$100 Ridiculous Pakistani Street Massage 🇵🇰

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Pakistan and I'm exploring another Bazaar  we're in uh Sarah Bazaar this is a lovely   city a smaller City in the Northwest area  of Pakistan we're in the kpk region and   we're actually like very near the Afghanistan  border only a few kilometers away and this is   the gateway to Asia from the Middle East this is  a very strategic and important area historically   but anyway this is the history and more of the  current we are going to be exploring Sana Bazaar   and maybe doing some fun activities today maybe  like a street massage if I could find one and   um yeah let's let's get on with  the video assalamualaikum foreign okay that's like uh 7.50 that's  good value okay I come back uh sure why not thank you ah Pepsi yeah nice to meet you nice to meet you from okay comes later sorry yeah I don't speak Pashto so wait England English these guys almost look Afghani they're like  mixed between you I know I know but you look   Afghani you look a little bit the darker  features um you you work in the market   seller you sell bags nice we've got the  Coca-Cola going rounds I thought Pakistan   is like Pepsi Pepsi Pork yeah you like Coke nice  my name my channel name I'm guessing that's what   he said what's your channel name I'll give you  my card he's looking for the dollars that's me like And subscribe I'm translating I know I speak   questions he's saying what a legend  I love this guy nice to meet you okay I don't know what you're saying  he said you're such a legend Ary bye Allah Hafiz okay bye-bye here we go very kind people  oh we got more oh we can weigh ourselves   they look like they've never seen a white boy  in their life you look like he's seen a ghost   where should we go we'll keep going this way all  coconuts oh I smell coconut coconut coconut oh um egg foreign I don't know how much Chelsea is you speak English 400 400. is that a good price do you want one no no no thanks okay what's up GG here we go okay oh here we go he's taking me to  the Chef's Restaurant we got the chef's table you know what you're saying but he's working  hard heels off so we've got the inner coconut   these aren't these are not the Coconuts I'm used  to having I used to have a king large coconut this   is just a small one and again there we go oh he's  a he's a magician wow oh my God oh my God he's   got all these instruments oh he's smashing into it  like like he's finding gold well oh my God this is   actually like you've got to be really talented to  do this like he's carefully getting the skin off   three different layers there and of course  in Pakistani style we have an audience oh it's a cricket ball look at  this oh I can hear it I can hear it   full of water there we go I never knew it  looks so naked Naked and Afraid wow uncle there we go oh yeah he just  pokes a little hole in the top there we go here's the coconut man  I wonder how many coconuts he sold   in his life must be thousands should create  uncle there we go nice little coconut water now I'm regrow yep thank you very much  Brooke there we go wow tastes so good   refreshing is it better than the king coconut I'd  say similar similar the only difference is you get   less quantity of water there's a lot less in here  but you also get the inside coconut which is nicer   the eatable we'll try and eat a little bit later  it's actually quite hard to get out you can uh make a bigger hole here we go  I'm gonna finish it off now boom actually the last bit it's so good you  know it's really healthy full of nutrients   nice little energy booster meaning I'm  hurry Uncle you can uh he can cut up Cuts can I eat um it's so funny that people crowd around and watch  it's just like it blows my mind but I like it I   like it I'm not complaining thank you very much  we've got a nice little slice here let's try it   oh quite hard very hard I can't get it it's very hard not  very uh like it's not very uh it's quite raw that's good   oh you eat the whole thing oh the skin as well he  just went bit the whole thing okay we'll go for it and you're giving us all the rest  of it in a bag so we can take it it's not the nicest thing I've ever  tried but you can tell it's good for   you now we've got like probably 20 people  everything Tegan okay can we take this to go   we'll pay them on he's gone running off though thank you very much you have uh EXO 500. a little confusion here okay thank you hello Hi  how are you nice to meet you thank you this is   your shop okay you come from England England  yeah yeah this is your father is my husband   Uncle you know if there's anywhere I can have  like a street massage you know where they like   I saw a video where they video like a massage in  the street massage yeah massage in on the street   oh no okay I will I will explore I didn't  actually know why this uh man invited me   into his shop but I'm finding out now is  because they wanted to have a chai with   me which is very nice we have the chai you you  uh make it yourself or you buy it from a shop   oh you're making yourself nice nice do you see  many tourists here many tourists come here yeah   tourists so many people like me come to kashawa scale okay well it's like a crisp very crispy  should we try it it's like a yeah just like fried nice little snack some nice tea very nice very sweet so sweet I love it yeah how many how  many uh chives do you have every day how many do   you have you have two tips three times three times  a day three times a day keeps the doctor away what   is your favorite thing about a shower favorite  thing what do you like what do you like the most ah yes businessman ah nice little treat we got teas we  got like this crisp type things and   of course my coconut great Little  Mix good good good okay I will go   thank you so much for having me so I'm  gonna do a little bit more exploring and then we'll see we've got some spring  rolls some samosas corn assalamualaikum okay not sure okay don't worry I need someone in  English speaking to help me with that so far my   shower has been like so hospitable to me so I  can't really complain and the people here they   look they stare a lot more than the other places  I've been to I think because they don't get that   many tourists here but when you actually start  speaking to them and they speak English they're   all so so nice oh we have some sweets in there  oh looks like a sweet store to me let's have   a look see if we can get some tasters oh yeah  assalamu alaikum good you have some good sweets oh   look at this guys this is heaven look always  forgot I don't actually know the names of them but   I recognize them and these are so nice and then  we've got the biscuits over here more biscuits   and some cakes we also some recommendations  could could I have do you speak English I'll get some biscuits first could you give me  like a mixture of the best ones sorry no no no   just some uh like the best ones like a small  some of your favorite the the best sellers I I   will I will pay for it obviously so we got like  this uh looks this looks like soft shortbread it started off well this is  what's the name one person this is so good it's got like a nuts  in it as well so it's just like I'm   gonna say this a lot but it's just so  sweet okay let's try something else   because I don't want to get  too much let's try this one yeah okay ah I know this one  okay they probably think I will   pay for this because uh no no because I  could I don't want to just keep taking so this one's a bit drier you can see it's like  basically the breadcrumbs stuck together by this   syrup and it's very um got a little sugar in  there but it's not not my favorite the best   one was that one one more one more what's  what's the uh what's the best one the best the first one was the best one definitely  oh toffee here we go that's your coffee   to finish off I've taken all those  sweets and they're not gonna let me   pay uh England England uh Echidna for kidney PESA everyone says that I haven't paid for  anything today because everyone says that here   Sugar Sugar thank you very much what is the  name of this shop the name sorry jananda   jaland the sweet house okay you guys  should come here because they've got   the best sweets and get this one right  here this is the best the name of this one okay that was incredible thank you so  much that's a little hack for me if I   ever I'm hungry in Asia I can just go into  a sweet shop and I know they're going to   give me free tasters no I'm kidding I would  never do that but assalamualaikum foreign oh my God look at this it's the Egyptian pyramids  made out of nuts okay looks like I've walked into   the kids area or women's area at least they've got  lots of dresses and stuff I don't think I'm going   to be getting that anytime soon but it's awesome  to see this is a quite a busy area as well we've   also got the uh mobile phone market behind me  very very busy I don't need an iPhone anymore   unfortunately so we won't be going there but this  this is actually the biggest Market Salama Bazaar   it's actually a really big market now I've  wandered into the auto repair area so if I   want to get my bike repaired this is where I come  also they've got the TV repair super local place   probably not an area that I would want to be going  so we'll head back this is honestly a huge Market   we'll go back to the area we were and  then we've got the food area there hello   beef Palau over there some fish sugar cane  oh yeah and the architecture here is you can   tell it's a super old area the city dates  back 500 years before uh 500 years BC so   it's very very old the oldest city in all of  Pakistan and one of the oldest cities in like the   Middle East and Asia I'm back assalamualaikum I am  back and I'm gonna buy from my friends because you   gave me uh they gave me Coke earlier let's have  a look which one do we want Adidas Adidas foreign one luck well how much good quality it's China's finest it's not  real Adidas but it will do I'm basically   looking for a replacement for this one because  this bag is very very old you can do what 1000. what's uh best best price best  price 1000 GG okay okay five dollars no no no I like this one it's hard like  I don't think Urdu isn't even their   first language is Pashto and I don't know a  word of pasture this one this one this one it's okay I like this one there we go there we go someone translate for me thank you  very much boss there we go let's try   it on oh it's actually really  comfortable it's good England it looks good bye who do I pay yeah unfair price oh he undercut him it's okay I  can give him more if he wants okay he doesn't seem happy he's happy okay okay  thank you Boss I love this thank you bye-bye all   right well it's myself don't buy from pasture  speakers because his negotiation is going to   be very hard although I think they gave me a  discount because I was a guest and they were   really nice to me earlier because five dollars for  a bag like this is actually insane value for money   um it might even be four dollars I'm very  happy with that of course but I wanted them   to get the fair price as well so you guys  let me know how much that would be you know   five dollars in the UK this would be 40 at  least so obviously this is made in China and   it's fake but still that's really good  quality hello how are you I'm good yeah I Love Pakistan um do you know where I can  find a streets massage there is no like uh   on the streets the people that are around there  they are taking massage yeah where yeah it's   nice oh at night not this time okay yeah okay  okay no worries oh yeah yeah I I cannot pay   for things people pay for me all the time it's  actually annoying no I'm taking any kind of help   um just uh you know where the brt is reality  is the bus go this way yep main road there's   a stop of brt okay yeah okay thank you so much  nice to meet you wow like even I'm just like I'm   I'm just lost for words with how kind people are  like just stop me it's like do you need anything   the like I kind of it's hard for me to like for  it for Pakistani people that's probably like quite   normal because I've noticed the pakistanis also  help each other if they have a flat tire they   help but in England it just doesn't happen so for  me it's just hard to imagine people being so nice   to you and obviously they do they do treat me  um they treat me better because I'm a guest I   know obviously I'm getting a special treatment  especially because I'm a vlogger as well people   love that but at the same time even when I've  not had the camera on they've helped me and so   it's just like I've said this before but it's just  like so ironic that a place that the world sees is   unsafe the world the media portrays this place  as unsafe and it's actually one of the kindest   and most hospitable places I've ever been in  the world it just blows my mind that there's   uh the thinking is just completely wrong all  right now finally I'm gonna find the brt which   is the modern Metro here in peshawa and it's  basically the public transport so we're going   to see what it's like see if it's efficient and  I think it is actually they use this here I just   gotta find the station so I'm not sure where it  is I have no internet so I'll say brt station there we go you just ask a local and they know  of course better than Google Maps that's for   sure okay looks like we found it FC Chow we  just got across this road and then we're there   it's a very busy road okay I'm gonna go thank you it looks like a  Metro but I think it's not okay   here we go platforms we've got to buy a  ticket I have no idea how much it's gonna be ticket machine uh we'll ask probably  shouldn't use the machine okay looks   like I'm trying to go to cabal that's the  stuff I'm trying to get to assalamualaikum 50 rubies okay which bus which  bus sr2 platform number one okay there we go get through oh this is awesome  this is super modern and we've also got the   uh sr2 that's the one we want three minutes but  oh is that platform mono platform two oh no I'll   just go to Platform One Spirit I've never got  a bus that feels like I'm gonna get a Metro but   this is really cool this is a  very unique experience for me   I feel like I'm about to get on a train  but I keep remembering sr2 Platform One   sr2 platform on if I get the wrong bus I'm  pretty screwed actually I'm not because I   can just get it okay platform one two we  want yeah they both say two Platform One okay also it's like um it's not like  each side is platform one it's like uh   lengthways not with ways here we go platform  one oh this is nice sr2 we need there we go   it's very easy yeah we just wait here and the bus  comes up and then the bus has its own private road   that Dodges all the traffic this is really really  cool I did not expect it to be like this at all   ah there we go next bus sr2 two  minutes wow this is amazing they've   also got Netflix on the on the on the  TV so we are here and we are going to okay this is where it gets a little bit confusing  okay I don't actually know where we're going   but here we go here is the sr2 it's  also got the uh it's a really long   bus it's got this part in here  to make it longer so it fits   it's very busy though we're gonna get  on oh women only this is a man uh oh is there a space for me inshallah  inshallah wow this is busy rush hour yeah how are you fine okay yes take  it yeah good good good good wow yeah yeah yeah you have you  finished work yeah yeah good   good everyone's just staring  England English main English kiss you you guys speak Pashto yeah yeah you and also  okay how you feeling I love it I love it yeah   yeah and the people plus very hospitable people  very kind people it's my second time so yeah yeah hello how are you good how are you fine you know  I watch your YouTube channel oh thank you brother   nice to meet you what's your name my name is Ash  nice to meet you bro what's the name of who's   YouTube channel uh my name Harry jagad uate yeah  that's me that's me everyone on this bus like And   subscribe please sorry oh of course oh sorry nice  to meet you bro you know it's like a dream thank   you bro that's very kind of you oh we're getting  off uh I'm not actually too sure to be honest with   you you know I lost people I watch your last video  which one you posted on YouTube oh thank you bro   that's very kind wow I know it's like a drinking  enough for me it's my pleasure bro I'm really   awesome bro we're gonna picture if you want yeah  I'm trying you know I'm trying to learn British   English oh you're doing very well you speak very  good English very good English I'm trying to   learn Urdu H it's like a destiny I came here today  really and guess what I meet you I know and I just   randomly got on this bus for no reason I'm going  the wrong way okay maybe I should get up oh yeah I   play for England yeah if you don't mind I can help  you with your destination uh yeah maybe maybe what   do you say you wanna play with me now where oh  wait hold on you're standing on the bridge yeah no no it's fine it's fine thank you as you can  see guys it's like really nice air conditioned   it reminds me of the buses at home obviously if  it's like there must be like 100 people on here   it's like rush hour so I came at a  bad time but I was also like you get   to meet very friendly locals and uh  they invited me to play cricket but   um I'm gonna head back but I will uh message  me on Instagram and we can play some cricket   I will get you out because I'm very good I am fast  bowler all right I'm gonna get off now all right okay if you want sure and there we go we showed  the modern brt it was really good very busy as   you guys saw but um yeah I'm actually gonna use  that more on this trip if I figure out actually   where I'm going um because I actually live quite  far out from the main city so anyway we'll get a   tuk-tuk and then I think we've got one last thing  to do when we get back to the hotel and I'll show   you guys fast forward a little bit guys and we  have found the street massage assalamualaikum look at this we have a massage I can wait this looks so interesting  and we're just on the middle of this   like Highway underpass this is not I just  got it it was taking about uh yeah oh we   have another one we have another one  here we go the master assalamu alaikum okay look they're finishing up here and uh I'm  I'm super excited nervous it's good how was it   good really good yeah yeah okay okay  I'm excited you can see he's got uh he's   doing it on the plane cement here they  got the oils here and this is the man nice to meet you five 500. of course guys we already  you already know we have an audience   for this how are we good okay cello  cello okay this is very comfortable I'm nervous go easy on me boss okay hold on   whoa down here we go you sit down oh this  is comfortable oh here we go there we go   he's starting already instead of the sounds of  like the waves we have the sounds of car engines   you can't complain here we go very comfortable  actually it's just uh yeah it's good very nice   very good very good oh he's getting rather  near the groin area is he there buddy I'm a little bit ticklish boss it must  be very tiring for him doing this all day   I would hate this wow it's always  getting the palms of the feet wow oh yeah of course we have an audience I don't  know why these guys are so interested in me   having a massage like well I guess you guys are  watching it so so this is uh basically 2.50 for 45 minutes that's that's insane value from  running like in the UK 45 minute massage   80 80 maybe 60 to 80 dollars this is crazy oh it's really getting the muscles there I wonder what's his certification  is he level one level two this is haha I can fall asleep right now is it good oh yeah yeah that was painful he's  strong this guy he's very strong because you know he's doing  it you know for a lifetime he's gonna kill me look how many you asking  how many massages he has done in his life okay all right no for about you know eight or  nine in his life no today yeah okay wow so   he's an eight massage today yeah almost five  minutes each oh he's working on the car oh my   God it's a good thing I didn't go to the  gym yesterday all right guys we've turned   around I'm now working on the uh on the  on the rear and the back of the legs ah   ah it's painful he's killing me  I think he doesn't like tourists help me scared oh whoa oh that's really painful because there's  no oil ah I think that man is enjoying it oh my God most people thought there's no oil  these guys are laughing at me yeah exactly Oh my legs why do I get myself into this done origin okay yeah so very good now we're moving to  that top part the hand that's nice it is you enjoy you know my man got energy yeah yeah hey it's  got so much energy exactly he has a chai and   he's good to go so he has like a routine but he's  just following perfectly he's gonna nail it down   it just goes through all the movements and um  yeah this feels really nice like it's like five   minutes of utter pain and then five minutes of  real pleasure and he really knows what he's doing   like these are up there with I've paid for some  expensive massages before and uh this is up there   with them and we still got our audience you doing  good guys are you enjoying me or you enjoying   the show oh head massage I hope it's not like  the Indian head massage ah oh he's slapping me ah oh I'm scared hahaha feels like he's gonna  pull my hair out I don't have much left boss be   careful here we go oh my God I feel my brain is  from the side of my head oh I'm gonna be sick oh   in the ears sorry about the sound effects guys  pinching my eyebrows oh my God oh I hope you   guys heard that because my neck just clicked like  it's never clicked before ever time he's got to   be careful he could really hurt me wow that was  scary but it's uh she'll clear that was amazing you are very talented so he's  professional yeah okay 500. for you we're working hard say uh for working  very hard no change for you okay because he is working very hard he does eight  massages a day and that was uh painful but good   thank you so much oh these guys are going next  they weren't just watching me yeah so I gave   that guy a hundred dollars in the end which is  obviously a lot more than what it is worth a lot   more than the actual price of it it was going to  be 2.50 and I gave him a hundred dollars because   um it's working really hard like that was very  intensive for him and he just ate a day and   um working really hard out here so I thought  I'd reward him it's not very often I do that   as you guys know but he deserved it was a  really kind guy fast forward a little bit   guys and I've come back to the hotel we've  stopped and these guys are playing cricket I can play cricket speak English no English here they go six runs that was a big one that was  incredible hello how are you okay it's um my name is Ben Stokes okay bye okay this is going to be a lot harder than in Karachi  when I had the flat Wicket so we'll see yeah   we've got a tough crowd as well these guys  aren't going to be they're going to be uh where's Santa boxing did he get me out okay here we go here we  go I'll take it I'll take it check it bye   wow he absolutely got me see I told you  it was gonna be hard that was a Yorker   whoa great bowling I don't know whether to include  that I'm gonna get ripped up in the comments   but there was no celebration brother wow very  good bowling very good bowling all right now   I'm actually going to finish the video thank  you to the boss man for helping me find the   uh massage and uh thank you for watching  I had an incredible day in peshawa it's a   sick City play cricket tomorrow as well I'm  gonna come back and we're gonna get revenge   because I got you got that yeah if you're  around you because I had him I didn't have   my eye in though I didn't have my iron I was I  was the lighting they need the flood lights on   exactly that's my excuse flood lights yeah  I'm kidding guys he got me fair and square   but uh yeah sick day thank you for watching  and I'll see you in the next video foreign
Channel: Harry Jaggard
Views: 2,067,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pakistan, pakistan travel vlog, pakistan travel video, pakistan travel food, pakistan vlog, pakistan travel vlogger, pakistan travel vlog 2021, karachi, lahore, peshawar, foreigner in pakistan, pakistan travel requirement, pakistani street food, islamabad, pakistan hospitality, pakistan first impressions, is pakistan safe for tourists, karachi pakistan, pakistan vlogger, pakistan safe, is pakistan dangerous
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 29sec (2369 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 07 2022
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