Worlds Largest Working Computer!

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I just created the world's largest working computer also be surprising one of the most popular gaming creators in the world with it what a few months ago Carl just called me with our biggest request ever I need the world's largest computer ever built and it has to work bro I'm playing Minecraft so me and the team decided we needed to do something special were they building a giant mouse keyboard and computer screen it's gonna actually work too look you can type on it yeah I'm gonna say cat creating a 40 foot tall working computer would prove to be our hardest challenge yet I think we built it like a house and use two by fours to frame it and then sheet it so we started by building test keys for the keyboard [Music] foreign that's going to be the top of our button I don't feel really confident about that but all right now that we've built our massive key we need to figure out a way to have them bounce back up after pressing them so I think we're gonna use these Springs to make that happen we just built our first button with the Springs now it's time to test it out it's too jerky it's not like a real keyboard although the Springs lifted the button back up we didn't like the motion that it raised in so we decided to go with a memory foam layer instead felt really good now here's the important part does the button come up oh that's satisfying this is perfect we just got to the hardware store and we've got to pick up like a thousand pieces of wood we're gonna need over 225 two by fours that are 10 feet long [Music] 120 sheets of plywood [Music] thousand screws [Music] now before we start building let me show you the plan Carl asked us to go big so we're making this the largest build ever attempted on this channel the computer screen alone will be a towering 36 feet tall and just in case that wasn't enough the computer will be fully functional to put Carl's Minecraft skills to the test at the end of this video so this is the pile of wood that we'll be using to build the massive keyboard this is the most wood we've had in the warehouse now that we figured out an alternative with the foam to make the buttons rise we're going to mass make these things how many buttons do we have to do like 64 buttons how come on the test key we made it at the letter A A for Alex I thought it was a for subscribe since people will be walking on the keyboard it needs to be very durable we're using thick plywoods that's strong to hold someone [Music] key is done and we're using these braces to hold them to the board so they don't move at all when you're standing up what concerns us the most about this project is the technical aspect what experience do you have wiring I modified My Game Boy I've plugged in a Christmas tree before and uh set up the lights on that thing that's why if this works I will be absolutely shocked so to get the keyboard to actually work we wired negative and positive wires to a circuit board so when you step on the button it registers as a click so we have our test key wired to the computer and we have YouTube pulled up on search when I press this button it should search for it boom and it works let's go that is sick so this is all the rest of our wires the keyboard and we've got to plug them all into here but luckily I'm pretty fast at this and now we're done I'm 5'8 but my license says five seven this is just one of the sections and there's six others let's start adding them on okay [Music] now that we have this massive Beast we have to start building all of the Caps to go on top of the buttons you know the best part of working at a keyboard Factory well all the extra shifts [Music] this is the most important button it's the space bar and I got to make sure this foam stays in nice and tight we ran into a bunch of small problems like making the spacebar too big for our keyboard why don't it fit though Alex gave me the dimensions and forgetting about the shift key we forgot to make the holes large enough for shift key so that's what we're doing now but things ended up working out and we were able to get the keyboard together we now have our massive wooden keyboard hooked up to the computer and we have to go through and test every single individual key to make sure they work the only problem is the keys aren't labeled yet so we don't know which key is which our neighbor he's like a computer genius and I think he could help us with this we need to press the A and see if it works can you help us yeah I got you you know where the a is what that's the a yeah yeah the B oh here's right here double ears right here he's right here ours right here he's literally right every single time can we hire this guy or how old are you 12. what's your pay rate three dollars an hour really it drives a hard bar it's not working so that Key's not working it doesn't work because it doesn't have the metal part this one has the metal so it should work put it on there let's see it works tell me what key this is Boy Wonder good question it's the question Marquis oh are you serious all right ready letter B I see you don't know your own letters now that we know that the keyboard works we need to start building the computer mouse we're gonna be taking the shape of the mouse and tracing it onto this big board this is gonna be our face you know what concerns me is how are we going to be able to get the clicked with phone I thought about this long and hard we're using pet clickers so that way we can push the buttons down [Music] [Music] you have the rough outline shape of the mouse next we're going to cut out this Center so we can add all the wirings so the mouse actually works what do you mean we have been working on this mouse forever I thought this was gonna take a day and a half but bro don't yawn when you yawn I want to yawn Johnny is contagious lucky for us we are powered by the best G fuel there you go whoa that's so good let's go let's see in this thing bro well I tell you about gql let's keep standing for those of you that don't know G fuel is a sugar-free healthier performance energy drink it's actually starting to come together a little bit it's been looking like a mouse what are you talking about as part of our partnership with G fuel we are releasing our very own limited edition Beam Team shaker cup question are we gonna have to go door to door selling these the Girl Scout cookies if you buy this Beam Team shaker cup right now and use code beam you could win the thousand dollars that's inside of this cup nice every Beam Team shaker cup will include a scratch-off to win the cash prize also 100 lucky people will receive a shaker cup signed by me and the entire Beam Team full rules are on each scratch off and in the video description click the link in the description to buy my shaker cup and have the chance to win a thousand dollars hurry up they're going quick I love you g fuel this is one of the 56 walls that we'll be making to complete the computer it'll be four times taller than this this is going to be insane since this project is so massive and we have to deliver it all the way across the country we're gonna build the walls here in Colorado then put them together in North Carolina how strong are these walls uh they're not very strong after days of hard work it's finally time to start painting pewter is so massive and we have so much to paint we have been doing incredible teamwork hey somebody's here get the door come on in can you guess what we're making well it looks like framing for a house we're actually building the world's largest computer it's gonna be 36 feet tall that's cool where is it going to North Carolina you guys deliver giant computers not this one probably here we did these four sections now it's time to watch it dry [Music] next we're going to start painting the keyboard [Music] we have all of these keys to paint right here so we created this long assembly line of keys the keys are the most difficult part to paint because we have to add each number and letter on every key we just created this contraption to make sure every single letter is centered we have the stencil back here so it's going to be perfect I have the letter D now how do I know where to place it I printed out a map so that we know where each letter goes go through them from the top one two three this one that one all right that's gorgeous now what 75 more keys to go roughly [Music] dude what is wrong surprise me and my ex so we just Googled it and this is officially the world's largest working keyboard oh that's a jump three four three so we've painted pretty much every single key on the keyboard but we're missing one what are we missing [Music] oh subscribe button the reason this is the most important button if you press this subscribe button right now you have the chance to win a thousand dollars we officially have every key painted is this even gonna fit no it's not we need two trucks turns out we need two of the largest moving trucks possible what is crazy that we have to use two giant U-Hauls to get this all the way to North Carolina big Smokey this is Mothership I'm headed east on Highway 24. what's your location Karen yes sir over 10-4 on that big Smokey Mothership out I just mean it's the airport the guys are currently driving two different trucks on the way to North Carolina so we can set up the world's largest computer and we have a lot of work left to do we still have not seen the computer screen stand up or know if it even works so there's a lot that could still go wrong big Smokey this is Mothership and I spot with my little eye something uh Brown give me that that packed Dirty Dog no not quite is it the patch of dirt over there yes sir [Music] next stop North Carolina [Music] big Smokey this is Mothership the eagle has landed over we have just made it to the massive field where we will be setting up the world's largest computer this is going to be crazy but we still got to find the good soil we can't build here because there's this cute little frog that lives here oh my gosh look at him so precious [Music] we'll build it right here this is the good soil there's already one broken board and I just started looking we're gonna have to fix a lot of this stuff all right I guess we'll just take all the wood out Carl will be here in two days all right first piece out only 73 more to go this one's so heavy oh sorry right now we're placing the base layer where we want it so we can start stacking up the computer our computer screen is giant so we built it in four different sections then we'll have a 50 foot tall crane stack each section up like Legos I'm honestly really concerned about the walls just caving in we try to Crane in yeah me too it's not even windy and they're already wobbling so much we've been working on this for at least three months so to have it all snap in just a matter of seconds would not be good at all I think this is the hardest video we've ever done in my boxes the amount of work we put in it's like a construction site here it doesn't look like a YouTube video I think we are a bit off when we could shoot this time every section right here is about as tall as every other build that we do I don't know if we can pull this off but I promised Carl we would so we just gotta keep trying did you want some optimism right now I would love some Aaron I don't have any I'm just asking if you wanted it so we're really behind so right now we're gonna try to pick up Layer Two and put it on top of layer one this is the moment of truth all right here we go it's off the ground Corner bracket completely snapped out of the wall it ripped the bolts straight out and these are supposed to be the stronger bolts the wood is just literally not strong enough definitely a bit off more than we could shoot with this project but we're in too deep now so we're gonna have to get some sleep and reassess in the morning and see what we can do we just redid the corner supports it's a lot stronger so hopefully it works got us a 4 000 pound section being lip Bush we just installed the second layer on top now it's time to do the next level we gotta be quick that is not good it's touching right there if it hits it it could all come Crashing Down so we're 40 feet tall in the sky we've been working for three months for this moment right here our entire project is relying on this hook right here this way a little bit this is so hard you almost have the top level on right now I'm trying to hold this down so that way they can line up the top level and screw it together right now he is up here doing the last touches and hopefully soon we will finally be ready to surprise Korra after months of work it's time to surprise Carl and test if our giant computer turns on and works I'm gonna lead you to the spot are you ready for this I'm so ready I've been working three months with the team on this moment and we're gonna have you right here yep three two one oh my God that's massive what holy cow oh my God this is sick dude what on Earth oh my this is as big as it gets wow look at the mouth everything works you're crazy the power button is actually a door also what yeah you can go oh my God whoa that's the craziest thing you've ever built yeah yeah it is it definitely is dude now everybody else jump on it now it's time for the Moment of Truth to finally play Minecraft oh my God nobody's playing Minecraft Like Us okay I'm turning to the right this is crazy I'm jumping in the game that is crazy we did it we did it we just built the world's largest computer now I just have to beat Minecraft which will happen
Channel: Matthew Beem
Views: 6,014,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mbeem10, matthew beem, matthew beam, beem team, worlds largest computer, i built, Peter Knetter, I bought the BIGGEST Tech in the world, Mrwhosetheboss, Linus Tech Tips, $100000 pc, Jake Carlini, I Built The World's Largest Minecraft Statue, We Made the World's Largest Bath Bomb!, Vat19, I Built Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory!, MrBeast, Karl, karl jacobs, I Built Worlds Biggest YouTubers!, I Built MrBeast a Giant Chocolate Bar!, Minecraft, I Built a Survival Shelter, Ryan Trahan
Id: tRRTx_jXaWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2022
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