I Main Heavy Now

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hey everybody Uncle Dane from YouTube the allegations are true I don't M engineer anymore because he's for noobs from now on I only M the heavy weapons guy because he's the main character of Team Fortress 2 this is not an April Fool's joke like last time and you can tell because this video was uploaded in June the month where we celebrate being 100% serious and being gay last year I made pyro for a month as like a little experiment uh pyro was my least played class so I figured I should probably give it a fair shot and try my best to make the most of it so you can watch that video for the specifics but overall it was a pretty cool experience and I ended up enjoying the play style that I had fine-tuned so much that pyro eventually stopped being my least played class so naturally there have been a lot of people since who want me to continue the experiment with other classes regardless of if it's an April Fool's joke or not so what better class to keep this unofficial Series going than my new least played class the heavy the guy on the box now it may not be very surprised to a lot of you that the heavy is my least play class because it's kind of a CommunityWide bit of common knowledge that heavy Mains are few and far between in general like when it comes to this game Heavy has always been a bit of an underdog he lost the mete match vote the Pyro he got gaslit and scammed out of his own update by Valve and his sister is way cooler than him but actually the heavy is such a popular part of the TF2 image he's like he's sort of the game's unofficial mascot and despite what people might assume about heavy based on his play time getting consistently overshadow shadowed by more explosive classes the heavy is an incredibly powerful class and even though he's been one of my least played classes I still feel like more often than not I I [ __ ] clean house with heavy like he's a Despicable mass murderer in the streets and according to Sasha a very gentle man in the sheets oh my God he [ __ ] his gun so what's the big idea huh like it seems like this Russian hunk has everything going for him he's powerful he's famous he's an underdog so everybody's rooting for him he's 6'5 and he's got a beautiful wife why does nobody want to play the heavy well that's the thing about TF2 at the end of the day it doesn't really matter what's good it doesn't really matter what get kills what matters is is he fun to play no he's not fun to play and it's pretty well known to most TF2 players why heavy is not very fun to play he uh he just does this like just hold down the button put the Crosshair on noobs cool as opposed to pyro who I had avoided playing despite knowing that there was a deeper play style available I had avoided playing heavy because I've always felt confident that I've already done everything there is to do with him heavy is a very one trck minded class he just shoots a constant stream of bullets and if you watch my pyro one you already would know that I just don't find that style of doing damage to be very fun the minigun is not like the shotgun where you just get to go and watch your enemy bite the dust the minigun just goes and you get to wait for your enemy to fall over eventually so doing damage isn't very fun but what about movement well heavy doesn't have any movement mechanics at all just beyond taking out his melee weapon like you're trying to get to be at half a second faster in Counter Strike he's the slowest class and that feels bad but don't worry to make up for a speed the heavy has the highest health pool in the game and that's uh it's all gone it's all gone instantly it's gone it's I'm I'm [ __ ] dead turns out Team Fortress 2 is not a simple little game where you can just turn down the speed and turn up the health and have everything work out on paper because being slow in Team Fortress 2 makes you a Sitting Duck and being susceptible to focus fire in this game makes an extra 100 Health feel like it legitimately does not matter at all because survivability in TF2 is not just tied to having enough Health it's also died to positioning and maneuverability for example Scout has good survivability despite having low health because his maneuverability greatly makes up for it in TF2 movement is more valuable than health if you think about it health is just a stat that says how many times you're allowed to get hit but your Mobility is how you prevent getting hit entirely not to mention movement is a mechanical skill that can be improved upon and exploited by the big brain of the player but it doesn't matter how good you are a tf2 the base health of every class will always stay the same locked in place no matter how hard you practice so heavy is being limited by two low ceilings his unchanging and unimpactful health and his very limited mobility and in the world of tf2's Rocket jumps double jumps jetpacks Edge bugs and whatever else these crazy other classes can pull off heavy is unfortunately ground bound squirting a bullet hose while everyone else beats the [ __ ] out of him and that's just not as fun this was my dissertation about heavy that I was confident in having locked down so originally I went into this experiment with my mind kind of made up already heavy is a born in class with a limited toolkit and I assumed that I would probably just end up saying a lot of things in this video that you've probably already heard and how it feels to play Heavy but to my surprise I was wrong real quick though I want to talk about the sponsor of this video War Thunder they're back and they've got tanks they've got planes they've got this thing I forget what it's called but they've got it War Thunder is the most comprehensive vehicle combat game ever incredibly detailed realism focused and steeped in authenticity if you've ever wanted to experience the war machine from the cockpit of a war machine built for the sole purpose of Destruction War Thunder is right up your alley but my favorite part by far is the sheer amount of customization you can apply to your vehicles which I suppose isn't all that surprising considering the absolute state of my TF2 backpack but the best part is this game is available right now for free on Xbox PlayStation and PC and if you go there right now to the description of this video and click on the link in there you'll also be able to pick up a massive bonus pack for any new and returning players that haven't played for at least 6 months you'll get a bunch of Premium Vehicles an exclusive vehicle decorator called the eagle of Valor 100,000 silver Lions 7 Days of premium account and a whole lot of other stuff that you see here so don't dilly dally Soldier immerse yourself along with 70 million players in the intense combat of War Thunder thank you War Thunder for sponsoring this video it's funny these experiments where I decide to play a class that I thought I didn't like have been just as revealing to me about myself and my own personality as it has been revealing about the class itself because I discovered something that may or may not have been obvious to the people who have watched my videos all these years I am stubborn when it comes to bad classes I mean think about this entire Channel I I've managed to make a whole ass YouTube career out of taking a class with a surface level debilitating stat lineup and insisting repeatedly for years that this isn't a bad class you just ain't doing it right so that's instantly where my mind went when I approached maning heavy I thought everybody including myself seems to believe that this guy's limit is here where's the real one at so to start I equipped the standard heavy Loadout and I just started playing my experience playing heavy can be categorized into four phases kind of like those videos that people used to make all the time phase one I'll call default heavy this is what I imagine people think of when you think of the heavy gam playay minigun sandit fist of Steel establish yourself on the front lines take hits and lay down a wall of bullets to make space and rack up kills but doing this I experienced pretty quickly exactly what I assumed I would this is not an effective strategy I'm just sitting on the open getting shot at by everyone in the entire game which is made extremely easy considering that in order to do damage I need to make myself even slower I can't go faster so I need more help the medic heavy pairing is Iconic and it honestly is what makes this play style actually viable getting pocketed as any classes usually pretty powerful but getting overhealed getting crossbow getting crits getting ubered it really just does make heavy the power class that he is is but there are two very unfortunate reality checks that get slammed on top of this fact first of all in public servers there's no guarantee that someone is going to play medic and there's even less of a guarantee that a medic is going to pocket me so when I literally need a medic to put a med gun up my I don't even want to say it but hole in order to have any chance of not getting owned it often feels like my enjoyment of the game hinges on if I roll lucky on whatever my teammates decide to do which is a proven recipe for a bad time but second of all even if I manag to psychologically manipulate a medic player into pocketing Me by equipping an unusual hat and doing push-ups it really doesn't matter all that much if the enemy team has one decent sniper or spy on their team these classes one-hot you before you can react as they should they are designed to be the counter to heavy but like I said in this video the counter to a pocketed Pub stomper is focus fire which the heavy is incredibly weak to no matter how much he's overhealed at the end of the day movement is more valuable in health so while increasing that stat through the power of teamwork is pretty darn effective you're still a Sitting Duck you can still be overwhelmed in an instant so what else is there we don't have movement but we do have positioning just because the heavy movees slow doesn't mean he can't go places he can still go places it's just that he gets there slower which if you think about it is kind of a familiar thing to an engineer main like me there's a lot of value in thinking ahead and knowing where your enemies are going to be standing so you can position yourself in a spot that gives you an advantage I've said many times before that an effective and Powerful engineer strategy is to place your sentry gun in an unexpected area and what is the heavy if not a living breathing sentry gun which lead leads into the second phase roaming heavy Tommy slav banana and the gloves of running urgently this is a Loadout specifically designed for the independent heavy who don't need no medic focused not only on building his health as high as it can go or trying to compensate for his deep pain thrombosis this is where I decided to go a wall immediately and just try and work on positioning myself in ways that give me an advantage because when you're not alerting the enemy to your presence with a loud ass mini gun it's actually pretty easy to put yourself in a place where you can gun people down before they can shoot you back in the same way that good movement can mitigate taking fatal amounts of damage good positioning can also do practically the same thing so this sneak style of playing heavy definitely spoke to me more than playing alongside a pocket medic and just trying to outdamage whatever damage came my way I felt like I could raise the ceiling of what was possible with my skills more consistently than anything that I'd experimented with so far the Tommy slob very quickly became my preferred primary weapon and the banana I feel is much more useful than the sandwich mostly just because you get to use it a lot more often the Speedy gloves also felt more impactful than the fist of Steel once again just because I feel like movement Trump's Health in this game even if all the item really does it just make you a little bit faster repositioning I was pretty happy with this play style mainly because I had pretty quickly disconnected myself from the uh Reliance on medic to follow me around and make sure I was having fun but while I had solved the medic issue and the Sitting Duck issue sort of I had suddenly been faced with a reality that I wanted to ignore for so long uh the minigun still isn't very fun to shoot it's still a sustained fire weapon and I'm a burst fire boy that's why I love TF2 because 95% of the guns go BL and that's really fun so when I hold down the button on people as heavy my neurons just aren't connecting my dopamine isn't flowing I'm just racking up kills with a frown on my face not to mention it's also so easy to get out DMD if you start an engagement un revved even with the Tommy SLO faster rev speed because in addition to this gun not being that fun to shoot you can't even shoot it right away you have to wait and in that precious window of time your enemy can easily make a multitude of choices to complete completely screw you over whether it be just to position themselves around the corner or to prop peek you to death or simply just start damaging you right away getting a head start on shipping away at your health which in a situation where you have no movement doing to having to commit to revving up is your only Advantage left and guess what it's long gone by the time you start firing because the demo man already piped you twice I don't want to spend my time Jump revving around corners to prevent this very common situation from happening that's not fun so you know what [ __ ] it heavy actually does have a burst fire weapon it's called the shotgun and it happens to be one of my favorite guns in all of video games so I don't know why I'm ignoring it I I'm just going to go ahead and move on to phase three fat Scout now everybody thinks fat Scout is a meme because hahhaa heavy isn't firing his Minun he isn't eating his sandwich isn't that weird and crazy to imagine a world where heavy would not do one of those two things how ridiculous but dude I don't know if it's just because I've been using the shotgun engineer for many many many years at this point but this [ __ ] is not a meme fat Scout is actually really good in a lot of circumstances it feels like it's more effective than regular heavy like what because think about it pling Phase 2 roaming heavy is pretty good until you're un revved rounding the corner to come face to face with an enemy player because you're always going to be having a bit of startup while your opponent doesn't assuming that they're not also playing heavy oddly enough fat Scout solves this issue completely because you're always going to be able to just start blasting and the shotgun is just a really solid damage dealer so it honestly doesn't really feel like that much of a trade-off especially when you consider that in addition to not having to rev up before you start doing damage you don't lose speed when you fire it I mean sure Heavy's base speed is really slow but when you're revved up you're practically stationary when you're using the shotgun suddenly you can actually Dodge incoming fire to an impactful degree sure you're not bouncing off the walls or anything but it's unsurprisingly more effective than just sitting there trying to keep your Crosshair on someone while they effortlessly unload on your unmoving target of hitbox so I spent a lot of time playing fat Scout I'll be honest and because this subclass has always been referred to as a mean I kind of felt like I might be wasting my time and yet I was having a lot of fun finding finally using a burst fire weapon and getting a lot of kills doing it in particular I started really loving the family business because it allowed me to stay in fights longer due to the bigger magazine size and my larger Health pool then it hit me fat Scout using a shotgun on heavy this this isn't a subass I I I've actually been over this before I've had this exact same experience with battley I fast Scout isn't a load out I still have a minigun I'm just choosing not to use it and why not oh like why am I only using the shotgun here there there's no rule that says that I can't also switch to my minigun whenever it makes sense to do so that's the meme that's the fat Scout gimmick it's just a challenge really fat Scout is just an intentional Nerf to Goof Off with well what if I stop goofing off and what if I just use the minigun and the shotgun phase four shotgun heavy this is it this is the Apex can you believe it Tommy slav shotgun and holiday punch this is the perfect Uncle Dane the heavy main play style first of all the Tommy slav is just straight up better than the stock for my preferred method of roaming around the map trying to catch people off guard the silent rev allows me to Corner Camp the faster rev speed lets me more quickly start mowing people down and the tighter spread rewards precise tracking but because it takes a rather large commitment of slowing yourself down to an exploitable crawl in order to effectively use any minigun I only use the Tommy slav when I'm in a good position to shoot from or when the enemy I'm aiming at just doesn't see me in time to effectively retaliate on the other hand the shotgun or in my case the family business most of the time is the perfect repositioning tool even better than the gloves are running urgently in my opinion because while it doesn't give you a burst of extra speed it allows you to put out instant damage without giving up any of your base speed or health making it a lot easier to move around from area to area fighting people without having to plant yourself take unnecessary amounts of damage or commit fully to fights that you may not even win the shotgun is so incredibly useful for just doing damage in general like you can get shots in from a distance without committing and only switching to your bullet hose when it suits you this is is the missing flexibility that I had been looking for in heavy gameplay and it's so weirdly obvious like it's practically the default heavy kit almost as if the developers knew that Heavy's weakness would be his big commitment of a primary weapon getting him into situations where he's biting off more than he can chew so they gave him a secondary that requires way less commitment to use but is still effective and yet people ignore the value of that flexibility for the sandwich instead because well the sandwich is just really really good it and it complements the Synergy between the heavy and the medic and it even allows the heavy to heal himself without one but I've said it before and I'll say it again movement is more valuable than health and the shotgun while not necessarily being a movement option does the heavy a favor of not removing even more of his movement by using it so basically I like playing heavy now because this is what I do commit to advantageous fights with the Tommy slav and use the shotgun to reposition safely or be more flexible with the vites that I end up in and the holiday punch well uh uh this thing is just straight up busted broken like it's literally a hard counter to getting ubered on especially in servers with random crits enabled and you can do stupid things like [Music] this so yeah the Christmas mittens are unironically the best I had a surprising amount of fun playing heavy for a month and now that I have a solid go-to load out and game plan in mind for when my team needs a pus I feel like I'm going to be much more open to picking this class unreluctantly as a result uh I apologize to any of the five heavy Mains out there who might have wanted me to talk about other weapons or play Styles but generally if I didn't give something like the brass Beast di mention chances are it just wasn't really my style thanks everybody for watching if you'd like to see more of me playing video games make sure to check out maximum damage my friends and I played the first portal over there so that was fun and don't forget to take a look at War Thunder go ahead and use my link in the description to get a bonus pack of everything you see on screen here limited time offer so get in on that uh and in the meantime I will talk to you nieces and nephews next time bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Uncle Dane
Views: 677,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: team fortress 2, tf2, engineer, gameplay, guide, tutorial, tips, first person shooter, uncle dane, professional, pro, free to play, free, steam, sale, deal, items, crafting
Id: bMWQMT9096g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2024
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