Speedrunner VS Hunter But Trees Drop OVERPOWERED Items

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let's start today we're playing speedrunner vs hunter i lose if i die before slaying the ender dragon and if i die mikey wins but there's a twist trees here drop powerful random items instead of normal wood whoa really that sounds like fun i wonder what kind of items we'll drop with all that said three two one start it's on i'm gonna get you run run run i'm not letting you cut down trees that's the weak point of my plan i'm behind you if i can break off even one block from a tree i'll get something no way whoa check it out no wow i got some good stuff i'll put it on already you're joking wow look it's enchanted leather armor what and i got some ender pearls so i'm warping where did you go nice now i can run away he's gone i'll put some distance between mikey and myself where are you oh another tree no i'll just cut it down whoa that's awesome i have to catch up i even found a wooden sword and look how strong this axe is oh apples whoa it's mikey run away yeah you're going down come on man yeah wow you're quick i'll get you toss one over here he disappeared sweet that's bad i'm not doing so hot i need to chop down more trees i'm looking for a lot more apples no mikey you're serious my health is getting low i guess i need to eat and run at the same time alright looks like i finally was able to shake off mikey now i can get my bearings and collect items looks like i'm in a birch forest i wonder what these will drop each tree should drop something different let's find out three two one [Music] huh well this this can't be birch trees give telescopes i'm practically drowning in telescopes over here why would i ever need this many i guess i'll take one let's take a look around with my new found treasure i hope i can spot mikey with this hmm oh there he is i found mikey what's he up to looks like he's at a crafting table making something but what is he huh oh it's an iron helmet he has a wooden sword too looks like he's working on some upgrades [Music] he's climbing that mountain [Music] where are you going buddy off in the wrong direction huh good riddance at least he's not following me around anymore i can relax for a bit i'm going off on my own looking for some new and interesting trees let's go i found something i'm in a jungle and you know what grows here jungle trees of course these are unique see i think i'll chop one down i can't wait to see what it spawns i'm so curious all right let's hope for something good and useful three two one [Music] no way really holy moly jungle trees are ridiculous some amazing loot dropped i can't believe it let's see awesome it's a bunch of diamond armor the whole set right here i'm putting it on now jungle trees are great i have every piece even down to the boots plus a diamond pickaxe diamond packs whoa even golden apples that isn't even the best part totems of undying they're so rare look at me in my enchanted diamond armor set i want to chop down some trees here see what other loot i get these trees are tall so i'll climb to the top and chop my way down all right i made it all the way up these things are huge let's get to work with my diamond axe whoa no way wow oh man a big mountain of diamond armor is spawning it's amazing i can barely believe my eyes whoa no way wow i've never seen anything like this before all right i chopped down the entire tree piles of diamond armor is a real sight huh oh look bows punching power sounds strong looks like i have 64 golden apples plus those totems of undying i don't need too many arrows my inventory is full i want a sword but i think i'll stick with my axe wow what a haul jj oh mikey i should be able to beat you with my upgrades run where did you find that stuff mikey's on my trail you have diamond armor oh man not good wait i don't need to run away turn and fight attack my bow i won't lose take that oh check me out you're too strong maybe i am but i got you but i upgraded sorry mikey it doesn't compare to what jungle trees drop moving on see you later let's go find a new type of tree to chop down with all this sweet loot that i have life's almost too easy i'm pretty sure i'm the clear winner of this game wait what's that there's a lever hmm what's it for this lever really piques my curiosity it must be one of mikey's traps but still look at me i'm super strong with all the items i have i can survive anything that gets thrown at me so i'll charge up with a golden apple and i'll hold a totem too maybe one more apple for luck i'm ready no matter what happens three two one whoa what seriously look at the tnt what huh you died too right or just me no i'm fine i somehow managed to survive that explosion all of my equipment is enchanted that must be why i don't have a scratch on me i didn't even use a totem of undying for that trap sorry mikey i guess i'm moving on goodbye now that i know mikey is plotting ambushes and traps i really have to keep my guard up but look around i'm in a forest of spruce trees i haven't seen one yet i wonder what spruce trees spawn let's find out chop chop what's this huh really wow elytra nice and i found obsidian blocks a fire starter and fireworks if i have elytra and fireworks i can fly around as much as i want even better i can use obsidian to make a nether portal wow awesome this is fantastic there it's a full portal perfect i can't believe i can already go to the nether i didn't expect to build this from a spruce tree this elytra is just icing on the cake let's go i wonder what we'll find there i hope it's cool [Music] yeah it's time to explore the nether thanks to the elytra i could fly around with fireworks i can fly forever it's really fun soaring over lava lakes like this i hope i find something good here but i'm not sure oh hey wait a minute slow down i found something great already i'll land over here yeah perfect i totally forgot there are trees in the nether isn't that amazing check it out it's a nether forest nature grows even in a place like this maybe if i chop another tree something incredible will drop i hope the rules work down here let's cut it down and find out i can't wait to see what nether trees make okay three two one go whoa hey what stop right there you're not cutting it down what hello oh hey it's mikey stop it just a sec let me grab my stuff no loot for you quit it oh come on back up i don't care what kind of items you found stop forget the ender dragon hey oh no no lava go wait my defense is so high it doesn't hurt mikey can't get to me if i'm in lava i can fight back don't go to the end i don't bullseye and no damage taken from the lava i need to upgrade all right whoa check it out i didn't have a chance to see what dropped before this is some seriously nice stuff whoa oh [Music] sick wow i'll start by picking everything up then i'll sort it out wow who needs this many netherite leggings an axe and a helmet too yo a crossbow with quick charge it looks like pretty sweet i'm getting a big upgrade hey back there mikey was saying not to go to the end right well take a look at these these trees they drop end portal blocks it's cool watch wow they even drop eyes of ender that's so awesome i mean with this many blocks and eyes i should make my own portal right three blocks on each side like this and that does it wow this is amazing ender dragon here i come all right it's time for me to slay the ender dragon this'll be easy i just have to slay it before mikey shows up i'll have a golden apple real quick and then destroy the end crystals i have my crossbow in this bow so i can take care of them from here nice and this one and that oh perfect it's just so easy yes i'm gonna end this thing before mikey even knows i'm here that was the last crystal i'm here okay ender dragon mikey nobody said anything about building your own end portal stop right where you are what do you think you'll do your attacks don't even scratch me huh you're lying i can slay it from the air this time i'll fly just like the dragon look at me go i'll take it down oh no this is bad hey ouch that hurts yes it's thanks to my upgrade and forget about it it doesn't matter how much you attack i have tons of golden apples right now i need to focus on slaying the ender dragon no stop oh man i'm in trouble yeah get him come on whoa that was close seriously you're okay that totem yo oh yeah it's down i win you're too strong yeah i am it's not fair okay today we played speedrunner versus hunter but the trees dropped overpowered loot i was able to beat the ender dragon no problem if you had fun on this adventure please like and subscribe bye bye if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like and subscribe plus you can check us out on twitter instagram and tick tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time [Music]
Channel: Maizen
Views: 7,747,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: E-bpZlbJeQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2022
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