I Made a Working Rideable Minecraft Pig

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ah man those were the days

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Wamuu___ 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2021 🗫︎ replies
This is my latest project that i've  been building over the past few months   It's the world's first fully rideable Minecraft pig   in real life. And if you're wondering why i  just launched myself off the roof with it...   I'll just let myself tell you. I've got every  achievement in Minecraft except for this one. Luckily, that was just the cardboard prototype.  This is the working pig, or, Hamburghini. And at   exactly one pig power, this thing can go a top speed of... well, I guess we're gonna have to find   that out. It's controlled using the carrot on  a stick of course. And as soon as the hungry   pig sees the carrot, it starts to follow it. Or more accurately, it starts to chase after it. And as you can see from my face this pig's got  some scary fast legs. And I should probably mention   that this was at only 60% power. I can't even  imagine how scary this thing is going to be at 100 percent. But this dude doesn't just fly in one  direction, it's got a full 360 degrees   of motion. To turn it, you just move the carrot  to one side and the Hamburghini will turn to   follow, just like in Minecraft. It even beat  my buddy's electric one wheel in a race. So, you're probably thinking to yourself  "Wow, this seems extremely professional."   And if you're thinking that, it's pretty clear you  haven't seen how I built it. Now to get absolutely   crazy speeds, you're gonna need a top-notch  battery. And I pretty much had two options: either I could make one, or buy one. Yeah I think  I'm just gonna make it. Using a sketchy welder   I found on the internet and some 3d printed  parts, I officially just made my first battery.   At least, I think it's a battery. Now to make the  body, I pretty much just drew on some wood, sliced   it up with the old saw, did a little bit of  this thing, a little bit of that, and then boom.  To make the unpowered feet, I just 3D printed  these things, stuck a skateboard wheel in   there, somehow broke it, and then remade it  and put the whole thing into a wooden foot. For the powered wheels, I also 3D printed  the thing, but this time, I stuck a motor   in there and then stuck that into the  foot and then screwed all of the feet   onto the body. And obviously, I  had to do a quick test after that. Finally, I made the head and slapped it onto the  body. The carrot on a stick was actually pretty   simple to make. I just 3d printed it, sanded it,  and painted it. And to make it so the pig could   actually see and follow the carrot.. I used this  camera which can track colors. Having the pig   track the color orange seemed like a good idea  at first but it ended up being very problematic.   And you'll see exactly why in just a few minutes.  Now, the steering system was just a tad sketchy. If   you didn't notice, I never actually made it so the  front wheels could turn, and I'm not exactly sure   how I thought this was going to work. So, I decided  to switch out my front wheels with these thingsm   which is what shopping carts use. Now, I know it  seems like basing a design off of a shopping cart   would be a really good idea. But somehow, it just  didn't work out. So this time I decided not to use   100 percent of my brain, and just go with the obvious  solution. I took a cheap Walmart drill, ripped   a couple parts out of Dave, grabbed an Arduino,  and made this to get control of the drill. Then,   I tore out some parts of an old 3D printer and  created this absolute unit of a foot. I stuck the   device into the pig, securely attached it, and boom...  steering baby. "Starts up. Turns. Turns left. Now that   the pig is finished, obviously, we're gonna need  to find someone to test it. I'm gonna need someone   who's good at Minecraft, but also dumb enough to  actually be willing to ride this thing. Hey Joe! At this point, your boy Thomas was  getting a bit hungry. So, I did the   only thing that someone with a  working minecraft pig could do...  Drive to McDonald's. They must have been a little  shy or possibly intimidated by my large Twitter   following, because I sat at that drive-through  for a full minute and nobody said a thing.  They ended up being so intimidated by the sheer  power of the Hamburgini that they kicked us out.   So instead, I went to Jack in the Box. And these  legends let me ride that pig directly through   the drive-through without question. To be fair  though, I wasn't driving this time. "Can I get a   bacon burger, but without the patty, the bun,  cheese, and anything else that isn't bacon?" Make sure to drop a like for bacon. Three, two, one. So do you guys remember Joe?   Yup, that guy. Well he decided to  challenge the Hamburghini to a race.   This Hamburgini. Now to give you an idea of how  fast this beast can really go, I think we need to   first do the speed test. Now I don't want to die  just yet so we're going to start with 30 percent power. Well, I guess I did survive that, so uhh, let's  just do the 60. "All right, here we go" Now that's more like it. At only 60 percent power we  were able to make it up to 16 miles per hour.   So, after that, all I could really  do is go all in and do 100 percent power. Did you guys hear that? That was the sound  of a Hamburghini burnout. But  it's a burnout on the inside. This belt here is what connects the motor's gear  to the wheel's gear. This is what the belt looked   like before, and this is what it looks like now. I think the reason it got shredded is because it was   way too loose, and not very secure. Kind of like  how storing your passwords in your brain isn't   very secure. Good thing this video's sponsor  is Dashlane. Dashlane is a program that safely   stores all your passwords and account information  so you don't have to. And you might be thinking "oh,   why can't i just store them in my brain?" Because  this is your brain, and these are your passwords.   You see what I'm getting at? So, not only will they  store your passwords for you, they'll store your   login information, shipping addresses, payment  information, and everything in between. You know   when you're setting up your Minecraft account but  it makes you fill in all this information but you   don't remember it and so instead you just play  this game? Well, Dashlane can automatically fill   that information in for you. Ever heard of the  dark web? Well, your passwords might be on there.   And Dashlane will actually alert you if in any  way your passwords are compromised. If you're   like me and you're just kind of trash at creating  a good password, Sashlane will actually generate a   password for you. So far, Dashlane has helped over  11 million people's brands from overflowing with   information. And you can actually get Dashlane  for free right now by going to dashlane.com/electo or by clicking the link in my description.  And you can also get 50 off of Dashlane Premium   by using my promo code "Electo." Now, let's get  back to the speed test. So, I put a brand new   belt into the pig's foot and it's finally back in  business. I also set up the pig to work with the   controller just in case it ever senses something  random and starts speeding away when it shouldn't.   And with that, we are now finally ready to do the  100 percent speed test. "All right! Final speed test. Let's go!" At 100 percent power, we were able to make it to 20 whole  miles per hour. "Let's go!" and now that we know this   pig is basically able to go light speed, I'm  pretty confident that it's going to outrun Joe. "Come on joe!" "Why is he so fast." This race was extremely close so we  can't really know for sure who won.   But, to keep things interesting, i'll give this  first point to Joe. "Three, two, one let's go." For this race I pretty easily handed  Joe the L. It was all tied up and we   were getting ready to do our third and final  race, when the worst possible thing happened... "nooooooo" Remember when I said this? "I also set up the pig  to work with the controller just in case it ever   senses something random and starts speeding away  when it shouldn't." Well... um... it started speeding   away when it shouldn't. And I wasn't even holding  the controller. Did you see that? That was a millisecond long  footage I somehow took of the pig speeding away.   I'm not really sure how I did it but this  is the only footage we have of the crash.   But guys, the amazing Hamburghini will live again. Most likely only   in our minds though because I don't want to rebuild this thing.   Also, guys, I made a Creeper in real life. Make sure  to click right here if you want to check that out.
Channel: Electo
Views: 2,967,946
Rating: 4.9685831 out of 5
Keywords: real life, Minecraft pig
Id: vDhA3f_uSl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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