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i have not had the best time when me and scar imposter i always mess it up oh everyone's in o2 we need to make sure that we do this right okay it's right in front of electrical doors yep so halfway right after me dan came in after me yeah i was in first though it was funny i i opened the panel as i said with you though yeah you came in with like you were yeah i ended up just letting you do it because i realize you're much quicker at these things than i am so it's like i'll just let half of it yeah i leave it because of pink yeah you think someone who didn't actually go in electrical yeah yeah i don't know i wouldn't go away yeah yeah well this kill couldn't be uh myself because we walked up on for this girl for sure yeah he was first to life i'm stressed can you tell so i think that was a that was a risky kill but i did it anyway i need to kill normally scott is on my list where is everyone ray is on download and i just am standing under her okay i just passed the electrical half it went into electrical and then the lights went out i went and fixed lights half is dead at the back of electrical wait you can see vent move even in dark right yeah i think something animation through walls and such but i was just at security but you were you ended medmay with me i was on cameras and then i came to med bay after i don't think it's like the only thing that's making me slightly more sus currently towards jody and time is half who obviously had the pass because she was okay that's yeah so it could be time all i'm saying is halfway through you have the same download psycho i had my story all panned out so rey is definitely innocent they said i don't know what to do yeah i don't know how i'm gonna do this i got scared i'm gonna throw it here and i'm gonna clear jody because she was doing the same thing as i was doing the lights right like running around looking for a body and i passed over her and got a panic attack but she didn't murder me right inside the shower so i'm going to because i saw time go to the from right so i was like oh and lights just came out so i went and tried to check if there's bodies but obviously there aren't i'm so so tight i don't know why you say it's me because hafu scanned in front of you and then hafu ended up dead so i i'll reciprocate the sauce guys who should we kill next ah i'm letting scott do the sabs because i know he's gonna get annoyed if i if i touch him oscars are going up we kind of need a double here this one's an admin um oh two i like was in admin because i wanted to check like i was in average for a while the lights went off and then i left for the light and the showtime saw me so then by the time that i'm gonna fuss you for that oh no no jody's a hundred percent clear there's no one okay you're making this because so well how would like okay to be fair like why are you clearing me i thought you meant scanning oh that's true i didn't i was clear well i didn't know if that was yeah yeah okay scanning in the dark so that i mean that doesn't work from the from the halfway thing of it being three of you having the same download which is possible very unlikely half who is innocent and jade has scanned which means if anyone was speaking unless if you want to throw or you're the imposter i report on five well so the reason no the only reason to go against that logic because i've played with you enough as you had killed if you ever had killed they were waiting next to the body you've seen me i wanted to report but uh well you've just been everything there's lots of timers i could know at this point the only one i trust well then i'll go for time then i'll go for clear are you going jodi for time jody go for times wow well for some reason my name though is white so i'm not sure why i wasn't able to kill anyone i think that's because i have the red one yeah i think you can see that you heard what i said oh let's go scott finally we got it i thought psychonaut was trying to bait us at the end so that we would both vote but i went for it anyway i didn't want it again i didn't want it again oh my god this is unfair i wanna see if i can get someone who comes first to lights never mind let's try and concentrate real quick my heart is racing dude kind of intimidated by most of the people in this lobby does that make sense our lights are going too quick i'm sorry it's like you know i had to do it to your buddy every time she's scanning you cut her down can we see he's killing coffee first yeah but i've invited her here she's been murdered several times against her and i think that he's been dead for like at least 10 seconds because i was on an admin and i saw someone on med bay that's why i started going there and the door's locked so i couldn't get there i don't think it could have been ray if it was recent because she was doing gas and then she got stuck in bottom left yeah wait which i was going to say which body is revolted it was on scanner yeah i haven't seen a lot of people i have absolutely no i've taken like several days off playing this now so i'm coming yeah i'm like a week okay i can't yeah literally i feel like baby rain around like ah needed some warm-up games scott used to die no i feel like he's he's not sussing right now wait wait if you steam the blood does that not mean it's a geordie cow she was like right ahead like she was like ahead of us and maybe she was like it could be a self-report like wait cam's gonna tell them where it came from cans knew that i came from admin i walked up and then the body was already there and then i walked in more cassie lauren and time all came from reactor jaden i think ray came from other side so doesn't this we can do process of elimination yeah so it can't be me because i was still on here someone was gonna dance then yeah we left him in cams and then who was walking up i was on right hand side i was doing all my right hand side tasks i like wrapped up around i was running down through caffeine at the end yeah i didn't see dan like crosstalk uh okay so you're saying that showtime was on cams no i was on camera oh so you saw me like navigation with the kids yeah right yeah so gloom lauren and chad walked up together from the left side oh well i mean i only saw lauren so yeah i screwed up on simon says so it took us the worst it sounds like it's just ray and dan but who knows why me just because the ones that are unaccounted for in this situation right side isn't the bodies on the opposite side though true so why wouldn't it be you guys wait why are you doing the lights now um i don't know she was so she was running after chad and i know chad said he had one thing left so i was like i was like i am going with them because i feel like she's gonna try and take me where's no i was i was almost at the panel i saw it just a minute ago it was like at least two body lengths away from me i said i didn't see it happen because they did i lost track of chad when the lights went out i stayed in admin with jordy free just because i was like jordy kill me do it go kill it i'm not stuck she didn't and then i ran down the report button came up um okay the safer base i feel like here i'm leaning towards gloom are done can we go for it here so wow she's kind of laughing i can't tell if that's frustration oh no oh wait on how do i do this there's literally no nothing i can do there is a singular task who has not done it why would you be a ghost yeah i was like which one of you five dead people ain't fell in their way i think somebody's bitter i think we need to vote off one either rare dan yeah i'm between me or die i voted for gloom i'm selling more sauce i've done but why because dan the way you play when you're in posters you stay quiet which you did last round because you're with me and in this round you don't really see anything that's that's my playstyle all the time gloom said that she was successful jody and lauren so that makes it weird right so it has to be either dan or s major for me and i feel like it's it's definitely not me i couldn't have done that that light skill i'll go for done now [Music] you guys are always so proof i know but the only time i with the issue of those cases the only time i see him gripped was you lauren and chad like i almost killed uh chad as he lagged behind as well okay a nice little crewmate game let's just vibe who's up here gray green and yellow wait oh god that scared me so bad right outside of it saikuno just flopped i walked down from cafeteria the report button flashed so i was top right cafeteria doing my trash i stayed there for a little bit and i left uh rey cycuno and i think it was hafu there i'm not likes i was gonna say i left sakuna with dan uh i had left yeah oh no i'm going i didn't see rey hear this ray was definitely top right but um after i got off the lights were off and the only two colors i saw were green and blue so i'm really so sedan oh this is not me i was i was ahead so i walked ahead of saikuno and rey and there was one other person i thought it was yellow but i must be wrong but ray was definitely there the only person i definitely left there then was reign cycuno it's rey if i die it's rey i need to stay with someone oh i'm pretty sure it's ray ray voted me as well thank god well i walked up to left vengeance and chad is killing and walking away oh oh saudi and that's unfortunate lights are on my friend i didn't see the body but i wasn't no i saw your little red devil in the stubby thing and the blood and so much i don't know i didn't see anything oh chad chad all you had to do was say was hafu it was it's so rough getting called out like that when you are the imposter you have to come up with something like bam straight away pretty sure i'm dead ah i knew she i i knew it catcher catcher catcher i mean uh i told you it was right i told you i went to admin i saw dan try to scan and then he moved and i was like whatever and i walked away and then i'm done with pass i went to admin there's one in storage two in med bay i don't remember the other day we told you i'm not looking to chat that's cheating so we both went into all three of us went into med area hafu and i uh i'm assuming you were finishing vials as well and then dan did scan you left and i also left and i am now at the top of two come on come on i don't know if it's because i know but it's that's obvious right i saw stray right at the beginning come on i sustain hard i think it's free i just guessed my death straight away win win win win win win let's go huffu let's go hapu [Music] no on this map not on this one i'm not warmed up enough for this bro oh that's so perfect no it's in labs it's by the uh the node thing i think he's been dead for a while he's been dead for a while no i don't know about a while yeah because i was with time on vitals i just checked like okay like a while i mean i don't know i'm skipping oh this stresses me out i thought they killed because they closed all the doors i thought that's what they did i'm not gonna kill this round so i'm doing the box i'm in specimen this whole time oh okay well i saw okay well i saw two dead on vitals i checked admin i fixed lights with showtime yep and then i went to vitals i checked admin saw one in weapons and i went there and second his body's here oh my god you did everything i've been in specimen literally this whole time i gloom in half with both of you i lost her i don't know yeah i know i'm wondering why they didn't start wearing each other every round again when did i clear when did i clear hafu sorry i would kind of think it's den i think what may be i didn't move like this whole round well no one could verify that because no one was there do we have to vote do we have to vote oh [Music] let's go [Music] well done oh the double scared the life out of me not like a strat like you wouldn't say where the body was i was like yeah i said okay yeah like at the beginning but then i forgot it was like weird like i bet i told you very much let's go dude yes the double scared me because like she was close i was like cue and then i don't know what that lag was at the end i was slicing i was i was slicing that cuba and i was like she's giving up she knows they've lost i'm glad oh man i was like she's given up she's lost and then the lag was wild we did it that's two imposter wins yes we've been we've been on fire today let's go all my tasks are right hand side which isn't that fun oh he's gonna suss me for that get out of here scott brown has been there for so long let's major lauren this is a big group wait who's that i can't even just i think golem just hopped that event i'm pretty sure gleam just have to have event oh no oh oh i just want to ask oh dan's dead okay chad laura you've seen my icing right you've seen the fact that we were all stood in love and then randomly at the then it just glimpsed oh yeah through the wall i knew it i saw it i saw it i'm 90 sure it's gloom and jody i thought gloom was the imposter but i wasn't i wasn't counting on me running with both imposters yeah there you go gloom i knew it i saw it too [Music] no i saw i saw the gloom vent and i knew i was running with gloom and then jody as well but i didn't expect to be running with both of them [Music] oh wait wait i wasn't paying attention scared definitely scared me and saikuna oh [Music] who do you think it is so hoffo you checked vitals and there was no one in specimen two right there was two bodies in lab i think there's both tricks but i don't i don't remember it you mean admin but yeah oh this could be a crazy call but i think it is i think it's dan and i think it's dan and ray why i was in there with you i was in there in with vitals i tried to wiggle to show you there were bodies hold on explain why why do you think it's dan and ray oh yeah explain why i opened the left side of or walked in the left side of office and ray was like moving out towards the left side and then i saw dan coming up from admin the doors to lab were shut on the left side the kills were i believe a double kill deep in lab i think that they both killed vented into admin and tried to run out of admin like nothing happened wait no no no i was in there with you i was on vitals with you jack what why are you doing this to me tasks so close to being done jack just peeked in on me and um when i was doing down or upload yes i saw um i saw your feet you know i've just been kind of i've been trying to be a detective i feel like normally i only do tasks i miss so much of the like like what's going on so i've been trying to like see if i can see anything and i haven't seen anything i did i saw courage down where the water wheels were i did the gas canister thing and then i went up to i just finished on my tree you know the one where you do the sliders you know that's where the event is oh wait okay so jack did you see dan there did you guys see each other uh i was on water wheels i didn't see dan you didn't see me what a super sustain wait dan did you see jack i see we saw each other we crossed in the corridor 100 i mean i'm trying to remember uh i i screwed myself over i was meant to say i was meant to say that i did i crossed scott in the hall but i didn't i couldn't have said gone bomb and then going back up that just doesn't happen okay so okay where was this where is sakura's favorite place to kill yeah rock yeah oh no i thought i thought chad was going to kill him on there so is this cicuna and dan i walked in with dan i saw vitals tycoon is walking in from the right door i go out the right door and the body is yeah i saw that too ozil well you see the taskbar is almost done sleeping together desperation i guess we are kind of grouped yeah we're super grouped but we're done with our tasks well frick i sabotage light she's camping them so this is near the the rock oh oh so two people did reactor i did left side i did right side after okay so gloom you and i ran up together right when i was on admin table last i saw that there was someone in electric and then i saw ray running down like right after so i thought maybe ray had killed someone and hit the body in electric so i went and double checked i didn't see any there was no bodies and electric i went up the top left you were there i went to the top right put my hand on the reactor went down to the right dan was standing to the right of the body i don't know if this is dan's thing or it is an instant report or what but no i came up so when the antennas went off i stayed on vitals to see who would die and i saw the death went up to rock and then reported i like that jack very thorough so uh dan wait why because okay first of all i was camping lights and i know you saw me there hafu saw me there yeah obviously lights didn't go out huh so i left and i checked vitals and i saw that hoffy was already dead and then reactor goes off so i was trying to find her body i saw a head in electrical so i thought maybe she died in electrical so that's why i went to go check and her body wasn't there so then i checked uh reactor was off by that time i saw glue come from the left side um it has to be no your story is so complicated it's right oh i had to i i don't know what else to do because right i saw ray camping lights uh i was like um i thought someone would run past sooner but apparently not i love you guys genuinely thank you so much for making my life so much better and i will see you in the next one all right hit a follow hit the bell so you know when i do go live next have a good one stay safe bye [Music] you
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 1,727,969
Rating: 4.9575396 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, gaming, video games, among us
Id: P4z32XSP85s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 20sec (1400 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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