I played another innocent game that went horror FAST

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[Music] oh wow it's so much like the other one how's it going my scrubs now i have a question for you can a cute ghost story be spooky i don't know we're gonna find out hey you remember the pancake horror game that we played that was supposed to be an innocence game and i'm assuming this is also an innocent game that's not going to be spooky at all so anyway let's start it up ready to be scared i'm ready to lie it will be a very scary story if you get scared easily you are free to leave i'm going to be brave guys for you are you still here so do you want to hear the story oh i warned you oh there's flashing lights by the way in a dark cemetery full of scary ghosts this warning flashing light house haunted by a specter called jimmy jimmy is only 374 years old he's basically just a little kid like you and in this house that our story begins like every night jimmy takes his favorite hat in front of the mirror before leaving the house no one can understand how special that hat is to jimmy it was given to him by his mother for his 276th birthday if only someone jimmy would probably go crazy look at my chubby cheeks all right i got the hat oh well that that's just cute this isn't scary i hope this game has a comprehensible story unlike the last one i don't know what the heck was going on i'm drowning help me well so is this guy over here but he hates women so i don't know what that says about him oh who's showering right now hey wretch close the door i'm taking a shower sorry oh my audience please close your eyes you're dead this is a dark and spooky night but jimmy doesn't care he is always happy usually jimmy greets the family before going to the town he is such a thoughtful guy oh mike he believed that people decision making power was a good thing betrayed by his own people that's how i'm gonna die that's how i'll die eddie he always likes cats my tombstone is just gonna say watch stein's gate that's it watch stein's gate oh hey there's a secret over here isn't there open hey come on oh i already know there's secrets i'm about to find all the secrets in this game this music is music to my ears you can look at your ghost body okay go to your family i can't there's an invisible barrier you would think as a ghost i can go through it but no hello it's my family how are you today oh this is my they're all dead yeah guys seems to be in a mortuary answer me please okay well they're all dead death is too long to be bored okay jimmy he accidentally set the house on fire because he saw a spider and i don't blame jimmy at all how ironic though that he has candles around his tombstone he did set the house on fire just saying is there a connection there i don't know very ironic turn on the radio oh okay i hope you like this music oh my god wow that's why i love jimmy he is so innocent and hey whoa whoa whoa whoa i applied some family-friendly filters to this story we certainly don't want to see jimmy cry if you curse i'll cry too go to the town oh my god this clash of music is not good is this jack died during a game show he just wanted some pancakes oh my god i'm pretty sure it's a reference to the last game it's been a while okay all right we're going to town just a good old ghost hitting the town after two hours jimmy has finally arrived and now he's so hungry luckily he knows an excellent italian restaurant in town it's a perfect night to eat pizza okay oh [ __ ] i know the balloon is hot hey dude don't be mad do you want to get a pizza with me i'll pay for it really thanks buddy anyway i'm dave it's nice to meet you i'm jimmy nice to meet you too follow me to the restaurant now jimmy and his new friend are ready to have a good night of fun oh he's following me okay go to the restaurant with your new friend okay these are very yellow buildings italian restaurants support perfect spanish stop it get some help ah yes i will think i i think i want the the tortellini and brother vegetable oh this this music is just it's so amazing i'm so glad you guys made it through the whole thing is the guy next to you yes his name is dave he likes that's me well dave you are in the right place i make the best italian pizzas in town now take a seat so i'll take your orders thanks you seem like a very nice person mario his name is mario oh my god jimmy aren't you forgetting something i don't have a butt how can i sit i have to wash my hands before eating you know hygiene oh i was gonna say he doesn't have hands but he does good boy can i go to the ladies i don't know ghosts have reflections i just don't feel like that's that should be a thing oh what the heck you don't actually go into the bathroom to wash your hands are there actually places in the world where there's a sink outside the bathrooms that's weird all right go back to the table okay okay guys which pizza do you want to order um oh i will take myself a [Music] margarita what do you want to order the most traditional pizza in italy the pineapple pizza pizza is a traditional italian pizza no it's not it's an attractive tracity you didn't tell me your new friend was so funny i'm not joking i'm serious ah get dave out of here with his pineapple pizza yeah i told you not to let pizza criminals [Music] you always remain my favorite little customer [Music] okay that was funny that was funny space is always good yes it's true but to be honest mario seems strange these nights you threw a ghost out the window mario seems more angry lately i think something is going on yeah maybe right but it doesn't really matter now i want to go to sleep i'm tired three dollars for a balloon talk about that tomorrow i'm sorry but that's an awful deal you buy a pack one for like a dollar like i'm greeted by the same music over there all right go home i'm going home me made by jimmy that's cute that's that's cute stuff there put the hat near the mirror and go to sleep yeah that's where the hat goes press here for additional fun well i won't work on [Music] enjoy the party oh my god please don't be another thing where someone chases me please why did the music stop the lovely music is now gone oh no no this host stole my hat someone's knocking the door well maybe it's my friend dave i'm going to the door [Music] mother of god okay why was that scary yeah that makes you feel better i mean that just makes me feel better yay jeez okay that was that was that that got me i hate it i hate it that actually got me all right jimmy jimmy my boys were stolen i'm very worried be calm in my body there are many balloons follow me thanks friend i knew i could trust you okay all right we're going back go to the party please stop what happened here no the party i'm sorry dave there are no more balloons now dave wha what dave where are you dokodeska i have feeling dave is dave through the door no he's over here okay i'm actually i don't want to get jumpscared please don't there's the flashlights guy yeah strange dream luckily it's all fake nobody stole my oh [ __ ] no someone stole my favorite hat like in my dream the thief must have made a hole in the world i warned you there's flashing lights henrikh are you there can you hear me what should i do now oh are you sad i'm sad too after the jump scare nice crash through my wall tell me something important today and now it's gone oh it's dave better open the door okay jimmy jimmy my balloon yeah i know you're balloons you're very worried what how did you know that are you the thief it's not me i just had a premonitory dream tonight even my favorite hat was done before knocking on your door i saw someone enter the ancient abandoned crypt maybe it's the thief really let's go friend we must take back what is ours ain't nobody steal my head get away with oh my god can you back off dude we gotta go to the crypt i knew we would go here eventually who keeps knocking holes in my walls jimmy stop i i can't go with you this is a spider dude don't you want to get your balloons back yeah i want them back i'm just afraid of abandoned places you will not be alone you'll be with me here we go i'm sorry jimmy but i'm staying here ah you're just a wimp i don't need you i'll go in there alone i gotta do everything by myself okay fine i'll do it okay i can't go in there yeah no don't know what to do i don't need dave i can find my hat by myself oh my god yeah oh the music please don't attack me please don't jump scare me i'm just here for my party hat okay oh no oh no i don't like dark tunnels it's fine there's a lot of stairs in this script seriously does this go to the freaking core of the earth where is this going what is this place i've never been here before okay just don't fall dude watch i'm gonna do this in for troy come on that okay this is not even fair it's stupid i didn't fall it just broke this way no i'm a ghost how can i fall major plot holes yeah there we go there's those gamer skills coming in handy thief now that he's not looking at me i better find a weapon to hit him uh do we have a vacuum anywhere hello please turn around surely this is like one of those mario things right all right don't look he he comes to me yeah no not so danger do not enter very dark area oh well i guess i can't anyway is this a weapon oh this piece of wood could come in handy hit him in the head with a 2x4 oh this hurts who are you i'm just smacked i'm gonna get my hat back you understand that thief i'm not a thief wait what so what are you doing here then i'm the famous professor william of course england here to study these ancient inscriptions what they look like they're drawn by five-year-old kids you're just a troglodyte you don't understand the importance of history how dare you call me that centuries ago lord frederick was governor and i don't have time for that now i really have to find my hat okay if it helps i saw a dude with a chef's hat a while ago he was holding a red hat in his hand oh that's definitely mine that sounds exactly like my hat the chef's hat is mario so where did it go i really need to know he entered the door near me wait the pizza guy storeheads where do you think you're going you have to do one thing did you think hitting me with a piece of wood had no consequences i will what do you want me i will leave now you have to bring me an ancient map it's located in a very dangerous area of the crypt some say they have seen strange ghosts in this area but don't worry this is just a story made up to scare the kids moreover it's very dark there luckily i'm also an inventor i created special glasses to see better in the dark do you want them no whatever i pick no okay oh my god do i actually oh i should have picked yes why did i do this to myself it's really [ __ ] maybe it should have taken the glasses yeah maybe maybe i'm a professional gamer oh okay oh god i should have took the glasses there is an arrow on the floor oh maybe if i follow it i should go towards the arrow i'm telling you no glass is necessary we'll do this fast guys speed run the map i better take it and get out of this dark place okay i got it i'm sure i won't get jump-started again all right we're just gonna go the opposite ways of the arrows it's that simple hey the door is gone that's always good right oh my god actually i'm making it i'm getting out of here what what [Music] oh god those lights are unnecessary okay so just don't go that way it's easy is this pac-man like think about it being chased by ghosts it makes sense hey there we go boy got your stupid map excellent was it difficult to find not so much mostly it was just very dark in that place i probably should have taken your special glasses i almost had a seizure out of those lights i should have taken them buying the hat hey come on i'm just that good of a gamer i didn't need the glasses how many of you did take the glasses i bet like 99 hey there's my hat oh that was easy congratulations oh can we you did it get away yeah jimmy congratulations uh can someone explain to me what's happening we stole your hat just to create an adventure for you we only thank you because today is your birthday and guys my book it's actually it actually is my birthday what's the heck to repair that wall of my health this is oh jimmy look behind you a flying unicorn where is it hey you got me you come back like i really want that money well this is the end of our story i hope the story wasn't too scary for you now jimmy will have to pay for the damage with his own money but in the end he found his favorite hat and this hat it's me yeah kids i'm a talking narrator of this story i was oh i was tricked ah that was the spookiest scariest thing i've ever seen in my life that was it that was the game okay smash like if you can't sleep at night because of this game today's script of the day goes to [Music] scrub direction you
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 81,837
Rating: 4.9763999 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, innocent looking horror games, bijuu mike, horror game, the pancakes official game show, scary games, horror games, dema studios, can a cute ghost story be spooky, can a cute ghost story be spooky walkthrough
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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