Playing Skyblock in 2024

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the other day I was watching a super old Sky Block video as you can tell I was pretty bored but that got me thinking what is Sky Block like now 15 years later I mean has anything changed is it finally possible to beat the game well today I'm going to find out no my wood oh no oh God my wood come back as you can see we off to a great start okay let's just go and get the basic stuff out the way like building a cobble generator oh God oh God oh God all right it's working we got a working Cobble farm and a new sapling nice okay let's go and get some Cobble and pillar over to the other Islands because I I want to see what's over [Music] there this is so much fun oh we got 34 okay where should we go through first we can go over there there or let's go there the most boring looking Island [Music] uh we didn't make it okay uh let's just keep Mining and what's in the chest oh oh 10 obsidian don't mind if I do okay now I guess we can go to Nether which is a exciting okay the things we need are ortal flames and eye Enders so we can go to the end and kill the dragon I'm guessing you get from these islands so I think the first goal should be just go to all these islands here and just see what's there okay how much we got we got 48 Cobblestone that should be enough now to go to that Island like what what's in that chest I reckon fiend and we're here nice okay oh glow boes don't mind if I do and it's so dark now okay what's in in the chest um nothing why is why do a dash dead Bush for God okay I might as well take him oh actually there is wood though let's just leave this island for now uh I'm thinking how on Earth we get to the end because the goal is to beat the Ender Dragon in this recording I don't know how I'm going to do it but that's the goal oh skeleton should we try and kill it this could go terribly actually no let's go and just put some separ way but let's put everything in here and go on a little suicide mission okay go go go go go go go go go get out of here idiot I feel so powerful um I I did kind of want the bones to be honest but you know at least it's better off him being dead than me okay so the next thing we need is Flint because we need to go and light the nether portal I'm guessing it'll either be over there or over there so I think next goal should be going over there going over there trying to get some flint and then hopefully uh we can go to the nether can you stop burning stop it bam bam slabs uh should we go let's go over here next this looks quite uh fancy bam okay we're here we got some torches we got that's about it and what's in the chest more useless stuff what am I meant to do with fog spawn I need Flint okay we got skull at least and a turtle egg I don't know how that's going to help us but I mean it's something okay uh should we I guess our last hope is going over there that if there's not Flint there I I don't know what we're going to do and we are here and oh there's bees here nice okay please please be flin in here I I don't know what to do without it bam there's no FL it why is there why is there no Flint I need Flint I don't know what to do without it I don't need these stupid Cherry saplings I need Flint what what do I do then I don't know what to how do I get to Nether without Flint ooh that's what the lava is for okay I have a plan I have a plan okay so if we' go and place the obsidian down uh like here I guess that'll probably best way to do it so Bam Bam okay do not misplace do not misplace and Bam bam okay can now if we get some wood do we have any wood on us no we don't okay let's go and get some wood So the plan is I'm going to use the lava and wood to burn um the nether portal that'll uh that'll do okay I haven't done this before I don't know how will it work so even if it if it will work but um I mean we we'll see we'll see so place that there will that work I don't know oh okay that's that's something okay it's got to try and burn this side of the oak so it might take a while to get there any second now any second now this this taking go faster is this even possible I don't know if if the did the lava even burn the side of the wood I feel like it wouldn't even reach that part I feel like it would go for this bit or this bit ow no oh hang on the thing just burned but the wrong place great okay no idea no idea let's try and put the wood on this side and then can we have this coming over to here we can and then hopefully that should oh oh it worked yes I'm a genius okay to the Nether and is it oh it is a Sky Block oh and there are more and there's more Islands as well and over there what's in here oh the end portal Flames that sorted out a whole end portal issue bam okay nice the end portal frame is down uh I think next plan should be let's try and extend this wood Farm because this is atrocious [Music] this is some very captivating work just mining cobblestone in silence okay that's the U wood Farm technically almost finished however I want to go and kill this spider because I want a bed so we can skip the knights um do I have a sword no uh let's go and make an axe bam okay let's try not to uh try not to die yes we did it any more spiders who else wants it no one okay there's literally there's literally no one here I'm all alone I'm going to say it's Sky Block is such like a weird like way of playing Minecraft I've got these flowers for no reason in inventory but like this these are the only flowers I can get um so it's almost like I need to cherish them almost it's it's like a weird way to play okay let's go make a furnace as well so we can start cooking some wood to get some torches to go and light this place up cuz right now it's very dark all right what's cooking uh that's such a weird way to say it the woods cooking okay so I think the next thing I want to do I want to go look at those islands in the Nether um there there's got to be something there surely cuz I mean what what could be there I guess blaze powder I guess we we really do need that I haven't got any yet and that's the one thing sto is from going to the end so hopefully that's there uh we do need some more Cobble though to actually get there I SP this entire video is just me mining Cobble it's so annoying oh my God how much obsidian is that oh a stack and a half oh I've been mining cobblestone for so long and I've only got a stack and a half okay but that hopefully should be enough to get us to the uh two islands uh I hope let's go and get some more there go let's go to the islands and there's mobs there now great uh that one looks better oh Enderman shoot I did not want to do that um I didn't mean to look at him uh okay let's let's hopefully he forges me but by the time I get there but if not that is bad he teleports to me now and just pushes me off oh we here is he here no he's not nice okay what's in here a diamond mushroom warts pretty much all useful stuff I guess the diamond's cool but I mean what what do you need one diamond for uh like a a juke box is that wise to make a Juke all right we're here what's in here oh no I've got two diamonds I can make did I need those diamonds for something I can't what what do I need diamonds for like a sword I guess okay one thing that does woru me though I went to both those islands then not a single Blaze SW I I found oh Enderman okay I I kind of want to go and kill him we do need Eyes of Ender so can we kill him I guess we can uh give us shot hey 3 2 1 yes no the ender pearl God no oh there's another one though and he's coming out towards me no no no no no no no no oh oh that was perfect okay uh should we head back uh will it be here just waiting for me yes and he left he killed me and then just dipped anyway back to my little conundrum there's no Blaze vods anywhere which is very annoying uh no there's none here yeah I don't know what to do to be honest yeah I don't know what to do about this whole Blaze W situation unless the only thing I can think of is if what if it's somewhere over there instead like what what if there's a fortress over there mate can I put my wind distance up 128 uh I don't see anything I don't want to go like traveling over there though either just for not to even be there I don't know how to get these blaz do you even need blaz swads I feel like you do yeah you definitely do need blaz swads H unless it's under these islands in a chest somewhere I doubt it but I me it's worth a sharpen looking and is over here no it's not there how do you get blaze rods all right we got an end Pearl nice that's one of 12 we need so we we can get ender pearls easily we can get beds easily to K the dragon we just can't get blaze rods which I don't know how to get the one thing I'm thinking that we do is um damn it oh no oh this is so annoying will I get him yes I got him nice okay I'm thinking let's just start pillaring over this way I I feel I don't know why I feel like it's going to be somewhere over there no still nothing H okay well I pel a little bit and I don't see anything over there okay my last option I can think of is just looking like under these islands over here and over there I did it on that one I've done it over there but I haven't done it over here yet and this is a pretty cool Island I it feels like a waste not to put something under here I could be uh I could be wrong all right let's mine that mine the skull and there's nothing there nice maybe this one might have one maybe I don't know nope not there either okay I'm lost I don't know what to do uh the one thing I can think of is turning to you guys does anyone know how to beat this thing please tell me uh I don't know I don't know how to do that cuz I don't want to go and cheat I don't want to go and search online however it's not cheating if you guys tell me because that's technically that's your guys' fault not mine so um if you know how to beat this let me know down below uh and then in the next episode we'll try and complete this complete this map and kill the dragon so yeah subscribe daily videos every single day that's what daily videos means uh yeah bye
Channel: Tiny Myles
Views: 224,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pFkDyhHRm5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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