I Only Made Indian Food For 24 Hours

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hey everyone it's inka and today i'm gonna be making indian foods for 24 hours one of the most requested 24-hour challenges we've seen in the comments so i am very excited to finally make it happen there's just so much variety i'm kind of sad that i can only do very few in this 24-hour challenge but hopefully this can get me started on the journey of exploring more within the realm of indian cuisine i've actually had the opportunity to travel to india before it was just such an incredible experience so many things i experienced for the first time the spice market the tuk-tuk drivers there was just also so much food so much amazing food it was one of those trips for sure where i wish i had an extra stomach i just wanted to be able to eat it all i'll be making a lot of dishes that were either dishes that i had for the first time in india that i really loved or things that i really wish i could try one thing for sure i know it's going to be an extremely flavorful journey first off let me go get some of these amazing spices i have a specific store in mind it was actually recommended to me by my friend conchan who said i could buy every spice imaginable right there so many spices i'm a little overwhelmed have been in the store for 15 minutes and i'm still searching and these are all rice cooker this door is a lot bigger than i thought it was going to be good morning everyone i am ready to get started today what i'll be making for breakfast today is the pav bhaji pao means bread whereas bhaji refers to a vegetable gravy specific type of bread it's like a bread roll almost like what we know as a dinner roll i actually first learnt about this dish from when i was producing the one dollar street food around the world video my friend bishal introduced me to it as one of the most popular and common street foods you'll find there i don't know if it's something about watching street food being made it just looks super inviting also i just want to say when i went to buy this from the store the store owner was so kind i told him i was trying to make pao bhaji and he actually like looked through the recipe with me and then he gave this to me for free so thank you kind sir really just like made my day in terms of recipes i will be following chef sanji kapoor's he is like one of the most celebrated chefs in india so i thought it would be great if we started off the day by learning from this master chef i already have my ingredients here there's quite a lot of stuff we have some potatoes a green bell pepper some tomatoes a lemon cauliflower canned tomato puree i also have this ginger garlic paste this is super interesting to me i feel like over here we don't really find ginger garlic paste being sold together usually it's separate but this is something that i'll be using throughout the day actually i have this paw budgie masala so it says right here that it is a spice blend for vegetables which is why i don't have to do them separately i thought it was really interesting that the recipe actually called specifically for us to use this just like super fragrant i feel like i could just add this in everything just roughly chopping up my potatoes just gonna let them boil in here pop up my onion green bell pepper and tomatoes i have everything cut up now i also have a bit of green chili here almost forgot about that my potatoes have been mashed so now i'm ready to make my vegetable gravy i'm gonna turn on the vent it's gonna be noisy i know my onions just letting them cook for a little bit i think that's looking pretty good so i'm going to add in ginger garlic paste this smells more gingery than garlicky okay now you stir them together the ginger just got to my nose a little bit i'm going to add in my chilies here we like spicy this household tomatoes so this has been bubbling for a little bit it's looking pretty good i'm going to add in the pav bhaji masala it just smells so amazing really it's just like super garlicky so umami cardamom cloves nutmeg garlic black pepper fennel cumin i mean no wonder it smells so good stir that in originally it smelled just like you know when you're making pasta sauce like tomato sauce now you're really getting those like aromatics it's so incredible how this instantly changes up the dish i'm gonna add in the cauliflower this is starting to look like the one i saw in the video quite a bit of potatoes trying to mash it in getting quite thick also adding in my tomato puree this just looks so inviting adding in my green peppers coriander we're almost there yellow taste those green chilies are really doing a lot of work here whoa butter freeze of lemon this is going to be so good this is pretty much done here's the other exciting part i bought this tawa i bought this because i wanted to make naan bread later and i also realized that in chef sanji kapoor's video he used this to toast the bread so i thought i would try and do that too no paper i have my bread that i slice i'm going to press it down so i'm doing this mostly because this is what i saw the street fender do it's almost like soaking up the butter try and do two here to get that like golden toasted brown oh that looks great amazing i have both of these elements ready now i can serve them up and enjoy [Music] the butter's already melted at this point it smells so good but it's also like a very comforting smell i think because of all the elements that went into there like a vegetable based stew and here i just have some iced coffee it's just instant coffee powder milk ice blend it together wonderful foam on top yup i needed that so there's a couple ways of eating this when i was talking about this pal budgie with the store owner he was comparing it to like a sloppy joe put it inside of the bun and enjoy it that way or you can just dip it in i'm gonna do both do like a scoop here just like let it soak up the sauce and just i have to say i love these bread rolls they really hold up their shape and they really soak up all that flavor from the gravy but you don't lose that chewiness so it doesn't like instantly get soggy if this was accessible to me all the time i'd be in trouble because i probably want to eat this all the time here's what that looks like i think the best thing about this too is that it's actually quite simple to make i was also fascinated by that pav bhaji masala the way it changes up the flavors in here is insane i think something about smelling all those spices like really opened up my appetite so i'm gonna finish this up clean up a little bit and then i'm going to see you guys for lunch coming out to buy green cardamom pods because i didn't realize that they were different from black cardamom pods all right i'm back home again i have my green cardamom pods i'm also realizing now that i've opened it and smelled it this is actually the cardamom that we're familiar with inside these little green pods we have these cardamom seeds this is just me by the way learning more about cardamom for lunch today i wanted to do one of my favorite things that i had when i was in india which is butter chicken i think it was also probably like one of my first meals when i got there and it was served with like a side of naan so actually i'll be making two things for lunch both the butter chicken and i'll be attempting to make naan bread from scratch if i can successfully do it i'm going to be the happiest person in the world because naan bread is one of my favorite breads in the world let's get to it i am going to start off with the butter chicken and the first step for that is actually to make the curry and here's what i have for that some diced tomatoes here some onion some butter some cashew nuts and over here i just have a bunch of spices cinnamon stick both black cardamom and green cardamom black cardamom and has more of like an intense smoky flavor they are not the same which is why i had to make sure i had both i also have some cloves a bay leaf some garlic and ginger the recipe i'm following is chef kunal kapoor's which i thought was super helpful in helping me understand the different components that go into butter chicken i really liked how he broke it down adding some water add in the tomatoes the onions now i am also realizing that because i'm using canned diced tomatoes it is a little more liquidy than expected i think we should be okay add all our spices look at that it's like a an assortment of treasures i'm gonna add in the butter as well i forgot to introduce this earlier but i have this kashmiri red chili powder which chef specifically said we should use because it has that like distinct bright red color instead of the table spoonful and i went like a giant tablespoon full all right i'm just gonna sprinkle some i will save the rest for later give that a good mix smells really good but i'm also very confused i think because i usually associate cardamom with like something sweet oh now i'm just going to add in the cashews as well cover it up in the meantime i'm going to get started on the chicken just opted for boneless chicken since it was recommended he does this thing called first marination salt ginger garlic paste from earlier squeeze of lemon whoops no lemon seeds it's a juicy lemon then i'm just going to go in with my hands and give it a massage the ginger definitely helps cut through the gaminess of the chicken this is pretty much done let it marinate let the flavor sleep in in my other bowl here i'm going to get started on the second marinade i love this like multiple marinating process a lot more flavors to enjoy i'm using this mustard seed oil which has this like gosh look at that color now i'm going to add in this special chili powder look at how that like really changes up the color it's like bright red this is what's going to help give it that color later next thing i'm adding is some hung yogurt or hung curd and i was really confused at first i couldn't find at the grocery store but i looked it up and essentially hung yogurt is just yogurt that has been drained using like a cloth so then the excess water drains out and all you have left is that like really creamy consistency i just let that drain in the fridge overnight until i ended up with this right now the consistency is almost like greek yogurt okay but the colors going on in here is wild i am all about this texture right now and a little bit of salt and some more lemon i'm really into this like lemon chili yogurt combo don't smell the mustard and i smell the tanginess from the lemon i'm just grabbing my chicken squeezing out any excess water and go mix them all together lots of massaging going on today that mustard seed oil is a game changer so this is done this is that wonderful color i was talking about from that chili i'm gonna let this rest for a little bit i'm gonna go wash my hands back here to check on my chicken ooh it's hot gosh i almost burped my hand ooh what this looks like right now everything has kind of softened again i'm getting that sort of like cardamom clove scent i'm gonna go ahead and pour this in a jar and we're gonna blend it up um if i plug this in that is that was embarrassing i'm going to go ahead and strain this now because there's still some bits in here and i want to make sure it's smooth if you look at what's left in the strainer i think these are all like the cinnamon bits oh whoa spicy sweet it's the spiciness from like you know the cloves and the cinnamon as well i'm gonna go back now and finish up this sauce i add in my butter toss in more chili a little bit of ginger here we go adding in my lovely sauce look at that it is really coming together just looking at it you can tell just how creamy it is so i'm gonna let this slowly cook on the side while i fry up my chickens gonna let it cook just like this flip it one time and then we're done it's looking good though chicken i have my chicken all right smells so good before i combine it with the gravy i'm actually gonna go back to my nan which i actually started a couple hours ago today the recipe i'm following is from manjula's kitchen i just love her approach just reminds me of like my grandma so let me just cut back to how i started a couple hours ago flour in here doubling the amounts because one i want to eat more and two it's just in case i failed baking soda sugar salt now i'm just adding in some oil add the yogurt and the water slowly and then eventually knead it until it forms a dough i really want this to work according to manjula the more i need it the better the naan will be so i definitely did that for a while made sure that it wasn't sticking to my fingers that it was still soft and smooth then i just let it proof here i am right now with my dough it does feel super soft gotta love dough it actually smells like not bread already when i was in delhi i was just so curious about the non-making process i actually went to where the chef was making naan and asked if i could make it with him if he could teach me i know how to make dumplings but i can't do this and i made one and it looked so terrible but i was just so proud because it was the first ever knot i made one day one day i'll get to that level very happy with this dough actually wow it is like pillowy soft i'm just going to divide this up the manjula did say we don't want to roll it in our hands we're supposed to do this movement here you're rolling it down like this i love it okay i'm going to cover that up i'm going to start working on the garnishes softened butter chilies salt some cilantro all right dough has been rested so now i'm actually just going to roll this out pretending i'm making scallion pancakes i think it helps when i just try to draw a reference from things i know okay i have this now we get to the tricky part i am actually extremely nervous right now i have my towel putting it over the flames and a little bit of water whoa okay it is hot okay i get it i get it i'm gonna add some water on this aside this side with the water i'm going to now put it on the tower so right now it's on there i don't want it too hot because you're looking oh okay oh my gosh i feel the goosebumps coming already okay i'm going to flip this pan around that moisture it had before will help it stay glued or stuck to the pan whoa okay it dropped number one is a fail i guess mine was too dry already it does look good it just isn't what i need so let's try it out again [Music] [Music] oh my gosh okay nice oh my god this was so pretty okay there we go i have my little stack of nan here i feel like you can see them progressively getting better i think this last one i made is the closest to it on with that beautiful air bubble because this one actually stuck to the tawa i'm just gonna finish up my butter chicken and i can finally eat it's just the final seasoning adding in some fenugreek leaves which i have not worked with before sweet nutty flavor that's slightly bitter almost like slightly medicinal a bit of sugar and salt cream as well oh my gosh i just want to eat oh my back i'll add in my chicken i'm just going to bring it to a boil and then i'm going to serve it up with a little bit of cream and coriander [Music] finally sitting down now lunch took way longer than expected but i am pretty proud really it was like practice makes perfect now i have these beautiful pieces i am also really hungry this butter chicken looks so good i also made a mango lassi i just wanted to treat myself a little bit mmm tear off this down here oh actually not bad the dough is still chewy it's like slightly crispy on the outside the flavor's really good hold on let me just get a huge spoonful here i'm just using my nonprofit as a spoon this butter chicken is definitely on the sweeter side okay i just had a green chili on top of mine on oh my throat i feel like i could eat so much and i just love the idea of just dipping it chicken now has that flavor from when we were hand frying it in the cast iron kind of that like juiciness i'm so happy about this naan bread oh that air bubble so i'm gonna take a break now and then i'll see you guys for the next meal and we're back it is dinner time i am going to make some chicken biryani this is one of those dishes that i had when i was in delhi and i just remember this huge plate of rice with like chicken underneath and so today i am going to see if i can accomplish that using the recipe from va chef chicken biryani from what i understand is a mixed rice dish that has meat in it different kinds of spices and of course some rice slow cooked together and that's when we start this process called dumb cooking for that process i have actually gone ahead and bought this pot it has this like unique shape to it and it actually has like quite a heavy bottom to make sure that you know it doesn't like just burn it's a little small so i guess that means good portion control i'm very curious to see how it works the first thing i have to do is actually marinate the chicken i actually did this last night because it needs to marinate overnight i had a bunch of spices cardamom cloves star anise bay leaf maize pool shahi jira i just blended them together put that in the chicken and added in the rest of my ingredients like coriander powder cumin powder red chili powder it was like spice galore there were so many things also turmeric and then i also added in some yogurt and more herbs fresh coriander fresh mint and green chilies to really make it spicy then i'm just going in there again to mix everything up giving it a good massage and then i just popped it in the fridge overnight until today where i have my chicken there's so much in here this is going to be incredible let me just show you the other stuff i need i have some ghee here it adds like great aroma and flavor some rose water some carrot water so i learned from chef that carol water is actually made from the same family as pandan leaves it is very floral i also have some basmati rice which i have already soaked and i have shahi jira here it is also known as black caraway seed smells like cumin but like milder and sweeter some bay leaf i have some saffron as well and some onions the first thing i'm going to do is actually start cooking up my rice also in the meantime i'm going to fry up my onions just adding in some cornstarch deep frying on the left here boiling on this side let's just see which one heats up first here we go smells really good making sure it gets too golden brown over here i'm just gonna season my water in chinese cuisine we just eat steamed rice straight without any flavoring but chef did say that this part is really crucial you need to make sure rice is seasoned and you need to taste the water see if i added enough here i totally did not add enough salt more salt i'm gonna add some shahi jira a bay leaf this is pretty well seasoned now onions are looking good onions are done now so i'm going to set that aside all right so i'm going to let this cook going to get started on the chicken i'm going to add this now into the hot spread a layer of chicken at the bottom so we have the bottom layer before it's cooked through put it right on top of the chicken here there we go adding it on here like that and put some of this onion on top adding my saffron to some hot milk this is what my saffron looks like now it's beautiful yellow color it's expensive so i want to make sure i get every strand here adding in my ghee oh this is gonna be good sprinkle of this rose water now what i have to do is actually line my lid here with dough it's like very sticky soft dough so i can seal it shut press it on here just press down just turn on the heat let it cook on high heat for a little bit then i'm gonna turn down the heat my biryani is still cooking but i'm going to put this underneath my pot here because that helps to create an even spread of heat now back to waiting i think it's done it's been sitting for a while now gosh this smells so nice so this is what the cover looks like now it has served its purpose thank you dough i just want to see what that looks like oh yeah okay it is rice is fluffy so my chicken is down here i haven't even started eating it but i can already smell all the flavor that's going in here all right so i'm gonna plate this up and then dinner time [Music] chicken biryani is done and this is what it looks like i feel like i should have been a little more generous with the onions and the saffron and the milk to give it more of that like yellowish color but this smells like what i remember i wanted to try eating with my hands but i could not do it successfully just now i'm gonna go ahead with a spoon this time the chicken is super flavorful i'm not super surprised there was at least like 10 different spices that went into the chicken and also like letting it marinate overnight really did it a favor it's really just like so tender don't even have to apply too much pressure and it's already like falling apart it's still retaining so much of its moisture the rice i have to say this is why chef said it was so important to season it beforehand because every bite you get a lot of that flavor rather than just relying on the chicken honestly i was just eating the rice by itself just now this is definitely one of those that i'm looking forward to perfecting i also still have quite a bit left so i'll be eating this tomorrow as well it's been a long day of cooking so i kind of just want to sit down and relax with a cup of tea it's usually how i wind down i bought this chai masala mix it has white and black peppercorn in addition to like cloves cinnamon ginger fennel cardamom all i have to do now is actually grind all of this up i do drink chai a good bit at home the way i'm making mine now is really just based off of the package instructions i'm just going to add in some water and some milk a little bit of this powder i'm just going to heat this up just waiting for it to come to a boil i already have my tea here some black tea the best try i've ever had was from one of the street vendors there in delhi they were just selling them in like these small cups but it was just so creamy so smooth i drank like three in a row oh okay it's boiling stir and let it steep and then my tea should be done very looking forward to it i also added a tablespoon of sugar in here gosh this really is the perfect way to end the day today was really quite the journey i feel like i tried cooking with a lot of new ingredients i also tested out new cooking methods i'm definitely excited to continue exploring more but also if you have any tips for me please feel free to leave them in the comments below it is a learning process for me thank you again for coming on this 24 hour cooking journey with me and i will see you guys next time bye [Music] you
Channel: About To Eat
Views: 341,327
Rating: 4.9803581 out of 5
Keywords: 24 hour cooking challenge, 24 hour foods, about to eat, about to eat inga, butter chicken, buzzfeed inga, chicken biryani, how to make butter chicken, how to make chicken biryani, how to make indian food, how to make naan, how to make pav bhaji, indian breakfast recipe, indian dinner recipe, indian foods, indian foods for 24 hours, indian foods only, indian recipe, inga 24 hours, inga lam, making indian foods, naan recipe, pav bhaji
Id: PlI3gjkcPz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 42sec (1602 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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