I Survived 100 Days THROUGH EVERY UPDATE in Minecraft! [FULL MOVIE]

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the five empty world signs filled my screen and i collect to start the journey it gave me no options or game modes to play so i guess we're on baby mode well maybe mode but on hard difficulty i can't finish a joke or all game trouble i spawned on the beach and thought i was deaf for some reason in this version of minecraft there's no sound but there are sheep you could punch to get wolf from also some teleporting pigs from space that seemed too powerful to be kept alive so i took the initiative and played patty kick with them all till they couldn't anymore it was time to get serious and get some tools i stole logs from this tree and then was confused the leaves started to disappear which is normal in the later versions of minecraft but that doesn't come till beta i believe i crafted some tools and hunted down pigs again there's not much i can do but prepare for later versions when certain game mechanics and new blocks are added i began looking for a nice spot to build a base when i was distracted with the default skin and walking animation a true beauty it's so bad i love it i love the arm swinging everywhere you can't even see what item i'm holding in my hand oh it's beautiful oh that's bad that's really bad i need to make it into this hill over here and i'm just going to barricade myself in now i'm not scared of the night i'm scared of the alpha night where it becomes insanely dark where you can't see and the deadliest mobs spawn in that'll make fighting 10 withers without a weapon seem easy before we continue on with the story i feel like i should explain what's going on minecraft was created in 2009 and it has come a long long way dozens of updates and the versions we all enjoy and play on now is nothing like the beginning obviously so starting in alpha i want to survive through every single major update in minecraft i'll begin in the beginning and end of alpha same with beta and then every five days i'll go to the next major version like 1.1 then 1.2 then 1.3 and so on until i reach day 100 on version 1.18 however i'll go to the latest update of each version just for bug fixes and for the full update of each version i'm sorry that i'm terrible at explaining it'll make sense as time goes on anyways i wanted to collect more food before continuing on after getting more food that doesn't stack i collected 64 blocks of the most advanced item in this version sand that can be smelted into glass i didn't want to stand in the cave until daytime again so i began to scout out a home spot and came upon this nice little open area there's not really that many nice areas this early on and i don't want to travel much or also i'll have to go incredibly far for the new chunk areas and items as the updates come in i first started this house as nice as i could but quickly ran out of blocks the ugly cobblestone was going to be a nice roof until i ran out of cobblestone and had to use dirt to finish it off an ugly house but it's my ugly house sheesh my oh my what a beautiful base with the greatest alpha house done i needed to get more cobblestone for a furnace i also really need coal soon oh yeah when furnaces had stone top uh covers instead of like an actual furnace look i began smelting all the sand and used all my coal because i kinda didn't notice i was almost out of torches but we're getting glass and making this place look fancy even though i can't see out and before you leave a comment no i can't craft a bed yet it's not in the game but you can still leave the comment if you want i can't stop you now we're getting to the amazing updates in minecraft which is almost as amazing as today's sponsor gentian impact a vast open world action rpg with a wide variety of weapons and artifacts across dozens of playable characters you can obtain it's available for free on pc android ios and playstation 4 and 5. i know you all love open world games just as much as me and what if i told you this world would take you months to explore and conquer their secrets and fun puzzles to uncover areas to swim mountains to climb cliffs to glide off of diverse cultures to fall in love with and bosses to watch your friends try and beat for you that's right on top of the hundreds of hours of gameplay you could play in four player co-op with three of your friends and do everything i just said together and on top of all of that genji and pack releases new events every six weeks you all always have content to play which they just released version 2.6 zephyr of the violet garden it releases a brand new massive area to explore more story missions a new artifact domain and the special event releases four new festival games there's a tower defense game new combat mechanic tests photoshoot for new poetry and a decoration event for your own house be fast as the festival games are only here for a limited amount of time along with the returning character who is an absolute powerhouse that you won't want to miss kamisatsu ayaka she's a five-star cryo character which are the highest class ratings who uses a sword she'll add the perfect balance of tranquility and speed for your team and help carry you through any electric enemies that stand in your way better act fast however you can only try an obtainer from april 19th to may 10th thank you gentian impact for sponsoring my video and you can support my channel by downloading the game below with my link day three i'm around beta 1.0 now which adds in leave decay chicken eggs can be thrown and if i'm too far from a chest or it blows up i can't access them i know a lot of huge changes i spent the morning cooking all of my food making a chest and finishing the glass part of the walls to see this creeper being really creepy and watching me freak now you see i could replace the roof and everything but i feel like there's so much character but i think i'm gonna leave this as my shack so much natural beauty in it like i just it's so perfect with the house loving and admiration all done i began mining trying to find some coal but instead i found this huge quantity of iron one just one block of iron right here and there's not much else to do yet i tried to find iron and coal to get stronger and prepare for diamonds in the nether the early versions of minecraft was a horror story too these caves were beyond creepy with noises going off every few minutes and the fact i couldn't really find any enemy mobs made it even spookier where were they and when would they come out who knows it just put me on edge and for once i couldn't find coal but i did find some iron that led to cobblestone which had to be a dungeon since i'm out of torches i began to remove the surface area where the dungeon is just to let sunlight in and so mobs wouldn't spawn during the day with the corner cleared i broke the ceiling and saw that it's a skeleton spawner not too shabby and i can make an early experience farm once i get to the update that'll let me do that i begin clearing more of the land but it's taking too long without a shovel so i returned home to make one but night fell and i figured it wouldn't be safe to continue mining without the sun the end of beta 1.8.1 added just about everything to the game the core mechanics so much that i couldn't write down everything in this book i was amazed to see that the furnace top was changed to the regular furnace we can finally sprint the game but it doesn't look correct and it's time to get back to business i got back to removing the roof of the dungeon so the skeletons didn't like me taking their roof for some reason i couldn't tell if it was the fact they would light on fire now or that they can't spawn in anymore before enchantments were added to the game the tools were actually really quick i know this is nothing like another efficiency five shovel but this is a stone shovel moving really fast i finished removing the roof and got to checking out the chest the first one had a saddle and the second chest had two iron buckets honestly not bad fights at all for early on to the side of the dungeon a tiny burrow opened up and i finally mined some coal returning to the beautiful shack i found out crits were added to the game remembered experience was added and kind of got sidetracked like really far but i also needed the food i crafted to bed finally once i got back home and everything's coming together i wanted to see if i could mlg water bucket in this version before sleeping and well no the first time didn't work so i tried a second time and still no i think the water source needs to be updated before mlg water bucketing works now the real movie begins version 1.0 for the next five days i'll be on this version and sadly it didn't really release too much that did hardcore but i can't change my world to it so we have to continue in regular sadly and i'm going to wait on going to the end till it updates more so i got back to work on the skeleton spawner area i wanted to make it look nicer and open it up a bit more but i was enjoying it so much so i went around and covered all of the holes on my land and covered up some caves with the land all pretty and safe i wanted to get to exploring but not too far as i didn't want to load in too many new chunks i'm mainly looking for some coals since it's so rare and i can't mine yet without it and i did find a decent amount in little burrows but then i saw this nice mountain in the distance the first large mountain i've seen in this world i went over to see what i could find and the place was really misleading it was a tiny island with nothing on it really and no wars but i was enjoying this spot on the hill could make for a nice base but i like my shack a lot so i don't know if i want to leave it i was here though so i began to head home a lot of strange mobs kept asking me for some disneyland tickets but i told them they don't deserve the happiness for always wanting to hurt me and then i made it back home you wanna go oh yep yep you just shook her head yes okay okay dude i got you okay wait but get away from my door let me get out no and then it went south or north i don't really know directions here i messed up getting outside the shack and then the sprinting didn't work here because you have to press w twice to sprint instead of control luckily the booger only blew up the front of my entrance not the chest or other important blocks so i remade everything and now my doors are weird the opening and closing with double doors is just weird and pressure plates make it weirder i made some more stone picks and got ready to go mining we need to get a lot more resources and i want to find a cave soon oh well that was fast the bad part is that it drops off and i can't see the ground surely it's safe never mind i need to get out i don't have any armor and swimming in this version is insanely slow and bad it looks like only two creepers in one skeleton okay my bad two skeletons you know what let's be brave i'm gonna put the water down and then i'll jump down there and then we're gonna get to war oh my god it's swimming up no no do not swim up oh wait wait they can swim up oh come up your boys hey yeah i'll be coming yeah okay get closer that's not fair that's not fair i can't hit i can't reach you that's not fair and the skeletons kept on cheating and got me down to three hearts and my hunger want to go down for some reason i couldn't heal the mobs want to let me come in sounds like high school all over again so i left i don't need their stupid cave or their stupid oars i'll go find my own caves and ores and it'll be cooler and better and in larger quantities and look at that i found this glitch water spot that led into a cave i lit it up with all the torches i had and got to work on mining oars which wasn't much but i got 32 colon 11 iron ores finally making some progress and headed back home i smelted the iron and made this iron chest played in later on some iron pants super drippy now and with iron armor on i think i can enter this cave system and get rid of the bullies i was going to do the same water bucky tactic as before but you don't get the title of the world's greatest minecraft pvp legendary player and use this tactic so i got my sword ready and jumped in only a creeper in front of me and he reenacted a firework i rushed around the cave system lighting it up and saying hi to any mobs i came across which wasn't much like four total but with them gone in the immediate area lit up i got to mining hi the welcoming party came and said hi and this place is massive just like my appreciation for you if you'd subscribe to my channel i'm close to 1 million subscribers and it'd mean a lot to me if you'd subscribed and lastly 30 000 likes and i'll release another 100 days movie so the more i explored the cave the more it opened and this place wasn't going to end soon knight was here and i decided to head back i made the staircase leading up said goodbye to the friendly zombie and this was a really nice haul finally getting some oars and coal i woke up to a beautiful view of a skeleton burning probably belonged to the skeleton gang from the cave entrance i was thinking of exploring today to get out of the cave but then i remember the sun is terrible bright and hot so i squared back down to the caves and i resumed to my normal life i went back down to the deepest points and kept looking around the yours are good but i really want to find some diamonds i'm around why are you looking at me like that freak i'm so happy their ai is incredibly stupid that's early on oh my god oh god okay i'm sorry i take it back apparently they're not stupid so yeah creepers are not stupid at all i'm so sorry i found the zombie spawner with no chess lame and at this point i just want diamonds but i can't find them for some reason oh hey diamonds just two diamonds i guess it's better than nothing it was getting late so i headed back up to the house and the loot we got really good for one day of mining i wanted to sleep next but the mobs outside want to leave me alone i really want to cuddle man i can never cheat on my girlfriend i woke up and chose violence mainly on creepers since why not start stockpiling for rockets for the elytra in the future also because i still haven't forgiven them for the cave incident i crafted my ex next and went out to till the land i remember this is how you get seeds in the past but i guess we updated too far for it to work i didn't see any grass anywhere and just for fun i tried out leaves from a tree i don't know maybe it would drop seeds but no i need grass and i don't see any near me since these trunks are old just like these trees and i'm in need of logs since i do have some wheat from the dungeon chest i got to work on creating an animal pen i'm struggling for food and i need to stop killing the animals around me and get to work on breeding them i finished the pen and got two pigs nearby to go in and then had to travel far for a cow and a weird cow that looks sick strange creatures but the animal farm is coming along nicely in the morning i headed over to the pig's pen and ate their uncle right in front of them to assert dominance then i got to work on the farm even though i still don't have seeds i decided to be fancy and enclose it with a fence since i really don't want baddies to spawn here and walk over everything especially since these will be very valuable to me with that all done i still need a second cow i went a few dozen blocks from the beauty shack and found this sea cow now the farm is complete i could go for sheep but i don't really care for them don't need the wool i began to breed the animals but this pig was trying to run for dear life it really didn't want to go into parenthood i headed out again i need to get into some new chunks which came at an abrupt start just a clean cut off from this hill into the ocean and to the right i saw grass i'm saved i can get seeds locally and start the fall i didn't drop any and those are the only grass blocks on this continent but i do see some islands off in the distance however the sun was going down and i headed back home now i went to version 1.1 and still not too much was added but i can get apples from leaves now which is actually kind of huge for me since food is a problem right now i crafted a boat to get to the island faster and on my way there i said hi to technoblade i jumped into the ocean afterwards and was reminded how awful boats were back in the day they're slow turn slow can't pick them back up oh right and if you hit literally anything they break into wooden planks and sticks for whatever reason but the islands likely do have grass and i got my first seed but i'm not leaving with just one seed these bad boys have been a pain to find so i'm going to go over every single island here and collect as much as i can which was 24 at the end of the day i crafted a new boat from one of the trees and as i was heading home the ocean was raised at this trunk area i never knew this but moshing lowered the ocean levels by one in the full release of minecraft anyways i made it back home at night with only one and a half hunger remaining and things are looking dire i only have two uncooked pork chops and there's bread i cooked those pork chops to hold me over but i was getting desperate i went over and planted the seeds since they would take time and then remembered i have seven bones and those can turn into bone mail and to make it even better in this version bone meal will fully grow anything with one click i'm saved i decided to be kind and breed the animals since i do need a lot more and then made the rest into bread with the hunger issues slightly saved i went out exploring again to find some animals but this pig didn't want to go out without a fight which is fine i don't like that boat anyways i made another though and traveled over to that tiny island from before to see if i could find animals on here but no nothing was here so i figured land would show up so i got back into another boat and traveled out and apparently i'm surviving 100 days in the ocean now just ghost island after ghost island i don't know if this is a sign but it's quite ominous i cut my journey short and begin to head home still seeing nothing so i guess i'm writing on this little animal farm that i made in the morning i watch my future bone meal burn in the sunlight i turn it into bone meal and turn to the farm blah blah blah i can't stay here i know the shack is beautiful and it's where i started but i don't like how animals don't spawn around here the or spawn rate is terrible land is messed up you get it so instead i'm just going to prepare to move by mining and getting more oars mainly since i still haven't explored this entire cave yet just like the zombie dungeon with one chest once the spider and zombies were dealt with the chest gave me two bread and honestly i'll happily take it and i finally started to run into diamonds it hurt they're very hard you see i remember this from the early days if you mine near lava you'll find diamonds or whatever reason they spawn here the most and i got a fairly decent amount however night was falling and it was getting late so i returned back to my den i got organized from the trip yesterday and tended to my animals and while doing so i began to think which is how you know this is going to be good i can make a diamond pick no point in waiting and saving them and i could get some obsidian right now instead of having to find some more later on i want to collect enough for a portal and enchanting table and a little bit left over just to be safe i went to a spot with water water from my new jersey in new jersey i went to a spot with lava and water landing on top of it to make mining easier and got to work that took around five minutes to mine never been so bored in my life and while i'm down here might as well get some more oars before the day ends and the use of this case system is coming to an end i've almost collected everything i need or want from this place so i was going to say hi to the animals today since i won't be bringing them with me but i'd feel too bad and some of them were still young so i decided to leave them here with the only peace and quiet now i need to get ready for the move firstly i need to chop down the trees around here and fill up on logs oh an apple i could try and make some golden apples soon the recipe in this version is a lot easier and i can craft god apples but before that we got more chores secondly i need to collect these fences they were expensive now to explain why i specifically waited for day 16 to move the jungle is added new blocks and villages well villages have been in here but now i really want to go find one also because iron golems and it feels nicer to move once a new update rolls in here's all the items by the way that i'm deciding to take with me and now onto version 1.2.5 the fun jungle update and our new journey to better lands so i was going to leave right away but something's wrong with the doors uh the update somehow managed to push the door forward but it opened the same way i don't know it was cursed but the pressure plates are finally not cursed so that's a good sign for the future house anyways it's time to go i just headed north again i'm guessing i don't know directions and no i'm not leaving this area because i'm lazy or because i have to work so hard just to find coal i just don't feel like doing it anymore there's a big difference so i made it past the ocean's edge and into a minefield i would have gone faster but the lily pads on this version are made out of titanium i did however find a jungle about two minutes later and said hi to the pigs here i'm still scarred from the lack of food and then got to exploring i'll be honest i'm not really feeling the jungle mainly because this is a video game and i'm not in here in person but also i don't feel like any place in here would make a nice home i feel like there's still a lot more to explore i want a regular planes buy them for my new home but the sun was setting fast and i slept on this three block island while i swim over to this place faster than michael phelps could ever dream of i know this is a plane's biome but i got distracted and forgot that i wanted to live in a plane's biome because there were pigs everywhere and i got hungry and they had food kind of firstly i'm hunting down pigs and cows along my journey so i get 64 steaks and pork chops to eliminate future hunger issues secondly i'll explain this more in the future movies but i'm now doing a challenge for you all i've been asked hundreds if not thousands of times to release the world download to my hardcore world and i'm building insane things over there that you'll all want access to even more now and i got a twitter so i'm down to make a deal if you all can get me to 100 000 twitter followers before 2022 is over i'll release my hardcore world download for you all to have and play on so you can all experience the wonders of the ottomanator that i built back to the movie this frozen wasteland biome is going to be a huge thing for this world it never ends so i wanted to break away from this frozen wasteland so i decided to change directions and head north i crafted a boat and traveled across the ocean again and after a few hundred blocks i came upon another frozen wasteland whoa i still needed to get more pork chops so my wing tickled some pigs uh gucci gucci gu and after traveling i'm not joking over a thousand blocks on this frozen wasteland i finally found a jungle luckily the seat isn't all frozen until i went to the edge of the jungle and saw another frozen wasteland on the other side of it i can't evolve into the only water spot that isn't ice for 117 miles and then i went into the super rare frozen wasteland and then the unthinkable happened i only ever heard of these things in folklores but i found a desert and if you're thinking of what i'm thinking that's correct the biome i found next is a regular plains field i know i know threw the curveball right at you the thing that caught my eye was in the distance i barely saw this village the structure i've been looking for so i can build my base here i checked out the village and the worst mobs were just relaxing but there's only four buildings given not a bad sign i only need two villagers and then i went to that open field right next to it to build my house i didn't want to go too far and i began to find out the area which took all day i think we're getting to the times of slow tools now so enchanting will have to come soon maybe probably not i'm too stubborn to do all of that i got the water bucket out and did the cia water boarding tactic to the grass blocks where i want to build my home i wanted to get information out of them on where seeds are and once they were all gone i was stunned i actually got seeds i didn't need to travel 1 000 blocks for it so what i'm thinking is every single time that the game updates and adds a new blocks i add it to the house i just do like a different room or something so i placed the outline of the house and i'm coming to a realization ever since i made the 100 days in africa movie i'm building all of my bases into circles and i don't know why it's just kind of easy so the first room i'm building now is just the hub area the main room but i'm using all the blocks i can make right now to make it fancy and not too square and with depth i ran out of cobblestone however and there's this little cave thingy right next to my house so i made it into a mine which took me all day and i'm kind of shocked i didn't find a cave system right away however i now have enough cobblestone to finish the walls sort of but first we update 1.3.2 and this bad boy adds kind of some new stuff trading in stairs but i won't be trading with villagers for quite some time once they get their good update and the green wiener came by today and checked out my stuff i think he's a part of the hoa and he's making sure everything is up to code on my building which looked like everything was until he got to my mine shaft and then his co-worker came out and apparently they were not happy something about no structural beams or fencing around the entrance to prevent anyone from falling in i complied and added fencing to make it safer and then took a look at my base and decided why not use a glass to finish off the walls making it nice and open so i visited the villagers again and decided to borrow some sand they have a ton and i'm sure they won't mind sharing but contrary to popular belief sand takes a while to smelt some i went back to mining and began to hear zombies in the walls something a crazy person would say but i actually heard them until i dug down deeper and didn't hear them anymore i know we'll find them soon some of the glasses done smelting and i began adding it to the walls the texture for early glass is hideous but i think it was the right decision to add it to the walls this makes it look a lot nicer also found out that i could place logs sideways now and no i won't go back and change the orientation of the window logs i won't be updating the building as time goes on i found out the hard way that the more times you use an item the less you have so i copied the corporations and borrowed some of the forest to finish the floor's border afterwards i finish off the glass walls and this place is coming along nicely but it's missing something leaves the one decoration block that always makes the build look better i added it to the wall outside and thought it looked really nice so why not add it to the roof as well but i'm not sure if i like it it just feels too flat and i don't like how you can see through the wall now oh phew first try and yeah i didn't like the look so i removed those leaves got back to the force to teach it another lesson also because i need more logs for the top part of the walls and then decided on adding leaves to the corner parts of where the logs pop out so now it has nice depth and you can't see through it a big brain move for a big beauty look i loved how it was going so i finished the top part of the wall with that design and now for the flooring i was thinking of making it all out of planks but i want to add some design to it and work with depth so i'm making an outer circle that'll be wooden planks the inside cobblestone slabs i began adding the wooden planks and it was all going well until it didn't i ran out but finished the outside of the circle i remove the grass blocks and x and luckily i have a massive surplus of cobblestone so this was easy i'm making the inside slabs for a few reasons first for depth and color second so i don't have to light up the center and so mobs can't spawn in here and third to get rid of some of my cobblestone and i'm quite happy with how the inside is looking it's looking really clean and nice i had some slabs left over some i touched up the outside since once i start building i don't know when to stop and stop adding more on it's a nice issue sometimes but the walls all done and the home secured ish i brought in everything and tried to be organized but i'll be adding more chests later on and here's our beautiful almost done homes hub i was going to go mining for that cave this morning but remembered about sugar canes i ran around the immediate areas to collect all the sugarcane i could find you see this early on the book recipe doesn't require leather or it might i forgot but i also need paper for those rockets for the elytra so regardless i will be needing a ton of paper i made a little infinite water pond on my front lawn and then finish up the sugar cane i'll have to wait for it to grow to begin growing the rest with that all done in some daylight left i went to the mine shaft and got to work but sadly again i didn't come across any cave but i did get a lot of resources update 1.4.7 is the pretty scary update the first update with an actual title to it that's withers witches and the scariest of them all anvils defeating the wither is now on my to-do list also minecraft finally added full screen so the hot bar is going to be super tiny now uh sorry so we're now actually getting to the part of the game where it's actually good to go to the nether to go to the end and actually like you know play the game so what i want to do is find a cave system i want to get some more diamonds hopefully i can upgrade my system system hopefully i can upgrade all of my equipment and then i'm going to go to them the only hard part is finding a cave oh hey a cave it took me maybe two minutes to explore the entire place it's a very tiny cave shaft and basically just had golden iron nothing else but the disappointment out of the way i got back to mining out the staircase and three fours later i came up on another cave and this one was looking bigger and more promising i water bucketed down and got the lighting of the place i went down to the lava lake and began to cross it i usually have luck finding diamonds this way and i could smell them they're close and there they are diamonds just a little walk past them and there was an opened up skeleton dungeon with no chess kind of lame i collected the oars on the way out though and just covered up the cave it was another tiny one but at least i was able to get some diamonds so i wouldn't call this place disappointing but it sure was disappointing for this creeper that i was taunting through my window even made it believe that i was welcoming into my home the first half of the day i was tending to the sugar cane farm and fixing it up a bit the entire farm is almost fully planted once the chores were done i got back to mining i went all the way down to y level 11 and began to make a tunnel surely i would find diamonds right nope the entire time i was making this tunnel i never found anything ores were actually rare so i don't know if i'm at the wrong level or if everything is actually supposed to be this rare but i'm getting bored of mining i made some more chests in the morning and got to organizing i gathered up all the obsidian needed for a portal and got to work since i don't need to be careful about dying i just went to the portal i wouldn't mind getting diamond armor but clearly that won't be happening for a bit i waited for the chunks to load in and saw this low-hanging glowstone cluster and collected it it should be a nice block to build with for the enchanting room or something i went back to the portal and began to head north a gas came in and well i guess bose worked differently earlier on the arrow took a 90 degree turn and went somewhere else but still hit the gas i was traveling for a while not sure what i was looking for but then after a few minutes i saw in the distance another fortress bingo sadly though since i found it so early on there won't be any trust in here or enemies i guess i never saw any weather skeletons or blazes until i finally made it to the top open area and then i saw the blazes i saw quite a few wither skeletons along the way so i thought why not try and get a skull i made the usual two blocks all blockage and apparently voters can walk under that in this version kami completely off guard but at least there was only one and not five all together i made it to the blaze spawner and for the next six minutes i just farmed getting 11 blaze rods should be all i need i was waiting to heal up while looking at the hot singles in my area i guess those ads are correct but i'm not in the market apparently the singles didn't take it well as i was trying to get out in back to my portal which took me over four minutes of getting lost in this fortress and trying to find my way back to the entrance which of course i found because i'm the greatest memory explorer in the entire minecraft universe maybe i made it back to the portal and just went back home with some daylight still left i got organized did the chores and went over to the village buildings and borrowed some of their bookshelves heard they had some good reads and i want some more stuff to read but then the worst thing happened i wanted to see if papers made books still and no the recipe changed and i need leather now for books i miss the window just barely i still really want to get more diamonds for diamond armor so i could fight the ender dragon with a lot more ease it's not needed but the cushion would be nice i went down to the mine shaft again to try my luck some more but as time went on i kept going further and further in no luck i remember diamonds being rare but not this rare i think at this point my best chance for getting diamond armor is either another fortress on the newer updates the end cities or trading with villagers but all of those options are far into the future update 1.5.2 is a redstone update this will shock you it added new redstone items and functions quartz and other bricks the only part of the update that i'm interested in right now is the quartz i want to use some of those blocks for the enchanting room i headed north in the nether and tried to find some courts but no matter how far i was going i could never come across any so seven minutes of traveling later i finally came upon some quartz we're in the new chunk areas i farmed for so long that i went from level 30 all the way to level 40. i had a nice amount of courts and felt like this is all i would need for the building so now it's time to head back home and i was heading the right direction but i got confused at one part and well i didn't find my portal but i was finding some familiar areas and i remember my portal being near this location and voila i found my portal once i went back to the overworld it seems like the world was crying because i missed sleeping for one day a truly tragic sign with the courts ready i got organized and began to collect some logs i need to make the staircase second floor and then the enchanting room that i've been working towards for the past two days once the material was ready i want to try and make some new kind of staircase i haven't tried yet a three-way staircase since i don't really know how to make a nice four-way staircase this small and after a little bit of messing around with designs i think i came up with a nice look it faces all the main doorways i use i built the staircase all fancy up to the second floor part and a nice little touch of wooden slab so i don't smack my forehead on the ceiling when going up i filled in the floor with wooden planks but i wasn't really sure if i liked the wooden slabs it looked too plain but i didn't forget to add fences around the open area i don't want the hoa creepers to come by again i changed my mind on the wooden slabs and changed it for cobblestone slabs instead of using ugly torches for lights why not use the glowstone blocks it fit in really nicely added some color and although i still think that glowstone should emit more light than torches but that's just me i got all the blocks i want to use for the enchanting room and then i remembered about these two flowers i only kept them because i actually collected these two back in alpha and i wanted to place them in my house once i built one just a nice little trophy from the past i was about to begin building the enchanting room but the edge of the second floor caught my attention i really don't like how it looks endless and there's no border for it so i went around collecting logs for it and then got to work on removing the wooden planks and putting in the logs this took the majority of today but i think it was worth it it gives a nice definition to the edges and makes it look a little bit nicer with the color difference now i'm ready for the enchanting room and i think i'm going to build a pathway on this section and you see i was going to finish building the staircase but why not use more nether themed stuff for this so i went to the nether and collected some netherrack i can smelt this down into another bricks and then use those for the stairs it's more work but i think it'll look nicer for the section i also don't really mind if rooms don't match i want them all to have their own themes plus the course adds a nice contrast to the stairs i think now this entire time i've been building and doing all this stuff in my house i've been hearing zombies non-stop moaning in my ears and it's driving me insane i don't know where the cave is but i dug down oh hey the cave i said hi to the secret locals and finally i have only quiet no more zombie noises i lit up the cave to prevent any more from spawning in i also use this time down here to let the netherrack smell some more by the end of the day i finished the staircase for the enchanting room now we're getting to the fun updates 1.6.4 brings in leads name tags horses skeleton horses and more it's actually been over a year closer too since i've used horses never really found a good reason for them sure you can travel faster with them but i usually get an elytra before one is needed so i felt like why not try and get a horse and use it could be fun also could find the stronghold faster the issue is that i can't find a horse i ran a little bit over 600 blocks from my base spawned in a lot of new chunks but that didn't matter i guess the horses heard me talking trash and decided they didn't want me to find them but it wasn't entirely a waste when i went back home i saw this wolf in the distance and tamed it with the last bone in my inventory the hoa creepers came by again today man they were saying something about how i can't build a floating enchanting room something about it being structurally unsafe and how it needs to be held up by something and i have an idea for that but i need more nether bricks first so while these cook this isn't going to be the final animal pen i just want to get them gathered first i think i'll build the enchanting room first and then i'll build a barn underneath it supporting it up and i got everything ready this little farm as well to get some wheat to lure animals in and it worked for the cow obviously but not the pig the pigs have ascended and now require carrots which i don't have with all the bricks finished it was time to get to work on the room i know i make a lot of circles for some reason but i'm trying to not make this room a circle it's more of a square with round edges a huge difference but i'll be needing a lot more nether bricks for this room also maybe some more quartz too i underestimated how many blocks this place would take but instead of just mining more netherrack i thought why not just go to the nether fortress and steal some of their blocks it'll take a little bit to get there but it's so much faster than my current way the gas came out and wanted to play catch but it wasn't grasping the concept on catch it just kept dodging so we'll have to work on that with them after running for a little bit i made it to the fortress and begin stealing their entrance so that was a super long speed montage i kind of got carried away and i'm uncertain if it's too long if you could tell me in the comments section if it was good or not that helped me out a ton the gas baseball team came by for some more practice but i had no time for them i'm a penguin on a mission and speaking of mission i should prepare to go to the end which i was with the cinder man except he was scared of me every time i looked at him to get him to run at me he just ran away it's like i was scaring him how the turntables have flipped after trying to say hi to the internment for like a minute i went back to the enchanting room and finished building him it was supposed to be more of a square but i for some reason made it into an egg i don't know either with 41 levels i went and made the enchanting table and then added some bookshelves to the room i forgot how many i needed but i can only enchant a level 22. so i went around and tickled some cows to get more leather and then finish adding all the bookshelves to the room since i don't need a lapis yet to enchant i took advantage of the moment and made a new diamond pick enchanting it for some god tier stuff efficiency for yay surely the almost broken pick would be better efficiency one okay if i make all diamond tools of course it gets something better efficiency one apparently efficiency is the only enchantment in this version i need to get more experience to enchant my stuff and i have the greatest experience farm right here it's just they can hurt me so that's bad i made this little hut to cheese through the zombie pigmen unless a baby comes by but this was working really well until i couldn't collect the xp for some reason however i farmed the entire day got some nice gold and went from level 0 to 18. so it's not too shabby i say this is probably my fastest way to get xp right now in 1.7.10 new wood and leaf variants were added stained glass biomes all the fun stuff we've been wanting now we could build nice things they also added in achievements back when they were kind of weird and all spread out but i was focused on reaching level 30. i want to enchant my diamond sword so i got back to work with a zombie piglet 1.7 also changed how you sprint it's finally with control instead of pressing w twice a tiny change but incredibly nice and important after farming with the zombie piglens all day i got to level 30 and headed home hopefully we'll get something other than efficiency on our sword i rushed to the enchanting table in the morning and did it i spent 30 levels on getting the worst enchantment in the game and there's no grindstone so i can try this again so i'll definitely be doing some villager trading to get enchantments that are good so i went to the village and blocked all their doors so they stay safe inside until i'm ready for them kind of bummed out with the enchanting but i want to finish the room just get it over with i made a glass wall since i like the hubs wall so much after that i put some cords on top but ran out luckily having enough nether bricks to finish the roof though and made a nice skylight i'll put in some netherwords just to make it feel more dark and mystic in here i also like how i made the room feel and then added glowstone to add in light overall a nice round i'm going into the nether to get some more quartz but i couldn't find where those trunks were i kept running and searching but those blocks were definitely hide and seek champions i did get to spend more time with the gas though helped it work on catching but it still needs a lot of practice so then i was thinking let me head the other direction north and see if it's there but i wanted to have fun and play with the zombie piglens one of them glitched and somehow hit me through the blocks behind me killing me not sure how it reached me but hey at least we get some fun now when i went back in the zombie piglets were wearing all of my stuff so i made a new set of armor and an iron sword to help me get my stuff back but i didn't have food and the zombie piglets obviously knew this so i had to keep on fighting them with two hearts and honestly it made it a lot more fun i was enjoying it this entire time i found all my dropped items and some food near the end apparently i went nuclear when i died and headed back home with my inventory back in my inventory but my journey in the nether isn't done i still need courts i went the other direction this time north and played catch with a gas immediately finding quartz right after and got to work a pretty peaceful time nothing important happened i was leveling up a ton which is amazing and i was collecting around two stacks of courts then as i was somewhat heading back to my portal i found this new nether fortress surely would have chest inside maybe but i'm low on food and i didn't notice it until now only two pork chops left and now i'm getting lost but it should be fine i'm on regular survival not hardcore if your hunger reaches zero there's no way it'll kill me right and then i realized how bad my situation is oh no oh i'm almost out of food oh that's not good okay look there's more uh dark glow stone dude i actually might have to fight zombie pigman for rotten flush i was also zoning out and listening to music the entire time while uh mining everything here so i don't really know where i came from wait no didn't i recently do that wait no oh i remember you yeah i found a dude i'm just too skilled like it's just it's too easy i'm i'm telling you emoji needs to nerf man it's just it's too easy play around with death and another you know there's no stopping me this might kill me especially with hunger on top of this yeah this is gonna kill me or not i'm just gonna live with half of a heart oh no cool i thought it only kills you in a hardcore yeah apparently you can starve to death in regular survival too that genuinely shocked me we arrived at the bountiful update and now we're getting into the super fun versions this one basically just adds the guardians and minor ocean stuff which now i won't be doing instead i'll be in the void watching time fly by and communicating with a god oh hey my house never mind instead we're going to go to the nether portal that got broken from this update for some reason and then go back into the nether once re-lighting it luckily nothing broke in the nether i traveled back and got my stuff which was luckily really close to the portal however i lost 25 levels from that little hiccup a shame and a scary cat loser would have headed straight back home after getting their stuff but i'm not like that i like to play with danger so i went back and tried to find some zombie pig one which were hidden really well i guess i was scared of my wrath and didn't want to help me level up but i did find them and got to work going all the way back to level 16 which isn't the best but i don't want to waste too many days farming for experience i went back to the enchanting room and finished off the court section finally completing the enchanting room i wasn't too sure what i wanted to do today i still need diamonds and my luck and the mines are awful but maybe if i start a new tunnel now and head in a different direction i would find some diamonds then only one way to find out well no still nothing i traveled a decent amount north today and found some caves but overall i never found any diamonds i mind everything else but i don't think i'm ever going to get lucky enough to find some diamonds i think i'll have to hold out to the in-cities or with villagers which both will take a long time i tended to the chores this morning since i haven't for a while and then i brought over some of the animals i was missing for the barn pigs need carrots from now on apparently they're too good for wheat and the only way i know how to get carrots is villages so i began to run around trying to find one but then i was next to a desert and saw a temple and temples can hold diamonds just not this temple the living site is actually terrible like almost as terrible as the size of these rabbits whoa have rabbits always been this huge dang bro what have you been eating other rabbits this is a baby and this is this this is bigger than the adults and the newer versions dang bro yeah i thought you'd enjoy seeing these behemoths never remember them being so huge but anyways if i can find some diamonds on the temples i could make some diamond armor i saw some enemy in the desert and remembered that i'll need some pearls to get to the stronghold and kill the ender dragon i spent the night searching and fighting endermen i think i said hi to about nine of them and only got two ender pearls from them this world hates me it's very rare to get loot but now the knights will serve a purpose for me i'm in a building mode today however and went around to gather a lot of logs for the barn with some of those logs i got organized and moved some stuff around the hub after that i got prepared and i want to put part of the barn supporting the enchanting room make it a little bit more realistic and i want to try out some funky building designs with this too so far this entire base is just a design test for me this is all stuff i would never do back in the day so it's kind of fun for me see how intricate i can make each part of the build like this doorway which is looking really nice so far i finished the doorway in the morning and i wanted to see what the bottom layer would look like with cobblestone stairs instead just for a different color balance and to make the entrance stand out more after liking that decision i wanted to be a little random and quirky i use stairs for windows just some tiny little pockets and i don't know if i like or hate them they're nice but i'm not sure i'm leaving them there however and added a log border around the stairs just to finish off the window look with no escape now i release the cows and letting them roam free in here now to come up with something for the walls and to finish off the build but first it's time to update to version 1.9.4 the combat update but what's more important is the end overhaul now i really want to reach the end since enderman seemed to only come during the night i just worked on the barn i did a gravel layer because why not and i think it can look like concrete or molding holding up the structure more i built the walls up until they've reached the enchanting room and now the building is resting on the barn so the hoa creeper should be okay and not bother us anymore and then night came i began with saying hi to the most deadly enemies out here and then waited for the enderman which they were too shy to show up until they weren't i was finding the first one when zeus decided to slow me down and make it rain making tonight completely useless oh hello i have been wanting a horse and i think i just found it uh i'm hoping that this fight goes well because shouldn't there be a lightning strike okay yep i was waiting for that hello yeah yeah yeah fight each other okay just don't kill the horses please nice one horse saved oh my god please come here huh stop stop stop stop it i don't want to kill no stay there good boy stop please stop embarrassing me you're making me look really bad stop dude this this is not an ai this is 100 a real player that i'm going against please wait please stop oh my god oh now i don't have any slime and i don't have any leads i do have two saddles uh isn't skeleton horses kind of tamed differently from alive horses now do i oh you're already tamed okay sweet i don't ever remember leads looking like this like being 3d and so for all the artists out there that watch my videos if you'd like to draw me some fan art with me and like the skeleton horses oh my god the health tweet it out at me on twitter i'll retweet you and uh like to check out some art so after that whole fun adventure was finished i needed stuff to do and there was a desert right next to me to do wait that sounded weird so i found this desert temple that was from an earlier update meaning the loot inside is terrible wait no never mind i finally got some diamonds desert temples are actually more efficient at getting diamonds than mining and now that it's finally nighttime i need to go and hunt down some enderman and i'm really hoping that it doesn't rain what's up buddy yeah i'm gonna need you to run up here cause i'm too lazy to come down there thank you so much god why does this game have to be a horror game oh man you're freaky and the rest of the night didn't go any better i was getting a ton of other mobs took some zombie kids to disney world and at the end of the night i didn't get any ender pearls at all this is going to be a long journey i explored the desert for some more temples and came upon this newer one the only good items inside was a single diamond and this infinity enchanting book i've never really used infinity before i've always favored mending over it but maybe this will come in handy for the dragon fight i then came upon this single chunk air i believe the snow part was from the older terrain would make sense since it's snowy and back then the only biome was the frozen wastelands i finished off the day with one last desert temple and got a diamond and a golden apple out of it not too shabby this is a lot better than my mining experience night finally fell hopefully not too hard and i wasn't finding any intermittent until the end of the night very very likely both of them dropped ender pearls finally making some progress of getting to the stronghold i spent the morning saying hi to cows my steak inventory was getting low and costco was closed once i had a decent amount i attended to the farm and did my weekly chores that should be daily then all that was left was to wait for night time oh hey it's night time at first it was just the usual batty mobs and then finally the six foot tall men came out the first one was a butt head and didn't drop anything the second one was kind and then i finished off the night with yet again two wonder pearls at this rate we'll only have to do this three more nights but then i had another mega brain blast why wait till i have around 10 eyes of ender why not go to the stronghold now and then i can see how many ender pearls i need especially since these are so rare and take so long so i don't want to collect more than the amount i need so i headed out and tried to find the stronghold today the eyes were acting strange however and started to send me in a circle i was falling and i just wanted to wait out the night and update maybe 1.10 will make enderman nicer so 1.10 is the frost burn update arguably one of the worst basically just adds in some ice biome stuff and that's it so no it doesn't make the enderman better after a little bit of searching i found the spot to dig down digging straight to the stone blocks and getting a nice welcome from a silverfish i was welcomed with more baddies after leaving my staircase and then things became worrisome so i wasn't exactly prepared with torches for this place and after a couple of minutes of searching i was starting to worry not because there's three scary children right below me but because i have this bad luck charm where the first stronghold i enter doesn't have a portal room until i said hi to this kid and on the opposite side of the wall the portal room and then my luck came back i have five eyes of enter left and now i need six more for the portal at least i know that now and i know where to go i built the staircase back to the top and funny enough it came up to the other entrance i made i was so close to just digging straight to the portal room an enderman welcomed me this morning and surprisingly dropped an inner pearl for me so now i only need five more i was heading home until i realized i was heading the wrong direction so i went back to the portal room and then headed north to get home i was going to stay up during the night to find some inner men but you know brain doesn't mix with enderman too well however my bow mixed with an enchanting table works out super well i managed to get a power two on breaking two and punch one bow and then i slapped infinity on it not the strongest bow in the world but man am i happy to have it i had some time to kill so i went into the mines surely this time i would get some diamonds there's literally no way it's not possible so i didn't find any diamonds and i broke my pick in the process yeah i made another pick and just so i wouldn't be traumatized i give it unbreaking one just so it'll last the whole movie night was here and i fought about five intermittent tonight i'm getting myself a whole whopping zero wonder pearls no idea what it is with this world but this is the unluckiest seed i've ever had after my morning heart attack i just thought maybe endermen are more likely to drop enderpearls during the day i know that's not true but hey i'm getting a little desperate here and i don't want to spend the entire movie trying to get enderpearls so i ran around the base but was never lucky enough to find one enterman i did however find this dungeon don't know why these are so common and the chests were pretty and nothing good i headed back home and i was here my first enderman went well and it showed how the night was going to go i got an inner pearl from the first underman and ended off the night with three total just need two more inner pearls now since it's been a little bit and i do plan on building more soon today was chore day i chopped down all the trees replanted those then went into the mines to see if i could find some diamonds if i headed north and well the mine shaft started like this and after mining this amount no still no diamonds but i'm determined i'll find some soon when i came back out it was nighttime i had a fun pool party with the first endermen and i was keeping my hopes up i usually get 200 pearls per night so surely this would be the final night that i have to farm for these nope didn't even get one inner pearl but at least we get one update now now for the exploration update 1.11.2 adding in a lot of things to make the world more enjoyable and also totems of undying i know i'm not in hardcore but it feels weird not having a totem in my hand maybe we'll do it right soon so i can get one just for fun i went through the chest and gathered items for a farm my little farm to the side of my house won't do it anymore for the cows and also because i want to make my base bigger i made the staircase out of easy items this time and then began building a circle out of another bricks i like the color contrast between dirt and this block makes it feel more rustic to me in a sense and then of course once i finished the dirt part i noticed the circle was lopsided i tried to fix it but for some reason one corner couldn't be fixed the numbering was always off but i won't tell you which corner so you can't roast me in the comments then like a slinky going down the stairs night fell i did the pawn strat again and got a pearl immediately then didn't see another one till the end of the night when i was about to go to sleep finally getting the last pearl that i need i crafted them into eyes of ender and now we can go to the end i got prepared for the dragon fight and tried to think of everything i'll need i also use my levels to enchant my iron gear since if i die i'll lose it all so why not basically getting protection on breaking and feather falling on my armor the feather falling was the greatest one since i feel like i'll need it i then made the track to the stronghold lit up the place and when i got to the portal i placed on the remaining eyes and well there was no sound it was kind of a letdown i placed a lot of items in the chest in case i die and then went to sleep i went to the portal and did my lucky 360 jump into it and well this is the safest end i've ever witnessed i had a two block gap from the obsidian platform and still didn't see the dragon when i went up i even went to the first crystal and broke it and then finally the dragon realized that i was here trying to stop me from breaking the crystals but those didn't stay up for long just like how i was staying up high and the dragon came to kiss me it got weirdly intimate and she left me with two hearts ridden me out even more because penguins only have one heart not sure how i got the extra one i never knew this but the dragon can delete water or she was super thirsty and now maybe she'll not want to kill me who knows before i could find out i said hi to her over the portal and free to the end collecting the experience and reaching level 66. yeah funny enough uh if you guys can leave a comment to help me with this i don't know how to get the ender dragon egg in my hardcore world because i kind of hit it and it disappeared because i think i tried mining it with a silk touch pickaxe and um yeah it's kind of gone and i have no idea how to find it i was preparing to head back into the end but i was thinking of shulkers i think this is everything i would need i'm kind of tempted to go back up get some wood and make some chests there's one right there huh yep and for the first time ever i'm insanely happy my bow has infinity on it the spawner in there was working overtime never got a break from these butt heads at all some i rushed inside and broke the spawner then ran away after clearing everyone out i looted the chest and it was pretty rare but now i have a chest for when i come across shulkers i went back into the end and then bridged my way over to the portal thinking to myself wouldn't it be really cool if this portal spawned me right on an end ship sadly no end ship in sight and i just got to running turning up my runner distance to max suns it's just islands everywhere i made it close enough to the islands and teleported over i went to the other side of the island and in the distance just barely in my view i saw an arm of an end city i gathered more blocks and headed over there now for the wait there's a portal up there when i first entered the place and i said man that would be really cool to just have a portal on a boat i actually could have had it in this seed i'm gonna go get the elytra first and then i'm gonna take on the tower just in case you know if i elevate then i could just glide back down no no no oh my god there's actually one up here you i need that elytra don't you dare shoot me yes yes oh we have an elytra we actually have diamonds not the worst and let's get us a dragon head nice and then let's go kill this guy we really don't need him oh hi oh thank you you wanted to you know come into here in case you drop any shulker shells did they not drop shulker shells uh we could finally fly around again hello there boys don't mind me i am just coming in here for uh my valuables oh oops i thought you were solo oh nope he's over there please don't no no no no no no no no no we don't we don't need to start we don't need to start this okay you guys are making you guys are being ridiculous right now you're being very ridiculous yes mending as well sadly i don't have any silk touch so i can't break this i actually don't need anything down there so you know what no no i'm just gonna fly out if you're going to the other building and get the loot over there can you guys just not for one second what's up boys oh there's no loot in here and you guys are stingy dang it no i'm not done with you all right that wasn't one wait what i thought that was oh my gosh there's a soccer show okay so they're just incredibly low drops the elytra is very janky in this version i wonder if they only drop their shells if i shoot them because so far i think that's the only way they've dropped it yep okay so i have to kill shulkers with a bow and arrow for whatever reason i don't know how that never landed so was there really only one chest in this entire place did i check in there i didn't yo hit me okay no don't hit me anymore no no no okay no no no more hitting no more hitting won't lie um kind of lame loot i was genuinely uh expecting uh some more diamond armor i mean we could i mean we could fly now we actually could go to some other uh in cities we'll just do a quick little fly around well i flew around i i tried i looked and can i make it in oh that was a very successful run i'm surprised how quickly i found that city with a portal right next to it did that open up another portal around here so no so if i wanted to which i definitely don't and i'm 100 not going to do it is uh if i killed the dragon like 20 times one of them would open up straight onto the inn city we did pretty good i can at least make one shulker box so that's pretty awesome but yeah let's just go to sleep and time for an update which is kind of a pointless one but it is nice for building the world of color update practically just concrete was added oh hey look i got the achievement named after me oh god wait i don't think i can actually carry all of this welp it's a good thing i can make a shulker cause uh we gotta do that now oh no we really have to make a um an ender chest wow they haven't changed the design ever since like 1.11 or 1.12 finally we're all done with the end oh i could actually fly around and try and find a lot of desert temples i can see if i can get diamonds that way i oh god i need to enchant this really fast it's already almost broken after arriving home i put everything from the end away except for the dragon egg that's in the inner chest i believe and now i really need to make one um let's go and enchant everything so first off we have to do the elytra that's my most important one cool we can enchant the electro in this version so that's probably going to break soon so good news and bad news i really want to do a raid like i really want to do one get a totem of them dying however there are no raids but there are totems of undying in this how do you how do you get totems up and dying okay yeah looking it up i'm 100 not getting a totem up and dying until we get into the raids i have to go find a woodland mansion or to work and with those planes foiled i just tended to the farms got the cows to be freaky like and then slept the updates that i'm looking for are right around the corner so why not build until they get here i managed to pull off the legendary reverse mlg water bucket landing and got to work on the farm probably something i should have done a while ago the far edges were too far from the water spot to stay hydrated so i think i'll put pumpkins there i added leaves to the edges because you know why and then added all the plants unused bone meal i don't plan on harvesting the pumpkins mainly just using them as decoration blocks i was thinking should i add support pillars below the farm so it isn't floating it might be bad to have the hoa creepers come by again and try to give me a ticket but i can't read so those things don't affect me i want to make an inner chest now so i can get those items out of it and instead of being a nerd and mining more obsidian i thought why not go into the nether go down to 4 fps have a zombie almost knock me into lava say hi to the zombie and then mind the corners of the portal it's just so much more logical that way but now i need some family jewels enderman family jewels to be exact and i know they can spawn in another and the newer versions so i checked around the spawn area a little bit and noticed that there was nothing in the nether nothing was spawning in so instead i flew to the end because i have a big brain and then farm the enderman here it'd be a lot faster this way instead of waiting till night time and farming for eight days straight i crafted the eye of internets made the chest and open it up wait where's my dragon egg oh i had it this entire time i knew that i was just checking to see if you all did too day 69 stop laughing i want to get some concrete for the last room the villager trading hall since we're getting close to the ocean update and also because i want to try out a different color combo than what i normally do i want to make an ocean themed room for the villagers collecting the sand for the concrete was the easy part it's just the gravel collecting part is difficult for once the block is rare for me almost as rare as blue flowers since i'm in older chunks i don't feel like traveling far for the flowers so instead i'll just use lapis which doesn't turn into a dye it just works like one a little confusing next i did the old water mining trick and once the funny sounds were all done i was like halfway done with making it into concrete i finished the rest of it in the morning also do you like these kind of speedy montages too just trying stuff out the next block i'll need for the building is obviously sand i need a light color for the ground and luckily i can make sand into sandstone so i went back over to the desert next to the villagers and the hill right here first looked like this and then turned into this when i was done i doubt i'll need to mine more but since i just said that obviously i'll need to mine more now i jinxed myself a lot but before getting into building it i'm going to wait till tomorrow for the ocean update the 1.13 update aquatic is arguably the start of the best times on minecraft i'd argue that this was the beginning of all the good content in minecraft so it's actually a really good thing that i waited to start building this room because they finally added in stripped logs however i'm not going to go back and like touch up any of the other buildings just because you know i bought them during those updates so i want them to resemble it in a sense and i i just own them like of course i can go back and like make this all look a lot better but i just really don't want to one i'm too lazy and yeah so heading north there's an ocean area near my house i didn't go too far so the new chunks could spawn in at this moment and there was my nightmare a guardian temple before you even wonder or leave a comment no i'm not going to take that on i'll need god armor for that but to the north of the temple there was a sunken ship i got another diamond therefore proving my mine shaft is useless and then took the treasure map i went to the spot and did that one trick where you line up with the x and then have one pixel of white showing and i began digging and then dug some more and more and after a little bit i figured there's no way there's a chest here so i left it and tried to spot another ship but had no luck i went back home and now i'm starting to get worried about my elytra it's almost broken so we're back to running everywhere until i make a mending villager i went back to the spot i left out from last night and was heading to the sunken ship in the distance when this little gremlin came running at me telling me to go help his brother with some javelin throw a weird request but i went to their home and borrowed some items from their chest their brother had some good throwing strength but his aim was terrible and he kept trying to hit me i left with about four javelins on my back and went to the sunken ship only good chest was the berry map one and i went to its location flippers crossed and i began to dig this time actually finding a chest and inside was three diamonds and a lot of iron now we're making progress now that i have a promising way of getting diamond armor and just more diamonds in general i went to the sunken ship in the air not sure how it sunk in at that point and looted the place up getting another map and heading over there i got two more diamonds from the chest it's safe to say i'm gonna keep doing this you know taking wealth from the rich and giving it to myself like robin hood but night was here and my inventory was full i got organized in the morning and since it's been a little bit here's how the farm is looking the pumpkins are coming along well and i'm liking the color they're bringing i won't harvest them i'll just leave them here since i have diamonds for once i crafted some balenciaga diamond sneakers and went to enchant them surely i would have some luck here and get some good enchantments right no and i don't want to swap out my iron boots for them so i tried to make a grindstone to fix this but when i went to craft the stone slabs i uh got smooth stone slabs and i can't figure out how to make stone slabs so now i'm stuck with these useless villains iagas until an update comes in that lets me craft a grindstone so we might as well get into building i need to make that villager trading room pronto i crafted the stairs out of sandstone kinda wish concrete could be made into stairs and then i used some birch logs for once i think this is the second time i've ever used these children avert your eyes i strip the logs and they make for a really nice beach look i then made the border of the room out of sandstone the floor will be made out of stripped birch logs i first tested out a single strip of birch wood to make sure it'll look nice and i feel like it gives a realistic sanding ground to the building so with that decided i ran around to all the birch trees near me and chop them down side note i've also realized from recording these special 100 day movies that virtualogs are starting to become nice to me but i'll never admit that and i'm always going to say they're the worst anyways i began to lay out the logs across the floor looking at it in this amount i kind of want to use this in a snowy build once the ground was all complete i stripped the logs you dirty mind i finished ripping the floor and i think this was the best block choice next i put sand on all the walls to make a nice buffer between the blue concrete and the floor also you can look at it like a nice wall of art the sand on the bottom is you walking to the water and then the blue concrete is the ocean so where you're standing is the shore that makes no sense huh see what i mean now it can kind of resemble you on the beach shores and then i kind of messed it up with the ceiling but there wasn't really much i could do unless i wanted to spend a lot of days gathering stuff but i think the sand sandstone and the sandstone stairs can resemble the sky a bit maybe and now we're on to the even bigger golden age updates except this one is about villagers and they suck but they suck a little less now i went over to the village to see if the boogers were still there and they are but now how do i get them over i could make a tunnel and use a water bucket to push them but that's annoying i couldn't make a railroad but i don't have that much iron and then i thought well what if i make a lectern i know they generally like to stay around the block of their profession so i tried it out and it was actually working the villager follows the block and will constantly walk up to it if it gets too far though it'll return to the village so you can't move it too far ahead of them i then did this process until i got them into the villager room and then trapped them immediately getting to work on trying to get a nice enchanting book but it got stuck on this impaling book it was too late in the day to refresh its trades so i just made the max amount of electrons i could to end off the day the villager was being a turd still and wouldn't change trades so i got to work on the next villager it was being nice in the beginning until we got to my base maybe the other villager was screaming and trying to tell him to run but it took a bit to get him inside then the other villager was finally refreshing its trade so i got back to trying to get some good enchantments but the other villager saw what was going on and it was a back and forth fight on who was getting the lectern after a couple of minutes i finally got sharpness 5. i can now put my sword into a grindstone and then put a good enchantment on it it was getting late now when the other villagers stopped refreshing its trade so i just sent it to my farm for the cows and then went to sleep same story with turd in the morning some i just went to the cows and got them to freakidiki really quickly am i the only one that's shocked that this was the original recipe for a composter this thing used to be really expensive and it makes no sense i cleared out a good chunk of my farming chest and more bone meal is always nice now back to business i went back to trying to get a nice enchantment trade but the entire day was a waste this thing just doesn't want to be nice to me and it was getting late so the villager didn't want to work with me anymore and i had to cut my losses there i went back to the village to get the next villager ready but i guess no one was wanting to work tonight i got the villager out of the house and turned into a librarian but it stopped there they didn't want to follow me anymore so we'll have to continue this tomorrow to end off the day i extended the sugarcane farm to get books faster also for an emerald trade i can make these into paper and then trade it for emeralds i do a stick farm but i can't find any bamboo i went back to the village in the morning and well our buddy left i checked every single house checked the immediate areas checked the riverbed next to the village nothing i slept right when it turned nighttime so there's no way some mob killed him oh hey there he is coming out of the first building somehow that i checked anyways i began to bring him towards the base and he was the first villager to not be a pain he just happily waddled over to the room and now we got three trapped in here i got back to refreshing trades and after like five minutes the first villager gave me mending for insanely cheap and i quickly sold some paper to buy it finally we're making progress i tried to refresh the third villager but they just stopped after the fifth time then i noticed the time but hey we got mending so i added it to the elytra now i won't have to worry about flying around the world i then use the grindstone on my sword to get rid of the knockback i then enchanted it and got some insanely nice enchants but uh i already have a sharpness 5 book from the villagers so um yeah at least i got sweeping edge on it i gave the third villager a pep talk this morning tried to entice them to actually give me some good trades since they seemed kind they did come over here the easiest compared to the other villagers but even if it does give me on breaking which is the last book i want right now i can't get it i'm low on emeralds and i don't have a good emerald trading farm i need bamboo for it i'll have to explore soon but i checked around the immediate areas see if i could find some bamboo but i just got some leather for more books and some sugarcane for paper with more paper crafted i just got back to refreshing trades for the villager hoping i can get some kind of unbreaking and hopefully the villager will take a paper trade so i can lock it in but it was getting late again and i couldn't refresh their trades anymore i got back to breeding the cows since if i get enough items with mending on them i can come say hi to the cows for some quick experience i then upgraded the lighting in the villager trading room maybe with nicer lights the last villager will be kinder to me and give me on breaking day 81 and we're nearing the final updates 1.15 is the buzzy bees update and a cool fact this is the update where i made my first 100 days movie i've come a long way just like how i'm coming a long way with this villager i think the fancy lights actually helped out about a minute into refreshing trades and i got on breaking three which is amazing but that price for just one book is insane of course i could turn them into a zombie and cure them and blah blah blah but that'd be too easy and i'm too lazy i could try and keep doing paper trades but regardless if i make the farm bigger it'll be too late so home i went and captured another villager i told them they become a master fetching artisan and they actually believed me full but then i became the fool because this entire time they were pretending into wanting to be a fetcher this entire time they were a nerd in wanting to become a librarian the old fetching front librarian hidden tactic oldest trick in the book but i just captured them and forced them to buy my sticks which i did use my wood to make but this won't do it's too much work for me to get sticks this way i begin to fly around the jungles around my base since my elytra has mending now and i didn't find any bamboo all of these jungles were made in old chunks i did get some sugar cane while out here and while returning home my lightroom was almost broken man the mobs were looking mighty fine for some walking xp it's not an enderman farm but you can repair things quite quickly this way repairing my elytra up to like 80 health i quickly got organized in the morning and then headed out so you can get bamboo from jungles obviously however in the past i've gotten really lucky and obtained bamboo from sunken ships also they give nice oars but not this first ship this one was kind of poo poo but surely the buried treasure won't be is what i initially thought until four minutes of digging later and i never found the chest but there's no way this second sunken ship would lead me to a bad chest right i made my way to the buried side during the night and almost immediately i found the chest i don't know why but every first sunken ship i explore the map leads to nothing i guess first the worst second the best and third should give me an enchanted neither right armor and tools that's how this thing goes trust me i flew back home to sleep but apparently i was hosting a party that i didn't know i wanted no wait no no no no wait wait wait is this the zombie a pog oh my god why are there so many zombies oh don't go from my villages please okay they're still alive oh my gosh why are there so many of you is this what like the zombie horde is because i read that there was an update like that i don't mind this huh yeah i'll take all the free xp i can get thank you don't 360 me once the zombie siege which i've never experienced before was done i took the time to light up the roof it completely skipped my mind that they would spawn up here i went over to our old chap the unbreaking man and did some capitalism i finally got the unbreaking 3 book and then applied it to my elytra when penguins can fly now we're in business well we have been in business for a while i want to do an adventure now i still need bamboo but i also want to do a raid i think it would be fun and i want to do some big battle while flying over some new chunks i came upon one of their towers i landed at the top borrowed some of their loot and then went down there were some at the front door and then my luck began to come back i found a fly carrier and then got the debuff of course i could try and do a level 5 raid but i don't have the greatest gear and i would rather not chance it so i flew out and headed north until i came upon this village which it had an iron golem some this should go even smoother right just make sure i don't lose the raid i first worked on trapping a villager in a room the oldest trick in the book and then got to work like normal nothing really happened the first wave was easy and i got through that like normal i was shopping for some of the village items and apparently this bell is a super hot item immediately getting rushed and having flashbacks to black friday's sales i was getting teamed up on by two axe shoppers but luckily a karen saw me and threatened to get a manager on them the waves went by normally and i was starting to worry that i want to get a tone of undying maybe they were all sold out then i saw a worker carrying one and i was able to snipe it before any other shopper could again i know it's pointless in me having this in regular survival but it feels weird not having one in my hand and then things begin to go bad you see i didn't have that much food when i began this raid and you need food to heal i actually ate everything and now i have to beat this raid without getting touched i was once again incredibly thankful for my bow having infinity on it i just stayed in the distance and kept sniping everyone never missing a shot and making the navy seal sniper team jealous the iron golem also died from a single ravager and the flying rats were finally disappearing things were looking great and boom i completed the raid without losing a single villager never getting hit once never missing a shot and none of those were a lie just don't check me on it since i need food i went around the village and borrowed meat from the animals once i had a decent amount of food i headed north and collected logs from the buildings we're all about recycling here and then i was super duper smart and crafted a smoker so i could cook everything faster and cheaper once the night fell i was finally able to eat healing up and getting back on track before heading out and exploring i tended to the animals around the village making sure they're all all right after that i tended to the houses to check out how structurally strong they are just to help out the hoa creepers while everything was cooking i went around and started to shop again taking anything deemed valuable and that i could use in the villager trading room and then finally all the food was cooked so i packed up and headed out again finding an ocean a few hundred blocks away from the village right on a rock not sure how the ship got here but i opened up a trap door and i swear this isn't fake i found three bamboo in the chest quickly ending this journey and i did get the treasure map though because surely this chest would actually be here and to my surprise it was it was on the first spot i was digging in and i got some diamonds out of this with an amazing ending to this journey i flew back home and waddled over to my bed the 1.16 nether update redid the nether and made it a whole lot more fun and i want to conquer it i just need a few more enchants on my gear before doing so and i first got to work on the bamboo farm today was a troy day and i needed to get on my emerald grind pronto i'm in a decently large one with all the bone meal i had saved up and then sold the leftover sticks to the fetcher now that i have emeralds i bought all the mending books i could and added one to my sword grindstone my pick and then enchanted it with fortune 2 and then added mending to it but instead of traveling hundreds of blocks and dangerous terrain in the nether why not relocate the portal in the overworld of course i have to travel farther in the overworld to move anywhere in the nether but it's just so much easier and faster also i won't have to travel around mountains and weird pathways so i found this swamp kind of near the village i just raided and built the portal once i lift that bad boy up i went inside in well i think it's new chunks it kind of looks new and i at least see courts here i also see the booger breath piglets here and we all introduced ourselves i saw their boss and was tempted to quickly deal with him and then escape but i'd rather stay undercover right now i begin flying around my only objective in here is to find a bastion i just want to take one on since they're kind of fun i squeezed through this tiny opening and came into a cave since there's a ton of quartz here it's a perfect time to slightly heal up my sword and gear i find quartz to be the easiest way without some sort of farm i traveled into the larger opening of the crimson forest and saw that there's a lot of pigs here which means if i get gold there's a whole lot of capitalism here i managed to get around 11 ingots and as i was trying to craft it into ingots the first customer didn't want to wait we began trading in well you never draw me maxed out netherride armor and tools so i had him say hello to my sword i just want to show this area since it's really beautiful and i'm kind of jealous it isn't in my hardcore world i found it destroyed another portal in the middle of a lake and inside the chest a golden apple and some golden nuggets a delicious meal i flew around some other biomes and without even realizing it i flew right towards the bastion and then got some achievement that called me a hot tourist i'm not blushing i'm just sunburned i was going to go check out the gold blocks not steal them i swear and the locals wanted some autographs so my tried out this new autograph launching bow and dealt with the crowd and then i went to go borrow the gold blocks it's completely different before heading into the main room i traveled up to the top since it was right here and after making sure it was safe the first chest had a music desk that i won't use and in the second chest eh add gold at least some i can trade for obsidian or something after that i headed up to the top and while i was kind of surprised to find a navy seal sniper gas it genuinely shocked me how it was able to spot me from all the way over there after seeing how the security was on this place i began to trade with this lonely piglet if i can get enough obsidian from it i won't have to travel a few thousand blocks back to my portal and it was going alright he wasn't really dropping obsidian i then dropped him into this hole and then my soul left my body a brute and a piglet came to the top something that would too shot me most likely and i was slowed down by the soul sand my leg pulled through and somehow the brute fell into the hole with the other piglen barely escaped death there i treated with the two trapped piglens and i was only able to get eight obsidian from them so close i set them free after that and headed down the other staircase that i'm assuming the brute came from luckily downstairs it was a double chest and not a double brute holding a ton of nice items and boom baby a silk touch pickaxe with all this area looted i went to the entrance and said hi to the butler walking inside next and the place was weirdly empty until i shot one of the piglets down below and then every piglet in the place ran to that location most falling down and into the lava i guess they didn't know they had an upstairs after saying hi to the locals i looted the chest up here and now i can make a portal i also got a nice diamond shovel i'm wearing golden boots at this moment to keep the piglens off of me but i never knew this apparently putting down and opening a shulker box will make the piglets angry and attack you this also genuinely shocked me i started to cut corners and just hop down levels i wasn't seeing any chests so might as well rush to the center there was a few piglets left so we had a sniper duel oh and i also got surprise rushed by this piglen who jumped into the lava without me touching him at all i swear before going to the center though i want to get rid of the magma cube spawner there's just way too many and i don't want to be surrounded in there once that was clear i jumped into the center platform and began to baby-proof it i borrowed the items in the chest which were insane got an ancient debris iron blocks diamond chest plate and six diamonds after making sure there wasn't any holes i could fall into and i then broke the bridges leading here i prepared for war and kiss piglets were to rush this place somehow and then got to breaking every single gold block here i gained about two and a half stacks of gold ingots and then it was time to escape i just towered up i ran out of box and then did a super cool launch and flew out of the building was totally cool i know i double checked around the base to see if there was anything i missed and nope i borrowed everything i could from this place i was going to build another portal and leave but i just wanted to fly and see if i could find anything else at all before leaving that's when i found this huge nether fortress and i mean huge like your forehead kind of huge i'm sorry the place was super creepy and the further i explored the more it put me on edge mainly because i kept on hearing wither skeletons walk and piglets clearing their throats but i never saw them until i started to reach the top part of the fortress i broke this blade spawner and then came into this huge open area so at first i was like there's no way i'll get a wither skull but hey why not try for like three minutes and if i don't get one i'll go home so i headed north and i kept on finding weather skeletons but no skulls so it was looking like i was about to head home that's when i got to this back corner of the fortress just about to leave and build the portal and then there it was at the end of this hallway just waiting for my gorgeous hands to pick it up with her skull now i can't leave i want to beat the weather i'm already 33 there so surely this won't take long right um yeah that's when blaze's non-stop kept spawning in and let me tell you originally i never really put much thought into blazes they were just fire enemies that you could easily avoid yeah this place changed me i'd put blazes near the top of my list of most hated mobs oh yeah gas would also spawn in just add more spice to everything about 10 minutes go by and i wasn't getting any more skulls oh well i usually get one per day but i fired this arrow and it hit and killed a blaze then out of the blue the zombie piglets were all engie wangy and rushed me i'm not even joking i don't know why or how they're mad at me i never hit them some i just camped up here for the rest of the day saying hi to them and signing autographs but now we have to update to 1.17 the caves and cliffs part one just saying not a good update ever since the aquatic one they should have just had part one and two together right in the beginning it was a good sign for how today was going to go i randomly caught fire and didn't see any blades that shot at me i also became friends with the zombie pigeons again they were finally not angry on me anymore but man were the blazes filled with rage i don't think they were bots i'm 99 sure i was fighting real players this place had to be a server even when i was on the opposite side of the fortress they would snipe me made things actually interesting and fun in here one sign i've noticed for weather skeletons if their head doesn't turn red when you hit them they'll drop you a skull except in this instance where both of their heads turn red yet once they'll drop to skull i just like spreading misinformation but i swear that strat does work just like flying away from the fortress to get the butthead blaze rats to despawn so you can get weather skeletons to spawn in these blazes however heard me and wanted to prove me wrong all the mobs in this place have it out for me especially the zombie piglet i've seen several of them wear black air force high tops i was expecting to go another day in here but very luckily near the end these two beautiful specimens rushed me and i got my third wither skull now i can fight the weather i immediately escaped the fortress when up high to hopefully spun somewhere on the surface built the portal and went in and luckily since i built it so high up i spawn deep underground in a cave makes sense i dug my way up to the surface and flew we're in a snowy biome but i don't know where i am but man do i know where some good loot is so i wouldn't mind the lanterns for my base and well do these villagers really need all this light surely not and who knows maybe by me borrowing all their lanterns it'll push them to advance towards electricity anywho i have no idea where to go i'm just heading north because i feel like my house should be this way and since we're nearing the end of the movie i can't stop at any place except for the sunken ship because i have no self-control for loot and i just have to get the shiny shiny stuff night was falling don't worry i don't think it hurt itself and now i can't stop at any place that's when i noticed that one weird mountain and then a few hundred blocks ahead the pillager tower i actually managed to find my way home and no i don't have my base coin that's written down i almost never do that and now to prepare for the wither obviously though before that i have to get organized i went around changing all the torches to lanterns but you can't place lanterns under leaves for some reason man my life is just so hard just obstacle after obstacle please calm enough to pay respects on a serious note though i love how lanterns make this place look i think it makes it look a lot fancier and warm like tradition i'm going to use an iron golem to help me choose the weather fight even though if i die it won't matter what night was falling and i don't want baddies to come crash at my house while i'm fighting the wither so i spent time with my good old bessies and then said hi to my adult besties held up my tools and now we're eating like kings for the last six days the hoa zombie drop by today didn't even know that was a department and he kept on rambling and saying ow fire ouch owie owl ooh not good hot burn out water please ouch i was stunned that it could speak and i didn't realize that i should have used my water bucket to save him anyways i went down into the mines and went all the way to the back going to choose the weather down here so it doesn't fly to my buildings and ruin my base i spawned in the weather first and waited till i went boom boom to spawn in the iron golem so i want to get hurt that's when i realized my critical flaw iron golems can't spawn in if there's blocks touching the sides i quickly went back to the three-way opening spot and spawn him there instead of breaking the sides of the walls to spawn him in i then used my water bucket to give him a fun time and then have him think that he's at wild rivers before going to his doom which the weather was being cheap and fighting him before iron dum-dum over here realized that he was getting hurt he rushed in heroically but died after only hitting the weather like three times he'll be missed not really i was using my bow when i didn't really notice my health and it was too late to heal thankfully i had that tone in my mind dying and it saved my life i couldn't lower the weather's health anymore with bows and i clearly needed something to help me fight it so i went back to my chest and got some healing potions but not another tone of undying because i'm smart i ran back to the booger butt head and lowered it back to its melee health point going in for the kill and actually using the healing potions to save me told you i was smart i was seeing the weather heading up next and was freaking out that it would try and go to my base so i threw caution to the side and brushed him hitting it left and right and finally saying hi to the weather a weird thing next there was cobblestone in this cave area and i never mind this far or ever put cobblestone here kind of weird almost as weird as checking out this new room the weather made and not finding any diamonds that's right baby still no luck down here when i went back home i couldn't make the beacon so i just waited for the glass to smell i crafted the beacon in the morning and then gathered all the ores that i had that i can make a beacon with and well it's not a lot i also don't know where i want to build it i don't exactly have a nice open spot for it and if i were to put it in any building it wouldn't fit that's when i had the brilliant idea after trading with the villagers to terraform the front lawn and then slap that bad boy right there i have less than a total stack of blocks to build this beacon with and well with iron on the bottom and gold on the top it looks like an omelet and yes i would love fan art of this bad boy but i wanted to see if i can make it bigger but i need a lot of gold for it of course i can go mining and get disappointed again by my luck down there or i could fly all the way to the swamp again and go to the nether and then find some gold ore in there however when i went to go do that i could not find one block of gold ore in this entire dimension seriously there was just no gold ores and with a limited amount of days left i didn't chance it i just headed back home the omelette beacon would have to stay and now for the final update out right now 1.18 caves and cliffs part 2. basically just adds new max world height and depth and new cave systems i believe it's been 8 years since the world terrain generator was updated so this one is huge to finish off the movie i want to finish building my base the top part of this room that i made my bedroom and i kind of want to go all fancy on it i started smoking some of my cobblestone and while that's going i'm collecting some sand for glass i'm thinking of making a huge dome lick for this and fun spoiler i collected a few hundred sand to make into glass which i never ended up using while all that was smelting it was time and i went and chopped down the rainforest or at least i tried i didn't realize how many trees there are and how annoying the monster trees are i finished chopping down the good small trees and i think from now on whenever i say a monster tree i'll just use a flan steel on it i'll collect the easy to reach logs but this way is so much faster and nicer than hunting and searching for all the logs in the tree kind of weird how mojin hasn't added any faster way to chop down trees yet but doing all of that past enough time for the blocks to finish smelting in the furnaces i turned the stone into stone bricks and we're ready to go firstly i have no idea or plans for how this place will look i'm just kind of going to wing some old wooden look with beams i played the rest of the glowstone that i had around the platform and then filled in the open spots with stone bricks after that i planted where the support pillars would be going but in the morning i really wasn't feeling it i didn't like how confusing it was looking so i put this funky looking stone brick on the edge and put a log on top of it it's a lot more expensive to do it this way but i think it looks a lot nicer plus i'll be able to have more pillars this way and that'll make the end product look a lot nicer now to begin on the actual pillars i'm starting these edge pieces off slightly shorter than the rest and with and having it face towards the middle these will cross the entire building and then these side pillars will all be facing the center pillar area as if they're resting on that and supporting it up giving it all more realistic support the site is practically done and it's kind of looking like an upside down ship but trust me it'll look good i hope not a copy over the left side to the right and once i was completed i'm actually really happy with this build it's giving a nice viking dining hall vibe and this is when i thought nah no glass i'm gonna run to all the tops of the logs and place stone brick slabs on them just to cover them and i feel like it made it more realistic it also made the beams on top look nicer and at this moment i swapped up how the beams would go i planned for the ones on the edges to support up the middle ones but now it's vice versa with all the middle ones finished i wasn't liking how jinky the top edges were looking so i went around and added it upside down stairs to it making the insides hollow but the top nice and curvy i finished up those curvy additions in the morning and now to add the middle support beam which i guess this way is more realistic but i don't think that's correct either way if these beams were on top or bottom of the cross beams it would serve the same purpose and finally all of the pillars are done right on time but something's missing it's looking good but it needs something where the beams cross each other and i think adding walls is the perfect touch makes it look like it's securing all the beams together plus it's a perfect spot to add lanterns kind of sounded like a machine gun and now this entire floor should be perfectly lit up but speaking of lighting stuff up i placed torches on top so we won't have surprise zombies again and here's how the finished base looks it's not much i was more focused on balancing everything instead of just building but it's still a nice beginner base i especially love this center building however i didn't want this glass to go to waste and i don't want to leave the village or room open i wanted to make sure they were safe and i would do a speedy montage here but it would be terrible since i was moving my camera a ton and speaking of camera i just watched the sunset to end off the movie like tradition also don't forget if you all give me to 100 000 twitter followers before 2022 is over i'll release the world download to my hardcore world
Channel: Skyes
Views: 4,272,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyes, i survived 100 days through every update in minecraft, i survived 100 days through the ages in minecraft, i survived 100 days in minecraft but it updates every day, 100 days full movie, skyes minecraft 1000 days, skyes minecraft, i survived 100 days in every update in minecraft hardcore, i survived 100 days through every update in minecraft hardcore, i survived 100 days in the nether in minecraft hardcore, i survived 100 days in minecraft but it updates every hour
Id: ThZQSCul42A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 33sec (5313 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 25 2022
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