The REAL one Block Challenge

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yo I'm budget Monk and this is my impossible Sky Block series in this series I plan to take this world to its absolute limits it's just like a regular Sky Block world except there's no tree no chest no blocks and no other Island but we do have block this is the real vanilla one block [Music] challenge why are we still here just to [Music] suffer [Music] um all righty guys Welcome to our brand new world here a world which is composed almost entirely a void so starting from square one I suppose literally uh this is our world composed of one dirt grass block all righty guys so the goal here for first episode is to obtain a second block and to extrapolate that principle in the future obtain more blocks and use them to flesh out our world so that block that is theoretically accessible right now is the snow block and in order to obtain a snow block you need to craft it out of four snowballs in order to obtain snowballs we need to pick up snow layers on top of blocks which requires it to snow we are in a snowy Tiger Biome so it does snow and it requires you of course to have a shovel now a shovel is accessible without crafting it via a zombie who has a shovel in hand dropping that shovel but in order to obtain that shovel we need a shovel zombie which means we need a location for the zombie to spawn and that zombie can spawn on the only spawnable Block in our world which is our one grass block in order to achieve this we're going to need to make distance between ourself and this spawn location by jumping off of the block the issue is however that if you are within 24 blocks of the spawn location no Min Hostile Mobs will spawn and if you are Beyond 128 blocks from the spawn location then anything that may have spawned will despawn so The Sweet Spot is in between these two numbers and in order to actually fall off the block and die within this sweet spot we're going to need to reduce our health down to two or so Hearts the only way that we can potentially do that is by starving ourself so we have our first objective and task of jumping up and down until hunger kicks in an increased rate [Music] [Music] n wow so guys I just unpaused the game I was about to show you guys where the Moon is located and talk about how it's coming up on 24 hours in game one Minecraft day so uh because the moon is going down so the timing on my starvation is bad because if I was to um keep jumping we would starve during the day time so I'm going to slow it down meanwhile as soon as iused the game it it actually started snowing for the first time we are in a a snowy Tiger Biome which is crucial to this world but um with the exception of the Horizon like that glowing up uh we actually can't see the location of the Moon and I believe the Sun as well during a sort of snowstorm like this so therefore that does actually make this a little bit awkward and it looks like I'm going to be spending the day um well trying not to lose my sanity here while we just wait until the next night uh if I get an indication that the sun is beginning to go down I'll keep jumping and the timing should be right in that case so we're going to be waiting and then jumping again [Music] if I wasn't bewildered enough guys uh I thought the sun was going down but as it turns out it's just lightning so it's gotten a little bit more dim uh it would be awfully awkward if I was to get struck by lightning just because I've been here for probably over 20 minutes now with the jumping and then waiting for the next night myself and my dirt block are shivering here in the cold and um we're definitely not losing our marbles we're not going crazy uh the two of us but I believe I mean just judging by timing uh the sun should be going down shortly and I still have two hunger I'm just going to there it is there it is I see that is actually the sun setting so I'm going to start jumping there we go I'm down to 1.5 hunger that times out pretty well um hopefully the snow lets up during the the night so that I can see the location of the Moon to give a determination as to what time it is but it really doesn't matter too much um about timing as long as it's nighttime no way and the snow lights up beautiful okay right as the sun goes down the moon comes up that's perfect so now I have my wits about [Music] me well here we are and the moon has just gone past the peak of the sky which means you know it's slowly moving towards daytime or morning here and uh I do want the timing to be pretty good where the sun's coming up soon but it's not crucially important so I'm going to start jumping uh my concern guys uh is that by the time I starve the sun is coming up that would be really awkward so on the Quest for our first checkpoint here which is going to be at low health during the night we're going to finish this up by starving ourself boom there it is so I believe basically the first tick of the Void does two hearts so I should die as soon as I make contact with the void I probably take half a heart or so from starvation as we fall down but I'm going to go ahead and save this here guys and I'm going to make a backup and then we can just reload the game and fall again and again from this point I had the realization that if I actually jump off and then if I make a save file here uh when I load the save file I will actually already be falling so by cutting out that couple seconds um it just means a second or so from every single time I I load the game so I'm actually going to make a safe file here so I load full respawn exit out load full respawn [Music] Etc so after getting into a good Rhythm and a good routine I found that it took approximately 10 seconds per attempt so I would fall down save and exit transfer save file reopen the game fall down and check if there's a mob there and so on and so forth each one took about 10 seconds once I got into it and that means that I was doing roughly six per minute and therefore 60 * that is an hour right which is 360 per hour now let's be conservative so we know my math I'm kind of underestimating it and just you know take into account the fact that I might take a momentary break just rest my hand stand up stretch whatever and let's say that I was doing 333 or 334 per hour that means after 3 hours roughly I'm doing in surplus of 1,000 attempts now the reason I'm using 3 hours as sort of a benchmark is because I can tell you right now that on the first night I did this straight for three hours and how many mobs do you think spawned within that period the answer is zero I never knew it would be this bad zero mobs in 3 hours of grinding guys I went through a total of 5 hours on that initial night I resorted to actually going to a testing world to just do a little bit of a simulation here you can see that this level where these zombies are is -61 and that is actually the same level as my block within my impossible Sky Block World and if I fall into the void but I just started flying here I uh slowly descend in order to basically just simulate the fact that I would die on the first tick of void damage because my health is so low so I I just slowly lowered myself in then I would find that the zombies in fact are still here whereas I just fall completely then they would despawn as I'll simulate here in a second um but therefore that meant that I could rest assured that um they were not actually spawning and I was not receiving the results due to the fact that I did a simulation here so it just meant that in fact they were not spawning and with that being said I do have hindsight now and one thing I did realize is if my WI access was a little bit higher then that would give a small window and we're talking about a fraction of a second per drop of extended duration in which the mobs could spawn now there are reasons why my world is so low and one of which is that we avoid Phantoms we need to be below the world in the negative to avoid Phantoms but there are many other reasons I could explain as to why we are low on the y- axis and therefore um if I could do it over I would be a little bit higher but at the end of the day it it would be a fairly trivial contribution to increase the likelihood after falling for about 3 hours without seeing any results I basically gave up for that night but I certainly was incredibly demoralized guys and what I did is I basically did in between about 30 minutes to 3 hours every day for almost a month and what you're about to see are the highlights the results of that after a while I stopped recording because honestly I had actually given up on the project overall but the fact is I just had tons and tons of daa of failed Falls and I just stopped recording at that point but after what was actually like the eighth mob I came back that day and I decided I would hit record so you're about to see what happens no way there's a skeleton oh my gosh it's been like uh it's a skeleton so the first mob well that's awkward I just fell immediately off um oh my gosh wow I mean that's proof that it works it's been can't tell you how long well over a thousand attempts but they gave me a huge shock all I do is like pause and save and exit again so um yeah I guess that's proof that it works but what a grind okay wow that's the second mob um that's mob number two now uh I got such a shock I I almost jumped or walked directly off of the block I've got to make sure that doesn't happen that didn't take too long compared to the first one guys maybe a couple hundred um wow mod number two okay oh my gosh first zombie oh my gosh let's go uh how do I tell if he has a shovel I mean obviously he not likely to but um this is the third mob guys uh that took a long really long time maybe almost a thousand since the the second one but it's a zombie uh I I have done some testing guys um I think you get a little grace period here let let me just check if oh I stayed on yeah nice okay well no shovel obviously um okay speaking of which let's just play around with this a little bit here um I'm going to pretend he does now can I yeah there's a grace period there you see that uh when you respawn they don't don't hit you for like a second or so mob number three guys mob number three so this is something that I just need to plug away at and just hope to get lucky no there is no way I can't believe this there this zombie shovel I need to fix it out and uh make a save file but uh this is the ninth mob guys I think I stopped recording because uh I can't believe it this this is like the third zombie in total oh my gosh I'm so lucky dude I can't even believe my eyes a shovel zombie wait I made it the F check one let's go oh my [Music] gosh still can't believe I need to die on the okay so close one more hit one more hit so the next checkpoint is to die on the Block uh without getting knocked off if I get knocked off I can actually get knocked off if I'm low health because then he wouldn't reset if he's on top but we both need to stay on the Block I'm dead on the Block and then I hit wait uh until the sun comes up before heading respawn so that's the next checkpoint it's going to take many attempts dang it one two oh yes okay I fell uh I'm going to assume we're good yeah we're good we're good I mean I can hear him yes dude that was too bad two attempts so I imagine if I'm editing I'm going to cut the stuff out guys the like I said the objective is to uh wait until he starts burning respawn and make a save file there [Music] it's daytime wow so good so good okay okay I'm going to make a safe all here the ideal is that I can get into a position where he's one hit from Death so I just load in punch him one time right he took a lot of damage one 2 3 4 6 six okay I think there's a way I can cheese this uh it seems like when you open and close the game there's a grace period as well one two three four okay try that again maybe no jumping this time oh it seems like I do need a jump H we'll see there it is oh my gosh let's go I've got a save I jump and punch as soon as loading in it's time to farm my zombie shovel let's go my shovel my shovel and then we'll have our first snow L [Music] here why are we still here just to [Music] suffer [Music] there it is guys about a months of grinding in the making woohoo and our first snow layer which has been waiting for us ever since the first night it snowed boom there we go get rid of the zombie flesh uh yeah all I need to do is to wait until it snows again and we're going to have our first friend for Arnold I just paused it guys I was tapped out but I just notic it's finally started snowing again uh we're about to obtain our second third and hopefully fourth layer which is going to give us our second Block in the entire game oh man I can't wait and of course obtaining a friend for Arnold guys so I went a little bit crazy here with the ups and downs dropping the grinds here over the course of a month um and Arnold has been my best friend it's just been me and him uh hanging out together uh but he's a little bit lonely and he deserves a friend so I'd really like suggestions guys if you could name the second block that we're ever going to place down in this world leave a comment down below and the one that gets the most uploads will officially be the name of our snow block our first snow block and as this is obviously going to be the center of our world guys the grass block I hope that one day I have more dirt blocks more grass blocks and I will to preserve our first and second block ever as like mannequins or something like that Arnold at his friend as a memory for this historic occasion so let's go lay number two just needed to update here our one block it's not their likely it takes a while we just need it to update two more times and I'm for three one more and there it is the fourth snowball oh my gosh what a magnanimous occasion this is the first time I've crafted anything in this world and it is our second block let's go and just like that the size of my world has doubled and Arnold has a [Music] friends I can't see the end but we'll see it [Music] through get on we on top of the [Music] world dangerous times don't fly too [Music] high be sure to keep the
Channel: BudgetMC
Views: 273,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sandiction, ACookieGod, Wunba, WadZee, Aidn, Skyes, Wildez, Mello, and people from SMPs like Grian and Mumbo Jumbo from Hermitcraft, Parrot, 4CVIT, ashswagg, baconwaffles0, BranzyCraft, ClownPierce, ItzSubz_, JumperWho, Leow0ok, Mapicc, McClutchYT, and rekrap2 from the Lifesteal SMP, and Technoblade and Dream from the Dream SMP., one block minecraft, animation, minecraft animation, minecraft challenge, minecraft survival, minecraft mods, minecraft mod, minecraft gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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