I Made a Working Among Us Impostor

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/D00Mcandy 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/mr54memsofficial 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

The future of war.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/n3tf1x_n_ch1ll 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2021 🗫︎ replies
This bad boy is named Todd and he is the baby  imposter. But this is bob and he is the actual   imposter, impostor because this is the real  imposter and his name is Dave. Now Dave is   equipped with a rapid-fire knife and feet that  walk. And by walk, I mean drive, using 3d printed   treads that I definitely designed all by myself  and didn't steal from some lad on the internet.   But guys, this is definitely the most dangerous  thing I've ever created, but do not worry   it is off right now. I mean I'm not that insane,  I'm not just going to leave it on all the time.   To turn this on, all I have to do is flip  the switch back here and it's ready to kill.   All right, here we go (music plays)  I think I flipped the wrong switch.   Now that Dave's actually in hunt mode he's gonna  start looking around for something to demolish.   But Dave isn't your average imposter. He doesn't  just randomly wander around eliminating every   single crewmate he sees. Instead, dave makes a  carefully calculated plan and he strategically   executes said plan using complex trigonometry. He  starts off by trying to eliminate the cameraman   to get rid of all the evidence. He then does  something he likes to call "dumb fusion" and   that's where you try to confuse the enemy by  acting dumb. So maybe he'll walk up to a wall   and stab it, or just fall over and act helpless, or  maybe he'll just start stabbing the air randomly.   (why did it do that) And as you can hear, it even  confuses me. Then, once the enemy is confused and   doesn't see him as a threat he uses rocket science  level algebra to approach and eliminate his enemy.   Dave is just a genius. Now in and Among Us you're  not always selected to be the imposter, normally   you're just a super lame crewmate. So, I decided  to give dave crewmate mode. Now you're probably   wondering 'well, how do you change the modes? Is it  a switch or some kind of weird engineering device?'  Well, it's actually quite simple. All you have  to do is unscrew the back, plug this thing into   the computer, rewrite the code, send the code to the  thing, unplug it, screw the back on, and then realize   you messed up the whole thing and have to redo  it. And just like that, you've switched modes. So   you know normally being a crewmate is super boring,  you can really only do tasks or report a dead body?   Well this guy, yeah he can't do either. So  crewmate mode is pretty much just impostor   mode except instead of obliterating his enemies  he just talks. He mostly says random stuff but   every once in a while he'll actually say something  that's insanely smart, I mean you got to hear this.   So remember how the imposter pretended  to be dumb but he was actually a genius?   With crewmate mode, he's, uh,  he's just straight-up dumb.   He also loves running into things, and  sometimes he'll just have a straight up seizure,   or out of nowhere he'll just die. Now it wouldn't be Among Us unless there  were some super sick hats for Dave to wear.   So, I made a few. The first hat that I made is  the toilet paper hat. Yeah so it's a pretty   cool hat that I made right guys? Originally I was actually going to design, 3d print, and try   to make some pretty realistic looking  hats based off of the ones in the game.   But then I realized that I have absolutely no  idea how to do that. So this is a banana. And there you have it a flawless  looking banana hat. I also really   like the egg hat so i got myself an egg. Dumb. Now, I'll show you some never seen before  Among Us hats that I just came up with on my own   and maybe we'll see him in a future Among Us  update. This first hat is called the fitness   guru hat. This knife is kind of weak  sauce. I want to see what would happen   if i replace this rubber knife with a real  knife. So, how exactly am I going to do that? Well... Well, let's see what this thing can do This is some calc homework. Let's see what  happens if we give dave a math problem. Oh, look at that. It couldn't do basic math, maybe  you can cut through some cardboard. It couldn't cut through the cardboard.  Let's see if it can cut a balloon. I got a towel. Wow! Dave was able to just walk  up and punch the water balloon all by himself,  he's incredible! Maybe he can cut through  the soda can too. Show him what you got. Dave's already proven  himself a master samurai ninja.   Now let's see how he does against  the ultimate challenge... a banana! Oh would you look at that he's a regular fruit  ninja. So, you guys know those baby crewmates that   follow those other crewmates around until that  crewmate gets brutally slaughtered by the imposter?   Let's make one of those. Here, as you saw before, I have the shell of a baby crewmate and I just   need to make it so that it can follow Save  around. So, to build a big imposter, of course   I started with the design then I 3d printed  it. I actually wasn't able to print him in one   go because he ended up being so fat that I had  to print him in eight different pieces. To give him   the ability to walk, I used these 3d printed  treads and they actually worked really well, so I stuck them into these 3d printed pieces  that could fit snugly into the imposter's feet. Then, I added some electronics and boom! I had  the world's first pair of walkable shorts. After gluing the first half of Dave's head  onto his body, I created the knife mechanism   which was actually pretty simple, however, getting  the mechanism installed into the body took a long   time. I don't actually know what was so hard  about installing it and why that took forever   or what in the world caused the prince to keep  breaking. And what happened to Steve?When I got the   knife system working I was able to finish putting  together Dave's head. Then, it was spray-paint time.   For some reason I decided it was a good idea to  paint it at 12 o'clock at night, but thankfully   I didn't have to be outside by myself because  soon some little crewmate-sized buddies decided   to come over and hang out. Oh, also, PSA don't  spray paint badly. I had to repaint that boy   like three times and it took like two weeks. Once  it was painted correctly it looked epic, so I installed all the electronics and mechanical  parts, did a little coding, and it was done.   But, how I build this mini one is gonna have  to be a little bit different than how I built   the big one, because not only is it mini, it also  needs to be able to follow around the imposter.   And that brings me to vacuu-car. I'm not actually  sure what this is called but I do know that   the word vacuu-car sounds pretty cool. This is  basically just a remote control car but instead of   using a normal controller, it follows the red light  made by this controller. It also has a vacuum in it   so maybe it can go on walls or maybe just act as  the world's dumbest roomba, but either way, I don't   think we'll be needing that part. All I really  need to do is install the wheels into the feet   of the baby crewmate, install the sensors into the  front, and install the controller into the back of   the imposter. Once I got everything installed  into the shell, I decided to do a quick test. And to nobody's surprise, it loved falling  over, so I added some temporary weights,  Then, I noticed that the battery was draining  super quickly, so, I added a better battery. Then   I noticed it wasn't following the light at all, so  I punched myself in the face a hundred times. For   some reason no matter what I tried it just wasn't  working, and this whole thing was proving to be a   lot harder than I initially thought. But, I'm no  stranger to failure, so, I removed the electronics,   turned off my soldering iron, and de-attached  the hip implants. But then, out of nowhere, I had   an idea, an idea so incredible that even Dave-the-imposter-genius himself would be impressed.   So, I turned back on my soldering iron, reinstalled  the electronics, and implemented my idea. Subscribe to Electo!
Channel: Electo
Views: 3,449,143
Rating: 4.9199562 out of 5
Keywords: among us, in real life, electo, working, I made a working among us impostor, Imposter, among us real life, among us in real life, electro, real life among us
Id: a6lEyglku1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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