I Played 100 Nights of V Rising

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it's time to live the Vampire Life with all the good stuff that comes along with being a blood sucking Beast wielding magic to take on epic bosses avoiding sunlight and holy radiation and imprisoning humans so that you can tap them for their delicious blood you know all that good stuff also I'm going to build a glorious Castle V Rising 1.0 is out now and I've had my eye on this game for ages so I was very excited when stunlock Studios sponsored this 100 night video all they asked me to tell you is this V Rising 1.0 is available on Steam now and it'll be coming out on PS5 later this year too check out my links below also there's a Castlevania crossover event live right now Simon Bellmont has invaded the world of V Rising I actually saw him in my playthrough and he nearly ripped my head off anyway welcome to 100 nights of V Rising uh we're going normal look at that bat look at that bat flap Then followed a cinematic explaining that vampires once dominated the lands until the humans rose up and drove them Into Obscurity for Century upon Century first forth vampire [Music] looking crusty man until now o our hunt begins again yes blood we got a character creator man that's crazy yeah we want to be as pale as possible or a big Joker smile yeah that's the one oh to match the Joker Vibe purple eyes I think this messy business look at a wobble look at a jiggle that's the good stuff I think we got green that's the Joker's other color right here he goes Bianca no man the name's Floyds press space to wake up awaken I Rise woo and so began night one in a stinky Crypt somewhere I equated myself with the controls I had a fancy Dash on an 8-second cooldown a vicious vampire claw and these pots were at my Mercy I performed a majestic dive and continued terrorizing any pot foolish enough to show its face and I worked out I could use blood menend consuming blood to restore health I could also lean my head back to expose the juicy veins in my neck very creepy all right we emerge forth it's night time so I'm safe from the The Vicious Sun I encountered my first enemy a Skelly boy it dropped some bones for me as did this handsome fell I can chop down a tree with my vicious fingers my first Quest had been to collect 30 bones and those two skeletons had generously donated what I needed so I claimed my first reward some crafting recipes I made the bone sword but couldn't yet afford to make the ring turns you can assault the natural environment to get plant fiber and stone too and it didn't take long to pile up quite a lot of stuff the sword was of course a good choice for combat too screw you rat oh wait did I just pick up the rat what the heck these rodents can be sucked dry if you're ever in need of a blood infusion and the animation for eating them is a little over the top I crafted the bone ring which grants 5.3 spell power and I carried on to complete my next Quest To Kill A couple more enemies with my sword this unlocked a new spell slot Shadow bolt woo okay 7sec cool down on that look at this big boy he's got a big thing stuck through him shadow bolts did some juicy damage oof and after hitting two nerds with it I unlocked another spell slot I was granted the blood r spell which can be used to counter incoming attacks and with that I was a big fan of the combat in this game already I stro forth to the graveyard exit and made my way to far Bane Woods that was the completion of yet another Quest and I earned myself the ability to craft bone guard armor it was nice to cover up my extremely pasty shoulders I needed some rugged hide to make the gloves and boots and across this Majestic bridge I saw a source for that exact material in the form of a deer and a wolf as I was crafting my gloves and boots the sun rose do I need to stay in the shade now I guess oh gosh I crafted bone axes and a bone mace the axes are more efficient at collecting wood and the mace is more efficient at collecting Stone but they are also simply alternative weapon options depending on your preferred play style look how huge this mace is bro my next Quest was to collect a bunch of wood and stone and kill living beings to drain their blood Essence gotcha I immediately learned that 300 wood or stone isn't really a lot in this game as I collected that in under a minute and just outside the graveyard I found this waygate which I was unable to use because apparently carrying certain items means you can't teleport what happens if I walk out in the sunlight here I'm literally just B wait ah in case you aren't aware the mythology of vampires dictates that they are vulnerable to sunlight it basically kills them that is certainly the case in this game as such traveling during the day is all about sticking to the Shadows I went on the prowl for living things because these dropped blood Essence when killed and when I got this dear to low health I realized I could press F to feed wa what the heck this filled up my blood pool the big orb of blood at the bottom there and and now I've got a creature blood type with a 1% blood quality wait what different enemies have different blood types and different blood quality and as you can see the creature blood type gives some useful Buffs however that deer only had 1% blood quality so I was getting the bare minimum benefit from this as night two began I found some blood roses a rock I couldn't yet mine and some snowf flowers I took on a few walls and I found using my blood R counter rather satisfying I found another fancy Rock I couldn't yet mine and I spotted my first human enemies in the distance some level 16 Bandits this inspired me to work out my gear score which was now at 10 and so waking up this level 18 bear may not have been a great idea but with some evasive movement and timely spell usage it actually wasn't too tough and so I earned my 50th blood Essence completing the quest I had a peek at the world map to spy out some likely spots for a base I pulled up the build menu and discovered I had what I needed to make the castle hot already and I got excited I get to build my own castle I took on some nerds at a little Bandit camp near by I'm eating I'm eating the dude and I fed on a second dude too because honestly I was confused as to how blood quality worked at this point I thought that as you fed on more enemies the blood quality would increase but in reality you just need to find one enemy with high quality blood feed on them and then you're sorted anyway I now had the Rogue blood type which gives Critical Strike and movement improvements oh what is that thing that thing is so many levels higher than me that was just showing a skull so I adopted a hit and run strategy but I'd soon run too far and it deag gred and left me be I wandered up to this High Ground cuz I thought I might make my castle here come here moose this moose is tanky after defeating the raid boss moose I began clearing away some crap so that I could start building oh dude there's a what is that thing though look at that thing why are you suggesting I make a base here when it's got a oh ah that was my cue to flee and after Chasing another Moose for a bit I fought my way towards another likely spot and I ended up taking on one of these Forest dweller spiders and I was still feeding on everyone willy-nilly because I had no idea what I was doing it was great stuff I used blood men to top up my health and I headed up to check this spot and while poking about I somehow failed to realize I was in the sunlight oh dude dude what the hell why did it just get so Sunny everywhere that's just called daytime mate I placed down my castle heart in a central spot and nearly got burnt to a crisp in the process and this area was infested with a spider but that felt more manageable than a corpse pile so I took it on what the heck what are you doing in there he put him back in the egg this fight was a little dicey especially when it put me in a cocoon of my own spawning three little spiders to harass me but I managed to flee the spiderlings despawned I got a little heal off and finally the foe was vanquished I fed on one of the dinguses that had been cocooned and learned about the perks of the warrior blood type honestly all the blood types seemed pretty useful so I wasn't too fussed and I then had a proper look at my castle heart I placed some blood Essence in Castle powered and fortified for 20 hours I mean that should keep me going right I then had to place some floors and walls so I had a good session clearing and collecting resources I placed some rough floors down and some wooden Palisades too I did some more clearing I expanded the floor even further the wall grew too and a door went in and soon okay I used up so much wood doing that I placed a wooden coffin which acts as a respawn location and I figured I better have a quick sleep to make it official I'm right Mist brazia consumes bones to generate a dense Mist that blocks out the oh it blocks out the sun I placed a storage chest down and a dense Mist caused by toasty bones sounds absolutely delicious so give me one of them Mist brazers I whacked some bones in and let it burn and my next unlock was basic crafting and refinement but some resource restocking was in order so I whacked some trees and the sun soon Rose I think this thing's giv a pretty decent radius of of shade for me and I wasn't exactly sure where a smart place for a sawmill was but I plunked one down here you can dismantle for 100% refund so I don't need to be too worried this thing makes makes one plank plus one sawdust out of 20 wood so I put all the wood I had on to be refined collected a bunch more wood and when I saw that only four planks had been produced during that time I decided double Sawmill was the way to go the tricky thing about being a vampire Lumberjack is that sometimes you chop down the trees providing you shade resulting in sunburn I made a Vermin nest and began luring rats with bones and plant fiber so this just produces rats what the heck man and it's green creepy green it matches my hair yeah yes I'd now made enough planks to make a simple workbench so down one went reinforced bone sword and there was some copper stuff I could craft two moon is rising so we'll turn this thing off with all the rugged hide I'd hoarded fighting wolves I immediately upgraded the armor and I reinforced my weapons with planks and stone 2 I also made and upgraded a bone spear yeah these have a set bonus if you wear two of them you get 20 health physical Power by two if you wear all four as much of rats to collect they just all hang out of here clearly the next resource I needed was copper so I was delighted to see these coppery looking rocks right near my base after destroying some more castle ruins to claim the stone I was able to make my first furnace but it was 20 copper ore for each bar so I was only going to be able to make seven copper bars for now I discovered my improved mace could break this spiky Rock so I earned myself some gem dust and a couple of gems but there was very little copper right next to my base so it was time to venture forth once more in search of copper Lydia the chaos Archer what well well well water the old of this okay she seems hard run don't CH don't chase me Lydia I fought some armored skellies instead and I tested out my new spear on this giant Crow and I think I was a little out of my league when these level 27 skeleton priests summon an army of minions to chase me off shooting stuff at me ah run I next wandered into this Wolf Den oh is that a big bad wolf Alpha the white wolf he's level 16 though I think I can do that finally an evenly matched opponent as you can see under Alpha's health bar there the white wolf has v blood very important and very delicious blood Health orb oh I got Health orbs cuz it's like a boss fight I guess I opted to use the spear because Spears deal bonus damage to creatures and I took out the wolf without too much trouble hold to extract blood wo Taste of knowledge new V blood unlocked use the vampire's Power Wheel to shape [ __ ] what my f form is fluid oh my gosh wolf form runs 60% faster so this was wonderful news this is like my Mount this is my travel form sick I finally found more copper and I got into a rather drawn out battle with another spider where my strategy was this try around in circles like an idiot it's a big Strat and early on night five I had the pleasure of feeding on a most delicious 71% blood quality bear yielding some juicy stats the problem was the next time I needed more blood I'd have to feed on something else which would cause me to lose these stats but for now it was going to serve me well by the way humans were dropping useful things like coarse thread paper and copper coins so I was more than happy to clean out this Bandit Camp I stumbled upon when I spotted these merchants on the map I figured it was worth a visit Shady gem dealer Shady goods dealer these Shady individuals wanted copper coins in exchange for their goods and I only had a m 16 so I gave it a Miss for now and instead had a good sash whacking Bandits and copper with my mace I didn't really care which as long as the mace made a good chunky sound I was happy I soon stumbled upon a large Bandit camp at which I faced off against my first mugger Bandit he was a bit heftier and he used this barrier move and when I hit the barrier I was stunned note to self don't hit the barrier I ventured deeper into the camp and I was delighted to see I discovered a copper Camp H yes please I of course cleaned up any delinquents and all right this Bandit copper Camp has got copper for days man seems to me each Copper Rock has about 100 or exactly 100 maybe a chesticle snowflower seed another chest ooh merciless copper Longbow ooh yeah fishbone with an inventory full of about 1,000 copper ore plus a bunch of other crap I ran home doing my best not to get eaten that's chasing me no corpse pile leave me alone I got the copper or melting adding another furnace to The Fray and I realized the stones and trees around my base were actually respawning which was handy cuz I needed more wood with which to expand my storage a little I crafted and equipped a blood bone ring here we go we got 20 gear level now and so I unlocked the ability to track V blood carriers like Alpha the white wolf I'd of course stumbled upon him already but there were others I could track and for defeating them I'd receive various rewards including spell points and crafting workstations when I tracked big Rufus aggressive red stuff appeared to point in his Direction the copper bars were beginning to come through so I crafted a copper mace and axes and I placed down a newly unlocked building option a big old mirror why would I want to customize my vampire look at him he's beautiful what a silly Dingus when strowed forth to chop some more trees I realized my copper weapons each had one weapon ability now the axe's frenzy ability leapt me forward dealing damage and increasing my attack speed for a bit my Ma's crushing blow ability did one of these ones heck yeah my sword was soon crafted too and it had a worldwind ability very cool I expanded my storage some more and I finally crafted a copper spear these four weapons cost me 64 copper bars total that's 1,280 copper or the spear had a move called 1,000 Spears very stabby each weapon also had a higher base damage than the previous tier and the special abilities shared a cool down so you couldn't just switch between weapons and spam them I found a sulfur rock over here and my copper mace was up to the task of collecting some and then it was time to track down some V blood and we're just going to pretend that there's nothing weird about saying V Blood Stone Golem what the hell where'd you come from dude ow yeah n i better run away from this big bloke I reckon oh wait here I go for a big play using my counter spell oh [Music] gosh get me in the why I thought I had my counter up yeah no better run I continued forward Guided by the streak of red and I soon arrived at this logging Camp oh is that him there he is all right give me that V blood Rufus the moon rose on night 7 as I entered the camp which was handy because the sun is quite a nuisance during combat Tristan the Vampire Hunter you've got V blood oh you probably think you're s you are what level is that guy what the hell I don't know what level he is but my attacks did approximately zero damage to him oh good gravy why man I just want Rufus man I don't want random high level Tristan get out of here Tristan you stinky butthead and so I fled the fury of Tristan the Vampire Hunter all right yeah get out of here Tristan you stink let's try the Bandit logging Camp again shall we Rufus had a big net a big crossbow and a big Ginger beard I chose to use the mace unleashing some big slaps and I did my best to avoid the various projectiles soon he whipped out some of these ones oh gosh ah okay he's not doing that much damage to me though oh and I got some I got some health orbs mind if I do and so the Rufus fight ended up being pretty straightforward because even if I failed to dodge his attacks his damage numbers weren't that punishing give me that blood Rufus look at that big Sawmill that's a huge Sawmill look at that H delicious blood we can get simple Furniture heck yes woodworking bench nice and a blood spell Point here's the spell book and as you can see there are six schools of magic in the game I just received a tier one blood spell point and since I already had two of the three tier one Blood Spells I could only choose blood Rage which heals and applies a haste buff I gave it a whirl and the 25% attack speed buff felt pretty juicy by the way the big mace slap was my favorite move that move is huge bro big slap with my mace okay this game is pretty cool for context here's how the map was looking that blue bit there is my base I tracked another V blood carrier and marched onward killing bandits as I went and collecting stuff too of course I gave the spears special ability a go on these spiders and it seemed pretty good too and I was eventually led to the Bandit Trapper Camp guess who was waiting for me oh dear Tristan what are you doing here bro why are you everywhere Tristan where did you come from who what the hell is that it's a bush a man trap cursed the sunlight by the way Rufus had given me my first unsullied heart to go along with the tainted Hearts I'd been collecting Charming stuff yeah fight the bush fight the he owned the bush I then somehow ended up in an epic battle against this bomber and her dead eyee Archer friend and the bomber was nine levels my Superior so this was kind of spicy though both their move sets were pretty easy to dodge so I wasn't really at much risk of dying it was a fun fight as I enjoyed learning the shenanigans these two new enemies were capable of throwing at me and then I finally tiptoed back to the Trapper Camp if you look at my current blood type it's got a big X and 0% this is the useless frail blood type I had it because I'd eaten a rat to top up my blood supply I really should have fed on one of these enemies to get a better blood type but to be honest I was having trouble remembering to optimize my blood bonuses in the chaos of battle as I healed up my good friend KY walked by the tent so it was time for her to suffer violence nice Frost arrows dude that's sick missed me oh there's a bear get involved bear this fight devolved into madness when we ended up rumbling in the bear cage but I was the decisive Champion claiming the frost archers blood earned me a frost spell point and some leather working goodies got to go for Errol next right I picked up the spell ice NOA and immediately used it on these slumbering bears and while eral the stone breaker was indeed my next Target I paid a trip home first I got stuff refining I placed some lights around the place and I made a research desk out of paper coarse thread and planks and with that I had pretty much ran out of room so I went on a rather long Rampage clearing I ripped down the old walls and placed new walls one tile further out drastically expanding the size of the area here existing builds can be moved with just a click of the mouse so rearranging to make use of the space was easy all right cool whatever that'll do now what are we making I made a Tannery and a woodworking bench The Woodworking bench turns planks into decorative materials and the Tannery began refining the 2000 plus rugged hide i' hoarded into leather and as usual I decided to double up to speed up the process look at it Go just magically I love that I collected the random books I'd found so far and took them to the research table where they helped me to learn how to make a merciless copper bow a sun resistance brew and simple carpets I couldn't make the upgraded bow yet but I was able to make a copper crossbow okay now we got a ranged option that seems cool I had enough coarse thread to make the level three KN stalker leggings vest and boots I got low on blood so I slammed a few rats into my face that did the trick and soon my three new items of clothing were ready so I switched outfits adding 19 points to my health raising my gear score to 26 and making me look much more stylish and much less bony I made a blood press just cuz I didn't have one yet you can use these to squeeze the blood out of Hearts very delicious and I headed out on another adventure I tried to get in the habit of feeding on enemies with quality blood I fought the alpha wolf again for some reason making use of my new crossbow and when I saw this little cave symbol on my mini map I tried to figure out what it was I don't believe I can get up there until I can fly or something do I sense the ability to morph into a bat in my future I was enjoying the crossbow because being able to stay at range makes me feel safer considering my subhuman reaction speeds and the area effect ability was pretty juicy I fought my way into this Bandit copper mine but I wasn't here for the copper I smelled V blood nearby what is this purple business trippy shroom if you want this ore you're going to have to get through me first a I want your blood oh nice move that's sick arrol did indeed have a rather glorious chaotic shock wave move I adopted a shoot and slide strategy but it backfired cuz old mate Errol wasn't keen on leaving his little Patrol area so he ran back and reset when I went in for round two I made sure to stay down in this lower area here let's hear that crunch woo say let's hear that crunch sadly Mr Stonebreaker didn't get to hear much crunching because his moves were pretty easy to avoid claiming his blood earn me some new storage and lighting options and we got a chaos spell I chose to pick up Aftershock yeah man I then investigated the weird plant I'd picked up earlier yeah a Trippy shroom might make you feel trippy not recommended to eat well that's just a challenge right oh yeah it's making the screen oh yeah that is that is trippy I'm so confused what is going on I'm glad that was only 45 seconds it would have been a rough day if that like last for an hour or something dude what the hell where do all you Nerds come from this abundance of nerds provided me with a great opportunity to whip out some very satisfying area damage M that's the good stuff hold to unlock oh so fancy this fancy chest had a jewel in it that can be attached to the spell ward of the Damned to modify and improve it interesting my next destination was the Bandit Armory where my Frost NOA Shockwave and Rain of bolts combo worked wonders who's this villager vampire here he is he's got a little Arena ready for me as you can see big Grayson was level 27 so this was more evenly matched than my fight against poor Errol he littered these spiky traps everywhere he swung his Hefty m B and I figured I might as well see what this random armor was all about oh this is how we get rid of these things this allowed me to create some breathing space though he wasn't shy about lobbing even more spiky things all over the place he did some big spinnies too boom that's a pretty cool fight Grayson's blood unlocked new crafting and building options of course most interestingly a new workshop of floor type as well as an illusion spell point I picked up spectral wolves I wandered into the Forgotten Cemetery where I engaged in glorious combat with this level 35 Undead assassin flying skull what oh they just blow up on you I was looking for gors wine the ravager and I think it's fair to assume someone named gors wine would hang out in a cemetery alas no gors wine was forthcoming and all I managed to do was spend half a night desecrating the dead but I guess when you can't find one V blood carrier another Falls into your lap because on the gallop home I ran into an old friend she had rather impressive chaos arrows along with the ability to go invisible she also did some big chaos vomits on the ground the arrows are theoretically easy to avoid but you have to keep in mind that I am a goose on the loose somewhere in there an alpha wolf joined the fry which was good for The Vibes and I don't know how I didn't die at the end here but trading Arrows with Lydia is definitely not the play since hers are much more impressive and purple I somehow survived on one Health Lydia of course also had lots of Juicy rewards for me the unlocks were coming in thick and fast and I was on the hunt for more I found a gors wine the sun rose midf fight but lucky for me it's always gloomy in cemeteries and I think there may have been just a few enemies chasing me during this fight once I got the Skelly priests down all their summons disappeared and soon it was just me and the swine she threw Unholy magic at me willy-nilly there was green stuff and skulls all over the place but I weathered the storm and came out on top you dead maggots will be so happy the mag would be so happy man that's true well said I picked up bone explosion it looks a little like this and as you can see if you kill an enemy while they have The Condemned debuff they reanimate as a skeleton to fight for you all right well I've killed all the level 27 nerds and one of the level 30s now nibbles the pure R and I finally returned home Grim range of boots give me that Forge flooring give me that assortment of Windows give me that there were a lot of things that I'd unlocked so I was kind of overwhelmed but the first thing I made was a Devourer big licky big licky licky this thing salvages materials from items so I put on my old equipment in there and let it Chomp away I next made a leather working station and it had just one juicy crafting option for me can make a leather bag yes I couldn't actually craft cause threat at this point so just as well I looted the eight I needed from dead Bandits seven more slots nice I could now craft wet stones but to make them I needed stone dust and stone dust is a byproduct of refining Stone into stone bricks in in a grinder so I got some grinding happening and I don't know why I didn't do this earlier but my next Quest was to upgrade my castle heart and it cost a mere 12 copper ingots and 12 leather and so my castle grew to level two this increased the number of floors I was able to place from 50 up to 140 the reward for this Quest was rather juicy finally I was able to make castle floors and walls oh we got a bunch of fancy walls now I was low on planks so I had a lumberjack session and dropped thousands of wood into the Sawmills and I realized every section of castle wall was going to cost 10 stone bricks my faithful grinder here had made 23 in about half a day so after putting some wet Stones onto craft using Stone powder from the grinder plus ingots I collected a bunch of stone and placed down grinder number two I used some Workshop floors to place the floor for my first castle room I deleted these shabby wooden walls and replace them with outrageously intimidating walls the gothic Castle Vibes did wonders for my inner vampire except I didn't have enough stone bricks to finish the room yet so it was a little anticlimactic just keep making wet Stones I feel like the wet Stones going to be useful I made a third grinder and I decided I liked this variety of Workshop floor better so I changed it and I made the room a little bigger too so the three grinders could fit fast forward a bit until I finally had enough bricks and finally the room was finished all right I made a room I made a room oh look at that roof dude holy crap as you can see if you have floors fully enclosed by castle walls a glorious roof appears wonderful stuff and see these green ticks on the grinder it now worked 25% faster because it was in a room with a roof and it's recipes were now 25% cheaper cuz it was in a room with Workshop flooring the same goes for the Sawmills and The Woodworking bench I guess this is how the game encourages you to set up your castle with distinct rooms I was a big fan I collected all the random crude gems i' had found so far and I threw them into a grinder because I needed gem dust yet another recent unlock was a bunch more storage options so I placed a small material storage chest it's twice as big as my old chests but Can Only Hold materials the 20 gem dust I needed was ready so it was time to build a waygate for my next Quest I encountered the same issue from right at the start of the game where you can't teleport while carrying certain items so you can't be teleported with like any refined materials or like Gems or stuff so random but once I'd cleared all that crap from my backs it was time to give it a whirl and having one of these waygate smack bang in my base that is rather convenient and my V blood tracker thingo told me Clive the fire starter was very far away to my West so I took my castle waygate to this Western waygate I'd found earlier when this angry Bush burst forth to bother me I said you know what Bush it's time to get pruned and then it bit me in the face a few times I was low in blood so I indulged in some delicious Bandit juice and I soon pulled up outside the Bandit sulfur Quarry there were lots of explosive crates in here including the one that blew up this young lady Archer and in recent fights stacking my various area of effect abilities had proven quite effective but this Trio here was a bit higher level and much tankier so I was definitely in more challenging territory now I've got a burning desire to rake some Havoc CL I think you're crazy bro five was quite the bombarder big bombs small bombs bombs bombs bombs seriously lots of bombs oh grap I found some friends this is not good oh no not the sunrise oh not the sunrise oh no not more friends try and blow one of these bombs up that to help yeah this Trapper nerd whipped out some big plays when she successfully got me with this trap and I whipped out ingenious plays when I ran away from the shade run get these orbs get these orbs oh why did I run away from the light this is where I die run faster dude run faster run faster okay for some reason these idiots ran off when I fled over here he deag I think that's fine I have to restart I think I needed to restart the fight anyway oh he's coming back just let me heal thank you Clive you lovely man I had a bad habit of standing just outside the red circle of Clive's bomb impact because even though I felt it shouldn't hit me it always did regardless Clive Silly Willy running away mid battle gave me the breathing space I needed to claim the victory his blood unlocked the alchemy table and gave me a chaos spell point with which I picked up power surge merciless copper ax ooh I guess the reason doesn't need you teleport while carrying a bunch of crap is because they don't want to make it too easy to collect stuff on the go you have to run home I tried out power surge but the buff duration was so short that I wasn't a fan so I returned to Old Faithful the big purple shock wave where's nibbles the putrid rat man any place too infested might be visited by nibbles if I get like a billion rats in my castle maybe nibbles will come fight me I'd run out of viable V blood targets so I hit up the Shady gem dealer as I needed two crude amethysts to craft a weapon upgrade I also purchased the marauda vest recipe book after a rather long wolfy run back East towards home I encountered an old friend magic seemed to do very little damage to it but the crossbow did surprisingly decent damage so I simply kited the lumbering Dingus and Whitted down his considerable Health pool until he crumbled to Pieces a ridiculous amount of stone merciless copper axes yes Marauder vest yes I discovered the workbench crafts items more cheaply when on Forge flooring and I figured since I had a lot of upgrades to craft it would be wise to get a forge going lucky for me I'd found the forge flooring research book earlier so I soon had a little Forge set up adjacent to the workshop I rearranged the workshop a little so I could place another door just for more convenient pathing the furnaces were obviously at home in the Forge too yeah saving two copper ingots and a bunch of thread a bunch of yeah very worth I finally made nightstalker gloves and I upgraded my nightstalker vest to a Marauder vest I also finally made a traveler's wrap out of cloth Bandits had dropped and that went into my cloak equipment slot which had previously been empty a little more health and some sun resistance increasing the amount of time I was able to withstand sunlight I rearranged a little before completing my next quest to build a stone C coffin and of course I had a quick snooze to make it official beautiful stone coffin for the following Quest I needed one greater blood Essence and luckily I had six unsullied Hearts because four of those was enough to press into one greater blood Essence once it was done I used it to craft my first servant coffin insert a Charmed human vampire servants will defend your castle and can be sent out to hunt in order to charm a human I'd been granted dominate human form so clearly it was time for a little visit to some nearby humans 69% creature that's some a creature blood man yeah this give me heaps of heaps of Buffs nice I collected any gem rocks I saw cuz I still needed more crude gems blood moon what does that mean this mugger became my first Charmed friend in retrospect I probably should have chosen a target with better than 12% blood quality but whatever back at the servant coffin I learned that as a brute he was good at hunting in harsh environments and as a bandit he was more effective hunting in Far Bane Woods I paid 100 blood Essence to convert him into my servant this was set to take 40 minutes blood moon boost the effects of your current blood type by 20% increases your movement speed by 10% that's what the blood moon does I was on the brink of upgrading my weapons to tier 4 but I'd run low on copper ingots so I had a mining session in the nearby Bandit copper mine which is a rather inspirational use of the blood moon buff no doubt I found a Marauder vest book in this chest which made me sad because I just bought one of these for 40 copper coins very rude but I found the marauder boots book in another chest so that redeemed the situation and my bags were nowhere near full of copper ore so I paid a visit to the local mine too I was was there well into night 19 and I managed to fit in murdering Errol for a second time I headed home once I had over 3,000 copper ore atrient the hell ah ah ah this fight was pretty similar to the stone Golem fight except it got a little spicy when gors swine the ravager showed up out of nowhere towards the end while that ridiculous amount of copper o was smelting I crafted gem storage Alchemy storage herb storage tailoring storage and knowledge storage each had a distinct look and obviously held only its respective Cate of items a great organizational tool I researched the books I'd found I crafted maruda boots and I'd finally rebuilt my collection of crude gems so I was able to do this merciless copper axes and once this Longbow is done merciless copper Longbow beautiful so the arrow oh bows have multi-shot that's kind of cool you can also charge up your bow shots my Mor boots as well that's an upgrade and that's a that's the two set bonus for 50 extra Health my health shut up to 369 not bad all right well there's a couple of upgrades what did that shot me up to 32 gear level that's nice I paid a visit to the cemetery because I wanted morning lies and grav dust which drops from skellies I found a fancy chest too I soon returned to base with the resources needed to make a grave dier ring 9.3 spell power instead of seven and I was rather enjoying being able to easily transfer all of my items into the various chests i' crafted uh I think my dude's ready oh I can name him call him Alfred cuz he's like my butler but he's also a bit of a gangster a new Revenant to suit my purposes hello Alfred Alfred's arrival marked another Quest complete and the next Quest was quite interesting okay now I've got to get iron smelting and I've got to explore the world Beyond far Bane woods so I've finished this area basically but I still had a fair few V blood carriers in the area so I didn't let the quest rush me all right let's make a few Stone bodies some grave dust as well by grinding up some bones by the way I couldn't actually command Alfred to do anything yet because I needed to make a throne from which to order him about and I didn't have access to the materials to make one of those just yet you can use 50 paper to research a random Tech so I gave it a wh and unlocked water well a well filled with useless water on night 21 I headed to the far Northeast of far Bane Forest collecting as I went of course and I soon arrived at the most excellent boss so far H this is where the fishing boss is for sure he's got his own Boss Arena that's so sick all right come on bro let's go what is he doing he's fishing he's fishing he fished up some nerds some magikarps ah oh dude what the heck is he doing oh he's got a Gyarados as well oh some puffer fish too this boss fight is sick fighting Finn the fisherman was indeed a riot as he fished up many a minion and used many fishing rod related attacks against me but unfortunately for Finn today I was the fishmonger and he and his fish Army were for sale in my stinky Market store I feel bad killing that guy he's such a such a lovely fell his blood taught me how to make a fishing rod of course and I used the frost spell point he gave me to to unlock Frost bat when I spotted these Hooligans being silly I knew it was a shindig I couldn't bear missing and I managed to withstand the creepy corpse pile and its borrowing Shenanigans and when I finished it off would you believe it dropped a lot of Bones one nice thing about using two Frost spells is that if a Target is chilled by one Frost spell hitting it with another will freeze it very handy all right we're in the bear cave baby sadly freeze doesn't work on bosses because that would have been very handy against kodia the Ferocious bear he shook the ground causing chunks of rock to fall and he went red very angry mode and tried to rip my face off ah it's so fast and he whipped out some big charges oh what a beast but once again none of his damage numbers were too scary so I took the victory all right here we go step into a new skin yeah I returned home to empty my bags and put a skull on my wall some torches too and I hadn't collected any wood since I got in my new tier 4 axe it was a fair bit faster now and soon I was able to craft a fishing pole I added a small consumable storage to my setup I somehow didn't make one of these earlier and I whacked down an alchemy table too you can make potions and explosives at this thing hitting a shield or frozen Target Shields you for 77% of your spell power that seems strong and so I ventured forth to track down two more V blood carriers in the west against a single freezable Target freeze was kind of Bonkers it lasted 4 seconds which was half the cool down of all my abilities even against two Targets it was nice cuz I had two Frosty bat charges see that accidental 360 I mean totally on purpose 360 I then wandered up to say hello to my friend Nicolas the Fallen you are not interrupt my work I will interrupt your life actually oh dude that exploded the green exploding orb was quite hard to avoid he let loose the Meandering angry green skulls and he summoned a rather large volume of Skelly boys fortunately they were rather slow Walkers and multi-shot wore them down yes oh no ow woo all right so we got paper press we got a bunch of candle stands we got a bunch of rugs and curtains and stuff and my first tier three spell Point tier three yeah it's one of these ones what I'm going to unlock the spider Shenanigans oh this is an ultimate yes indeed my first ultimate an Unholy spider that explodes creating three spiderlings that also explode lovely stuff oh what did I just get ring of the spell Weaver now we've got poora the Fay Walker who's still very very far away very far away West oh yeah see that damage oh see the damage how do this work someone's shooting at me while I'm trying to fish give it a you're just hitting the tree you big idiot how do I know when it's time to oh Alchemy lab flooring that's actually really useful holy crap give me another really useful book please a fierce Stinger ianded to the far west of far Bane Forest until I finally arrived at this rather pretty Meadow there was a large volume of blood roses here and my good friend poora the Fay Walker she summoned a butterfly looking thing and shot a bunch of goobies at me and she randomly went invisible too but this was once again a rather straightforward fight right what do we get we got a bunch of we got Garden foundations including like a billion hedge versions holy crap I picked up the Phantom ages spell I collected every flower in the area flowers can be used for potions so I figured why not and I was Way Out West so I had a long run home on my way I spotted a carriage being escorted by quite a few guards I took them out and destroyed the carriage to so that I could get out its Loot and it was pretty impressive loot two spell jewels two research books and more however oh he ate me no I'm not delicious stop it and by the time I'd taken out the big bag of bones no dude a it disappeared that had so much loot in it I continued the jog East and finally arrived back at base where I of course got busy with the usual chores including a record number of research unlocks I deliberated switching out my gear to the Warlock set which gives spell power but I concluded I was a fan of the attack speed and health from the order set so I stuck with it ring of the spell Weaver I'm using up a greater blood Essence which is very expensive but 5% cool down is good more spell power is good Alfred's just chilling look at Alfred he loves it I made the marauder gloves too got three Marauder pieces now brings my gear level up at 39 very nice I placed down two paper presses these use saw dust and plant fiber to make paper I got a bunch of crafting I collected wood and kept the Sawmills chugging because now not only the planks were useful the sword dust was too and I grabbed a small amount of sulfur I'd refined out of sulfur ore fortunately I had enough to place some Alchemists flooring which are made of two sulfur a piece before long I had a little alchemy lab set up and I figured I might as well make use of my newly acquired Garden options too while clearing some space I remembered this ridiculous Vermin Nest thing I was here and it turns out it belongs in an Alchemy lab so I expanded out the room a little to make space the menacing greenness definitely gives off Mad Alchemist Vibes I continued working on the garden lovely lovely I decorated through the night and had a lot of fun piecing everything together to add some functionality I planted a bunch of seeds that I gathered in my Adventures oh that's that's kind of cool I finally added the Third Sawmill that I'd always intended to slot in here I'm making a few painting frames and sculptured wood which can be used for decorative stuff now I used one of those painting frames to hang a painting here there were lots of painting options and the building and decorating system is super smooth so I was having lots of fun with it a fair bit of paper had piled up so I rolled the dice with some random Tech researchers and I unlocked gravel paths so I tried placing some of of those down but it wasn't quite working for this little garden and then it was time to teleport North to take on the final boss of far Bane Forest Quincy the Bandit King to get into the Bandit stronghold I had to go into bare form and unleash some big slaps on this gate and I fought my way through the many Bandits Milling about ooh silver coins look out two glass as well get some loot now oh wait what I'm carrying silver it's doing damage to me how do I deal with that that's right I forgot vampires are not a big fan of silver as I fought on the sun rose which was not ideal for my hunt okay he's just chilling up here in full sunlight so I waited in the shade until moonrise are you ready for this big fella Quincy Quincy was a big buffer with a rather spectacular chaotic Shockwave move and a big Shield charge he also sometimes put up a reflective barrier show me ah he's going hey he's ping ponging oh he's stunned himself get some big damage after one more char Jing spree where the big idiot stunned himself again I claimed victory over the Bandit king of faban forest nice this gave me some huge unlocks the Smithy tailoring bench and the ability to process iron also a new Ultimate that's pretty cool I'd completed half of my quest so it was time to do the other half I headed north to Dunley farmlands and soon soon I'd officially explored beyond the Act One region of far Bane Woods I turned in the quest unlocking the music box and the next Quest was quite intriguing discover a way to unlock prison cells tap the blood from a prisoner what the hell I found my first ever quartz and my first ever regular quality gems from this gemrock and while faban Woods was a lawless land overrun by Bandits Dunley farmlands was more civilized with a militia in place to keep the peace though it made little difference to me since vampires are hated by Bandits and L abiding citizens alike and knew area meant new loot willy-nilly including wool thread Scrolls and yet more silver coins what do I do about the silver hurting me get my silver resistance up I had a quick look at the V blood carriers of this act 2 region Charmed human to the prison cell allows you to craft blood Potions by taing prisoners on blood oh my gosh this is unhinged and I decided it was time to relocate my castle so I chose a central location on the map and began heading there on the way I got in a rumble and I spotted my first 100% blood quality enemy so I had to have a taste by the way the militia here were doing way more damage than enemies back in Far Bane Woods 100% Warrior this was of course a very juicy find look at all them stats sadly I didn't make much use of the perfect blood as I soon arrived at what would become my new home this spot had about twice the room of my old area back down south and it featured a pond all right this is definitely my new home cuz it's got a beautiful pond and a waterfall had a chance of fishing right at my doorstep who could argue and lucky for me this game has a wellth thought out Castle relocation mechanic you can place this Castle relocation Heart Link it to your existing castle and then it lets you move every single thing you've built at the old location to the new and so began the process of clearing and relocating I intended for this to be my castle longterm and as such I was trying to somewhat plan out the layout as I went all of the major buildings had to be relocated but things like flooring and decorations weren't necessarily essential so I didn't bother with the garden for example and instead let the game refund me those materials and so on night3 I made it official and everything was relocated used to be there now it's up here in the pretty much the middle of the map I found a couple more weapon research books so I crafted the merciless copper sword and Spear and I continued working around the base while Alfred chased Bambi about I planned out where my main entrance would be I fiddled with the layout of my new Forge I began placing down this Ebonite Castle flooring I was fond of and then I realized I'd unlocked stairs I decided there should be a staircase in the center of this cavernous entrance area so I made a spot for that to go yeah I don't know we got work to do is perpetually chasing deer it's actually ridiculous I filled in some of the front wall with fancy glass windows for effect and I changed my mind about the forge yet again I like it better if it goes back yeah that's nicer that looks pretty cool if you come up stairs and see that I'm sure we can do some some nice pretty things out here with the arrival of a Blood Moon I decided it was time I took on the challenge of this new area well these are just villagers ooh I can steal some workers from my my shenanigans should I pray on the worker give me give me the worker Blood Man sheep they weren't lying when they named this area Dunley farmlands you know what I need I need to bring out some melee bring back the days of the melee attacks I Haven a melee for so horse I found my first iron or rock over here they're throwing big big things of fire at me dude who's the who's this woman what what is she doing who is this she just walked through fire and didn't give a crap and the militia archers whipped out big fire arrows extremely quickly and they did rather large damage so I was quickly learning that this act 2 area was indeed going to be a fair bit harder than act one I soon arrived at dawn break Village the home of my next Target beatus the Taylor who's this oh there she is she's a big chunker she's got a weird what is what's going on with her face dude all right it's time wait is she just a coward oh gosh I think that's the that's the gimmick here I'm going to have to fight the whole town cuz she just runs away yes indeed beus was not interested in battle and she had surprisingly impressive cardio for a big girl I was a bit slow goinging dealing with these archers and when the sun rose things got even trickier oh not the sun been so slow by the time I dealt with them beus had reset and I was in for a long day she's so fast it's not easy chasing an extremely athletic tailor while also trying to stick to the shadows and when the militia Patrol started respawning things got even more chaotic where'd you go chase her don't let her reset oh so much shade good BS okay we got it we got it we got it we got it I cleaned up this rabble and was pleased to spot an 81% Warrior to Feast on and I of course claimed my first V Blood Feast of the Dunley farmlands okay I can mount these guys oh this is faster than a wolf this is faster than a wolf I headed up to The Village's cemetery and ended up in a battle against two nuns the first scholar blood type enemies I'd encountered he's are Level 46 what level am I no stop healing dude got big heals stop healing each other I can't kill these guys they keep healing each other I discovered each horse has its own stats and they need to be fed plant fiber to be kept alive now what did I actually unlock Loom so that's good yeah cool oh gosh Simon Belmont what are you doing here what are you doing here Simon Belmont who are you I chose to avoid Simon Belmont and when I returned home I dismounted in rather epic fashion I had over 100 paper piled up so I researched to random texts I got a ring and a crossbow I really wanted the mace upgrade but this will do we're smelting our first Iron it takes a minute and 30 seconds okay I'm going to need more forges by forges I mean furnaces and it's true I was wondering whether I'd made my Forge area too small I mean made a loom out of planks copper ingots and wool thread all right I need to go to a cotton farm and steal a whole bunch of cotton cuz then I can get the cotton yarn and then I can get the tailoring bench I was also going to need a ton of iron to progress so after raiding this militia encampment where I found my first Jewel tier 2 featuring two spell modifications I headed into the haunted iron mine just south of my base as you might expect this place was full of Undead but it was also full of iron ore dude what the heck bro is it's spewing forth green stinkiness another one oh this one's for spectral wolf increases bouncing and it adds a snare to it interesting while here I was hoping to find a level 44 V blood carrier to take on but it turns out these Fel mines are home to a level 47 as you can see my damage numbers were in Gray against this guy this is because he was eight levels higher than me and my Effectiveness was reduced he used a shield and when I hit it to Skelly spawned he used a big Reaper Whirlwind too and he did one of these ones oh he hooked me what a beast I decided that was my cue to flee I headed the other way around the mind and continue collecting iron ore there he is stop following me CRA ow dude what the hell that burns for so much damage I mind iron well into night 35 I was in there so long the undead started respawning and once the place had been mined dry I headed out with over 3,000 iron ore huh Meredith the bride Archer oh for goodness sake run don't get me Meredith this area is scary man I divvied up the iron ore between my four furnaces another 100 paper had been crafted so I rolled the dice and researched another armor piece and a potion the iron takes ages so where are the irons going I collected I realized I could make large chests now so I made a couple of those and got rid of my small chests and I headed out on an Excursion to the local cotton Farms this wasn't as straightforward as you might imagine because there were patrols of militia every five steps I can hide I can hide in the I can hide in the Hast stack burst forth from the Hast stack oh they got garlic hanging up the front of their house that's outrageous they had garlic Galore but I was single-minded in my pursuit of cotton so I just put up with it I stole their sunflower crop too sorry I stole all your all of your crop this is disgraceful Behavior to be honest I then finally looked at what the garlic debuff was doing to my poor vampiric body increases damage taken and reduces your damage output okay so it doesn't do damage to you it's just a big debuff and I'd let 74 Stacks pile up so I was now taking 74% more damage and dealing 37% less damage makes me smell bad increasing the range of which enemies detect me I've made a mistake I collected 330 cotton from that first Farm which didn't feel like a lot so it was time for Farm Number Two and I guess I was just going to have to put up with the garlic debuff luckily only silly villagers tried to fight me because I was dealing pathetic damage by the time I was done I had the maximum 100 stacks of garlic exposure treat us vampires like this just cuz we're different just cuz we suck blood and have mild murderous Tendencies the map said there were merchants in this area here next to my base and it was indeed a market but I didn't appear to be welcome so I took the hint back at base I put the 580 cotton into the loom to be turned into yarn 16 cotton per yarn and 50 iron ingots had been smelted so I used 32 of those to make a Smithy at which I was able to craft iron weapons I queued up an iron Longbow and mace and I gave my old bow to Alfred it made his hunt proficiency way better and even after all that busy work my garlic stack was still at 81 as the iron ingots became available I continued crafting iron weapons I made a second Loom to speed up cotton yarn production and I soon had the 24 required to make a tailoring bench I made an upgraded cloak featuring some garlic resistance just 15 garlic resistance reduces the application rate by 60% and increases recovery rate by 60% I made a garlic Resistance potion out of Hell's Clarion flowers and it added a further 40 shooting that number up to 220% this was great news as without this I would have had to wait around for a rather long time for the debuff to drop off I'd soon upgraded all my weapons so I headed out oh I got new abilities oh yeah the iron weapons have new abilities the bow now had guided Arrow the sword had Shockwave the axes had extract the mace had smack the spear had Harpoon and the crossbow had snapshot I tracked down Vincent the frostbringer a level 44 V blood carrier and I figured with my new weapon upgrades I could could take him on but it was daytime so I don't think this was the play also I was switching weapons willy-nilly cuz I was excited about my new skills but there was no strategy to it so it was an absolute shambles I was very quickly forced to flee what the hell where'd you come from militia veteran now that I'm actually taking more damage maybe I should be using verman salves more I killed some time before night and went in for round two with Frosty Vincent you froze on my spiders I'm going to use Frost against you too bro ow he's so fast he was indeed rather fast I found I was using my Dash to Simply get away from the big fell which meant it was on cool down every time he shot his ice Shard thingo at me and I was getting Frozen willy-nilly oh dude what is that don't you dare this fight was a bit of a wakeup call because in the first act combat had been forgiving and I think I'd gotten away with playing pretty sloppily but I simply couldn't afford to get hit so much when fighting Vincent and perhaps I needed to rethink which spells I was using and apply some deeper strategy regardless the wind looked Within Reach when my spider ultimate came off cool down all right get some heals off blood sustains me our veins run dry I have no oh no I have no blood in me dude he's running away no bro I was too scared to give proper Chase considering my own low health and so the fight was reset I claimed blood from some nerd healed up and went in for round three this time I used spectral wolf and Chaos volley and a militia Patrol joined the party but once they gave off chasing and left us alone I seemed to be a little more switched onto his move set but once he was low yet another militia Patrol came to join the fun in the chaos he ran off and reset once again there just so many patrols dude this is crazy no I'm dead I'm actually dead how have I not dead cuz the Wolves apply fantasm and fantasm has a chance to reset cooldowns and it also just lowest cooldowns in general it feels like my spell cooldowns are up so much more often so at least I was having fun trying out some different spells oh and welcome to round four this was another poorly planned fight as the sun rose Midway through oh no oh no no no no no I'm dead I'm dead I coming out stun locked for days bro this giant rock is going to save my life clearly no it's not it's not the end wait for an ally I have no [Music] allies no and so I suffered my first death sad days I'm actually enjoying the heart of combat like I can definitely be much better at dodging some of those things but some of them it's like my character just runs flaming slow what do you want me to do I headed back out to collect my dropped gear and the plan was to collect more cotton so I could craft some upgrades but I guess when I saw Christina the sun Priestess I couldn't resist she summoned big tanky buffers and was capable of healing herself so this was a very different fight to Vincent I used my Ma's new smack move to stun her and interrupt her her heels but as the fight dragged on and she continued summoning nerds it wasn't always easy to pull off on this occasion I completely air swung the smack and trying to interrupt her heal that put me in a compromising position so I'm trying to this is revealing how bad I am at the game oh dear clearly I was suffering from Big Noob energy and Low Spirits because when I returned to grab my gear oh oh dude I didn't even realize I took that much damage when I returned again I took vengeance on that meat head by dropping a spider ultimate right on his Noodle and then I swore off boss fights for a bit and headed out to accept some generous crop donations all right thanks for regrowing your crops so promptly friends appreciate that and I was in such poor form I almost got one tapped by the sun run horse run as the cotton I'd collected was refined into yarn I set about turning this big entrance area into a room with an actual roof I placed some flooring on the second floor to see how that would work and as the cotton yarn was made ready I crafted some Hol Fang gear and so I'd pushed my gear score up a few points to 45 as I was rocking two Hol Fang and two Marauder pieces of armor but it was almost daytime so I killed some time until night with some homemaking I experimented with the front of the castle and it ended up looking like this with two saplings freshly planted and I headed out with the cover of night to track down my old friend Vincent surely with a few upgrades under my belt I'd be able to take him on right I used blood R this time as I figured an extra defensive cool down would go a long way and I was off to an okay start oh not ban the Shadow Blade who are you who are you yeah fight him help me I love you what's going on but as usual I drifted the battle too far away from where it started so Vincent ran off to reset no no no no no no no no no no no I roped him back into the fight and did my best to get out of the way so Bane and Vincent would rip each other's heads off a truly honorable strategy this is how we get a double kill bro oh dude what the hell Bane was up to all sorts of shenanigans but I honestly had no idea what was going on I was just happy though into each other and not me I did my best to lower their health evenly because I was indeed Keen to claim a cheeky double kill soon Vincent was defeated but a level 50 Bane the Shadow Blade with a decent chunk of Health now had all of his attention focused on me when these nerds showed up I thought it was all over extract the blood am I vulnerable while doing this no I'm Invincible yes cheesed cheesed like crazy all right we can we can still this guy get him yes no crap the double the double kill this guy got me human form and I can make slashes okay this guy gave me the prison cell I claimed a T2 Frost spell that improved my Dash making it Shield me and inflict chill and I picked up W of the Damned too I was able to make prison cells now so I figured I better charm a prisoner a 28% blood quality Rogue seemed good enough for my first victim I'd also unlocked reinforced planks which cost three iron ingots and three planks so I got a bunch of those crafting and it was time to continue working on the castle I cleared a bunch of space out back and expanded out and I never actually rebuilt my Alchemy lab after the move to this location so I got onto that I also placed a little garden connected to the lab similar to how I'd set things up back at the old castle once a couple of reinforced planks were ready I was able to place down my first prison cell imprison charm I hope you like there we go I found one glass bottle I'd looted at some point blood potion oh did that kill her okay so now I've got this 28% Rogue blood I can just keep with me and drink when I want uh yeah I just killed that prisoner I didn't realized it was going to do 30% damage but anyway GG rest in peace that was another Quest completed and I unlocked prison flooring yeah if I find some 100% dudes I've got to charm them and imprison them for sure then I can just have very high quality Blood On Tap I continued building including planting all the seeds I'd collected in my new garden and I placed some prison flooring down I sprinkled lighting about I set up the prison walls and I decided to turn this room behind the stairs into a tailoring area I hadn't unlocked tailoring floors just yet but it wouldn't hurt to get organized there wasn't quite enough room to fit all the tailoring and leather working stuff in there so I made some adjustments and soon the room was complete and it was indeed nice to be more organized I forgot that I got human form oh is that what that person I see wondering around is is that a vampire being sneaky I made some iron slashes ohoo that's kind of cool Dash back and forth an invisibility move are you also a vampire pretending to be a human I had to play with my new slashers and by the time I'd taken out a few enemies it was daytime and I was near the haunted mind so I figured I might as well take shelter from daylight I ended up in another scrap with C the Undead General and I was determined to take him on using my new slashes but it turns out this was a terrible plan as I had an absolute stinker we'll pretend that one didn't happen I was clearly just fooling around I ended up hanging out in the haunted mine well into day 45 because I did need to stock up a more iron ore considering how expensive reinforced planks are I returned home with 15500 iron ore just a uh just an innocent human taking a very normal walk this is the merchant Village right next to my base and now that it had human form I was able to sneak in to investigate it had the same Merchants as the Shady dealer camps back in Bandit land just with better stuff on offer I wanted to check out the book prices because I was keen on upgrading my gear and I was going to need to save up a lot of silver coins somehow I took advantage of the blood moon buff to take on the sun Priestess again and after one false start where a big beefy militia veteran interrupted the battle I went in for round two I was once again reliant on my mace stun to ensure she didn't heal up too much which I actually managed to pull off this time without getting myself too far out of position but as is typical when fighting on Dunley Farmland roads groups of dinguses kept appearing out of nowhere to add to the goons she was summoning dude so many enemies come out of nowhere please yes so that was a spicy end to the fight but Christina Was Defeated woo that was intense all right that's candle's wool thread silver bag is good I picked up the tier 2 illusion spell mosquito and this spell lures enemies to attack the ucer Mozzy and then it fears them all away this is excellent crowd control so I was a big fan when I spotted this 75% blood quality scholar she was doomed to imprisonment is this truly evil work Charming a nun and bringing her to put in my prison so I can drain her blood to get a delicious Scholar's blood imprisoning 70% plus blood enemies was my plan to ensure I always had juicy blood on hand I fed the n a fat goby to heal her up been pressing lots of unsullied Hearts pretty much everyone that I've found and now I've got four greater blood Essence I made an empty glass bottle out of six glass and claimed the 75% Scholars blood rats restore 20 to 30% of prisoners health and they're very cheap to make so this was good news I used the greater blood Essence to finally craft my Throne from which I was able to command my servants this led me select various locations on the map to send Alfred to but since he didn't have a complete set of items equipped his chance to actually succeed on a hunt was rubbish I earned Crypt flooring as a reward for getting the throne set up I noticed my flowers had grown so I enjoyed a little Harvest I think these regrow every couple of days and I gave Alfred a higher level weapon I also crafted him some gloves and a ring this raised his hunt proficiency from 278 to 398 and he was now proficient enough to hunt in Far Bane Forest Forest the max duration hunt was 23 hours and I wasn't sure if this was hours played or 23 Real World hours so I sent him hunting in the fishing lake for 2 hours as an experiment I looked into making the Silver Thread bag but I needed eight silver coins to actually make it so I set out raing militia camps hoping to find silver coins in chests I found some good stuff but had no immediate luck on the coins and then I headed south to the far Bane Forest because I was du a visit to an old friend Tristan had once harassed me back when I was about level 15 so it was time for Revenge he had a big fire arrow move and a couple of lunging attacks with his sword so I did my best to use my Dash wisely he was also fond of throwing bombs everywhere I was thrown off when a patrol of Bandits joined the party and so I ran through fire like an idiot and a poorly timed Dash use meant it was on cool down at a key moment and I got absolutely crunched I got in some sneaky heels whipped out some evasive maneuvers and honestly watching this back my Dash usage was just poor his moves really aren't that hard to dodge but anyway it went down to the wire yes oh please oh it's close it was close on the way home I finally found some coins yes four silver I also fished stole a little cotton and I got a juicy recipe from killing Tristan new recipe 150 blood Essence gives me greater blood Essence is amazing previously greater blood Essence was very slow to get so I whacked on heaps to craft and as you can see I brought home a friend a 78% blood quality Warrior uh I'm near out of blood so let's try the nonone blood increase spell power spell coold down recovery 15% chance to reset spell coold down on cast man I need to find 100% scholar I had to repair some of my armor for the first time ever which cost me a bunch of leather and coarse thread and Tristan had also given me a tier three blood spell point so I picked up heart strike he'd also given me the great sword recipe big slow swings what's the Q Q is a w launches enemies into the air woohoo I finally made a tomb at which you can summon skellies just to kill them for their drops I invited a ghoul to visit on night 50 I returned to the haunted Minds to track down my old Bud Creek the Undead General I learned early on in the fight to resist dashing to Dodge's triple Harpoon hook move and to instead save my Dash to avoid his Reaper Whirlwind once I employed that logic properly the fight felt quite doable the first primary attack after a dash heals you up so taking the opportunity to land a shot also kept me healthy it ended up being a relatively clean fight and it was beginning to feel like I was no longer the noob that chain died a few days back I can get the reaper now that's pretty cool I picked up soulburn and collected some iron but my blood pool soon ran low so I headed out to find a human to feed on and ended up in a rather precarious situation Meredith the bright Archer landed a stun on me and I suffered some Sunburn and then I played a ridiculous game of run around the tent like a goose on the loose while Meredith tried to shoot at me oh she got me through the tent back at base the ghoul had Arisen so I sent him back to the grave and my warrior prisoner had healed up a little so I Yonk a blood potion from him also Alfred was home and I hadn't played the full 2 hours so it must have been two realtime hours which was great news I next sent him to the sulfa mines for a 23-hour Expedition I drank the 78% Warrior blood and I don't think I've highlighted this enough but the stats given by Blood are amazing this Warrior blood was giving me about 14% physical power 20% increased weapon skill cooldown rate and 9% reduced damage taken I took on Meredith and this card here was my best friend as I hid from our L of sight to avoid many of her arrows she summoned rather chunky goons though so that was a spanner in the world but this was a fight of running around in circles and using my skills on cooldown and now that I was more deliberate with my Dash uses things went fairly smoothly until the end that is come on oh no no no no no no no guide the my oh you got to be kidding me no okay o that was tight what a whip I unlocked my first storm magic spell ball lightning and it seemed pretty good every time you drain blood from a prisoner they become more miserable meaning they'll take more damage from being blood tapped increasing their risk of dying fortunately feeding them certain fish makes them less miserable so I queued up some fishies for the Warrior by the way all these prisoners and stealing their blood is uh is rather Grim you got to love it my next Target was Leandra the shadow Priestess so I headed over to the church of the Damned I was trying out my old Frost spell combo cuz I'd found tier 2 Jewels for both spells but I wasn't enjoying it so I switched out to try a chaos combo my Aftershock spell had a jewel that meant I was healed by chaos igniting my enemies 6% heal is crazy so this is good heals and with much higher quality blood I was feeling a lot stronger too oh holy crap that was a move I definitely needed to dodge except she also made it rather dark and sent an army of nerds to Lunge at me so I had a bit of a stinker but at least I'd gotten a feel for the fight so when I returned I'd subbed out both my spells for defensive options which I used to mitigate as much damage as possible this seemed to work pretty well though it did reduce my offensive capabilities she didn't seem to have much health though so I whittel her down relatively quickly The Artisan table craft magical objects nice I headed straight East pushing into territory as yet unexplored and I soon arrived at the Forbidden Tower which had quite a lovely Vibe actually inside was Maya the dark Sant and she was quite an interesting individual the Exquisite suffering of a paper cut oh gosh not a paper cut along with flinging paper she also tried to heal by eating her minion with her big flappy book no no no don't eat your minion this fight reminded me of the good old days in act one when when I had very little trouble with the bosses because despite her impressive book themed theatrics she was pretty easy easy I was right and right on theme killing Maya unlocked the study so I would now be able to research higher tier books and again this Tower and its grounds are genuinely pretty I wandered into this Coliseum which was empty so I deduced this is probably a PVP Arena and I'd found some more silver coins by this point so right give me yes A Better Bag finally I made an artisan table us using greater blood Essence which I now had heaps of and Scourge Stone which I managed to collect in the Church of the Damned earlier I needed more Scourge Stone to make a jewelry upgrade and I unlocked the ability to resurrect a Skelly priest that has a chance to drop them so I did that using some sunflowers and Gem dust I next placed down a study at which I immediately unlocked a bunch of tech oh I can't even make the iron whip though or the pistols I could get level 18 weapons but I can't even make the level 15 version of these yet I'd also unlocked Library flooring so it was time to actually put a room upstairs I of course moved all the library related stuff up here let me look at this wallpaper business man what we got here I'd unlocked some wallpapers ages ago and this felt like a good room to use this carved wood one the Skelly priest had arrived but no Scourge Stone drop was forthcoming and here's the reaper weapon type it has lots of wide sweeping spinny type moves I then furnished my new library Just a Touch yeah looks good man all right here's my bag finally boom three more extra slots and I could now carry up to 200 silver coins safely I checked out the level six armor i' had unlocked but I needed thick leather to craft them and I was yet to unlock that but I at least discovered a better way to get Scourge Stone I could craft it in a furnace out of wet stones and grav dust and so that enabled me to craft the scourge Stone pendant 15.6 spell power instead of 12.2 once three more Scourge Stones were ready I made some dusk callers these have a rather nefarious use as you'll see soon I also crafted the nobleman suit which is just a cosmetic set and I actually thought it looked boring compared to my usual armor so that was a bit of a fail I played around placing a room at the top of the stairs here but the way the wall pillar hung over the stairs annoyed me so I rearranged once I changed my mind and rearranged some more and I ended up deciding this would be my bedroom and Alfred's too of course and then I headed out west that's a 92% Rogue hell yeah I subdued her and it was time to test my new toy can use the dusk caller to send her back to an empty prison cell go bats yes enjoy your stay yes indeed those helpful bats had transported her back to the castle very handy as I headed into this quartz Quarry I had a bit of a lucky spree as I found a 78% Warrior who I Charmed and sent home and amazingly a second 92% Rogue who of course got the same treatment I collected my fill of quartz and murdered many a nerd and I soon Came Upon My Target grether the glass blower she threw stuff at me charged at me and splattered molten glass all over the place and I think the Highlight was when she blew me across the room gotcha can make glass now I unlocked my second storm spell cyclone another nice Aero effect spell except Sparky I descended into the Quarry proper and collected as much quartz as I could as glass is made from quartz and I was going to need a fair bit of glass I also took to Smashing all the crates and barrels cuz there was lots of good stuff in there see how the little dots of lightning are chaining between these fellas that's because storm spells apply a static debuff meaning if you hit them that chain lightning thing can happen which is pretty cool oh there's a 100% Rogue holy crap okay this was the crappiest crossbow IDI OT ever and yet he had a juicy 100% blood quality I was very careful not to accidentally kill him and I of course dominated him but sadly my prison was full so the dusk caller wouldn't work just got to jug at home little man this was a genuinely glorious find because as long as I took care of this fell he'd give me that 100% blood for eternity these wolves very nearly killed him on the way home though and honestly if they did I would have cried straight to the prison at the back here I put all the quarts on to turn into glass and I used up almost all of my iron expanding my prison each cell costs eight iron ingots and two reinforced planks that's 14 iron ingots total so these seven cells I added set me back almost 100 ingots I also did a little rearranging to get the cells positioned to my liking seven iron ingots just to repair my bow now that I had plenty of Greater blood Essence it was no problem to add four more servant cofins which took me up to my current limit of five for the castle I placed down Crypt flooring in here too this meant that when I converted both 92% Rogues and my 78% Warrior it was going to take 20 minutes instead of 40 then it was time to accept a present from my new friend boom 100% Rogue Blood let's go I fed him rats and fish to keep him healthy and happy upgrade castle heart 24 glass eight reinforced plank one greater blood Essence and so I could now make my castle even bigger and that was a quest complete too the reward for which was kind of random once constructed the eye of mortium allows you to track Rift incursions Within the Ruins of mortium I thought this thing looked at home in the library so that's where it went and it did indeed track Rift incursions oh this is how you get ANC special weapons and stigan shards in the ruins of mortium but it's level 80 plus so I can't can't do that just yet if I get castle heart to level four now I get dominate Mount interesting but I need radium alloy and Primal blood Essence okay that sounds like it's a long way off very exciting developments upgrading the castle had increased the limit so I placed a sixth servant coffin I made more dusk callers and I defeated all the V blood carriers up to level 50 so it was time to track down some level 53s and look at all these militia getting mowed down that's the good stuff I drank my 100% Rogue blood potion 50% chance of Critical Strike to expose victim's armor increasing damage taken from all sources by 15% I'm getting 15% movement speed plus 25% I'm getting like over 20% crit 100% chance to crit after using Veil Veil is my Dash and the Rogue blood had also reduced its cool down by about 2 seconds which is huge so I definitely just gotten a heck of a lot stronger I was pleased to claim some silver from this camp and and I happily collected resources as I struck out further east than I'd ever gone before across the bridge and into the hallowed mountains Knight 60 was a blood moon and blood moons increase the effects of your blood type by a further 20% Which is Bonkers so when I bashed up these polar bears it may have been an unfair fight after trudging through the snow for a while I found my target there he is oh dude what is he he's Frost Moore the mountain Terror and he has an assortment of Frosty abilities at his disposal quite a cool boss no doubt about it he whipped out a blizzard too which was rather spicy as he flailed his enormous limbs about and Ice spikes burst forth from the ground can't see dude oh no way that's not fair fortunately I was dishing out pretty big damage because if the fight had dragged on it might have been dicey but as it was many a critical hit wore down the yeti and he met his icy demise dude this is crazy yeah boy okay now I can get thick leather which means I can to start upgrading my gear beautiful going get a bigger bag already I picked up the ice block ultimate 2 which promised to be quite a juicy defensive ability I wandered North across a rather imposing bridge and found myself in the ruins of mortium hand of Dracula oh it's a Dracula blood type what the hell I took out both hands and tiptoed into the South Fortress ruins which was full of vampire cultists there was some kind of creepy ritual going on in the middle there I decided it was none of my business one benefit of this Gloomy place is that apparently the sun doesn't shine here because even though it was daytime I was moving about freely I found this vampire Merchant who sold the shards of ancestral weapons for the cost of 1,000 stigan shards you get these shards from the Rifts and this made me realize the ruins I'd been at actually had a rift and it was only level 57 plus not 80 plus like the one earlier oh Hall wood what I got some hell wood I returned to the ruins because I wanted some of them stigan shards that's a lot of bats dude what is this thing riper Beast no no no no no I whipped out ice block and realized maybe it wasn't the defensive Powerhouse I was hoping by but I managed to take out all the bats and the rip a beast nonetheless but this place was absolutely teeming with vampiric Horrors this night Maiden shot creepy love hard orbs at me so I made sure to avoid those and though I was fighting enemies as much as nine levels higher than me I seemed to be managing okay when I finally cleared The Last Enemy from this area near the entrance I must have finished some part of the rift event because I was awarded some stigan shards is it cuz I cleared the area or something hell did I do I took out the cultist below what I assumed was the rift and my 100% Rogue blood ran out so I drank some 78% Warrior blood and there was a crystal thingo in the air over here so I next took on this collection of Horrors a second wave appeared so I took on those two and finally another night Maiden with that the crystal exploded and I collected another 50 stigan shards and the rift in the center had opened and a lesser blood so had appeared can I takeing a less of blood sole you reckon I don't know but I was determined to try but things weren't looking great when I copped a frost arrow to the face followed by a surprise Frost dump out of nowhere fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me she got me with the sneak attack again and then I tried to ice block hoping it would save me but uh nope oh my gosh okay I don't like that ulti anymore I respawned at the nearby way gate so I was able to head straight back in there and she hadn't regenerated her health so that was a bonus I subbed in blood rice to up my defensive capabilities but I had a doozy coping multiple ice arrows and though I managed to get her pretty low I suffered the same fate oh gosh oh I didn't even see a cast that one I returned yet again and it looked like the rift was about to end but it gave me 10 more minutes and that was the chance I needed I whipped out my spider ultimate for big damage and it really was lucky she didn't regain much health after each attempt because this was hard goinging she was shooting ice arrows everywhere every few seconds so it was tricky to avoid them all please no that didn't hit me somehow I did it I did it I may have chain died to to achieve it but that's fine glimmering Bastard Sword it's got like a special whirlwind on it bring it to an ancestral Forge to restore it okay I also found the shards of an ancestral Spear and I ended up with 362 stigan shards total not bad I then headed out to do what I'd come here for in the first place I tracked down General Elena the hollow enemies of Dracula will be punished Miss Hollow was also a fan of the frost as she called down vicious hail and shot forth a shock wave of ice I thought I was clever blocking this hell storm but it only made me vulnerable to the icy earthquake she she's so fast dude how fast does that come out and then the solution to my dilemma came to me run around the rock like an idiot for 5 hours this allowed me to cling on to life while still chipping away at her health wait what why is she on an ice pillar what the hell what's she doing honestly these ice pillar silly willies was just her showing off but I knocked her off eventually the big rock strategy is just op I failed you master you can't defeat me and my rock there's no way bro then it was time for a rather long run home with a break for fishing of course I discovered the Hallow wood I'd accidentally collected yields oil when refined at a sawmill which is handy because thick leather is made from thick hide plus oil fortunately I had about 50 oil dropped by militia I had killed so I was able to queue up a fair bit of thick leather to craft I did some gardening and I'd filled up all the plots out here so I placed some more I made sure to collect some more delicious 100% Rogue bud and I crafted the mountain peak bag with some thick leather that I just crafted 26 Max Health on my bag sick we got even more inventory slots big fan of that too uh and the other thing I can make is this I need four greater blood Essence this is the alter of stigan Awakening I can get tier one passives with stigan shards I almost had 400 critical strikes leech 5% health and there's a 25% chance to spawn a blood orb when killing a Target affected by Le holy crap that's so good Harold's Harold's quite a good name Harold is a great name for this young woman I also welcomed Bruce and crusty to the party I really do just need make them a bunch of gear don't I I made some level three Night Stalker armor out of leather and coarse threat I had left over and I started diving out random gear I'd kept from earlier I finally made some blood Hunter boots my first level six piece of armor and I crafted some rings for my goons too soon they were each wearing a vaguely respectable set of gear with gear scores of around 38 only 11 worse than mine even still they didn't quite have the hunt proficiency to pull of hunt in the Dunley farmlands not with 100% success chance at least I sent Bruce to the lake to get me oil and fish I sent crusty to take on a cotton farm and he had a 75% chance which is decent enough I sent Harold to a cotton Farm too and she only had a 49% chance but if they did succeed they'd bring home like 800 cotton so it was worth a shot everyone's away on Hunt two cotton Farms a fishing lake and a su quy under attack from my minions I headed to bedrock pass which featured many a gemrock and this Iron Golem I decided to try out a combo of Unholy Spells at this point which meant I was summoning Skelly boys willy-nilly also have I mentioned fighting in the daytime is a stupid idea give me some proper shade dude the skellies are quite strong purely as a distraction as this obviously helped me avoid damage and also gave me extra time to deal damage okay we beat the we beat the big Iron Boy it can't be 300 iron Don't Mind If I Do I danced with some Bandits for a bit and returned to bedrock pass once it was night time to take on Terra the geomancer and them skellies really are a great distraction Tera turned into a giant Golem and summoned two mini golems and she was immune to damage until I killed off the little ones meanwhile rocks were flying everywhere okay I feel like skeletons are pretty strong just distract these neres I took zero damage until she whipped out one of these ones later in the fight and I eventually forced her to shed her Golem disguise and finished her off the pendant of the Dawn Runner sounds like an upgrade to me I picked up the spectral Guardian illusion ultimate and I had an excellent fishing effort oh Taylor's flooring let's go I paid a visit to the Dunley Monastery oh holy radiation oh my gosh so I was going to need holy resistance to go in there oh let's summon this Golem by the way go go Golem gives Shields what a beast bro what the hell you got enough horses guys settle down I researched four rather juicy new techs which allow me to upgrade my pendant to have even more spell power 6% movement speed and a 10% chance for primary attacks to inflict condemn it also allowed me to replace my tailoring areas flooring with this lovely Green carpet and to craft the dusk Watcher chest guard out of thick leather and iron ingots this had 3% physical crit chance on it and so my gear jumped to level 54 equipping that bring my Marauder two set bonus so I replaced the gloves too gear level 55 oh wait this is how you get nibbles the future drat what the hell apparently I'd never looked at the Vermin Nest options properly because Here Comes nibbles he burrowed into the floor and summoned a bunch of rat goons making a mess on my new carpet man oh defeating nibbles earned me a glorious new form and defeating that rock lady earlier had unlocked the gem cutting table The Siege Golem Stone it's like you make a Siege Golem and I think it's a PVP thing you can attack someone else's castle with it beyond that this table combined four crude gems into one regular gem killing Meredith earlier had unlocked holy resistance potions so I crafted a couple of those out of sunflowers all right my first merciless weapon the slashes I didn't use my slash as much but it was nice to have my first level 18 weapon I spotted that a rift had opened in these ruins the same ruins from before so I headed over to claim some stigan shards this time there were different enemies little shadowking gremlins and these Flappy blood prophets there were also more more night maidens oh no no no no no no no no no soon the Lesser blood soul arrived but this one wasn't Frosty it was a fan of shooting green sludge I spammed my Unholy Spells at it it spammed its Unholy Spells at me but I was clearly the unholiest as I came out on top oh dude a tier three CH oh and 376 stigan shards total while I was over this way I decided I should grab some Hello wood because I'd run out of oil and this seemed to be the simplest way to get more the really the Big Trees here are the ones that give hell wood and collecting it is much slower going than collecting regular wood so I spent literally all of Knight 68 hacking at many a tree 2,250 hell wood 9,500 wood and a few th000 plant fiber as well on the way home I ran into Jade the Vampire Hunter and the hunter became the hunted I'd switched out my spells because I'd found that juicy Cyclone Jewel so I was rocking Cyclone with three modifications making it stun do more damage and last longer and though this build lacked distracting skellies I think it did a lot more damage except she kept silencing me stop silencing me stop silencing me this chunky boy interrupted proceedings and while I was finishing him off Jade disappeared where where'd she go I wasn't finished with you bro come back she'd somehow reset and reappeared down the road so I started the fight again ah dude oh no no no not suon bu no no no no no and so attempt to was thwarted as well I'll get you later Jade you cheater back at base I put all the Hallow wood into the Sawmills and this was set to make me about 80 oil which is kind of crap for how long I spent lumberjacking but oh well I used 400 stigan shards to unlock my first passive ability blood spray this meant Critical Hits would restore health and considering I had higher crit chance thanks to the 100% Rogue blood I was constantly guzzling this was set to be hugely beneficial I returned to the Dunley Monastery with a holly Resistance potion active this time and I fought my way up dispensing with devotees and nuns as I went I soon entered this lovely Church all right Shepherd let's go the shepherd began shooting balls of light destroying his own pews oh gosh how do I deal with that but all his holy Radiance wasn't enough and this was a fairly easy fight I picked up veil of blood because it made my Dash heal a little more and apply leech and I tracked down Jade the Vampire Hunter for round three the sun rose mid fight and I had a bit of a stinker as I tried to stick to the Shadows dance from me dude I ran into a tree I went in for round four Once Knight 71 rolled around and it went better though I did get caught out by her purple blasts again but finally Jade Was Defeated oh I can make pistols now finally okay good Alfred returned and brought me a decent chunk of sulfur oil I sent him back out to loot the Forgotten Cemetery defeating the shepherd had unlocked the jewel crafting table so I built one of those out of eight Scourge Stone and four greater blood Essence it was capable of crafting tier 2 Jewels for my spells I made one for the spell void and I think I got a pretty good roll and I finally crafted some merciless iron pistols my second level 18 weapon the pistols seemed to have a pretty fun move set I was of course continually stealing my prisoners blood and shoving fish in their faces and I'd completely run out of both cotton yarn and iron ingots so it was time for a resource collection spree I chugged a garlic Resistance potion and got down to business and somehow at the very first cotton Farm I went to I found a 100% blood quality worker who I of course imprisoned I also found a cloak it's the same as the one I've got but it looks way cooler cuz it's red hell yeah I claimed a 100% worker blood potion and the reason this was so timely is because it increased resource yield by over 30% and increased resource collection speed too I bounced from cotton Farm to Cotton Farm to Cotton Farm I made sure to check in the houses too because they always seem to have a decent stack of cotton I eventually returned home with over 2,000 cotton enough for almost 200 Yar my next destination was the mysterious iron cave marked on my map just north of my base I had to break into it with bare form and once in I was expecting a relaxing iron or collection session but somehow this happened I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead yes I managed to enrage a small army of rock and iron monsters when I returned I was more careful and managed to take on the Rock Elementals and iron golems one by one this was a great opportunity to play around with my new pistols as you may have noticed I'd favored the bow the whole playthrough but the pistols were winning me over despite their shorter range I like that they had a roll ability that was good for evasive maneuvers this cave had massive resource nodes that could only be collected by Bare form this one at the back was particularly enormous I spent all of night 74 in here in fact my worker blood sadly ran out before I managed to clear the place face I eventually emerged with almost 5,000 iron ore and with that my cotton yarn and iron ingot shortage was dealt with for the time being I used some of that iron to make an advanced blood press and look at this thing it definitely presses that blood in an advanced fashion so now I can make Primal blood Essence this thing also did all the stuff the old blood press did just way faster my hallwood oil was ready so I got more thick leather crafting and I used some to make Crimson Templar gloves the recipe for which I'd recently gotten from a book Gore up to 56 I headed east to track down my next Target and on the way I found another Carriage the last time I tried to steal from one of these the chest had despawned while I wasn't looking so I was excited and it was a pretty good haul including a shattered ancestral mace but it did make me rage a little iron pistols again give me a break man Blood Hunter boots oh the boots I've already got as well what the hell dude stop giving me the same thing I stopped off at this abandoned Farm it's kind of weird you know oh turns out this scarecrow has some serious sass he dropped me Scourge Stone though so I'll forgive him I soon wandered into the ruins of mortium to take on the next boss General Casas the betrayer he summoned a blade called Nightfall Edge and while it was active he was invulnerable and once the blade was dead you're supposed to throw it at Casas but it took me a while to catch on once I finally figured it out he was stunned for ages allowing me to get off big damage but these two hands of Dracula joined the fight somehow and they whipped out big stuns on me and I'd been switching in between the bow and pistol during the fight and this ended up being my downfall I thought I had my bow out so I hit C to to shoot off a quick multi-shot but I was holding my pistols so I stood there and channeled a spray of bullets and got flattened in the process at least that's my excuse next time I was quicker to the punch with the sword throw I got some big damage off I copped a charge to the face and the old boy started levitating for a bit which I thought was rather impressive the blade returned for another round and once I used it to stun him again he was finished I got an Exquisite heart from him and with that I'd killed all of the bosses in Act 2 except for the final boss Octavian I galloped home where I began turning some of the greater blood Essence i' stockpiled into pristine blood Essence sixth grader made one pristine my little garden had no more room for flower seeds to be planted so I decided it was time for a proper Farm out front I used this nocturn fencing around the perimeter and the plan was to eventually fill this whole area with flowers for now though I figured I better get my Throne off the front lawn I put it up here and I turned this area at the top of the stairs into a proper room I then did some decorating I redid the floors and I slapped down some gargoyles it's a random spot for a throne at the top of the stairs at least it looks cool I used one of the blood Essences to build a stigan summoning Circle which I had unlocked after killing cus so I can use stigan shards to get a bunch of seeds to get a bunch of gems to get a bunch of study books I still had 338 left over and this thing promised to give me three study books so I gave it a whirl and so a blood Harpy was summoned this could be ingenious or very very stupid the harpy was level 60 but wasn't too high to defeat and the loot it dropped was as promised books for two Crimson Templar Armor pieces and a garlic potion a bunch of Scrolls and paper too I then snuck into the market town again as I'd saved up 72 silver coins I bought the dusk Watcher boots book hey it's been like 24 hours since I last played we got some stuff yes K crusty succeeded oh I got me a book Alfred's got me a bunch of Bones oh Harold died Bruce on the other hand succeeded getting some oil I crafted some of those duskwater boots all right now we got the two set dusk Watcher it gives 7% move speed I sent crusty to another cotton Farm I couldn't send Alfred out for a couple hours because he got injured apparently and while I waited for har to resurrect I decided to try and improve Bruce and Harold's hunt proficiency I made them level 18 weapons a bunch of level five armor and this was rather expensive but it was worth it because suddenly their hunt proficiency jumped from around 400 to 500 this meant they now easily had 100% success chance pretty much anywhere in Dunley farmlands so I sent Bruce to another cotton farm and Harold to Dawn break Village mainly for the wool thread because I'd nearly run out when crafting all that level five gear I headed out and fished found a 96% Rogue I swear I only find high quality Rogue blood for some reason and I headed into the militia stronghold where Octavian the militia Captain held office I looted and fought my way up and then waited around for night time and I was actually one gear level higher than Octavian so that was nice I was also well on the way to adopting the pistols as my main weapon though I was still getting a feel for it he lunged with his massive sword and shot forth a few spinny winnies and he did this big slap oh oh dude that's some spinny wines man where'd he go what are you doing over there bro is he stuck he's being a silly sausage ow oh dude I'm I'm fumbling the bag big time no no no jump dude ah dude what did I do I like wasn't even looking at the right part of the screen that's just a disgrace all right let's try again and not be an idiot this time ow dude oh for goodness sake no so I'd gone from almost easily beating him the first time to completely losing my composure round three was okay until at the end when I of course did my best to throw the fight but don't worry friends in truly spectacular fashion and many a missed bullet the final boss of Act 2 was finally defeated got spicy there for a second but uh it's all right we take those we take those ancestral sword shards and with that I actually get an ancestral Forge so I can start restoring ancient shattered weapons but I can't get radium alloy yet so it's a little bit premature but anyway that's that's not bad and I got an extremely juicy storm ultimate not only did it do big damage it made me invulnerable for the entire duration that Al is nuts bro it just one hit them all I decided to put my two other storm spells back on my action bars so that I could be a truly zappy master of lightning and so my transformation into an electric pistol man began defeating Octavian had unlocked weapon storage armor storage and Jewel storage and these had a juicy 41 slots so this was great news I planted some more bushes and set my sights on act three Zea the engineer North very very far away I'm going to guess in Gloom rot or the cursed for yeah it must be it must be in Gloom rot I added some more plots grabbed my new 92% Rogue and began crafting some gear for him and put him in a coffin to be converted into my minion I went all out for this new guy I even made him a level 18 pendant and after a few chores around the castle I rode north towards Zea the engineer because when I defeated her I would unlock radium alloy and a whole new tier of crafting would begin opening up to me and again I don't know what it is with Rogues but I found a second 100% blood quality Rogue are there any other nerds out there that want to give me some decent Blood please moving in new territory now baby the Gloom rot Gloom rot land these little Gremlin idiots were so many levels higher than me it just presented a skull and I'm pretty sure a dragon was shooting purple fire at me from above bro stop dropping big bombs on me man it's rude dude there actually is a dragon above me there's a shadow of the Dragon what the hell's going on man Lord sticks the Night Champion there's no way that's who I'm supposed to kill I decided this forsaken crater was not for me I rode back down the hill and chose a different path into Gloom Rod this looks less ridiculous than where I was before yeah this has got the steampunk Vibes steampunk eradiated goop unhinged Vibes yes indeed I used my ultimate on this first pack of Gloom rot enemies so it's kind of hard to see but look at this pyro throwing Flames like a maniac also this guy look at him he's shooting he's shooting beams of look at that's so sick I began finding Tech scrap a very important resource and oh my Lord it looks like all of the radiated pollution has consequences in the form of some mutant weirdos they dropped another new resource mutant grease why did he have to just burst forth out of the muck that was disgusting oh dude the Pyro is going nuts he's popping off I had a lot of fun taking on the enemies of this area and what do you know an 82% Rogue for me to send to prison Rogues for days mate yeah it looks like the big trees here have Gloom wood I for my way forward taking on these technologically gifted individuals and these mutant individuals and I soon found myself in the tracom Machine Factory there was a dude with a massive spider drill Contraption stop trying to drill me big fell I headed inside where I took on a bloke who placed down a Sentry turret that shot laser beams all right here's Zea the engineer let's drink some Rogue blood and uh a new Target dummy wow Zea had many toys including the big zappy gun that shot orbs of electricity the flamethrower that painted a most excellent fiery donut on the floor the Minun no R you lunatic the jetpack plus dropping grenades everywhere combo and she summoned some sentries too I played it safe keeping my distance from her many gadgets and my ulti came off coold down allowing me to whip out big damage she wore me down but successful Dash attack heals plus these Health orbs helped keep me in the fight and as you can see I reverted back to using my bow as I felt like I needed the extra range my my ulti came off cool down again so the fight lasted over 4 minutes and finally I was Victorious oo gotcha big girl that was that was so sick dude this unlocked the fabricator and the spell discharge I wanted as much Tech scrap as possible to use crafting the next tier of materials so I hung around the factory killing enemies and barrels and crates for much of Knight 84 and what do you know yet another highquality Blood Rogue and so another rail Gunner was imprisoned I next went to the Trac andom mine where I continued to methodically fight and loot it helped the combat in this game is actively fun so I was just gaming rip to those horses though sorry about that the downside was my bags had filled up ages ago so I was suffering a bit of a headache trying to choose what I actually wanted to keep inside the mine there was an outrageous amount of both copper and S for all including several of these enormous nodes but I soon realized I was in the wrong place the V blood carrier I was after wasn't even here turns out she was in Rust loock Village there she is I cleared out some of the Riff Raff and got down to business demeanor the blade dancer was a very cool looking boss but I was popping off with a big damage and she was a bit of a wet noodle and then she started levitating what the hell what are you doing I think the levitating charged her up because she whipped out lots of Sparky moves including a Sparky charge and a Sparky whip this was a much easier fight than Zea as I somehow barely took any damage and DEA was laid low Beast I'm used to being on top all right so down all right that gets me the advanced grinder and the castle teleporter continued looting the village and some of these houses had multiple cupboards and chests to loot which was delicious what is all this oh what are you farming you weirdos I figured while the going was good I might as well chase after another nearby boss and so I entered the putrid pools of rebirth the sun arrived at the same time as me so I wilded the daylight hours away sticking to the shade of these dodgy tents and this place was serving me up plenty of mutant grease another key resource for the next tier of crafting as night 86 dawned I took on an Graham the purifier and this big Mech was once again a very cool boss I was certainly a big fan of Gloom rot South he whipped out a big chaos shield on his back so I did my best to shoot his front except he was peppering me with chaos rocks and covering the ground in purple fire so it was a little wild he later switched it up and shielded his front oh what the where' that come from I will crush oh no so that was a little dicey and his attacks started coming out quicker and quicker so it was tricky to find Opportunities to deal damage but eventually I was able to finish off the big hunk of metal he dropped my first Flawless gem a topaz and Dawn Thorn regalia sounds good mutated rat delicious major explosive box and a radiant GRL with extremely full bags and three successful V blood hunts under my belt I galloped back to my castle I researched the books I'd found and did a couple of scroll and paper researches too I knocked over some chores and one of those unlocks was prison wallpaper so I changed over my Prison Walls I grabbed this 84% rail Gunner and shoved him in a servant coffin and I woke my fifth servant skinny Pete boom boom boom boom boom boom 597 hunt proficiency let's go skinny Pete I sent skinny Pete with Alfred to the Trac andom Machine Factory since Pete is a rogue the difficulty was reduced by 100 meaning he had a 100% chance to bring back a good chunk of tech scrap and even a few radium Alloys Alfred on the other hand was guaranteed to fail and die so I have no idea why I sent him along but the game is the game I guess I placed down some Advanced Grinders which are weigh faster than the old ones and can also craft spectral dust the recip you for which I hadn't unlocked yet the red Castle teleporters cost four greater blood Essence each so I tested them out very cool I checked to see if I could place this anywhere on the map but that was too much to hope for these are specifically to help with getting around your castle and one issue I'd had with my castle is that it was a bit of a pain to get around from room to room to use all the various machines so I was very pleased that these teleporters would take away a lot of that hassle I made a fabricator out of tech Scrap and Iron Ingots fabricator wants to be in a forge sludge filled canisters emps power cores copper coin oh copper coins silver coins and gold Sun coins the fabricator did indeed belong in the Forge but I didn't have room so that was a conundrum radium alloy now out of tech scrap sulfur and sludge field canisters I'd actually found three of those at the pools of rebirth so I was able to queue up my first 12 12 radium Alloys to craft I'd collected a stack of 250 Gloom wood so I chucked that in a Saw Mill and it was going to be refined into planks with mutant grease as a byproduct the dawn Thorn set I'd unlocked was level seven but I needed pristine leather silk and spectral dust to tailor it so that was a way off yet I tweaked my teleporter positions slightly I planted some more flowers and irradiant GRL increases the blood quality of the prisoner by 1 to 2% but it has a 35% chance to turn the prisoner into a raging mutant so if I found a 98 or 99% blood quality human I might just have to experiment on them with some GRL so I made enough radium alloy just with what I brought back upgrade boom Castle heart grows even more Castle Heart level four I can get one more servant coffin this unlocked dominate Mount so I dominated my Mount let's name him steedley steedley and now I could summon steedley to my location very handy and the horse now had a leap I also made steedly a saddle which improved his stats like by the way I think steedley had an absolutely garbage acceleration stat but I guess I couldn't be bothered trying to find a better horse I made a seventh servant coffin and Chuck that other 84% rail gunner in there and I had a crafting spree making equipment for my soon to be converted minions part of this process was crafting a bunch more wet stones and grinding bones into grav dust so I could make more Scourge stones with which to make some decent pendants Ziggy I think his name would be Ziggy Ziggy had 591 hunt proficiency immediately but sadly that wasn't enough to guarantee success in Gloom rot so I sent sent him to get more bones grav dust and Scourge stones at the church of the Damned the place I went to with the dragon flying over is the S of Dracula's defeat at the hands of the Church of luminance I'm pretty sure Dracula is the final boss of this game so I'm not sure how that works anyway I needed more Forge space so I could fit my new fabricator and I had space right above the existing Forge and workshop so I figured that was the best option I split the area part Forge part workshop and used one of these giant doorways to keep it feeling relatively open and I moved all the forge refining machines upstairs St I began fabricating sludge filled canisters using glass iron ingots and mutant grease I made a second fabricator and put that to work too crusty back hey crusty got a bunch of cotton as mentioned these nerds headed out on 23 realtime hours of hunting so as you may be able to deduce I was recording my gameplay across multiple days which allowed time for the minions to do their good work crusty brought me a decent Hall of wool thread which I immediately used to begin crafting him some better armor and with some sludge field canisters ready I was able to continue crafting radium alloy I also continued crafting better gear for my minions because I was now low on glass sulfur bones and grav dust I was getting low on iron and copper again and I now needed a bunch of tech scraps and mutant grease as well so I concluded having beefy minions was going to be my best shot at keeping me stocked up otherwise I'd have to do some serious grinding I welcomed zipper to the party and Bruce and Harold returned from their hunts so they got some upgrades too I sent a couple of them to get a bunch of mutant grease and two others to get a ton of quartz and glass finally my minions were in decent shape I I really needed a wider variety of Minion blood types though since different blood types are better at different hunt conditions I had too many Rogues anyway I also used some radium alloy to place my yellow teleporters a little Upstairs Downstairs action I wandered into the merchant Village and bought a couple of books which helped me get a new pair of pants yeah give me the dusk watch of leggings that's an upgrade and I finally bothered to look at what gear level actually does your gear level compared to the unit level of the enemy affects the damage you deal and receive the duskwater three set bonus gave me plus one gear score so I was now sitting at 61 I decided to rip down the wall in here and made it one big Forge instead and I thought these hanging lanterns were a nice touch and it was about time I ventured forth once more the next set of bosses were all very far Northeast of me so I figured I was destined for the cursed Forest on my way I visited Grace fall Village a place where disgraced Dunley farmlands villagers were exiled to I was delighted to see this worker had 89% quality blood so I of course imprisoned him and when night fell I suddenly understood the exact nature of these people's fall from Grace where didd you come from there's a oh they turned into werewolves this werewolf ripped my face off and it was not a good time I returned and attempted to take the fight with slightly more skill which I think I pulled off and this werewolf dropped my first 120 pristine hide I killed a few more before continuing my journey okay we're we're into the cursed Forest proper now seems uh very cursed I killed a cursed bear for science it dropped 50 pristine hide and I encountered a big spider too meanwhile it appeared to be getting rather foggy oh here we go silk worm throw the whole the whole map is fog look look at my mini map it's just fog it's outrageous I didn't realize it at the time but this fogginess was because I had 100 stacks of curse of the forest I discovered these big trees yielded cursed wood the fog lifted for some reason and I followed the V blood tracker into this spider infested area I destroyed all of the spiderweb egg looking cocoon thingo because they often let lose a bunch of silk worms and I knew I needed lots of those to make silk and I soon wandered into this cave lots of little spiders some bigger spiders a mother looking kind of gross to be honest and some of the spiders exploded into green goop oh I got some actual silk a rusted helmet it looks terrible get rid of it soon I spotted a big honken spider Angora the Spider Queen a random villager emerged from one of the silk cocoons and he immediately ran over to be obliterated by the big mama iconic stuff Angora did exactly as I was expecting she let out a big blast that popped a bunch of the silky eggs out of which came many as spidering she spat Venom everywhere and when she was done with that she spat even more Venom everywhere this is crazy I don't even know what's going on bro ow ow ow oh dear and I haven't shown you much unedited combat so let's just watch the rest of the fight I can't move ah what okay that was absolutely ridiculous this Victory unlocks spider form which can borrow to hide from enemies or the sun I also unlocked Army of the Dead the second Unholy ultimate it was terrible compared to the storm ulti I'd grown to love I would have hung around in the cursed Forest to take on more V blood carriers but my gun was nearly broken so I figured I better run home to repair I Came Upon a carriage so I took it on but then Bane and his goons came out of nowhere so I took them on and by the time the fighting died down it was daytime and I couldn't loot the chest without suffering severe sunburn so I got frustrated and left I suspect I may have left some decent loot behind but whatever I began crafting silk out of cloth and silkworm the only reason I had this much cloth was because of my minions three cheers for minions and I discovered Milling cursed wood yielded some funky mushrooms as a byproduct I got my werewolf in here dude oh that's how you get an 89% creature and you can tap creature blood during the day he's a worker that's pretty sick I was wondering about that I repaired my gun and I was getting low on gem dust so I put all my crude gems into a grinder and I figured I might as well repair all my armor too I did not repair my pendant though because I had literally zero glass left I then teleported back to the cursed Forest witch what level are you dude you're just a skull I don't think I want to take on a witch except because I was now hopelessly lost in the fog 2 seconds after killing this bear I wandered straight back into the witch's Lair I found ghost shoms though so why not oh this Che ah run run maybe I can take on the witch oh maybe not that did 150 damage when I was trying to have a leisurely fish about 300 wolves came out of nowhere dude is that what is that oh my Lord what is what is going on what is going on I somehow survived the managerie with some Choice evasive maneuvers and I was free to fish in peace I just got the fish salvageable what does that mean I then got chased by about 900 wolves again at least I was getting lots of pristine hide PA to release whisp blocks out curse of the forest and increases movement speed oh something useful nice these night lurkers hounded me and it felt like there was a new monster emerging from the fog every five steps I'm a leaf on the Wind who said I'm a leaf on the Wind he went I'm a leaf on the wind and then he ran away here he is come have a look where you going bro do I just have to chase this idiot around oh for there's mosquitoes ah I found a wisp to help me in my Pursuit get him get him come here and Obi-Wan Kenobi led me on a Merry Old Chase oh what the hell are that is a big old toads man no come back Benjamin I'm going to get you bro gotcha you can't run from me that unlocked pristine leather and the shroud of the forest which makes the wearer immune to the curse of the forest it would have been wise to head straight home and make myself one of those shrouds but I instead stumbled through the fog in search of the next V blood carrier on my list I found this cursed village where I began collecting ghost crystals and killing many a spectral foe how dude I looted up a storm and this ghost guardian kept on whipping up big shields and refusing to die so that was rude tier three Aftershock Jewel knockback cool down reduction snare and so I switched out my spells for a bit to see how that Improvement to Aftershock felt I eventually ran into sirel the cursed Smith and this was not the V blood carrier I was tracking but I figured I might as well have a crack anyway with my vision limited by the fog it wasn't easy when this big fat spectral spear impaled me out of nowhere I said oh gosh oh no holy crap dude I can't fight this guy without full vision I don't even know where I how do I get out of here luckily I soon found a whisp so I immediately restored my vision to put a pin on the map and leg it as you can see I had managed to wander to the Far East of the cursed Forest so I ran home through the ruins of mortium oh hello level 30 weapons 2,000 greatest tigan shards on my way I found this 84% Warrior so I snaffled him up and back at base I got busy with chores accepting goodies from my returned minions hanging out with my prisoners and crafting teeing up a bunch of pristine leather to be made out of pristine hide and mutant grease my minions really did have an absolute Bounty of stuff for me I'd estimate all they'd returned with amounted to at least an hour of grinding if i' had to collect it myself probably much longer than that Alfred had of course died so I resurrected him I salvaged the fish he gives 20 jewelry 50 oil and 200 silver coins holy crap I guess that's why they call it the fish gold jewelry was a new one it's useless until I can get an advanced furnace and I can get gold out of it I guess I kept stuff refining radium Alloys glass Scourge Stones sludge fi canisters and I made blood potions out of blood roses because I needed a better way to regenerate to Max Health between fights and once Alfred had resurrected I stole all his gear and terminated him he had low blood quality and therefore weaker minion stats so I replaced him with the 89% worker I'd found so he'll be really effective against settlements I used some of the pristine leather and silk I managed to make to craft the level s Dawn Thorn chest guard and leggings and I crafted some other upgrades for my soon Tobe converted minion I sent the minions who weren't injured out to do their thing obviously emphasizing collecting whatever I was low on ION all was on the list this time my armor pushed my gear score to 62 and my health to 560 and crucially I crafted a shroud of the forest I snuck into town and spent the 200 silver coins I gotten from the fish and the best thing I unlocked were these ducks carpets which I placed in this area at the top of the stairs I then considered heading back out to the cured Forest but I wanted to wait for my new minion to be converted so I could send him out on Mission immediately thus I killed some time working on Castle design as you can see I redid this fence because I liked this one better but I'd somehow run out of plant fiber of all things so I hit a bit of a road block block I cleared a bit back here too and began considering how I would go about expanding my castle into the rest of my territory because I still had heaps of space I made a little bit of progress right servant my bidding oh hang on I forgot to get you your gear little fell 616 hunt proficiency let's go that's huge I sent him to sneak into the cursed Village to collect a bunch of ghost crystals and Grave dust I then tried to collect all the plant fiber in the known universe while out there I imprisoned to this brute he only had 52% blood quality but I was desperate for a brute to help with minion hunt bonuses so I figured he'd do for now once I'd collected a few thousand plant fiber I returned to lay some Turf I decided I didn't want this area to have the darker grass anymore so I tore everything down and replaced it I also disliked how the grass ended at a corner next to the waygate so I decided to fence it in so it looked more logical I toyed with the gravel paths for a bit but ended up getting rid of most of it I just found it too finicky and I continued laying the ground work for my Castle's expansion I think that's what this will be it's like a long hallway with a bunch of rooms yeah if this keeps going down long hallway bunch of rooms off on this side and then it's like a whole new area of the castle over here bunch of outdoor space this has got to go somewhere and this is a summoning Circle so I think this can have its own like fenced off space like over there somewhere that was decent progress but I figured I should end the first 100 Days with more boss fighting so on night 99 after replanting some flowers I headed back to the cursed forest and look how beautiful my shroud of the forest is I headed into the ancient Village and it was nice to actually be able to see what the hell was going on my first Target was F rot the soul Taker and F rot is one weird looking weirdo he disappeared and came out of invisibility to fear me he put a shield on himself and summon a bunch of banshees and beyond that he just stood around while I shot him repetedly it was a pretty easy fight so now I can make spectral dust and can summon banshees cool hunting my next Target took me into mosquito and Toad territory and honestly these toads were way harder than the boss i' just killed especially when they double jumped on my head while both of my evasive skills were on cool down also I did not like it when they grabbed me with their big tongues ah dude the Toads got the hardest move set in the game the mosquitoes were a challenge for a different reason they moved around sporadically and it was hard to shoot them oh there's the Big Boy Albert how you going Albert you got a big stinky tongue bro he did indeed have a rather terrifying tongue by this point I'd take into using my storm ultimate defensively not purely offensively for example to dodge the Toad's lunge here he summoned some toad friends he jumped on my head ow dude what the hell and he shot green crap absolutely everywhere all of the chaos certainly slowed down the speed at which I was able to deal damage but I was also able to mostly avoid taking damage myself so the fight proceeded pretty smoothly these toades are disgusting dude they're activating my ick oh gosh oh gosh gotcha woo W the swamp of greed was clearly named after Albert and his love for money because look at the riches he demasked it's smell it's like a dragon Toad and my reward for this Victory boing boing Bo maybe I can jump up to those caves down here those random caves that I can never get to my next Target was back down south and I soon realized he was in Grace fall Village the village with all the werewolves I'd obviously missed him earlier but here he is hanging out at the back a big werewolf tried to charge at me and bite my face off he also disappeared for a bit and attempted to charge at me again what the hell is no no no no no don't eat the Nerds these silly humans were running around like Prime gooses on the loose so I struggled to kill them and the big buff head ate like four of them healing himself up a bunch this made the fight drag on long enough for the sun to rise is a human again what what aw and so I hung around until night 101 arrived at which point he still hadn't respawned respawn respawn I waited a couple more minutes and soon he was ready for round two this was obviously much the same as before but this time I saved my ultimate hoping I'd kill some of the hapless villagers with it but that did not really work so the big fell was able to eat some delicious snacks to heal up ultimately that only delayed the inevitable and soon Wilfred the werewolf Chief was laid low pristin leather bag nice sirel the cursed Smith is that the guy I started fighting accidentally in one of the towns I think it is and so ends 100 nights of V Rising with a cheeky bonus half a night there at the end I still have to kill the final boss of act three and 17 bosses in act four including Dracula the true final boss so clearly I still have heaps to do and honestly I just love this game so I'm definitely going to be recording it just let me know if you want to see it made into a 200 plus days video cheers
Channel: Floydson
Views: 796,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: floydson, aussie, v rising, v rising full playthrough, v rising 1.0, i played 100 days of v rising, i played 100 nights of v rising, 100 days of v rising, 100 nights of v rising, v rising vampire, vampire game, vampires
Id: W8k8vO5wY9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 18sec (7218 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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