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hey guys welcome back to my youtube channel okay so today we are going to be I'm kidding okay guys so right now we are at a gymnastics gym and basically we are going to be spending the night here wait what yeah actually you will be doing the overnight challenge here okay I don't sleep good on gymnastics floors um I wouldn't know so I guess we'll find out tonight and actually this should be a piece of cake because brand I already spent the night at a and an ice skating rink this just seems fun yeah so without further ado let's get this video started we spend the night in a gymnastics gym whoa you guys I cannot get them off the trampoline hahahahaha nice okay guys the first things first you're going to stretch and get warmed up for the night I'm gonna rip my pants you don't want to we don't want to pay for Sophie you're spending the night here no way we're spending the night here what no way oh my god this is this is a regular thing okay guys so now that sophie has joined us for the night so basically now rent and Ben you guys will be competing on all four gymnastics events yeah Sophie and I will be judging up first we have been all right Ben here we go good luck here I'll wave my arm and then you have to salute me ready oh no I didn't mean like that just what yeah like that can't ready yeah Oh God no what is that what was it there we go Hey whoa that was extra points right there something next up we have Brent competing on the floor exercise okay go ahead oh okay well okay so Brent's incorporating a lot of dance in the best routine I can tell already okay why this is quite graceful is there a fire somewhere why you stopped dropping him rolling are we in danger no you're done okay Brent's done let's get the scores okay boys we have your scores okay so Ben's score wow I was not expecting a six I'm happy with the six he's not gonna like your six when I get a seven okay okay next up is principal so now if you're Brent score what okay is not all about dance and how graceful you are you have to include some tumbling and you really did it there's one more line to be added to this number nine okay so Ben won the floor exercise now to the next event okay so next up is a balanced team and so okay now I will come up with routine and you guys have to mimic their attains [Music] - five points for him I automatically know what then fell okay so us judges have been score read one two three four okay I'm coming back now four friends score a drumroll please very surprised with friends routine because it was very clean so then has one floor exercise but Brent just one beat alright let's move on okay so now it is time for vault and Sophie and I are not going to demonstrate it because we kind of just want to see what they do okay up first we have Brent oh okay I don't know does that count alright so now it is Ben's turn to do the vault wait that was actually so good really yeah might be a professional that might be a ten I don't know okay so Ben's score for the vault is a whopping zero ten what it was pretty good okay now it is time for a branch score what a whopping I mean I pretty much negative one what okay so barrettes we didn't really like help or then won this round so okay so brent is first for a bars ok what's going on whoa please not gonna wait you just you just felt alright then especially Europe I have a feeling Ben's gonna win whoa whoa whoa whoa okay and now for Ben's for zero what let's go he's killing it and now for Brent score nothing changed okay you guys so I have a surprise for Ben and Brent and basically they have to wear leotards for the rest of the night so let's go get their reaction when I tell them okay then and Brent boy do I have a surprise for you guys like I don't like when Lexi surprises yeah surprise Jake one any anyone what is this those are leotards and you guys are going to be putting those on with your and you're going to be wearing them for the rest of the night hey I'm not my mats not about this dress this is the funniest thing ever ready one two three this was the best decision I've ever made to put these two in leotards okay guys so now it is getting kind of late and I think the last thing we should do is play hide and seek okay so you guys hide I will seek okay ready set go 1920 all right let's go find them yo Ben this second I looked over this is the foreign hiding spot Ben that's not even a hiding spot you're just like fine but I literally see Brent unitard yeah oh my gosh Cape right now you join our team to find Sophie or is she in here oh my god all right good game of hide-and-seek Oakland okay you guys so it is getting late I'm about to go to sleep but I'm giving you guys a free pass okay you all get to leave what except the person who falls out of the handstand first so we're gonna have a handstand competition and whoever falls out first has to stay the night with me okay here we go handstand contest so if you're gonna do it on the beam oh my god okay here we go okay on your mark get set kick up go go I said handstand not I think Ben did that on purpose okay do you want to stay with me Ben yeah I brought something all right lights are out Ben and I are going to be going to bed soon so Sophie imprint you guys get to leave okay bye Brent look good job today in your competition at least you're not nice it's very true bye Sophie good job today okay so Ben and I were going to go to sleep but then we got like a burst of energy so we're gonna go on this trailer on the flip right now what did you whoa oh that was clean that was very nice okay right here broom all right let's just try to go to bed okay okay so I just woke up because my back is killing me and I literally cannot sleep and I look over right and Ben is dead asleep and like the most random spot like out of all the places why did he choose right there okay guys so I woke up again and right now it is 5:30 3:00 in the morning and I'm ready to go I mean technically it's morning so we did stay overnight Kenickie wakey it's 5:30 4:00 in the morning and you're in a gymnastics gym let's go all right you guys that is it for this week's video know how I have this much energy I don't I really hope that you guys enjoyed it and if you did make sure to give it a big thumbs up and also subscribe to my channel if you haven't already I will leave everybody's channels down below so you can subscribe to them as well and yeah thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you guys next week bye [Music]
Channel: Alexa Rivera
Views: 29,501,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gymnastics gym, overnight in gymnastics gym, 24 hour gymnastics challenge, dobre brothers challenge, spend the night challenge, lexi rivera, brent rivera, ben azelart, sofie dossi, overnight dobre challenge
Id: 5Ljjofxfa5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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