5 MIND BLOWING Logo Design Tips ✍

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hey guys what's going on it's me wall person and today I'm going to be showing you five logo design tips that will blow your mind some of you may already know some of these tips and I've talked about them throughout the channel at some point in the stage but I thought I'd put it in one video for any beginner out there or someone who is just looking to get instant gratification of what tips they could use to make the logo design look great so the first tip is to always flip and reflect your logo design logo design isn't easy but it looks easy what I mean by that is the shapes that we're creating our designs are the simple and easy for the viewers to look at on the customers to identify with so because of this it's assumed that it's easy to actually create a logo type or a logo icon or an app icon or just a logo mark now a big mistake that I see a lot of designers make when they're designing a logo is that they're not testing the concepts out by this I mean that they're not actually flipping the logo design and they're not actually breaking it up to see you can still identify it obviously want to say break it up I don't mean to like you know rip it apart and to make sure that you can see the logo only some logos can do that and it doesn't mean them it's not going to work but it's always good to test that out to see whether it fits and whether it looks nice when it's reflected now a tip that I've given to a lot of logo type designers on this channel is that when they're creating a script or a hand lettered logo design that they should flip it around and reflect it like you were doing it with a mirror this is a really easy way to stop your mind looking at the logo type as a logo type instead of looking at the letters they're going to be looking at the shape now the mind is really good at putting together shapes and to make you believe that something looks legible and readable and flowing but when you flip it around it gives you a different perspective and it gives you a perspective on the shapes of the logo for instance I'm a logo type designer by trade so I love logo types I do icons and I do app icons I do all these sorts of other things but my first love is logo types especially vintage script logo types now on the minute I've been working with a couple of different clients for logo types on one of them it's here now I'm gonna try and show you this this is one of the pieces of work that I've been doing it looks ok these are just little concepts that I've brought out onto the paper that look very generic but it's just to help me work out what's going on now if I want to do over these things flew or flowed correctly and the shapes were nice and the kerning was nice then I'm going to go ahead and take a picture of it and flip it horizontally so it looks like it's reflected from a mirror and then I'll print it off and I'll annotate the parts that I don't like and go to correct them so the second tip that will blow your mind when it comes to creating logo icons and type logos or just word marks is to exaggerate negative space when you're designing a logo on a big 27-inch imac screen and you're getting right into the grille of the design so you write in there and you're looking at all the details and you're seeing it in this massive spectrum in this massive space it's very easy for us not to understand how small the logo needs to be seen at by this I mean the negative space within the logo designer needs to be compensated for the positive space and this means that you have to exaggerate in the negative space to compensate with the positive space this may sound confusing but a part of video a few months ago when the Nintendo switch came out about the Nintendo switch logo and I was talking all about the negative space to it and the reason why the circle was smaller on one of the Joye cons in the logo than the other ones that everyone else said it was because of other reasons but it was actually because of the negative and positive space and the alignment of it the mind is a strange place so we need to make sure that the negative spaces are slightly larger in comparison to the positive spaces at some points and if you think that the negative space is going to be large enough in the logo make sure you exaggerate it a little bit if not even just for experimentation to make sure it can be read and seen as small as an app icon or a favicon on your computer so to condense that one down make sure that any negative space that you're using in your logo design is exaggerated when it's an icon or when you're using negative space to convey something like a shadow or something else make sure is exaggerated and that the positive space isn't overbearing they'll blow your mind is to always use geometric shapes if you're creating an app icon or just an abstract iconography logo design then you need to make sure that you're using geometric shapes I see a lot of people using the pen tool and you can do it with a pencil but geometric shapes are a very easy way of creating a very clean logo now the main reason why you should nearly always be using geometric shapes it's because the geometric shapes are geometrically perfect when you're using them it's so much easier and more accurate then what we can do as humans when we're using the pen tool for example you've seen videos of me creating birds and different logo designs that are like abstract birds or circular logo designs or whatever little icons and I am not using the pen tool I'm using geometric shapes to get the curves and then the shape builder to get rid of some of the shapes inside that which gives it the logo shape this is really great when you're coming up with a golden ratio logo especially when you're using golden ratio or Fibonacci sequence circles or different guides to make sure that you make in the logo sound but basically geometric shapes mean a geometric logo design or geometrically sound logo design I don't mean just using a polygon tool or just a circle tool what I mean is it use the circle tool and other circles to make the shapes no matter how complicated they may be obviously there are times when you can't use geometric shapes within your logo design and that is okay as well but make sure that if you're doing an icon or something like that use geometric shapes when you can to make sure that one you're getting the best use out of Illustrator or your logo design vector program and to to make sure that everything is geometrically sound and you'll be surprised of the results you won't need to use a pencil use it the shape tools and then the shape builder tool to delete shapes and to also add shapes together the fourth most amazing tip is to force yourself to draw 50 ideas or renditions of the logo that you're working on when I'm working for a client I use a massive piece of paper like you've just seen earlier on the reason that is it's because I can get all ideas out - one paper and I can archive it later it's also because the paper is really nice as well but I have these things called field notes and little journals and stuff and what you want to do is really roughly be drawing your abstract icons logo designs and anything else in them but you want to be doing this within an hour the reason why you should do this within the one hour mark is to stop you being so protective over your ideas of a logo I always see logo design as working out what doesn't work and proving that a lot of the time within the first week of me doing a logo for a client I already know what it should be but half more 80% of my job it's kind of showing what doesn't work and why and that shows you what does work in the end it narrows down your options as to why something would work better so drawing 50 ideas out in one hour can actually expand your creativity and the accidents that you create by little drawings will help you come up with new ideas that express the logo and because the scarcity of time it means that you've got no time to procrastinate and you have to draw really quick designs if you know me I do a lot of logo type design so I spend a lot of time drawing them out when I've got a good idea but what you may not see is all my little crappy designs that I do the little drawings that I let you sketch out very quickly see what the idea works and then I forced myself to draw another one and another one and another one even though they look bad I'm going to make sure that the bad work becomes good piece kind of like taking out all the rubbish to find the bit of gold inside the rubbish bag and the fifth and final tip that will blow your mind when it comes to logo design is to change your location yes this is surprising a lot of people know me working in here you see videos of me in here 90% of the time I'm in here this is my office studio space where I do all my creative work a lot of the time especially when it comes to filming just for this a great location with computers here and everything is in here but what you may not know is that nearly every week I spend quite a substantial amount of time in different places come of ideas drawing and not being in the same place and the reason behind this is because I feel very stale being in the same room and a lot of other creatives do it as well when you're in the same room or all the time you can kind of get into this tunnel vision of a logo design or a television of a project and when you go out of a room you express yourself in a different environment you'll be surprised at the ideas you create I found that sometimes when I'm getting slow in my work and everything's kind of sludgy I need to go somewhere else and when I do go somewhere else whether that's like a coffee shop or a bar or something during the day not drinking but getting a coffee ideas just flow out of me because I'm around a different environment and that is helping me clear my brain from where I'm at now so it may seem like a surprising tip but you'll only realize how well it works when you actually go and do it so go and do it today don't stay in your office make sure you spend at least an hour somewhere different if you can if not just change which room you work in and you'll be very surprised guys thank you so much for watching this video a huge shout out to Squarespace for sponsoring this video as well Squarespace is basically an online website builder where you can create your own website really easily by using the templates and everything else that's on that website you get your domain your templates you can sell stuff you get client work on there it is amazing are you Squarespace is my website and I have a contact form on there I put my portfolio on there it works really well it's super easy and simple you don't need to be a website wizard but if you guys want 10% off Squarespace this year and for your subscription of it press that link down below and type in the coupon code as well to get 10% off Squarespace premium if you haven't already subscribed down below for some more amazing tips and some more content on this channel give this video a like and also comment down below some tips that have really helped you in logo design thank you so much for watching and I'll catch you in the next video see you soon [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Will Paterson
Views: 2,035,535
Rating: 4.8170342 out of 5
Keywords: design, graphic, photoshop, illustrator, logo, instagram, logos t shirt, corel, logo creator photoshop, logo creator software, logo creator, logo maker software, design a logo, design a logo for free, design a logo without illustrator, design a logo in illustrator, create logo, corel draw logo, best logo design in corel draw, hidden messages in logos, hidden messages in logos illuminati, logo design, graphic design, hand lettering, will paterson, 5 mind blowing logo design, tips
Id: dQjcqEE37jA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2017
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