I CAN'T BELIEVE I finished this D&D Table...

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on Rowan you're rolling Hive rolling I'm shahza me don't use any of this hi I'm jazza let's talk turkey we had this beautiful video lined up to come out tomorrow which is still coming out in a week and a half I'd paint with gold leaf up because the delay means I need to film something now that comes out tomorrow you excited Tom yeah but my challenge is I'm gonna make an awesome DND table in one hour what do I mean by that one hour of applicating working time for example oh look at this I happen to have a couple of bits of foam that will roughly be the shape of the board gluing it down is when the clock starts right so I'm gonna think smart I need to make a bigger hole if in doubt expand your hole yeah all right timer only starts when I go come on poop out quicker all right that's gonna go there oh no I haven't glued that to the baseboard crap okay stop there you go 38 seconds now happy accident I'm not going to glue it to the wood base yet because I need it nice and light to take outside and get cut them with my hot knife I need a construction plan with things that I have we have failed prints lying around they're gonna be temple ruins so we've got to ruin them it's my gift ruining things at least that's what my mum told me timer are you ready three two one [Music] next stop okay that's our cutting done what's our time look like four five what is that an hour gee that's ambitious all right we're just gluing everything in place now you ready China and go oh no there's something under here it's a goat demon my board from underneath all right and go yeah and it's and it's slow blue glue stop we have super glue and no accelerant accelerant is what people like me use to hurry things the up with Messy results so like I said prep time doesn't count it sounds like a little innocent mice it sounds like a family of mice this stuff is called cork bark makes really good terrain texture and because I haven't cast or got any Rock textures lying around this stuff is perfect because obviously there's no drying time and I can use it on some rock faces so for our next step let's go up to mold a bit of water a very precise amount of PVA glue about that so that's just a sap green acrylic paint this is burnt umber all right you ready with the timer on your marks get set go [Music] all right timer stop okay you can't use spray paint on uh foam but I need a base coat this but I've got wet other stuff I have no idea how it will react with spray paint but I've got to slap out a little bit of a base coat on here so go over the timer [Music] who the frick decided to do a waterfall that was dumb so now I need to get a glueier wetter top surface and we're gonna add all our lovely surfaces this is like a calm Bob Bob Bob Ross video right happy little trees I think I need to move on to drying time stop the timer now it dries foreign I've just had a nice little break while this dries and now we're back to work on the video come coming out tomorrow all right let's get the back to work slightly watered down glue but not too watered down because I do need it to dry I'm going to do a resin pour I'm going to do a proper River pour but I won't be able to Port unless this is dry enough that the the things I put down in the river aren't going to move that's the river don't need to touch that so we come back to the poor and we've got the rest of the board and it's all going to come down to the details so here's the bit that's going to uh start breaking down my timer quite a bit the painting [Music] not even 40 minutes in and it looks like it is next we're going to do the waterfall couple of the little tricks let's see if they work so now I'm going to give myself this little comb of plastic that'll be our waterfall so next get some glad wrap hot tip from our resident tabletop friend Dave fold this over a couple of times and you get vertical texture take your little condom off your UV resin pour this on here stick that there I'm going to Bunch it up in a little bit I don't know if it will cure through the bunches but let's give it a go the time is going I should try and be smart and use the time wisely I'm going to stick an edge over here and put UV resin to seal those edges I'm going to try and just basically just do all the edges so that they're sealed with UV resin so I can pour so I can pour artist resin on top and stuff okay 47 minutes let's de-fume and reconvene next up dry brushing so all the all the stains and stuff all the um the washers have dried mostly so now I'm going to go through and just do a couple of quick layers of dry brushing left the timer commence oh we ran along the timer it's 51 okay I'm gonna wrap the dry brushing up oh okay that is as dry as this riverbed is going to get because it's gonna get resiny eight and a half minutes all right now I could carefully measure out the amount of resin I need for this but I don't know and time is of the essence so I'm going to do too much as opposed to not enough because we just got to make sure that the time is the thing that comes first bit of alcohol ink I'm going to do a couple of drops of purple and green because I really don't have any blue it's a bit of green I have this light blue co-picking but it's not very distinct so I'm going to put in as much of that as I can and I hope we get a river color see who needs measurements instructions and the right colors when you're me subscribe for more humility thanks for now that means The Bluest part is going to come first in the pore which will be the deepest part which is down here go oh torch how I'll stop the timer gonna get a torch give me a second but time is of the essence time is up [Music] stop okay 53 40. so just over six minutes is that right so All That Remains is to let this set overnight hopefully it doesn't screw up if it does we'll cover it with a whole bunch of cotton wool to make it look like River foam see you tomorrow next day what oh can I take this off now [Music] do a little do a little neatening up all right stop the timer now it's getting tight and every second counts literally so what's the plan well this is the stage of the game where I all the hard work is done but taking it to that next level is really going to come down to products which is going to make it look better and quick I have here A bunch of pre-prepared laser cut plants they'll be able to fill out their forestry got some trees I've got some uh lush green grass that I'll be able to Clump in certain areas as nice as that looks I need to mask and hide some of our spill and add a little bit of surface texture and then speaking of making a big difference quickly a variety of Gamers grass Tufts oh and flowers little pops of color a bit of purple we don't want to pick too many different colors so this is it in the same way that you've seen everything transform when I put the surfaces on adding the details on but having all of those details come out of pockets and just go straight in with glue is going to have that same high impact let's go why why Zella this is our last five minutes time we're gonna amp up the drama epic Montage time [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] yeah I need a I just need to step away from this for a minute I know you want to see it but not right now I've just it's too much I'm overwhelmed but I do want to show you something really cool because if you like that you're gonna love this tabletop time are taking on a massive gaming board project that we're calling operation Lucha Vera these are the canals inspired by Venice that they've just done their pour in we're going to have huge buildings all around here it's going to be scattered with Italian Renaissance Building jury rigged with beams and pulleys and technology for a da Vinci Punk Vibe this is just half of it there's another half coming a lot of work going into it and it's going to be amazing and this is one of the reasons I was jealous and wanted to do a board of my own but if you love gaming boards and terrain that's just one of the Epic things they do over on tabletop time and I just wanted to let you know because if you've enjoyed this video well let's just say they have the ability to put a little bit more time and Care on a regular basis you get a measure of this one hour huh okay I am very happy with that I'm gonna be cheeky and paint the sides because I don't think that's it's not the surface it doesn't count that doesn't count as the time nice black trim you're not going to complain are you especially and the next thing you see are the Epic reveals of a DND wargaming table made in one hour and it's going to blow your mind [Music] [Music] shout out to tabletop time for Lending me these awesome Minis that really make the most of my board and if you like what you see here you're going to love what you see over there because this is their bread and butter Miniatures and terrain so go check that out link to tabletop time in the description and subscribe while you're there ah an hour I'm pretty happy with that okay it was more than an hour when you conclude prep time drying time and all that stuff but you know what it goes to show with the proper planning and just knowing what tools and techniques and products to use you can make really cool stuff really quickly and this was a lot of fun now I hope you've had as much fun as I have and if you have I just want to point out that we made this video happen this happened because I refuse to let you down so you can always count on great content two times a week on the jazzer channel and if you hit subscribe you can thank me for it later it's only time oh you guys have to edit this huh yes we do well I had fun thanks for watching but Tom I have ideas
Channel: Jazza
Views: 309,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross
Id: dEENM5qWsVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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