I Played Pokemon Storm silver For 100 Hours... Here's What Happened! (Rom hack)

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well hello everyone my name is wigo and welcome to 100 hours in pokemon soul silver well kind of we won't be playing the regular soul silver in this video we'll be playing a rom hike called storm silver the reason why i didn't go for the regular soul silver is because i wanted to complete the entire pokedex which you can do in regular soul silver without doing any trading and in storm silver it is very possible as every single pokemon is available to you but completing the entire pokedex isn't our only goal i have once again made a sheet where you can see all of the milestones that i'm going to have to complete while playing these 100 hours starting off with defeating the champion for the second time so you have to get your 16 gym badges and then beat the champion in the rematch battle number two i have to defeat red on top of mount silver number three i have to complete the entire pokedex this is definitely going to be the hardest thing on the entire list believe me over 490 pokemon have to be captured we also have to capture a shiny pokemon so not the red gyarados it has to be a legitimate shiny i also want to capture every single unknown and unravel the mystery of the unknowns at the ruins of alf i'm going to give one pokemon up to level 100 which is going to be one of the more easier tasks but still going to take quite a while and last but not least i want to get first place in one of the poke athlon's categories so that's quite a list that we're going to have to complete so let me know in the comments down below if you think we're going to be able to get all of this done now let me whip up a list for you guys let's try to smash 15 000 likes and let's also try to get 300 000 subscribers in the near future with that out of the way let's see how i spent my 100 hours in pokemon storm silver i pick myself the boy character and name it 100 h after 100 hours i decide to pick cyndaquil but only because pokemon legends arceus is dropping probably today if you're watching this video so let me know in the comments down below what your starter in pokemon legends arceus will be we then do one of the most important things in the run picking your window type i went with number 16 because it has these nice little pokeballs in the corners we then immediately start off with a custom event cynthia is standing in front of mr pokemon's house and she's ready to give you an eevee and this is the only eevee available in the game so we're going to have to do some reading later we get a mystery egg inside the house and also the pokedex which means that we can start filling it out but not before we beat up our rivals totodile and returned back to the lab to report him to the authorities i decided to name him dialga named after the biggest enemy of ours the god of time we then normally have to do the starting tutorial but in this game it's been removed which is absolutely amazing because i think that most people know how to catch a pokemon by now lyra gives us a set of balls which we use to capture all of the tiny creatures that inhabit these routes getting most of the first route birds like starly and pidgey but also sentrits zigzagoons and many more including ralts which we have to capture two of because you need a gallate and a gardevoir we then take on youngster joey the most important trainer in the game but he sally enough only has a level 7 rattata which gets burned by my cyndaquil we then go to the nearest cave the dark cave and we pick up some pokemon there and as we're doing that our cyndaquil evolves into aquilava a pretty important moment as this is the first evolution in our 100 hours of gameplay we then take on the bellsprout cult that has inhabited this tower but after you beat the head sage he gives you a stone to evolve your eevee and i picked the water stone because i was just mashing the a button since there is a first gym leader on the menu right now we are going to be getting a couple of electric type pokemon like magnemite and mareep we also evolve our marip into a fluffy and with these pokemon we can easily go and take on faulkner as we are already 4 hours and 40 minutes in and only have a pokedex total of 44. this battle was pretty easy though kulava taking out the first pokemon and then fluffy taking out the entirety of his team with thundershocks oh yeah i should have probably mentioned this but trainers have been significantly buffed up in this game after acquiring our first gym batch we then pick up an egg which we also will have to hatch and i then go back to the bellsprout tower to see if i missed any pokemon there and there was a chat out with a really really low encounter chance that just wouldn't want to be captured after a lot of running around though i managed to eventually get it so we can now move on to union cave where we can get a lot of nice pokemon like bagon gibble and aeron all pokemon with really high evolution levels so we won't be using them for quite a while as we reach the next pokemon center we have to do a quiz with this guy and he then gives you a starter pokemon of hoenn i of course pick my favorite one mudkip but i won't be using it as much as in the last video if you haven't checked out my 100 hours in pokemon emerald video i highly recommend doing so before we take on bucks we have to capture all the pokemon on the nearby routes and caves and then go into the slowpoke well to take down team rocket in between this time our egg also hatched into a togepi which we will be keeping into our party for quite some time as it needs friendship to evolve once we save all the slowpoke all by ourselves because kurt broke his back after helping him get back up on his feet we then go to the pokemon center to do our first trade a gibble for a beldum and once you complete a trade in this game you get a convanant orb these orbs are used to evolve graveler macho kadabra and hunter so i will at least have to do four trades before we can get all of those evolutions done and if you're wondering how do other trade evolutions work well i will show you right here with a slow poke you just use your king's rock on it and it will evolve into sloking same goes with all of the other pokemon that you have to trade with a certain item on them normally it would be buxy time but i decided to do my rival first i just sweeped through his team with kolava and evie and easily got myself another win the reason why i have evie still on the team is because i thought that it would evolve by friendship but they changed it in this rom hack and i did not realize until a little bit later on we reached buxy at a time of 8 hours and 16 minutes with a pokedex total of 73 so you know what we're not doing too bad i then just set her entire gym on fire with my kolava's flame wheels as bugs are indeed weak to the fire and that's our second jim badge acquired already we then go on a farfetch'd hunt through the forest and also reach goldenrod city where we have to do another quiz to get a sinnoh starter this time i just picked up turtwig because i don't really have a preference over those three starters but once this quiz was done we had to do another one down at the radio tower to get whitney back to doing her job once we scoured the routes and captured a ditto which will be very useful for breeding we then wanted to go to the underground of goldenrod city but we got stopped by our rival and not the rival that you may think it's not dialga it's lyra she had a decent enough team but my pokemon are just a little bit overleveled so kolava once again rolled through her team with flame wheel he also found some baby pokemon in the wild which will save us quite a lot of time reading with all of that done we finally went to whitney and let's check in on the time we're at 13 hours and have a pokedex total of 111. so almost 1 4 of the way through with the pokedex this time kolava didn't sweep through her entire team with flamewheel but with lava plume and when the battle was done we didn't get our gym badge but we did get an evolution into typhlosion once whitney stopped crying we finally acquired our third gym badge and we hit the road soon after finding a roadblock not too far into our journey as we spray this three with a water bottle we then capture it go to the pc and put most friendship pokemon into my party as i don't want to spend a lot of time running around to get their friendship up at the end of the game we then use our first convanant orb on kadabra to get ourselves an alakazam and we save this kimono girl from a team rocket grunt so that we can get the hm for surf once acquired we trade away our mime junior for a smoochum which is also going to grant us another convenant orb dialga then stands in our way at the burn tower so i showed him who's boss with my eevee and fully evolved starter typhlosion we then watch three doggos run away and it's not going to be nice for me to start hunting two of them as roaming pokemon but it's definitely a thing i'm going to have to free up some time for morty then finally goes back to his gym duties and we start to take him on with evie and typhlosion again fighting and lava pluming throughout his entire team until he eventually faints and gives me his gym badge that's 4 acquired i would say we're halfway there but we're totally not as we need 16 badges as we continue our journey we run into steven who gives us an iron plate plates are going to be very necessary in this game but i'll explain why later we run into president bauban not obama at the local farm and he says that there is going to be a safari zone later on which we are going to have to capture some pokemon in we then do one of our first friendship evolutions golbat into kurobat we get to the top of the lighthouse to see ampharos being sikki sick and we then finally get the surf for the first time ever running into another baby pokemon man tyke which is going to save us some time breeding mantine once we reach cyanwood we then do a lot of events starting off by picking up a surfing and flying pikachu from this girl and also running into suicune again and if there's a sweet cone there is going to be a eugene so we beat this guy up for stalking a pokemon do a couple of evolutions allocate an electabuzz and togepi into togetic and at 18 hours and 8 minutes we managed to reach chuck with a pokedex total of 140. we once again slipped through his entire team with typhlosion's flamethrower this time as he learned that instead of lava plume and his polywrath was no problem as we also have thunder punch on my typhlosion once chuck was defeated we got our fifth gym badge but we also go ahead and pick up the secret potion to make amfros better now normally we could just go and take on the next gym leader but here we have to go to the safari zone first because team rocket is trying to invade it with some friends of other regions you get the beat up team rocket grunts once we reach the pokemon center archer decides to do some very unspeakable things to my jinx so riley barges in and proceeds to take both of them out together with my help with 20 hours on the clock and 152 pokemon in my pokedex we finally reached the next gym leader jasmine you can't see her though as my game completely glitched out but don't worry she's there as you may suspect though this being a steel type gym and me having a fire type that's way too over leveled this is going to be the perfect combination for me as i flamethrower through her entire team getting a little bit of trouble with her bronzong as it puts me to sleep with hypnosis and also has the heat proof ability but besides that there was nothing scary and we definitely earned this 6th gym badge we then get attacked by a local hiker that was hiding in a cave just for him to give me the hm for strength when this traumatic experience was over we run into a water dog again and once using is done simping over it we then find a munchlax in the grass who is the equivalent of me because i am also a big eater pokemon we then finally run into our first shiny pokemon so we can scrap that off the list no it's just the shiny gyarados from the lake we're still going to be capturing it though so that we don't have to grind up a magikarp once done with this we go to the local business also known as a rocket hideout and put it to flames together with lance once we are done defeating all of these electric balls lance hands us a token of his appreciation the hm for whirlpool and once we acquired this we go to the next generator price with 23 hours on the clock so almost one fourth of the way there in terms of time and a pokedex total of 165 but what happens when a kid runs over the beach on a sunny day with some ice cream in his hand of course the sun is going to melt that ice cream and make the kid cry and that's exactly what i'm doing here with my typhlosion against price's pokemon once we melt down his entire gym and get our seventh gym batch we go back to the sewers of goldenrod to get changed into a team rocket uniform we arrive at the team rocket halloween party down at the radio tower but we get unmasked because our rival dialga is once again being an ass we take revenge though once we reach the basement as our tariff losian burns off his hair with flamethrower and also burns the rest of his pokemon i then found this weird room with household appliances in it i'm guessing this is to change rhodom into one of these forms so we're probably never going to use this room again i didn't really do much catching since the last gym battle so we have 25 hours in 1 4 of the way there with a pokedex solo of 165. but now we have to take on archer and once we defeated archer which was a pretty easy feat we see that the team rocket boss giovanni comes along as well as he's probably going to try to take over the region typhlosion actually took on most of his pokemon once again with flame throwers and eruptions this time but man tyke of all pokemon also put in some work with cerf against his ryperio once we save the region of the evil team rocket we get ourselves the silver wing from the radio director as a thank you but i don't really know what to do with this feather so i go to the icy path instead to capture some ice pokemon and do some ice puzzles without myself even being visible yeah you need to be a pro gamer to do something like that we also push a woman and find our way over to claire with a time of 26 hours 34 minutes pokedex total 169. nice but claire is a dragon type gym leader and we only basically have a fire type on our team so this might get ugly we actually start out with our paneri which i've been grinding up to try and get a low pony and our little rabbit is able to take down the big schneck dragonair we then stop in typhlosion to take out gyarados with thunder punch i put kindred asleep with my chancy singh then bringing typhlosion to thunder punch it a couple of times and the last three pokemon dragonair salamance and altaria all go down to my typhlosions thunder punches and flamethrowers shell build definitely saved my life there we once again don't get the gym badge and we have to do another quiz what's with this game in quizzes i don't mind though i aced this quiz as well and get my final gym branch from claire with this final gym badge it's time to beat up all of the kimono girls so that we can get the title bell and go get stuck in a whirlpool down at the whirl islands once we watch through the most beautiful cutscene of this entire game just for everything to turn into big black bad pixels i then decide to take on the god of the sea lugia who i managed to capture in a pokeball as i'm going to try to keep my master ball for roaming pokemon with lugia on the team or should i just say in the box you can do another item evolution evolving poliwhirl into polytoad and also getting a lot of pokemon down at victory road as we get a level 46 metang so we don't have to grind up our beldum anymore we also get a good bite so that we don't have to grind up a gibble so it's going to save us a lot of time capturing these boys and once our catching spree is over we have to take on dielga again but this is not going to be the last time that we see him if you guessed that this fight was going to go like all of the other fights yes it is typhlosion is going to wreck his entire team with flamethrowers eruptions and earth powers once defeated we take on the elite four straight after and waste no more time as we have still got an entire post game to get through nobody could stand up against my typhlosions flamethrowers and eruptions will fell to my feet as with all of the experience that i've gained from him my gabbite immediately evolves into a guard chomp koga also was no match for me as i destroyed his poison types with earth power and flamethrower again karen like always in every single video wants to talk to my manager and i show that my manager is actually my typhlosion flamethrowing her entire team we then take on bruno as the final elite four member because he can choose whenever you take on which elite 4 member this one was no different though as our typhlosion flamethrower to his entire fighting type team the battle against lance the champion was definitely a hard one though as my typhlosion started off by thunder punching his gyarados in the throat my explode who i just evolved in the league also managed to do some very decent damage against his guard chomp at the avalanche my typhlosion then had to clean it up with an eruption as he brought in his aerodactyl and that aerodactyl came up against my metagross's bullet punches who he could not take many of his charizard went down to thunder punch and flamethrower from typhlosion once again so he then brought out the big guns his two dragonites luckily i learned my lugia ice beam who could just shred through one of them and the second one also took a lot of damage before typhlosion once again had to come in and save the day with eruptions that's lance defeated so let's see how many hours it took us to do that this is not the lance that we have to defeat though we have to defeat his rematch in order to check off one of our boxes i managed to reach the hall of fame at 34 hours in game time not too bad but also not amazing now before we do anything in kanto i decided to evolve two of my trade evolutions graveler amichoke with my confident orbs and also evolve lombre into ludicolo with a water stone and spent a lot of time reorganizing my boxes to releasing pokemon that i've already captured the evolutions of and also make everything look nice and fancy and as you can see here i use another kind of orb the adobe orb to evolve my eevee into espeon we then board the bow that is going to bring us to kanto and on this boat we have to play hide and seek with a little girl just like you have to do on every boat that's why i always take the plane after finding her though and bringing her back to her grandfather we get a metal coat which is not going to be useful for us as we already have all the metal code evolutions done after arriving in vermilion city we run into sweetgoon again as well as you seen or eugene as i've been calling him this entire video we find a weird tablet i'm guessing this is for some kind of legendary pokemon but we're going to get to that later as it turns out though you can't just do every gym whenever you want in this game you have to start up with brock and then make your way down to the second gym leader misty then the third fourth and so on so we go to pewter city first to pick up the rainbow wing from this old man and we then go and take on a mr brock himself normally this would be a little bit hard but artifloation has earth power so we just remove the ground from there is entire team and win netting us our ninth gym batch and if we go and check up on our time down at the deoxys changing area we see that we have a pokedex total of with a time plate of 36 hours and 13 minutes so we're almost halfway there pokedex wise once we reach mount moon to capture some clefairies we first run into dialga he still has the same team as in victory road just a little bit of a higher level on each and every one of them so our tire explosion is just going to burn through it all once done we capture some clever fairies to also get some moon stones as they do have a chance of holding them we then reach nugget bridge and do some fishing capturing a level 50 dragon air which is going to net us a dragonite pretty soon we sadly enough can't take on misty yet as we first have to make sure that the power plant is up and running again so we talked to the bad guy behind the sticks beat up the scene rocket guy who apparently doesn't know any english or at least proper english he goes bye bye go go we retrieve the machine part back from misty's gym and go back to the fat guy to get the red chain as well as the charge beam tm once our work is done here we go and see misty kissing some random guy he didn't really want us to jump into the action like that and she's pretty mad at us so we backtrack again to cerulean city and take her on at her gym 39 hours in pokedex total of 245 we still got a long way to go now normally this water type team would extinguish my typhlosion's flame we do have thunder punch in our arsenal which wrecked her entire team so that's 10 gym badges finally double digits and we can immediately move on to the 11 gym badge lieutenant surge you may remember earth power against brock well this time it's going to be just the same but earth power against surge after not a single one of his pokemon could stand up to me to get our 11th gym badge and this is pretty weird because normally you have to go to erika as your fourth gym batch well in this game you first have to go to fuchsia city to help the city get rid of a cloister invasion they have taken over everything even the pokemon center and then when i talked to this cloister in the pokemon center it appeared to be a shiny i looked it up and sadly enough this is also a static shiny that will be shiny every time that you battle it just like the red gyarados so we still can't cross shiny pokemon off our list i do once again capture it though and after informing janine that everything is back to normal we didn't get a shot at our 12th gym batch as it turns out she has a full poison type team and that's the third team that's weak to ground type moves so we once again just earth power everything get our 12th gym badge and then i thought i need a bike to get up to erika so i went back to the bike shop in goldenrod city despite what it looks like it isn't a bike shop anymore it's actually an archaeology center so you can get your fossils and turn them into pokemon so we get every single fossil from this archaeologist here which is going to bring up our pokedex total quite a bit cynthia is also here and she's pretty important to something that we're going to be doing later on once all of my fossil pokemon have been de-fossilized i finally was able to go to erica's gym and this is a grass-type gym once again weak to my fire type pokemon so one flamethrower her entire gym was set on fire and ash had to save a gloom or something like that once we then get our 13th gym badge we immediately head over to the next one the 14th one sabrina and her psychic types nothing different here though we just flamethrower and eruption once again getting ourselves another gym badge but let's check up on our pokedex total and our time right now we are 43 hours in so we are close to the halfway mark and we only have 265 pokemon so we still have quite a bit to go we waste no more time and just over an hour later we already reached blaine as you may know blaine has fire types we have earth power again it amazes me how many gym leaders in kanto are weak to ground so after destroying this island the same way that cinnabar island got destroyed by erupting my typhlosion we then go back to cinebar island to talk to blue who has been standing here in this corner he sees that we have every single gem badge acquired except for his one so he goes back to viridian city and we can now go for our final gym match since we are a veteran pokemon trainer with 45 hours into this game and 271 pokemon acquired we should have no problem taking down blue the battle starts off great as my typhusion takes out nina going with earth powers lugia then finishes off ryperior with serfs slacking takes care of his tyranitar with a counter and the last three team members of his get destroyed by typhlosion's flamethrowers and thunder punches that is the final gym badge that i had to acquire acquired which means that we can almost cross off one of our boxes we go to professor oak to pick up the final hm that we need rock climb so we can now get up to mount silver as well so taking on red is going to be in our near future before we cross off anything else i went to mount silver to see if there were any pokemon here that i hadn't captured yet i found a couple of pretty important ones like horsey magmar and glygar once i was done capturing everything i could find we went back to the elite four to take on every single elite four members in rematch team and eventually hopefully beat lance as well so that we can cross off that box but these rematch teams were actually way too hard to beat with just my typhlosion so i just used this time to just level up a couple of pokemon and evolve them i knew that i could just come back a little bit later and beat the entire elite forum champion with a couple of legendaries on my team after doing these i went ahead and did one more trades to get one more convanant orb and evolve my hunter into a gengar i then visited one of the areas that is notorious for capturing pokemon the safari zone i actually left this area pretty soon because i could only find two pokemon that i hadn't captured yet and those were smeargle and likitan i found my way to a critique city somehow and talked to this kimono girl who talked about jiraji being in a cave somewhere nearby with a time of 49 hours and 48 minutes so almost halfway and a pokedex total of 289 i went to take on the legendary bird ho-oh and captured him in an ultra ball i knew that i was going to be in need of more legendary pokemon if i wanted to beat the league so i went to cerulean cave to take on mewtwo i managed to capture him the same way as ho-oh by throwing a lot of ultra balls at him and since we're hunting legendaries right now anyway i went to the seafoam islands to capture articuno as well only one of the legendary birds wasn't enough though i had to capture daly bird too oh and also this big electric bird zapdos who was standing just in front of the power plant i then wanted to start with the legendary beast hunt so first i went back to the final place that suicune was seen once we met up with euseen again we knew that suicune was going to bill's house so after finally catching up with it we lobbed even more balls at it and finally added it to the pokedex total we then went to cinebar island to pick up the magma stone and this spawns in heatran he is level 70 but we already have a fire type so we're probably not going to use him to take on the league once we have this magma stone we then went to lavender town to trade this magma stone in for the azir flute the azure flute is needed for a lot of legendary and mythical captures so i'm pretty happy that this lady just trades it with you for a magma stone that's basically unusable we then save up in front of the snorlax with a pokedex total of 306 and 55 hours on the clock this might not be a legendary but it's also a pokemon that we only get one chance of capturing at so our ultra balls easily pick it up as i then went back to the league to do some more evolutions and finally get myself a level 100 typhlosion which means that one of our many objectives has finally been completed but yet again i failed to defeat the league at this point so i went to the top of mount silver and decided to take on red first because he might have a higher level team than the elite foreign champion but it's way easier to beat his pikachu fell to my typhlosion's earth power blastoise got destroyed by my mewtwo's thunder bolt snorlax came up against my ho-oh and as i used sacred fire twice it already went down charizard then came out and i decided to destroy it with mewtwo espeon succumbed to my mewtwo's shadow balls and finally venusaur didn't take two psychics to even take this mighty beast down and so we have defeated red which means that we immediately cross off another box after defeating red we go back to professor oak to tell him our progress as it turns out we need to capture all 492 pokemon and collect all of the plates once we do that we get to do a special boss fight against the creator i wonder who that is but we don't have any time to waste let's see what's next on the list as we go on the top of mount moon we see that crosilia is here waiting for us and if christelia is around that means that darkrai has to be lurking around the corner somewhere so we captured a big psychic duck go back to her house to get some rest after all this catching and while i was sleeping darkrai decided to haunt my dreams not a good choice as he is now captured for eternity in my tiny little ball we then go to national park where we find a shaman we calm it down with the azir flute which we got earlier and we can now capture it the same way as all the other mythicals and legendaries for syllabi you also needed the azure flute you just need to stand in front of its cabin and play it for it to show up once captured we have to go through mount mortar the biggest and nastiest cave of this land and at the end you find jiraji sleeping and you have to wake it up once again with the azure flute this jiraji then wants to fulfill one of your wishes either giving you lots of money giving you lots of rare candies or you can battle it of course since we need to complete our pokedex i'll be battling it here when this jiraji is captured we go and talk to the karate master he gives me a tie rogue holding a fist plate one less plate that i'm going to have to find at the end of all this our mother then called me that we had some problems with our tv so since i'm a mechanic i go and fix it apparently there was just a road arm stuck in it once added to the pokedex total we go back to the slowpoke well and throw our odd keystone in it this spawns a spirit tomb for us and with only a couple of ultra balls the spirit tomb is mine and then went back to the league with my level 90 plus mewtwo 90 plus ho-oh and 100 typhlosion this time lance stood no chance as my mewtwo used blizzard on most of his pokemon and eventually finished off charizard with thunderbolt this made me cross off becoming champion for the second time at 62 hours and 47 minutes and i found myself my first roamer pokemon riku and immediately lobbed my master ball at it we then make a little bit of progress on the unknown milestone i decided to do one of their puzzles already as i needed it to get to an area so i thought might as well do it we smashed some more rocks to get a nose pass we then went back to blaine's gym just to see that it's been taken over by moltres this chicken put blaine out of work so i'm supposed to capture this and bring him his job back once again just some ultra balls and it's mine we go to professor pokemon's house because we need to capture some more legendaries he hands me the red orb which means that we can now go and capture groudon once groudon was acquired in a teeny tiny ball kyogre showed its face after that and the same goes for kyogre once again we capture it and rayquaza shows up and that's the hoe and trio captured of all the pokemon that i hadn't captured yet i didn't think there would be a cricket but um yeah didn't have one yet so i captured it our manatee egg also hatched in the cave while i was looking for more pokemon in viridian forest there were sightings of a rare mythical pokemon and as it turns out that rare mythical pokemon was mew as we are now 67 hours into our game with a pokedex total of 343 so we only need about 150 more pokemon mew was really not that hard to capture because it's technically not a legendary it's a mythical and we then use this item called voltaic or to evolve our nosepass into a parobo pass we then go to riley who gives us a riolu egg which is also a pokemon we don't have yet once received i go back to the dragon's den to pick up a dragonair with extreme speed from the elder but this dragonair is also holding the draco plate since i'm at the dragon's den already i decided to take on lance and claire together with dialga i suppose time is on our side in this battle we then go and look for some professors as they will give us the other two starter pokemon that we haven't received from said region yet oak gives me charmander and squirtle elm is going to give us totodile and chica rita and the last trio is actually pretty hard to find so we first pick up a stone plate and go for a reggie hunt find reggie steele standing in a cave somewhere where else would he be i also captured reggie ice in the icy cave and ridge rock could be found at the end of mount mortar we then run into stephen again and he starts talking about the legendary pokemon latios and latias once he's done talking to you latios will be roaming around the region this also unlocked the theory starter gift for us as steven now gives us a trico and a torchic but for us to capture latios we had to have a pokemon with mean luck so i grinded up my crowbar a bit and started mean looking the latios and lobbing a bunch of ultra balls at it eventually though it decides to crack and add itself to my team we then bring this latios to stephen and he starts talking about latias luckily for us latias is not a roaming pokemon and after delivering the soul do to this man here he cleans it up and we get to go back to that pillar in vermilion city from earlier and once you talk to it now latias will spawn once again ultra ball galore and the other eon pokemon has decided to join my squad if you then go to the bike shop and talk to cynthia with the red chain in your inventory she will bring you to the sinjo ruins once you step up on this platform you can save up and see that you have 72 hours playing time and 367 pokemon but it also spawns in a couple of legendaries first off the lake trio which you can capture here once you're done with getting yuxi zelf and misprit you can step into the middle of the stage and dialga palkia and giratina will spawn as well once you capture the lord of antimatter the lord of time and the lord of space you're going to have to leave here because we are going to have to come back later when we have captured everything first i go to mount silver again as reggie gigas is hiding behind this pillar and since we have all of the origins on our team now we can easily go and hook him up if you then serve by the rural islands you have a one percent chance of finding a fion so that's what i do next we then go back to the meteor falls of this game and in the night at 3 a.m deoxys comes and wants to battle you we managed to acquire the alien rather quickly ourselves and we then do some more must do evolutions like shell gone into salamance and our ryolu finally evolved into lucario and we also did all of our starter and fossil evolutions most of my time is just going to be capturing pokemon that are pretty rare like this lapras here one percent chance in the seafoam islands once captured there is now a full section of pokemon that we have to capture using our radio if you put your radio at a certain frequency certain pokemon will spawn in certain areas this netted myself a porygon which i immediately evolved into porygon z and we then went back to ilex forest to try and get some more pokemon that i hadn't captured yet and then one of them was a ladybug but not just a regular ladybug a shiny ladybug my first real shiny of the run has been acquired which means that this box can be checked too i'm pretty happy with it even though ladybug shiny doesn't look that amazing and it's definitely not my favorite pokemon it's still really nice that the game decides to give me a shiny we then go around capturing all of the baby pokemon that you need so that we don't have to do any breeding whatsoever and we also do another evolution that we needed an item for dust glops into dusknoir with a reaper cloth once i'm done capturing multiple tie rocks as well we evolved them into hitman top hitman lee and hitman chan we then finally get ourselves a tyranitar after a lot of leveling once i'm done with that we go fishing and fish up a melodic somehow didn't find a females though so we're going to have to breed this melodic and eventually the final legendary pokemon that i needed was entei so i went for another roaming hunt and managed to mean lock it with crobat and then capture it with some more of my balls bill then gives me this cast form which is a pokemon that i looked for everywhere and then the unknown catching begun it was a lot of running around capturing eyes in the form of letters and also completing fossil puzzles every single thing i did like looking at a painting was being written down in my unknown report and everything i did unlocked a new area in the ruins of valve after i've captured all of the unknown i go back to the scientists and he says no there's two new forms that we have found so i go and capture those as well and once i'm done with the entire unknown report this man right here will give me another master ball which i'm pretty happy with we then go back to the daycare and do our first set of breeding and that's with evie because we need every single eeveelution after hatching some eggs i got myself umbreon leafeon glaceon picked up some stones from the market did all of these stone evolutions that i still had to do so not only jolteon vaporeon and flareon but also pokemon like exeggutor stormy and many others and as it turns out the final pokemon that i needed for my pokedex was the blossom once we acquired the sunstone and evolved this thing i went on a plate hunt getting the flame plate right next to the bell tower this man will give you a splash plate if you show him a manafee so that's exactly what i do in the sinjo ruins just behind this corner you can find the icicle plate as it turns out so elm has some weird things in his trash cam because we found the toxic plate here this person gives you the mind plate if you show her a fully evolved psychic type pokemon the zeplate can be found in the power plant in a bookshelf if you show this girl a bailom it will dance for her and once it's done dancing she learns the dance from your blossom and then gives you a token of her appreciation and that's the metal plate if you go all the way the top of mount silver and go stand in front of red you can find the sky plate the earth plate can be found in diglett's cave and the insect plate has to be gotten in a bookcasing contest down at national park one more place to go before we have every single one if you talk to this woman with 15 pokeballs and a destiny knot in your inventory she will take those from you and turn it into the dread plate with plate hunting and pokemon hunting done we can see that we are now at a time of 90 hours and a pokedex total of 492 which means that we only need one pokemon and that's arceus before we do anything else i head on over to professor oak to show him my entire national decks collection and he is so proud of me that he even wants to take a picture with me but professor oak our journey has not ended yet i want to do one more thing before i take on the final boss battle of this game and that's win in the pokeathlon and become the best trainer in the world so i entered the strength contest with dialga palkia and reggie gigas might be slight overkill against all of the other contestants in this game but i don't care i spent my sweet time getting these legendary pokemon and now i'm going to put them to use first i broke stone plates at the speed of light then we had to push to get all of my pokemon into a circle and even though we have the biggest pokemon yet they still manage to fit into these tiny tiny circles and push all of these smaller pokemon out because we're just stronger we then had to play some football or for the people in america soccer but was this really a problem for me i just set one of my pokemon in my goal because he basically takes up the entire goal and i started kicking the ball around eventually ending up with 5 points with that final course out of the way we managed to win the entire thing with the total points of 459 and the power medal is now ours now there's only one more thing left to do let's go to cynthia who teleports us to the sinjo ruins and if we go and stand up on the tablet now we see that arceus is doing something because a lot of unknown are floating around and a very eerie cutscene starts playing once this cutscene is done an egg hatches and in front of me stands arceus at level 100 my ho-oh against this arceus i could make this a really hard battle for myself but because i earned myself a second master ball by doing all of the unknown stuff i'm just going to capture this aussies with my master ball once arceus was captured i got a pop-up on the screen saying that i have completed pokemon storm silver but i wasn't done yet i went to the league and laid judgement upon every single trainer with my newly acquired arceus none of them survived and i wiped out the entire region i also evolved my shiny ladybug into a ledian and eventually i found my way to cerulean city saving my game for one last time at the 100 hour mark having completed every challenge this game has thrown at me in the right amount of time so those were my 100 hours in pokemon storm silver let me know in the comments down below what you thought of the video i certainly enjoyed this i really enjoy making these 100 hour videos they just take an awful lot of time to make i would also say that i was pretty efficient in this one i had a little bit of spare time at the end even but i wanted to see that 100 hour time in my save so i had to just play a little bit more now with all of that out of the way let me know in the comments down below if you want me to do this again and what game you want me to try it in as always i want to thank my membership and patreon supporters for the support on the channel if you want to do so yourself you can click the links in the description it is always appreciated but not needed with that out of the way don't forget to leave a like subscribe and share this video with your friends i'm zwiego and i'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: zwiggo
Views: 1,459,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #pokemon, #100 hours, #100 days, #surviving, #challenge, #soulsilver, #shiny, #shiny pokemon, #heartgold, #storm silver, #rom hack, #legends arceus, #nintendo, #gamefreak
Id: oHRF9vpX9qU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 39sec (2619 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 28 2022
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