I Made the Ultimate Computer Mouse

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This is a computer mouse.... literally. And it's my attempt at building a brand new kind of portable computer that can do anything and everything you'd want to be able to do on a normal computer. And the whole reason I made this is because four years ago I made this. This is the ultimate computer mouse... but it sucks. So, this was my first attempt at creating the future of computers. It's an all-in-one mouse that can do basic things like Google searches, using a notepad, and sliding into your mom's DMS. So, now at this point, you're probably thinking "Wow this thing seems pretty cool and practical." Well, you're wrong. The screen's tiny, the battery dies after like one minute, the only video game it can online chess, I decided I was ready to start building this thing. Okay so this new one needs to have a bigger screen, needs to be able to play high-quality video games, and it needs a keyboard that doesn't just fall off. To get all this I'm gonna use a $1,200 computer a 5-inch screen, and a projected keyboard. So, how do a five-inch screen and a gaming PC fit in a four-inch mouse? Well... turns out four inches is a lot bigger than you think. After 3D printing it all, I spent five hours sanding it down until somebody told me it would actually be faster to use something called a "power sander" so, I went to the hardware store and bought one of these things. [Music] I don't know, this doesn't seem any faster. Now this is the part of every project where I create the completely pointless feature that adds hundreds of hours of extra work. Is it worth it? Definitely. 13 and a half migraines later, I finished designing the feature, 3D printed it, put the pieces together, painted it, did all the electronics and the wiring, and I don't know how this happened but it actually worked perfectly first try... after a week of troubleshooting. Everything was going smoothly, I installed the scroll wheel, the main buttons, inhaled some soldering iron fumes, and then I put the computer mouse sensor after that I tested it and it was working perfectly but that's when I remembered something very important... I'm actually an idiot. So it turns out I put the sensor in sideways so now if I move the mouse up and down the cursor goes left and right, and left and right makes the cursor go up and down. After I got that fixed up I installed the PC and a batter. But little did I know I would really regret that decision later. Now I can start setting up the PC in kind of have a feeling that what killed it was the battery. Regardless I can now flex on you guys by easily fixing the computer with my natural genius and skill. I don't know what the heck I'm doing. So it's been multiple hours since I started working on this thing and I finally figured out the solution... I need to get a new one. I installed the new pc, replaced the battery with the power cord, and screwed the top on to finally finish the build. This is the ultimate thick Mouse you know what to say about a guy with big mouse he's got a giant mouse pad of course all right let's turn this thing on I hope it doesn't let's get Minecraft um guys I think I just noticed the first problem where's my keyboard I think it's the way the lights are shining or something but from up here I can't see channel with a million subscribers so who better to see how well this thing could handle video games than him? "Isn't this supposed to be a keyboard? oh it is a keyboard it's just a black mouse pad so I can't see it. This is trash!" "This thing sounds like it's about a takeoff. This doesn't work why didn't it open my inventory" You gotta press W Joe. "I'm trying" Okay, Joe I kind of feel bad for you because this is so hard, so I'm going to help you out with gamer headphones. "oh oh oh it was there for a second oh no no no it was there for a second" What would you rate your experience, Joe? "Zero out of ten. The laser keyboard's pretty good though except I can't see it. Also I can feel it melting. It's so hot. So this thing is kind of trash and the keyboard once again is terrible I'm gonna build this thing again it's just the keyboard has been a huge issue with all of them instead of starting with a mouse I'm gonna start with a keyboard and work my way out After taking apart the keyboard I measured out the spacing recreated in my 3D software and 3D printed it out to test the spacing now I need some computer mouse Parts a battery actually considering what happened last time let's scratch the battery so I still wasn't satisfied with the screen size last time so let's use something a bit bigger a projector now I need the projector to be pointed up more because when it's flat the image is too low so to fix it it's as easy as bending up the projector's lens time to test it I think they'll let me return it after I fix that I designed the housing printed all the parts out and finally I put everything together the Ultimate keyboard mouse this thing is flat out incredible get it because it's flat just like your booty I'm kind of curious to see what some of my best friends think of this thing wow this thing kind of sucks and why does it look like that uh how am I supposed to play Minecraft on this do you still thought this thing was terrible so to prove him wrong we agreed to Duke it out in Minecraft of course I'm gonna need a little bit of training first if I really want to beat Joe so this has a pretty simple design power cord plugs in here the mouse buttons and wheel are here and this is where the projector is it also features a mini Windows computer and honestly at this point I'm not even 100 sure it can run Minecraft turn it on with this switch right here bro this is so sick so you move the entire thing and the screen moves with the mouse just like all the other ones and because it uses a projector the screen can be however big you want it to be or however small you want it to be let's go watch my favorite YouTuber this video kind of sucks so somehow I was actually able to download Minecraft onto this thing I don't know how well it's gonna run come on come on oh let's go we're in baby I can't believe piece of soup I'm a piece of this come on come on come on bro if you remember the thick Mouse had a huge overheating problem so how did I fix that this time oh man uh I didn't I completely forgot about it actually it was just starting to get hot okay that guy was definitely hacking so round two many hackers later I finally won a match I won I did it because the opponent left the game all right well I think I'm officially ready to fight Joe let's do this thing but last minute I decided that instead of me using the keyboard I wanted him to try and use the keyboard okay this thing is hot oh it's so heavy too oh hey dude what's up oh wow you crashed yo what the heck what happened dude you're terrible bro oh he's having a comeback too that was fun ah you got worried there oh come on no no I'm so close come on come on no no no no no no no no I'm so close I'm so close I was so close this thing's pretty sick but also sucks the keyboard's easy to use but the projector means that you need to have a wall or something everywhere you go it's nice to have a big keyboard but most of these keys are completely unnecessary and it doesn't have a battery so it's not even portable so now that we have a good idea of what not to do it's time to take a final stab at the ultimate computer mouse version two I want to go back to the OG size so obviously this thing isn't going to fit into a smaller Mouse this little guy runs windows 11. and this keyboard here I'm done with those things so I'm gonna come up with a better solution I have all the parts everything's ready to be installed but I'm missing one thing a keyboard something happened to mine so of course I'm gonna make one okay so I'm testing this out right now but I keep running into this problem even though I've spent hours troubleshooting so every time I press this button it's supposed to type a w but it just types nothing but check this out it's really weird I put all the parts into the housing and then realized that I never added a screen mount oops so I need to connect the screen to the PC using an HDMI cable so I bought a bunch of different cables so far and not only are they the wrong length but they're just a little bit too much like your mom chunky so I figured the best solution was to rip apart the cable shorten it and re-solder 40 different connections by hand so that it'll fit smartest YouTuber right here three hours of soldering later I finished it and it was time to test it sounds about right just kidding it was just a little bit of a prank because the YouTube video I was playing on the thing anyway works great after hours and hours of soldering hot gluing and using excessive force I had to unearth my years of Tetris playing skills to somehow fit everything into the case it's too easy then it was time for my least favorite part testing it I turned it on and no bueno I don't want to live anymore after realizing that a wire in the HDMI cable must have come loose I proceeded to die inside and then fix the HDMI cable and finish up the mouse the ultimate computer mouse version 2 or the ultimate gaming mouse so on the left side we've got seven buttons the first four being just the main Keys used for moving in video games and the others are just random letters on the right side we have a spacebar shift and control key on the bottom a battery indicator and I took a little inspiration from the Apple Mouse and put the charging port on the bottom let's power this thing on so this thing is pretty comfortable to use actually and it pretty much just feels like a fat mouse so obviously having only seven keys to choose from kind of limits what you can actually search but this isn't called the ultimate searching Mouse it's the ultimate gaming mouse so let's try some games I just downloaded Minecraft onto the mouse so now we're gonna test it For the First Time come on um how am I supposed to sign in when I only have six letters it's updating here we go no way no way okay create a new world okay it's been like five minutes and it's still on zero percent two percent after 30 minutes let's go no way okay I'm gonna walk uh uh oh okay so just a little bit of lag I mean it works though it works though okay so now that we know I'm able to play the full version of Minecraft on the go wherever I am I'll show you how well it performs in doing something simple like watching a movie or typing up a Word document or even lawn mowing simulator let's go so as it turns out I can play any video game on this if I use cloud streaming software where I'm basically playing the game over the internet on somebody else's computer yeah buddy and while it can play these games after a little bit of time it starts to struggle a little bit oh it's gone This is me, Joe, and my friend Duncan putting the three computers to the ultimate test by trying to beat Minecraft before they die or even melt. I'm getting out of this desert. why can I not hold down W if I just press really fast laughs so 10 minutes into it the computers were all still working well well as well as they ever worked my setup is immaculate okay Duncan's complaining look at this did you see this you see what I'm going through right now where did Thomas Go frost is in the freezer so my mouse started overheating a bit so I just played from the freezer but then I whipped out the pizza to use it as a colder surface and it actually worked great for about a 20 seconds and then I had to go back to the freezer where it uh kind of completely froze the game uh well we're just gonna leave that puppy in there for a little bit we did it man Electro's inventions are so smart and genius and easy to use thanks guys changing Humanity
Channel: Electo
Views: 629,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: L8bahK_1DLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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