I Only Ate Red Foods For 24 Hours

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hey guys it's inka and in this video i will only be eating red colored foods for 24 hours so we're getting to the end of the rainbow here red is a color that a lot of you have been requesting so i figured now is the time to finally make it happen as per usual i will only be making and eating foods that are naturally colored red and hopefully i will be able to create these red themed dishes that are both visually satisfying and also very appetizing because of safety reasons i will be doing most of my shopping online but i really wanted to stop by the grocery store just to see if there's anything cool so let's go shopping really quickly red pepper [Music] coloring good morning everyone it is a new day i am in my red colored shirt it is more of a maroon kind of like the color of red wine i am ready to start off my red color day for some reason it feels like i'm celebrating valentine's but here we go i have some red dragon fruit this is truly one of my favorite fruits i think it's really popular for people to put it in their smoothie bowls now because of its vibrant color i have this pear that is actually a beautiful red on the outside some raspberries some strawberries salami a cranberry cheese red pepper jelly you can see that it's literally a bright red it doesn't use any artificial coloring i think the red mainly comes from the sweet red peppers it's supposed to go well on cheese and meat so i'm excited to test it out i'm just going to wash the fruit really quickly it's already looking super red i love it i'm also going to slice up my dragon fruits look at this color wow this is also why some people use red dragon fruit as a natural dye because look at how pigmented it is the same thing with my berries pear open this cheese okay i definitely smell the cranberry so i know this isn't completely red but i think it qualifies to a certain extent whoa this it smells super pungent wow it is spicy it smells so spicy i think i'm smelling like the vinegar so there's like that huge like sour note it is literally a bright red scoop it out like that this is kind of the texture i am now going to put this on top of my cheese and then i should be done breakfast is served you can see the strawberries here the red dragon fruit the raspberry on this side you'll be able to see the pear at the bottom the salami the cheese and then the red pepper jelly it looks more like a charcuterie board but i don't think that's a bad thing let's dig in let's try that it's like a burst of berry flavor if you've never tried red dragon fruit i could not recommend it enough it has more of like a neutral flavor i feel so it complements every other fruit that you have it with i'm gonna go ahead and try my little creation here with the pear salami cranberry cheese and jelly i still smell the red pepper jelly oh my god it's actually pretty good the jelly is not spicy the cheese is super super creamy a little bit of savoriness from the salami it had like that tartness from the pear i'm gonna try the jelly by itself huh it's a very very faint spiciness at the back of your throat i'm mainly getting like a sweet and sour flavor i honestly just feel like i'm having a fancy cheese board in one bite everything kind of just works out that was really enjoyable so i'm gonna finish up what's left on my plate there's really not much left i might pop out a little bit later to get a bottle of red wine for lunch see you guys then just got my bottle of wine so i'm heading back home now to start working on lunch i have my bottle of red wine right here red colored foods immediately made me think of tomato sauce which is one of my go-to pasta sauces so that's what i'll be making today i tried to keep it simple this time so there's only a few ingredients canned tomatoes here i love the fire roasted ones tomato paste this is the key ingredient to making it super red red onion red bell pepper apple for sweetness this pasta that's made out of beets tuna i'm not entirely sure how i'm going to incorporate this into my meal yet i'll find a way to put this in there and of course i also have my red wine i feel like this meal should be pretty good i am missing some of my usual ingredients like my herbs and garlic but i think i should be able to make this work gonna start off by cooking this pasta almost like a purplish red once it hit the water it immediately became this like super pretty red it looks like twizzlers start cutting up my vegetables i know some of you might be thinking that it's really weird to add apple into your sauces but i do do it sometimes usually for stews and soups because i like the natural sweetness it adds so i'm doing a little bit of experimenting today i'm gonna go ahead and toss them in the pan and add the tomato paste tomato this is beginning to look like a sauce already i'm just gonna go ahead and add some paprika as well as some cayenne pepper now to add in my wine i have some pasta water it's super red as well so i'm just gonna add that back in it's looking good toss my pasta in here as for what i'm smelling right now i'm just getting a lot of red wine and tomato i may have put more wine than i intended and for my tuna i'm just going to sear it as a hoe and then slice it up still perfectly red on the inside i like that we can still see the red meat for those of you who are concerned i promise this piece of fish is safe to eat raw so don't worry the pasta is pretty much done i'm just gonna make a drink really quick just some watermelon juice so i'm gonna blend up some fresh watermelon and then i'm ready to eat this is my red lunch for the day it is super red which i'm really happy about tuna on the top the little bit of radish pasta itself just looks so red that it's almost a little bit intimidating then i also have my watermelon juice i am just going to go ahead and take a big bite of this so good i was a little skeptical because i'm usually somebody who's super heavy on the garlic but there's still a lot of flavor the red wine is a really great addition it adds a lot of depth really strong peppery smell peppery as in like red bell pepper look at this tuna isn't it so beautiful i don't know if it pairs the best with pasta but i enjoy tuna a lot just as it is the watermelon juice is so refreshing i am really enjoying this meal surprisingly i didn't know red colored food would be the one that would give me this much enjoyment now i'm gonna turn off the cameras and finish the rest of my meals slowly check back in later it's around 4 p.m right now i am just sitting on the couch to rest for a little bit mostly to rest my eyes but i figured now would be a good time to eat some snacks i found this at hmart yesterday it is basically a savory snack that is similar to dopoki which is just korean rice cakes but in chip form the red pigment mainly comes from paprika and red chili paste it looks so similar to a rice cake but not like flaming hot cheetos kind of bright red it smells like a fry hmm it's like much more on the sweeter side than i was expecting which is probably why i like it ooh okay there is a bit of a spice afterwards it kind of hits you out of nowhere i really miss being able to go around the office and make everybody else try this before i finish that whole bag i also have this other treat it says sweet rice cake on the package also known as dongo this one specifically is made with red bean [Music] i should have saved this for dessert this is what it looks like the red beans kind of squished i'm a huge fan of that like cucu chewy texture and the red bean is just right for this sweetness these are some great snacks and we'll shave the rest for later definitely feeling more energized now that i have summer few in my system i am now going to work a little bit more and then soon i'll get started on preparing dinner and i don't want to jinx it but i feel like it's been a pretty good day so far dinner time is just around the corner so i am back in the kitchen also i was thinking for red colored foods considering how many spicy things there are under this category maybe i should try to make a very spicy dish so that's what i'm going to be doing for this meal i have some beef over here red potatoes harissa which is a tunisian hot chili pepper paste so it has a lot of flavor in it there's this really vivid red and since i'm stepping up the spice game i have a bunch of thai red chilies here they may be the death of me gochujang which is korean hot pepper paste you can see the edges how bright that is i also found this red rice i've heard of red rice but i've never had the opportunity to taste it so today is the day i also have some gochugaru which is just some korean red pepper powder and this thing is usually what gives that huge fiery kick i'll be a little heavy-handed on this today i think the plan for dinner is essentially for me to make a very spicy meat and potato stew hopefully i don't cry when i'm eating this i'm going to cook some rice natural looking brownish red but i'm gonna go ahead and wash it let it soak and then cook it over the stovetop boil my potatoes i'm also just going to sear my beef i am going to make my fiery red hot sauce i love this sauce but literally the moment you open it you can smell the spice if you're afraid of spice this might terrify you they got the red pepper powder oh this smells so good mix it together i'm having a lot of fun putting this together but i think i might pay for it later which is like the sauce from the underworld all of this color you're seeing right here it is completely natural i'm gonna give this sauce a try it is very spicy like i can feel it in the back of my throat right now wow am i gonna lose my voice because of this i love spicy food though so i think this is gonna be fun but now i'm gonna start frying up the onions first a little bit of chili now i'm a little scared red potatoes have once again become more brown than red i'm just going to cut them up toss them in the pot beef is in as well now it is now time to add in my fire sauce mixing that in i feel like it's looking more orange than red though so i'm gonna add in maybe a little more gochujang i'm gonna let it chill got my rice going in the background it's been around half an hour it is slightly more orange than i like and to be honest i'm a little terrified because i kept on thinking it's not red enough it's not red enough so i kept on adding red pepper powder red pepper sauce chili flakes so i shall suffer the consequences and then i have my red rice at the back here which means that dinner is now pretty much done and i am ready to serve it all up and this is what i have i know it doesn't look as extravagant as my other meals the sauce has really been cooked down so then you can't even see the potatoes anymore but with that being said i do feel like the flavor in this one is going to be pretty intense a little nervous actually i should probably get my drink ready it is a kombucha that i made pomegranate and strawberry in there maybe i'll start off with something sweet refreshing slightly fizzy this rice definitely has more of like a wild rice texture we're just gonna scoop a big bite here cheers everybody it's really spicy it's really spicy oh my god am i gonna cry oh my god like i feel like in the beginning when i first tasted the sauce right because i went a little crazy trying to make the color right now it is it is like fire is this how people feel on like hot ones well you know what i'm gonna try another bite i will say that eating with the beef is pretty nice because the meat has so much surface area i think the harissa was a really nice way of like kind of binding everything together because it has so many spices built into it a potato at this point too has already been coaxed down so much that the sauce has become this like thicker consistency but i feel like if you like spice this really isn't a bad idea at all you just might have to pay for it the next day you know i am going to transition right into dessert because that's going to help me cool off this burning sensation on my tunnel right now i have some ice cream with me this is just a strawberry guava sorbet it's this like pinkish red color and it will save me from the paint i'm in right now and i eat enough to cool it down [Music] maybe that was too big of a mouthful i'm not having a brain freeze does help soothe the pain but it is freezing the brain i love this flavor though super refreshing fruity can't go wrong with sorbets today was quite the adventure i feel like i had some pretty amazing meals and then i also had meals that were good but also tortured me a little bit i think we pretty much only have two colors left now orange and white correct me if i'm wrong but let me know which one you guys want to see next and i will see you guys then bye [Music] you
Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 788,512
Rating: 4.9501061 out of 5
Keywords: 24 hour challenge, K_fe, PL-ViralFood, buzzfeed, buzzfeed color foods, buzzfeed inga, buzzfeed video, buzzfeedvideo, cooking challenge, eating challenge, eating only red foods, eating the rainbow, food challenge, inga color foods, inga lam, one color food, one color food challenge, one color food cooking challenge, one color foods, only eating one color food, only eating red color food, only red foods, red color food, red color food only, red color foods, red foods only
Id: EpJ5GVylxvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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