I Moved in with a Sri Lankan Family for 100 hours 🇱🇰

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welcome to Village Life in Sri Lanka I'm going to  be living with janic and his family for the next   few days and we're taking part in four different  activities which people do to make money in this   Village we'll be doing the sugar cane farming  we'll be doing fishing we'll be making some   authentic Sri Lankan food and finally we'll be  having a Caso party let's get on with it we are   going to see how the sugar cane Farmers work  in this small village in Sri Lanka sugarcane   is one of the main exports here and everyone in  this Village is a sugarcane farmer what's very   nice is that although the family I'm staying with  they aren't actually sugar cane Farmers they own   a little restaurant here but because I'm going to  work with them and they've you know kindly let me   uh film they basically they've made a basically  a lunch for all the farmers so what have we got   chicken Dal and rice and salad wow this is so  kind of you also in traditional shanken style   we have the strong I'm not sure if I put this on  right but um it's very comfortable and stretch   there's no pockets that's the only thing which I  hate so you have to kind of hold or you can tuck   it in here but very comfortable okay it's time to  go to work as you can see I've got my hat on and   we're ready ready upo got to be careful not to uh  not to fall down TI all good the tires here these   like the tractors they used in England maybe  a 100 years ago still working well here in Sri Lanka Happo is he own this tractor yes it's his yes okay  he's a proud owner of this 10 horsepower tractor   so you can see in the background there that's  the sugar cane That's a full load and this is   what basically he has to do every day fill this  big truck of about 1 ton of sugar cane which will   makeing about 10,000 rupees which is roughly  uh $20 $20 you can see this field here is bare   because they have just planted the new crops  takes about one year for the crops to grow and   then they're ready to be harvested these are just  the small ones and then you can see right in the   distance those the fully grown fully grown ready  to uh Harvest texting and driving is that the   new iPhone he's got a nice phone he's just on his  phone while driving with like five passengers no   problem oh wow they really made a mess there okay  so what I find interesting about this industry uh   the sugarcane industry is that basically this  land is owned by the sugar cane uh Factory and   it was given to the farmers so it's given to like  my man over here and basically they uh now own   this land but they cannot do anything else on  this land apart from build uh and plant sugar   cane so it's pretty interesting that they it was  given to them I'm not sure if this is like done   around Sri Lanka or in other countries but I've  never heard of this before sub hondai it's okay   don't worry here we go so actually this man here  works for the farmer so he's got a little he's a   little entrepreneur and I think they are Tamil  apparently the Tamil people they work very hard so uses the machete to basically smash the  sugar cane get the leaves off and then we're done for hey guys huge thank you to today's sponsor  which is cyber ghost vbn if you're online you're   at risk from hackers or malicious websites but  don't worry I've got the solution for you with   cyber ghost VPN your internet traffic is like  a secret agent traveling through a secure VPN   tunnel your IP address is hidden and your data is  encrypted and with just one subscription you can   share it with up to seven people so your friends  and family will also be completely protected and   you can access Geor restricted content unblock  social media networks find amazing online deals   and also protect your identity with encrypted  data you can even unlock libraries from over   40 streaming services like Netflix Hulu Amazon  Prime Disney plus and more cyber ghost VPN is   also available on all platforms cyber ghost  VPN has an exclusive promotion just for you   guys for only $23 a month you get 4 months  absolutely free and so basically that's 84%   off you also have 45 days money back guarantee so  you have no risk at all check out the offer Linked   In the description or the pinned comment  how many uh how many can they cut in one day if he says the truth he's asking if he  says the truth will income tax [Laughter] come so if it's a good good if it's a good  field he can cut about 1 and 1/2 tons wow okay I have a big crowd as all right be careful legs [Music] yeah there  we go one done oh my song's coming up one   done one one ton to go so how many hours  would they be here for like 10 hours 10   hours okay so I'll I'll be here for another  10 hours guys so you guys can go home and   I'll just I'll just get the whole field  done noong cuz it keeps falling off okay   Dy mama's going to have a go thank you thank  you say um how much is he going to pay me for that how much do you want I want not much for free and then they load up so this is maybe  half done they fill it all the way to the top   and as soon as they finished then they can go  home so it's not really done by time actually   it's done by amount quantity and they've got you  know a lot to do you see how it took me about 5   minutes to do two and they've got hundreds to do  so it's it's pretty awesome to see very like uh   manual intensive job no machines used here apart  from the tractor just like uh hard work and it's   also like uh male and female working here not  just male so it's like uh yeah pretty awesome Mach okay there we go we got a little baby one my my song's going to fall down again the other thing that you can't really tell  watching this is his very muggy humid sticky and   this is on a cloudy day so I can imagine on  a hot day it's going to be absolutely really   tough work you can see like they're all covered  up to stop them from the protection from the Sun   but yeah like I'm hot and this is like would  you say this is quite a cool day for farming   very cool day yeah yeah so like it this is like  the low season hot season I don't know how they   do it like all day tough work very uh hard  work commendable people like I've got a lot   of respect for people like this the unsung heroes  they are the backbone of Sri Lanka they are the   heart of Sri Lanka so they've given me some of  the actual raw sugar cane so it's pretty cool   that this will be turned into actual sugar that  you usually eat oh wow lots of liquid comes out   and it's just very sweet this is like healthy  version of sugar do you think and then they   refine it into the raw sugar which we're going  to see later is more unhealthy don't swallow just we make a SP Spirit ah Spirit yeah  I can drive you want to drive yeah yeah yeah is it man all right let's figure this one out   wow I don't know how to use this  this is the clutch oh wow okay P me I didn't know how to stop it it's not a  normal uh not like any normal car it's pretty   easy to drive actually though can you tell  them there's there's no pockets Pockets why why right perfect sty there we go  no pockets so I just have to usually   they have like they have a little pocket on  their shirt but I don't I need to get shirt   down these CH cover it up yeah yeah yeah  yeah okay does he get anyone stealing his crops yeah yeah really someone Ste some  people you have bulock bul kasipu and bulak he was showing me his his  break room where he takes a rest   and I was asking if he has C which is the  Moonshine alcohol no cipu hard work day my I don't know what he's saying but he's  saying it with a smile which means I'm happy   okay now uh it's like lunch time so we're  going to give them the pre-made lunch that   we made earlier I don't know if they know  about this so hopefully this takes them by   surprise this is the this is the break  room this is where the staff have the   break they have the bulak and the kasipu no  Kip b a BD yeah BD and bu okay you have BD your name N I can't my name is  oh you speak English I can't I   can thank you thank you thank you no no from from them I didn't do anything honestly can you  ask what he what does he usually eat for lunch it's a joke every day me too he's got an  infectious laugh I'll give him that aamo there we go it's good go he say good idea good idea it's good  oh wow you had that quick superi Rah rasai I think he's saying  something about oh byy yeah can I smoke what what's inside inside toac just tobacco  can I can I try smoke I want whatever he's having   so if he's having the what's the name of  it it's just tobacco toac to nothing else okay okay goai is she just tobacco what's the leaf  Banana Leaf no no it's tobacco tobacco   leaf tobacco leaf oh wow how how much do they  pay for this rupes 10 Rupees for one yeah oh   W and they just smoke it like every day they  also grow bananas you can see these are the   bananas here they're not ready yet but these  are pretty cool to see the banana trees I've   Been Told want to go and walk in because they're  apparently traps for the wild BS so they want to get what is the Trap what does it do wow so they have literally killer explosive  devices like IEDs Claymores in the banana   Fields cuz they're so worried about people  stealing that's absolutely wild wow is the   sugar cane industry growing or is it slowing  or is it like his work good does he enjoy it for what is there any challenges for  him and his family and is it better now [Music] for and last thing um what does he  want his children to do does he want   his children to be sugarcane Farmers or does he want bti thank you so much thank you I appreciate it I've spotted a game of cricket and when I  spot a game of cricket that means I'm going   to play a game of cricket with the kids the  local kids of the village so we got uh your   name again sorry Inda oh he s Lanka is  always very shy on camera aren't they   hello my name is Kumar sangakara nice to  meet you it's melinga you're you're lass   MinGa okay who's batting you're B it's okay  you you can bat oh okayy Maan all right I've   been put on to bat straight away we'll test out  we got quite a flat Wicket here oh we got mying six that's six thank you everyone thank you he's a good bowler actually that  kept quite low we did a nice little Cover Drive oh that was good it's quite  fun actually it's got a nice bounce I'm just smacking it as hard as I can that was a full toss okay have a go yeah J  is going to have a go now who is the best   this guy the best yes yes oh shot catch it  nice so yeah Cricket is like definitely the   most popular sport in Sri Lanka I mean soccer  football is definitely becoming more popular   but yeah you can never beat Cricket here same  as Pakistan same as India they just love cricket and cricket was actually brought over  here by the British the pesky British   funnny enough um they may have done a lot  of bad things but at least they brought Cricket okay we're going to delete that that didn't  happen very good very good sty sty MCH byebye   byebye byebye jik told me that there's no leopards  in the village but I found one I found a leopard   let's catch him and take him home you're mine  now I'm going to call you merthin since we're   on the cricket theme okay I'll let you down there  you go now we have been given special permission   to film the process of making the sugar cane into  the refined sugar so it's going to be brown sugar   and we're going to see how they make it this is  the factory it's a government Factory actually   and uh yeah we're going to be hopefully seeing  how they make this is the start of the process   the trucks come with the sugar cane and they  wait here this is actually a giant scale and   you can see they we here if they hit the target  then they're allowed to come in ah and then it   it's displayed here what was the target again  5000 5,000 kilog yes okay oh that's your weight   you're 60 okay this can I see how much oh  I reckon she's very light 40 I think I am   70 let's see how much I weigh 70 I'm 70 kg I  thought I was see is a lot of sugar cane right   there and look at this Factory here this is one  cool Factory if I've ever seen one it's pretty cool super got the workers on their brake and  this is the one of the farmers unloading   you can see they come and hook it up look at  this crane oh my God no hard hats no half in   safety it's a Sri Lankan way also the the  way I got permission for this place was crazy it's got such a strong smell so there  sugar cane from outside is crushed up brought   along the conveyor belt and then is unloaded  here and this is the start of probably a very   long process of refining it to the brown  sugar there lots of flies and it absolutely   stinks so it looks like they're processing it  multiple times there one 2 3 they bring it up   they grind it to make the liquid which  is down there the liquid which makes the   sugar they do it three times because you  can get a lot of water out of one sugar cane wow it's like a theme park oh that's  hot it's like steam coming from here and   see here we got 1 2 3 4 machines where they  basically boil the sugar cane once it's been   removed of all the bad things and yeah four  times and then this is the process slowly by   slowly they're making it into sugar cane into the  real refined sugar now I'm getting the smell of sugar 500 tons of sugar cane is 5  tons of waste yes okay this comes   from the sugar cane sugar cane  soil and everything okay this so can I try it this is the first form of reformed sugar oh they good oh that's so good actually  again boiling yeah okay more boiling and then   they obviously they have to keep checking  it to see if it's the right form of Vis   viscosity I think that's the right word  it's good side we have a big tub of sugar   and water that is called syrup this is  MIL they are the people who sending to   make alcohol okay not sure if you can see but  this is just a big tub of of basically refined sugar it's just so so much mud and dirt  everywhere it's just crazy such a cool   experience seeing how they make it from  scratch I love seeing how they make it   and then finally when the sugar is done  they store it in these big Vats here and   basically they can fill these up in they  make a around 180 kg I think in one day   of sugar and they fill these up twice I think  I wonder if I play with this can I press that   button finally they're packing up the sugar  cane ready to take away for the people of Sri Lanka you can see the Lori is in the background also just as  we're driving through the village we have an   Alia has come out of nowhere this is actually  the national park this is why tourist come to   this area because of the national park but you  also have wild elephants just uh creeping around   the village I don't think this is electric  fence here so they can't really get past but   it's absolutely amazing to see that like it's  just like imagine living in a village where   there's wild elephants and crocodiles  and leopards you don't see those very often so the next activity that they do to  make money in this Village is fishing this   isn't fresh ocean water this is Lake water  because we are Inland these are the kind of   fish that we're going to be getting so the  big fish they've also got lobsters and um   usually they actually fish at 1: a.m. so this  is a very tough job but they're going to show   me obviously we're going to do a special 9:00  a.m. fishing wow oh my God is this a shark did   he catch this today yes hello can I have a kiss  wow all right so we're going to catch one like this yeah wey got to be strong  wow how much for this one Mega around 5,000,000 10 kilos you can buy lots of cipo with  this one jenck could you just tell us a little bit   more so like would you say most of the people  in the village are sugar cane Farmers however   there's a small percentage that do the fishing  yes and it's just based on passed down through   the family yes so his father was a fisherman  and now he's a fisherman would you say that   this is a harder job than the sugar cane um or  is it but they're both two different things very   hard yes both hard and basically people come  from the village very early to buy the fish   so most people are are they coming are they all  coming back from long night around this time yes   around this okay so usually they come back in the  morning so it's like a pretty nocturnal job very   hard job but they I've never seen fish these  big oh my God subna come on now wow wow look   at this one oh my god I've never seen a fish  that big in my life oh it's still alive yeah   how do you feel about that janic my Jen doesn't  like killing animals cuz you're Buddhist this the   Buddhist mentality they don't even kill flies  do they yeah yeah so who's the fisherman he is sub they just came Hundai do you speak s sing okay does he want his children to do the same  job no no so who will carry on doing this job last question can I have some cipo from  him can okay well it started to rain   quite badly but uh that doesn't stop the  fisherman feels like I'm in England here   but we're going out either way so yeah  yeah yeah there's a giant lizard there that's a good uh good start to the trip  a giant lizard just hanging around by   the boats cuz he's looking for fish I'm so bad  at sign language how do I say have you fished before I I don't know s never there you go somehow you don't  know sign language but you can just do   it I'm terrible at sign language so these are  the boats I'm used to seeing the inflatables   on both side but we've only got one side and  we're just going to go he's got a bad tub of   money I guess that's his wallet it's always  a good sign just stopping stopping the water   from getting in so I'm on a boat with a man  who doesn't speak any English and a man who's   deaf that's a recipe for a great catch of  fish okay we're going to catch more fish   than you yeah we're going to make money this is  going to be the wealthiest fisherman in all the land okay cuz we're going to be going swimming what's a crocodile sign language I speak maybe 10 languages a little bit  Tor t but um I'm wanting to learn sign language   uh cuz I've met two people who are deaf and uh  that's like for me being able to connect with   someone who like that is just like amazing so I'm  going to be setting a Target myself to learn some   sign language okay I'm on the hunt for some  crocodiles I can never go ah another one we   got to be quick me and Machan are going to be  joining the uh shanken rowing team well we're   quicker than you so basically the process  of fishing is we go out to the area where   the fish are likely to be and then we set the  net this is net fishing and we obviously wait   don't know how many how long we have to wait  and then we pick up the net and we go and also   they usually do this whole process completely  in the dark at like 1:00 a.m. so imagine this   but completely pitch black with nothing around  that's a tough life so basically they've made   a huge circle with the net and then they're  going to smash the water and try and scare   the fish and basically they've got nowhere to  go cuz they're completely surrounded by Nets   and uh yeah you guys are probably some of  you at home are going to be thinking that's   not fair on the fish but these guys have got  to make a living somehow so um vegans look   away now please this is a an ancient fishing  method not been changed there's no electronics   just good old Brute Force here we go he's just  smashing the water scaring all the fish I can go oh wow okay so it's actually like  a big piece of I got to be careful   not to kill anyone with this oh I just got myself wet ah okay wow he's so good at it so we're just scaring away the  fish so they have to go somewhere   and then they run into the net and they  get stuck they run yeah of course they   run fish do run they don't swim they  run where are you fishy I'm coming to you I'm getting you wet we're  also uh we're gaining a little   bit of water that would be funny if we [Laughter] capsized okay this is for if we  cap size don't worry I've got this guys we're all good so the reason I found out why  they've got the mobile phone out is cuz they're   ordering cipo cipo party for for the fishermen  I think I'm paying for the Caso because they let   me uh come out fishing with them which is fine  and now after for us it was 10 minutes but maybe   longer usually they now collect the line and we  see if we've caught anything they're catching the   fish right in front of janic and he doesn't like  how they're treating the fish cuz he's Buddhist   they don't like killing animals and unfortunately  the the fish are just dying right in front of him hello buddy nice to meet you yeah oh yeah this is the dream team we're catching  so many fish here they're going to start employing   me how much how much are they paying me for this  look how many fish I'm getting okay we're back   on land we've been out there for about an hour  and let's see what we've got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9   10 11 12 13 pretty average sized fish um there  was two big fish which I messed up um I kind   of was fishing too quickly and so we missed the  big fish but I'd say that's a successful catch   they do that basically 10 times so 10 different  catches over the whole course of the night from   1:00 a.m. and then they finish around 8:00  a.m. 9:00 a.m. and I was just learning that   he's the boss and he makes around 2,000 Rupees  to 2,000 to 3,000 rupees after paying all of   his stuff which are here and stuff so that's  around about $10 to $15 per day from fishing   for like 10 hours so it's a tough tough life  and not very well paid they have to do other   jobs such as the sugar can Farm in just to  like help them out um they have to pay the   government they have to pay their staff it's a  tough tough life now after a successful catch   you know what time it is kasipu time kasipu is  the local made alcohol it's very bad for it's   very dangerous it's illegal actually but uh  you can see this is prime cipo served in the   plastic bag I'm going to try a little bit probably  going to kill me but hey they love it it's good gotai oh nice and it came out of nowhere  he he called whilst we were doing the   fishing he was like I want cipo and  then Uber Uber delivery comes with   the cipo out of nowhere all 800,000  subscribers will watch you [Laughter] drinking have some water finish it and they all  right making me a little bit of a Cassie poo drink   just a little shot well there we go okay okay how'  you say enough oh they're putting it all in there okay okay Bottoms Up let's do a little bit of cipo tasting okay it's good it's good wo feel good I feel like  a Caso party oh my God it's got a little bit   of a kick to it it's like a similar to like the  arak the rice wine I've had all around the world   Philippines have had it Nepal Pakistan how much is  it for one 500 500 okay he doesn't want to drink   in front of camera he didn't drink oh okay okay  tell them I'm not used to drinking at 10: in the morning they want to finish the cie Poo but I  was like it's it's 10:00 a.m. guys you know I   know it's it's 5 5:00 p.m. somewhere but I'm I'm  okay for now maybe later so now after a great   catch we are going to eat the fish prepare the  fish and have a little [Music] party bul tobacco   tobacco smoke smoking oh they said do I want  to try I said does the pope wear white does   Dolly part sleep on her back hell yeah I want  to try it they also have brought some uh fresh Cava wellow so I get lots of comments saying  don't say Machan to older so I want to just   like cuz I've never spoken to it is it rude to say  it to an older person yeah okay very rude or like   no it's like from me will they be offended cuz  I'm a foreigner no no so everyone heard that I   get like I almost get like hate every day it's  like how dare you call older person Machan but   like I didn't obviously know that it was rude so  it isn't that rude but uh cheeky yes when you when   you speak to Elders you speak with respect in  yeah yeah that's one of the main things about   the difference between the the west and these  Asian countries is they respect their Elders so   much more the elders usually live with the family  is that true like the grandparents live with the   family um so that's why you you you learn from  them you respect them oras in the west it's not   like that obviously I respect my elders I like  to think I do um but yeah different he's like little hello I will call you Machan he scared  yeah oh look at this so like um in Sri Lanka   they definitely have a a stray dog problem these  are unfortunately stray so cute they just have to   survive off the land and people being kind to them  but uh yeah so cute oh he's probably quite scared   right now this is kazaba all right well it's like  a vegetable bit like sorry bit like potato okay   we're coming in the kitchen we got the Sri Lankan  Gordon Ramsey we got the Kasa K okay they're   getting a bit of tobacco ready and then we got the  he going to start cooking the fish soon this is   a nice little hammock they sleep here fortunately  this is a bad season to come to Sri Lanka although   every area is different but we're in the South  area so that's why it's like very temperate   weather but these guys don't care we also got  the curry leaves he's just picked pick the curry   leaves everything's local they get the fish local  Curry leaves local and the casa oh W good good   Chef they speak a word of English oh yeah oh Bak  Rai now we're boiling the fish it's going to be   a very spicy fish they told me that they're going  to do it the way that they usually do it which is   going to be very spicy still we've in the whole  process we've not used any electricity the only   modern technology we've used is the transport the  bikes and the cars but apart from that no modern technology right okay so this is the they mixed it up  into like a nice little uh potato mixture   and now we've got the fish is nearly ready  they've added some coconut in there some   spices Curry leaves ready it's now 12 and  we're ready to eat all right lunch is served   we got caser we got fish curry and there  bit of rice served on the Banana Leaf all   local ingredients all fresh let's see how  it tastes probably going to be quite bony but it's very hot very very hot really soft cooked  very well I'm not I'm being Del serious when I   say this actually very very delicious and the  the sauce they've got with it is really really nice too much all right we go eaten and now  we we've ordered more kasipu they're on the   phone they've all got excited cuz the kasipu has  arrived they're doubling up they're having a big party yeah the casab has arrived that's so strong cheers oh whole insides out and uh I can really feel it now one more song One More song they're just  enjoying they finished the day this is like the   end of the day although it's like uh it's like 12  no that they finished so they're just partying and   having fun they want us to stay they're enjoying  our company and I really appreciate them being so [Music] kind for all the all of his for the for everyone thank you nice to meet you no full  full full full okay enjoy enjoy okay byebye   so we were just trying to leave the party and  go home and we got stuck in the mud so we're   having to get a lift the tractor is going to  hopefully get the 4x4 out the local farmer   trying to get us out stuck in the mud probably  I think the CIP po probably didn't help the driving shunan probably solving at their finest  I think they're all arguing about which way to   do do it should we reverse or should we should we  turn around I I think we should turn around but   they're going to they're going to go with the  reversing you also reverse at the same time I think now I'm just going to show you janique  does some charity work for just helping out   some of the villagers um who have learning  difficulties so we're going to go and meet   one of them and give him a hackup come how are  you I'm good this go D Hyundai hey go we have   come to meet uh sumu sumudu who is your he school  school friend uh no no no he's from this area okay   I got to know him from this area okay nice and  you said he's going to give me a haircut no we   we we are going to give him a haircut because  you have I thought you said he's going to give   me a Hecker I'm like I don't know about that but  apparently we're going to give him a a haircut so   I've never done that super Sun H and we've also  brought him some food how' you say h are you hungry yeah okay good not a professional  B but you've done this before yeah yeah   he comes to my place maybe you can give  me a haircut after oh no not really sty   sty Machan there we go what' you do what' you  give him zero zero all over yeah wow oh wow   you're you're really going for it does  he like that yeah when it comes to this   level he whenever he sees me he always  goes like this really yeah looks good sty very good Hyundai kak hondai this is his  sister sister yes sister's [Music] daughter what's up ah he wants a drawing book ah  okay I will I will get you drawing   book don't worry today how old is how  old is it 28 28 yes wow you look good   for your age looking good thank you  you're a professional bar no [Music] hello than H he's now a vlogger professional vlogger everyone  subscribe to his YouTube channel he looks like the   new James Bond character yeah you going to be  James Bond wow he looks very good looking fresh Machan go not it looks good don't forget your food no worries Safari what's that Safari Safari  Safari Ali Alia I want to see the aliia   thank you bye bye-bye St thank thank you  thank you bye-bye bye-bye bye wow stup   no see flowers what m m wow lassai oh godak  glass and I I don't think he even understands   my SES now we're going to see how they  make the delicious Sri Lankan Curry we   have sunna and uh I've heard you the best  chef in in all of the land in all of Sanka   yeah okay what are we what are we making  chicken chicken lady finger mhm oh wow d d o prawns nice mango pumpkin pumpkin oh I  love a little pumpkin soup beetro beetroot green beans green green beans perfect  what's this for is this if I if I'm a bad Chef   is this oh okay is this you're going to use  this on me if I'm not cooking very well you   you hit me with this it's amazing like uh cooking  outside with the sounds of the Jungle you never   know there might be a elephant coming out having  some Curry you have the monkeys here also sorry   monkeys you have yes ah okay maybe they come  for some C [Music] camon W no no oil no oil   no oil oh nice they don't need any measuring  devices they just kind of use their intuition   we also have whil we're waiting we have a  nice stoa we have the Buddha we have the offering done finished yes now I roast  it oh wow you roast roasted chili powder yeah looks good yeah see this what do  they oh smell it oh it smells good as   you can tell I'm I'm a novice when it comes  to Coconut mil coconut oil homemade homemade   ah awesome what was your job before this also  your your job before in the hotel face in the   hotel oh nice you enjoy it yeah enjo but you  prefer this now yeah yeah you're now your own boss oh good I hope your mouths are watering at  [Music] home I put you know this line okay whoa   there we go there a little cut in there boom  water oh nice W what's this coconut Shredder   yes oh wow you can do it yourself oh sure  let me have a go we got to get stuck in I   got to make myself useful at some point oh  wow oh this is quite fun you could leave me   here all day with this I'm not sure if I've  been doing it right so like the thing that's   different to most things like hotels they're  cooking everything from scratch all of the   ingredients are made from scratch um this is  is the best bet hello buddy do you eat this   kind of food every day or not sometimes  curry powder every Curry but maybe not   the chicken and the porn like dll dll every  day D every day everyone in South Asia eats   dll every day and I don't blame them this is  like traditional style like cooking in this oh nice yeah oo I try no no  don't oh that's going to be spicy perfect there we go that was very quick  I can tell you a professional chef cuz she's   everything's quick she's like we need to  table four quick Aon so yeah very very good spice no know I like it but got a Ki to  it that's for sure now she's got four different   dishes going at the same time so she's got to have  four hands to manage all of these so I don't know   how she's doing it I wouldn't be able to do one  of them so I'm going to pretend like I'm doing   something important you you can take y yeah I  think we need to check that one cooking more okay delicious so they're rolling it and smashing  it up with the Old Stone this is the ancient   method they've been doing this for thousands  of years some things never change so this will   be my first time trying the mango Curry is going  to be a mango Curry yes oh nice it's a different   type of mango to the mango that I'm used to  having it's like um more of a Savory harder   mango still nice I'm just going to pretend like  I'm doing something useful yes yes looks good   to me spicy spicy spicy i amankan s Lan how do I  how do I say in singhala S I am Sri Lankan good   Mama Mama I am Mama Sri Lanka um yes I tried for  the first time I've been here for two weeks now   every day more spice more spice and now I am  Mama Sri Lanka so this is goes in the Coconut   s yes oh wow I did not know this wow you made  a good job but here they go hard job yeah very   strong I go to the gym and say can I work for  you yeah I think I'm fired okay there we go and   then this is how I make coconut the coconut  sandal which is one of my favorite things if   you don't know what it is you basically add  it to the curry it's a side dish you add to   the curry it's kind of spicy but it's delicious  it's honestly delicious I'll keep having it it's   probably one of my favorite little side dishes  it's basically kind of a bit like a salad I guess okay we are ready to start plating oh  the rice yes Sri Lanka rice white rice white   rice okay name is k samb k Samba KY samb for  white rice yeah white rice oh okay nice this   is uh pors you know PRS doll lady finger lady  finger beetro yeah Green uh green beans green   beans mango mango oh nice chicken chicken  pumpkin pumpkin oh more papadum papadum and   coconut samb okay last but not least okay  I'm going to try every single one and I'm   probably going to I'd love to finish all of  these but definitely impossible I'll give it   my best shot though thank you so much bahti oh  I dropped it and there's even a curry leaf on there that is so good you can see why this has got  such good high ratings for the food I don't like   saying that it's my favorite meal cuz I've said  that I've said it a couple of times now but this   is definitely my favorite meal in Sri Lanka so  good unbelievable amazing every bite is different   so colorful so much flavor perfect spice a little  bit spicy but good spice thank you so much spices   no I like it just it's enough enough spice mediums  janic and his family do a lot of good deeds for   the village one of the Good Deeds today is feeding  the stray dogs there's a huge stray dog problem   in Sri Lanka and in this Village and they're  feeding the dogs with the fish that we caught earlier hello sir are you hungry sub so they just  live off the scraps people throw out rubbish and   they just eat it they have no home homeless they  have home but they only just moving around all   the time and a lot of them get run they get hit  by traffic and stuff sometimes sometimes yeah   so this is what we've got for all the dogs  you can see the dogs are eating pretty well   they're eating better than I do on Su dayss  that just goes to show how kind Janik and   his family are they're just going around the  around the village dropping off food for the dogs oh your turn Okay do tee thank you hello is someone [Applause] hungry and finally guys we are saying goodbye  I've had an amazing amazing stay here honestly   it's been Unforgettable thank you so much to  everyone oh no they're trying to give me the   money back no I'm leaving this right here and  uh typical Sri Lankan Hospital we're arguing   over the bill but um two things I just want to  say if you want to stay here at this home stay   I'll put a link in the description below or you  can just come for food if you want cuz you guys   know how good the food is and lastly if you want  to buy one of these paintings here made by Louise   then you can also look in the description below  um I'm not being paid to say this but yeah just   out of the uh the kindness of the people here I  just wanted to give a shout out thank you so much   guys goodbye bye-bye thank you so by bye-bye  nice to meet you we'll see you soon see you   next year okay thank you nice to meet you thank  you okay see you byebye thank you very much for   watching and I'll see you in the next video don't  forget to click on the description link to get the   special discount cyber ghost VPN is granting to  our Channel users this application will protect   your data while you browse and give you full  access to all blocked content on the internet   for only $23 a month totally risk-free so  check out Link in the description below
Channel: Harry Jaggard
Views: 227,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sri lanka, sri lanka travel, sri lanka travel vlog, sri lanka vlog, colombo, colombo travel, colombo vlog, colombo travel vlog, Kandy, Galle, Anuradhapura, Jaffna, Trincomalee, Batticaloa, Nuwara Eliya, Negombo, travel sri lanka
Id: Afc2U7u0Af8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 12sec (3552 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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