I Raided A Players Base In Palworld Pvp And Stole His Pals

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[Music] holy they hit him it might be [Music] over go go go let's [Music] go he's out here so we need to be ready when Sean finds US Seaman is hunting us his mission is to hunt us down before we find him I think he knows where we are we need to be ready to defend so I have a strat that might be op we can use numbers advantage and if this works we can go hunt him down and find his base as well and raid it this steal his teams the plan this is a some Daydream with Daydream we can actually have three of them out in our party at once instead of just one team at a time so it should be pretty effective hopefully first we going to do a few upgrades and we need to go tame a few they only come out at night time luckily they spawn around here near the starter Zone we can apparently throw them all out at the same time so we'll get a few more of these Daydreams and then we'll have five teams out at once since C man's going to get destroyed he's not going to expect it he will not expect it so if we can find some more of those we'll be set we just need like two more I learned the charm oh it's cheap it's cheap okay we're cool we're set this is going to be a good Strat all the Daydreams so many out here this going to be huge oh there's a shiny okay let's get this as well I can hit it there we go okay we should be good let's get back to base let's go to the Fast Travel up here we just need to find Sean's base what we'll do is we'll try and get a flyer we'll Scout him with the flyer and we'll have these following us and we'll have the perfect strates at that point see if these thugs have anything good for us show me what you got Daydream get him okay he found us he's here I got to get away got to get away no holy no I haven't made the Daydream necklace [Applause] yet got to get away got to get away got to get away okay let's fast trouble how quick okay that was way too close make the day dream necklace now we'll be ready Sean probably is coming here though [ __ ] is that se man I just heard a sound oh yeah they're all out they're all out he's here though he's found the base this could be bad this doesn't work oh wait where'd you go holy they hit him it might be over go go go go let's go let's get him oh he ran out of stamina oh no way let's take his stuff we can get all these Tams and gear we had some good stuff too and we can get his tames let's go huge upgrades now we can use this flyer to go Scout for his base CU he's going to come back for ours we need to move quick we need to go hunting make this Nightwing settle and we can fly let's go so now we just have to find out where Sean's bases just got to find him he's he's not going to be too far honestly I don't think is that is that his bench over there no I don't think that's that's just an arena or something I don't think he's going to be too far away I think we've gone too far I reckon he's going to be closer than we expect this could be a scary fight because he's got some good teams what's this sweeper oh there's another flyer for us at least he keeps fast traveling from um that first fast travel point though so I reckon he's going to this fast travel reckon he's going around here somewhere okay we we got to do a proper sweep we need to figure out a pattern for this cuz otherwise we're never going to find him I need to kind of track him when he's not when he doesn't know we're watching him so he would have come down here there's no way he's built like up there wait I see somebody up there you know he might have come over this way over this side of the map wouldn't be bad oh we can teame this too Trader as well Merchant we can use him at our base and he had that monkey which says to me he's in a spot that I'm not familiar with which is sort of over this way take this let's tame this as well this is the boss I haven't even done this yet oh Friendly Fire we got to be careful we just destroyed ourself oh that's not good I didn't want to do that oh yes so the teams aren't shooting while I'm on the team they don't shoot off so that's good to know sh we got to be careful here why aren't these guys attacking we might be in trouble if we're not careful here they're not doing anything what's this that looks like a fire found him we found him we found him I don't think he's at base he said he didn't leave his fires on but he did come on come on come on come on let's go let's go let's go I can't believe we actually found it okay so we'll destroy his fast travel first so that way you can't fast travel make everything aggressive get this down and that'll give us more time his stuff's not attacking cuz he doesn't have the Bell come on come on stem give me stem give me stem give me St and we've got our flyer out so if he comes on a fly back here we'll be okay I kind of feel bad but this is what we got to do okay we got to take out his good Ben is where's his good Hightech bench this one have to set him back so we can get ahead them oh no wait we do get some Pals we got the pals that were on the base oh you we got the pal on the base oh we can open his box we can just steal all these Goods get in his nails profit what's that dark skull we want that probably let's swap him some berries for the nails let's take all these resources uh ancient stuff I think I wonder if he went to our base and stole that from ours actually let's uh steal that cuz the ancient stuff's pretty valuable oh look at all that let's go oh more profit we got some decent loot from this he's going to be back soon though oh here he is here he is let's go go Day Dreams oh got be careful here my base now oh but are you tanky enough oh what's that fly you got a dragon Good Hits go go go go go we don't have arrows and get our guys to hit him it's only those guys are attacking at the moment you shall pay I'm going a stem okay we just got to keep dodging our main aim is to dodge get the powers on him come on there we go they're Eggo again I think they're all fighting we got to get away from this Crossfire hectic oh he got the he got that down get out and come back regroup let's take this down again well that means we get the teams that are out actually we get to we get the teams that out so we just got some big teams actually we just got that Dragon thing that was defending okay well this was a battle but I reckon our base will be gone to se man's gone quiet haven't seen him for a bit is that our beaste let's go show him what happens to Invaders on our property he's on our lawn stealing our loot destroying it all oh he's gone destroyed it all at least we get the teams in our power box something here weird I think he's gone SE Man shows no mercy now see man's on the hunt I needed to move base anyway do we say that's a draw I think we ended up even today we really need to build up properly get some better teams find somewhere safe to [Music] live
Channel: H.O.D
Views: 9,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld, palworld update, palworld roadmap, palworld news, palworld info, palworld latest update, roadmap palworld, palworld future plans, new update palworld, palworld pvp arena, palworld trading, palworld new pals, palworld pvp, pvp in palworld, pvp update, ark pvp, raiding, in palworld
Id: oVyiby-dIvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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