I Made Portal 3 Because Valve Wouldn't

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are you gonna make a link so we can play it?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wearenumber421 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This would be a great open-source project ever wonder why there are almost no portal fangames only mods? well, it's because the portal feel is hard to make, but from what I have seen from this video it has remade the portal feel very nice with some changes to the project he could make a template for people using the unity game engine and want to make a portal fan game so that way there would be more portal fan games please make this an open-source project or at least make the code for the portal gun open-source so that people can make portal fan games of there own.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GameWorldoff πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 22 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

where is the website to download it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rayane521 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/conmg πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

plot idea excuse the bad punctuation and overall grammar chell with her companion cube fumble out into the world during half life two she runs to a near by city and oh no the combine are everywhere so she walks back into the forest where the mute chell decides this ids her new home she can eat wheat from the field before and she has her companion cube when another person a random girl stumbles in she has a cased arm she has a bullet hole in her stomach she is followed by a combine chopper she bleeds out so chell in fear runs out while the combine mistakes her for the girl they shot so chell has no option but to go back to those salt mine but the passage was to a failed part of aperture that was blocked off by cave and the lab bois but chell docent know it she roams solving puzzles and cody docent have a climactic final battle so i made one chell unknowingly walks into a room with the first AI core they made all be it a corrupt one she flips a switch revealing a new wheatly with a different voice and has a lot more toys to kill chell with so the new core better known as wearer as he says throws weighted balls as seen in portal still alive where chell has to portal them back at wearer and in the second phase wearer try's to burn chell to death until she shoots the adhesive gel to get out and shoot water at both wearer and the fire and in the final phase wearer try's to crush chell and as a last resort she mind melds with wearer and she stops the crushing and she re-switches back to her body after restricting wearers power and cuts his power cord and she turns on the radio and lives there in stasis again.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ummido πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 26 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
in this video i'm going to be trying to create portal 3 because we haven't gotten a new portal game in almost 10 years the closest thing that we've gotten to a new portal game is bridge constructor portal and while that was fun to play it wasn't the sequel i was looking for also i'm only going to be focusing on what the gameplay will be like since i don't know how to write a story so feel free to theorize down below what you think the plot of the game could be about alright enjoy the video okay so right away i noticed i had a very obvious problem i have no idea how to make a portal luckily unity themselves put out a demo which had exactly what i was looking for they even have a free download and it doesn't exist anymore alright that's fine rocky's put a tutorial on this and where did i go wrong okay maybe he might put out another video soon what rocky's left at this point i thought it was over before i even started and i was ready to give up but then i found exactly what i needed [Laughter] sebastian laig put out a video where he experimented with portals to get some really cool effects and he even put out the project for free so thank you sebastian very cool now as good as these portals were they still needed some work i had to make them into the right shape and i had to give them that blue and orange outer glow next i want to try placing the portals on top of each other and loop infinitely but when i tried it i couldn't get through the portal i realized that even though the mesh of my character wasn't rendering on the other side the capsule collider there still existed and i was colliding with the ground underneath me so i had to make sure that if i was within a certain distance from the portal that i turned off collisions with either the wall or the floor that the portal was on much better the last thing i needed to fix was the player's rotation unless the portals are completely parallel the player will come out the other portal at an angle making the game hard to control so i just need to make sure that if i'm not standing upright that i quickly return back to an upright position now that i had working portals i need to make a working portal gun but i can't do that here the portal games take place in a monochrome laboratory not a colorful forest so i grabbed some portal 2 textures from roblox and made a quick demo room then i found a model of the portalgun on sketchfab and attached it to my character and finally i made a little reticle to tell where the character is aiming we can tell where to place the portals using some raycasting to tell where the reticle is aimed now when we try to place both portals they don't work after a bit of white debugging the portals now work properly and i made it so that the portal reticle will light up when the portal is active as well as added some animations to the portal gun to make it look a little more interesting also i realized that i was still using this giant beam as my player model i fixed this by finding a model of shell on sketchfab and adding some animations to her that i got from miximo and now it's starting to look a lot more like an actual portal game but i'm still far from finished there are a lot of other things that i have left to add so i'm just gonna quickly read through the list there's the test chambers the chamber lock the material emancipation grill the aerial faith plate the crushing excursion [Music] yeah you get the point first i'm going to start with the buttons they're pretty self-explanatory you step on a button and the button activates something else also there's a line of dots leading from the button to whatever it activates and it changes color depending on whether or not it's been activated there are also some buttons that require a cube to activate it stepping on the button does nothing but placing a cube on the button does speaking of buttons you know like i'm just saying like help a guy out you know okay i'll stop but there's still one more button left the pedestal button unlike the other buttons that need you to stand on them or place another object on them this only needs you to walk up and press e using raycasting you can also walk up to these cubes and pick them up by pressing e but you have to be careful when you see one of these particle fields the player can pass through these fields just fine but any objects that they try to bring through with them will instantly be destroyed and it also resets any portals that you placed so far everything is looking kind of peaceful but this wouldn't be a portal game without the lingering feeling of death around every corner [Music] there are a lot of dangerous elements in the portal series and the most memorable one is probably the sentry turrets these guys will destroy anything that happened to walk in front of them and to detect if there's a player in front of them i used cone casting tone casting is like raycasting but instead of the ray it uses a cone if the player walks inside of this cone the turret will lock on and start shooting but if you walk up behind them you can just knock them over or you can pick them up and drop them somewhere else but i have to make sure that when you pick them up they also face away from you so you don't have this happen hello there [Music] oh yeah i have to give the player a health bar now we can start to add the other deadly features the laser fields are the opposite of particle fields objects can be thrown through these fields and nothing will happen but the player will be destroyed if they try to cross through crushers as the name implies will immediately crush the player and lasers as you can imagine will slowly damage the player over time unless they use a special cube once again we can use raycasting to see if the laser is hitting the cube and to determine which way the cube will redirect the laser the laser can be used to activate doors or can also be used to destroy the enemies you can also make lasers go through portals by duplicating them and placing the new laser on the second portal i determine how long it needs to be once again using raycasting to calculate the distance between the origin and the point it collides with the last lethal element in this list is the goo also known as toxic water acid hazard liquid and deadly goo the characters in the portal series can't swim in this goo and it will do continuous damage to them i added a cool water shader to the glue to make it have waves and i also added some post-processing effects to make your vision change color and be blurry when you go under the goo so in rooms like this you can't place plurals on the walls and you can't jump far enough to reach the other side luckily there are these launch pads that can help you jump across the goo and get to the other side unfortunately i couldn't find a model online for the launch pad so i tried my best to make a replacement also these launch pads are really fun to mess around with you can have them launch you to build up speed and then carry that speed with you after going through a portal but there are still other ways that we can run faster and jump higher the orange propulsion gel propels you forward allowing you to gain a lot of speed as long as you're making contact with the gel your speed will be increased the blue repulsion gel does the opposite it repels you away but this doesn't mean that it'll slow you down instead it actually makes you bounce off of it so if you were to jump onto it from really high up it will bounce you all the way back up after making contact and the last of the gels is the white conversion gel which will allow you to place a portal on any surface touched by this gel before this gel was introduced you were only able to place portals on a specific wall that were colored white now you can use this gel to place portals in new places there's only a few things left to recreate now the hard light bridge and the excursion funnel the hard light bridge is a solid made from natural sunlight apparently it allows the player to walk on it and they can also go through portals using the light bridge with some portals can let the player get to places they weren't able to reach before and they can even place portals at an angle to get up higher the excursion funnel changes the gravity of anybody who enters it the player will follow the path created by the funnel and like the light bridge these can go through portals as well the only problems with these funnels is that they travel really slow and i mean really slow so i decided to increase the speed just a little bit to avoid slowing down the pace of the game okay we're already this far into the video and i've only shown you things so far that were from the first two games let's move right along into the new stuff so coming up with new ideas is pretty hard so i decided to try and implement some of the scrapped ideas from the previous games first the first one that i thought was pretty interesting was the adhesion gel like the other gels coming into contact with this has some sort of special effect this gel allows the player to stick to any surface that the gel was placed on this means that the player can stick to walls and ceilings but it turns out that the play testers got disoriented when they were trying to think with portals so valve scrapped the idea now i don't think that every mechanic needs to be connected to the portals and i think it's fine if we have some standalone mechanics as well so i started to add the gel into the game when you walk on the gel you stick to that surface and when you try to walk away from it gravity will pull you back down and that got me thinking about what kind of puzzle solving mechanics we could do by changing gravity i made a simple room with a path of adhesion gel all around the walls and on the ceiling then i made a button that needs a cube to activate it and activating the button will open the next door the only problem is i put this button on the wall and you can't reach it from the adhesion gel path you can't place portals in this room so i made a button on each wall the ceiling and the floor that would change the gravity when pressed and when testing the change in gravity everything went perfectly fine and i didn't have any problems at all after pressing this button you can walk off of the adhesion gel and not fall down anymore gravity will also change for any object in this room as well another gameplay mechanic that was scrapped was the paint gun there's actually no information about this but the concept alone made me think of some interesting things to do i created an attachment for the portal gun that allows you to shoot out one of the four gels by default nothing is loaded into the paint gun so i created these refueling stations to fill it up with gel and i also created a station where you can get rid of any gel that you're carrying with this you can now shoot gel wherever you want you can spread the walls with adhesion gel to walk on any walls you can shoot some propulsion gel to let you move faster you can shoot some repulsion gel to jump higher and you can spread some conversion gel to create portals wherever you want but letting the player run around with this all the time would be kind of game breaking but make sure that if the player passes the particle field that the gel and the paint gun will disappear as well and with any other level of portal it always ends with the chamber lock once you step inside of this elevator you know that you've beaten the level and now i'm pretty much out of ideas so i think this will be the end of the video alright see ya
Channel: CodyCantEatThis
Views: 2,194,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: portal unity, unity, portal, unity portal, portal 2 unity, portal 2, portal 3 unity, portal 3, i made portal 3, i made portal 2, i made portal, game dev, portal 2 clone, portal 2 remake, valve, valve portal 3, unity game dev, unity game devlog, unity portal gun, portal gun unity, making portal, making portal unity, devlog, programming portal, portal in unity, portal 3 in unity, how to make portal unity, portal gun, portal reboot
Id: wBAmGjmeNdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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