I Played 100 Days as a Tribal in the Frozen Tundra in Rimworld

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hello it's me here and this is gumo a tribal with aspirations of BEC a ruler of a technologically advanced civilization however he has a rather rough start starting with nothing but the body he was born with and left in the middle of the frozen tundra this is going to be a challenge there's just one thing goo has a deep dark secret he likes humanoid intrs so let's follow along and see how he gets on strap yourselves in this is a slow burner since the growing season in this chili Wasteland is extremely limited we need to get off to a strong start gumo lays down some rice plots in preparation for the harsh winter to come we have here an animat Tre gumo can meditat here to become some kind of magical wizard this really does appeal to him so he will be doing this daily after a long day of planting rice gumpo does a spot of cloud watching anyway the next step of survival is shelter so gumo gets down to Gathering some wood in order to craft his little H this is promptly followed by passing out in the mud sleep well little buddy you have a interesting journey ahead of you the next day while Gathering up some supplies a small feeling of star ation sinks in some emergency berries are in order after getting his fill of berries he begins the foundations of his starting home he's going to utilize the heat that spews out of the Giza nearby to heat his little Shack who's a smart boy the final touches are added to the first room where gumpo can finally hang his hat and bunker down for the night the day is rounded off with a tinge of tree worship Med itating at the tree produces grass and when 20 of them have accumulated you get yourself some magical powers I won't argue gumo finally has a roof over his head and settles in for a well-earned night's rest the following morning the Giza room reaches its completion allowing this wooden Shack to get some much needed heat goo notices a big table in a nearby ruin and decides to pinch it for himself he really doesn't enjoy eating without a table for whatever reason so this is a nice addition we have a visitor who undoubtedly pities this naked man living out of an empty rundown wooden cabin to make himself feel better gumpo builds a little stool to sit at while he eats progression at its finest finally some action a snow hair has gone crazy within the area gumo arms himself with a log and heads out to take this creature head on he doesn't have the best melee ability so this is going to take a while he also has a massive disdain for primitive weapons due to his ideology he prefers more elegant and technologically advanced ways to deal with his foes so this spontaneous log weapon will upset him for a while after a rather drawn out battle he finally vanquishes this creature but not after sustaining 10 hole hair nibbles poor show time we set up a butchering spot along with a primitive fire in order to cook up our new fluffy friend morning comes and we can start making some proper food which gumo is still not too pleased with he has a much more unique appetite the rest of the day was spent mainly Gathering amongst other bits and Bobs later that night we get our very first animal grass Splendid it is finally rice time how exciting while cooking we have our first raid we were caught on the back foot and really wasn't prepared for such hostilities time to pop down some emergency traps we have zero in the way of Weaponry so this is our only chance of survival our asant is equipped with a big old spiky stick the first trap is set and gumo rushes to arm the second one but it's too late he's at our front door hopefully one is sufficient enough bugger what happens next I have never witnessed in all my hours within rimal while enduring spiky stick strikes gumpo continues crafting the Trap right under his feet and it works huh would you look at that the evening passes and the next day gumpo carves up his prize finally some meaningful food he is very happy he doesn't quite manage to finish his prized meal before the day end so the next day some frantic preparations until a sad Wonder not being able to finish up meal preparations he decides to eat some raw human meat this still counts towards the mood buff very fortunate he finally snaps out of his sad Wonder but because he didn't manage to get his cook on the human meat rotted away a strict diet of rice from now on what have we learned gumpo later that evening he reflects on his naughty Behavior wood is in Fairly short supply here and we need a decent stockpile to survive through the winter so we round up what we can despite gpo's disdain for primitive weapons he's going to need to craft a bow to hunt the less Superior form of meat animal while resting up after a long day of hunting some Intruders a couple of them gumo skillfully navigates them right into his traps they didn't know what hit them now for some much needed target practice while they lie bleeding out on the floor he continues to let those Arrows fly have I mentioned gumpo is a bit of a Savage I'm sure this will become glaringly obvious the more time we spend shadowing him but for now on training time anyway since he missed the first first main opportunity for a delectable human-based meal this will be handled with a bit more care there's a mad elk lurking around and gumpo decides to just stay indoors although it is making a loss of Racket right at long last a meal consisting of man flesh he's a very happy chappy but not for long a psychic drone rolls in one step forward and two back and all that attempting to get one of those steps forward we're going to rearm the traps they're the only defense we really have we are back out into the rice fields it is of utmost importance that we get as many harvests in as possible within the tundra we have a very limited period in which we can grow so guess on it gumpo he has been a good boy of late and deserves a little treat place your bets at what his well-earned prize might be that's right tribal wear made of human skin donning his new attire he gets to hauling up some wood after that fashion fueled Fury of foraging it's time for an extension if gumpo has any visitors they'll need a place to crash as well as a spot to convince them that eating people is okay now what isn't okay is our lack of research because of our tribal star we just about know how to make fire let's get to changing that the first step of our intellectual Journey Stone cutting the frozen tundra has a tendency to get extremely cold and we can utilize that pop a couple of holes in the roof and boom a freezer it really is that simple now let's fill that that sucker up we'll just pepper it with a couple of shots and let nature run its course after a few hours researching the course has been run a little midnight snack now what's this A Refugee in need of shelter but let's not get ahead of ourselves they might be a fine addition did you spot the mistake run that back nobody disturbs gpo's sleep no one gumo just goes about his day while the refugee arrives around outside in the freezing cold ah look at that a nice snuggly sleeping bag I wonder how our guest is getting on still going despite being outside in the -3° temperature for around 12 hours that's one St 73y old while fixing up a spot of breakfast the next morning nature finally takes its course a bul Goods Trader shows up where we can hand them all the bits and pieces our meals have left behind while deep in some heavy research one of the more poorly timed raids I've seen comes in this gentleman wants to have a go what's a terrible terrible mistake well never say no to some free food I'm sure these Traders won't judge us too harshly for our actions with this fresh new abundance of food gumpo settles in for a long day of cooking the main plan to get through the winter is to fry up a lot of pkin a long-lasting bowl of dried brown goop it will keep us fueled up during the dangerous Seasons a mission comes in a challenge to deal with some miserable weather where I'm from this is rather ubiquitous so do your worst we'll get a plant pot in return another mission the deserter lascaris lascaris for Simplicity sake I will now refer to you as lass from this point on lass will join us but we will be attacked immediately this is our first big chance to get some real weaponry and we really can't afford to miss out on that last is some somewhat a bit of a combat specialist and will make a fine addition to the Colony but first things first we must convince her of our human consuming ways before any of that however we are instantly hit with the search party hunting lass and she is having none of it I reckon she'll fit right in at this point it is probably worth mentioning we are playing with combat extended today and as a result ammo is extremely valuable especially when you can't even craft a bed let alone ammunition it's time to begin the process of convincing lass that eating people is cool this muddy room will be her home for a while well it's been a productive day gumpo can rest well knowing he's made some real progress a new day Dawns and it's a good idea to get the convincing room equipped with some much needed homely Commodities this is all in vain however because lass throws a tantrum why do I even bother time to serve up the search party while finishing up the final touches to his meal a Trader comes by we Fork over some spiky sticks and tattered clothes for a little bit of cash lass is convinced that eating humans is morally justifiable a step in the right direction now to persuade her to just stick around this might be a little tricky however she's got hypothermia my bad winter is really setting in at this point we need to ensure we have a large stock pile of wood and there's only one man for the job gumo you're up but do you know what's looking rather down our stockpile of rice so meat from now on speaking of meat a couple of opportunities roll in equipped with simply a shiv and a spiky stick they naively attempt their little raid sucks to be them we quickly scoop them up and add them to the menu another raid and this time it's just the one let's see how he gets on ooh so close but not as close as lasses to being recruited and we could definitely use the extra pair of hands we accept a mission to take on a couple of primitive Warriors I feel bad for these guys they stand next to zero chance we'll deal with a mess in the morning during the Mayhem last spots an opportunity to escape a few butt strokes and this attempt is stopped in its tracks what that's what it's called trust me I've done my research so yeah we now have a lovely abundance of fresh meat lass's resistances has been broken and we are one step away from getting a new colonist about time it's all a bit much for gumpo and he's hiding in his room we get a message from a lost Drifter who needs a place to rest and regroup she is incapable of dumb labor but not incapable of being a tasty meal an unfortunate reality lass follows gpo's example and also hides in her room now we have a serious problem since everyone fancies a little game of hide and seek and gazelle is incapable of refueling the Flames everyone begins to freeze fortunately gumpo manages to snap out of it R's lass is dealing with some serious hypothermia she's lost a pinky toe hard luck the following morning lass is recruited into the fold but she has a vendetta because gazelle was just pottering around while every everyone was freezing to death lass is none too pleased she does have an appropriate response gumpo begins to spend his days figuring out ways to progress The Colony he's becoming somewhat of an intellectual not too shabby for such humble beginnings gumo is finding it particularly difficult to research today there's a mad Ram outside well there goes that dilemma another dilemma extremely flammable structures to combat this we'll put down a little spot where we will craft bricks while out Gathering the resources necessary some raccoons show up best to stay indoors no need to waste precious ammunition some oblivious Travelers get jumped by this vicious creature this little furry chap is really ruining this guy's day they do eventually get it down after a spot of shopping the raccoon jumps back into life and goes for gumpo hey couple of Bonks later and this is no longer a threat this fell has been well and truly chewed on and collapses we'll uh just take that he does just about survive and makes it off the map good for him right what were we doing oh yes trees all that being locked inside has managed to pay off because we have researched smithing gumo has got himself food poisoning so yeah he still does drag himself out to the animat Tre to meditate for a bit I respect the dedication the next day gumpo is doing much better and just in time for a raid since this fella poses next to zero threats everyone basically just goes on about their day lass puts together the last pieces of the stone brick shed and this dummy decides to walk into a trap she looks like like she's having second thoughts unfortunately for her she wanders into lass and her big lmg the next while is blissful for this Duo gumpo gets down to crunching some serious numbers while lass Cooks up all the meat we have acquired they even have some fun recreational time together throwing rocks through a hoop how quaint this quiet period never lasts however a wolf is hunting lass silly wolf and then much of the same restocking supplies getting some serious research done this is a rather peaceful time as far as Rim World goes perhaps out of boredom an ARG takes place resulting in a minor scuffle no real physical harm done but definitely some psychological bound to put a dampener on the mood what is bound to raise them again it's growing season nothing more exciting than rice and just in the nick of time as our food supply is looking rather sparse we also going to have to resort to eating the inferior form of meat for for a while at least until an opportunity presents itself a beggar called Dan shows up asking for money oh poor poor Dan just as we were going to welcome Dan a couple of angry fellas show up well isn't this a bit awkward one moment Dan right Dan time that was a nice restock of the old human giblets enough to craft up a real Feast we now have enough food to welcome a new Wanderer Coldwell who is a 80-year-old tough greedy excavator not a permanent addition to the crew but we can put to work mining we really need the steel since we already have all that human Chow she can stay for now oh look she's taking a nap oh Coldwell what you like I must admit she's a bit of machine when it comes to digging there's just one slight issue her ideology it makes her hate mining well I guess we'll just have a grumpy granny Milling about hold that thought a big moment for us electricity we can now progress past B sticks nice grumpy has already had enough and throws a tantrum after it subsides we send her straight back out into the field to get us some much needed components she'll be fine as the first rice of the year is being harvested cardwell's daughter decides to visit who we porn off some Goods too early the next morning Coldwell has a heart attack I hesitate to attribute it to her living conditions but a doubt the claustrophobic room filled with brick dust helped a few short hours later she's already up and about this tough old bird is really beginning to grow on me we have our first source of power constructed a wind turbine just as Coldwell was starting to look better she goes into a catatonic State and will be out of action for a few days we are really pushing to get as many harvest in as possible so this Duo works together to sew the rice fields just as a female psychic Soo rolls in we'll take it throughout all this time gumo has been meditating daily we now have 12 animag grass reaching just past the halfway point of magical powers speak speaking of magic we have just unlocked batteries which means we can magically store all of the energy the wind turbine is chucking out for us all right fine that was a bit of a stretch I thought it was a good transition idea it's been too long since gumo and lass have had their fill on human and it's starting to become a problem hopefully we won't have to resort to eating our grumpy granny luck is on her side however these gentlemen want to pillage our goodies so we quickly stage a defense with gumpo and lass gunning in the back and Coldwell jumping head first Into The Fray she is quickly surrounded and takes some serious punishment losing her right eye other than that it was a fairly successful defense pouring over the spoils and not much other than their juicy innards and with those along with some rice we can get a good stockpile of pemk started Coldwell goes into a days she wasn't too fond of the idea of butchering people which I can understand but come on be a team player despite all the protests the food preparation goes ahead oh look coldwell's having a nap in the freezer what is she like it appears everyone has food poisoning I can't imagine why last starts the construction of a new storage area which I must admit is long overdue while lass is out taking a lovely morning stroll a polar bear fancies a chunk out of her big mistake and and even more overdue are individual bedrooms let's get on that the process goes deep into the night Coldwell slaving away crafting bricks while lass puts them to good use some guests have arrived shortly followed by a pack of man-eating foxes best stay indoors and let them sort things out amongst themselves ah I was hoping you'd be able to take care of at least one of them time to take matters in into our own hands so we Sally out and take up station behind the wooden turbine gumo Braves a few bum bites but we do manage to take them out not quite sure what possessed us to save This Woman's life but we did try maybe gumpo is turning a new leaf and is remorseful for all his heinous actions come on gumo her life is in the balance and she can only be saved by your well that was rather sudden goo doesn't mess around on the plus side we do get some freebies oh and the other gentleman didn't make it either Alpha beavers now this is a problem wood is a finite resource around these parts and I'm really not too sure if they will Chow Down on our magical wizard tree so let's nip this in the bud bud nipped now for a heavy push into research it turns out Coldwell is quite the little egg head we slap down another research bench and the nerdy stuff [Music] commences it doesn't take too long until we can finally craft beds it's time to get those rooms kitted out we like to think of ourselves more as a refined culture so this poor bed simply will not do fine that'll do with the addition of heaters we have some cozy spots to lay our heads because of our new rate of power consumption we need to look for a more elegant solution the obvious choice geothermal at long last a good sleep that isn't on the cold dirty floor because Coldwell is a greedy sod she will get our most prized possession an excellent plant pot don't say I never do anything for you looks like these rooms are on the rather tight side I think we are better than that let's expand the M smidge as lass is putting the plan to action Coldwell goes on an insulting spree resulting in fisty cuffs now gumpo has a massive hole in his room well I guess it's back to sleeping on the dirty floor for you bud I think lass is trying to get some form of Revenge here by tearing down coldwell's bedroom walls while she's still sleeping inside best put a stop to that after all that drama the first two rooms finally get their extension later that night a herd of mad Ibex roam in looks like we'll be spending the night here just like the good old days the next morning they seem to have tuckered themselves out and we can finally emerge looking at gum's room here and it reads awful somewhat poor average sized hi ious and very dirty me too room me too at first glance I thought lass was up to her usual tricks again but it turns out she was actually just building food poisoning is making the rounds again we really need to get a hold on that the next while is rather uneventful the terrible food has run its course and we put a good dent into the research we did however get another heater so yeah anyway just as the monotony begins to creep in we get a call for help yaso here will join us if we can deal with a psychic suppression now I must admit I didn't fully read what this would entail and is a lesson to always do your due diligence you see the supression reduces all female colonists Consciousness by 50% this is bad it is roughly around here where I start to seriously regret my decisions well at least we have a new member of the gang right wrong we are looking for specific people and yo doesn't fit the bill she does however throw a party a party in an empty room filled with nothing other than vomit and blood interesting choice while the festivities are well away an awful Goring feeling is cloring at the back of gum's head he needs human meat it's been far too long since his last [Music] Indulgence and just like that issue solved another issue to solve is storage and we can finally start to utilize the new space we have created grumpy Coldwell goes into a sad wonder which is almost instantly followed up by a food binge from gumo this is concerning because food is rather tight as is without gumpo guzzling down everything he can get his dirty little hands on we need to be proactive about this so we install an electric stove or at least try twice because of last is negligence we are now out of steel Fortune has it a structure made of the stuff is just a small Jaun away lass is sent out to redeem herself and gumpo finishes off what she started now what was that important thing we had to immediately deal with oh yes food we send out last to gun down all of the local wildli you may have noticed Coldwell is extremely mopy this is mainly due to the fact she detests almost all activities that go on within the colony from mining to butchering people and eating them now the effective thing to do would be to convert her to our evil ways but I kind of like the idea of having a grumpy granny Milling about lecturing everyone on their naughty Behavior so she stays as is for now we get a mess message from Joe and he has a little secret he begs to join us and hesitates to tell us much more than that what could go wrong pouring over Joe's attributes here and he can be a fine addition to the squad being kind and psychically dull with a great fighting ability alongside with a high social skill he can become our dedicated Warden and moral guide now for the conversion process process unfortunately during the scuffle his jaw was shattered rendering him unable to talk we could Jam a block of wood into his mouth as temporary wooden Dentures but I think we'll just take the free meat at this point sorry buddy before we are able to have our new snack Joe's little secret drops into our storage building five of them they are making a good attempt to bring out it's kind of mesmerizing I don't think they will get this accomplished anytime soon so let's put them out of their misery we line up outside and swing the door open well that was easy thanks to Joe's secret we are now well stocked up on food well at least for the time being Coldwell decides to take a nap while out Mining and needs to be rescued typical cold well now for a smidge of renovation much better this continues for the next we while until we get a person in need tasty all those hours spent behind the research desk finally pays off we've got ourselves Geo thermal this is a massive milestone for us as we now have a permanent solution for power next up on our research list big boom hey minor miscalculation on my part some rearranging is in order the place is really starting to take shape Now with an electric butchering table the kitchen is coming together nicely with the last Parts rearranged we can place down the geothermal no time to celebrate however cuz a bunch of prims fancy their luck and well last does what last does with that slight annoyance out the way we can get to installing the geothermal and now the future of the colony is looking a little brighter who knows what they will face further on down the line but they can sleep a little bit easier knowing that they have a reliable source of energy that is now at their disposal so yeah that was that I appreciate your time stay happy and I'll see you [Music] around
Channel: Rare Rodent
Views: 23,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworldmodded, 100days
Id: HbxqHzS34nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 19sec (2239 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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