Making A Game In 48 Hours! - One Big Bossfight - (My First GameJam 2021)

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it's game jam time it's been about five months since i last participated in a game jam but i have two extra days this weekend so right now is the perfect time to do [Music] one [Music] in the past whenever i'm doing game jams i've often had quite lofty goals for my game and most the time i end up just barely scraping by and finishing the base game and having basically no time to polish it so i'm just gonna do a game jam no gimmicks this time i'm gonna focus on making a pretty polished game that feels good to play and speaking of no gimmicks i'm just gonna say it right here at the beginning of the video give me subs okay onto the video the jam i decided to enter in was the my first game jam winter 2021. now it technically isn't my actual first game jam but they allow people of any skill level so i think it's technically just a name also the game jam is technically over the month but i'm just gonna do mine in 48 hours the jam has a theme but it's optional and i'm not gonna follow it because i already have idea i'm gonna make a game that's just one long boss fight the game will be 2d top down and probably pixel art because i cannot draw but that's all my plans i had before actually starting so let's start i began the jam at 1 pm on sunday the 17th so that means i until tuesday at 1 pm to be done i started in the middle of the day because i was busy but anyway let's get started i begin by cooking up the sprite for the main character i'm bad at designing characters so i'm just gonna rip the base design from enter the gungeon and make that so what my character looks about as original is the latest indie platform game it serves its purpose well and that purpose murder but if he wants to get that murder done then he needs a smooth and luxurious movement system so i put together a basic movement system in unity which i then animated after that i decided to create his fine-tuned instrument of death a sword now i could have something like the legend of zelda sword where you actually have to hit the enemy of the sword but that's dumb and since my character is already a carbon copy of a top-down indie pixel art game with bullet hell and roguelike mechanics i decided to frankenstein on an idea i saw in another top-down pixel art indie game with bullet hell and roguelike mechanics this time i'm respectfully stealing the attack mechanic from the currently in development game called archvale which if you haven't watched the devlogs before you probably should is they're pretty nice and you're missing out but anyways i made the sword orbit around the player not unlike the player in my last game jam then i created a crappy little attack animation and made it emit a particle whenever you click it's pretty janky right now but i'll fix it in a bit because it's dash time the time of the day where i add a dashing mechanic to my game there i did it after this i had a somewhat decent movement system so i decided to move on to polish it up i added some dust particles that are spawned in every few steps and they might be my favorite part of the game so far [Music] and they still are then i added in a bit of screen shake to attacking and redid its animation and it's looking quite nice now wow what is this nuclear throne yeah i'm just hilarious anyways i'm gonna move on to the boss fight i put together a health system for the player and the boss and made some incredibly ugly health bars for them i fixed them later but wow these were terrifying to finish off the day i did some more pixel art this time for the first and second stages of the boss i did some planning during this time and decided that splitting the boss fight up into two stages was a good idea the first stage will be this big turret thing that sits unmoving in the middle of the stage and the second stage is a tank that moves towards you the boss itself has two moving pieces the turret in the base the turret makes smaller attacks that are aimed at you and have them more often the base has attacks that take up more space but generally aren't aimed at you the turret keeps you on your feet while the boss forces you to weave between the distancer patterns and also fills up the screen with bullets which is definitely necessary not a waste of bullets [Music] it is the second day and it is finally time to make the actual boss just kidding i decided to make the room instead the room's tile set is a pretty basic dungeon tile set it was pretty much just rich from heartbeats tutorial thumbnail sorry heartbeast i would have watched your whole video but i've got embossed to make the first stage of the boss fight was just making a big state machine using a swiss statement the stages of the boss fight are one idol where it idles two activates where the camera moves to it and it turns to look at you three stage one where it's immobile and attacks you four transition where it blows up a bit and becomes a tank five stage two where is a tank and six dead where it no longer is i got to work making these stages idle is literally nothing okay for activate i had to make the camera able to move between different locations and smooth to do this i used something called a lerp this proceeded to not work until i realized that i had one line that code messed up then it works just fine now it was time for stage one i decided to make an attack randomizer so i made that and got to work on the first attack for the boss this first attack simply sends bullet out in a circle around the turret i had to make the player take damage and add some bullet objects and get them to actually move in a direction that wasn't just right but that didn't take too long yeah but writing off the massive wave of success of that first attack i made a sequel i call it i call it the double burst it takes what made the original special and turns it up to two it even adds a twist to the second part now that's what i call a sequel i also finally gave the turtle role in a spin-off film called a bullet and now i have attacks i also have a somewhat playable boss fight but it can be sort of hard to predict whenever the boss is about to attack so i added a simple indicator by adding these guns to the size of the turret that pull back whenever it's about to attack i also added a shotgun attack to the turret that just shoots three bullets with slightly different angles at this time the boss fight was feeling very static now this wasn't completely surprising after all the first stage boss is permanently bedridden but i decided to add one more unique part to this first stage to make it not just be the second stage but with no movement i decided to make a shield that comes up every once in a while and blocks all damage while up in order to disable the shield either search around for a little skill generator that can spawn any of me points around the boss and destroy it i also added a brief invincibility period after being hurt and made everything flash white when damaged so now the first stage is basically finished so let's see the second before starting the second stage i had to make a transition stage between them so i just set the boss sprites to its flashing state added a large helping screen shake and added some absolutely disgusting place folder particles i made the gauss turn to the tank sprite at the end of transition and made the boss turn the face of player like the turret then i made the tank constantly move forward and there it was movement now you'd expect the tank to be about as heavy as the real world still human container but it's actually surprisingly easy to push so i fixed that the tank needed a bit more personality so i decided to add some new attacks and it covered up its lack of personality by wearing hot topic t-shirts and dyeing his hair the first attack i added was a little tracking missile that steers towards the player and explodes into four bullets after a while then i decided to add another body attack and made a machine gun attack that is emitted from two little guns in the front of the tank after a bit more bouncing the second stage was feeling pretty good the last thing i did before going to sleep was just adding screen shake to whenever you get hurt blow up the boss or dab i woke up at 8 30 and got straight to work i need it done by 1pm so i needed to work faster than a redditor looking for your post history in order to win an argument about what shade of blue steve's pants are i started off by adding a state after killing the boss where the camera goes back to the player and transitions to the currently non-existent windscreen i then replace the terrible particles for the boss transition stage with these nice explosion particles i also made a wall that appears after you walk into the boss room that traps you in there with the boss next up was more polished stuff like a menu and a windscreen they were both incredibly basic but i gave the background a tiny amount of movement and it looks okay now i also made the bullet to get destroyed on collision with the wall then i started on player death i first just made the player turn invisible on death i then put together two pieces of the dead player which i respond on death i also made us brought endless strains of blood for fun i made you able to restart by hitting r at any time and also added some text on screen after death to inform you that you can restart i also fix the bug where you can move while dead which was an interesting one next up i added a line renderer between the shield generator and the boss it doesn't look amazing but it helps communicate the fact that the shield generator is making the shield and also makes it easier to locate the shield generator off screen finally i added a bit of fade in and fade out to the room transitions i was getting down to the last hour at this point so i decided to just add music and sound and be done i'm added some music from evan king of dany fame and it made some sound effects using sfxr but then something tragic happened i encountered a bug this bug was incredibly annoying to try to fix but also would basically ruin the game if it was triggered this bug altered values like how long to animate the sword attack how long and fast to make the dash and how often the boss attacks and it made them basically random this could be disastrous because it would completely ruin the player experience with the game sure the boss fight could be great but if the boss attacks super slow or your attacks don't work properly then it wouldn't be very much fun to play i tried to fix this bug for a very long time i would switch up the values in the script over and over again but when i fixed one value the others would seemingly be messed up and then i'd run it again and they'd be all be completely different and to make matters worse the values were different between full screen mode and the smaller mode in the editor and the issue still existed in the builds of the game and to make things even worse i had less than an hour left i eventually decided to ask around the discord and then i got an answer that made me feel really stupid duh i was subtracting from these cool down values every frame and update but update varies based on the frame rate of the game the game was sometimes running at different frame rates in the editor because the editor is weird and the full screen must have a different frame rate as well i've just ended up moving all these cooldown values into fixed update instead of update because that updates a standard time throughout the entire game no matter what frame rate rate you're running at then i just messed around these values a bit and got them working and finally i completed the game with um well actually i have something to admit i didn't finish the game in 48 hours it was more like 49 hours so this game jam was officially failed [Music] while the game jam failed i think the game i ended up with in the end was pretty good i submitted it a few hours later on tuesday and i guess i technically lied about making a game in 48 hours for the title of this video but 49 hours sounds dumb so screw you with staying at 48. overall i think this might be the best game jam i've done in the past my game jab games have always ended up half baked mostly in the polish department but i think the focus on things like movement and screen shaking ended up making this one a lot more fun to play in the end i might be a fraud and a failed game jammer but at least i'm not a dandy clone anyway i should release a devlog of my game carlson combat next week so be sure to subscribe for that bye
Channel: ButWhyLevin
Views: 37,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamedev, devlog, indie game dev, butwhylevin, but why levin, indie devlog, devlog unity, couch combat, unity devlog, indie game devlog, game development, lowpoly, splitscreen game, local multiplayer, unity 2020, game jam, making a game in 48 hours, GMTK jam, making a game, unity game jam, making a game in 24 hours, how i made a game, game development mistakes, game jam bugs, game dev, indie gamedev, bossfight, breaking my game, bugs
Id: izlEHBdbosw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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