with that the other two come in and now you have to dodge everything twice as fast but you also need to watch out for certain attack combinations that can screw you over if you don't stand in the middle of the Arena moving around this key in this boss and there was something a lot of new players had to learn which automatically made this fight very memorable when you finally overcome it the only real downside of this fight is when you re-flight them with all your upgrades in the pantheons because let's face it they don't stand a chance anymore but luckily the godmaster DLC title of that which we're gonna see later in the list number six Soul Master now soulmaster is probably the most personal pick to make it this high in comparison to the rest that are very popular amongst the fan base but in my opinion soulmaster was so good that it had to be this High placing higher than a lot more complex bosses but what really carried this fight for me was the world's building the soul sanctum is a very cool area but I also hate it I hate it so much all the enemies here are the sole Warrior of course and the scary music I hate literally everything about this place but when I finally came to the end and had to fight the boss there was a lot on the line I didn't want to go through this area again so I had one chance to beat him appearing menacingly from the background on the rooftop I knew this was going to be epic for an early game boss soulmaster has a lot of different attacks keeping me on my toes for the whole fight dodging is a lot of funner and figuring out ways to get him more hits each time is very satisfying at the top it's all off he has a surprise final face after you think you've beat him really throwing you off guard If you experience it for the first time which is never done with any other boss refighting him of course was very easy which is why he couldn't be any higher than this this boss left a marvelous impression on me and I will always stand by the fact that this is an amazing boss number five absolute Radiance now I don't really have the rights to rank this boss because I've never fought absolute Radiance for obvious reasons but I've seen enough of this boss fight and seen enough other opinions to know that this is a very epic and beloved boss however I'll leave the honors of explaining why this boss is really good to my friend who has actually done this fight so let's talk about the absolute Radiance It's the final final boss in the game and also pretty clearly one of the best you think players are able to make it to the end of the pantheon fellow Nest would be skilled enough to beat this thing but the absolute Radiance just has a way of surprising players with a bunch of new stuff faster moves overlapping attacks super stressful climb to the top and a super tricky new Final Phase when you get there it's kind of just what the radiance was supposed to be in my mind it's all topped off by that sweet sweet double damage any hitch just reminds you that if you die you're gonna have to do every boss again to get to this point apart from being hard as balls though it's also a pretty great boss it kind of just takes everything that was good about the normal Radiance battle and makes it better and more chaotic I mean there's a reason why after the first time I got it on radiant I just went back and did more attempts immediately after like it's just that good now my friends would have ranked abstract at number one but I don't think abstract is better than the boss that are still left to be ranked there's a lot of Randomness into this fight which means there's always a chance you can get if you're unlucky which is not really something you're waiting for especially after you've defeated 41 other bosses luckily for this boss it's ranked on the fight itself otherwise it would have been literally at the bottom of the list just because of how [ __ ] it feels to be sent back to the beginning of Pantheon 5 just because you got unlucky so yeah I think a number 5 spot is very good for absolute Radiance because in my opinion the other four are definitely way more enjoyable Number Four Sisters of battle this is the fight we all wanted after beating the Mantis Lords the fight we all needed in the godmaster DLC they decided to give two old bosses extra forms and you can clearly see that team Cherry can make them super epic so what the hell is this sisters of battle have such a nice surprise to them because just like the Mantis Lords it starts off with just one and when you beat the first mantis she's like let me get a booty again with all three months standing up and fighting you at once the one problem in the original manslord suffered from for being too easy when you refight them is now fixed this is what the Mantis Lords are a sick Fierce tribe that have mastered combat together and are now all trying to kill you at the same time weaving through all the mantises is so satisfying and if it wasn't obvious you can't heal here it's pure skill at this point which I think is fair because the face doesn't last too long shortly after you kill the first mantis you're basically back at the old Mathis Lords again and then it should be no problem to finish the fight this fight is really short but sweet which is probably the main reason why it's not top three because I'm just craving more sisters of battle goodness which is sadly not there it's a little too short for my liking still really amazing number three nightmare King grim and this time I'm serious entering the top three we got nightmare King grin he's probably the fan favorite boss of the community and I can definitely agree however I don't think he's the absolute best everything the original Grim fight suffered from is now fixed faster attacks more attacks and a lot more difficult and most importantly the sickest Banger in the entire game I mean that wasn't really a problem in the original Grim fight but you know what I mean not only is the music itself just a banger it also starts building up more and more each time you get to the next phase while the heart in the background also starts glowing brighter and brighter I think we've all been in a scenario where you suddenly hear the music change to its final stage and your heart is literally going faster than the one in the background and then you probably die it's basically like you're performing a dance on stage and the closer you get to finishing your dance the more nerve-wracking it's gonna be and that's what this fight basically is it's a dance between you and Grimm and you need to follow the steps perfectly or else you're going to get bodied he dashes you both go he fires bats you dash he overwhelms the arena with an entire Mario pakur just be Mario but why isn't this fight the number one you might be asking well that's because of the fact that this fight is like a dance you need to follow the steps perfectly to complete this boss fight and there isn't really much wiggle room for other tactics maybe if you're a speedrunner but how many times do I need to tell you what this list is based off of because of this this fight practically stays the same each time you fight him and that is exactly what he is missing to be at the top number two Soul tyrants oh God your eyes are not deceiving you this might be the most controversial pick out of the list but oh boy do I love this fight this is the perfect upgrade the soulmaster needed this was the first main dream boss I thought and I was severely lacking the upgrades most people probably had when going into this fight I had like six masks only the basic verses of the Spells so I basically just didn't use them and my nail was weak as Frank and apparently I was crazy enough to go into this like I'm literally the guy that was scared of massive Moss charger in my first playthrough how did I have the courage to go into this fight but it was the best decision I've ever made because this fight was so sick because of it super fast teleports fake outs crazy sword dodging this guy has it all Everything feels extremely satisfying to dodge and you have a lot of ways of doing so you can choose to play really offensive or defensive depending on your play style or depending on the amount of panic but oh my God the sickest moment was when I was on one mask and I needed to dodge every thing in his final surprise phase healing isn't an option here anymore and it now comes down to Pure skill and I succeeded and that gave me one of the most coolest victories I've ever experienced this pick might be very personal to be on number two but I really do believe this is an amazing boss fight that deserves to be in number two the only thing dragging Soul Tyrant down is that this is definitely not a really hard fight especially after doing it a few times but there's one boss and one boss only that fixes this the boss that is my definition of the perfect boss in Hollow Knights heck maybe even of all gaming this is the one and the only perfect boss number one so the mighty I'm kidding it's pure vessel this Choice was so easy for me when I had to pick my favorite boss because this is probably the only boss I want to come back to because of how good he is pure vessel is essentially how the hollow Knight was in his prime time and holy damage my guy become watched because this guy is pure perfection the design is crazy attacks the music oh my God the music My Guy deals double damage like the mad latius and because of that you want to dodge like you haven't dodged before everything you've learned is now put into practice dashing through his spikes flying over his void tentacles pogoing him until there's no tomorrow finding Perfect times to heal or else you know you're gonna get bones he has it all this is the vessel chosen to keep everyone protected from the infection so you bet he's gonna be strong he has so many different and very unique attacks that I'm always at the edge of my seat doesn't matter how many times I've beat him he always has a surprise in store for me it's sad that he doesn't have an official boss fight in the White Palace for example with the greatness of this fight makes up for everything this is in my definition the perfect boss the best boss and although pure vessel is the best it doesn't change the fact that almost all of the other bosses are amazing in their own way as well who cares if they are at the bottom or at the top of the list they all have something unique to offer with unique attacks designs sounds music and lore and that really shows that an indie game like Hollow Knight has so much love within it even the fights that were quote unquote really annoying were still enjoyable moments of my Hollow Knight play through and that's why millions of people praise this game to be one of the best games out there and I can totally understand that however I don't agree to that statement because this game contains Markov wow we oh my God that was an insane ranking wasn't it I want to thank everyone for being patient with me because I always underestimate the amount of time that these videos take so many hours when they do the script writing editing and footage recording so I really hoped you liked it so if you want to help me just share this video like it comment subscribe whatever I appreciate every little support you guys can give me now I don't want to be your ranking Channel but if I'm gonna do hollandaise ranking in the future somewhere I definitely want to make a charm or an area ranking but for now I'm down with ranking videos because they take a super long time and as a content creator I need to be a little consistent with my uploads anyway I want to thank you guys so so so so so so so much for watching for all the support and the love you gave me this year has really been insane for me and we started it off with just 20 subscribers and look where we are right now so thanks for everything and I'll see you in the next video so bye thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: MilesNugget
Views: 121,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hollow Knight Boss, Hollow Knight Ranking, Silksong, Boss Ranking
Id: k_exC2rjl10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 18sec (2418 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2023
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