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[Music] what's up guys i got a new dog this is kimchi she's a book just kidding i still have benji this is my friend's dog and she's really cute and hanging out for today but welcome or welcome back to the channel today i have decided to put a mcdonald's in my apartment so here we have it you know we got our big macs we got our fries we got our cups we got our kids toys we got our sauces which is most important of course and then we're actually gonna try to make the food so we're gonna be offering burgers fries and mcnuggets but they're not actually mcnuggets they're frozen nuggets i got from albertsons but um we'll make it work so i'm going to call paris over right now and attempt to hire him because i always need help writing this um subscribe if you want to and let's jump into it [Music] um perry pearce um why do you want to work here paris and i really don't want to work here to be honest how you um okay so um you're really over qualified for this it says you're a youtuber uh i yeah i do a little you know i double dabble okay well um you're hired here you go put this on there we go perfect and then here so before um our customers arrive because obviously we're going to be so busy we should start making the food let's do it let's make some food all right no oh do you know how to make the food no hold on i got this mom seems simple enough i mean mom i think she's at work mom well it's like the world's smallest violins playing she didn't answer me google okay google salt pepper sounds all right salt and pepper you have a pan here pan that's a good idea i got a pan oh hi we no we don't have that here uh this this is a mcdonald's ma'am this is this is mcdonald's well fine then go to taco valley karen i got me spatular um do you need gloves it's the hash look at this teamwork oh who knew we're kind of mcdonald's it's so fun i know right well done well done we have the manager over here should i cut the tomatoes i should cut the tomatoes how about stations here she's cutting tomatoes with the prep work i'm over here working on the kitchen or number 76 yeah because we totally had 76 orders oh wow he looks like a real cook thank you paris actually is a chef so if you check him out in the link in the description i know his can i get a double quarter pounder with cheese please and i would also like a 10 piece chicken mickey nugget do you want fries with that oh yeah all right um your turtle comes out to be 45.45 it's going to be the best mixtape in a few minutes actually put that in there and then a nice piece of lettuce and then uh the bun okay voila it actually looks good right all right here's your burger your fries and chicken nuggets will take about 20 minutes enjoy that burger awesome oh my god another one oh my god i didn't think anyone would show up honestly actually could i get the uh number one big mac please with cheese big mac with cheese i'm right here yeah what are you doing i got some fake cheese please make burger make up here you go oh thank you oh you're so welcome the fries will be out in like 20 minutes wow it looks great tell me how you really feel thank you thank you i want a burger hey pierce do you want a burger yeah let's let's let's have some burgers here yes just put some cheese on there it's fine there's not here i thought you're the manager not right now i'm no longer the mick manager so i want to eat a mcburger i'm nick hungry just checking the back stock yeah are we low on anything anymore burgers no well this is awkward should we order some actual mcdonald's yeah it could be a move we can give it away as our mcdonald's that's smart that's fine that's why she hired me that's delicious sorry we're closed we're on break don't come in go to the one down the street yeah there's another one over there here at mcdonald's we over salt our fries two fries coming up like 25 minutes late on there who cares we got two fries did you want ketchup with that yes please all right um here's your ketchup thank you here at mcdonald's we're also running a puppy daycare right now we got another one down here sanitary thank gosh the health code violators aren't coming anytime soon no it gets up thank you oh more customers i really hope you wouldn't get this money hi welcome to mcdonald's what can i get for you hi can i get uh egg mcmuffin [Music] do you have ice cream so like what do you have on the menu we have burgers and nuggets i'll get nuggets do you have the 20 pieces all right so the burger is that the last thing on the menu i think we're out of this yeah all right so what am i supposed to eat some ranch yeah you can have some ranch it'll be 29.95 why is it so expensive hi i was actually wondering if i could get a ice cream sundae our ice cream machine's broken what what do you mean it's broken it's always broken are you serious it's literally always broken why is it broken okay we ran out of food so we just ordered actual mcdonald's and hopefully people think we cooked it i'm not going to think what are you up to jeremy wait over there bro seriously behind the wheel over there dude this is for a chimney this is a frog this is a frog yeah oh right here for logan yeah and then where's my ice cream again sorry i forgot the ice cream machine is broken it's broken it's still broken why is it not fixed it's broken it's literally been an hour i don't have to i'm gonna have to ask you to step up no no where's your ice cream where is my ice cream there's something wrong with my burger actually why does it look like this this looks like it's from burger king not mcdonald's well like i made it are you questioning our is this a real mcdonald's oh yeah i don't even like this place either way oh well that was reactive all right kiddos so whoever can finish their 10-piece mcnugget first will win a special prize what's the special yeah what's this i can't i can't tell you that i'll tell you later [Music] oh pick up the face he's on his last nugget andrew come on oh oh there oh he's gonna do three at a time [Music] i just wanted to have a simple nugget eating contest [Applause] [Applause] it is time to announce the employee of the month wait how many employees do we have yeah let's go i do appreciate i do appreciate the employees but i am you know crying i quit man get me out of here i'm done you hired me today for coming through excruciating works for the last hour and a half we ate burgers together we had a puppy party that was cool nope i've been working my butt off we made some burgers and fries i'm just not feeling it all right jeremy whoa what i need you to come work for me i literally just saw someone scream in your face and quit why would i want to work andrew oh andrew andrew you lost the contest um we're still serving food though right excuse me are you are you trying to order here as a customer after all that food i just looked at it and i'm just like i would like to just get one of those you quit on me and left me high and dry with this chum bucket to work with yeah i think you are i wasn't trying to like stealing sausage no i'm i'm trying to order food what are you doing you have all these in your pocket andrew i squirt him out [Music] all right andrew i think it's time that we head downstairs and work the drive through since i did buy this mic on amazon we should put it to good use yeah you ready i'm ready oh look another customer hi welcome to mcdonald's drive-through what can i get for you can we just get two lemonades two lemonades here they are nice and stuffy here you go yeah of course have a good one guys no charge for you oh wow oh hey oh wow hello oh hi what can i get for you can we just get four big macs and two fries and one soda and one apple pie all right here's your order thank you so much have a good day thank you this and this car looks similar to that no you guys didn't see anything oh no what if we do this come on guys y'all aren't slick y'all are just changing like hairstyles oh no [Applause] all right thank you guys so much for watching i hope you enjoyed me putting a mcdonald's in my apartment now it is time to clean it all up like and subscribe if you want to and i'll see you next sunday bye
Channel: Lexi Hensler
Views: 3,172,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lexi, lexi Hensler, lexi rivera, Brent rivera, ben azelart, stokes twins, Pierson, dixie damilio, zhc, mr beast, among us, among us in real life, I ushered people and gave them a lambroghini, Ariana grande, Ariana grande positions, Positions, iPhone 12, unboxing, faze rug
Id: qSFunT5rDHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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