$250 Super Secluded Hotel Nepal🇳🇵

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thank you so much thank you princess he's Namaste bye how are you good Namaste  pizza oh good good we've just been chummings   good morning guys we are heading to pakara today  we're getting a flight but first we're going to   get to the airport so Donnie bought by you've  got the man you don't have any word to explain   you look love awesome yeah I am the President  of Nepal yeah yeah I'm running for office okay   okay I'm driving yes yeah I'm driving okay I'm  joking I'm joking okay okay we're off jump jump can I give you that is that my reward The  Three Musketeers are off we've got my me   my dad and abdesh and uh handsome tax to  travel oh the most handsome in all of Nepal so abdish are we gonna survive this plane  yes yeah so a little backstory guys we're   actually getting the most dangerous flight in  the world that's unofficial I made that up but   um this flight was the flight that crashed so  about a month ago from Kathmandu to Bacara so   I've been assured by abdesh yes sir  that we're gonna survive oh yes yeah   and if we don't you can you can  take over my YouTube okay oh no sir driver only huh oh that's okay safety first stop Dash yes no worries how was your day   oh it's good sir busy no sir no I'm  very happy with you I'm happy with you we haven't negotiated on the price either I forgot  how much do you want zero oh my God he said zero   to me no he's he's already tried to charge me  nothing for multiple taxi rides so so um I'm   paying you so apparently this you're not allowed  to use the horn in Kathmandu yes sir hold on if I   put my camera out of the window there we go just  heard one yeah legal so you can't go like this is okay fine fine 1000 . oh my God so where  are you from you're from the south of Nepal   from South that's why you look like Indian  yes but I am not Nepali you know sorry   okay okay don't get the too confused be like India oh actually my mama is Indian ah she is from uh okay can I see like that you're from Nepal  but your mother's from India yes okay you're from India no no [Music] it's Nepal and  India combined I'm just I'm I'm just uh making   up oh wow look at this beautiful statue oh you  want to see that you know that is the palace Museum well they let me in because I look  like Nepal I look like the Nepali James sure why not how long to the airport just five minutes  oh five minutes perfect five more minutes   you're not driving us to the car no sir   I'm so sorry don't worry I I could have  spoken to your mom and asked her anyway um do you have Wife and Kids  yes I have a wife oh amazing oh yeah no he's 31. 31 yes yeah yeah  see I remembered you said no 31. 25 indeed no wife no kids oh this is yours  maybe one day you have to enjoy more can you   help me find the devil's wife oh do you like  me please girl oh yeah of course why not even   you know I don't look like a Nepalese boy so  Nepalese girl don't like me really really yes   I look like an Indian wife [Music] my wife is  also Nepali but she is also from south side she's South Side yeah ah okay okay you know say  you can you know Nepal divide by three places   yeah one is Himalaya like a mountain you  can see only mountain mountain and that   people look like a Southeast Asian Yes yes  again it's Hills yeah and that people look   like a like a little bit Nepal it look a  little bit mix mix and third is plain life they look like a Indian because near the  India yeah and the way there is too much heart   so you got three types of people  so which is the best ah bestie   I think it is of course you're biased I will have  to find out by the end of the trip I'll tell you   I'm gonna be very politically correct  there is no best can you have to see   me hazur it is a polite language if  you see me updates then I see you okay security here we go van  international airports this is where   we have the Prime Minister domestic  oh this is where we get the flights 72-seater okay just crash like a 10 seater eight  seater is first time with the big plane yeah first   time in the in the Nepal history okay they say  lightning never strikes twice we'll find out   today abdesh it's uh I'm sure we're in safe  hands these two airlines are actually known   to be very safe Yeti and Buddha but and you  have to stop things of course you are a big   celebrity oh no no no yes I want to show  the world that you have safe Airlines So   today we're gonna find out maybe they'll let  me fly the plane that's it they let me fly   the plane if if I can I can be the pilot oh  all right because I am celebrity yes I think um yes uh no no pilot license I have ancestral  driving license I'm working on the pilot license   always busy today yes too much busy I like  the way he stays up too much beautiful   we can walk from here yes yeah yeah yeah no  worries how much do I owe you updash [Music] okay good um uh pakara 681 we've come to  the the wrong one that's very unique   way of putting the uh the slights up never  never seen this before yes please thank you   inside okay two it's very sad perfect  actually your five times two two yeah so we're going on six seven nine yeah yeah   okay okay thank you so much we made it  we're in the domestic lounge it's quite busy   but uh yeah we're just waiting for the flight  the flights delayed all the flights delayed but   it's not too bad I don't mind just chilling and  then we're on our way to pakara it's actually   just a 25 minute flight so shortest flight  ever hopefully you'll be safe let's get some   food there's food over here the flight has been  delayed by two hours now so we're gonna see if   we can get into the lounge but actually I know  I can get into the lounge because uh I just came   up here and asked them already we just have to  buy something so I'm gonna get some famous Momos Namaste namaste hello   we can come in if we buy something okay can I have  a look at their menu yeah oh perfect thank you oh this is nice ah we have Ganesh and I'm   not too sure who these two lovely  ladies are thank you sir thank you I'm looking for the best Momos in  Nepal oh yeah chicken Momo yeah   I love chicken Momo please I  mean two uh one please and um uh Americano yeah Donna bards that's good okay Momos YouTube you want one dad after me  no thanks all right more for me then   oh wow look at that I've never seen  inside it's a little chicken ball oh no oh no major problem oh my God oh no this is the nicest thing ever   really so tasty see how quickly  I ate it like one bite so soft [Music]   okay thank you   we're off finally two hours late but it's okay  we got the green bus we're getting the bus I'm just tying absolute  nonsense oh the bus is gone okay   let's see Ellens looks like  we are getting the bus [Music] here we go we have the flight YT  679 how are you good good pizza safe flight yes 100 there we go  we have it from the man Indra   the lifetime guarantee oh  someone's boarding passes when I've got hundreds of flights maybe probably in  total in my life 200 300 flights this is the first   flight I'm very nervous for and you're probably  thinking oh Harry you're an idiot why don't you   just get the coach to pakara well I'm lazy and  didn't want to get an eight hour Coach so instead   I'm getting a 25 minute flight a life risking  flight namaste it's a good huh how are you good I'm 16. you're right to the front I've never had   cotton wool given to you before  you put it in your ear no way yeah yeah oh really I'm okay okay we also  have a nice little Mint one spoon wafer I mean it's back to you [Music] oh here  we go this is what we need to know   I'm going to be studying this emergency exits  seat belt must be fastened during takeoff   brace position this one  you know the brace position airplane in flight entertainment oh Wi-Fi hello boom oh Kindle is this presided  by the airplane [Music]   making good progress feels like this but uh yeah you okay it's like 25 minutes we've probably  done like half of it already so it kind of looks scary out with the just great thank you so much bye-bye   we have arrived in pakara and look at  this Airport it's a new airport namaste is it raining it's very Misty but this is the new  picara airport I believe because I'm not mistaken   built by the Chinese if you're not mistaken we  have our bags and we're ready now we just gotta   get a taxi it's gonna be interesting negotiating  but this Airport is super modern and very   beautiful I have to say so let's uh see if we can  get a taxi see if we I think probably looking at   I reckon 800 would be a fair price for both of  us so we'll see taxi bye Taxi um fishtail Lodge 20 minutes um a little bit who's  driving me him or you no no you   also I have a my mounted okay okay  yeah there's Taxi Driver over there how far is this 20 minutes it's not so far  yeah maybe 20 minutes sometimes half an hour   traffic there's no traffic now though is there  you can do 800 800 okay it's okay thank you I think it's like a not a  good price not a bad price   it's okay I just want to get there  because it's raining no problem this is my name wow this is it in Nepalese  interesting I'm learning Nepalese Mario I'm I am a movie star Nepalese movie star okay  yeah that's why I'm wearing the outfit James Bond   you're from bakara yeah nice nice  but we've got to pay what's this   is giving the money the parking charge how much  is it six days I pay or you pay uh I'll pay it   for you why not you know I've got six years you  got 60. this is a nice Airport Namaste namaste is smaller yeah all right okay  okay so I was a bit rude   done about what is it no no  no if younger younger okay full uh airport sundara yeah we fished out a lot yeah it's a nice one yeah looking forward to it so yeah I'm from England England England UK yeah yeah   very nice country oh yeah not as nice as your  country you're not your country is sundara you good Nepalese yeah yeah maybe I said that wrong okay sure why not oh there we go get a bit of rain  oh look at this Rose yeah smooth Road not like   Kathmandu yeah Kathmandu is Bumpy yeah yeah too  much traffic yeah no traffic here I love pakara we are going to the event Highway route oh okay   oh baby traffic let's let's get the  old seat belt on yeah oh it's a huge TV it seems like it's slightly well better um plans  than come and do the wider streets less pollution   and more space and yeah First Impressions is  good but I would like to see a little bit more   nature I feel like I've come to Nepal for the  nature and I haven't seen any we've arrived at   the fishtail Lodge yep there you go Danny Boy  give change don't ever die even oh I'm stuck Namaste thank you how are  you how's the family Rajiv oh it's raining we've all the English weather with   us don't even die nice to meet  you okay thank you thank you sir okay fishtail Lodge and you can  see the lake oh wow this is amazing look at this Lake oh I  could go for a dip right now oh I think we're crossing oh wow yeah  we are I didn't realize okay so are we   Crossing yeah we have to cross yes the  hotel is over there yeah yeah oh no way   I did not know this what if we get stuck on  there and there's a storm or an earthquake wow this is amazing oh this is where  they they take the supplies here yeah   this is supplies lots of Roxy in there yeah okay okay we're crossing oh here we go  thank you so much don't anybody die   so we're crossing on the Little Ferry I actually  had no idea that there was a this Ferry Namaste   died good good I should have given this to my dad  finish okay thank you so much wow this is amazing this is the captain remember that the  captain always goes down with his ship   so if we crash you're going down oh here  we go all right amazing you need some help yes oh it's heavy yeah yeah very heavy Wow first  rain in uh South Asia and it very rarely rains   when I'm in Asia at all so it's quite uh  refreshing actually to feel feel the rain   feel like I'm back at England because it rains  every day in England we're racing who's gonna   win oh we've got Messi over there he's wearing  the Argentina top okay looks like we're gonna   beat them I'm definitely gonna swim this in this  video I'm gonna swim across you can guarantee how many rooms 61 61. wow you're busy or at this  time not your business okay it's easy 22 rooms   okay nice awesome this is one Island camel up  here just a little humid yeah and see the okay you can go there in the buy boat uh  we should go to the temple in the   boat yes please yeah it's only here  okay Hindu or Buddhist temple sorry but they let Christians go yeah  you can't maybe you can't go   inside Christians sorry seven months it is seven months no really it's Thursday yeah so  he was saying this is the first day in seven   months that it's rained and uh yeah yeah it's  really nice refreshing to hear namaste okay sir namaste okay you're dead yeah that's my dad we're in the rainforest it feels like wow  it's amazing hearing me uh the pizza passer   of the uh the rain on the trees and what a  welcome what a welcome this is pretty Epic   it feels like we're in the jungle I did not  expect it wow Namaste uh oh thank you so much thank you so much oh there we go okay perfectly right yeah I heard you came  prepared here we go namaste is good or should I say beanie  you know it sounds good okay thank you so much what a warm welcome okay what do fishtails oh my  God thank you so much [Laughter] very good here we go is this orange or  watermelon mix okay oh that's beautiful okay let's show you the room in this beautiful  hotel on an island in pakara I've already checked   in and uh kind of settled myself in so I'll just  show you guys the room is pretty cool just a twin   twin bed for me and my dad and we've got some blue  tits on the wall two blue tits actually I believe   it is actually and we have uh the baggage  here nice desk area with the obviously the   flowers they gave us they've even given us some  cookies which I'm gonna have to try right now   because it would be rude not to you know if  they give you cookies then you must try them hmm so good oh what's in here chocolate hello not good nice flowers they've got some spa treatments hmm  stay tuned maybe I will maybe I will maybe I won't   obviously fresh water big TV the mini bar which  they don't usually stock but they stocked it for   me what do we got Snickers Pepsi oh they've got  a Diet Coke I cannot find Coke zero or coke diet   coke anywhere in Nepal but I found it I'll open  this right now I don't know how much it is but the Kathmandu post negligence bad weather caused Tara air crash probe  fines nonsense I won't have it although that's   last year that's not the flight I was referring  to a different flight oh there's so many crashes   in Nepal I'm only joking guys Nepal airlines are  safe and I can say that because I am a survivor   okay big bed let's give it a test it's nice  and comfortable I would like a double bed but   unfortunately I have to share with my dad  so two twin beds will have to do for now   and the fresh fruit over here with a nice little  note from the stuff dear Harry jaggard wishing   you a pleasant and comfortable stay with us  well as you guys saw I don't need to explain   to you guys that the hospitality here is  fantastic absolutely incredible nice warm   welcome I was not expecting any of that and I  had no idea this was on an island so he learned   something new every day okay let's try this Coke  Zero which I've been searching for for a while tastes so good coming out here oh you've  locked me out dad oh there we go it's a pool   views of picara I keep  saying it wrong Pokhara poker I have an excuse for saying pokaris because  the vegetable fried vegetable is called pakora   and I've missed Miss um accidentally  said the spelling is very similar   between pokhora and Bukhara so I've just  said bakara but it's actually Pokhara   anyway enough of me blabbing on about that  this is it doesn't look so nice in the rain   but uh actually I it feels quite nice like  cool there and uh everyone here seems to be   very happy that it's raining because it  hasn't rained for like seven months so long may it continue so yeah awesome room  I like how it's like the complex is spread   out we've got restaurants over here we'll  do a proper tour and I'll show you guys   the lake and like I said I will be  swimming across maybe with Patrick   you want you want to swim across at one  point absolutely yeah the fish eating   crocodiles I'm sure will make way there's  no crocodiles here there are no there's not but there are blue tits there's two blue  tits right here there's no need for that   there is this is the uh well that  looks very unique anyway let's get   on with the rest of the hotel tour  Namaste how are you good Namaste I'm   here for some good Nepalese food yeah  oh yeah sorry I'm a bit late yeah okay so we're gonna have some good  Nepalese food yeah okay we're   gonna make a nice Nepali food for you okay perfect don't ever die thank you  so much nice to meet you foreign buckwheat okay now I'm joking it's a cookie chocolate cookie oh it does it tastes like sweet it smells sweet wow a bit like minestrone minestrone never  heard of her but it's quite spicy wow very unique the the buckwheat is kind of like sweet like um like a really nice bread really I really like  it actually it's growing on me and then the soup oh yeah it's a bit spicy it's  kind of like a like a meaty soup feels like it would be good to have in the  mountains oh got a spicy bit there oh it's good okay [Music] spicy yeah a little bit spicy  spice of course we're in natural [Music] okay we have an interesting selection  here goat mushroom bits and rice which is nawari   I've had no worry food before and I loved it and  this looks like it's got lots of seasoning and   sauces looks really good I am actually a big  mushroom guy a big magic mushroom guy that is   magic mushroom but I do love these mushrooms um so  let's give it a go I'm gonna mix it all together oh my God that's incredible the uh  the goat is very like fatty and uh   tender chewy but I really like  it actually it's got like a   lot of seasoning onto it's like tastes  really really good and the bit and rice I'm not a huge fan of the bitten rice  but it's interesting it's a unique   unique texture it doesn't taste of anything ready yeah it's like a like a nice stir fry it  reminds me of like the spring onions the   mushrooms very very nice I think this  is the main of course yeah this is the   main course yeah we can't actually know  what's coming out everything is a surprise typical Brit abroad Margarita  oh that's my favorite yep do they all have alcohol in it oh no none of them rice okay Long Island Long Island  it's still Long Island oh okay how   many seconds do you think I  can finish all of them yeah no I can do it in a minute in a  minute I can do it in a minute please   no I'll uh take a photo of it and then I'll  see we'll have a Downing competition do you   want to join um I'll try them yeah  they're all non-op no no you have to   down it no alcohol you have to down  you can't sip it is it cooler juice okay all right which ones can I have three one two three this  one okay this this one's just nice though Choose   Your Weapon okay I'm gonna do two in the same  time that you do one which one do you want um would you one of you like one okay [Music]  it's a good service right there okay   first of all a straw out hey you're  cheating you see that he's cheating   yes no I didn't actually suck him okay  okay ready cheers what are we doing it yep oh wow what's up and it's too much ice too much  ice for me oh that was delicious though wow is   there a lot of sugar in here it's gonna  keep me up all night so precious also   okay I'm gonna enjoy this one actually yeah okay I win thank you very much boys   very good very good any any Roxy I can slip  in I'm joking thank you yes just treating us   wow that's a good day very good this is dessert  as well yeah it is also so everything all in one   yeah you're good so what do we have you tell us  that is lanting and that is a fruit that is free   fish vegetables and then buckwheat bread and some  okay onion lemon chili and four wow so it's like   thali yeah yeah it's actually like Charlie yeah  Crystal traditional Nepali as well this is the   this is probably the the biggest and best looking  tally we've had so far yeah because we've had   this is our third tally so this is this is the  best time that is the best yes okay thank you   very much and where's your food uh desert later  yeah yes okay yes the other one is like pudding I'm just where's your food because I'm  having this I don't know about you   thank you okay thank you all right let's dig  in and you've got to use your hands Patrick okay guys I've made a a nice plate full of  everything but I've buried it in the yogurt   which so it looks pretty it doesn't look  very inviting I'll put it that way but it's   not about the looks it's about the taste  that's what that's how I was brought up [Music] The Taste is perfection I'm getting a lot of  this fish curry I like I like a lot of protein   so I've gone for the the main ingredient  being the fish but it's good we've got the   spinach in there as well I definitely put  too much yoga on but hey it's still good it's really really tasty so many different  flavors each little individual plate of   food is just a different flavor it's  got like 10 different flavors in there   what do you think Patrick better than the other  tallies it's not as spicy as the other one but I   like the variety of vegetables and healthier stuff  as well I don't want too many carbs yeah all your   body is a temple that's the holy spirit so it's  a slightly disused damaged Temple from where is   it okay of course not from the lake not from the  lake but somewhere okay awesome yeah it's it's   nice it's very delicious and not too heavy a nice  nice mixture yeah really good very nice very nice   we have like one more laser back balance  after that okay okay as well as this is   just with the main course like uh oh really  okay and the other one we have like a Nepali   like oh bullets oh amazing wow okay  thank you that was amazing thank you let's try some of this syrup on its own   oh that's like pure sugar it's too much  sweet oh there we go very sweet [Music] okay when you make decision together um okay thank you very much   very good meal thank you last but not least rice  pudding name for it we've got nuts we got um orange yeah and cashew yeah foreign really good I actually like rice pudding is  such a great pudding like I I really really   like it and then never had these fruits on top  but it gives it extra flavor extra fruitiness to a fantastic meal I'm I'm full to the brim I'm  absolutely full I'm gonna explode in a minute but   yeah five courses I am ready to uh have a rest  after this and I definitely need to get in the   gym because that was yeah a lot of calories but  I felt like there wasn't it wasn't too unhealthy   apart from obviously syrup and stuff but yeah  delicious meal we've worked for it today we've had   we've had a long day here so yeah exactly yeah so  yeah good morning guys woken up it's the next day   it's a beautiful day the sun is shining and I can  actually for the first time see fishtail Mountain   which you you won't be able to see we've got the  guys chilling Namaste bye okay sir good they're   doing some some repairs on the Hotel this is the  fishdale hotel so the fishtail hotel right next   to the fishtail uh mountain and uh it's lots of  these circular buildings these are the rooms here   um but these circular building is kind of also  uh represented The Nepalese style traditional   homes which we'll find in the mountains when we  go hiking but um I'm just gonna go like this keep   going like this Namaste Namaste so we can use the  kayak oh here we go kayaking on the lake namaste   uh how are you here we go oh here we  go Safety First yes do we have to wear   these do we have to we have to wear this yeah okay I cannot swim I'm joking oh thank  you so much here we go oh wow which way is good to go this way or this way okay uh you want front or back Dad you want front or back um I'll go we're  back I've got okay here goes nothing there we go very important oh good yeah  yeah very important all right be careful this guy he's trying to drown us already let's  show okay okay oh you know how to use yeah yeah no   no never done it no I'm joking yeah I've done it  okay okay see you in a few days yeah okay send the   Emergency Services okay all right oh just balance  don't yeah all right you can you can paddle then   okay thank you bye-bye I'm gonna have a sleep I'm  on the road all right I'm gonna put you guys right   here there we go oh we got some traffic all right  guys we got views of the temple and obviously   the countryside the nature and this is a  very peaceful Lake we've got some fishermen   you know what yeah you can you can by the way  I'll have a rest I've worked really hard already   we've got some fishermen we  should be careful not to uh   go near their line I wonder how deep this is only  one way to find out no no no no no no no no no   come on it would be fun it'll be fun let's just  go for a little dip namaste okay sir uh Tiga   ramro a many fish   the fishermen are just staring and laughing at  me who's that white guy who's talking Nepalese oh yeah so example is over there I reckon we can  make it to the temple on the island yeah yeah I I wanted to have a little sleep   all right well the sun's out there's only  one way to go and that's towards the temple we're making pretty good progress you guys can  probably see the island now and then I think if   I'm not mistaken that is the island of the Hindu  temple which usually you have to pay a thousand   just to go across on the boat however if you rent  a kayak like us although that also cost a thousand   but I don't think they thought that we were going  to be able to go to the temple but we're going see Patrick's making himself quite  useful on this trip finally as uh   is the twin turbo engine at the  back I am the captain slash CEO all right I don't think we were supposed to come  this far we've probably been paddling for   about 20 minutes they didn't really give us any  instructions anyway we've arrived at the temple   I'm not sure if we have to pay to enter but we'll  find out so this is a Hindu temple on an island   okay yeah we're just gonna head up  here and see if we can uh see if we   can enter the island we come in peace  yep land away go right a bit go right a   bit yeah there we go straight straight  no oh nice nice little parking there namaste can we park here is okay okay okay TK that's the worst accent I've ever heard it's okay here he said outside I'm not sure are  we allowed to leave the the kayak here it's okay we what about this live inside No  One's Gonna Steal it here we go   well I didn't expect to be coming to the temple on  this trip all right well we made it to the temple   but we don't have any money so let's hope we  don't get charged I've got my contact [Music] I   don't know if they take card all right let's  see what they've got wow it's quite busy I can see why this is a popular place lots of  Hindu people I'm assuming lots of Indian tourists you take your shoes off  and there's markets [Music] [Laughter] [Music]   Namaste I'm from England this  is the Hindu temple what's the   name [Music] okay thank you nice to  meet you real blue Market oh some guns but uh that's a temple I'm gonna have to  check with my dad to see if we've got any uh   money Namaste there's lots of Hindu items lots of  rings definitely from China but still very nice oh wow what's this yeah a little mini Shrine with  Ganesh and then uh oh so there's no there's no   restaurant food or drink here it's just like  a literally is just the temple in a very small   Market but it's pretty cool I'm looking for  the toilet I wonder what this is this beautiful   building look at this wooden door absolutely  insane and then some inscriptions on the wall   and then this is the other side so I've walked  around it's very small island and then this is the   Annapurna mountain range you can't see it in the  clouds but well well that's the expedited illegal   routes to the island I feel like an illegal  immigrant very beautiful Sundar Temple there he is [Music] [Music] okay we had a nice trip to the temple I'm glad we  came and now we've got to head back all the way   back over there so that's gonna be fun hold  on hold on further up hold on Dad oh my God she's moving it as I'm trying to get in all right the passing the port we're having a  race against the uh pedal boats and we're winning   namaste oh not so friendly well we're  gonna beat them anyway so we've passed   one and only one of us is paddling  imagine if two of us paddled namaste okay say who they look Indian huh smoke  weed no thank you oh drug dealer on a boat   oh mushrooms yeah yeah oh nice you grow them here far okay nice we're back we made it to the  island to the temple we went to the temple   yeah that's good Sundar can I give you that thank you I'm heading to the  swimming pool we're gonna go for a dip an early   morning dip and it should be as I suspect there's  no one here because there's only Indians staying   in this hotel and it's freezing cold this pool  so I've got it all to myself because the Indians   are scared to go in the cold water but um I'll be  going in I'm English so we're used to cold well I   say that I'm gonna scream like a little girl but  Namaste bye kitsa it's cold oh okay is there a   towel towel ah thank you okay I'm gonna get a  towel and jump in before I change my mind and   then we're gonna go straight into the sauna steam  room and I'll show you guys the rest of this place oh you've got a warm up oh oh my God it's like being in the Himalayan River oh it's chilly chilly but it's nice it's what  you need to wake you up no coffees today   or I have actually had a coffee already  but we got the waterfall this is the spa   we've got the bar maybe we get some Roxy  some early morning Roxy they've got some   construction going on over here so that's fine  but yeah I've got like circular building circular   building and then my building is over there  with views of the lake we'll go for breakfast   I'm gonna get out already and just I want to  do this tall all in one so I'll show you guys   the sauna steam room and then the rest of the  place I think there's a fitness center as well   so yeah bakara First Impressions is beautiful  it's very much nature Tranquility but there's   also two sides to picario you got the nature  and the that side and then you've also got the   Adventure side where is this a steam room okay perfect oh it feels amazing when  you get out and then you're in the Sun   there's nothing no better feeling honestly  jumping in the cold water is such a life hack   if you're scared of doing it you just need  to do it because honestly the feeling you   get after is incredible okay can I go in the oh  okay perfect oh thank you so much don't ever die agenda oh I'm rajendra okay my name's easier to pronounce than your name okay you are the manager here I'm an assistant  housekeeper room stand landscape of landscaping   oh wow you've done a great job because this place  is very well maintained the flowers and everything The Gardener deserves a raise I've heard  the garden has been here for 47 years wow the only one oh yes please my own little house  oh there's music can I play some Nepalese bangers   how do I turn this off oh there we go oh  it's like spa music I want some like hip-hop   okay oh that's my locker oh Donny butt okay  let's jump in [Music] oh toasty oh I'm fogging up oh [Music] there we go [Music] can  I shut the door thank you so much   okay thank you oh there okay 56  degrees let's get it up to 90. I feel like I'm working on like a train  or something oh yeah you can already feel   getting harder oh what it's not going up  we're gonna have to use all this water okay I think I put enough for now if the  temperature's going up slowly 56 57 but   um yeah I'm just going to show in here you  guys probably can't see much but I'm going to   uh chill in here for a little bit then jump  in the steam show you guys the rest of this   place uh We've also got sorry I keep fogging up  we've also got spa treatment uh booked which is   going to be sick we've also got kayaking booked  which is going to be insane and what else uh six   course dinner I'm not sure if I'll I'll put that  before or after all right we're gonna try this   slipped we're gonna try the steam room oh look  in there look spooky okay you guys will not be   able to see me but you will be able to hear  it this is really unique they're like mobile   sauna and steam room units I guess you could  like buy these for your home and I want one   I really want one feels so good when you come in  here nice to have this is turning it into like a   really luxury hotel it's just like a great mix of  nature luxury Heritage all in one cool refreshing [Applause] [Music] in nature doesn't get much better than  this next up kayaking and I'll show you   guys a little bit more of this place oh  once you get in the sun there we go okay let's show you guys the fitness center  they got hammocks lying around this is a   nice chill out area as well namaste stuff here  so attentive they're like following me around   so nice okay let's wrap up and show  you guys the rest of this place   ruling Coalition cracks as  Congress locks up presidency   absolutely fascinating good morning guys it's  the next day I've woken up and you will notice   I'm actually in a different room they've moved me  they moved me late last night and I didn't film   because it was dark but you guys are gonna see why  they moved me I'm now in the Prince Charles Street   well that's not the official name but I've named  it that because Prince Charles AKA King Charles   now has stayed in this room this is him 1980. it  was a long time ago but when Ali was born um and   also Jimmy Carter and sanjeeva Reddy the president  of India has also stayed here so and now they're   actually they're working on the new plaque King  Harry jagades uh king of England soon to be this   is the views of the Annapurna range fishtail  mountain and um Pokhara incredible I absolutely   love it I'll show you the room briefly but like  I've been staying here for one night so um it's a   little bit messed up but yeah nice room again more  fruits nice area to work and uh a different layout   is actually because now I'm in the circular  building they now it's like a triangle but   it's really cool what I'm going to go and show you  guys is the reception and some of the area here is   actually very close to the breakfast area but uh  yeah this is the the view of like when I wake up   this is my balcony View it's incredible  it's got to be best views in the city   and then it's kind of cloudy today so  you can't see that in a pan range but   absolutely stupendous views and then this is the  circular building here okay let's go to reception   look at this guys absolutely incredible gardening  skills all of this all over the grounds it's like   beautiful The Gardener has been here for over  40 years that is loyalty if I ever saw it and   you can tell like he's treated this Garden like  it's his own baby okay we're heading to reception namaste good morning good good good job okay I got the key for the  room and I just wanted to ask you a few questions   about the property and stuff how long have you  guys been working here 33 years wow 33 years so   you've seen this grow and flourish and then the  pandemic wow so it's quiet during the pandemic   yes yeah yeah yeah okay and um so this  used to be the the what was the actually   I need to find out there hold on let me just  check the information princess giantially princess gianti used to live here is that correct  no this poor party belonged to her oh she she   owned it yeah actually then King birendra he was  killing the Royal Massacre his cousin sister yeah   he was the king and both are killing the Royals  part of the memorial after that the part of the   distrust wow and uh did you ever meet her she's  nice lady very nicely oh wow she looks nice okay   and then I was told that uh some of the the  money that is uh the revenue from the hotel goes to provide free product care to  underprivileged Nepalese people which I didn't   know so everything this uh Hotel makes apart from  the expenses for the staff and everything else uh   all the revenue all the profit sorry goes to  underprivileged children in Nepal which is   great I've never stayed at a hotel where it's like  basically a charity so it's great great to see and   I have to say whoever the gardener is needs it's  an incredible job the garden yes it's beautiful if you want to meet you can I I think I met  him briefly earlier earlier yeah yeah so um   and what's the like a main um nationality of the  guests European or Asian earlier earlier there was   European and American earlier but later on Indian  and people just took before Kobe pandemic [Music] hopefully you have some Korean food in for them so   um these buildings they represent kind  of like the traditional houses the   round houses in Nepal but there's not many  houses like this anymore the round houses yeah okay in the city Also earlier when  I was young in the city this area also   why were they around yeah why because  just that's how they were the better   actually when they make the round the wall  is strong ah it's strong if earthquake   around not easier like the rectangle so  why why did they stop why is it now um the circular and no like that uh now they wouldn't find that kind of the worker  who can use that Walling ah time wall is long   wall yeah nowadays we have one like this yeah  that time okay interesting it's fascinating   I've never seen the the circular but I quite  like it maybe I'll get one for my my new house   that I'm never gonna build but maybe in like 10  years anyway thank you very much thank you bye   just reading this um so a lot of the people that  stay here are they um hikers like the people that   stay at the hotel are they heart usually some  of them are hiking they're trekking yeah if   they come here before they track okay have you  guys done any tracking you done tracking sorry [Music] the circuit the fishtail obviously  I've showed you guys the fishtail yeah   this place is actually in the famous  book 100 is it 100 a thousand places Prince wow amazing do they mention your name in it they say  that you'll be on reception and I was Prince   princess yeah yeah uh farmer  prince's name also Imani her name is not princess same with me I'm  only Harry by Prince Harry wow okay excuse me this earlier aerial view  that's the old one nowaday many houses there   huh this is on a clear day it's so cloudy when  I'm here oh it's cloudy why is it cloudy this   time weather is since the last five months  there is no random day before Easter okay I   won't give you I'm gonna I won't give you a bad  review because of the clouds don't worry yeah okay amazing he's not coming he's not here now okay this  is very unique okay thank you very much   guys thank you have a good day thank you sir  okay Christmas come early thank you princess can I help you sure sure wait  wait hold on I got a guess I   gotta guess oh yeah please I  guess oh it's gold it's gold if it's not gold I'm gonna be very  disappointed not this one also mine oh yeah oh   oh it's in another box I'm gonna  have to keep opening maybe empty   yeah I think I think it's empty it's  just keep lots of boxes oh a mug princess fishtail lodge.com and we  have an aerial view of The Lodges   you can see the circular buildings here  and there we go Hospitality for a heart   yes incredible thank you so much  thank you that's very kind of you   well it's not expecting any of this but this  is amazing Hospitality at its finest [Music]
Channel: Harry Jaggard
Views: 681,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nepal, kathmandu, pokhara, himalayas, nepal travel vlog, nepal vlog
Id: fhpNYthiYCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 54sec (4314 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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