Pokemon GS Chronicles Is The Best Rom Hack In Johto!

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well hello everyone my name is wiggo and welcome back to another video and this week we're going to be taking another look at a new romhack pokemon gs chronicles this rum hack is basically pokemon hard gold and soul silver but 10 times better it has a lot of custom story elements which aren't in the regular pokemon gold and silver and it also has some new features like pokemon up until generation 6. some new mega evolutions typhlosion for alligator and meganium all got mega evolutions which look sick and every single trainer also has an updated team which makes them a lot better than in the regular games and hms have been replaced by right so you don't have to have any chimp pokemon on your team anymore i decided to play through this game as silver so the only pokemon that i can use are his team which is definitely not the worst because there are a lot of good pokemon on his team but i really just wanted to show you guys this amazing rom hack before we jump into it let's set the bar really high for this video and aim for that 33 likes as always don't forget to subscribe because we're so close to the 200 000 mark and with that out of the way let's just jump right into pokemon gs chronicles i of course name my main character silver and then it's time to pick the best johto starter toto dial if you disagree with me that's totally fine because cynical is pretty cool as well just don't pick chiquirita okay after naming him donde i headed on over to mr pokemon's house and this event is basically the same as in gold and silver so you get the pokedex and the mystery egg and then went back to the lab we see that the pokemon has been stolen and i decided to name my rival imposter if i could actually place an r there so it's just going to be impossible once again since i was playing at night time i could easily find myself a zubat which i captured before entering the next city this guy ran into me and tried to sell me some slowpoke tails but we don't eat pokemon here so we just beat him up in a pokemon battle and move on over to the bellsprout tower and over here i can capture myself my third team member ghastly after grinding up my pokemon a little bit i went to the top of the tower where i found a very bald man but i managed to get my hands on the hidden power tm which i learned to every single one of my pokemon and zubat's hidden power was actually psychic so i swept most of his team with that after claiming victory he gave me the poke rider for the hm flash and then we go to our favorite bird house with faulkner and this time he doesn't just have pidgey and pidgeotto he actually has the regional bird who would have thought and he even has a murkrow my ghastly can take out the pg with some hidden powers while using a hypnosis as well and after damaging the murkrow with some hidden powers zubac can take it out with wing attacks the last pokemon will be hootoot with batman's super sonics and wing attacks we easily overpowered that thing as well so we managed to get our first gym badge pretty quickly normally we would now go to union cave but there is actually a new event normally you would get the pokemon egg here but this time your rival gives you the pokemon egg her name is chris and you will encounter her a lot in this game after this we take her to the pokemon center have a cup of coffee with her and we see that team rocket is up to no good once again so we have to beat up some team rocket grunts but we don't know exactly what they're doing yet anyway before we actually can go to union cave we have to do some unknown puzzles to get into the ruins of alf this one was not that hard it's just a kabuto that you have to make as we enter the ruins by falling into a hole we see that buxy is there and he's actually studying these unknown he's going to give us a report with all of the unknown forms in it and we have to capture them for him but we're not going to be doing that he can do that on his own time we move on over to kurt's house to take on team rocket down at the slope oak well this event basically goes the same at the end of slow poke while we also have to fight prodon he now has a way more buff team but still we have a crocodile which can take down magmar and gastly can take out weasel and nidorino after smacking prodon around a little bit and then kurt shows up together with the police who are trying to arrest us luckily looker saves us and says that we're not the criminals here kurt says that we have to leave team rocket to the police which is definitely not a good idea because the police in pokemon games are basically useless anyway we decided to go to buxy next and this gym battle was actually very easy my zubat was able to take down two of her pokemon scyther and skarupi with my plucks and air cutters i was unable to hit hyanma a couple of times as well but then i finished it off with my gastly's nightshade giving us our second gym badge already the next destination on our roadmap is elex forest we find that our impostor is talking to team rocket and our rival chris is also here i was expecting a double battle with chris against him but it turns out i just have to fight him on my own and once again my zubat was able to take out gastly his zubat and his bay leaf without much trouble and after the fight my zubat evolved into a golbat and since it's been holding the sooth bed as well i don't think it's going to take very long until we have a crowbar as we then make our way through ilex forest we find ourselves coming at the daycare where we meet up with chris again and this time we actually have to battle her she has a ladybug as her starting pokemon but as it turns out lydian is actually a fighting type in this game that doesn't mean that golvat isn't going to take it out in literally a second then luxio comes out and this is not a good matchup for me so i switch into gastly which is able to take it out with a hypnosis and two hidden powers golbat could then take out evie with some plucks and the last pokemon will be vulpix who gets utterly swamped by my crocodile's water guns as a reward for winning against her we get her number my man silver is clearly a ladies man we then go to the radio tower in goldenrod a city where we see an interview between a reporter and mr s prius prius like like the car prius and they're talking about a new pokemon league that's being built in the johto region which is something that's definitely not the case in the original game so that's very cool to see after this we have to do some side quests by delivering a key to this warden i think and then we get a janitor mask which we have to use for going into the sewers of goldenrod city yes they made an entire sewer underneath the city where t-rocket is scheming another evil plan after beating up some team rocket grunts mike golbat evolved into a crowbat and eventually when we almost reach the end of the sewers we have to fight prodon again he still has the same team as last time but now he has added a pincer to the mix but luckily we now have krobat on the team which was able to sweep most of his entire team really not a hard battle at all after beating him we can now save bugsy apparently because he was being held hostage by team rocket come on man they don't even have good pokemon you're a gym leader you should be able to just beat them but as it turns out he got ambushed yeah those are just excuses after he returns to his gym we then meet up with the police who are once again way too late and as a thanks for our help we get lookers number exactly what i wanted after the professor then thanks us for all of our help we finally get a shot at the next gym which is fairy type in this game and led by whitney she has a granble as her first pokemon so i am going to lead off with krobat here as i go for the cross poisons he actually switches into miltank which i decide to confuse and hit with sludge bombs until it eventually goes down gramble comes back out and i destroy it with sludge bomb toga tick yawns me so i decided to switch into haunter which takes it out with a couple more sludge bombs and the last pokemon club fairy is also an easy sludge bomb for our third gym badge five more to go but before we take on the next gym we have to do a couple more story related things starting off with the burn tower where we see the three legendary beasts sit in stone and who's there as well the imposter and even though he has one more pokemon than me and we basically have the same team except for crocodile and he has bay leaf still managed to come out on top because all three of our team members put in the work after he then runs off the statues appear to be a real pokemon and they run off after all of this we go to morty's gym and you know how in pokemon diamond pearl and platinum the foggy route is the worst well this gym is the worst because this gym has fog in it anyway since my crocodile has now evolved into fraulegator i can easily take down miss grievous with some crunches and then gengar comes out so i have to switch after hitting it with some crunches i then go into crow pad and take it down with pluck then a hunter comes out which crowbar does also take out with some plucks then the last pokemon will be drift blim and by howard can finish that thing off with the one two smackeroo with payback that gives us our fourth gym badge now we don't have to fight in the fog anymore which means that we now have to move on to another new event down at the kimono girls house where ariana is making a ruckus but her team was honestly not that hard to be just a murkrow a manic trick and a nidoqueen which i took care of with my counter and my frilly gator apparently she was looking for something called the mystic plates i don't really know what they are but luckily we came right in time to save these kimono girls as we then get the poke rider first surf so as we are moving on to the next city we find ourselves a magnemite our next team member after naming a microwave i also found a cadabra which i did name a quick draw we then do the regular lighthouse stuff where there is really nothing that new we just have to go and get the secret potion and while i'm making my way there my magnemite evolves into a magneton but before we can actually get the secret potion we have to do some kind of event with chris and asprius here as it turns out as prius is the father of chris and he wants her to participate in the new pokemon league but she sadly enough declines and he then hands her a pokemon from hohen after this she wants us to battle to see who is actually the strongest so we decide to take each other on as you can see she now has a lydian and my spark is not super effective which means that it's part fighting type i then switch into my evolved gengar now but he gets destroyed by shadow punches so i decide to swap in magneton again and he gets destroyed then i go into frally gator who seems to have a health glitch the health actually goes beyond his normal health when he gets hit which is a pretty weird glitch but it's just a visual glitch it actually doesn't affect anything else and after going for a couple of serves the lydian finance goes down he then has a lux ray which is able to take me down with a zing zap so i have to swap in crowbar i then confuse it with confusion taken down with some cross poisons vulpix then gets immediately taken out by a critical hit cross poison the last pokemon is metang the one that she got from her father and i hit that thing with a couple of leech lies taking it down as well the last pokemon will be a sylveon which i take down with cross poison after the battle we all go our separate ways and now we have to do the sweet goon event with yusine like normal of course after suicune runs off we also have to challenge him to a pokemon battle and we destroy him very quickly and as it turns out you still can't pick up the secret potion before you beat chuck so that's the next thing on our list he now has a heracross as his first pokemon so i lead off with my crowbat and just two plucks and that thing is not alive anymore the next pokemon will be prime mape i hit it with another pluck but then i have to swap him for alligator to take it out with hidden power he then goes into his haruyama so i try to go for the serve but he swaps polywrath taking it with water absorb and putting my fraligator to sleep with hypnosis i then hit two more hidden powers before going down swapping crobat take down polygraphic plucks hit one more pluck on the last pokemon hariyama before going down to a feign attack which is a pretty weird move for haruyama but i swapping kadabra go for the sybimenda does not take down hariyama and i get destroyed by another faine attack luckily gengar can come in and finish this battle with sludge bomb giving us our fifth gym badge now we can pick up the secret potion give it to ampharos make sure that this girl goes back to her gym and then take her on she starts off with magneton so i'm going to lead off with gengar here and take it down with some shadow balls she then switches into bastiodon so i go into my fraligator and take down her next two pokemon bastiodon and lehron with serfs then a stelix comes out which i'm able to hit with one more serve before going down and then i need literally almost every single one of my team members to take down the steelers because i basically have nothing to take this thing out with anymore and in the end crobat's a leech life takes this big snake down this gives us our sixth gym batch but before we can move on over to the seventh one we have a lot of things to cover first we have to move on over to the ruins of elf once again where we meet up with buxy and this time guess who's here to cynthia she explains that our alphabet is based on the unknowns and bugsy apparently didn't even know this i don't think he's the brightest person ever but after she explains everything about her theories and her research she then runs off and bugsy starts simping for her so we just leave him alone and go to the bell tower to talk to some monks which are going to make us fight against our rival again but the real reason why we're going to have to fight our rival here is because after we battle her they're going to give us the ability to mega evolve why do the smart men in these pokemon games always have to be bald i don't get it anyway time to fight chris again she still leads off with lydian so my crowbat is going to take that thing out with pluck she then goes into mas magus so i swap into kadabra to take the psychic that she is going for and then hit back with shadow ball phantom force and takes down my kadabra so i have to swap in gengar to take it out with two more shadow balls i decide to stay in against the lux ray and confuse it with confused ray but it doesn't hit itself and two crunches managed to finish off my gengar my best bet here is just going to magneton so after doing that i hit it with a couple of tri attacks and that's her lux ray out of the way he then goes into nine tails so i swap in for alligator i try to take it out with some serves but i get confused and taken out by an energy ball in the end krobet then takes out the ninetails with some cross poisons then the metang comes out so i confuse it with confused ray and then hit it with a couple of leech lives while it uses workup and eventually hits itself in its confusion enough for me to take it out with my last leech life the last two pokemon nine tails and silveon both go down to cross poisons from crobat and that is that after this battle we get ourselves the mega pendant giving us the ability to mega evolve our pokemon but there is only one pokemon in our party that will be mega evolved and you'll see that later we then go to the lake of rage to the regular red gyarados stuff and get the red scale meet up with lance and go to the team rocket hideout before we enter the hideout i evolved my magneton into magnus zone and then as we enter the hideout we find a rather suspicious character that i've never seen before his name is apparently burkle and he is the leader of the research team of team rocket i'm not sure if he's just a made-up character or he might also be from the pokemon manga i am not sure but let me know in the comments down below if you know him he is clearly not happy that we are always ruining their plans so he takes me on in a pokemon battle leads off with a clay doll so i decide to lead with my for alligator and set up some dragon dances eventually he switches into magnazone and i hit a crunch and somehow even with two dragon dances set up this magna zone still outspeeds and kills me with discharge so i then swapping gengar hit a couple of shadow balls while he wastes some full restores and eventually the magna zone does go down bronzong then comes in i hit one more shadow ball but get put to sleep by hypnosis and then taken out by two psychics we now have an alakazam because arkadabra evolved and we kill that thing with shadowball claytol then also goes down to a couple of shadow balls the last pokemon is road on wash and i decided to spam recover with my alakazam which was not really a smart thing to do because eventually the rodon was still able to take me out after i hit a psychic so i then swap in my own magna zone and kill this thing with try attack winning the battle he then gives us the password to the boss's door which i definitely didn't have to screenshot because it was way too long to remember feels like i'm cheating on a test here so we enter the boss's room and eventually giovanni enters as it turns out it's just petrel like always and just like all of the other admins this guy is not happy with me being here so he challenges me to a pokemon battle and this time he doesn't only have coughings and wheezings on his team he now has a wheezing a toxic rogue and a skunk tank but these three still easily go down by my crowbat and my magnazone he then gives us the password so that we can reach the generator room so as we reach that room we finally have our encounter with lance and ariana this double battle was actually very easy not a single one of my pokemon actually fainted and lance has more than one pokemon in this battle he does also have an aerodactyl and a charizard now so not just dragonite glass on the team we easily smacked ariana made sure the electrodes stopped powering up the generator and moved on over to the seventh gym battle i know this is normally price's gym but he has been replaced with the lorelei of the kanto elite four also an ice type trainer and i guess the price is just getting a little bit too old for the shenanigans so we have to beat her this time the battle starts off amazing with her starting with glacion and i start with alakazam i set up a coal mine get hit with a freeze dry and then take it out with psychic next pokemon is lapras so i decide to stall out with more coal mines and recovers until i can eventually one shot lapras with psychic then glaily comes out which is able to out speed my alakazam somehow so we go down but he went for explosion so he's also going down himself last two pokemon will be jinx and frostlast and with my magna zones flash cannon those are two easy targets for me to take down this gives us our seventh gym badge but don't worry we aren't going to the eighth one yet we actually do have to go to the town of the eighth gym by going through the icy path where i find myself my last team member sneasel after naming it peter i evolved it into weevile and at the end of the icy cave we have to take on our rival once more chris as usual leads off with her trusty aledian micro battle just like always takes care of it with some plucks then luxray comes out and two critical hit cross poisons because i am holding the scope lens take down this luxury too the next pokemon will be metagross so i go into my magnus zone predicting the psychic type move here i then start spamming discharges while she starts spamming full restores but eventually because she is locked into psyshock because of the choice band i am going to come out on top next up is 9 tails and peter makes an impact immediately by being a meat shield so that i can safely bring in for alligator and take down this nine tails with two earthko no she has a very hand energy ball and my alligator gets absolutely destroyed luckily we still have crowbad on the team who is able to out speed everything and anything so ninetales goes down naturally then miss magus once again comes out so we just confuse it with confuse ray and then take it out with some plucks and the last pokemon will once again be sylveon just like always a couple of cross poisons do take this thing out as well which means that we are now able to move on over to the next town but before we go there chris actually gets a call from the professor saying that team rocket is trying to take over their radio tower as we then arrive there we see that silver the imposter silver actually is already taking on some team rocket members so we're going to be doing a double battle with him after beating them up he runs off and we go and have a meeting with the two professors and the father of chris to be honest they just explain why they're here in jodo they don't explain why they're in the radio tower per se and then when chris walks in she delivers her research to professor oak with all of these team rocket grunts just standing there and letting us sit here for some reason after she leaves there is a little bit more talk about the pokemon league and about pokedex entries and stuff like that but nothing really significant so we go to the top of the radio tower to have another battle not with petrel this time but with burkle he now has more than one pokemon starting off with a ditto but he immediately switches into his magnezone as i set up a home clause with my weavil and hit it with a brick break then we get hit with the focus blast and we are dead already so i go into maggie to try to go for the shadow ball but he switches in his porygon this man is predicting everything so i swap it by magnazone but this thing goes for focus blast doing a major amount of damage but i just keep going for discharge he keeps spamming full restores and eventually we do come out on top his own magna zone comes out again i go for two flash cannons taking it out because it missed its focus blast clay dolphin comes out and hits me with an earth power but not before i can hit a flash cannon now my crowbat can come in and finish off claydol with a leech life for bronzong i go into my alakazam and hit a shadow ball then switch between call mind and shadow ball because it keeps going for destiny bond until i eventually take it down then road on wash comes out which i eventually take down with psychics as well and the last pokemon ditto also gets one shot after claiming the victory he gives us the key to the basement where everyone is locked up like always that sounded a little bit wrong i promise i have no one in my basement so as we head over there we see that imposter is there once again he basically has the same team as in regular hard gold and soul silver but now he has replaced his magneton with an electabuzz luckily we are way stronger and we are able to eject our impostor into space as we walk on over to the guy that he's being held hostage in the basement here we see that it's actually as pyrus the father of chris again but he was just sitting at the table with us a couple of minutes ago what happened man but as it turns out it isn't even the father it's actually petrel pretending to be the father he does have quite a different team now starting off with a smear goal and i lead off with my weave i'll try to go for the break break but he switches in wheezing i then hit one more ice beam before going down i then swap in alexander trying to go for the psychic but he swaps in skunk tank predicting that and so i send in my freligator setting up a dragon dance he switches into smeargle and i take that thing down with liquidation but i am poisoned by a toxic now i then take out wheezing with a couple of liquidations as well and the skunk tank finishes me off with a sucker punch my magna zone can then come in and go for a flash cannon but he switches in toxic road and two of my flash cannons do take it down but i also get hit with a close combat skuntang comings again and just goes boom mangazone then went down to the last pokemon of venomoth but my crobat could come in and kill it with plucks after the battle petrel tells us that all of this fighting was just a cover-up for their master planets now being executed at the radio tower and he then runs off but he drops his key which we can pick up so that we can finally move on over to the final section of the team rocket bosses starting off with ariana grande she now has a full team of six starting with a crawdad so i try to set up a home clause and kill this thing with brick break but i get absolutely obliterated by super power so i swap in magnazone and try to go for the discharge but she predicts again and goes into nidoqueen i'm getting played out here and then swapping for alligator go for the dragon dance and take down this nidoqueen with liquidation but i also got hit with an earth power and a toxic magnetrik then also goes down to liquidation vileplume survives an ice fang but doesn't really do anything so my second one can take it out and then the toxic damage finally racked up enough to take down my freligator then i swapped in the mvp crobat killing at the corradont with leech lives and the hunch crow with cross poisons now normally we would just go up to archer right now but as you can see all of the team rocket admins come at me and try to take me on but all of the gym leaders come to my rescue taking on the admins and giving me some time to escape as they tell me that i should actually go to the kimono girls dojo here we have to take on the mega evolution guru himself he has a meta champ so i'm going to swap out my wii vile into gengar he went for high jump kick so he's taking a lot of damage here and i take him down with shadow ball after he then has a mega sable eye which i hit with a shadow ball but then he swaps into pit shot taking that shadow ball like a champ because it's not going to affect it i then use a sludge bomb and it doesn't kill but the brave bird regal damage from it takes down my gengar but also himself then do some swapping with weevil and magnazone after he used the full restore and then my magna zone can take down sylveon and sablai all on his own after the battle the guru has seen my potential and gives me the freligator mega stone which means that we can finally have one of the strongest pokemon in the game mega for alligator a dragon water type and now it's finally time for us to go back to the radio tower and take down archer and the entire team rocket organization he tells us this usable plan and eventually silver the imposter comes along he starts saying stuff to archer like you are not the boss of team rocket you're just an executive what gives you the right that you can be the boss of team rocket then also explains that the signal is not only for bringing back giovanni but also for mega evolving pokemon without a mega stone so basically reaching the pokemon's potential not naturally after all of this jibber jabber we have to shut him up though his starting pokemon is a yen mega so my weevil literally like always just gets destroyed and then go into magnus zone but he switches in dusknoir so i predict a fire punch here but it wasn't fire punch it was earthquake so i went into gengar and gengar got destroyed too i try to take it out with crowbar but then he switches in skarmory so i then eventually swap in magnazone get hit with a drill run doesn't even do that much damage hit back with a discharge and take down the skarmory he then swaps in dusk norris so i swapping crowbar go for another pluck but he stops a young mega and that thing just goes down so i then go into microwave to try and kill this with some discharges but eventually he just goes for the phantom forces and takes me down then i'm thinking krobac can just come in here and kill right nope he uses a forward store and also takes krobat down with two more phantom forces but i was able to hit three plucks though then it's finally time for my for alligator i go for the dragon dance he switches in spirit tomb next turn i mega evolve for the very first time mega for alligator looks absolutely amazing and he's even able to sweep all the rest of his team members with just liquidation spirit zoom dusknoir gliscor and mega hound doom all get finished off very quickly after winning the battle archer disbands team rocket he gives up everything because he's just a sore loser actually no he accepts his loss so he's a good loser and the police come in and rile him up to go to jail so now there is only a couple more things on our list first one taking on the final gym leader claire and i wanna say that this was just an easy sweep with mega for alligator but he really wasn't i needed more than one team member for this fight because even my weave couldn't take out her first pokemon dragonair since she had smart strike on it for some reason and she got a critical hit with it as well so yeah weevil is dead again literally useless luckily my mega frilly gator can come in and go for the dragon dances and then sweep nope it goes for dragontail and swaps me out and i'm also paralyzed but alakazam can kill it with psychic then gyarados comes out i try to go for another psychic but it's a mega gyarados so i can't hit it and alakazam gets crunched to death magna zone can then finally finish off gyarados with two more discharges for flygon i swap in my fraligator and take that thing down with icefang then the kingdra comes out which takes me down with dragon pulse so i bring in gengar to try to take it down with sludge bombs but it outspeeds me and kills me with a skald so i have to bring in crobat i try to go for the cross poison but she swaps in altaria luckily though i can hit 4 cross poisons in a row taking this thing down then she swaps in kendra again so crowbar can finish off this battle with two more cross poisons as usual we don't get claire's gym badge because she is way too cocky so we have to go to the all the guru guys again to do some kind of quiz which we win of course and they then force her to give me the gym badge now before we go to the new pokemon league we actually have to do one more thing and that is take on all of the kimono girls which was actually very easy so we're just going to skip over that and then go to the top of the bell tower and sadly enough the cinematic thing here for ho-oh is not as nice as on pokemon heart gold but it's still a good effort and we're not going to be capturing ho-oh because i don't think silver has ho-oh so we just killed a big fat bird disappoint the kimono girls because this is the moment that they've been waiting for for their entire life and we just ruined that as they send us away from the bell tower we eventually reached victory road which was actually very hard one of the hardest victory roads i've ever had to face in terms of design not in terms of trainers or anything it was just very hard to find my way through this and eventually you find price here a very cool little feature and you actually have to battle him otherwise he doesn't really want you to have his gym badge he does in fact start off with a duogon which my weaval can easily take care of with some brick breaks and with some brick breaks i mean a lot of them because he used full restores way too many times eventually he sends out his own weavel and takes me down with low kick because he outsped he then swaps in his mega obama snow against my mega frally gators so i set up my dragon dance and then go for two dragon crosses to take the mega bomb snow down but because of the hail my freligator gets taken down too because he got hit with two giga drains then going to gengar and he goes into mama swine and somehow this thing can learn psychic fangs and he just kills me i think going to alakazam to try and hit a psychic but he swaps in weevil predicting me once again then i go into magnus zone and he goes into mama swine as i try to go for a flash cannon here taking it down then weevil hits me with a low kick but i survive and kill it with flash cannon the last pokemon wall ring gets hit with a discharge but then takes me down with surf so alexam has to do this all by himself taking down this wall ring with two more shadow balls because i'm out of psychics because of victory road this finally defeats price which means that we can move on over to the new pokemon league before we can challenge the elite four though we have to be congratulated by the three professors or the two professors and the one businessman for reaching this place and after they do so we can start off by taking on the first elite four member will he still specializes in psychic types he starts off with a zatsu so i set up three dragon dances with my mega frally gator and take him down with aqua scales bronzong aqua scales as well then the sloking survives a critical hit dragon crush and finally takes down my fraligator so i then go into crobat and try to take it down with leech life but he swaps in exeggutor i keep on going for leech life until the exeggutor finally faints but it took quite a long time because he kept using full restores again he then goes into gardevoir mega guard of war and i try to go for the cross poison but this thing outspeeds me and kills me with sight shock luckily my magna zone is still strong enough to take down guarded forward flash cannons and sloking with discharge so we can now go to the second elite four member claire her first pokemon is umbreon so i'm going to lead off with crobat here and spam a leech life until the cows come home then eventually she swaps into hound doom and then swap into for alligator and i set up two dragon dances and then take out hound doom with aqua scales what am i even saying i'm sweeping our entire team umbreon drapion shiftery and even mega tyranitar all fall to the feet of my giant megaphraligator that was definitely the easiest elite 4 member battle so let's just go on over to koga with his poison types he has a rose raid as his first pokemon so microbat can easily take care of that with some plucks of course this wouldn't be an elite four member battle without using a billion full restores though but eventually he does finally swap in his muck after road raid is down i then swap in my for alligator set up the dragon dances again go for a couple of aqua scales but i also get poisoned by toxic eventually when i'm about to take out muk he swaps into gengar so gengar is easily dead here then he goes into muck again muk is also dead but because of the poison damage my fraligator also goes down my magnezone can then take down his crowbat and the last pokemon will be mega beedrill who is actually able to take down two of my team members those being alakazam and my magnazone then i just swapping crowbar plug this thing a couple of times and win against koga now the last lead former is probably someone that you've never heard of before and her name is ale she specializes in the normal typing and she's also apparently a fashion designer anyway she has a big boy ursuring as her first pokemon with flame orb guts and facade luckily though i can just start off with my crowbat to confuse it and then hit it with a couple of cross poisons eventually it hits itself in its confusion enough to take itself down combined with my cross poisons the next pokemon is adele caddy so i go into the microwave to kill it with a couple of flash cannons she then goes into her blissy so i have to swap into weavile here i go for the brick breaks after she uses the full restore i can eventually take it out with a couple more brick breaks but i also got hit with a seismic toss and a toxic she then has a mega kangaskhan so i go into my mega rally gator set up some dragon dances try to go for the dragon crush but i get paralyzed way too many times because of the body slam and eventually i can't even get off a hit so it's clear here who the best mega is so i try to go into microwave i hit one more flash cannon before once again going down crobat has to come in and save the day again i try to confuse the kangaskhan but she isn't having any of it two more body slams and my crowbar also goes down luckily my alakazam somehow survives a shadow claw from this thing and hits back with a psychic killing it and the last pokemon on the list is the big fat snorlax i hit two psychics while the snorlax set up a curse and then eventually kills me so one more pokemon remaining and that is gengar luckily even though snorlax is very specially defensive it isn't raised from our gengar to kill it with sludge bomb this means that we have now defeated the elite four and we move on over to the champion spot since this pokemon league is brand new there isn't really a champion spot yet which means that all of the professors are waiting for us here and as we're talking and they're congratulating me someone else walks into the room this someone is chris i mean who else was it going to be of course we were going to fight chris it's not like giovanni is just going to walk in here you have the usual talk of how amazing our journey was and how much we've actually been through and then silver comes barging in and challenges me for the champion spot he gets accused by professor elm that he stole the pokemon from the lab but then silver explains about how he wants to become the strongest trainer ever and how lance helped him in this so the last challenge on his journey is to take me on in one final battle he leads off with his own weavile and i have a magnezone as my starting pokemon i try to go for the flash cannon but he swaps him meganium so i then swap into crobat and he mega evolves his megadium and finally mcganium looks good if they ever do a johto remake again they really need to give this thing a mega evolution to make it cool anyway as i try to go for the cross poison he switches in a gengar so i go into my own gengar but he kills me with a shadow ball i then try to go into alakazam but he also outspeeds me and kills me once again with the shadow ball i then go into my mega for alligator go for the dragon dance and then take out gengar with aqua scales his own alakazam then survives a aqua scales with a focus sash and kills me with psychic so i bring in crobat and take it down with some leech lives after he once again spams a bunch of full restores then his elective comes out who takes me down with a wild charge so i swap in a weevile who also goes down to well charge one more pokemon remaining on my end magnazone he was somehow able to take down this electavir with tri attack he then brings in his crobat boom discharge dead one last pokemon mega meganium vs my magna zone since this thing is part fairy type now we can take it out with two more flash cannons giving us that win and making us the champion of this region psych this is not over yet after the battle silver apologizes to the professor for stealing the pokemon he actually wants to give it back but because the professor has seen his ability to mega evolve and the passion that he plays pokemon with he decides to just give him the pokemon after all this chris still wants one last battle with me luckily my team did get healed up in between the fights so i don't have my magnezone only left she still has lydian as her leading pokemon and of course our counter for it crobat can still take it out just like in the beginning of the game my lotique then comes in and i decide to go for the confuse ray but i get destroyed by blizzard this does mean that i can bring in my for alligator set up the dragon dances again then go for the dragon rush while i mega evolve but she switches into her sunflora of course this thing is not taking this very well so it's just dead nine tails also gets one shot by aqua scales miloti gets one shot by dragon crush miss maggie survives an aqua scales and burns me but eventually i do take it down with a couple more aqua scales after she uses full restores but then she goes into her mega metagross i hit one more aqua scales but then i get taken down so i have to swap in gengar but he also gets taken down by a meteor mesh and on top of that the metagross gets an attack boost so i swoop in alexander try and go for another shadow ball but she goes for another meteor match taking my alakazam down and getting another attack boost i then swap in magnus zone but he gets destroyed by hammer arm so i have one more pokemon left weavile for me the worst one on the team by far but somehow this metagross just missed a bunch of moves in a row and i could just keep on night slashing away at it until it eventually went down and i became the pokemon league champion of pokemon gs chronicles and that was that the story ends here i think they're still going to build on the kanto part on this game but i might be wrong on that but i definitely hope that there will be more content for this game in the future and i highly recommend checking this game out it's really a big upgrade from the regular heart golden soul silver let me know in the comments down below which rom hack you want me to check out next before we end off the video i want to thank my membership and patreon supporters as always if you want to sign up yourself the link is in the description it is always very much appreciated and as always don't forget to leave a like subscribe and share this video with your friends i'm zwiego and i'll see you guys next time
Channel: zwiggo
Views: 704,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #pokemon, #romhack, #challenge, #canyoubeat, #Johto, #team rocket, #pikachu, #shiny, #mega, #feraligatr, #best, #hardcore, #nuzlocke, #nintendo
Id: ymXhdfibP4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 52sec (2452 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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