Can we win after WAITING 20 seconds? | Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

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[Music] This combo is so tall. [laughs] I'm  next to a Yoshi Biddybuggy, and he’s a pixel   on my screen. Today I am with my good friend Rod,  and we are gonna wait 20 seconds together. I've   done this challenge before, but it nearly killed  me. So, let's see if having a teammate makes this   easier. Isn't that crazy? That's already halfway.  Oh, that's true. Yeah, we're only doing 20. Oh,   okay. Yeah, we're almost good to go. 17, 18, 19,  20. Let's go! Let's go! Hey Rod [laughs] Hey man.   Sorry I took two item boxes. Sorry if that got  you. No I got my triple shrooms—not that they're   useful, but it's all good. [Music] Oh, got the  coins. That's crazy, that's crazy. Okay, there   was a hidden banana that I couldn't see because  of Petey Piranha. [laughs] No I ran into the   wall because I’m Petey Piranha. Okay there’s a  bullet extension, but there's no point. I'm just   gonna use a bullet right away. I have shock.  Okay, nice. I have a bullet after my golden.   I'm gonna use it in the shortcut, probably. Yeah,  you should use it in the shortcut. I'll wait. I   don't have another item set coming up soon anyway.  Oh, I have shock. Okay, wait, so dodge me in the   next few seconds, and I'm gonna have shock.  Are you in a bullet? No. Yeah, go, go, go.   Okay, now you get a dodge, and I can  dodge. No, I missed the item. Okay,   you're gonna have to wait to use that shock.  That's okay. I'm in sixth place with shock.   Okay, cool, cool, cool. I'm still in 11th,  but that means I'll probably get a dodge here.   Okay, I have a bullet. Oh, I'll use it now. Just  go. Alright, now. Alright, oh, I got the blued.   Okay, we're good. Wait, I also got shocked. What?  What? You got shocked? I think someone else used   the shock, like, at the same time. Oh, it wasn't  your shock? Well, that's actually hilarious. Like,   I hit the button, and the shock happened. It  just wasn't my shock. Okay, but this is fine   still. [Music] I might be able to—I don't  know if I can. Dude, I'm in first place!   What? I just realized. Oh, that's you in first?  Okay, then we're good. Then we're good. Okay,   it didn't happen. Oh, I messed up. I messed up.  Oh, my hitbox is so big I almost couldn't dodge   the car. Oh yes I got first [laughs] We're getting  top two, we’re getting top two. Yo what?! We did   it. Wait, that was our first try. [laughs]  That was literally our first attempt. [laughs]   All Japanese players. Oh, my God. Should we  be, like, 25? Should we try to build up? Yeah,   this room stands no chance if we wait 20 seconds.  Oh, wait, yes, 25. Four, five. Okay, there we go.   Across the line at 26. I crossed at 28. Big oops.  Okay, oh no, I'm grabbing coins. We got it. We got   this. I believe. I got a bullet. I should use  it on this shock after bill. On this shortcut,   I have shock after bill. Okay,  use it immediately. Okay,   thanks. Perfect. Oh, I chained  perfectly. That was great. Nice,   because I had a golden afterwards, so I  couldn't risk it. Yeah, I mean, I couldn't wait.   There's a red shell on the turn. That's funny.  I broke it with my bill. Oh, great chain. Oh,   I'm gonna take these shortcuts. Oh wow our  handling is really bad. It's so bad. I fell   off. Well, I was like, whoa, I'm in ninth. No,  no, there's like 10 people in this room. I have   another shock. I have another shock. Oh, okay,  I have a dodge right now. Just use it. [Music]   I kind of helped out first place,  they were getting blued, but oh well.   I have a golden now. Well, I'm  in fifth with a golden. Okay,   oh, don't fall off. Don't fall off. I  have to stop here. Oh, geez, the handling.   Oh, this—I'm getting red shelled. Nooo!  I'm getting red shelled again. Oh,   I see you now. That was so dumb, and I didn't  get an item. Oh, that could have been so good.   Is that you I just saw? Yeah, I got fourth. I  got seventh. Okay, that was not too bad. I got   red shelled twice in fifth. I think we can do 25  seconds. I really do. We just need to get luckier.   Get ready, get ready. 24, 25. Yo, you're going  backwards. Okay, I crossed at 27. We're all good.   Oh, I couldn't get a mini turbo. Okay,  I'm gonna stop. Same. Bullet, same. Okay,   bullet. Take top path, please. No, it didn't. My  first time bullet, why are you going there? That   was so bad. Wow, that was the slowest, slowest  bullet. At least I got to chain. Yeah, I feel   like I did not get very far with that bullet at  all. Oh, my God. I drove out of bounds. [laughs]   The handling. Oh, I was slightly too fast. I got  my plane wider. Oh, my God, it's huge. [laughs]   This is hilarious. Staying out in the back  with someone on an equally goofy combo. [Music]   Got another golden. Oh, I have shock. Okay,  okay, you can use it. Nice. Okay, okay. I mean,   that was so late. They're almost done. No, no,  we have time. We have time. I believe. [Music]   Oh, they're rounding the last corner. Maybe  this room is a lot better than the last room.   [Music] I know there are a lot of shortcuts,  though. There’s a banana on the cut. [Music]   Golden. Ugh this sucks. Okay, but I'm starting  to see people. Oh, the bullet extended. I'm   gonna have to look back and see when that  will help where I use that bullet as well.   I have shock. Oh, I bullet. Now.   Sweet, thank you. I'm in fifth. I'm in fourth.  Go, go, go. I'm in third. I'm in second.   Blue shell. No blue shell. Oh, it went for the  other person. Go, go, go. No, I got red shelled.   The second red shell, please don't be a third  one. I'm coming as well. I'm coming as well.   I'm gonna star. Come on, don't take my item.  Oh, I got a single item. It's a banana. No,   this is not gonna work. [Music] First place needs  to mess up. I was so close. Oh, that was so close.   Wow, that one Yoshi ruined everything.  A red shell, and he was gone. Okay,   so there's some shortcuts on this, which is  really good for us. And it's not a long track,   but it's not a short track. I'm gonna  go for the items over here. Yeah, same.   Damn, I only got one. Same. Oh, I'm so bad  at that. I'm gonna get this box. Never mind,   I missed it. Okay, oh, the bullet's  gonna get this one for me. Let's go.   I have shock. I have shock. I don't  have a dodge yet. All good, all good.   I'm gonna try and get items up here, see if I can  grab them. Okay, I got two. I have a dodge. Let's   go. All right, nice. Dude, Petey is so big that  he got stuck on the spin booster. [laughs] Oh,   I spin boosted twice on the spin rooster. Being  big is actually like such a big problem for us.   Oh, I was scared—I was gonna hit my  head on the ceiling. That was so funny.   Okay, I'm gonna go for one item,  and then bullet. Same. [Music]   I have a blue shell. I mean, that white Yoshi does  have a breakaway. I'm coming to take it. [Music]   Triple shrooms. Let's use this wisely or  just— I have shock. chain here. Have it   again. I don't have an item yet. Okay, go.  I don't think anyone else dodged. Sweet.   You are so far behind, though. Yeah, I'm  really out of this. I'm in fourth. Go, go,   go. I feel like it's either you're that  far behind or you're in fourth. Like,   I have not been doing well. Okay, I'm only in  third, though. I'm probably not gonna get a good   spot. I don't think I'm gonna get last. Yeah, I'm  getting third. Oh, yeah, you might not get last.   Come on, Rod. Oh, let's go. I got eight.  Oh, that's pretty good. That's pretty   good. You beat four people. Those  four people should be embarrassed.   Oh my God, you're bumping me. Sorry, sorry.  All right, I can't even see these coins.   Bullet, star. Let’s use it. All  right, I'll try to get the shock here.   Coins, please. Oh, the bullet takes the  worst path. I should have told you that.   Oh, the bullet led me into a wall. [laughs] Why  is there no extension there? Trust the process on   Cheep Cheep Beach. Shock. Okay, I'm in a bull—  I'm in a bill. Maybe just go. Yeah. [Music]   Bill, no. I did it at the bad bill spot. No, you  have to go in the water. [laughs] I literally,   the moment I pressed it, I was like, "Rod just  told me this." Okay, wait, we see people, though.   Yeah, I'm all over the place. Oh my God. Oh my,  I'm in seventh? No, someone took my box. [Music]   what? Oh, I see you. I got hit by a banana. Oh  no, I have no dodge. Someone stole my mushrooms,   but I see you. You're right there. I know.  Trust the process. Trust the process.   This is doable. Probably not, but maybe.   I got second. Red shell. No, I got red  shelled like a frame before the line.   [laughs] Oh, you got second. Second somehow. Wow,  you trusted the process. I did not believe. I got   hit by two items. Hyrule Circuit, wow. This is  actually really bad. It's a short track and,   um, if you want to take the final  shortcut, you miss the item box. [Music]   I have shock. Okay, cool. Okay, I have  a bullet. All right, we might, maybe,   off to a good start. Maybe we'll get three shocks.   All right, I'm in the bullet. Yeah. Oh, the  bullet takes that turn so sharp. It is so nice.   Should I get—I'll get item, take one for the  team. Oh, bullet. Nice. Okay, so I'm gonna use   the bullet into the shortcut. That way it grabs  the item box, otherwise it goes around. Yeah,   okay, cool, cool. Please, shock, please. I got  a star. Everyone's so far ahead. This track   is impossible. My plane glider is huge. No, no,  we're catching up. We're catching up. I believe.   Shock. You have it? Yeah. Do you have another  dodge? No, I got a blue. Oh my God. Okay. Oh,   I blued you. All right, I'm gonna get this  double and then we gotta go. You didn't hit me,   you didn't hit me. We're good. I got  a golden. Oh my God, it waits so long.   Okay, it's okay. Yeah, you  can go, you can go. Oh, sweet.   Okay, okay, we're catching, we're catching up.   Oh my God, this is so bad. What was that line?   How am I gonna take this shortcut? Someone tell  me how this—oh, I took the shortcut. [Music]   I got third place. I got fifth. I passed four  people at the line. Wow, okay, that was actually,   like, one of the worst tracks you can possibly  do this on, but then we got two shocks. I have to   remember how bad Petey's acceleration is because,  like, yeah, I'm, like, trying to time it to, like,   cross the line at just the right time and I always  end up crossing at 26. I'm doing the bill thing.   Okay, I'm gonna get out of your way. Great.  Yeah, it should just, like, give me this set.   I have shock. I had a golden mushroom, which  wasn't too bad. I have—oh, I have a bullet. Okay,   oh, okay. So basically, like, just drive off  the double and then use it, like, above the gap.   Try my best. Oh, bullet. Okay, the bullet  did a little swerve. Oh, shock dodge.   Well, yeah, it was my shock. Was  that you? That was my shock. Okay,   okay, that was the plan. Oh, okay,  okay. I didn't realize. [Music]   I got star golden. I cannot do that bullet  bill sh— that bill strat is so large, though.   Yeah, it's really, really good. Okay, I'm gonna  have to go for the bill strat. I have a golden,   which is fine for the section coming up after.   All right, nice, nice. All right, I'm right  behind the pack. I'm in the pack. I'm in eighth.   Okay. Oh, shock the moment I enter the cannon,  that's actually great. Yeah same. But everyone   dodged, so it's actually, uh, whatever. No, but  not, like, the top spots. True, true. We're going   for first place, as long as they don't dodge.  [Music] Four mushrooms, come on. That's so bad.   I need perfect items here. Okay,  wait, no one's going for the double.   I made the doubles. Someone gave me a mushroom  boost, and I almost went off on the double.   No, dude, first place had a super horn, or  second place had a super horn, and he got me,   and I lost my first because of it. Let's see  what I'm getting. Oh we got second, third?   Nice. [laughs] I thought I was out of that race.  Wait, it was a blue Yoshi again that beat us,   and then they left. They left. Wow,  that's so rude. Oh, we started in top two,   that counts. Facts. We got a top two. Let's go!  Yeah, we got top two on DK Summit, let's go!   Yo, I'm actually, like, down to end the  video right there. That's actually so funny.   I'm down. Yeah. How much content do you think,  uh, we get from these races? This is definitely   enough. Okay, that's good. It's, like, this is  enough for, like, a long video. Like, 20 minutes,   maybe. Nice. Okay, we're 21, 2, 3, 4, 5. I really  optimized that one. I did your acceleration   strategy. I was always a top speed dude. We're  getting so good at saving frames here. [laughs]   I'm goldening, so are you. Let's go. A golden's  actually pretty good here. I think we get to   chain. Yeah. Oh, it's actually really good timing.  Shock? You got anything? Nice. I'm in a bill.   Okay, sweet. I think no one dodged. Nice,  and now you have a bill. This is huge.   Did I hit you? Nope. Good. Perfect. Can't  grab any coins. That sucks. Whatever,   it's fine. I'm goldening. All right, we're  lowkey back. Oh my God, you're so large. Yeah,   actually, it's all because of the shock.  Like, that's actually all it takes— I know,   and then you got the bill after, so, like, you  didn't fall behind. That was really awesome. Yeah.   Yeah, that's the problem with getting shock  is, like, you don't have anything else to   be fast. Okay, I have a blue shell. Sucks.  [Music] Oh, yo, I'm not even in last place.   This blue shell's actually really good  because first place has a breakaway. Oh,   wow. I'm throwing the blue shell.  Watch out. Yeah, you're good. [Music]   Petey next to me has a boomerang. What? Oh,  that was crazy. Oh, I'm getting red shelled. Oh   barely got the chain. Let's go. Shock, please.   No, right after. Oh, oh, first place got target  shocked on the glider. That's huge for me.   Never mind, they didn't. Wait, there's no  such thing as target shock on a glider. No,   no, I thought they removed that.  Yeah, okay, there's a blue shell.   Is that you? Is that you? That's me, that's me.  [Music] Let’s go! Yo, yo, yes! Let’s go! [laughs]   Yes we did it! Oh my God, we started in top two  and ended on top two, and we waited around for 30   seconds. Yes! Sounds perfect. Oh my God. That was  actually the last race we were planning to play,   basically. Yeah, yeah, we can end it  there. I'm leaving. Yeah, we're gonna,   we're gonna, like, try again some other  time. All right, see ya. Japanese players.
Channel: Shortcat
Views: 622,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2OomFqbwwmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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