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oh we're swapping houses he has an espresso machine built into his bowl i have a roommate too where do i even start i thought i would share my hidden valley plant powered ranch with you oh my gosh i am so excited to announce that today's video is sponsored by hidden valley's plant power to branch it is their brand new product it is completely dairy free and i cannot wait to share it with all of you guys later in this video i'm doing a housewalk with ben i'm gonna pack up only the essentials right now just um a bunch of hidden valley plant-powered ranch i'm gonna head on over to ben's and we're gonna get this video started what's up guys welcome welcome back to my channel today i am here with ben hello and ben just got a brand new house check out his video if you haven't already he's gonna be doing something on his channel as well as his house store which was last week and so i thought this was a perfect opportunity for us to um swap houses and i can just move in here for the day wait what yeah oh we're doing that yeah we're doing that oh we're swapping houses we're gonna hand over the keys to you i just moved in i'm not i'm we're already swapping houses yeah well well it's still like nice and clean you know before anything like crazy happens and you break something i don't know if i trust you i think i think i trust me but i'm just going to go ahead and do it so you can go live with pierson and benji for the day and i'm going to stay here and probably spend some time in the pool burn the house down at least i have a roommate now pierce it that's true yeah finally i'm a roommate please subscribe if you guys want to make sure to check out ben's video linked in the description below and let's get into it let's go [Music] oh my gosh has an espresso machine built into his wall i just have like the really cheap keurig from costco this pantry is bigger than my bedroom no it won't cut kosher okay i'm just gonna unpack a little first of course i brought the necessities the hidden valley plant-powered ranch and i'm just gonna make myself just make myself at home now i'm gonna leave him a little housewarming gift some hidden valley plant-powered ranch all right when you're in lexi's house i never had a dog in my life i now own a dog wow my life is changing so rapidly i'm now a pet owner i have a roommate too oh no where's lexie can i have her back are you excited to see me i know you're excited it looks like it doesn't it i'm your new roommate well you know what roommates do is we actually stay in our own rooms all the time 99 this isn't you i'll be right here all right i'll be a nice roommate i'll let you do your thing but i might come bother you later make yourself at home my home is your home all right let's go check out the rest of the house we're going to leave pearson alone i don't want to bother her thank god wow where do i even start where do i start the fridge obviously the fridge you know i got to see what lexi has because i'm going to be living here for 24 hours i'm going to need some food it better be good food yeah she doesn't have good food oh it's up here oh my gosh this is nice this is lovely the toilet's clogged and i'm not kidding no don't show that okay ben i guess it's not ben's house without a clogged toilet okay so i'm in lexi's house i've been chilling for about quite some time now lexie just texted me i hope nothing went wrong on my house lexie goes you need to piss off pearson for me i forgot she does that oh my god i get to do that [Music] i love my dog all right guys i gotta be quiet i'm gonna go downstairs and i'm gonna take the crown for pissing off pearson today because that's my job i know my roommate's back already already back so soon are we um i have a surprise surprise okay well i guess i successfully pissed off yourself you did it's strange oh hi hello oh hi lexi what's up is ben here no i live here now just you live here yeah i live here now where'd you put ben um he's at my sick you guys switched yeah we just came to work out oh sweet let's go bros let's go roll the music all right oh no two you're stronger than i thought [Applause] oh boy i knew something was going to be special about this house i got a hot tub i mean i've hopped up at my house but this hot tub is like it's different it's better come on now i don't know how to work her house either maybe i'm just weak oh maybe it's locked see it's a new house i don't really know how to use it there we go all right while i'm here i kind of want to chill out i'm going to use the the bathtub right here and make a bubble bath so i'm going to change i'm going to hop in here spend my time at lexi's house chillaxing so it's kind of boring right now i feel like it's just like a tub of water let's do a bubble bath why not so we got our bubble bath up here um honestly just like i don't know the dosage of this stuff i figured you need kind of a lot let me read it real quick i think it says only one drop well i just put in like half the bottle ah that's okay oh just we'll just keep moving hello dude i might stay here all year long i don't want to go home i love it i bet it's gonna be here all right i'm gonna fall asleep slight problem i think i'm i think i'm gonna be stuck in here for the rest of uh the night i can't get out it's like too nice lexi's house has this convenient little ramp right here that is low-key like escape room it looks like it's really lame but it's actually as a skater it's really fun so watch this i am having an amazing time living at ben's i actually really don't want to leave so that's not good i'm going to call ben see what he's up to and invite him over to um have a snack together hila is everything okay i was wondering if you wanted to come over and have a snack guys change of plans i guess i'm going home because lexi wants me to try some snacks kind of random but i mean i'm just gonna go back to my house and eat snacks i don't know what she wants but i'm just gonna go i guess all right ben for being such a good sport i thought i would share my hidden valley plant powered ranch with you i actually haven't tried it yet so i'm going to try it the first time with you okay we'll be the judge of this we will be the judge i'm super excited it is actually completely dairy-free and plant-powered so it is a great alternative for people that are dairy free whether you're allergic or just making the decision to be dairy free it is a great option all right so i got some chicken tenders fries veggies and then buffalo cauliflower so let's start off with some classics and maybe do some chicken tenders okay fair enough i know cheers cheers i love ranch oh i got a real i got so much more than you oh wow oh my gosh that is so good i can't even tell that it's dairy free it kind of it is dairy free that's like the whole thing all right let's try some fries this is the top one right now for sure i normally don't eat celery because it is so bland so i'm excited to try it with some ranch oh my gosh it's so good oh my god it's so flavorful i love that you can have the hidden valley plant card ranch with so many different options and it tastes amazing with all of them that's not some of my favorite things about ranch all that from chicken tenders to freaking celery it's so random that's pretty impressive but it worked right all right and last but not least we actually have buffalo cauliflower so i'm really excited to try this mmm i'm really good so this is absolutely perfect for anyone that is lactose intolerant or avoiding dairy um i absolutely love it it is so flavor packed delicious and honestly like couldn't really tell the difference what do you think i'm gonna just keep eating it because it's that good so you know ben i actually have like 12 bottles of this stuff so if you want i could leave you with a couple yo please i'll just take these two right here while i'm at it i need to oh okay i'm gonna put my pantry okay bye ben
Channel: Lexi Hensler
Views: 2,106,787
Rating: 4.9574318 out of 5
Id: qSx6WOqYLkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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