Tears of The Kingdom but ALL the Items are random

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today I'm bringing us a first look at a tears of the Kingdom randomizer now despite this still being in development by wera it's already one of the biggest randomizers ever there is over 5 million different equipments in the item pool so every fuse material and every combination in the game is in this randomizer there's also randomized effects events goals and so much more so I really hope you enjoy this video and please don't forget to subscribe to the YouTube channel because we're getting so close to 300,000 subscribers but with that being said enjoy the video let's start playing the tears of the Kingdom randomizer in 3 2 1 and go chat imagine if this is a vanilla Master Sword no way what are the odds all right here is our first chest what will it be Chad the Phantom gaves you know that actually is a little bit better than what you normally would get vanilla here oh hey we got a kite Shield Crusher I don't think I've ever seen this weapon before in my life I just realized there's going to be like thousands of items in this randomizer because not only do you have every single item you have every variant of what it's fused to there are 5 million possible combinations at least holy crap oh well all right then I'm already getting pretty op over here yo thanks for the 97 rupees oh yeah so I to clarify something so there's basically random events that will happen throughout the game they can do tons of different effects but it can be things like giving me items taking away items giving me rupes you're going to see a lot of it throughout the game all right let's do our first shrine did we just get fuse uh I could get through this if I had bombs but I don't have bombs and I can't think of anything I can fuse to make this Shrine work so I feel like I'm going to have to come back by the way if anyone has never wait did I get both the energy cell and the dark Hood well let me double check oh you have got to be kidding me that's random too even just getting through the great sky island is so difficult what if you push the log Linkus wait that might actually be a smart idea if I push this in it should go down in the river and make like a bridge for me I see this again in the water okay that's progress no don't turn around like that come on man that gives me like no extra distance what if I just let go for it maybe I can just barely make it without doing anything fancy let's go we did it wait do we get a five shot bow does that even exist in the vanilla game that's so cool I didn't even realize there's actually like custom things like that okay please give me an actual decent ruin if it's recall I'm going to be really pissed it's like the worst thing I can get it would literally not help me at all oh thank God we actually got vanilla chat do you want to try the 5x bow to see how it looks dude it just shot in every direction that is wide oh yeah we should actually be picking up the chests you're right president Hudson Coter oh that's incredible honestly that might be the best rolled item we've gotten so far okay I'm going to do a little bit of a speedrun route here this is a really old one this was actually like the original speedrun route when this game first launched so I'm going to stand on this one it's already up here and then I'm going to do a sharp turn to the left and then straight here hopefully this will be a Ultra hand and not recall and if that's the case then we should be easy set a bouncy spear what it's a walrus it's a sand seal plush from a quest that's so cute oh thank God okay cuz I was like I don't want to go around and find every single chest in the great Sky Island thank God it was the chest like right next to the shrine also please I swear don't be recall oh thank God all right I am officially a happy man it's funny I already think that like this seed is fun and I haven't even left the worst part of the game isn't there a chest on one of these pillars that has to be the most disappointing random item I have ever gotten a singular Acorn why did you randomly just lose 83 rupees there uh it's called taxes it gives you great benefits in the world of Hy roll you get uh roads you get random planks from Hudson around the world all paid for by your beautiful rupes all right we are almost done with the great Sky Island nadra Shield I don't know if I've ever seen that Shield before here's the cool thing about this randomizer since there's over 5 million different combinations there has to be a lot of items that we're going to find throughout this game that you never would have tried without a randomizer cuz let's be honest no one would waste a dragon scale on a shield but now we actually get to to try some of these special customizations and items all right anyways here we go chat this actually is a great Sky Island randomizer with goals world record because I'm the first person to do it hold up pause one thing I haven't explained yet is a key feature of this randomizer which is how do you actually complete it well you see when I started this randomizer 10 random goals got assigned to me which you can see on the screen right now this includes simple goals such as visiting specific location ations to more complicated goals such as defeating enemies completing quests or even having to complete an entire dungeon so starting now once I'm off the great Skyland I'll have to both play the game while everything is random and attempt to complete these goals at the same time but with that being said enjoy the rest of the video Chad what do you say that we go ahead and immediately get the parag glider oh my God I swear to God if the paraglider is randomized I'm going to be furious please tell me that did not get r randomized I'm so scared I have like another about what 2 3 minutes of running until I find out how screwed we are wait is that a qu hold on let's get the let's get our first Coro dude cheeks mask that's a pretty nice item wait oh no the smart thing will be to do all the Coro now too there's a, random locations for them oh my God wait do you think he's random as well will we also have to do Addison oh my God the high and shield shield what did Addison just give us the paraglider it is randomized and we are the luckiest people on planet Earth I am so relieved right now there's no way we just got that luck yeah I think if I wouldn't have gotten my parag glider this would just be death no paraglider now disabled are you kiding me what is that timing oh my God wait water water it wasn't deep enough are you serious out of any time that could have happened it happened during that you've got to be kidding me well chat now once we have basically now gotten past the first first part of the early game it is time to start actually trying to complete some of these goals but before we get into all of the goals just a quick R from today's sponsor do you know what I'm terrible at subscriptions I'll sign up to something tell myself I'm going to cancel it completely forget and 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video the first one we can go for I think I can actually go for straight away cuz the hen Hood isn't this right here and hen hood that is our first goal completed all right the next thing that we should do that is also a super easy one to do would be to visit hyro Castle Town ruins wait h two out of 10 okay okay so we did the two easy ones now the grind starts there are a couple of shrines and quests that we have to do one of the shrines we need is here somewhere we have Molly the fetcher quest which is in redo town and then the next Quest that we have is whirly swirly things no Coro Forest ooh those are some long quests let's just start heading towards too get some quo and shr that are on the way and once we are there we can very easily get the quest all right let's go to this run oh yeah let's get the where is the chest even actually there is no chest there I think my game is glitched wait what just happened I just got randomly teleported oh wait this is ter Town wait this helps that's a good random warp this looks so R so far cuz my luck has been ridiculous thank you okay anyways let's head over towards Roo how do you say we go and get a horse by the way I am really tired of running let me go ahead and register this horse hi Peter these rewards are all random dude it is going to be awful to get my random items uh where we dropping you know it doesn't really save time but it's not terrible either I guess thanks I mean hey at least we got a new tower so like that's pretty good ooh do I see a [Music] quo okay once again really exciting but why this one great to see you buddy bye ooh wait bobblin isn't this a bobblin so that's one so this is the molly the fetcher quest let's see if I can start start this Quest without doing the dungeon well thank God I just got that Shrine wait where did I just go huh I wonder something Chad I kind of want to see what happens if we attempt to go to the end of the game before we're allowed to because we technically haven't finished our 10 goals let's see are you able to cheese it or does the randomizer stop you Moment of Truth Chad God damn it no we can't even cheat it's just like nah we're teleporting your ass out of here you're going to have to Rego through all of it again a 5x Mighty lony bow yes please okay I think I might actually have to do this Dungeon Because it says after you find the children to read and listen to their song tied to Regional phyas they go off in different directions I'm going to come back for you Chad I just thought about a funny thing that we could do to make this even more fun and to not make it as vanilla is this we make it so that we always have to use the items that we get so if I get a sword I have to use that sword and I continuously drop them in order so we're like rotating through the random items cuz then it would actually make us use all of the unique items that this game has I think that will be a good way to do it all right let's go and get the shrine and then let's go get some cororo so we can our inventory and actually start going ahead and using the random items we get no are you serious I didn't get the shrine I mean I guess yay I got another Tower but like let's get some Coro so we can expand our inventory some more you know what's funny getting cororo feels more useful in a randomizer like this than in the vanilla game because I get like two things out of it a random item and I also get the qu seed Also let's complete the bobblin gold that's two that's three and that's one more goal three out of 10 only seven more goals to go Chad I'm going to be a nice person and help this quak reach his friend Yo cool I'll never use it but thank you I like how before I started Wu said this there is an extremely low chance of getting an ability without a dungeon but if you complete a dungeon you're guaranteed to get a ability and I said all right sounds good and he said yes you probably won't find any unless you beat dungeons we have three thank you and then I think we should be pretty set let's go to look at Landing okay now when we have upgraded slots I always have to accept every new random weapon shield and bow that I get if it breaks I have to use the second most recent item I God so that we're actually getting Rarity and actually using all the random stuff we're getting oh my God I just got the camera pause that is one of the few like random things we had to find I think we can start to head up towards the dungeon here so we finally can make progress here because we got teleported away from there so let's go up and actually start trying to climb this Can I by way say a little bit of a hot take about the Earth of the Kingdom now when it's spend enough time where like the hype factor of a new game is run off I still actually think that the dungeons in this game are still a little bit of a let down like it isn't what I was hoping for in terms of more traditional Sala dungeons it just happens to be a tiny bit better oh my God are you kidding me this weapon is going to be awful to play with I mean it matches the shield sure but like are you kidding me it has six damage I'm so screwed dude all right here we go Che at dungeon time holy he bounces far with the bouncy stick are you serious a bouncy sword what is up with these SEAL toys are you kidding me wait this is good I needed to go to the qu Forest anyways that's where one of my quest is I need to wait until I get a better bow though since I'm not allowed to unequip it at least I have a war point so whenever we get the next good item we immediately go here to take down the Phantom Canon all right let's try and I guess speedrun this part we have left because otherwise we're going to get teleported all right we did it we are finally done with the dungeon this boss fight to take me like 5 Seconds yeah you can use fire fruit to one hited with a weak bow feel like as a speedrunner this fight is very fast easy clap all right finally we can start progressing through some of these goals yo we got a high and shield again wait how does this work to Shield seron oh my God this is awful are you Molly yep okay this is the quest I need to do okay I need to get some ice fruit oh I already got some ice fruit wait is that it ien Shield Boomerang wait what no wait no that's a debate that's a boomerang with a Helen Shield attached to it no I mean that's one of the quests though so like a Drake's in the Chad that is officially four out of 10 goals complete but what a terrible reward I have to play with this you know what let's teleport and see if we're able to take down Phantom genon in quak woods with this equipment maybe this Boomerang is like more strong than we realize wait did I actually do it oh wait it's actually strong wait oh no this was my last item not the bouncy stick I think I can do it if I just get one more better item or some fairies let's see what's in the chest yo we got a new armor nice I look so ugly tingle shorts with Phantom genon to this is awful okay we finally got a more a better bow I think we might actually be able to defeat the Phantom genon now that's right okay I can't get hit again woo now we can do the next side quest which is whirly swirly thanks all are you the one yeah hi coola all right let's go to the one by the bridge there's like a giant Bridge with the one here yeah this is still like there's going to be more features added in the future this is like the first beta version it doesn't have like every like Overworld item randomiz and stuff but at the same time I don't actually mind it too much because even though it like looks more obvious like oh yeah this is a Rand it doesn't necessarily make it like a more fun challenge because what just happens is you basically can just get all the best items like ASAP in a way it's actually more challenging that everything isn't random okay uh let's see I brought a picture he wants to see a big swirly sand Circle you know that actually isn't too bad because if you look at the route the one Shrine that we have to do according to our goals is around this location meaning if we start heading towards the gudo to get that sand swirl anyways we could just on the way get this Shrine you can uh lose your paraglider have you missed your paraglider mid-flight yet yes okay I'll take that I got all the sages okay let's go up and get this Tower so I don't have to continuously climb these mountains we should be able to get two goals here while we are in the desert so this should be perfect wait oh my God I forgot the parag glider is disabled is there any water here can I go here wait I could May grab the cliff hold it was a good attempt okay I'm going to try something half stupid okay doing it with a shield is way more annoying than you doing it with a parag glider midair off the ledge why didn't you do this when you were falling to our death cuz even if you did that in midair you still have to do a fall damage cancel because otherwise when you land on the wing it will still take you fall damage oh all right sure I guess good timing all right I'm just straight up out of here bye all right let's get the shrine I thought it was parag glider disabled I would have been pissed dude imagine all right that's one more goal chat cuz this is one of the shrines that we had to complete and I think this is the end of the whirly swirly things all right and six out of 10 goals that is all the quests and shrines we have to do now we just have to obtain the Zora Graves take a photo of a frog that should be free and then we have to kill one flame gly and five stox I think there's actually frogs I can take pictures of right here nice all right that's seven out of 10 so now we just have to check a bunch of chests for finding the zor pants and uh also so then kill a couple of enemies the worst thing is I don't know how to approach finding the pants I feel like we're going to have to go cor rocks I think that would be the fastest thing we can do there's a St loock right here okay before I go close enough so he spawns I have to make it n cuz if you're too close and then it's day you have to reload the save so let's make it night I've been standing around waiting for it to turn night and it teleports me away a wait there's a stalo over here we'll go for this stalo instead all right hello stalo my weapon is so awful I'm going to spawn the Champions so that I can do some damage to him I didn't realize his ass was that fat that I would die from a single booty all right take two okay I have an idea what if I throw this to deal a bunch of damage to his eye and and then I throw this as well to get him more damage and then I throw this to get us more damage and uhoh 41 oh God Gloom no no woo all right that's one down okay let's go for a couple of core rocks now because we need to find the Sora thing and I don't want to just like do everything but it so I'm going to like be spreading it out throughout maybe we should help Addison out because last time we got a really good item which was the paraglider it was from helping Addison out come on Addison don't let us down bro a soaring claimer and a soaring spear oh and a moblin arm Shield three things was he feel feeling generous today you know what I'm going to go check out another Addison I feel like Addison is kind of PG cuz he gives you so many rewards you know what I mean oh my God okay we should do the gly we have a good bow we have a good shield and we have an actual High attack powered weapon this is the time to do the gly no oh no we're back to four damage stick I feel like my Champions just doing all the damage uh-oh uh-oh I'm dead it's okay that was just practice Chad now we're practiced okay I'm going to save all the way over here because I feel like he is he doesn't know we're going to sneak attack him he will never see this coming chat he saw it coming no that is so unfair I'm going to heal just in case this hits me and I'm hoping the one hit protection will save me good planning damn it tactical nuke incoming yes oh my God okay that's eight goals now we only have four St loxes left and we have to find the Sora gaves oh there's another Hudson north of here let's go and do that hi Addison come on no wait is that no wait no I got so so excited God damn it it's the wrong one yeah at least we can climb up waterfalls now there's a sty nox here by the way if you're wondering this will be styo number two oh baby good morning no not the bouncy stick I don't have arrows so I actually have to stun him by throwing my weapons oh no okay okay progress we got the Cobble Crusher not a great weapon but it's all we have woo all right two out of five baby please be a good spawn wait do I already have this Tower that's a let down are there any St Lockes around here ooh actually yes there is what what did he throw at me and explosion Barrel from where finally a good weapon yes round pound and GG all right that is three out of five stockes that is what I like to call good stuff that's unfair I was in the menu okay there is a a sto here I'm going to go for the one of the depths thanks no wait that means I have to use this oh my God why I just need one head shot I just need one head shot I just need one head shot I just need one head shot I just okay listen my Pro Controller is drifting chat you don't understand I got excited I saw the color at least it's another armor which is good cuz the more armors we get the higher likelihood it is that when it rolls an armor it will be the one we need let's go for another sty knock shall we let's do this Chad dude this Claymore has so much durability it is helping so much oh no it's going to break no oh no my next one is an awful weapon that's it five out of five St Lockes Baby G G all right nine out of 10 now we only have one goal left all we have to do is to find Zora gaves AKA pants the only question is how long will that take let's go ahead and just do Addison because Addison gives you three items per time you save them which is incredible so let's do it I read the word gaves I was about to pop off and then I saw evil spirit gaves you you know that that's a pretty good item I'm just saying massard is pretty good we take those Addison you have been popping off today homie first you give me the parag glider then the master sword attack up stuff man I like this guy all right please okay that's another Zora item is this a sign okay that's another Zora item is this a sign no I still remember what happiness felt like that was before the age of the Zora pants going to go grab my phone and order some food if we haven't found the pants by the time the food gets here it's [Music] over oh my God finally dude it took like six hours oh my God all right let's finally beat the stupid seed with the Zora Greaves found that is officially 10 out of 10 goals all goals have been completed what now we are going to go and finally beat the game wow that is a strong Shield oh yeah Chad let's put on the pants this is what we spent eight hours for is these pants all right here we go all goals have been completed all right chat let's do this I have not fought these enemies since my first playr basically cuz I've been using rubies ever since then cuz duplication I hate the champions in this game so no you have to be kidding me I got a bouncy spear that does seven damage that is awful one thing I'm interested about is this Chad I only only beat one dungeon and then the rest of the Champions I have I found in the Overworld by just sheer luck so I'm wondering will I have to fight all the bosses let's see I think this means I don't have to fight all of them right but I didn't fight him in the castle so that's why I have to fight him here now man this is such a good item I have please just break dude oh okay okay we're doing it Chad it's funny timing all right let's do it chat let's beat this randomizer here we go clean first face can I say something stupid by the way chat literally I was thinking why am I doing so little damage cuz I'm so used to having like five weapons stacked on top of each other with zgl I was like what oh no I missed the pair dude I can't Target him because of the oh my God I still hit it without being a Target all right now to the hard phase where we have to do double paries let me just run up and attack you and then let me okay where is he holding it side hop what that was too early okay it's on the side back flip got him where is see sword above side hop couldn't time it it was too close to the wall GG now we just have to do the dragon all right here we go let's do it let's finish this off now there's just one thing left to do Chad and time there it is the first Showcase of the tears of the Kingdom randomizer except for the 8 hours looking for one pair of pants good randomizer but either way that's it for today's video hope you guys enjoyed this first ever tears of the Kingdom randomizer if you want to see more awesome content like this then please don't forget to subscribe to my channel and I I have tons of other randomizer videos as well so if you want to click on the screen right now you can see two other Zelda games that are done randomizers on already on this channel that being said thank you so much for watching this video and I will see you all in the next one later everybody bye-bye
Channel: Linkus7
Views: 1,462,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Legend of Zelda, Zelda, Zelda Tears of The Kingdom, ToTK, Zelda ToTK, Zelda Randomizer, Tears of The Kingdom Randomizer, ToTK Randomizer, Linkus Randomizer, Linkus7 Randomizer
Id: bavW0vR2ZyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 40sec (2020 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2023
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