Alone in The World's Maddest City, Dhaka ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ฉ

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okay it's been less than 24 hours and I've already got the shits so I'm not too sure what we doing here but we've made it to the most densely populated city on earth welcome to Daka Bangladesh it is mad is to say the least check it out we are on the main road here called gulistan Road oh man we're headed to a market all right now we're just trying to get out of here first I've got em modium tablets with me man it is chaos check it out sir let's go whoa wholy [ย __ย ] just had an accident I took took D it just crashed oh man I'll by see Bangladesh Bangladesh how are you fine how are you no worries just a part of normal life here crashing in to each other you fine what does this thing does this thing open yes it does okay hello hello yes okay okay oh man all right so if we want some shade let's do like this are we going to get through here oh my goodness waa man look at the state of these buses insane they have just been banged up and dinged and repaired and dinged and repaired over and over again okay G okay you're okay you're fine I walking it's fine take thank you bye-bye all right we stopped off here I think it'll be faster by foot we're close anyway so let's go how are you oh man how we going to cross this road without getting run over yeah yeah how you bres election yesy okay thank you okay okay what is he got there oh my goodness he's a happy fell hello wow check it out Market where Market straight okay Market straight yeah this way okay I go straight and then right all right okay thank you what's thank you and Bali I have no idea the Pakistan shukria we have to find out straight bus no no no I'm working working working okay all right I can walk yeah walking okay okay okay okay oh man how we going to do this please don't run me over okay let's go thank you oh my goodness all right right guys we've made it to K ran bizaar it's just down there man it is so polluted the air is so full of smug that I've got the worst sore throat already and I've only been outside for about an hour now even seems like it's dark just from the smug it's blocking out the sun it's only about 2:00 in the afternoon Madness that guy's got coconuts maybe we should get a tea first not a good idea but we're here now should probably get some antibiotics while we're at it so if we see a pharmacy we're getting antibiotics actually that's the first thing we should do is get some antibiotics before we even eat anything what is he selling over here is this Beetle nut hello this Beetle nut what is this can I have one no no no I have for me this yeah what is this what is this yeah okay okay one one yes yes yes one this is be nut huh pun P pun we found pun you yes yes oh man that leaf is very dirty yeah you make it for me yes okay so he's folding the leaf up he's putting the beetle nut dried Beetle nut you can see over there dried Beetle nut what is this what is this oh what is this I have no idea we're going to soon find out though I think that might have been tobacco like this okay he's dipping in the lime paste so eat it first eat and then this yeah everything [Music] okay oh man the beetle net is dry and hot I know that tastes very well and now you going to put the paste in your mouth like this [Music] yeah little bit all right everybody's coming to check of the vanilla face yeah you have an audience another one one one just one one take away okay one b n for take away how much how much money money money money money money money M money how much how much 10 okay you have changed 100 it's fine it's okay it's okay it's fine it's fine it's fine yeah okay thank you how do you say thank you in Bangla huh okay don't all right man what about the audience already so first thing in the morning it hit a beetle nut hello my friend where can I get a hat like yours Muslim yeah I want one one hat like this what are you what are you looking for one hat one white hat like this oh there we go okay hello hello hello that was easy going to get one Bangladesh hat who's the Man In Charge hello sir may please have one of your lovely hats how are you I want to look like a Bangladesh man which one is good for me he doesn't speak English this one everybody's coming to look now the white one or the black one you have one that fits my head I have a big head the green one big size yeah this one's too small I have a big German Helm big size too small yours fits perfectly yeah big big for big head no big big this color you have no no have big right let's get um let's get this green one the green one one good good how much 100 100 very good price you have change okay okay okay okay okay how are you all right all right thank you very much sir yes it's fine yeah thank you pleas you're doing business okay guys oh sorry see you all right we're ready we are ready how does it look guys small as usual it cost me $1 I think not a bad price oh man that beet knut is strong as hell feel like I'm going to faint where your yes okay Brazil man that gave me a heavy Buzz now's only like one quarter of the actual beet nut I don't know why Bangladeshi beet nuts is a lot stronger than PNG beat nut guys okay let's go this way sorry oh man I can barely walk straight feel like I've had a few shots of whiskey already ah token of whiskey I wonder if we can find some alcohol here in daaka we'll have to go on the Alcohol hunt another [Music] time wow man it's already turned red I must say by now I am quite the Beet nut connoisseur oh man blood red f you like pun yeah you like pun okay let's go this way what is down here you guys see this or is it just me oh my goodness K ran Bazar G yeah yeah okay okay I I go go okay thank you okay so now we're really going into the market check it out cooking fresh rice that is the biggest pot of rice I've ever seen Hello whoa there cats jumping around nice fls away yeah very nice how are you bro I'm fine you're fine okay so over here we can get some CH some Curry all right hello all right my name is what is your name my name is slon slon nice to meet you okay so we have some yeah fish curry C fish C fish fish fish okay nice man yeah restaurant okay I go looking okay yeah yeah right so we found the food section of the Bazar here it's a lot more calm than I expected oh what are they playing here some type of board game hello guys some discret gambling going on there found a barber shop hello how are you you don't talk much fine and you let's see where can we get a trim he's eating hello how are you how are you yes what country South Africa oh yeah and you you bang Bangla Bangladesh okay I want to get a a trim cutting har sty Harry Styles okay we're going to get a trim cut you can clean me up going to get a quick trim here so I look like a mes look like some dirty hippie Backpacker all right he's chasing everyone else they will come to look celebrity Barber okay okay I think we found the best B in Hall of Bangladesh name one one huh one Zer one one you're from Mexico I think bar is Mexican it's getting rowdy outside look at the color of my tongue you Mexican yeah it's getting too rowdy outside you celebrity celebrity B you youan number one Baba yes yes number Quan wow please don't cut off my y I think those scissors were left over by the English ancient no okay wash wash all right let's open my eyes so so yeah all right that wood is cold oh man well there we go again that's cold water wash yeah wash nice and clean oh again with the cold water oh man sticking is hands Mama again okay no no no I put down okay hope pleas wash his hands all right oh man oh wow wow wow all right we going to Ser yet VIP treatment AF number one cricket number number one Cricket afria yes [Applause] k k okay hands in the face again M Mage yeah all right he's taking off his skirt there clearing his throat for the pollution yeah it really goes on your throat all right started the massage mom mom water water water more water water no no what is this water water okay for me all right hope this clean this is interesting getting a back massage here now he's beating me it reminds me of the Karachi haircut feel a little bit violated but wow my teeth have turned orange all right doing a face massage here wow got sticking his fingers in my eyes I don't know why I Eyes For This fingers in the eyes but I really hope he washed his hands okay more face RS uhoh okay whoa whoa who that one was Heavy oh and again wow I felt good I don't think it's very to do that though okay all right selfie selfie selfie huh that was a that was a good good and quick up there okay we're going to take a picture with the master Barber let's put the shades on I look like a new man I feel good I look good that's all that matters no no no okay how much 300 300 300 how much is this 300 a number how much 300 300 okay I give you 1,000 is fine 100 that's all right it's okay thank you bro thank you thank you all right all right thank you how do you say thank you and Bangla Bangla how you say thank you thank you bang don't don't don't don't okay don't all right okay bye-bye so cost $3 give him 10 let's carry on have we got everything yes okay we are ready yes what are they playing what is this what is this what is this huh ah how do you play what is this salt salt how do you play like this let's see let's see looking oh he wants me to play okay let's see two three W clean it up me okay me let me try oh we go again all right got some more powder like this yeah okay Zealand Australia South Africa yes okay okay guys bye-bye see you enjoy oh man first try got a hole in one check this place out man hello what are you cooking Curry okay look Curry section over there cool place cool people I like it man smells like fish because the national dish here in Bangladesh is fish curry all right let's go get some Curry let's go get some explosive diarrhea should I say how are you man wow you look like you've been on the be nuts yeah South Africa fine thank you you like Cricket yeah number one [ย __ย ] yes the [ย __ย ] Dale stain okay bro see you have a good one okay all right so hello South Africa yeah so very good get some food yeah very good very good nice to meet you bread okay bro yeah bro okay nice to meet you one photo yeah let's take one photo Muhammad yeah one selfie okay bro nice to meet you Muhammad see you see you okay people are nice here they're not too persistent hello um nobody's really trailing me or following me or annoying me actually which is a good thing got the police ah here we go here we have some food typical du food we're going to skip the fish curry though not a fan of fish fish curry okay I don't really like fish curry but this seems like an interesting T should we eat here hello Alum what do you have to eat which Curry you have chicken curry chicken curry chicken curry okay let's get one chicken curry chicken chicken chicken curry oh this is chicken curry you have what is this chicken J Cy hash hash and what is this beef this and this yeah and rice rice like him same like him like okay I'll go sit all right thank you okay I think we found the cleanest spots here even though there's a lot of flies and everything where can we sit where's a good table here's a good table okay we sit there all right enjoy one oh wash ah good good idea I agree so let's watch up over here can put the camera down Kur my name Kurt and your name who H H ham ham enjoy your meal what up tea enjoy okay we'll sit here okay this is the best place I've seen to eat so far I mean the other ones kind of seemed like I would die if I even attempted okay thank you to eat their food this one seems like the most stay off and I like the decoration okay very nice so we have our chicken curry and our beef Curry we have some rice thank you oh more food okay chicken chicken okay so we have four different types here beef Curry another type of this looks like liver chicken and another type of beef so this do we eat with our hands or with our hands yeah this is going to send me to the L later on but went in Rome let's dig in okay it like them they just smashing it like this like this yeah this professional way yes wow that's delicious thank you spici is H hell though wow that's good beef thanks but I want to do it like you guys with the hands you know oh my goodness this one is spicy and oily yeah oh you put it inside okay and then you eat all right okay let do it like this thanks so much have some salad there let's enjoy it be coming in mix okay hands it feels so odd eating with our hands like this yes a that is spicy as hell lot of pepper taste the pepper salt that's salty enough thanks no no more spicy woo this is spicy as you can see everybody eats with their hands just like this so we got the chicken here the beef and everything is spicy spicy as hell I can tolerate a little bit of spice but guys this is another level I feel like my mouth is literally on fire giving the liver whatever that is a go I think that's liver it's cold as well freezing cold guys mhm that I knew it not the biggest fan of cold liver Curry all right it very good thank you now I'm full how much to I owe you 275 275 okay all right selling more beetel nuts look at these beetel nut they're yellow look at that I've never seen yellow beetl nut before this is a whole beetl nut section I got the leaves perfectly stacked up there hello baskets and baskets of pizel nuts look at that all right here comes the train train you want this okay [Music] enjoy h no money I have no money no money the camera camera yeah all right so oh man the pollution in this place can barely breathe anyways we're back at Picadilly circus we're going to hop on one of these double decker buses and head to Old Ducker oh should we just get on that one all right please don't run me over holy [ย __ย ] everybody waiting to cross here more P oh yeah yeah good p a we going to P I have some pond in my pocket okay we need to take this bus okay yeah let's go okay trying to get right over here thank you wa holy smokes almost left without me anyway check it out this is the double deck they do not stop let's go to the top okay don't fall all right how are we going to do this okay thanks wa I got look all right all right okay hello guys how are you I'm fine you fine thanks okay we're in the double de bus mission complete man feels like it's going to flip over this is petrifying oh my goodness there's got three seats wa wow okay we got a window spot here who yeah I really have to be careful W I really have to be careful sticking my hand out Y and my head wow yeah be careful one too much too much risky yeah just like Pakistan Bangladesh used to be a part of British India so when the brist started to pack everything up and leave they split everything up based on religion now what they didn't take into account was is that they were on total opposite ends of the Indian subcontinent so in the 1970s that man over there she mujur Rahman declared Bangladesh an inde dependent Country Now the government of Pakistan didn't really like that and they declared war in Bangladesh which led to the killing of 3 million bangladeshis right I have no idea where we are but we made it to the budy ganga River for the old Ganges check it out so we're going to take one of these boats we're going to head to Old Daka which is there somewhere hello bro so hello bro how are you fine let's go yeah let's take this guy H my friend how are you thank you nice to meet you uh we got Direction olda okay let's go sit down man this thing is Rocky bye-bye wa have to sit very still here cuz the boat is not that stable but check it out we're on the old Ganges River wow guys what a time to be alive you can just imagine the smoke can't really describe it to you anyways let's go to Old Daka [Music] what is your name huh name name [Music] okay some alarm going off check it out guys you can see the hustle and bu here on the river check out how many people use this River to commute instead of using the road yeah okay okay where is old daaka old daaka 500 500 500 500 to old daa it's a very high price 50000 holda we go fort let's go this way so we're on the river okay okay okay this kaka kaka yeah oh wow no Cod dips for me today is this the most polluted river in the world and all of this trash from the slums just running into here sewage rubbish waste and you can just see turds floating everywhere this is by far the most Dirty River ever pipes yeah pipes running into the river sewage pipes just spewing out crap oh my goodness oh [ย __ย ] what was this are we good Okay we okay okay we're fine let's try not to fall in hello Salam Alum hello okay 500 yeah 500 okay thank you thank you all right let's get off here without falling in the river let's go to Old Daka oh man not a good smell got okay okay okay AA bye-bye bye-bye hello okay we finally made it to Old Daka where you from South Africa good all right do pter Town check it out wow South Africa thank you yes man look at that building just falling apart there hello how are you man hi hi oh sorry sorry hello oh there's some nice looking Hindu ladies walking around huh man maybe I can find myself a lovely bbby a nice bbby wife I'm getting all types of smiles from the girls here yeah so Che it out hello guys if you check your shirts what does the label say chances are is probably made right here in Bangladesh because their biggest export is garment so the next time yeah you go to H&M or Zara and you want to buy a cheap $2 shirt was probably made by some little kid in one of these building sh let's go down there whoa try know to get run over man oh what is this place to wash your feet before the mosque man these little side alleys there's so many things to see and do so many businesses going on hello what's up what's up where are you from South Africa South Africa F pump yeah yeah what's up dog little kids there we go a little child laborer child worker you probably made your shirt that you're wearing right now mechanic how are [Music] youum how are you you fine oh you eating C yes bro South Africa yes sir okay bye byebye can I have one trai to take away yeah my goodness where on Earth are we CTS I have no idea I'm trying to get some tea some cha what do a white man get some cha around here damn I mean the Brits are the ones we invented it and brought them tea and now I can't find any so go back and tell those pesky Brits to bring them some more tea hello Hi how are you you're fine what is this cha can I have one yeah okay one chop please it's a good CH yeah yeah all right going to try some Bangladeshi cha tea tea yeah yeah thank you so much it's boiling hot my best it's the safest way to drink it when it's boiling hot kills all the bacteria hopefully last time I did this in Pakistan I paid for it the next day very very nice smells very nice gathered quite the crowd here hello everybody no your name and your name shf huhf shf shaf it's a cool name shf yeah cool name cool name you want know no yeah yeah thank you so much thank you thank you thank you thank you okay he don't want to accept thank you thanks so much all right he tried to pay and the seller didn't want to accept very nice people so we're going to drink this tar and then we're going to go and see what else we can get thank you so much thank you very much sir right if you guys come to Old Daka I don't think you will but if you do come visit that man's tea shop he's a very nice [Music] man hello ah there we go that's some street food hello Salam alikum can I have one okay Alum one to try yeah One Piece One Piece yes okay so I'm going to try some freshly fried street food over here what is this a samosa py okay I don't know what it is but we're going to try it so it just came out the fryer so that means less chances of it giving me the ship so the most safe I have one yeah okay AA okay all right grabbed with the hands okay two piece thanks so much you sure thank you so much thank you very much thank you thank you sir bye-bye thank you oh wow we just getting free food and drink lovely people the Bangladeshi people wow I'm fine and you everybody is coming to look I've GA gathered quite the crowd here man these are piping hot anyways let's give them a go everybody staring hello I think it's because I got the dookie on they all think I'm Muslim they're all saying Salam alikum to me ium Salam I don't know what that is seem like wow I have no idea what that is but it's spicy as hell Alum how are you you're fine oh you've had a bit of the the pond yeah you like Pond too I want to have some Pond you have Pond yeah for me I like your beard your hair nice color good color the color oh you have had too Muslim Muslim yeah oh nice mashah okay all right all right byebye bye oh they've been on the beetel nuts yep I knew it they've been on the beetel nut I can see a beet nut tour from a mile away you know takes a fisherman to spot another fisherman oh man lots of beetle nuts yeah should we have one more hit of be nut the [ย __ย ] hello can I have one hit of beetle nuts please one yes okay how are you you going to have one yeah you want okay I invite one for him as well two no you don't want is that a yes or a no do you want want beel nuts no who wants a beel nut what are you from South Africa South Africa just for me what is your name okay C you want beel nut please please one more I invite you you look like a beat onut connoisseur okay then I'll do it you you take the Beet nut and then I'll have the next one two oh you dropped it okay two more two more two more this time don't drop it one for you one for me are you sure you don't want okay he's had enough two more huh all right got some change very good taka hello okay he's making the beetle nuts let's see the leaf some tobacco [Music] spice got some coriander look at that corander seed awesome human whatever that was there's one for me [Music] cheers guys look at that it's got all different types of spices in there cumin coriander chili and the beetle nut oh he's getting one okay bottom's up I think he didn't want to take it in front of me but he's doing it all right how much is it 10 each that's fine you go this way okay we go all right let's goam okay let's goam found over here men in arms where are we going sir yeah this [Music] way okay okay hello hello [Music] wow a your friend nice to meet you okay okay all right all right your friend yeah oh man that b nut is uh hit me I got the hiccups strong yeah [Music] toce to meet you country South Africa South Africa yeah I love Africa you love Africa yes and you where you from which country which country Bangladesh Bangladesh okay nice to meet you sit down uh yeah okay all right okay hi guys how are you hello hello right we're hopped in the Rickshaw we're head it back home so that means that's the end of this video yes so yes see you in the next one
Channel: Kurt Caz
Views: 1,340,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kurtcaz, kurtcazvlogs, kurtvlogs, foodvlogs, travel, travelvlogs, people, streetfood, villagevlog, ghettovlog, bangladesh, dhaka, india, pakistan, bangladeshvlog, dhakavlog
Id: hKopEtAj1HQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 51sec (3051 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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