3 Ways We Use Coffee

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hello i'm andrew welcome to tell us what you made that's right this video series has a name now tell us what you made the show where each of us has made a dish with a common ingredient or theme then we get together compare notes and see if we learn anything in this video inkoria and i have all made different dishes using coffee hey everybody hi andrew hi okay really you are first tell us what you mean i made coffee jelly this is something i didn't know it was kind of unfamiliar food for american people but um in japan if you go to convenience store or grocery store you can easily find a pre-made one right so i make my morning coffee with chemex i made you know extra so i can make coffee jelly i use a chemex every morning too oh yeah chemix is great like it makes like very nice coffee so anyway so i measured black coffee i put gelatin powder in a bowl pour over water so it's bloom and you have to do this steps otherwise your jelly won't set so you have to make sure pour water and the water has to be cold bloom the gelatin and set aside around five minutes and when it eats kind of set wait we had a question do you feel like there's a difference if we use gelatin or agar agar oh yeah it's it's very different texture-wise agar agar is more brittle i think it's a little bit hard but gelatin is more like soft and like bouncy it's a good word so you probably use gelatin yeah i prefer gelatin but um yeah so it's animal products so if you're a vegan or vegetarian agaga it's fine and i i put coffee in a small pot and heat it up now i added one tablespoon of sugar for flavoring when i drink coffee i don't add any sugar but for coffee jelly if you don't add sugar i feel like you taste more bitterness so you want to make it a little bit sweeter also because like this is more like a dessert and i put one tablespoon of sugar but when i tasted it it was still not sweet enough so when i'm making again i would like to add maybe a little bit more sugar adding bloomed gelatin because you have to activate and you have to melt kind of set gelatin once it's hot before it's simmering you keep stirring because you add sugar so if you don't stir it will burn on the bottom look at that tiny spatula sorry i wanted to comment on that tiny spatula tiny spatula it's so useful so i highly recommend if you don't have one i want to say tiny everything like tiny whisk i was just gonna say one of my favorite things do you have a tiny whisk yeah yeah it's like a tiny little thing you can whisk it in mugs or like you know in a little saucepan it's great yeah i think most utensils are too big i have to buy tiny whisk because i don't have tiny whisk so what i use it's a risk attachment of the hand blender oh my god that's useful it's like it's almost like tiny whisk right before it's like boil you take off from the heat and i put mesh seed because i don't want to get any unmelted gelatin bits in my coffee jelly and put it in a glass container like any container works but i wanted to use kind of clear container so you can see you know texture and stuff oh are you sorry are you serving it just in the cup yeah oh that's cool i don't know why it's thinking like chopped up like you know like sometimes i know they serve it in like squares so how i made a super soft texture i don't think i can cut in a square because it's too soft and you're going to put in a refrigerator and chill preferably overnight okay until it's set so you're gonna eat this as a dessert yeah so yeah like like at night time i ate afternoon i think if you eat it at night you cannot sleep yeah look at that jiggle that is nice yeah i love it and i add the cream cream yeah when you go buy coffee jelly it usually comes with half and half so you pour half and a half and kind of like mix it and eat it it's like very delicious or you can add ice cream like i did or whipped cream so you know like samoa tommy you can put vanilla ice cream it's almost like avogado if you're eating with ice cream it's like sweeter side so you can you can use less sugar but if you are just using half and half i highly recommend to use more than one tablespoon so maybe like taste it before you put it in a in a container that looks great afternoon desserts are the best desserts in my opinion i like eating dessert afternoon and um in japanese we have 3 p.m it's snack time we call it oyato no jikan so i like yeah my snack time around like 3 p.m okay up next is inka's recipe so i made a savory dish uh with coffee i made coffee spare ribs none of you guys have heard about it before i've seen like it's like dry rub i think that's also a style but this one i made is like more like a coating a sauce coating and it's uh it's actually a very popular dish from singapore so i started off by buying some spare ribs from chinatown i should not have made all of them but i did this is just marinating it started off with a couple of sauces like oyster sauce and i also do not remember what i put it what is that sesame oil maybe or was that syrup oh my gosh um i think it was oil yes and then there's salt and sugar oh and then this was just different types of starch so i think i put both potato starch and corn starch i think like this is like a very common thing to do in just like chinese cuisine we like to coat our meat with starch it adds to the texture and also because we're going to be deep frying this later so that's also why then water because there's a lot of starch it's almost like a slurry situation i guess and then adding in an egg i think this helps with the what's the word in english uh it's like the flaky slightly flaky crispy texture for eventually that you want it i think that also helps adding an egg so that's why we do it and then it's just really going in and mixing it together i love this glove attack scene we're watching here i'm like really glad that adam did not include the sound because it was very uh loud but gave it a good little massage all right after a good massage i just wrapped it in cling film and popped it in the fridge and let it marinate overnight day two is when i deep fried them i don't usually deep fry stuff at home but i like this pan a lot it makes it yeah it's a nice yeah right yeah yeah did you buy it just for frying um no actually a friend gave it to me so i know i want your friend as my friend all right i'll introduce you yeah so this is what i used for the sauce the coffee based sauce that we're eventually gonna coat it in i use two types of coffee if you can call it that uh one is instant coffee which is i think generally when you're making this recipe people just use instant coffee but i found this one recipe that actually used coffee liquor they used i think the one they used was like kahlua which is uh the more commonly known coffee liquor but then i went to the liquor store and i found this one and it just looked so nice and it was handcrafted in france so i was like okay i feel like i should try and maybe drink a little instant coffee and then black sugar instead of i think just like normal sugar or brown sugar because i like that like molasses you know like caramel flavor ginger cinnamon ginger and garlic no cinnamon actually but that's a good idea that's a really good idea and then oh worcestershire sauce that's what i also added in and i think i actually added in too much worcestershire sauce because you know how it's like tangy i think it was a little too tangy but then i put soy sauce as well so sweet and savory is basically what we're going for here oh nice yeah and then just some water because it was like pretty thick and then i think that's it right oh coffee liquor of course did you taste it on the side i did not actually i still haven't tasted it should i taste it right now is that like taste it right now okay wait hold on hold on hold on adam i'm gonna i have it right here with me can i is it too much of it i just heard the cork pop well good thing it's like it's 2 p.m in new york right yeah and i just had a meal hold on all right i'm gonna give a sip be careful just a teaspoon just didn't oh it's really nice it's like the sweet is it like alcoholic yeah it's like alcoholic but it's like tastes like very sweet coffee which is very scary because it's 22 abv let's continue um all right so i think after i added in the alcohol just mix it up together and that's my sauce pulled the spare ribs back out i actually pulled this out a little earlier because i i wanted it to not be like super cold when i deep fried it so what i'm doing here is actually just like grabbing a little bit of the slurry or like that marinade and just like you're testing the temp yes it looks kind of weird on on the video but that's what i was doing yes andrew nice catch to see if it bubbles and it was so then i was ready to start frying everything up it's a big sparrow it took it actually didn't take that long too so you're just like crying up until golden brown look at that little rack that is great i know right the rack makes things so much easier i was so happy oh yeah oh i love that what it's a little intermediate stage yes because when you initially pull it out it's going to like drip a lot for a moment yeah yeah yeah yeah that is so good wow yeah i love it you know we all buy this everybody everybody get this right now um and then putting it on a rack just letting it dry out a little bit i started cooking up the sauce it's the same pot it's the same pot yeah but then you see i swapped it because i burnt the sauce the first time no you guys cuz because it's so dark it was so like this the sauce the wok is so dark that like i think it was hard for me to because the sauce when it bubbles up and then it just becomes really sticky and and like i stepped away for a second and when i tried it it was so bitter oh my god i had to like stop so uh yeah i redid the sauce so were you just reducing it a little bit yeah so the sauce you can see like when we're first pouring it in it's like still kind of watery like liquidy you know if you just like put like soy sauce and sugar for example it just starts becoming sticky right so that's essentially what's going to happen you want the sauce to coat the ribs really well also because i swapped pans i had to chop up the ribs really clings to it which is very exciting and then there you go wow look at that color isn't that oh my god right it's so mad it looks so good nice color oh yeah and then i had chilies on top yes a little sprinkle of chili cilantro a little bit of scallion you know i'm just having fun and choking on my own saliva over here oh and then finish it off with a little bit of sesame seeds just for look and then a little more cilantro plating you know how is the flavor of the glaze at the end do you notice the coffee okay so i didn't notice the coffee notes as much as i noticed the just like that bitter sweetness you know when it's like it's not just sweet but it has like like a little bit of bitterness to it that i actually really liked because it's not just like overwhelmingly sweet or savory and then it's almost like um what a is it like like you know like fried chicken when you have like coated sauce around it it's that kind of texture so like it leaves your finger kind of sticky i totally ate this with my hands by the way i know i picked it up with chopsticks i did not eat it with my hands i oh this is i don't think i don't think people can see it but so i edited this with rice and i was doing a bite shot for adam and i actually dropped the first rib no gosh on the floor which i picked up and i washed and i ate it i promise i did not waste a rib it was a giant rib that looks great okay and finally there's my recipe yes we're ready what did you make andrew i made tiramisu oh yeah classic classic coffee dessert so here's the first thing you need to know about this recipe actually is a couple different things the first is is my first time making it oh really the second is that my favorite tiramisu is the one that my partner makes and she's very good at it and so i made a lazy version of tiramisu and it's a recipe i got from maryberry you know mary berry from great british baking show and other baking fame and so the distinction between this recipe and more classic tiramisu's is that there's no egg in this recipe usually you do the thing where you're whisking it over a double boil to you know forget what the term is for that bump yeah so instead this is just mascarpone and cream and so you don't have to use any heat in this entire recipe which makes it lazy yeah very lazy also i'm saying mascarpone because that's how mary berry would say it so mascarpone i was like what is this stuff anyway it turns out it's essentially cream cheese guys yeah um there and i feel like there are so many dairy things that go by different names but are essentially the same thing but with different amounts of fat or you know like slightly different processes you know like creme fresh sour cream mascarpone i feel like mascarpone though it's like less intense and softer than cream cheese yeah yeah yeah i think it does have more fat and you're right it definitely has less of that like cream cheese tang so here i am loading some mascarpone into a mixer and next i'm going to add some cream to it and i quickly realized that my mixer that this volume of ingredients was not enough for the mixer and basically nothing happened so i was like damn it i feel like we've all been there we've all been there for sure i was like here i go trying to make a lazy recipe and i've already made it harder than if i had just gone with the classic one so here i am mixing by hand in the bowl of the hand mixer like an idiot but you know what i said i said i said this is not a mistake actually the stand mixer base is the perfect thing to anchor a bowl if you're hand mixing anyway so it's actually my recommended way of hand mixing something you also have a tiny spatula too i do have a tiny special yeah that orange one i love it it comes together very quickly actually and i realized also that you probably didn't need the power of the stand mixer anyway you can see there i'm just tossing the whisk aside yeah kind of disdain for the whole situation so then it's just there's a little bit of powdered sugar and a little bit of vanilla extract i actually reduced the amount of powdered sugar because the ladyfingers i was using have a little coating of sugar the ones that i found and i'm not sure if that's standard so i was like there's a little more sugar here i like my desserts less sweet anyway so i'm just gonna reduce the amount of sugar in my cream portion just by like 30 or something so here i have a little cake tin which i poured my coffee into since it's one of the predominant flavors in this little dessert i wanted to get something that tasted nice so i got espresso from a local place and to it i added some brandy and then i also was putting the brandy away and i noticed the grand mariner sitting there which if you don't know is an orange liquor and i was like ooh you know what one of my favorite drinks is uh coffee drinks i don't know how common this is but at this particular coffee shop it's called a sevilla seville coffee or something or a sevilla and it's candied orange in a mocha so it's like that chocolate orange plus coffee flavor and i was like okay i'm gonna add a little orange liquor to my coffee mix as well and see if that comes through that sounds really good yeah so here are my uh finger cookies my lady fingers yeah by the way ladyfingers great little biscuit i don't know why i don't eat these things just on their own more often isn't it a little bit too dry though it's pretty dry but i kind of like that it tastes like stale choux pastry to me you know it's perfect with a cup of tea or like when you're not actually looking to really enjoy a dessert but just want like a little biscuit on the side or something so then yeah you you soak it for just a couple of seconds they really um because they are so stale they really suck in the liquid then here i am just putting a base layer down in this little dish it's my dog dish oh i like that plate and then yeah it perfectly like fits then you just put a layer of the cream down schmear it out even oh tiny spatula you also put a little dusting of chocolate i grated some of this dark baking chocolate on chicken that's also your snacking chocolate that's also my snacking chocolate wait what uh what percentage cacao is it i think it was 76 or 74. oh nice so yeah i'm just microplaning a little dusting of chocolate the chocolate tends to stick to the back of the microplane so knocking it off with you know the back of a knife wait i also want to say i like how you use that you do this instead of using like just cocoa powder yeah what's it also from mary berry yeah she says great chocolate i'm pretty sure oh and then of course you get to the end of the little wafer of chocolate and you have that nub so then you just eat it perfect because you can't grate all the way down to the bottom so you end up eating like a couple wafers worth of chocolate not that i wasn't also shoving chocolate wafers into the whole time and then yeah it's just another layer of the cream clean up the edge and then you put it in the fridge to set for a few hours or in my case it was uh overnight and then when you go to serve it another dusting of the cocoa and then you scoop it out i'm ready for the scoop i'm ready oh look at that how was that it was totally good uh it's definitely not as good as if you go through the real process of setting your egg but man for effort to flavor ratio this is a knockout dish and also like making it the real way it's not that hard either but i wanted to try this out and it looks really good so there you have it our coffee episode we had ries coffee jelly and conspire ribs and my tiramisu if you enjoy this episode we're going to be making more videos in this series so maybe consider subscribing or if you want to tell us how you use coffee please comment below or send us a photo over at our instagram about to eat otherwise bye bye for now or forever forever never yeah if you're not going to subscribe buy forever wow that's aggressive yeah it's cool either way okay by rea by inca bye bye bye phantom adam and liza
Channel: About To Eat
Views: 751,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: K_fe, Tasty, Tell Us What You Made, andrew, baking, breakfast, breakfast recipes, buzzfeed, buzzfeed tasty, coffee, cooking, dessert, dinner, dinner recipes, easy breakfast recipes, easy cooking, easy recipes, eating, food, food porn, fun recipes, healthy breakfast recipes, how to, how to bake, how to cook, inga, jelly, kid-friendly, kid-friendly recipes, lunch, lunch recipes, quarantine, quarantine recipes, recipe, rie, show, social distancing, spare ribs, tasty recipes, tiramisu
Id: cKn---rlabA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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