I Never Sausage a Thing: Rutt's Hut, Clifton NJ

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greetings and welcome to another episode of trippy food today we are in Clifton New Jersey and we are here to visit the world-famous runs high now what ruts hot is famous for is the river which is basically a hotdog that is deep fried in oil until the skin splits over so they have different ways of cooking and they have a couple of other interesting items we're going to go in and check it out there's two parts to it there's a place where you stand up at the counter and then they have a sit-down restaurant where they have a fully stocked bar as well we're gonna go into the old school scandal check it out okay so I'm here with Bill no and so bill I guess I had learned was that the Ripper is not a specific but I mean specific way to cook a hot dog they're all represented a general term for a popover okay so the different the difference is how long you feel and how long straw rustic to rarity okay so your mare is the in and out in and out is the one with the cream and then you go to what from their medium and then the the cremator is just like humanistic students with serious crimes as long as the count what we have here is two in and out the next one would be medium this is more well and the cremator which is the extreme version adult and as some hot time is a beef and pork blend and naturally Wow but do you find most people come in people have never been here for the first time come for a hot mic all right so you guys are also famous for your problems right so it doesn't analysts especially through the house for years you made separates us from everyone so what did how is your college mate it's a superb recipe but if you ever you tell me what's in it I wish it could I don't know Wow okay well the world do you super to throw a little but we have to put it on a hot dog buns percenter all right we got to relish and the mustard yeah it sure the roaster the key let's try the roast you can put whatever else you wanted to the roses the reasoning here I we didn't fermented one years over at the relevant authorities it's my mission that they tried it doesn't even look like oh Bobby's and enough people who look at take about a pickle relish tray that's not here about the planet you'll never understand let's go that's the key I am pretty excited about this so here we have our University and our three major and they suggest them that I try [Music] and start with a medium one first that leaving well and and then we'll go to the cremator here we got a nice split open skin think inside try keep trust on the outside and relish is sweet so if you're expecting my failures pickled hyper relish it's not like that at all the relatives really nice the chilies and really good [Music] the combination of textures there because we have that crunchy shell on the outside with the snap on it you know the inside that's kind of creamy let's try the cream it looks like crispy almost like a fake not me that type of crispness on the outside first it's kind of this crusty shell on the inside that's exceptional I bought really good but it's like a different texture everything makes a big difference that is really good [Music] they've been here since 1928 they'll be doing the relishes what 1928 and doing hot but since 1920s I highly recommend it get out here - let's hide and put new jerseys and we'll kiss thanks for checking out trippy food if you enjoyed watching that video half as much as I did making it whether or not enjoyed it twice as much as you didn't if that's the case you'll probably like this video right here and if not check out this video right here now it's a little bit different either way leave a comment down below and be sure to subscribe by clicking on the trippy food icon right here glad you could make it and we hope to see you again soon
Channel: Trippy Food
Views: 6,322
Rating: 4.8461537 out of 5
Keywords: Rutts Hut, Rutt's Hut, Clifton, New Jersey, NJ, hot dog, ripper, cremator, weller, relish, roast duck, fried, oil, weiner, frankfurter, Valentino Herrera, Trippy Food, bizarre food, Kamikaze Kitchen
Id: p1gKYL2XlZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 40sec (340 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2019
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