I Made the Impostor SO MAD in Among Us!

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let's go dude i knew it i don't even know if i can be mad i don't know what just happened i've got brand new merch alert that's right you've got less than a week to order this before it's gone forever you'd have seen the diamond dante if you watch the spider-man videos but we've also got diamond dan and like retro blues it's one of our favorite ones it's super cool we've also got the dan tdm is an imposter tee which is based off of among us but with a custom little astronaut which is super awesome too guys it's christmas soon so uh diamond dan gold dressed up for tis the season sweats and loads of different colors we've got embroidered jumpers as well with regular diamond dan and also santa diamond and too i've also got embroidered scarves as well which keep your neck nice and toasty during the winter months if you want to go and check out some of this you've got until monday the 30th of november to order to get it in time for christmas and before it's gone forever so if you want to pick up some of this collection which uh i'm biased but i think it looks awesome head to the link in the description below or head to represent.com forward slash store forward slash dan tdm and um pick up some new merch enjoy the video welcome back to among us finally now today we're doing things a little bit differently i have got one round a singular game of among us and that's for a reason i make my best call in the game ever i'm not usually that confident with calling people out but today i made it so it was super good but also extremely risky as well but hey i hope you enjoyed some more among us gameplay if you do leave a like before watching the video that would be greatly appreciated every single among us videos hit a hundred thousand likes so far so we could do that again that would be awesome and also if you're part of the larger percentage of people that aren't subscribed check below the video see if the subscribe button is red if it is then just tap that for me click that for me that'd be greatly appreciated enjoy the video but i was banking on someone walking past i was like the only way i can do this is if someone walks past but and then someone did walk around okay so i've just paused like you know i went down courage was woken up and now he's dead instantly i don't know what you might have seen but i'm telling you right now i did not go up i just was counting and like making a circle wait am i tripping was it black i'm sure i saw courage jd which he said i did i think it might be lauren i could be getting mixed up with uh the colors because courage is normally black yeah i mean look at the votes it doesn't end it's just those two no i think it's lauren's the next one oh 50 50. i mean it's on youtube whatever i got the killer out got feeling if it's wrong it's wrong please please don i can't believe you've done this again [Music] you've done it again you won yes oh okay i told you it was courage the entire time and lauren as well detective dan's on the case today essie thank you for the hondo bits cats thank you for the 300 bits as well i appreciate it thank you glad you're enjoying it this is a really fun screen breath this is a bit awkward i don't feel like i can move now i could clear courage 100 unless he kills me what is going on here this is awkward i feel like my game has crashed uh i don't know i don't know what to do the mask intimidates me i'm not gonna lie we have the same goggles wait what do we do here guys i don't really know i feel like if i move i'm suss i just want to be completely cleared i know he does stuff like this first again huh oh and if lauren's not impossible i want to say one thing to start this game yeah dan is hard clear for me for the rest of the same for courage yep oh he has not moved yeah nor viewed oh i was about to go check because i wasn't i wasn't i thought you were going to be here because i have not left and this entire time yeah well in that case i can also hard clear time so then it leaves chad clinton ray in halfway oh that's convenient i feel went down who did you heard claire looking at me through the window of storage and his body's in storage now his body is in storage i went to i went through vitals and i saw two that ah i didn't even realize this i couldn't have done it i saw two on drop ship i was about to go there to check for a body okay i'm voting for chad i just don't know what's on the left side right now and even marie was on the left side i feel like he was trying to avoid me because he thought that i was possibly getting a double kick i was just trying to buddy buddy your movement was scaring me badly chad but same here i was i was literally just trying to be friends with saikuno it's not me okay gosh you all scared me i mean and i'm staying with you okay so the one thing is we can clear courage for that singular kill but i know he does this dodgy stuff all the time i can i can see the youtube video title and i hate saying that no come on geez he does go for these titles and i think i might be part of one he might be married oh he might be marinating always right right right maybe marinate me like crazy go time go i'm never doing like and if i'm the only one there oh courage is there wait let me go courage wouldn't kill me though [Music] oh oh all right okay so this is in lab right outside temperature uh we walked in who did we walk in with dan there's two people someone yeah i think there's time chad was there as well right it has to be gloom chat or halfway like that's getting true it's not right it's not really having specimen uh through admin donald carter said that they were both on ship for the entire first round but that killed them no there was two kills there was two there was two yeah also confirmed that havoc was seeing two bodies i'm leaning towards it being gloom and possibly hafu um yep somebody who's not me if you want to vote on seven otherwise we can wait we should not i'm good to step on seven but it has to be between you three right yeah two of them you think it's two choose three i think it has to be two between three it could you're right one of them could be down our cottage that's correct the only one i know is not is time no no i'm telling you right now don't even waste your thought on that listen right now i'm still source of courage i i don't i don't care what he says all right i'm subbed to this man and i know his youtube video titles i am still sass of you don't betray me like this don't do it oh my god because i lost my friend oh i'm up top i thought you were following the reason being saying i didn't uh i just did my upload with four of you there listen to me courage might be dipping me in a pot like this he's dipping me in swirling me around and covering me in marinara sauce right now where are you going i'll follow you i'll follow you this could be the ultimate betrayal oh god don't do not do not come this way okay oh wait who's this it's chad i'm just gonna stand here hello chad i've got so much to do one hundo pia tafu i was uh so i was gonna go to med bay and i'm like she's probably watching admin waiting for someone to uh go in med bay to get an easy kill there lights start turning off i start running and she's trying to get me with the lock doors i think right so i run all the way to the bottom of o2 and then scott and hafu are up there and i run back up and there he's dead at lights yeah at lights but you could hear her side so why it wasn't me guys sure wow it's a good argument that was solid so there's a self report i honestly still have scan by the way i never actually got to finish it but i never bothered doing it because i'm like she's probably watching on admin ready to kill me there okay that's good now is the last one mr courage i think our ping is like messing each other up in this way i've got so many tasks this way come this way i think he wants to leave me to the end i think that's what he wants to do who's trying to lock us out so many tasks to do [Music] oh god bloom fixed them am i being trolled here am i even full on trolled is that what's happening where'd he go i've lost him there he is i think he's just going to kill someone no if no one dies i feel like it's courage though chad picked lights i've lost courage where you been buddy where you been huh chad's dead don't press that button do not press that button don't press the button don't press the button don't press the button oh it's here okay good okay so this is on you know the communications uh satellite thing comes up it's just above there yeah the link just above there and danny you went to you went to med bay right or med side i didn't go to med no or like when we when we left lights because i i went towards vitals yeah um we were at lights with chad chad went down towards o2 when i went on vitals first he was alive i went back to vitals he was dead i tried to signal for something to call a meeting because i was worried that someone was going to be called thankfully you found the body as reactor got called bloom in showtime where were you guys i'm going into med bay right now yeah i've been trying to follow him around i really want to know dan who do you think it is i'm having a dilemma here yeah i think i've known this yeah i can tell i think it might be courage yeah either courage or gloom dan please no don't do this to me no no no no don't do this to me um you're doing it to him honestly no why'd you think that time because he was kind of broken off from you guys like you weren't really i'm like oh this game's in the bag because you guys are going to both be together but then i saw you and you weren't back yeah you guys weren't on the hip and i was like oh interesting yeah i have been doing everything in my power to be attached to dan's hip apart from that last bit i'm shooting courage okay there's a lot of self-doubt today we gotta believe in ourselves believe hashtag oh wow courage i'm not being part of your youtube video wait dan did you damn did you just shoot me just for the sake of youtube content i knew it i knew it i so knew it i'm celebrating real quick yes i know i've been in this youtube game too long all right and i know a youtube title when i see one i don't even know if i can be mad i don't know what just [Music] candle happened sofa fork rubber band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 1,829,631
Rating: 4.9677615 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, gaming, video games, among us
Id: MPORyquhH_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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