Speedrunning Duolingo Chinese (and then it escalates)

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yeah i used to read like chinese novels i would like i would submit essays to like competitions and now i'm just like i'm a first grader i'm gonna eat some crayons today's goal is we're going to evaluate duolingo's chinese whether or not duolingo would actually be like a good way to learn chinese or not from like a variety of perspectives so like i i speak chinese as like what would be called a heritage speaker like we spoke it at home my parents spoke to me growing up and so my chinese is like decent like my spoken chinese is okay my reading and writing is like not super good but it's passable like i could survive in china probably not very gracefully but i'd make it um welcome to duolingo which language do you want to learn first so we are learning wait hold on i'm curious so the mo okay they have this sorted by like number of learners and the one with the most learners is spanish and it's like leading on french by like 10 million people that's actually so big where are you learning the language for the culture the culture being twitch chat all right i'm gonna choose a daily goal we're gonna do yeah 10 minutes a day why not uh choose my path i already know some chinese so i'm going to take a test to jump ahead i think i guess this is some kind of placement test we'll see how i do this is the moment of reckoning y'all how chinese am i really i'm about to [ __ ] embarrass myself the genji like pronunciation videos that i did like my speaking and pronunciation is fine but my reading and writing is an absolute mess but i feel like because those videos took off on youtube that i'm now being viewed as some kind of like an authority when i i don't know [ __ ] guys i'm a fake chinese person i'm like i'm diaspora out here just trying to survive but because the videos are like cool so i was like oh god oh god i have responsibility now if i become if i become the genjin girl i'm going to be so mad all right write this in chinese call me okay write this in chinese your last name is wang my last name is also does the structure of that work out like literally in english or no you sure name well okay no it doesn't well the point is this wingman stuff so that just says like is is my friend pretty you trying to hook me up with someone i'll see my girlfriend next year okay that doesn't feel right that's so like strange is that right it is okay oh toggle cheap well i'm big i'm big all right this is my cheap farm all right what is it your child is under the table hi it's the side all right perfect nice you'll be able to skip some beginner concepts all right thanks duo can you read this word are they mocking us hey can you read and i'm gonna ask you by making you read this it's like that's like typing can you read at someone like that's so cool he doesn't play sports he only likes to sleep why is duolingo so savage today you could super invert it right like in the same way that in english you could say like he only likes to sleep and doesn't play sports you could flip it in chinese and also be like so i think that's correct uh another correct solution i'm sorry it's i don't think so do you do exercise hmm i don't like that do exercise wait we're like halfway through this test and i'm super like nothing so far has been even close to challenging so i'm a little concerned [Laughter] this is in the wrong language so this says they don't speak english we don't speak chinese what do we do this should have been in english it makes no sense to have this statement be in chinese like it just doesn't that's so confusing okay uh they do not speak english um we do not speak chinese what do how will you celebrate your birthday this year this is how i'm celebrating my birthday this year bye okay y'all buy stole is i think the best description for baito is like chinese vodka it's just like it's incredibly strong how will you celebrate your birthday this year wow duo coming in with the personal questions they just asked how is your relationship with your parents i'm glad i don't have to answer this question and i only have to translate it the questions why you want to know so much huh none of your business your father almost forgot to take money with him i i really wouldn't use jihoo in this context i would use chatian but okay oh my god i thought she flipped us off for a moment i was like did grandma just flip me off i'm like we're at the end and i still have not been challenged how many languages can you speak um english and chinese these like um unit words always screw me up the most like why would it be why would it be types why would it be types of languages oh probe is toggling my cheap off all right all right um veracity says cooking exactly wait what are they called what are the the counting words in chinese called measure words measure words is that what they're called so you wouldn't just be like three pens you would have to be like three pens and so looking says vera that just means that we would all say like three pens instead everything is cool out to us we're not gonna differentiate all right you've reached your daily goal congratulations you tested out of 54 skills wait does that just mean that i cleared do we beat duolingo oh it only says 65 you unlock 65 percent of the chinese course so how come i got a perfect score and it still has lessons for me let's see how hard they are let's jump all the way to um shopping are these shoes discounted oh the way chinese people do discounts is totally different from the way we do it in the states in the u.s at least i think i'm pretty sure this is also true in europe but when there's a sale it'll be like 20 off or like big sales would be like 75 off you know like it'll tell you how much is off the original price tag in chinese they do the opposite instead of twenty percent off they would say we're at eighty percent of the full price tabato would mean that like ba is eight and july is the like discount basically so tabata just means that it's like 80 of the original price which is in the us for a sale like that we would say it's 20 off it messed with me a lot as a kid because like math no good as child i would show up and they would be like that bachelor and i'd be like wow it's 80 off let's go shopping and then i would look at the price tag and be like oh i'm a [ __ ] idiot i i really don't think i can evaluate this unless i like come all the way down here like i need to know how high level this gets oh my god probe what does that mean do you want to try the chinese national college exam the entrance exam i have a chinese reading and writing level of like roughly first grade so i will fail when i was a literal child my chinese levels were like dramatically better than they are now yeah i used to read like chinese novels i would like i would submit essays to like competitions you know like that was that was my level before and now i'm just like i'm a first grader i'm gonna eat some crayons all right let's look at what probe sent us what is this i think this one is it this one all right oh no no i can't read half of this i don't even know i'm illiterate eight hours later said i found a primary chinese exam do you want it yes wait what level of primary chinese are we talking if it's third grade i might still fail second grade all right let's see if i can pass a second grade test okay i can't wait to be clowned it's gonna be so fun okay vera has updated the what is happening command it now says duolingo was too easy for ying so pro gave them the 2012 chinese national college entrance exam but that was too hard so now we're doing a chinese second grade test i'm so embarrassed and lula went one moo she was sitting there going like dishonor on your family dishonor on your cow that's the energy right so we're just gonna we're gonna read these things and piece them together um here we go hi what was your go look at that right i have no idea is young like this i think uh i mean i know this is here but is it like this this radical i don't know this radical i don't know i'll just i'll put question marks where i don't know okay pong pong [Music] yo the damn hell is this character wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i got it i got it i got i got it i got i got i got it i got it i got it hold on i have to do it before i forget it i have to do it before i forget it i have to do it for you again before i forget forget it i forgot it i didn't forget it i didn't forget it i didn't forget it i didn't forget it i didn't forget it i didn't forget it i did it wait is that right the more i look at that well maybe it's because my handwriting's bad sing cool if you showed me this word i can 100 read it but if you make me write it out i really and then cool would be like is that it is it i feel like there's like this on top and then something down here i just don't know what it is why does it look so bad it's because my handwriting's bad it's because my handwriting is bad it's cause i'm a disappointment okay hua is that it oh my god i definitely know this word i could it's another word i can read but right now i got nothing see i actually this i have no idea i have no clue this one i i got nothing i'm blank it's blank crickets cricket's chirping up here this is really this is very stressful it's kind of like when you can understand a language but you can't speak it like if somebody were speaking shanghainese i could understand like almost all of it like 99 of it minus some slang but if you told me to speak show my knees i would be like anyway sorry i'm gonna probe give me all the answers so i'm gonna i'm gonna backfill them okay ah i mixed it up so if i put these two together it would have made this one and i just missed this character okay okay okay okay oh i don't have a dictionary i remember these questions i loved them it was really like using the chinese dictionary is an incredibly formulaic like procedural process you start with the the radical you count the number of strokes on the radical and then you go to the the index basically on the front and it categorizes all of the radicals based on the number of like sorted them based on the number of strokes in the radical you find the radical you're looking for and then you flip into like it'll have like an enumeration of like like characters that might be using this radical and then you flip to the page with the character on it it's like a whole thing it's a whole process i thought it was really fun i really enjoyed using the chinese dictionary so this this column is asking you what radical you're looking for so this is like the the pong oh i can't write rinse the pong radical and then this is the what is that called like ball this is called and then this is so that's the pusho this is the radical let me write that up s so there's more questions i think but just based on my performance on this first page i probably would have gotten like a 60 if i'm lucky so when i say that i have a first grader's level of chinese i'm not joking okay like literally this is it this is the extent of my chinese knowledge probe is here trying to be supportive you did a good job no as someone who used to have chinese skills far beyond this it's incredibly stressful to see how much my skills have degraded over time but it's not as bad as what the other exam was so you
Channel: Ying - 莺
Views: 2,874,738
Rating: 4.9553924 out of 5
Id: JprFkj55dPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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