Dream and George flirting for 22 minutes straight

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[Music] again i'm always mvp you have less points than me still idiot you're not always mvp only in my okay also where's george he he can cameo in here if you want to harass him wow what george you know we're surrounded by clay hardened clay what [Music] welcome to the spanky or the sankey canal it's england you gotta be you should have known right away dream where are you i have a gift for you my birthday what a little give me this wait sorry look what george just gave me i what i didn't even give up whatever you did not wait after him read it i'm so tired but i'm still here doing mcc training because you're gonna edit my video for me i'm grinding for you jim thank you very much [Laughter] oh wait i got a good one i got a good one no that is the dumbest thing i want it to be like michael i wanna kiss you like friends let's get it on like marvin get out write a song for you like this you're over my head i'm out of my mind thinking i was born in the wrong time one of a kind living in a world down plastic baby you're so classic [Music] twinkies are good you would like twinkies wouldn't you why not i'm like really hot right now i'm like really overheating oh we know george we know how hot you are why do you you always say that you're so you're so obsessed why are you so obsessed i'm not obsessed with you well hello dream welcome back what'd you just say welcome back oh okay what do you think i said oh something else oh now i have you right where i want you hey what are you gonna do here in this little hole i'm just kidding george was it good enough though you can play it again if you want oh and now he wants to keep going okay well i just said if you won yeah i think i'm not here to like disappoint you or anything yeah okay so i think i glitched would you say my weaknesses me for like competition i guess you you're such an idiot i'm not allergic to anything that's not true you told me you're allergic to something no i didn't you did tell me what you're allergic to um me i don't know you're gonna say that every time you get near me you just get all red are you allergic to anything bad uh not that i know of yeah george george george what's up holy muffin that one tweet i didn't even link it answer george you look amazing george 0.5k likes george what look at george so if you just if you just teleport us like 20 blocks up we'll be on top of the barrier blocks and they won't be able to get to it every time they're about to get you i'll teleport you to me he looks he looks so handsome look at him look at george wait we took a screenshot together we're gonna say i don't see him is his little sweat his christmas sweater on someone said dream do you think george is cute why would you read it i read it i didn't read it out loud what's your answer why are you asking me that i'm not asking i'm just reading the chat i know i read the chat too well what's the answer is george tall enough to write a roller coaster probably not that's what you get i'm just reading chat all chat is normal and there's just an all cap i have a crush on dreams [Music] anything that you see that's good about dream on the internet that's probably a dream that wrote it like nothing is good about dreams that's not true that's not true you know it's not cool you told me last night what does that even mean you guys smell my breath ugh what is let me rephrase it because i'm sorry if i said six packs of gum it was six different brands you were just like just moaned into the mic i didn't even know i just read yeah it sounded like a mo oh yeah you would think that one yeah what do you think of what it sounds like let's see another question answer my question no you're on to my questions you're robbing you're robbing them thank you cash answer two questions two questions answer two questions you're robbing them answer two questions answer two um it's answer two you could have answered three by now i'm reading the questions i'm trying to find a good a really good one there's a really good one that's got a lot of like just shut up george 23 000 likes i think you should answer people want to know the answer yeah yeah yeah yeah oh sapnab did you ever have an emo phase no i never i never had an emo phase there you go thank you remember hashtag ask stream if you want to ask me questions you can you can wait what's the talk of a hashtag what's the top question i don't know oh yours question mine what is that i'm not gonna i'm not i'm not not answering it maybe i'll answer it next time it was too early it didn't pop up i didn't see it okay george you look good in a suit thanks dream you're welcome what else do you want to say jeremy hello wait where are you are you whispering i'm i don't know effect all right um i like your tie really it's nice okay you look like a businessman it's because i am a businessman we did business dream bad business oh wait no i i won a million dollars off you you're you're a crappy businessman so jeremy what are you wearing right now in real life not a suit and what are you wearing i am wearing uh why why are you asking me what i'm wearing just tell me why why is it so secretive it's not secret it was kind of like i don't know i'm just chilling i'm in um i'm wearing uh like sweats and a t-shirt a white t-shirt grace webcams they are and they're um they have the florida gators logo on there you know i'm not really a gators fan but can you send us a picture no send me a picture oh my god okay i think this is this has gone a bit too far now it's the name of a dessert yes you should have put me i put apple pie oh my god okay it's getting it's getting you're getting sicker george i know i kind of like it george did you did you fall from heaven or was that just your face wow dream is like the master of pick-up lines no he doesn't he doesn't get it it's a good it's the best pick-up line i know that's why i'm not gonna help you i'm gonna chat this round but i'm not helping you this round i need you this is a two-player game no it's not but you can work it out ah okay dream do i put a caption uh i don't know you can just say uh george hot found okay i'm not gonna do that um come on that's a good cap it's like how would you describe this eyebrow slit dream it's like it's interesting that's how i would describe it okay all right i'm gonna get to it no caption question for dream do you get george edits on your for you page yeah i do do you like them i mean i sometimes i like them like actually like them as in like as in like like buttons you press the like button yeah i do sometimes but do you actually like them um sometimes i wouldn't press the like button if i didn't okay ten dollars an hour how about five [Laughter] you know what dream just because i like you i'll do a deal i'll meet you in the middle that's gonna be 7.50 an hour wait hear me hear me out okay two wait what two two dollars you said five just before my offer has lowered why get is your offer take it or leave it final offer deal or no deal be fat that is a good idea it is a good idea it is it is i don't know ever actually to be fair okay yeah it probably is i'm i'm gonna do it eventually you're going to do the idea yes no you're not i'm going to make it happen so sure i probably will there you are and you're going to help me am i impressive it's too hot okay it is i need to cool down okay okay hair reveal i could do a hair reveal that's what you have to do take take your hat off right here just you have to do everything i say okay with no hesitation are you ready okay all right take your take your hat off yeah all right take your headphones off yeah you're not gonna hear me wait can you hear me if you take your headphones off yeah okay so your headphones are off yeah all right now just totally mess up all of your hair why just do it why i just completely ruffle all of your hair what if i get it like wet and then it will like go crazy will it yeah watch wait where is it going just tell me no no that's where it's going go do it do it and then walk i can't tell i can't tell you after i can't i can't tell you i can't tell you just do it is it wet okay i can't see you right hang on the camera look [Laughter] no mess up your hair it's messed up wait wait what oh my gosh holy cow what i've never seen your hair like that now that now that's a good instagram photo it's like messy it's like messed up but now what no that was it that was how's that a tick tock it's not so you just wanted me to take myself for no reason well not for no reason i was curious what it looked like [Music] that's red but i got it right you said you're literally gonna what kiss me or something like that and you get like the fine like oh that's george george kissed me this gas just spawned out of nowhere i don't even know what this clip is i think it's i think dream was talking about kissing you okay which time i don't know which i didn't realize there were several but you'll have to send them in or or we could what yes what a bunch of bunch of idiots like they like they keep they keep too many secrets oh we keep too many it's like george's first kiss i haven't had my first guess but you're lying that's a lie i know that's a lie like you've kissed me and you know forfeit your minecraft account kiss george that's a pretty good forfeit you would love to do that no it's a forfeit that's a good one that's a good one to choose no let's choose that one if i get to 11k in the next minute i will kiss george wait the next minute it has to happen in a minute though might as well said you're gonna kiss sap nap he's in a closer radius to you just sprinting on him while he's in a valerian game do you ever think about what it would be like to kiss your best friend okay no no why did that take you i'm just gonna put i'm just gonna put okay but listen the options are this like what the options are at least a few times a day gross or yeah but i think it would be like kissing my mom like how are those the only options all right what should we do until everyone gets home yes or something come back i just want to give you a hug in the game no no i just want to give you a little shut up this is this is this this challenge is based on luck this is literal based on stop kissing this is based on luck are you excited to meet dream do you have any specific plans for when you meet him oh we're gonna kiss obviously but i don't know about that uh anyway we'll find out i've always wanted to explore my section oh no so this kiss george but you're [Laughter] that is a good tagline oh here we go george your turn no way okay what that mean quack you're on the same page quack why no what oh my gosh you are absolutely oh that's funny also your life is adorable thank you thank you it's very adorable isn't it dream why did i say that that's weird what and i can still begin you're so genius george why do you say it like that a dream what do you have my stream open yeah look at this what do you think about this the hoodie yeah it's cute that's a weird descriptive word to use but there's all you know what ego boost means stream can give you an example what does that mean dream you would like to know wouldn't you why did you say that so weirdly what another 100 donation sorry i'm late to assume you look hot today so here's money anyway is this dream donating what no i would never you are so hot george not found why did he donate that jim guys by the way if you're missing out because the black screen on george go ahead and go over there there's no black screen there's no black screen george you're the hottest piece of arse in dream hunt is that true um maybe it is hey bessie just want to tell you that i found out pretty privilege is real and you have it well pretty boy take my money is this true dream yeah yeah speaking of which what are your thoughts on dream in a suit do you think dream looks good in a suit all right just ignore me you're not dreaming i'm feeling it the beat is gumping lyrics are trash i might as well be dumping stealing this battle like i'm robbing a walmart stealing your points like i'm stealing george's heart oh did it work did it work though did it work i don't know i don't know [Music] i'll read me and george's text further um yeah look at all those twitch friends you're such a yes i texted him i said i'm in the hot tub right now he said prove it i sent it i sent a picture of the hot tub and he said i don't see you in it though and then he had like a blushing face why does he do that with you and not with me i asked him what are you wearing with like hard eyes and [ __ ] yeah i don't like reading our texts ready you said i said um you said just woke up and i said me too in sync bb and then you sent back hard eyes emoji let's go and then i said now we can have sex then you said sure wait wait let me read well i was sending him like dumb photos and stuff and i sent him like a photo of like bad like with like a shaver while he was like bald or something dreams trying to make me laugh how he sent he sent me something in an attempt to make me laugh and then he wasn't i knew he wasn't laughing or like reacting at all he was laughing every time before that whenever i was sending him stuff so i realized he like he like didn't he like stopped like looking um but i knew he always has it pop up in like the bottom right of his screen when he gets discord messages and so i knew like oh messaging him would work so i messaged him and i said um the first message i said was uh what did dream send you um all right i gotta go do something uh what did you dream and then i sent him another message and i won't say what that one was but it was just like it was right after that just so yeah his attention was there if it makes me laugh i will end this stream if it makes me laugh if dream can make us both laugh right now i will end this stream okay i'm gonna send you a screenshot george hi jack it's not that it's funny but it it was so unexpected i get it no i get it i mean i i didn't realize it was real but um he is so funny guys he is so funny [Laughter] [Music] you
Channel: LiterallyNotFound
Views: 303,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dreamnotfound, dnf, dream and george, george and dream, dnf flirting, dreamnotfound flirting, flirting, minutes straight, georgenotfound, dream
Id: AHf_4j3K81o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 55sec (1375 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 19 2022
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