I Ranked all 51 Benches in Hollow Knight

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benches you can sit on them you can be hyped about them but most people would agree that they're not very special they're just benches unless you're playing hello benches in Hollow Knight are magical and the most mental way possible they're used to create a save point where you can respawn if you die or quit the game and you'll also get all your health back in addition that the map will be updated now that may sound very normal and non-interesting to you but the gameplay of hollow Knight can be tough and painful from the tight platforming in Queen's Gardens to the 50th retry on this marath and if you die you'll have to find your way all the way back I could possibly lose all of your millions of Geo but even when all your hope is lost there it is a bench everything you've done to this point is now saved your map is updated and then that relaxing music plays it can just take a breather and relax for a moment you ah because of all that intense gameplay it just makes finding these benches so much more special but some bands just straight up and some are so amazing and useful so we are going to do something that nobody has ever done we are gonna rank all the benches in the Highlight to find out what's the definition of a perfect bench is and to find out which ones we should burn I'm going to rank them on two factors Factor one is the location in hollowness how useful is it is it next to a bus so that you can retry the bus immediately after dying is it next to a shop so that you can try that cool charm you bought right away or is it in the Deaths of Hell Factor 2 is the aesthetic some benches are the most beautiful locations in the game and that's just nice to look at while you're taking a breather I mean you don't want to be looking at this I will give both of these factors a score between 1 and 10 giving a maximum possible score of 20. so without further ado let's get ranking [Music] starting with the bottom 10 now these benches look like my toilet after an evening of Chinese and if the usefulness of a 5 minutes Craft Life Hack now there are 51 benches in total yes I actually ranked 51 suitable piece of material in an indie game called Hollow Knight and I actually spent hours ranking them to the best of my abilities Please Subscribe and naturally one of these 51 is the worst and has to be at the bottom of the list and oh boy was that choice easy number 51 Beast then bench what the [ __ ] is this what the [ __ ] first of all what the [ __ ] this bench is the definition of useless if you search the word useless in the English dictionary you see this this bench is literally right at the exit of BEAST's Den so why would I sit on this bench if I can just leave yes the dreamer is right here and yes this bench is right next to it but there is no boss fight and if you die for whatever reason before reaching the dreamer it is still useless because you won have not reached the bench yet because it's at the end and two you respawn here anyways so it doesn't [ __ ] matter oh don't get me started on aesthetic of this bench holy [ __ ] number 50. Pantheon 5 bench you know this place I was here in my last video but it's not this bench that we're talking about it's probably a bench some of you have never even seen and that's a good thing this spiky looking ass you get there by falling off the right side of Pantheon 5 and guess what you just wasted your time there's a reason I do my videos here enough here because this is the bench you're gonna use for charm switching now here you say first of all if you thought that you definitely haven't reached 2005 yet you suck because before being able to get here you need to have beaten all the other four which basically all the bosses in them guess what Pantheon 5 has the same bosses you already know what charms you want to use you never need to switch anymore you've basically perfected every boss so why would I ever switch my charms here for Pantheon 5 and just listen to this that's the sound of the Pentium 5 said a sound I would rather not here number 49 lemare bench Lemaire this is the last bench that actually pisses me off you know how this bench is the definition of useless well if you turn the page you'll see the definition of dog water because that's what this bench is this one is even more useless than the two before and it's only saved by a little bit of aesthetic because the only reason to be here is for the flower Quest you only need to take a single hit of damage and you're done but dying is a fast way to get back and if you sit on a bench you can immediately retry you want to do this without a full Soul bar you monkey brain but the main reason this bench is just so horse doo-doo is because the main reason enemies respawn in this game is if you sit on a bench in a challenge where you can't take damage this is crucial because on each new attempt there will be less and less enemies and the only obstacle left for clearing this challenge will be your own Dark Water skill level but every time you sit on this bench everything will respond everything more words but you can ease the pain by subscribing [Applause] for 48 Crossroads hot spring bench it's pretty surprising how low this one is however think about it you'll get access to this bench at the beginning of the game so you have no charms and the next bench is just a few rooms away when you do have charms eventually I can guarantee you you have never visited the spot ever again in your life bruh and it looks Bland anyway so number 47 the prank bench yes I know this bench is very close to the bench made by Satan himself but the moment itself was pretty funny where everyone was like a police adapter that does give it some aesthetic points I guess plus you are actually required to sit on this bench to finish the game so it's not totally useless but still a low score because it brings you to this place number 46 tram am I the only one that actually got to the resting grounds via the tram in their first playthrough was I stupid don't answer that please but yeah a very cool cozy aesthetic but very very useless number 45 tram number two uh yeah I don't know uh the ancient Basin tram is better because it can go to three locations I guess why am I ranking bench number 44 Neil Mr Shale bench it really pains me to put this one solo but other than the great aesthetic this bench provides it's so useless you only come here for the nail art and never come back like they even made the whole safe path back so there's no risk leaving this place so sadly a number 44 spot for this bench number 43 pleasure house bench first I want to give this bench only one point for usefulness but then I remembered you can equip your most brutal charms here and beat up our favorite Banker middle Bell number 42 ancestral Mountain Bench basically the same as the other ones you only come here once for your vengeful Spirit upgrades and that's it and if you happen to die in the part where you are locked up you responder anyway so this bench is straight up useless however I like that everything is made from the skulls of all the people this guy has locked up very cool wow hopefully you guys survived all those awful benches but now we're going to the next stand where the aesthetic and usefulness increases and have an actual reason to be sit on them besides just sitting on it once because you want to imprint your butt cheeks to every bench I get it that's just the whole night thing but anyway number 41 dark room Crystal Peaks bench damn look at that use from the score oh it's ugly now well that's it this room is just black I I can't see I I literally can't see man but it's very useful in the sense that this is one of the only two benches in Crystal Peaks and it is so conveniently right next to the entrance to the resting grounds which is a very hard room to go through pretty alright bench number 40 Lake of unbench yeah I swear I lied I guess it's still pretty useless but cruel can be found here and it's a necessity to sit next to cruel so some usefulness bonus points number 39 storage rooms bench I was really really surprised to see this bench add up so low especially for a stack bench but let me ask you the question what do you do here the only thing I'd wear is leave everything is basically outshadowed by the king station and I always go there instead of here number 38 salubra bench now don't get me wrong I love a bench just outside the charm show just as the next guy but that's basically it just sit in here test them on New charms and then imma head out so a pretty middle of Road usefulness middle of the roads aesthetic but yeah that laughing gives me the creeps number 37 mantis Village bench my guy didn't let me through but now that he has respect for me I'm gonna give him a little gift okay let's see what's this so important thing behind this gate it's a block [Music] I mean I guess you could use this for entering deepness but just saying the word deep nest out of my mouth number 36 nilmaster motto bench really sick room like I love the background here really great aesthetic but are you really gonna die in The Howling Cliffs are you really gonna die in that well maybe it's a gorp but I wouldn't mind I don't like down in Cliffs get me out here number 35 Royal waterways bench this bench is really really crucial it's perfectly placed in the middle of the waterways so it's a really good checkpoint for this whole place but God damn I don't want to listen to flukes giving me ear licking ASMR on 3am actually it sounds kind of nice hey where are you from got anything to do this evening or I could take you out on a dinner tonight if you want love at first sight number 34 filled trimway bench so the problem with deepness benches is that they're really handy because deepness is so freaking big however I also got to leave this place and whenever I sit on the bench here I realize I'm gonna be stuck in this place with Joe over here please get me out number 33. Green Path tool bench I mean it's all right there's literally nothing interesting to say here about this bench it's just mid tier it's mid-tier number 32 lack eater bench now this is a good bench we even got some company oh no I was not talking about him I was talking about the guy I was sitting on because he is the bench wait where even is this guy you still here okay cool cool you survived those benches were pretty cool however now it's really starting to eat up benches that are placed in goaded locations and Aesthetics out of this world but it's a little over exaggerated for number 31 Crossroads stack bench hey man I'm sorry for attacking you earlier I I just I just wanted to say that this bench location looks boring as far how are you even trying damn I mean the location is pretty useful for the first boss as Lou Robin damn this looks ugly bro number 30 start of green bath bench oh my God this place is so freaking beautiful I just have to give this a 10 out of 10 for aesthetic but it's so useless I never sit there after I passed it for the first time and that hurts me a little bit inside so this bench is really saved by the aesthetic but still a number 30. number 29 Hall of God's bench this bench is literally a 10 out of 10 when it comes to usefulness just switching charms whenever I need to for a specific bosses perfect but sadly this is just a dark room and I don't want to sit there for too long especially with this sounds number 28 Bretta bench this bench is so crucial if you want to fight the Mantis Lords the good thing is that it's [ __ ] 500 miles away and you have to deal with seven million man this is on your way I hate it I hate it I hate it it looks pretty aesthetic though I guess number 27 start of White Palace bench really good name I know now as we all know White Palace is very beautiful and hard as balls like so hard that you probably don't have balls anymore because of the millions of sovereign but this bench is placed right next to the beginning so the only thing you'll need to survive is this white knight over here before you already find the next one and is somebody actually gonna die to this guy please don't say yes please but even if you're so bad that you doubt him you'll be respond right outside AKA not even 20 seconds away from the bench so yeah number 26 teachers archives wow this menu is only really good for the jellyfish looking ass which is definitely really nice but it's the only time you're really gonna use it looks cool though number 25 hot spring deep Nest I'm just so proud of the mess for claiming such a high spot on this list and this bench definitely deserves it but that moment you think deepness was never going to end and you're so lost and then just fall down and scream like a baby and then just at last you see this nice safe hot spring and you can actually breathe for little moment in deepness which is a rare occasion and even corals here number 24 above Stone Sanctuary bench this bench is just placed in between a lot of important place in Green Path like snow Sanctuary the hunter the entrance to Fall Canyon and of course the hardest boss massive Moss charger let's just let's just take a moment to appreciate him okay that's enough number 23 Hive bench who else thought it was kind of funny how the bench was stuck in Ani yeah me neither I hate The Hive as much as I hate bees zooming in my air like but sadly this is the only bench in the hive and there are some big kahunas out there waiting to kill me bro so I can't deny that this bench is pretty handy number 22 broke a vessel bench now this bench has a goaded placement never have I been able to access a boss just so fast unless you're that kid that fell down the pit again I can also appreciate the aesthetic giving me some peace and quiet instead of fluke and B sounds hey you you guys still alive or or yeah because we got 21 more to go let's go from this point on every bench is just very good so I'll give you a moment to go to the toilet and refill your snacks okay time's over let's go number 21 Crystal Guardian bench my guy is just too fat to even let me sit on one molecule of this bench so naturally but yeah this bench is really good it's in the middle of the crystal Peaks plus it's right next to another fight with the guy we just beat up don't worry guys he's enraged because he's going through the five stages of grief before accepting that he's fat number 20 Queen station bench hey I'm I'm sorry okay I'm sorry for attacking you and insulting you earlier it's there just any way I can make it up to you really nice well I must give it to you this range is right in the middle of a lot of important locations and it looks really nice except for you oh number 19 Pantheon hot spring bench I must admit that I almost never switched charms in between pantheons however a bench giving me the chance to just take a breather between a lot of bosses and giving me all my health back is a very goated bench in my book so yeah number 18 Temple of the black egg bench it's right next to the final freaking boss in the game what else do you need plus you're probably going to come back here plus your plus your public plus you're probably going to back plus you're probably going to come plus you're probably geez plus your foreign plus you're probably going to come back here for all the different endings so yeah usefulness 10 out of 10 but the aesthetic is just very intimidating so I can't take that okay okay number 17 resting ground stack bench I don't have an insult ready yet uh just just give me a moment um you you are so old that that you're resting on the ground oh yeah you're so that you die and then you'd lay on the ground okay okay you know this is just a really really good bench right next to the Seer and close to Lumera yeah you know I I don't know why I'm acting this way to you like I can't be disrespecting wise of people like you especially when they're so old that they're resting of the crowd number 16 third mouth bench of course this bench is this hide it's Turf mouth what else do you want throw it in your mouth will we even survive without this bench buying and equipping new stuff right here next to three boss fights two of which are goddamn hard as balls and of course all the great people hanging out here except for you I should have left you when I had a chance number 15. what's your Spire bench you'll need this you'll need this bench you will need this bench I do very love the Cozy aesthetic here by the way number 14 hidden station bench a great addition to the Hidden Dreams DLC is the hidden station how did I just notice that they both have hidden in their name I'm so dumb oh my God anyway this is right next to the White Palace and to the abyss two crucial plays in the game so the station was really desired so to celebrate this great new stack station we're gonna number 13 nil Master Oro bench he made it way far into the list in comparison to his brothers and rightfully so Kingdom's Edge is very big and to have a nice bench all the way out here is is great especially for the journey to Quick slash which can be really tedious sometimes with these big Hoppers and of course the entire aesthetic of Kinder's Edge is beautiful number 12. King station bench this bench is a literal 10 out of 10 when it comes to usefulness I use this one so many times the collector entrance to ancient Basin the nilsmith Lem all the houses over here just just perfect uh uh yeah I mean it's in the middle of everything and I well it's not I I gotta go sorry and now the final stretch is here the last 10 until we reach the number one spot all these benches come close to Perfection but only one will succeed starting with number 11 Queen's Garden stack bench oh uh I I didn't expect to meet you here right away [Music] oh that that's not important I really like this bench by the way it in the middle of the gardens great for the Trader Lords and the flower Quest and it looks really beautiful no no no I I can't sorry number 10 Green Path stag bench why are you following me foreign I must admit this place is really worth of the top 10. it looks amazing like every bench in greenpath basically and it's really good for the first Hornet fight which is mostly a very challenging fight for new players you do [Music] oh my God I thought that nobody understood me you pulled the words right out of my mouth so for anyone watching that is not subscribed please subscribe foreign [Music] Gardens bench underrated bench this bench is not only placed right after a tough enemy room but sits also placed before some tough platforming and there's just a giant King's Idol in the background that that's just epic overall great bench for number nine number eight Coral city of Tears bench this is a classic this is probably a bench that everyone remembers from their playthrough and rightfully so it's so iconic you're locked up in this new area one of the biggest areas one of the main areas and you are in so much trouble but then when all hope is lost you see your good friend Kroll telling you about this amazing City ahead of you watching the rain drip down on the glass this is an easy 10 out of 10 aesthetic and quarrel thank you so much for the Memories number seven Carnival city of Tears bench city of tearsis has great benches this bench is placed so perfectly close to stack station right next to the soul sanctum in my opinion one of the hardest areas in the game keeping in mind that how early you get into the city of Tears plus this bench has a great shortcut to the soul sanctum right next to the soul Warrior boss fight as well and of course you get a map here so just overall an amazing bench even if you're really good at the game you probably just need to sit on this bench just to refill your health or just to look at where you are number six above White Palace hop bench this bench wasn't really necessary it's like right next to the previous bench but oh my freaking God this location is so beautiful look at this but sadly though it couldn't make the top five because the bench isn't really that useful anymore because of number five White Palace hop bench now this bench is balling it's literally balling there are some very tremendous procure sections coming up but this bench has your back this is one of the only times in the game where you actually want to try out some different charm combinations to survive as long as possible like the focus grub song maybe even some live blood charms but yeah a really good and beautiful bench preparing you for all the buzz saws ahead of you number four kingdoms Edge tense bench Hollow Knight is a game that takes place on the ground if you didn't know that's it and except for the howling Cliffs and dirt mouth you will spend the entire game there I sometimes I just want to feel like I'm outside again in the game of course not in real life I don't want to touch grass and that's exactly what this bench provides a beautiful tent in the middle of the snow well I I thought it was though but let's not talk about what it actually is it's not only beautiful it's also right next to a really tough and crucial boss fight against Hornet and completing it gives you the king's friends something you need to complete the true enemy although I think we can all read it you only use this bench for the boss fight so it's just shy from the top three number three God home bench there it is my boy it isn't the number one spot but it's definitely a very very good one proven by the amount of videos I've recorded here like four first of all looks really beautiful of course however the elephants in the room the usefulness like every Gotham bench except for you I hate you you'll have four pantheons each with a different set of bosses perfectly placed bench for you to switch your charm combination doesn't work well just switch on this bench and try another one you can only switch your charms one time in the whole Pantheon so it could be hard figuring out what works and what doesn't so a well-deserved 18 points bench but two benches have beaten this one if you've been keeping track you will probably know what number one is after I show you number two Colosseum or Fool's bench this bench has the perfect Coliseum atmosphere with a far away sound of a screaming crowd watching the battles mixed in with the big groaning Soldier sounds perfect just like the pantheons you'll have different trials to complete the bench could especially come in handy because you don't know what you will be fighting so you might need to switch your charms a number of times trials might even be arguably harder than some of the pantheons especially since each of them ends with a new boss you've never fought and the rewards after each trial is really great so you'll definitely be coming back here a lot of times Ferry deserved number two spots and now for number one the best bench in the game is none other than number one the best bench every time I reach this bench for the first time I want to sit here for hours this bench is so good that it's the background of my phone yes the bench at the far west of Queen's Gardens has a 10 out of 10 aesthetic look at this aesthetic the flower this flying dummies and probably the best part the phonograph damn I'm probably the first person in the world to say photograph for the last five years but the photograph will play the hollow Knight bench team as if it's coming out from the actual phonograph [Music] foreign as for the usefulness this bench is not only right after but also right before a hard section after you've booked your way through there will be an enemy Gauntlet waiting for you which could be pretty tough if you're not prepared and after that you'll need to make your way all the way through your Queen's Gardens to get to the stack station which is a really long journey it's also right next to the better entrance to deepness bringing you immediately to the beast's Den you know the place with the worst bench it really came full circle here you could argue that this bench doesn't deserve a 10 for usefulness but it's placed in the middle of some hard sections where every time you die you'll get sent back here which is not even a punishment because this is the best location in the game period and that's why it's also the best bench in the game and I think we've all learned the lesson in this video doesn't matter how useful or pretty a bench is every bench is unique in its own way even the bad ones and it's one of the small things that sets Hollow Knight apart from the other games but I think the real lesson we've learned is that you should never rank 51 benches and write the whole script about every one of them I'm never doing this again 100 likes and I'll do this again for silk side anyway that will be it for my first video this year sadly school's still busy like always so I can't work as much on videos as I want but I'll definitely be keeping up the grind set so expect some great Banger videos coming out this year I'll definitely be putting out some great stuff for you guys like Xbox said silkson will be released this year and if it's finally out for of course I'll play the game it's gonna be so freaking hyped yeah that's it for now this video is way too long have a good one foreign [Music]
Channel: MilesNugget
Views: 111,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hollow Knight Benches, Hollow Knight Tierlist, Hollow Knight Ranking
Id: TYv9lFll-kk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 36sec (1716 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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