I Modded All 48 Tracks in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe...

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have you ever wanted to play Mario Kart the wrong way maybe by doing this oh or this why are they coming from there am I going back introducing lemons Mario Kart custom track pack 48 custom tracks the likes of which you've never seen all in one chaotic package Play Now And subscribe to jmoji for more content like this every week vocal warm-ups here we go [Music] I do this every day before recording starting with DK jungle okay I'm about it I have to say the details in this map are nice right down to the right down to the advertisements for baby land I don't think I want to go to Babyland these are very interesting details on the side shine power what could that even be I don't know maybe it's political propaganda maybe just all I can add a political ad for like vote for the governor of New Jersey like like whoa I wasn't expecting this in my Mario Kart DK jungle why does Birdo not have a name did you notice that birdo's name was just blank there's some suspicious activity going on here and I don't like it heavy Cape Cliffside I don't like this I don't like this uh alliteration that you guys got going on wait a minute it's music and the mushroom Guy this is from Bowser's Inside Story one of the one of the weirdest games ever to explain in in 2023 okay so it's this game where Mario and Luigi get sucked into Bowser's mouth and they gotta make him strong again by going into his guts and getting him you know what it's it's really the synopsis is not important what matters is this map is from that game it was one of my favorite games as a childhood don't ask any questions and it was a good time this turn sucks who made this turn make a better turn you know I have to say it doesn't feel like we're getting Mario Kart 9 anytime soon but that is not stopping mod developers from bringing us ever so closer to that title and just like that that is the end of cavi where are you going boo where are you going where are you going brother it doesn't matter don't worry about it anyways the Moon from Logan cart 8. I still have yet to play Logan Cart 8 by the way and I very much want to fun fact you know I've done a lot of Mario Kart custom track videos right um in several of them I have tried to download this map and none of them did it actually work finally we get to play on this map you don't realize how much of a victory this is for me it's been like a year I've been trying to play on the moon and we finally made it we collected that okay lightning doesn't feel great not great for your skin but that's okay double lightning excuse me after I just established that it is in fact not good for your skin are you trying to give me acne and just like that the moon has been defeated I don't think it's defeating might not be the right word but in my eyes it is it was Birdo I mean it was who was trying to shoot me down I don't maybe because she's a DLC character and the mods aren't working with the deals I don't know who cares you know who it is you can put any name there that you wanted next up we have the flower cup now I've actually played on a Matsuri circuit humpback pump a back pump and mushroom Peaks I've played through those in previous videos so the only track we're gonna have to check out is Boshi skate park and based on the thumbnail I think this is going to be a good one and I was right just look at it this looks okay this looks like it could be a real Mario Kart map can we talk about the overall quality of these Maps right now okay they're awesome I almost slipped on my own banana wait there's a path on the left there I kind of want to take that that jump leaves you awkwardly in the worst possible space you know with all these tracks that have come out I honestly wonder how Nintendo's response is going to be then not directly but I mean like you know it's been a long time since we've had a new Mario Kart game what ideas is Nintendo gonna come up with that a modder hasn't already made like a race like a skate park as a race track come on now that's like that that's brilliant of course it is oh God baby Daisy oh God baby Daisy why would you have to disrespect me like that right on this last lap I'm gonna be sure to make this left turn I want to see what's over here oh wait a minute wait a minute glider path shortcut hang on a second nope not a shortcut thought it was a shortcut it's not it left me on an awkward ramp while Luigi I'm gonna need you to go wait wait wait wait wait wait shortcut potential shortcut yo huge shortcut hang on nice Boshi skate park my it gets my seal of approval or get it seal like a seal seal of approval I am so sorry about that this is my apology video I would like to apologize for that joke it was frankly very unfunny and to all the seals watching this video not the Navy Seals but the seat like the seat like from the ocean seals I am so sorry I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me next we have the Star Cup and three of these I haven't played Kingdom way creep sea cape and nabbit's secret Island Yahoo oh God oh I almost got like the worst hiccups then but they like decided to spare me that's I really appreciate that oh my God holy saturation this this track is beautiful look at the colors dude you know what this kind of looks like it looks like a Mario Kart Arcade map is that is that where this is from because it really looks like it oh here you go Mario Kart it says rkg PDX so I was right they put another one just in case they forgot but it's it's correct I did have the the rare privilege of playing Mario Kart arcade at least once are we in rainbow road right now what is this I can't see in front of me what's happening you can barely see what's going on anyways I have had the privilege of playing Mario Kart arcade uh a few times I didn't realize that they were just in like almost every Dave and Buster's you know and and round one around the the country they're they're very common um and it's pretty cool because I would love to have oh my God imagine having one in your house yeah guys come on over you want to play some Mario Kart oh yeah you got the switch no I have Mario Kart arcade like in my living room imagine how cool that would be that was cool that was a cool map Alberto was back into the scene creep sea Cape okay sorry I was taking a swig of my you know what I don't know what that is but it tastes pretty good why is Birdo always a problem Birdo Birdo personal space she just made me waste of super horn in first place I'm supposed to save that for the blue shell or something I don't know not wasted on Birdo I don't know why I have such a strong dislike for Birdo I always have I distinctly remember playing Mario Kart Double Dash as a kid with my dad and he would always play Birdo and I hated it it made me resent my father you can see what it was play Berto and it wasn't even like he was better than me at Mario Kart and then it made me hate Birdo I just had an outright born burnt in hatred for Birdo as a character oh God here she comes oh my she heard me talking trash she's so mad she's up my ass would you please leave me alone go somewhere else dude boom baby first place I win yet again what else is new right Birdo has is approaching me with vengeance right now and I am not comfortable at all with this nabbit's secret Island not much of a secret is it it's the prettiest people living on it I must say as much as I love custom Mario Kart maps not a fan of the sharp turns where you have no idea where you're going when I do a sharp drift to the left and I get dropped off in the middle of nowhere it's a little scary oh God that I'm taking that turn way too sharp I see I can't control where I'm going because these sharp ass turns excuse me Morton looking ugly as ever that was unnecessary I didn't need to say that as I was lapping him I think the poor guy has dealt with enough you know in his life let alone from me who is even in second place I'm gonna take a wild guess and assume that it's Birdo because she's the she's an actual hater oh Donkey Kong that sucks dude that Bullet Bill dropped him off right in front of the in front of a Goomba that's a shame sucks to suck I guess that's what I get that's what I get for talking trash if I get Pat Baby Peach was in second place this whole time are you kidding oh no it wasn't thought it was baby Pete's drum roll please that was good bit excessive but I found it to be necessary it's time for the SP wait it's time for the special cop I had to make sure that was the right one my dice fell on the ground where did it go it's gone I'll never know what I just rolled oh no it's below me I just rolled a 14. I don't know what that means why is Birdo still here every single race she follows me everywhere I go leave me alone oh there's a drifting bit oh my God what is this where am I going oh no no will you put me back all the way back here all right legitu that's a capital punishment that's a little bit excessive don't you think I drift right on through here I sure can who's gonna drift Christ no no where are we going okay I was gonna see if I could drift through the entire track surely you can right there's gotta be a way where you can welcome to Jane moji's item smuggling Corner today we're going to be sneaking a Bullet Bill in the first place let me show you guys just how good I am in item smuggling I've watched so many tutorials online it's not even funny hold on first thing we got to do is um What's Happening Here oh oh no [Laughter] this is no no what's happening dude everything's fine don't worry guys everything's everything pull up bills had a little too much to drink but otherwise we're looking pretty good that was a lot to process if it was my decision to name the track I would name it overstimulation Nation because I feel like I just got hit with like LSD oh my God yeah this really is broken Rainbow Road what what is this Philadelphia where are we what is going on with this map right now it's like Rainbow Road fell onto the city below what is the look at the map where does this map even go this is weird Okay the arrow is clearly pointing to the right and to the right again I appreciate that I appreciate the arrows because Lord knows I don't know what I'm doing why are they coming from there am I going backwards what but the arrows are clearly pointing to the right oh they're going this way what what is this okay wait hold on this looks promising into the tunnel we go do we have to pay a toll this is so weird look at this this is a mess I mean it look they said it was broken Rainbow Road and they delivered on that so who am I to get mad right I'm not I'm not blaming them there's traffic cones everywhere these are not helping anyone oh they're preventing me from falling in the hole well hello hello hello hello Mario Kart I'm putting there's nothing happening what are you this isn't this is the this is the most broken Rainbow Road I've ever seen I don't I'm Gonna Leave it I'm Gonna Leave it right here just and just wait I think we straight up broke the game wait Bruno got free somehow maybe I'll get free wait a minute I'm holding out okay uh nothing is happening I'm just gonna I'm just gonna we're just gonna go on to the next one right okay well ignoring that we're moving on to the egg cup which has Mario circuit and Tall trunks big slide the other two I did play in recent videos so this should be interesting oh it's Mario circuit I played a version that was like a direct Port of it from Mario Kart Double Dash but this is like this is like a remake this is wild it's like a RTX on version of Mario Mario circuit from Mario Kart Double Dash I love this stupid song I'm sorry it's just it's a good song I can't help it you know what's funny I've never done a blue cell Dodge in this game I I dare you guys to throw a blue shell at me I'm gonna see if I can actually pull it off with a mushroom oh here comes one now running the challenge to me I see let's see if I can actually do it give it a few seconds give it a few seconds give it a few seconds and go okay it didn't it didn't work but the idea was there so okay maybe next time there oh we're on a plant gonna catch me slipping not today son Mario's circuit been here since oh when this game come out oh six oh three this game is old tall drunks big slide this is excuse me as I was saying this is a track from Mario Kart Galaxy what did I just say a map from Mario Galaxy in Mario Kart this was a Mario Galaxy 2 it was tree trunks slide whatever anyway it's cool and I always thought this would look good as a Mario Kart track the map is not very helpful wait does any gravity right if I can just I can just go anywhere theoretically except there oh my God okay I really hope in the vanilla game or in you know Mario Kart 9 or whatever they actually add a well there was music there for a second but I guess it's gone I do hope in Mario Kart 9 or in the booster pass whatever they add a Mario Galaxy themed level I feel like we don't actually have that right it does not that's not a thing yet I feel like it should be a thing and if anything it should be this honestly but actually convert it into a track so next up we're gonna do actually is the Shell Cup which has dry dry ruins boo Lake wasn't boo Lake added in the booster pass anyway Desert Hills and Bowser's Castle it is there it is good we get to compare boo Lakes I suppose wow this dry Joy ruins looks it looks pretty interesting this is the one from Wii isn't it also isn't it backwards or am I crazy oh no it is no it's the right way okay I'm immediately set out to criticize this map I haven't even [Music] I wasn't expecting is this like a cover this isn't the original song is it there's no way it is you could turn down the gain on this remix don't get me wrong it's badass but it's a couple decibels too loud I think the music's getting loud it's gonna be faster now too foreign wow um that was a very loud I mean loud I mean loud I mean fun experience that was a cool map dude nice job just turn down the gain a little bit I start just a lit it's not that much have mercy on my ears thank you okay next map here we go like dude relax I get it it's dry dry ruins I get it it's fine anyway here we go time for boo Lake tell you what I mean it looks identical to the booster pass version almost exactly it seems like they didn't do too much in the booster pass version other than change a couple textures wait a minute the original boo Lake have an anti-gravity portion I mean this is it it couldn't have right this looks a lot like the DLC and the original boo Lake wasn't like broken down because it's whoa It's a Game Boy map what is with this map I want to figure something out here oh God oh God I keep that's exactly what I did last time I did the exact same thing twice okay the results are in the test is done I am in fact an idiot don't you dare a third time I think his gpus are doing it too this is that's a hard jump to make dude I'd have to make this shop this shot killer yeah okay I didn't need to be as violent about it as I was but I felt it to be necessary this is from DS It's DS Desert Hills okay well thank you for answering that question immediately I appreciate that this is cool okay I Vibe with this those toes are huge the scale of Toad on custom maps is one of my favorite Niche details that never oh here we go with loud ass Desert Music again this kind of goes hard actually all right you get a pass on this one this one can be loud because it rules I mean both of them do I just I wasn't expecting it anyways I like that toad is never a proper scale sometimes he's really tiny and he's sitting on a leaf sometimes he's massive shouting at you from the sidelines that spiky guy is moving real quick what are they called spinies spiky spinies something like that I don't know Google it I guess oh low battery oh that's okay that could actually be a problem hang on they're trying to I just need to get through this race real quick I promise I'll charge it oh my God please stop whoa that guy's moving quick oh okay okay I almost ran straight into his face I just need my battery to hold out a little bit longer this music is definitely you're racing in the desert and your battery's about to die uh theme song I think it's definitely setting the mood right now okay map done charges battery my battery dies in the middle of me racing on custom tracks I'm going to be not a happy guy well Bowser's Castle this is this all just courses that were inevitably remade into the Wii I mean I'm it's cool I'm dope I'm down with it oh what did you do swamp he's in prison no poor guy he got arrested oh he's got felonies I don't know what he did to be punished but it's hilarious that he's in jail oh my God Bowser shooting lasers what why is Baby Peach immune to it she drove right through it babies are not immune to laser beams I can assure you oh God they're going to be executed they don't know it oh nothing not the Yoshi's being executed this is terrible these guys are unusually happy for prisoners all right baby peach your rain has lasted long enough it is time for me to take the Throne of first place here comes the blue shell finally I get to actually use the super horn on a blue shell which I don't think I've been able to do even once in this video all right no wait that's actually good I I still have the air horn no warning about that red shell though I really appreciate that what a cool move dude I want laser beams as a home security system nobody would ever have there would be zero robberies ever isn't there isn't it like there's a how there's a break-in in a house in the US every like 16 seconds or something like that there would be zero break-ins if every house had Bowser statue-esque laser beams installed in them I'm just saying if it were up to me if I was the president I would put laser beams in everyone's house I'm just saying I don't mean to get political I'm just saying that's the first owner of business okay next up is the Banana Cup um all of these are new to me especially woohoo Loop which I'm pretty sure is from DS it says 3DS I don't know why I tried to actually guess where it was from it literally says it right there if I could just read oh it's DK Mountain from from Double Dash anytime somebody ports over a Double Dash map or in this case I guess recreates it with RTX and shaders on it makes me excited because I have such fond memories of that game wow there's like bananas and little dudes on clouds this is actually really well done right inkling boy he's trying to get me to play Splatoon again I'm not gonna do it that was a Murder By the way what I just did just then could be classified as murder he's dead he's day I murdered his ass hey what happened to the bridge the bridge collapse that's terrible honestly the the Mushroom Kingdom infrastructure needs some serious budget reworking okay because the Donkey Kong bridge collapse of 2012 was one of the worst disasters of modern history donut planes too what's the difference between this and the other donut planes is this even a modded track it just looks like the regular donut planes in Mario Kart 8 wait a minute it's backwards though is that the only difference is that they took donut planes made it backwards or mirrored and then and then slapped a two on it okay no this is different maybe it is different maybe I'm just being a hater that's very likely oh yeah this is definitely different from donut plants okay cool you know I take it back I take it back this is cool it's a remake using the same elements but in a different form it's donut planes remix that's what we can call it or donut planes too I guess I don't know tell you what I'm having just as bad of a time on this map as I am on the original donut planes so if their goal was to make it as painful as the original um times two they achieved that for their stay back stay back stay away from me okay going up planes two Electric Boogaloo I mean it's a pretty good sequel I'm looking forward to the trilogy but for the most part pretty good oh Banshee Boardwalk I love the purple themed Mario Kart Maps those are always my favorite um I don't know about this one though oh God the hiccups I don't every time I play custom tracks I get a hiccups I don't want that right now dude I don't want it no I host I host tournaments at conventions um you know like panels and stuff where people come up and we we play these modded tracks on stage I did it at Pax I did it at too many games um doing it again this year I mean it happens all the time it's so much fun but what I want to do is like invite someone over to play Mario Kart who really likes Mario Kart and have these modded tracks on and not tell them so then when it just comes up they're just really really confused that's the fun of Moz right delivering the unexpected when you least expect it which I guess is what makes it unexpected anyways that's what I want to do so there's not much to say about this map other than you know it is Banshee Boardwalk and it is fun so good job loop from 3DS I've been looking forward to this one I have not played Mario Kart 7 in a long time revisiting the this map is gonna be exciting I think ah they really stuffed a bunch of people in that crowd look at all those bianthas and toads and whatever those things are I don't even know what those are the little shell guys don't know what they are but they are a real species and good for them music doesn't sound like woohoo Loop music um some of these tracks do have custom music the other ones just seem to use music from the course that they overlap which is fine wait this is three full laps this is a long track I don't even think the one in Mario oh wait oh wait wait wait we're already at two I thought it was three laps that go the whole thing around I was like damn how much woohoo Loop can one man take cool map Jake took me back to the Scout the stab whatever hook me back to nostalgiaville that's what I was trying to say whatever came out sounded like an engine breaking down but anyways that was cool next map next up we have DS Mario circuit GameCube rainbow road which I'm extremely excited about Mario circuit again oh 3DS Mario circuit and N64 DK jungle Parkway Leaf cups looking pretty promising let's get into it oh this one looks good this looks like a good track I'm excited to race on this what's up toad having a good time up there you look great man something new with your hair or your toad thing whatever bye as if I cared this idiot actually thought I cared idiot all right moving on I feel like I've played this I played it in Mario Kart tour that's where I played this from they have this track in Mario Kart tour and I played a lot in there I think I'm pretty sure I don't know is it in the booster pass might be in the booster pass I don't even know these days for somebody who loves Mario Kart as much as I do I'm very out of touch with what is actually playable in Mario Kart like I played so many modded courses if the booster pass doesn't even feel real the lines are blurring between what is modded and what is actually what I paid for is this whole map anti-gravity it's like anti-gravity drift marks everywhere but we are not racing on anti-gravity as a weird detail that I know it is it doesn't matter what matters is it was a fun course and I liked it oh stretch am I just an over dramatic stretcher be honest you know in fact don't be honest I I don't want to hear I don't want to know I've said this a couple times on this channel before I'm sure and I've said it a couple times in this video but I have very fond memories of Mario Kart Double Dash and I especially have fond memories of rainbow road they even changed the music this is so awesome I love this guys let me know if I have a beautiful singing voice don't everyone's gonna be so mean why'd I even ask that up up and away oh wow this map actually looks really good I think it looks like it's from Double Dash why am I rocking the Mario Kart TV glider the blue shell just skip me look at it oh dude rainbow road is looking out for me yet again baby oh it is really has no idea where it's going on the map nice dude saved by Rainbow Road once again 3DS Mario circuit this is also one that I've raced uh in Mario kartor a lot which by the way I've said it before but I'll say it again Mario Kart tour big fan of that game would I pay for it no what am I stupid but is it a fun game to play when you're bored sitting under a hair dryer for an hour from personal experience I could say yes oh Baby Peach is being a hater right now because I'm in her castle girl you are one years old who let you drive is what I'm trying to find out see if that hits her it did I actually didn't think that was gonna hit her but according to the map it was a direct shot skirt skirt skirt hit them breaks that's one of the coolest that's not cool but it's a weird word to use to describe that but it's one of the most useful things I've actually learned in Mario Kart is to use your brakes like not even in just 200 cc I know in 200 cc you kind of have to use your brakes but in regular with 150 cc like this on vanilla maps not these on vanilla maps you can use your brakes and it actually comes in handy a lot when you're hitting sharp turns you're going too fast and ever since I've been doing that dude I have been Unstoppable I won 400 Mario Kart championships I'm the top player in the US I got like 300 sponsorships and I'm a billionaire oh one of those things is untrue and the answer is all of them all of them are untrue but I do like Mario Kart so that's true alright 3DS Mario circuit you know what that was pretty good or was this Peach's castle Mario circuit or whichever one this is this one's good I don't remember the name of it it was a long time ago that I heard it oh DK's jungle Parkway I used to love this back in the Wii this was one of my favorite Maps I don't know why it's nothing particularly exciting about it but I was a big fan of it I don't know why I like this map it looks really good in this game actually maybe I'm just a fan of that Skybox because everywhere that's everything that Skybox touches I seem to like aesthetically wow this is a genius move driving right into the spinach grass expert cart racing as previously mentioned why did I waste that no I was trying to stop the item box from rolling and then I didn't realize it gave me the super horn already so I just used it completely uselessly I would like to let it be known that I think it would be an amazing feature that if in this game or the next Mario Kart game whatever they made a feature where you can hold two items just like you can now but you can change them like in Double Dash right because in Double Dash you can switch characters and and it'll change the item that you have in hand versus the item you're holding what if you could just press a button now that would just swap the item that you have imagine the strategy that you could have with that dude this game would be way more intuitive if I could just swap well this is a bad example because I would just be swapping bananas that's not that's not exactly a you know a useful strategy but theoretically if I had like a super horn and a coin and I could swap them that'd be really useful they're never gonna add that the more I think about it the more overpowered that would be for first place they're never gonna make that a feature but it would be cool if they did and just like that DK's jungle is complete that was actually really good I really like that map I mean I always did but this recreation in this game was cool too so on to the next one next up we have the lightning cup I don't think I've played any of these maps and they're all dark and gloomy so we're surely we're gonna have a good time over here Airship Fortress I've I've played on this map many times not on Mario Kart 8 Deluxe but on other Mario Kart games such as but not limited to the aforementioned Mario Kart tour I think they had this in 3DS right isn't that where this is from isn't this from 3DS my ignorance is showing is what this channel is about I should just rename it from jmoji to my ignorance is showing I think that'd be good for marketing purposes why would I stop doing that this map is broken I'd like to call the police and report a broken map sorry I don't want to get the police involved that's unnecessary they're not gonna do anything about this all right that was pretty dope that was kind of fun I I Vibe with that oh it's 3DS Wario Shipyard yeah okay this one I do like the toads have little snorkels that's cute because they're underwater if they didn't have the snorkels they would die what a good anatomically accurate detail I do appreciate that very much I remember when I had it when I had a 3DS I mean I still have my 3DS but when I first got it and I first got Mario Kart 7. I just this the sight of this track and some of the other tracks we've raced on today are reminding me of just playing Mario Kart 7 on like really long road trips like half of my family lives way down south so my mom and I would just take you know eight hour long road trips and I would just be playing Mario Kart 7 the whole time those were the days when things were simpler and I didn't have to pay taxes God what good times those were oh look at the shortcut look at the shortcut dude you're literally garbage link just quit the game and uninstall please was that too mean to say to link the hero of Hyrule probably right I don't really understand all the swinging pendulums oh I think they they think they're supposed to be anchors usually they're anchors but they don't have anchors in this game not that they could have couldn't have put them in every item in this game can be swapped with something else oh well it doesn't matter who am I to critique right an idiot no idiots don't get to critique we get to enjoy and that's what I did to this map I enjoyed it laughs wait wait wait wait wait a minute wait a minute I didn't think we were doing it like that that was not that's not what it looked like in the Wii he was like foreboding and freaky and cool lookingly in the Wii that is not what what is going on here where did they get that model from you know what that is oh my God that's that's uh the Bowser Mecca Bowser from Super Mario Sunshine I never thought I would see that in Mario Kart of all things but you you see something new every day when you play Mods I guess how do swamps reproduce you know what I'm saying like they got ah maybe I should maybe I should stop asking questions I don't want to know the answer to or they don't want me to know the answer to clearly it was like don't don't you dare ask about our reproductive Anatomy dude well that was Bowser's Castle Mario Kart Wii not exactly as I remember it if anything better N64 Wario Stadium Oreo when he's going have a Rotten Day that's what Oreo says something like that right wow dude could you print your face more on the wall please I feel like I don't even know who owns this track anymore you know this is kind of one of the most infamous at least to me the most infamous the most well-known Mario Kart 64 tracks when I think of Mario Kart 64 aside from Rainbow Road I don't really I can't imagine seeing any of them maybe I should play Mario Kart 64 to educate myself on what I'm getting into because there's clearly a lot that I'm missing out on okay well not too remarkable of a map but I will say it was well put together I really appreciate the attention to detail such as Wario's face iterated 723 times all the way around the stadium great marketing frankly so good map next up we have the Triforce cup with Mario circuit again Mario circuit 2 which is inaccurate that's like Mario circuit 7 and sunset Forest construction zone is a Logan cart map that I did play before sure to check it out because it's wild but the other ones are new to me so we're gonna try these out oh this is Mario's circuit from Mario Kart Wii okay it is actually like the seventh Mario Kart circuit but it's it but it's still it's a okay this is cool this is cool I'm about this you know what's interesting to me that I I often forget while we're playing the Triforce cup um it's kind of reminding me that the Triforce cup actually was DLC for Mario Kart 8 like on the Wii U so Mario Kart 8 Deluxe features the DLC from Mario Kart 8 and has its own DLC plus I have mods on top of it where we're playing maps from Mario Kart Wii this is the farthest from Mario Kart 8 as you can possibly get oh god oh my god dude why'd you look shiny like an oiled up spiny shell does he slick through the air better if he's oiled up that's gross I don't like it Bruno is back I thought you were gone dude Berto is back and is being a hater and is ready to ruin my day not today Birdo you Pink Dinosaur freak Mario circuit two why'd they name it that was a lot like donut planes too in a second wait a minute something something's not right here I'm starting to notice some overlap going on you know I'm definitely starting to think that Mario circuit 2 and donut Planes 2 are actually just the same map but retextured because this looks a lot similar I guess there are some differences but it looks pretty similar I mean not too much to say about this map other than it is Mario circuit um in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and that's good for it I suppose and there's pipes everywhere and I can't stop running into them good for me I didn't realize this but I actually did play Sunset Forest that was one of the first modded courses I ever played years ago now now that means we only have I guess two left because the parking lot is a notorious Mario Kart map everyone knows that one I played that like 40 times a volcanic Skyway I've played before too so makawa what Maka woohoo and Rainbow Road those the only two left let's do it let's do it let's just get it over with I'm excited for these I always there's so many Rainbow roads dude it's awesome I don't see Birdo anywhere so hopefully this is a this is a clear Coast we can enjoy the rest of our day without seeing Birdo um and without being disrupted over the mud piles ah Mario gets stuck in the mud you don't drive in the mud stupid you don't have an off-road vehicle idiot stupid idiot God damn it there I go trying to drive in the water like I got an all-terrain vehicle idiot just throwing things at me don't do that that's rude throwing things is rude and your mother should have taught you better go this backwards my mother didn't teach me better so I get to throw things you guys don't Mako woohoo you are done consider it defeated that was a cool map that was fun that was exciting but nothing compares to my excitement for yet another and one final Rainbow Road GBA Rainbow Road this looks a little different than Iron Man whoa okay I'm I like this I'm feeling this Emma road is just truly like the final boss of every Mario Kart cup I think every cup we've played in has had a Rainbow Road in it and that's a lie many of them haven't I don't know why I just said that just that's just misinformation honestly what is this music dude oh my God this rocks I don't know where this is from I know it's not from the original map but this rules dude it's it's like a Mario Kart Wii remix and it goes so hard Cisco where's this go oh snap oh I would have been so cool if I could have pulled it off dang dude ah he took my coins too he's a garbage all right we're gonna go the red way the Red River oh they actually split the colors that's so sick how do they do that that's actually really cool I just want to see if I can drive on the cloud you can oh dude epic shortcut that worked out perfectly it definitely didn't waste any time and it was totally worth it to do that uh-oh now would be a great time to get a horn great time not a bomb that's the opposite of what I need man come on and the lightning why does this game hate me no no I have come in first every single time I will not lose to Wendy on Rainbow Road no way oh that was too close you almost had me you thought me you thought you had me Wendy we got through all the courses we played every single one that I haven't played yet and we are done check out the mod it's in the description if you want to check it out subscribe to this channel if you want to see more modded Adventures because there's a whole lot of crazy stuff out there we have yet to see and thanks for watching see you next time [Music] thank you
Channel: JayMoji
Views: 143,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jaymoji, nintendo switch, mario kart, modded mario kart 8 deluxe, mk8d
Id: 8hZ3zW8-0NI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 3sec (2163 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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