Shocking Item In This $1,553 Amazon Customer Returns HEALTH & BEAUTY Pallet

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okay yeah okay right okay here we go today we're back with another palette video we've got franchise wife we've got the better half available today she's here you wanted her if she accepted and we've got two voices one palette three boxes all health and beauty not my specialty I'm not good at this stuff and I don't like touching weird things other people's hair other people's nastiness everybody knows I don't like touching use underwear we've touched that we've touched used manure we've touched some weird things little so hopefully she'll she will pitch in and touch anything unusual this time for us so the full MSRP of these three boxes here how much this box weigh 10 pounds I say all three are about the same way one is a little bit more all three of these the full MSRP if everything is brand in which it is not this is customer returns the full MSRP is one thousand five hundred fifty three dollars if everything is brand new but it is not so hopefully at least half is new probably not but what I actually paid my cost was two hundred and thirty two dollars which is a lot more than what I like to pay but you guys one into health and beauty so I paid up for it so hopefully you enjoy this kind of a pallet so knife will let the one know now the wife does not want to have knife duties so as I always say if you're buying liquidations always buy locally do not pay shipping charges I pick this up myself so my 232 is actually my complete cost no shipping charges so health and beauty we're going to have a lot of hopefully no makeup because I do not want to sell any kind of makeup I just don't want to mess with makeup I know a lot of people out there if we do get some will be excited so first box it's not what we would call full I'm gonna show everybody what we're looking at here first box everything is mostly in the packaging I will let the wife have first pickins of what she wants to pull out first and everything in these three boxes will be sold on eBay Amazon and and mi shopping just because always saying if it sells for $5.00 on one platform does it mean it won't sell for 10 somewhere else all platforms have different pricing just because five bucks here doesn't mean 10 bucks someplace else I sell wherever I can make the most profit next so first item out of this box is care generation rechargeable makeup brush cleaner that's that's pretty nice for the ladies out there who have to clean their makeup brushes on a daily basis so it's you know something we need to do has no idea but you ladies out there that know about me your makeup brush I don't know yes so we don't clean our razors we just don't Elaine put on a new razor yeah well you don't want to cross your colors you don't want to have like 14 different colors of eye makeup on your on your eyes so plus you know being clean that's kind of important as well so this is kind of cool so you don't have to you I know a lot of times I feel like brushes on my hand or on a makeup cleaning mat so this is kind of cool to have something to put your brushes into and clean doesn't look used it looks new it's missing some packaging how much something like this would sell for you think is I have absolutely zero idea somewhere around twelve to fifteen dollars so about 12 15 bucks will guest me on this after I do some research I will almost an update below how much this thing might sell for so first item looks like it's new in the box so so far not bad next item ooh am an item yeah that's nice that's got some money right there it does that might be a look up kind of item yeah I know trimmers go for all kinds of different prices and different things so this will definitely be something we might need to check out not your cool if it's unions oh no oh wow is that new did we just get something yeah this actually still has the original there's like a little paper cover that is over the blades it is still on it so this does appear to actually still be unused brand-new in the packaging just a customer return open box item so we might have a good score right here so I as the wife talks about this I'm acting to look this thing up so keep on talking in case and of course the instructions that are along with this so definitely something that things would be interesting and maybe a good good price okay act a little bit of research this thing sells new for around $69.99 slight is not bad so since it is open box item it's not factory sealed I would say I could easily sell this as new other open box item for at least I say around 50 bucks so that is not bad so first two items are pretty much open box new items but open box so so far health and beauty has not been that bad so far but there are there is one thing in here that doesn't look very pretty though let's let's pull that one out next good we're pulling out the pill it's pretty pretty pink not so pretty I'm not quite sure be nice yes thank you neither yes please what in the world is this a hair realm I don't know the hairdresser training head so for the hairdresser is out there that needs you have something to style there here is looks like some attachments to attach head to table never return this thing did not want the head to come loose burying shipping there we go okay but if I watch this is a wrestling fan I have no choice but right now to say if you're a fan of the Attitude Era in the w ee okay if you got that you've got a comment below cuz you know what I'm saying if you are a fan of wrestling especially back in the late 90s to early 2000s and currently you know who I was doing right there who talked to a mannequin head and talked to it and now as part of part of his wrestling gimmick was a wrestling head actually might keep this actually well I think but I could play my wrestling carry it down talk to the mannequin head okay you do another talking Google Al Snow he's a wrestler and his gimmick he talked to a wrestler or two to a mannequin head and he talks to it and just Google Al Snow and you'll totally get what I was doing with the head and yeah it's just a wrestling thing and so on anyway that was freaking awesome I don't want to keep that ladies who want to learn how to French braid or do updos or different styles this would be awesome to have Bobby I don't know how to French braid and so this would be a great way learn how to French free I bet speaks like 3040 bucks I bet it's more than that 30 40 bucks okay whoa we'll say between 30 and 50 dollars okay but today probably more like to me this this head is priceless and I kind of I kind of want to keep this keep this next item am i picking again let me pick one okay I see one here I don't use this but it is brand new in the package everything in these three boxes they will be customer turns Amazon warehouse damaged or overstock and we do have our first Amazon warehouse damaged item which all that means is the factory packaging is as damaged so Amazon will not sell this because the packaging is a little bit crunched but it's brand-new factory sealed a Braun Series 7 replacement head this would sell easily between 15 20 bucks factory seal brand-new another brand-new item awesome can't beat that thanks sir yep okay we're gonna go with this little black box here that says new key new key lavender-scented sensual massage oil and it says new key on and it says new key I do I need to put some clothes on not you might want to put some gloves on here I'll let you touch that ah I've touched enough weird things of my time no it does look new so it's just a bottle massage oil here hold this no see and then the pump no I don't way to get I'm not gonna want anything weird that's enough weird things wet and it's not gonna get you called new key the brand is new key okay next item that's by about 10 15 bucks freaked out next item you put your new key over there all we have a wrist brace size small used so this is a very much fun I would call this helping you this is more something else but most these braces use about 15 20 bucks depending on the brand the brand on this is performance health so yeah this would be about used this will be about as high as 20 of those 15 so this is a thumb splint okay next item that was a very much fun trimmer and it looks like it's color coded to know what what kind of guide that you're putting on there it appears to be Brandon oh no I take that back mm-hm no no you can always tell just shake it if things are loose then those are you yes or definitely use the trimmer choose oh yeah there's there's hairs everyone I would call it heavily use that's gross but they're right back it's it is used so in use condition most of these something like this this brain wall new these are about between 30 and 40 bucks in this condition used it's not much more than about 15 20 dollars if if I'm lucky if it works if it's not burnt up so 15 20 bucks I'll go okay deodorant let's see if it's new oh there's somebody return use do door go ahead pull a cap off okay so deodorant brand new you know it's like three to four dollars but this will go into my keep stack because I will keep this 48-hour deodorant cuz I got that guy's smell nice for all the ladies out there right honey that's right so is the entire case of Perot healthy soap six pack a most of those would go for about three to four bucks a pop it says it the case of six so that being as high as about eighteen dollars but stuff like that I always keep it I don't sell it because what's the point of sounds selling stuff that we would buy anyway so yeah it's more keep stack stuff but so but if I did sell this I would sell this for about three to four dollars a piece but keep stack two there's two things left this box one two go ahead I have something something that says needle careful dermal needle dermal needle what the dermal needle it sounds serious I know no anytime you have a needle it sounds serious I don't know what a dermal you know it has some crazy writing in there I'm a little worried about opening that one you better be careful all right well while he's doing that we have what appears to be maybe a nail file be careful a dermal needle this is I'm not sure what the brand is but it looks like it's some type of file yeah acupuncture needle interest interesting so whatever it is it's factory sealed and on the end of it it has acupuncture it won't focus on because it's so small but the end of this thing it looks like a little tiny kind of hammer it never has little tiny needles on it there's like eight to ten of them eight of them so an acupuncture needle thing maybe about a ten dollar bill in that range maybe I have no clue on this and then a German what is that some kind of file so we all update the price on that during the editing phase and they can't be much more than maybe about five bucks say at least one time per per box it says it's a shape nail file in white slyness the first box I went to babble first box we got a mannequin head best item so far I like that you're going to fight me for the mannequin head we've got a brand new Panasonic mandrill and then we got a brand Mandurah you know a manual thing razor thing say the drilling thing obviously he doesn't do any of the home repairs same thing and then we got some nookie stuff and then saw me all are all at this first box it has to be at least 100 dollars plus under 50 so I pay a total I said like 230 something so we're not even yet but we're getting close so hopefully box 2 we get into the profit so we'll find out let me box this stuff up and we'll be right back box number 2 we're ready to go first box was not that bad not profitable but I have high hopes for the second one we got to get into that profit so doesn't look that bad from the get-go glance in there go ahead pull up this big thing first cooling heating bed jet air comforter cloud sheet dual zone in a king this actually has sold before I sold the queen-size a few months ago on eBay it retails for around $200 but that is not the actual price it sells for I sold the Queen around $79 so the King but my queen dough is factory sealed never had come out of the package this one looks like it has been taken out the person try to put it in the best they could but they couldn't get it back in but so in this condition there's this wolf retail front 200 but open package item I hope I still get about 50 bucks for this these actually are very expensive if you buy it new in stores but buying it secondhand from a non authorized retailer like eBay it's actually like half price or less so about 50 bucks that's not bad next who has seen more children air to next we have a precision hair trimmer type of thing so these are all over the TV and I'm not five bucks these I sell in my shop all day long for five bucks and they sit for ever I've had these things I and there's actually a pallet from months and months and months ago I had like 20 of these stupid things and I have I think about two left that I still can't sell so I got more of them so that's fantastic so that's five bucks and we got some more deodorant brand new brand new so I got more deodorant to make me smell good we have a comb I might want that first beard he's constantly that's a good beard comb actually my fingers actually honestly probably will keep this so we got more for the keep stack so no profit right keep stack I'm gonna pull this bad boy out hey icon whoa old ultra-powerful you know I'm saying read it right there it's down on the bottom open this is adult truth there we go newer used and I bet it is used oh yeah yeah that's used so this will have to be tried out this brand I've sold a couple times it sells new for about 50 to 55 dollars use condition it does have the extra attachments on it I don't want to touch anything without any kind of protective gloves on because you never know what could be on this you just never never know so use condition this will be around 25 to 30 bucks so still it's not bad this is only if it actually works I can always say I try everything out before I actually sell it so if it's in working condition I'll 25 30 bucks and then will be wiped down and clean before I actually sold it so not bad so we have another Panasonic trimmer we've got a lot of trimmers here so this one says beard and mustache trimmer this one is actually a horrible horrible model I've actually sold this thing three times the reviews on this one are bad this thing what it does it doesn't cut it actually pulls the hair and the reviews on this model is people complain because your beard hairs instead of cutting it it just pulls them out and this gets returned a lot like I've gotten this in electronics because it gets returned because people don't like it it doesn't cut it pulled because it's underpowered so I'm not shocked that I got this thing again so whenever idea sell this I did not sell this on eBay because it's such a horrible trimmer I put this in my shop and I sell it for very very cheap and like well whenever I say cheap I mean cheap like eight to ten dollars but new this thing actually sells for about 40 bucks but I won't sell for anywhere close to that because it's such a crappy product and I will actually put some kind of like a note on here this says you know something like tested works but I'll have some kind of no can ican warning on it but don't buy this warning next okay we have a box of sterile alcohol prep pads this is more for makeup I guess alright interesting this will apply be an eBay thing to this will be Amazon restricted 100% there's 300 in here I want to go out until limits this by about 20 bucks maybe around that area so not bad 20 bucks ish and we've got an elastic wrist wrap so it looks like you would use this the back of it show us that you would use it for like like with weightlifting and type of thing so yeah it's nothing yeah it's just these things are kind of gimmicky you don't really need these yeah gimmick let's see there's all kinds of oh here's some weight lifts and stuff old-school vintage bass tune one multi with probiotics veggie caps dietary supplement so it is uh that's uh the wieder guy if you're into body building that that guy's name is wheter w e ID er can't think of its first name but uh it's a multivitamin so I'll probably keep this because it's pretty much just a multivitamin overpriced yeah he's a multi oh it's good good for 2020 still factory sealed so actually probably noticed about ten fifteen bucks but I'll just keep the multivitamin for myself so we've got this big box in here somebody wrote on the top of it it's a miss ship is it heavy yeah and it's quite heavy it is MEDLINE so that is used in lots of hospitals because I know that brand it's a large whatever a large - it's still factory sealed nope does this this side want to practice I know quite heavy kind of a mystery box so the bottom part was opened up it appears to be a trash can so far I think it's a paper shredder oh I think you're right it's a paper shredder in a yeah it sure does in and I had let me bury yep paper shredder in a health and beauty I wonder what this was supposed to be this is an Amazon basics paper shred paper shredder I got a hunch this is probably supposed to be something else but somebody return to paper shredder instead I don't know I really doubt a paper shredder is supposed to be in a health and beauty liquidator like a return it was probably actually supposed to be whatever this box was supposed to be a whole box of latex free MEDLINE looks like glass that's large that's part of what this was supposed to be was a hunt was an entire case of latex free gloves but the person returned and place of it a paper shredder more likely this I would happen so this place will be trash burn them up next Aquin derm plus yeah I'm seeing lots of symbols yeah what is that baby I don't know let me look at it I don't know looks like it's a pimple popper a pimple popper and it has an acne absorbing cover so this is probably sponsored by the doctor pimple popper show I don't know but it's certainly the the pictures on it up here that you put this you it looks like you put this little like bandaid looking thing over your pimple those a blackhead remover something like that yeah it's about 5 bucks good price next this is beauty in then figure out how to open it it's empty done uh somebody returned an empty package to Amazon oh wait or did it fall out oh no yes no no they returned an empty package or a fell out at some point during the liquidation process who knows but it was a rose quartz facial roller and gouache all but nice that's a nice box though next let me pull out this oh it did follow it's broken it's broke I would that looks like I don't mmm be careful touching that it's broken secure you wouldn't roll that away that looks bad here we has some Sarah brush healthy gums oral rinse professional such-and-such mouthwash so uh yeah so we got two pack of healthy mouthwash so I'm gonna say these things by like five bucks apiece ten bucks tops for this thing ish so that's not bad I guess and then we've got dental floss right now that's about a dollar ooh here we got some it's actually factory sealed 100% factory sealed brand is called feel life the third way of doing purple portable mesh nebulizer air Angel so I'm not sure what this thing is but it is kind of percent factory sealed so this might take a little research to find out the price I'm gonna lift this thing up and I'll be right back items sold on Amazon for 68 99 which is awesome but after some researches on the back of this item though it actually does have an expiration date so always check for things like that it did actually expire July 14th of 2018 so it cannot be sold on Amazon but it can still be sold on eBay you just have to make sure and tell in the description that it is expired so it can still be sold but the buyer just has to know on eBay that it is expired but it is still good it can be sold so in the condition is since its factory sealed and expired by only just a few months by at least 40 bucks still so that's awesome curling so guess then that's PI Bao I made 15 20 bucks but we'll find out later during the editing process so it's not too cheap too bad a thing so here we got replacement for a Phillip Phillip Sonicare 2 replacement heads they appear that they look to be new so I haven't really dealt much in replacement heads for Philips I care but uh they probably got to be at least maybe 10 bucks a pop so these might be upwards of maybe 20 dollars for each of them so it might not be that bad of an item but uh at least 20 bucks we got some makeup it looks like no not makeup it is a yeah precision head two and four millimeter trimming comb cleaning brush and battery used I'm gonna call it use used it was nose hairs and stuff I am not touching it so more likely I'm gonna put this into my dollar box because I don't want to mess with anything that's been up with somebody's nose so we're calling any good dollar box item so somebody was to buy it for a buck in my shop can get a deal on that and then the final item in this box is this Panasonic beard trimmer here looks like it says that wet or dry for easy cleaning and you can use it in the shower and the person opened it up by the bottom instead of the top I don't know why people do that you just open up by the top oh I don't know but open up from the side it actually appears that I don't see any hairs in it but this is a lower grade Panasonic trimmer it's not anything fancy so something like this new if it wasn't open up from the body this pie about 20-25 our items so as it sits in this condition is probably around $15 or so so it's not bad so I'm pretty sure with box number two we are in profit guarantee it one box left let me move these around we'll be right back box three final box come on be good stuff so we've gotten like one big ticket thing so far in box one at Panasonic camera that was brand new a bed sheet set so we've got a couple things but this box three actually does look pretty good take a little glance see things in boxes so first item go ahead 9 we're definitely going with the straightener so this is a ght classic straightener and I have a couple of ght products and they seem to work pretty well it's just an on/off and you don't have the opportunity to change the heat settings on this so that's one downfall on this particular model because you definitely don't want to fry your hair by having your heat settings too high but it definitely looks like it has been used in the past gently I would call it so this item on Amazon is check is retailed in Amazon for one hundred and nine dollars and you said it's used it gently is generally used in original box of his new 109 use condition I could probably easily maybe get about 70 I'd say in that range so just to lowball it I'm gonna say about 70 bucks as long as it works have to try it out so this item there that is actually not that bad so that is actually a pretty nice score the first item in box two so I will take that next we have our first as seen on TV item whenever you see those words you automatically know it's probably a cheap piece of junk nine times out of ten gimmicky nine times out of ten we've got an instant wave automatic curler guaranteed to probably burn your hair a bit right maybe so that's the packaging yeah this says as seen on TV usually your hair all tied up and it yeah that kind of stuff you'll see in liquidations like crazy and then all of a sudden you're gonna see it on TV anymore of course move about the package now but something like this I'm gonna look it up I must say it's pi about twenty bucks as it sits if I'm lucky but I'll look at it later oh so we have a simple human near here this is really really nice so it wall mounts it looks like and that's really nice simple human is a really nice brand yeah there are trash cans I get lot in my bed bath and home our barracks to the trash cans so a mirror we tell you is gonna be pretty expensive yeah that's only if it is not cracked it was not damaged the best person would be key to anything so here we got the mirror it still looks like it is used there's fingerprints on it there's the mirror so this will take a little bit of testing out to make sure I'm seeing any more accessories to it so I don't know if it's all there I have zero clue if it has all the mounting brackets for it but uh let me look this thing up real quick I'll be right back okay so Amazon retails for $1.99 it is missing all the mounting accessories appears it is missing you know that part of it it is used so I don't know what kind of condition it actually as it sits it will sell in it'll take some more research on my part but new it is 200 so it is used missing possible some accessories so I'll update it during the editing process once I found some more information about that item but that is a nice thing and I'll take it next we've got a diffuser all these things are junk you see these a few times in my videos woodgrain diffuser thingy so this is about five bucks if I'm lucky but these things are they're kind of junky kind of like filmy things all right so we've got an invisible bra here so these are the ones with this is the sticky sticky cup and looks like this one in particular is one piece with the lace up in the middle of it there doesn't appear to ever be used so and it is a bra size D and what's that go for they're not very expensive so I would take only about five bucks that's not bad no a little they use I'd be really expensive but today you can get them fairly inexpensively here we go I have never I should say never buy haven't gotten one of these for quite a while in a liquidation we got a Waterpik water pick water flosser sonic toothbrush before i pull this thing out let me go ahead let me actually just lift this thing up Amazon first let's see if it's actually worth much because I'm curious what the prices are before I take all the time to research pull this thing out I'll be right back now there's some research Amazon this thing sells new for $95 and I pull down the package and appears everything here is actually still new it's just a customer turn open box item everything the pics all the little accessories are still brand new still a factory seal in the package so the way it sits I'm gonna probably try to get at least close to 70 for this thing so that's not a bad item not too bad next it's SPF 50 so this must be some type of face cream and face creams can go all over the price as far as you know cost and such so we'll probably have to do some research on this to find out how much that is actually still factor so yeah it's still factory sealed so actually I'll look this up and you plotted the next thing okay so the next thing we have is clinical strength secret deodorant so it's a pack of three and keep this I like this deodorant so I will probably keep that and then we have oral-b looks like this is a replacement brush head and it is three replacement heads within this packaging packaging is not new appears that it has been opened in the past so yeah the backside of it has been opened but the three are still there and it looks like they're probably still in the packaging but the backside of it has been opened hmmm about five bucks so this item here it's actually it is a it's a little some different it is a healing cushion skincare cushion it's a cushion whatever that is it's a cushion but it sells new for about $35 it still factory sealed it is it's no longer sold on Amazon I'm not too sure why so I know what the company went out of business if they got restricted from Amazon I'm not sure what happened but it is a cushion is what it says no clue but it's a cushion $35 so I'll pipe it on eBay and ask 30 next item all right we have what is this comfortable faith in souls so looks like insults for shoes the sand is from archaeology RP log archaeologic archaeological sites sacred to all religions from the Holy Land alright it's designed with the layer of sand from the Holy Land you suit oh my gosh it really seriously does look it has sand in the he'll of this it has sand they have a weird smell too well they've been warned and then you get little insult like a smell you don't smell your fingers like it smells it doesn't smell like like she was smells like like foot powder stuff or something you're like it's sand from the Holy Land though well but you touched it - I touched it but I didn't go and sniff it but I can't smell something gross like air fragrance so kind like you better wash your hands you better wash your hands all right so this next one oh this looks like it's a belly wrap so makes you skinny no I think I think it's for hold ya maternity support belts and a medium sized 5 up 10 bucks 10 15 bucks it can make me skinny too of it making me skin alright so this next one is the austere brand and it looks like it's the ah it's for the nines razor no it's not it's a reflection yet oh yeah it's this one's for the pack for the vets pet pets vets ooh and then there's actually there's hair in the package - so you get bonus there's actually a hair sticking out that's sweet so yeah but these I've actually sold these before I could you get about 20 bucks used for this but yes that's really nasty it's got a lot of hair in it a lot of hair in this thing that's kinda gross okay me that would be 20 bucks but I'm not sure what I'm gonna do with that but yes kinda alright so we've got the cure a brand so this is that what would you call that brand like band-aids and stuff but this is appears to be some type of guard who's ever your wrist I don't know yes wrist and forearm splint hmm actually looks like it still has like the factory packaging yeah do it - this hasn't been worn yet because there's no hairs there's no nothing in it unlike our last problem looks like this is for your left arm - so since its new it's by about 25 30 bucks you have to check to make sure this does not require a prescription if it says rx on it then it requires a prescription and then if it does you cannot sell this on any platform whatsoever so be careful if you're selling anything like this you got to make sure it does not require a prescription because if you sell it you're in trouble but yeah this is not required and rx so this can be sold on eBay but not Amazon so by about 25 bucks I think we got one item left in this box you want to unveil it and we are done so that is it it looks like some might be halfway decent and once again the top is taped somebody open it up from the bottom but we got a wall Signature Series home barber kit let's see what do people do this reference so it comes in a very nifty bag nifty a nifty bag little carrying case you know that let's see and first inspection looks like it might actually still be in new condition here's the Clippers No I got hair on me that's gross I got a haircut so looks like this actually funk is here probably like used live like one time because every attachment is still sealed so I think the person used it one time tightest trim ourselves up for like a Saturday night they returned it yeah I might have pulled them out they I mean this thing looks like it's like as like new as you can get but this item here it actually sells for around 50 bucks new so honestly just like a little wipe down of the blade and easily about 3540 dollars so this is actually a pretty nice item in this palette on so that's everything that is a total I think it's supposed to be around 43 items in that range a little over $59 MSRP supposed to be course it was and I pay like two thirty something I think all in all the value I got back easily about five hundred dollars but Auto for sure I'll put it on the screen somewhere we'll know the total value and probably enjoy this video if you want to see this person again make sure you comment below in the comment box let me know how you liked her part of the presentation of this even though of course you know I'm the best so anyway thanks for watching this make sure you subscribe to this channel if you haven't and if you want to buy anything that you saw make sure you hit me up drag links to contact me are below in the description box feel free hit me up and as always I'll see you soon I'm out
Channel: Franchise Kicks
Views: 131,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eBay, thrifting, thrift, garage sale, tips, flip, flipping, side hustle, resale, reseller, amazon, poshmark, online, shipping, liquidation, liquidations, amazon returns, amazon pallets, mystery box, mystery unboxing, unboxing, ebay unboxing, ebay mystery box, pallet, manifest, unmanifested, money, make money, insane profits, work for yourself, self employed, resale rabbit, FUNKO, customer returns, amazon return box, amazon return pallets, marvel, safiya, sony, ps4, vinyl, cosmetics, a&e, extreme unboxing
Id: iSf7mwkMvQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 27sec (3027 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 16 2018
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