Splatoon 3 But if I Lose You Get BANNED

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have you ever wanted to be banned from my twitch chat without having to do any of the hard stuff like saying a really bad word we're coming into my chat and saying that I sound like Chris Pratt I do not sound like him stop saying that well now getting banned from jamoji's Live Chat is easier than ever in this stream all you had to do was suggest a Splatoon 3 weapon and if I picked that weapon and lost a game with it you'd be banned for life and by life I mean 24 hours it's not that big of a deal calm down and if you miss this stream don't worry about it I stream weekly on twitch.tv jmoji so go check it out are you guys ready are you guys ready Chad the first one of the night are you guys ready let her rip oh look at all those weapon suggestions and stop the big Swig what a great one to start with all right Prince your life is on the line of course I'm doing Anarchy open because Sirius would be stupid at Best come on Jay come on I'm not that bad with this weapon or maybe this weapon is that bad with me it's all a mindset thing if I switch it around a little bit maybe it's all little bit different than what we expect hey guys we have the lead don't be don't be saying your prayers so soon okay ye have little faith in me chat Emoji use Splash wall challenge it is a challenge leave me it's not a challenge see look there it is I did it did it help no just because someone else gets banned doesn't mean I'm not gonna give this my all dude come on get him no oh no oh no no no no no this is that I should not have died oh I should not have died no oh I tried I'm serious I tried listen Prince no hard feelings I tried my best friends has been timed out for 87 000 seconds the first casualty of the night and it didn't even take one game guys I warned you I warned you before getting into this that this is going to be brutal this is not gonna be easy it's not gonna be fun we're gonna cry we're gonna have a miserable time squid balls with a z suggests bamboozler very enthusiastically with all capital letters while squid balls I'll tell you what and boozler not my thing ooh they have a ten umbrella and a Dynamo we are getting adventurous with these comps today huh said the man wielding a bamboozer that he has no idea how to use just takes two hits to kill a man it's very easy it's very that's a horrible scented set of context but when talking about Splatoon that's the truth it's what you want to hear it's what you want to know come on come on Jay get a Splat you can do this competent I think I'm gonna heavily rely on the autobombs to help me out here oh let's go never mind I'm goaded squid balls I hope you have a wonderful statement ready yeah squid balls you might you might be surviving you might be the the first Survivor of today's brutal Purge I think squid balls might live to see another day which is not a sentence I saw myself saying but it ends up being the truth squid balls you'll get to live congratulations not that the alternative is that we kill you we just ban you from chat whatever happens afterwards not our consequence well that's a win so good balls congratulations you're our first survivor of the day all right folks it's time for our next weapon suggestion chat have your weapons suggestions locked and loaded ah Bloom Doom says blobber with a bucket and um uh bubble Emoji they also have a blobber on their team so I can only assume that means they're being dared to play the weapon nobody plays blob or voluntarily cue all the blob remains in chat who are going to tear me to Pieces forever alright so I will say as much as I don't love the blobber it's a pretty good splatones weapon there's another blobber player on that team maybe I could study their gameplay as I'm playing with the weapon and get better like in the middle of this game you know what I'm saying maybe that's how we do they're gonna win no they're gonna win I didn't even realize they were just counting down the timer wow okay that was a very quick game and a very quick and hopefully painless ban for boom Doom sorry Bloom Doom you guys have been giving me some really weird suggestions like you would have a better chance of surviving if you pick a weapon that I'm good with ah cream bevro says reflux now that's not necessarily a weapon that I'm good with in fact it's probably the weapon that I'm worse with what cream this is your funeral you asked for it here we go okay I don't know how to use this weapon come on man what to begin with oh my god dude are you kidding what leave me another very quick game oh my God I think that was actually faster than the last game good Lord these are massacres dude green bevro I am sorry I am sorry but you are banned you you are like undeniably banned closed casket funeral banned I am not throwing just to see how many people I can ban we can ban everyone I wouldn't kill let's try this again with a weapon that I'm capable with because you guys are you guys are enabling these these instant losses these wipeouts okay so I want to see some good suggestions here we go Chad ah s Stark magic suggested the ink brush why not just mess around and have a horrible time uh how long for the cold Embrace of death and Jay to develop carpal tunnel well conveniently those two things can happen in a matter of 30 seconds with the ink brush but if I like spam like this I'm taking the controller to do this what happens he can swing pretty fast with that that's not bad at all it hurts you I accidentally pulled up the map I keep pulling up the map by accident damn it okay so this method only works if you don't have giant hands like I do guys go go go somebody get in there everyone's dead and we wiped out another game where we wipe out in immediately okay now at this point I'm thinking maybe I should stop picking weapons that I know I'm not good with maybe I should just search the chat for the Nautilus and play the Nautilus because this is this is bad well s dark magic it's been it was it was an honor having you here but you're you're getting banned there is no mercy for you at all dark let it be known Jayden develop enough carpal tunnel playing your weapon yeah that's true you you died he died in vain Chad this is not ends and I think we've played five games I think only one person has survived we need to really change the game here because this is not ending very well at all okay Amy says this time whatever weapon is closest to being a strawberry open to your interpretation no I I like a bit of open-ended um what weapon is closest to being a strawberry I would argue the nzap is because it's red and it's smaller um but you could also argue that znf splatter scope is kind of like blueberry and strawberry splatter scope actually I think the Clash Blaster Neo just basically looks like a strawberry so that being said Amy your life is on the line good luck I am going to die well at least he's content with that you know what I mean I certainly can't comfort you out of that okay well I'll tell you what we're on Mackle Mart the one time that I won today was on macko March so maybe that can be repeated uh and we're yellow the color of gold this is what you get when you get first place which I'm about to I'm just talking out of my ass at this point I I really don't know how this is gonna end okay well it's gonna end in me getting absolutely shot in the face by this charger I promise Amy I promise I'm trying I'm not trying to get you banned that's not my I'm on your side we both want you to want me to win we have the lead uh for now I'm gonna keep my mouth shut actually because that can be revoked from us almost instantaneously think about the strawberry Blaster is I can be extremely sneaky with it watch this never mind don't watch this close your eyes turn the stream off and look away we can do this guys we can do this we can finally get a win Amy you might be able to survive this yice there we go congratulations Amy you live to see another Jay Moji stream uh never doubt me with the Clash Blaster man the strawberry Clash Blaster who would have guessed okay so this is a little based but splatano wiper lover that's their actual username suggests play splitana wiper as if I even needed to tell you that that's what they suggested but you gotta respect the Sultana wiper passion and so I will be doing exactly that I have a Stamper on that side it's almost as if every time I play a weapon that same weapon or a version of that weapon is on the other team just to embarrass me I'm getting in my own head it doesn't matter how many kills we get that's it even though I want to get a lot of kills and I want to feel like a cool guy that's not necessarily uh what dictates if we win or lose right I just need to win the game and this is obviously not going very well good Lord lost the lead that's kind of exactly what I didn't want to see nice oh nice wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute I can prove myself for the stamp throw it I count that that's that's good I got someone and I got another person let's go I'm cooking chat I'm cooking we got three seconds left maybe we can maybe we can do something over time over time go go go no no no they're gonna get it go go go go go go ah I'm sorry splatano wiper lover oh that's such a shame they were so enthusiastic about this botano wiper I let them down at least it wasn't an immediate knockout right at least like I put up a good fight with the spartana so we're it's getting better the weapon is the jet squelcher but what's making me laugh is jet squelter was suggested by a user by whose actual username is devious stinky oh man now that is a sentence I've been waiting to say ever since I was a child the modes have changed to tower control oh you got lucky that the modes just changed on time but they might have just finessed a tower control Victory without even realizing it uh in doubt thank you for the gift that's up to jaymoji's Broken headphones my headphones aren't broken they are completely intact well anyways okay Diva sticky suggests Jets quilter let's go ahead and give them a shot why is that someone's Twitch account why is that a thing so much range requires a lot of aim and that is something that I don't have for sure everyone's dead my whole team is dead oh my God everyone's dead let's see what I can do here here we go here we go wait a minute I got one kill that's pretty good right I might not guarantee a win but it guarantees 30 to life in prison instead let's be smart about it and do oh shoot I'll suck you dude you'll suck me I'll suck you you know what I take back all of this that was just that was embarrassing and I hope I hope everyone forgets that I said that just kidding just kidding boom baby I'm awesome at this game let's go goddamn Oh I'm great now that moment's immortalized I had to get an awesome triple kill after I say the most sus thing I could possibly say oh no oh we almost traded oh we almost traded but we didn't because I'm better chewed him off get the charger he's dangerous got him nice let's go baby devious stinky you live to see another day mint sof says Neo Splash now this this weapon I do like and mint soap I think you have a good chance of surviving with this in my hands I will say I'm not usually I'm Not The Confident type but today I am oh oh oh okay watch they know where I am damn it they know where I am leave me alone if a guy runs behind a wall running from you just leave him alone dude good Lord they do not like me they had they had a motivation to kill dude no I was an innocent Splash having the worst time of my life right now let them get them get them no oh dude I went into this so confident of my capabilities with this weapon think how messed up that is I gave mint so all this confidence I was like I got this I'm gonna nail this like you are in good hands don't even worry about it another band now now the shame is on me now I look like the jerk cause I am frankly bro spoiled the ending it wasn't even the ending it was the wrong ending I spoiled the ending and then delivered a more disappointing ending at least devious stinker is alive yeah well you yeah if you want to look at the bright side I got no kills that game I barely participated in that round well mint self is banned forever rest in peace uh time to go ban another person huh covalent suggests the ZF scope this is a cool weapon dude it's vaguely reminiscent of the Bento splatoscope which is a weapon that I maimed half a decade ago so hopefully hopefully my skills are still with me and covalent can survive oh is it bad oh oh that looked painful hang on there we go I got somebody nice dude oh Jesus don't scare me like that I might not even need to play dude I am I am barely participating as is I mean look at these shots dude who whiffs harder than me ah come on well we won anyway it's my most embarrassing splatter scope gameplay that I've delivered in the last 10 years and I've just only been out for like what seven but you know what cobalent you get to live yet another day congratulations you chose the right weapon and and God has delivered mercy on you so good for you all right chat we're on a good streak right now I mean it's a streak of one but it's a streak nonetheless we're blowing through this right now we are getting people are living people are dying this is just we're speed running a plague it's kind of what's going on in the chat chiarito has gifted a lot of subs and I haven't picked a weapon that they've suggested they're suggesting the zinc mini splatling now I would hate to ban someone who just gifted like 20 Subs but it's not I'm not above that so now is when we end up going to uh Hammerhead Bridge couldn't do that while I had the charger I could really show off my charger skills but I like Hammerhead bridge and it's good for splatlings and Chargers as you can see uh like I was trying to prove before yes we have two uh zinc mini splatlings on this team but clearly somebody else is attempting this challenge now if we lose does dough get double band they get banned for 48 hours okay I have a really good special for tower control and I would love to use it if I wouldn't stop dying don't do the Cha-Cha Slide on the tower control tower with a slow Tana Stamper you're not gonna win I don't know why I thought I could get away with that hang on hold that thought I know you want me dude uh Splatoon 3 for the Nintendo switch plus 20 online expansion Pass Plus the DLC plus the Splatoon Pro Controller two and three Edition just naming my setup at this point all the things that are failing me this is the end credits of my life who's on the doubt get on the tower no one's on the tower really we're overextending and the tower is just leaving I'm gonna get my face sniped off any second now oh my God help I was seconds away from having my special Wipeout finally something productive Shield go okay we're good we're safe we're safe all that was the most clutch Shield I could have possibly done and it's gone nice dude Booyah all right shall we don't congratulations you live to see another day I have proven myself as a splatling Mane and I haven't let anyone down let's go baby would have lost if it wasn't for the DC I don't want to hear no I don't want to hear that that doesn't mean that I'm ignoring that I'm ignoring that it's not true you know what let's make let's make it very interesting we're gonna ban the person who suggested the weapon if I lose plus five more random people the stakes are high right now so you better be careful what you pick six people could get banned in one go all right here we go I'm liking it ghost garbage we're going with your weapon the squeezer speaking of garbage uh the squeezer I'm kidding I'm kidding calm down calm down I see the hate comments already I see them I see what they say I'm just being facetious okay it's a completely reasonable weapon all right now squeezer now here's a weapon that I really don't know what the hell I'm doing but I'm Booyah I'm gonna boo you on my team and act like I do know what I'm doing so that they don't get discouraged right off the bat because the moment you see a squeezer player you're like oh my God we're either so screwed or this is gonna be a 20 second win and little do they realize it's the former option um but I want to make sure I go in with a Fighting Chance I say as I get squished to death by a Dynamo roller get this platonamaine please come on I'm trying my best guys I really am I know six people are gonna get banned in about 20 seconds oh no I'm sorry guys I'm sorry oh I tried my best and it wasn't enough and now six people are getting banned oh no ghost garbage is gone and he says so glad I'm not getting banned well someone X stars is banned rest in peace uh Shadows nut sack rest in peace banned for life dude that was the hardest one to get rid of SOS 0766 who more who else is it gonna be oh I see Karma uh penne pasta no the second greatest username of the recent bands oh man we've banned 12 people so far and there's one weapon left and again if I lose with this weapon six people total will be banned let's try and let's make this a good one okay now look I know I said I wouldn't be in favor of usernames I never said that I actually never said that funny usernames are the best I would never in my life voluntarily pick up the sniper her but guacamole poop grenade suggested it and I can't turn an eye to that this is gonna hurt real bad we're gonna die we're so in danger dude snipe writer are you serious you guys are screwed I think I picked up this weapon once when it first came out and I haven't picked it up since for the exact reason that you just saw does anybody like this like it's been a while since this weapon was released does anybody actually did we find out that like people like it or not I find it enduring I got sniped by an actual good uh sniper the splatanadian tornado Hector this is a this is a bad time for me oh God I'm gonna die to a crab you guys said this is like kind of midline if it's midline then I need to play Frontline that's that's kind of the handicap that I need to enact here straight you sure they weren't calling it mid no maybe that actually now that I think about it that might explain it it's midline and it's also just a mid weapon but wait I just realized through all this complaining that I'm delivering and as frustrated as I may be we have the lead we're actually winning oh okay maybe I spoke too soon maybe I should have pointed that out because uh now we wiped out and they're gonna counter push uh-oh oh get on get on go Google somebody go get the tower yes yes we did it guacamole poop grenade you live to see another day and that is the I am so proud to say those words in front of 400 people I this is the greatest day of my life of all weapons that I would win with I would have never thought that the snipe writer would have been the one everybody is safe we'll never know who those people are that we're gonna get banned it could have been any one of you could have even been you if you're watching on Twitch but you probably weren't one [Music]
Channel: JayMoji
Views: 80,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jaymoji, nintendo switch, splatoon 3, splatoon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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