Hollow Knight But I Follow The 57 Precepts

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hello everyone and welcome to the best holiday challenge of all time um i've been given a list of rules by someone that you might know and i basically have to follow all these during the play through so here is the list of rules there's a lot of them there's 57 actually and i'm gonna basically have to do all of these while i'm playing the game i must follow all the presets alright so we're going to start it off with the first precept of course precept one always win your battles and if we're always winning our battles then why not just play on steel soul and wilds beyond okay none of this is important there's like lore and all this stuff but remember everyone precept 50 don't linger on mysteries skip the freaking cutscene hello it is me the great mighty zoat the person i was talking about who wrote the rules it was actually me all along right everyone important precept here uh this one's going to be important for the whole game actually precept 35 up is up down is down it's pretty important remember that one also if you've been paying attention preset 50 don't linger on mysteries get that out of here so we have arrived at a lifeblood cocoon and i think now is an important time to talk about preset 27. eat as much as you can you don't want to get hungry also you may have noticed me doing a softball maneuver there that's another important precept actually precept 38 beware the mysterious force that being gravity i guess down is down see chat you're picking up on the on the rules here all right so there appears to be an elderly figure here who i have the opportunity to just ignore right but we have to we have to consult the precepts for this precept 14 respect your superiors if someone is your superior in strength or intellect or both you need to show them respect don't ignore or laugh at them all right we've made the correct choice also an important time for precept 3 always be rested got to make sure you take long breaks and don't wear yourself out anyways we must head onwards so i think now is an important time to mention a couple uh precepts that'll be important to this this goal here the first one is precept six choose your own fate now this game might have some things that characters want me to do the characters have like some plan for me but we're just gonna ignore all of that we're gonna make our own goal here it's also important precept 40 to obey no law by your own we're going to think of what we're doing here ourselves now i think the best goal here is to simply become the best at combat and find glory and victory so we're gonna seek that out i don't know where that is in this in this world but that's all i care about we want the glory oh there's there's someone here mysteries don't linger on mysteries squirrel you do so love a mystery he's too far gone another important precept to think about in regards to like creating my own goal and stuff is precept 53 do not steal the desires of others for example quarrel over there seems to want to solve the mystery but we all know that is a lame desire and it should be ignored all right what's this guy over here a map well i don't have enough money but remember precept 486 uh the world is smaller than you think i don't think a map would really be useful anyways all right we're coming across an asped here i feel like i can figure something out here uh precept 47 mentions make your own weapon so we're going to attempt to create our own weapon in this arena here let's see if we can do frick i'm going to redo it am i in v-sync oh my god all right we just gotta line this up here and then shoot it preset 58 always turn off vsync you know maybe i should it's easier to just do the second one maybe i should just ignore the first one you absolute prick all right make your own weapon easy as that i've made my own weapon i consider this a success toll machine insert geo well there's an important precept we have to consult here precept 42 spend geo when you have it got to make sure i spend this geo here it's a bad idea to save your money up always stay rested there appears to be some kind of creature in a jar i think what we have to do is consult the precepts okay i think i found a good one here precept 51 nothing is harmless given the chance everything this world will hurt you friends foes monsters even paths be suspicious of them all you think i'm going to trust this grub it will it'll just backstab me the moment i open the the jar it's just trying to trick me into thinking it's cute and freeing it we must leave a lot of these listen we're following zot's rules uh we're gonna be doing a lot of unpopular things besides talking to elderbugs i mean like that's pretty evil though in my opinion oh my gosh a giant enemy we must consult the precepts on how to defeat this enemy here some important ones for battles that you're unsure about are precept 23 24 and 25 first we must identify the foe's weak point let's try smacking them a bit and see if we can figure it out i think the weak point is the back all right it appears we chose the wrong weak point let's try the face weak point discovered once you identify the foe's weak point you strike you also must protect your own weak point which is what i'm doing now which i wasn't really doing very well at the start of the fight but we can ignore that ah my weak point my entire body all right i think we may have completed this fight here we may have always won our victories strike the weak point all glory to zoe oh always stay rested that was a close one i was violently attacked by this the snail this is why you should trust no one precept uh is that a pre that's that's not a precept but it's a law it goes along with the precepts rules i in ideals remember that precept 59 always get good rng you trapped me in here how dare you we will never speak again because as the precepts say precept 43 never forgive i'm not forgiving you for locking me in there even though you gave me a spell no forgiveness you suck stay rested oh it appears this shop is open now wayward compass should i buy this no there's a couple precepts obviously spend money when you have to or when you when you have money but there's also another one and that makes this even better of a purchase and that one is precept 29 develop your sense of direction we must buy and equip that so i know where i'm going even though i don't have a map i don't worry about that the map would be cheating the compass though that's required another battle one such as the way of zoat i wasn't trying that trick i wasn't even trying that was not an attempt that is i i wasn't if you if you try it succeed but i wasn't trying what's that noise they sound very brave and attractive um i need to consult the precepts here precept 26 don't trust your reflection they do seem to be somewhat of my reflection don't they i will simply not trust them and leave them to die who's this i can take them always win your battles you're about to fail that one find the weak point strike the weak point the weak point is your face see if ever if all these other characters just followed the 57 precepts maybe they'd stand a chance an arena that sounds like the perfect place to go for glory now there's a precept we have to talk about here because we have some water that perhaps can drink but you gotta remember precept 39 eat quickly and drink slowly don't drink too fast you gotta drink a little bit at a time it's just the rules of precepts don't question it the cloak is getting wet you are right precept 12 keep your cloak dry if your coat gets wet dry it as soon as you can this is a good strategy i invented you jump up and down like crazy move left and right yes this is a strat called the zoomies let's go check what's over here oh stay rested stay rested so you're not telling me what you have you're just saying something nice and you want my money well i always got to spend my money i can afford this i need to buy it i have my eyes on this one though this sounds like a good charm and here's why precept five strength beats strength is your opponent strong no matter simply overcome their strength with even more strength and they'll soon be defeated i think i gotta save up for this one but for now i guess we're using this who's that perhaps a potential companion let's consult you guessed it the presets precept eight travel alone you can rely on nobody and nobody will always be loyal therefore nobody should be your constant companion i don't need companionship i simply need glory brett is your love not in this timeline you think zot loves spread it read it so it doesn't give a crap so just wants to talk about how awesome he is down is down okay this was unfortunate i did not know that was there and now we're in a very dirty place you don't want to be in dirty places for too long because of precept 31 disease lives inside of dirt we need to get out of this place and spend as least time possible oh close one i almost got my cloak wet again god damn it i drink i drank fast too hold on i must expel the liquids and dry my cloak hold on let's check in here oh this is an important precept actually i must turn away precept 28 don't peer into the darkness we must stay away from there ah this this is a weird feeling being in this room i feel as though something has been lost ah don't linger on mysteries oh a bench i must stay rested god damn it i don't want to stay rested i have to walk all the way out of here now frick i mean oh good thing i can stay rested here yes you are also following me always stay rested precept good work oh it's that like that weirdo from earlier get splashed weird person what's over here a statue precept 49 everyone statues are meaningless do not honor them the statue is garbage but i actually want to go this way precepts 61 3 among us hmm a nail smith we must respect the nail smith as they are very skilled it appears i can afford this so i must spend my money but there's another precept that we also can satisfy here precept 10 keep your weapon sharp and what is my weapon right now i think it feels kind of old and worn out we need to keep it sharp [Music] sharpened nail there we go honestly i feel like this weapon has kind of been improved so maybe we should uh actually rename our weapon as well because precept 32 names have power i think my i think we need to upgrade the name of life ender to be even better i'm going to call it life blender get over here fly oh you see how good this weapon is now right chat because we just satisfied another precept one foe one blow preset 15. this is why you keep your weapon sharp it's all connected my cloak is getting wet from the rain oh did i fall in water too whatever i'm gonna dry off my cloak now oh it's still dripping on me hold on i need to hide over here wait is it dripping in your shop it's dripping like here this is a dangerous land my cloak is under constant assault by the waters this character is willing to buy some objects i have for money but is this okay we need to consult precepts is there someone you forgot to ask the 57 precepts are the someone preset 37 borrow but do not lent hmm i don't think this is lending this is selling this is allowed but if someone ever asks me to like lend money we'll have to deny that is this another one of those creatures they're everywhere must be planning some kind of attack i hope no one ever lets them out of their jars or there's going to be a lot of trouble we are playing this game the way it was meant to be played this character seems quite egg-like don't they well there is an important precept about eggs that we know eggshells are brittle the only like thing that's not very like is me actually killing everything quickly and being good at the game and there we go the eggshell has cracked i'm gonna have to remember down is down to use the spell oh no water avoid the water we did it my cloak is still kind of wet though because of the freaking rain oh always stay rested always spend your geo all right what's over here what is this some kind of magical barrier i've been trapped i have no choice but to read this okay i wasn't paying attention to that i have no idea what anyone's saying blah blah blah blah blah what are you saying i don't know can't hear you where have i been placed oh no is this a dream i need to get out of here precept 56 do not dream i've been placing a dream against my will i need to get out of here yes what a terrible fate to be put in a dream dreams are dangerous things this is what happens in dreams your body gets morphed out of here i'm not entering any more dreams after that no entering dreams at all stay rested though oh there's some like structure over here what could be in here deliver a gift to her grave hmm i need to consult the presets precept 30 everyone precept 30. never accept a promise i don't accept uh a lake a huge deep lake this is the worst thing that could happen now it's important to remember precept 44 you cannot breathe water so everyone you're gonna have to hold your breath while i'm swimming here and i will as well alright all right we made it good job chad is that laughing i hear important precept precept two never let them laugh at you no laughing allowed well i kind of have to spend my money don't i spend money when you have it you don't want to have too much money okay i think i'm safe to turn on music right let's see am i out of range from the laughing i think so this appears to be some kind of mother now there is a precept about mothers precept 11 mothers will always betray you don't trust this mother right here and you know the fight's not over yet because as we know in the precept we should not trust look at that that was a betrayal right there we won the fight honorably and the mother still had an attack ready yes the arena where is it tell me where the arena is he's hopeless i'll find it myself oh there's a character down here they seem lovely but remember nothing is harmless hmm some kind of uh salt lamp what is this actually i believe this is an enemy but they're asleep they're being well rested that's that's good but maybe we can take advantage of this precept 33 show the enemy no respect being gallant to your enemies is no virtue if someone opposes you they don't deserve respect or kindness or mercy i think the best way to take care of this is through cheese we'll dispose of them in their sleep no virtue simply win your battles hmm so i i seem to get have gotten a key shopkeeper's key i'm not sure what this is for though but i think there is a precept about keys actually precept 54. if you lock something away keep the key we're gonna have to hold on to this one not that i know what it's for anyways beat strength with strength let's go look at this get this shaman stone off that's not that's not a good charm we need to beat strength with strength you know this place is kind of starting to feel like a home to me i'll be honest but we have a precept about homes precept nine keep your home tidy gonna go trim the lawn i think there's some more over here though make sure i get all of the grass very tidy very clean there i missed one of the grass blades we're good now that was a very strange looking grass don't you think uh what's over here a house of some kind stay arrested hmm is this my dad precept 52 beware the jealousy of fathers should i learn this or should i be where i think i have to leave i must beware the jealousy of fathers he's stronger than me hmm interesting no i'm stronger than all respect your superiors but i respected elderbug okay here's what we're gonna do we're just gonna be wary we're gonna learn the nail arts from my dad [Music] and then there's a very important precept we have to follow here as well precept 55. bow to no one stay rested hmm strange place wait a second is that fire precept 48 be careful with fire i'm gonna be so careful i'm just going to leave ah who's this here thank her you want me to lend lend you my geo precip 37 everyone that's a scam waiting to happen huh you know this would normally be a point where you can't pass any further right not for the mighty though if you try succeed on the first try more darkness don't peer into the darkness but there is another thing about darkness that may seem like a contradiction but it truly isn't if you think about it precept 18 seek truth in the darkness now this can be achieved by just blindly running through the dark but not peering into it so we're going to seek truth in the darkness just make sure you don't peer into the darkness that's completely different and that would be against the law of a distant village yes stay rested i know but there might be something more important here there might be something that will cancel this out actually precept 41 everyone learn to detect lies do i think they're lying is there anything suspicious about these individuals you know what this bench has web on it if you look close enough it's not even a real bench precept 485 one thing is not another i'll go rest but not here let's go check in on that friend from earlier i wonder if they're doing well they're attacking me don't hesitate [Music] don't hesitate do not mourn the dead it was self-defense chat is breaking the rules ban every member who's mourning milo ah these enemies are horrible remember everyone precept 20 speak only the truth and the truth is but these enemies are freaking pricks all right i wonder if i can find that arena that was mentioned earlier i have a feeling the reigning bodies of warriors might be a good clue on where to go is this it the arena time to claim all the glory and complete every precept it's time precept 17 everyone believe in your strength [Applause] protect your weak point strike the foe's weak point every precept is equally as important as the other if you follow them in your everyday life your life will greatly improve and you will find glory yourself strength beats strength yep one foe one blow but only sometimes when it's doable at this point i'm just reciting all the precepts that's all i need to do it's not only a guide for how to play hollow knight but also for how to win at life all right what is the final boss of this place oh no mothers i don't know if i could take on the mothers don't trust mothers they'll betray you the ultimate challenge all the glory to zoe i have won i'm the most powerful creature in all of hollow nest i've achieved glory i've beaten the entire coliseum there's nothing further than this i win and now we rest as we all know everyone precept 19 if you try succeed i've achieved that and precept 57 obey all precepts we've completed the challenge but that was just the silly idea i had and i wrote out this whole route in like tried to find a way to get every precept in game in some way i had to stretch a bit to be able to do all of them because some of them like contradict each other and don't really make sense in a game setting but i think i did my best if you try succeed if you try succeed first try
Channel: Skurry
Views: 1,142,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hollow knight, zote, precepts
Id: 1LOG0S1HY70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 18sec (1758 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 18 2022
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