The NEW Letting Go Technique | Holistic Releasing (POWERFUL!)

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i got two words that might change your life letting go now i know i know easier said than done right hey maybe you've heard on this channel about the power of letting go or maybe you've heard from other people about the power of letting go right and you know these emotions that you keep stored up inside of you that affect you on a day-to-day level change your thoughts change your feelings how do you let go of them if you're in a lot of pain you got a breakup you got a job change you got people you know pissing me off on this video i'm gonna give you a new technique that will show you how to let go this is one you don't want to miss everything that the mind experiences whether it's real or imagined sort of arises in pairs there's a sense of duality there's on and off there's up and down there's nights and day there's hot and cold there's east and west there's good there's eve so what we do when most people operate through life they try and hold on to the good and resist the bad but here's where we run into an issue when you try and cling on to the good sometimes that actually pushes the thing away take the simple example here of you want a relationship you fall in love man she's a 10 out of 10. you are head over heels first two weeks so what do you do you want to cling on to it and you want to obsess over how to get them to stay what are you going to project out to that person neediness what pushes them away and sabotages the thing you want the good thing the obsessiveness with it wanting the good actually ruins it following same thing with the bad if we resist what's bad i'm not gonna look at it not looking not looking i don't want that it doesn't actually make it go away it can make it worse sort of like bills you leave them unpaid they pile up you get interest they're more expensive because you didn't deal with it not less expensive same thing with traumas and issues and shadow work that you're resisting i don't want to do it it's negative i'm a law of attraction a way out of that and just obsessively brainwashed myself with positive even though my deep trauma scars are the real things causing my pain in life but i don't want to look at it you resist it and so it ends up getting bigger why am i telling you this because the main point here and this will explain the letting go technique i'll share with you is that it takes an enormous amount of energy on a day to day to think about everything as separate okay i only want good i only want what's good i'ma push away what's bad separate separate separate separate but from a macro perspective when you zoom out everything is unity and oneness that you can't actually have the day without the knights you can't actually have on if there was nothing to compare it to which is off good and evil at a certain extent you want to go super macro there much more practical level alan watts would call what we're talking about here the backwards law he has a good sense of humor too so he makes these kinds of ideas and whatnot uh really fun to listen to the backwards law put simply says that wanting to feel good all the time and doing everything to pursue pleasure is actually a negative event being okay feeling bad is actually a positive event put another way if you try to float try really hard to float you'll sink but if you try to sink you'll actually float that's how you do it you've ever gotten in a pool or a lake or something you jump in and you just kind of sit there when you naturally start to float up if you don't panic but as soon as you try to float and you've never done it before how do people drown they fall in the water and they panic they panic they panic and that actually makes them sink or drown such is life the main thing you're doing with letting go is to not resist okay that's it simplified now this technique that we're doing just like i've told you you know there's on off there's that duality perspective it takes an enormous amount of energy to put things in boxes good bad i want this i don't want this what we're doing is not resisting or welcoming the hole we're not trying to separate two sides of the same coin there's a lot of power in accepting what is you ever said to yourself it is what it is you know and you've come to that inner state of peace where you finally stop resisting struggling and you just accept that's powerful and side point we're not talking about this apathetic depressed person like yeah i don't care man whatever it is what it is i'm 300 pounds i'm in debt you know i don't have any friends but hey it is what it is who cares that's not what we're talking about here we're talking about that inner sense of peace of where for once you stop letting your mind hijack the driver's seat and just take you down these roads going roller coasters going you know 200 miles an hour and what if this happens this happens this this and you say it is what it is you stop resisting you take a breath you go okay now what that's where you start to take your power back and these techniques the letting go ones that's why we focus on them because they're so cool and they help you with that here's a technique it's called holistic releasing okay holistic releasing you might want to write this down if you're not taking notes already you might want to go back and take some notes because i find revisiting why we do these things and all the theory behind it actually motivates you to take the action and do it this technique is very simple but very powerful simple does not mean easy you can run a marathon that is very simple it's 26 point something miles straight but that ain't easy it's two questions you sit with the thing the emotion the feeling the story that's coming up for you and you ask the first one can i allow myself to feel as unhappy as i can in this moment then you go to the other side of the coin and you ask yourself can i allow myself to feel as happy as i can in the moment and you think about this thing and you go back and forth and back and forth and back and forth now that's a very simple example but you can insert any feeling or emotion or word there for example can i allow myself to resist blank as much as i do in the moment can i allow myself to accept blank as much as i do in the moment can i allow myself to love blank as much as i do in the moment can i allow myself to hate blake as much as i do in the moment you're choosing two polarities and you're playing with this and you're going back and forth now i know i know i know this sounds so simple so ridiculous and almost pointless doesn't it it's almost just a tool to keep your mind occupied and go back and forth between extremes and what you'll find is when you oscillate between love and hate love and hate you'll eventually end up in the middle which is neutrality and if you look at the scale of emotions right there willingness is the first step to change to raising your vibe as soon as you get to willingness you have surpassed fear anger guilt sheer shame pride right when you're in those middle emotions you actually have the ability to change so just that act alone if you're in a low vibe doing this exercise we're oscillating between two extremes and i'll give you some examples here brings you up into that state and as soon as you're starting to feel like ah this is pointless like why am i doing this whatever that's the process of letting go you just sit with it take some more deep breaths go back and forth let's just take the example of love can i allow myself to love this person who hurt me as much as i can can i allow myself to hate this person as much as i can who hurt me or feel as much pain or whatever duality you want to use here both yes and no are acceptable answers you are not judging your response to this so if you say yes to i'm angry at this person yeah i can allow myself to be angry they made fun of my mustache they said i look like an adult star from the 80s whatever it is yes and no are both acceptable answers i'll share a story with you on this because this will help put it into context some ways you can use this so i have my coaching program that's personal with me six weeks on identity shifting it's metamorphic and a lot of the people i'd say a third of the people come to me when they're in a transitory time in relationships okay they either want to attract one they're getting out of one they have all this pain they just got broken up with or something and one of my coaching clients shared a win he was dating a woman for three months and everything was great they were in love he said it was one of his favorite relationships he had ever been in all the sudden out of nowhere boom she ghosts him literally no communication whatsoever not even a reply of like flakiness she like fell off the face of the earth she wasn't dead he knew she was alive but literally could not get in context for whatever reason she stopped talking to him and it crushed him for months he literally went through these scenarios in his head everything from she's cheating she never loved me to begin with she's with her ex and i'll prove her wrong whatever and we gave him this one tool and what we're talking about and letting go and whatnot just the tools we kind of give in in the program and whatnot and why he joined he said clark if i could just let go of this person and be all worth it that's an easy ask let's help you out after using techniques and letting go he was sitting with the emotions itself he wasn't judging him he wasn't resisting him he was just letting him be looking at both sides i feel like i love this person i feel really mad at this person i hate this person he reached a place of neutrality and one of the insights that he had that was really powerful is he realized the love he had for this woman was actually his to begin with and he could use that same love on himself he could give it to himself he could extend it out he could give it to others in the future that just because this person went away didn't mean that love had to go away at the same time just like spending a dollar doesn't take it away forever the root word of currency is current meaning to flow and that's what it does you give it you get it you give it you get it and that's what love is that's letting go in a nutshell it's powerful i've used letting go on a certain extent i didn't know these techniques at the time i was doing it full disclosure but if i did i'd be like oh that's why it works so well and i can't even imagine like having these labels and having these techniques to where you can just go straight to it and this works you're so much better off than i was there i was i was 30 grand in debt i was in mom's basement just graduated college girlfriend broke up with me lost a job i was 30 grand in debt i had no clue what i was gonna do with my life all within like four months so i took to youtube started posting videos to make a long story very short grinded my ass off day in day out posting like if you've ever posted a video or done something you know your first videos you're putting like 10 20 30 hours into and you're so excited you're stressed out you drink too much coffee and they hit publish 50 people watch 100 people on a good one it's just devastating so i was doing that for like six months a year with just no results no traction i started to think like am i crazy is this just a pipe dream will i ever have 700 000 subscribers on youtube and you know thousands of people that watch me or am i am i crazy right now and so what i did is a version of letting go i flashed forward to the worst possible scenario hey what if this doesn't work out can i live with that i was like i'd like it to work out but yeah i guess i could get a job and you know a normal nine to five or something and more traditional or figure something else out and then i flash forward to the best possible scenario could i allow myself to love this and everything to work as well as it can i'm like uh yeah that's kind of what i'm doing this for oh and i started to get excited started to build up my motivation to take action more regardless of outcome then i went back to the worst case and i'm like could i accept the worst case and make that better well yeah and then you know i can make it better by getting a part-time job and supplementing my income so that's what i did and best case and worst case and best case and worst case and pretty soon what you're left with is it is what it is i can't control the outcome like i want like all those law of attraction manifestation videos that people watch that's the one undertone i don't like about a lot of them is that you can control the outcome a hundred percent is you and you alone if you watch our content the vibe i try to give off and my intention at least is that your co-creator there's a lot of things in life you can't control i think that you create with the universe and that the universe or god or whatever you call it has bigger plans for you if you're not getting the thing you want sometimes not getting the thing you want is actually a good thing which is a much longer conversation than we have time to get into here so let me know if you want that in the comments my point is that it detaches you from the outcome of how things have to be you get to accept what it is you can get much better results and you're going to enjoy the process more holistic releasing duality some big ideas to walk away with if you want more of these you want some one-on-one help apply for a coaching call down below for our identity shifting program metamorphic i don't talk about it enough on here because the student results we're getting are amazing so go down there if you want to see some of them for yourself in their own words hear a little bit more about like the clients we serve and what they're going through and the wins they're getting click on that link down below scroll down there's some stories on that page and whatnot for you but we'd love to speak with you and see if we can help you so feel free to book a call with me or my team and we're happy to answer some questions and see if it's a good fit for you love each and every one of you thank you for being here if you want behind the scenes follow me on instagram and until next time stop settling start living see ya
Channel: Clark Kegley
Views: 122,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: letting go, letting go technique, how to let go, clark kegley, david hawkins, sedona method
Id: y3DtNfcrKIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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