What is EGO in spirituality? (know this & CHANGE your life FOREVER!)

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oh you were oh my god look at me all right in all seriousness that's how most people think the ego is this blatant narcissism only douchebags have but that's not the case reality is we all have an ego and in my opinion this is the number one most complicated convoluted concept in the whole self-development spirituality space people oversimplify it or they over complicate it and people are tempted to label the ego as bad and that if you want to be spiritual you want to be happy you want to be developed you got to get rid of your ego kill it and that's also not the case so in this video i want to attempt to explain what the ego is what it isn't but more importantly why it matters and what it means for you and your life and living on fire so i mentioned i'm going to try to simplify this video as much as possible in one sentence here's what the ego is what we think we are that's literally it your ego is the identity that you think you are the first thing that is so powerful it gets thrown around online a lot i don't know who said it i think it was a french philosopher who first said it that we are this we are immortal spiritual beings having a temporary human experience you knowing this if we can agree upon this or just for the minute just for the video let's take this frame you right here you come to earth and you experience things through your five senses you feel the grass on your feet you smell the trees right here you can taste the animals or plants whatever you're into you put on a protective barrier right here this suit and this is our ego just like you were on a scuba diving trip okay if you've ever been scuba diving i've been in in thailand and indonesia i'm not trying to flex but this is a good analogy for it right they put you in a mask in an oxygen tank because just your deep sea under water you can't breathe under there you can only observe and interact with things so it's the same thing with your soul that's your soul just like the scuba diving gear of your breathing you're still under there but you're observing and interacting that you right now there's some part of you that's unchanging there's some higher self that you have there's some spirit inside of you right now that is you and it is connected to your higher self to god to oneness to consciousness to whatever you want to believe i believe it's talking about a lot of the same stuff when you read ancient texts that that is connecting to you inside here okay so to recap you're an immortal soul having a temporary human experience and the human experience that you're having is protected by this idea of what we think we are and that my friends is the ego or the astronaut suit if you're in space or the scuba suit if you're under water let me break it down a little further i mentioned that you have a higher self and you have an ego sometimes this ego is called the false identity and pretty much put it is i am i am my job you know i'm an accountant i go into work every day out of nine to five that's what i do you're introducing yourself to someone at a party what do you do all that stuff here could be ego i am the status i have in life i am my past my past experiences that define me you know i struggle with this thing in the past so that defines me that's what i am i am the amount of money i have in my bank account i am my physical body how i look my six-pack or lack thereof i am uh comparison is another trick of the ego i am me compared to them oh i'm better i'm important because i make more money right or i have more subscribers if you want to go with this like in the online business space it's completely ridiculous but i'll be like i'll notice my ego come up and be like how many subscribers or followers or whatever and it all doesn't matter even with myself like i am someone who has 300 whatever thousand some people watching and my ego will be like oh that's cool man that's like six state football stadiums coming in and people watching you and stuff and i'm just like it's just numbers it doesn't even matter that's all your ego coming forth if you get really stressed about money or you know you see these people or these entrepreneurs or people you know flexing on instagram what is that that's not their higher self that's a very lower self that's a that's a primitive form of attracting people through ego based showing off right because you got a lamborghini guess what does make you a better person i think we all know that right i'm not saying those things those material things are necessarily bad i'm just saying it comes from the ego okay now your higher self i mentioned that you can only interact and observe with the world through five senses it's also been known that you have a sixth sense that's what some people call your higher sound sense your connection to god to oneness to consciousness you know they don't even know where consciousness resides in the brain you know that like people who study the brain experts in it they have no idea where consciousness is coming from or the soul or any of that stuff they have no clue now you might be thinking well clerk why do we even have that ego and you said it wasn't actually bad the ego is useful the ego is how you observe and interact with the world it's hard to not have an ego in this world and i don't think they're always bad because a lot of things that are done out of egoic consciousness or or people with strong egos kind of propel the world forward globally you know businesses a lot of businesses are started because they want to leave a mark or make a lot of money or um you know be financially free or what or status or proving people wrong proving a dad wrong that didn't believe in them mark zuckerberg got broken up within the social network if that story is 100 true and it fueled him to what developed facebook which you know you could say it connects people and lets people have conversations or did before they censored everything on there right or you could say it's a tool that's divisive i mean you post one thing about politics on there you're gonna get people from all different sides my point here is that the ego is a motivator and once you tap into it you can use it instead of it using you now the ego needs to be kept in check it is not bad it is not good it needs to be in balance but you still need some ego to just do the basic things and exist in this world you know if you didn't have any ego you'd be a baby a baby pisses and shits on itself because it has no differentiation between them and the rest of the world so they think the rest of the world they think that everything is them it's only until about the age of seven if you look at developmental psychology that the ego or sense of eye starts to develop so when there is no ego when there is no sense of i it's kind of lunacy it's not necessarily like you're this enlightened spiritual being just sitting there and just totally blissful totally peaceful and all this stuff sometimes it can also be a trick of the ego to be like you don't have one that's also a trick right there and there's actually a thing called an ego death because i know what you're thinking right now like okay all this ego is really bad i know i'll just get rid of it completely and then just exist there's an ego death which some people go through through deep like psychedelic trips or too much psychedelics and it can actually make you somewhat uh crazy uh just to be you know put bluntly like people who totally get rid of their ego you can't really relate to them you miss out on a lot of the things that life has to offer i believe this is my personal ability fear okay and that you were here right having a temporary human experience you're here to learn certain lessons you're here to interact with the world complete you know and not disassociate from it completely so when you have this ego death and you go after like killing this thing and like get getting rid of it completely you're kind of missing out on the whole point of being here which is to interact and change and level up the consciousness of the global community let me give you another concept so the great wayne dyer before he uh left us i think it was 2016 he passed away he was a huge spiritual teacher of mine loved that guy i love his stuff love his lectures i still listen to him a lot from time to time one of his main concepts is that ego ego you break that down you know what that stands for edging god out that when you have the sense of i i am better than people i am what i have i am what i believe i am my past me me me you're actually taking up more space for you and you're edging god out or the universe out higher consciousness now other people out of you looking at what eckhart tolle says if you know him power of now a new earth or his two big books he calls your ego your pain body that all the sense of what's holding you back or your fear or your judgments or your regrets or you know depression anxiety that's all in his what he would say is ego based that's your pain body right there and that when you release it all like he did when he was meditating on a park bench and he was so depressed and the story goes and he was so miserable he said i can no longer live with myself and he paused and he's like wait a minute whoa whoa whoa back up i can no longer live with myself while there are two of me or one of me because it sounds like there's two there's the i and then there's a person who can't live with myself so as myself my higher self and the i is the ego and that is what he calls the pain body that's what he calls it that all that suffering is coming from the eye and once you drop the eye and you embrace yourself then that's when a lot of the pain fades away and that's how eckhart says he became enlightened but notice i was listening to eckhart tolle on a russell brand they're having a cool conversation he still says he likes to have a glass of wine he still says he likes to unwind he still wears sweater vests he still keeps up in appearance if there was totally no ego whatsoever he wouldn't even agree to do a podcast he wouldn't go on oprah he wouldn't write books he wouldn't do any of that stuff so he's using that for good it's in check it's balanced you could say that the ego acts up and causes problems because it knows that it is a temporary human experience and so this is very hard for the ego who's obsessed with i me what i have more five senses hedonism i need all the sensual pleasures all 24 7 right you could say that it has an awareness of that and it freaks it out so it causes fear stress anxiety much of the reptilian brain and the primitive side it flips on a switch it's like a mission abort you know control center with all the red alerts and fire that up really strong so a lot of the insecurities are all ego based and i will say this that there is a philosopher i believe it's a mock haunt who calls these needs to leave a mark right i got to leave a mark legacy that's what drives me 10x right and you hear it in the entrepreneur's space all the time he would actually say that's one of the most egoic things you can do or have or a mindset because that's called the neuromortality complex okay and that the ego knows that it's time is limited right temporary human being and if you don't integrate yourself that you're an immortal spiritual being inside there just like you're in a suit right and you're breathing the oxygen you're following me right you go on needing these immortality complexes you kind of walk through life blind and so you need to get your name on a library you need to build the biggest business in the world so that you will be remembered you need to get a statue you need to conquer other civilizations you need to dominate that's all egoic energy because it knows i'm temporary so i know to become immortal i'll do other things so that my legacy lives on you could even say having tons of kids or needing to you know have sex with x amount of people primitively is an immortality complex right there because the ego subconsciously knows that after two generations three generations it probably won't be remembered which is very scary for it right because think about this do you remember the middle 20 presidents do you like you can name lincoln washington trump obama clint like you can name the the beginning and the and the end but those middle there if you're in the u.s if you're not you get a free pass there's middle there like you know a few and you've heard their names but those are men who made it to the freaking top of the pyramid their ego just dominated to the very very very top and we can't even remember them okay how scary is that that after like two three four generations all these immortality complexes you know you might look back on life and be like what was it all for why did i work so hard and when they study the top five regrets of the dying some australian nurses ask dying people thousands of them what they regret it was a very harsh way to say yeah some australian nurses have some dying people hey what do you regret okay next okay that's not how she did it bonnie ware if you want to go into that their number one regret of the five was i wish i didn't work so hard and i wish i would have been true to myself not the l i wish i would have lived true to myself not the life that others expected so those are people on their deathbed saying i wish i didn't work so hard and i wish i had been more true to myself and isn't that funny that that lines up with the ego that the ego is saying work more hustle grind leave a mark baby immortality complexes names on statue become president dude go go go go go but at the end of the life when you get wiser you get more in tune with who you are they say that at the beginning of your life and the end of your life are very similar a baby and a grandparent is very similar because they have less ego they have less importance on who they have what they are and what they do you know people at the end of their life who you know they want all this money all this power and then they're miserable at the end because they're like i have no one to share it with or they give it all away because they realize it wasn't important so don't wait to get to the end of your life to realize it was all based in ego okay why you've seen a shift here a little behind the scenes over the last year in content you know a lot of people are like i want the business advice clark i want to make money stuff i want the passive income stuff i want all i realized a lot of that was ego based and that you know i still wake up every day and bust my ass i still work i still um you know film videos edit for you guys i still am i'm on fire for business but it's now coming from a place where i have this like deep inner um i wouldn't say awakening because that sounds a little pretentious but inner knowing that that route was gonna burn me out okay that hustle grind i looked at the people who were dominating my friends in that space who were literally making like 10 mil a year and and above and i was like would i trade places with them and the answer was hell no i don't like how they're making their money i don't like the business they're running i don't like the marketing tactics a lot of them use i like at my core and so i finally was like maybe it's just the industry that's disgusting and i don't want to be a part of it and so i kind of pivoted to this more i guess you could call it spirituality space i call it self-development and personal growth and like this journey we're all on together and exploring it together and these big ideas and it fires me up and i know uh you guys seem to appreciate it as well based on the uh instagram dm's i get in the comments below and stuff so again i'm not trying to preach at anyone i'm not trying to tell you i'm an enlightened guru with all the answers i'm trying to tell you i'm along with the ride with you and look i'm all around i'm here telling you that when you reduce your importance of yourself like i did throughout the past year and moving to arizona and really like i don't need to look this polished professional be this number one in the industry get all these awards and all that stuff like i just want to be happy so i switched to who i was comparing to and now i compare to myself and it's a lot happier when you reduce the ego is all i'm trying to say and hopefully that little personal story uh resonates with you a little bit and where you're at thought i would share it and i thought i would share some ideas on the ego and reducing the importance if you're looking like i know the next question is like well how do i reduce the ego clark how do i get rid of like how do i you know do that thing that you mentioned i would say a couple things the first it's just a gradual process okay don't rush it okay don't try to blunt it dead like that because then you're gonna come up with what tons of resistance okay anytime you go from zero to 100 real quick that's your ego wanting to change because you're like oh i can do it in two weeks when other people it takes two years or whatever the second thing i would say is that if you haven't started a journal yet this is the number one thing you can do to transform your life and your ego okay and we do have a new course dropping about how to check in with your higher self and higher awareness and all that stuff more details coming later i'm still developing it and everything it's not ready to talk about but i would just say yeah develop a journal watch our videos on that here and the other thing i would say is meditation okay now i'm not going to turn this into a white meditate video but with meditation just like you come to earth to observe and interact with meditation you take a break you close it and you really don't have many of your senses because your sight takes up so much energy you close it you go within and you can observe and interact with your own thoughts and that's it okay most people overcomplicate meditation you don't need any type you don't need any brand you don't need to pay thousands of dollars for a mantra you don't need to go to the himalayas whatever works for you 10 minutes 20 minutes whatever it's all good there's no wrong way to do it and we have some music if you want on this channel to help you meditate as well without ads so you can just zone out and do it that's pretty much all i got thank you so much for watching please like this video subscribe for more and turn those bell notifications off youtube's funny with their algorithms and stuff and i will see you in the next video until then stop settling start living see ya
Channel: Clark Kegley
Views: 21,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qw1dYVBYeKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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